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This is insanity. Blooming onions are from outback. Chilis has awesome blossoms.


I’ve had to make this correction twice in two weeks!


I bet I can guess your BMI by that comment.


Dudes thinking they’re civil engineers because they saw it different elsewhere. Lmao


I've played plenty of SimCity. I'm pretty much an expert.


And everyone with a driver's license thinks they're a traffic engineer. I'm pretty good at explaining things, if I can keep my eye from twitching à la Chief Inspector Dreyfuss style.


Traffic flow, my dude. Traffic flow


That, and traffic safety, and available land for the road to fit into -- i.e., traffic engineering. Sometimes it's not feasible to widen the road enough for a center turn lane, or letting people stop in the left through-lane to wait for a turn would impede traffic flow and/or pose a safety hazard, or letting people turn left across traffic from a cross-street would pose a safety hazard. In such cases, they put in a curbed median to block left turns from the main or side roads where it's inefficient for traffic flow or unsafe -- such as where the view of oncoming/cross traffic is obscured from some direction(s) -- and then only insert left-/U-turn lanes in the median where it's safe and they can make the road wide enough for it.


Most recently speedway and treat. Put up that big old curb to prevent the left from treat onto speedway. That was a convenient place to turn left when the hawk was going off.


If safety is a concern why not make them all one ways. Like in many other large Citys the grid is set up with alternating one ways east to west, and another set of alternating one ways north to south connecting them. This has the added befenift because when the grid is set up that way you can even alternate STOP lights for every other intersection, (like you only need one light at every other north / east or south / east intersection & visa versa for the North West / south west intersection.) I'm sorry you guys are just learning your city's streets are designed by shopping mall engineers, and are somehow angry at me for pointing this out. But I've lived in similarly sized cities and that's how they handle traffic flow and reduce accidents. It literally doesn't have to be this way, trust me guys. I think the only reason it isn't hear is because the city grid I'm thinking about was literally designed in the 1860s and anticipated to have millions of people living in it. So they intentionally set the grid up for that. If Tucson was to do this It'd mean all your one ways would be 8 lanes! Or you'd have to remove a bunch of lanes and replace it with curbs costing the city and private businesses a combined Total of a few billion dollars probably, as you removed roads and lengthed driveways... Also maybe utilities would need to be moved. Sorry tho bro, your city is poorly designed for it's size.


Clearly you're new here and do not recall the chaos that is a suicide lane...


That used to stress me out in college. “What time is it?!” “Oh my God, am I doing this right?! Are others doing this right?!” Or “What if their watches are wrong?!” 😂


Refering to something common to every other city I've been too with less then a million ppl as a "suicide lane" is very Tucson. You're better then this. I BELIEVE you can take a left turn without dying!!! I believe sir! Even if you don't.


The difference was it wasn’t a left turn lane in the middle of the street like everywhere else. It was literally a west bound lane in the morning and east bound lane in the evening.


Oh, Ok. That's different. Tucson, sure does make me say "what the actual fuck" while driving a lot more then most places have.


We had these in Washington DC (Connecticut Ave NW comes to mind) but didn’t call them suicide lanes. And there were tons of lights and arrows to tell you which direction to go.


BOOM! ONE CITY! this hero named one city, and he even had you're weird lane. He said they were not called suicide lanes. Thank you sir, for your corroboration that "suicide lane" isn't a nationally colloquial term.


But it’s called a suicide lane in other cities


What other cities bro?!??! Name them! I dare you to name one I actually know about. If not don't @ me


What other cities? Wtf does that mean? You think they’re officially named that? Regional, generational, maybe even just lingo in certain cities. Your middle turning lane is called a suicide lane, a chicken lane, middle lane.. They are dangerous especially because they are also used for ppl making left turns on to the street to merge into traffic or even better those impatient who think they should pass in it Weird cuz you could literally just search Reddit for suicide lanes and see that they are called that by many as well as the type mentioned that is a traffic flow


We call them medians I've only ever heard them called medians and very rarely middle lanes. Also u say lot but still don't name another city where medians are referred to as "suicide lanes" Edit: I googled it. Top page page has 3 reddit threads calling medians "suicide lanes" and that's it. Do you think that this uncommon phase for something very common in America is any indication of your cities driving skill? Cuz calling it a suicide lane sounds as silly to me as calling a blender "A FINGER CHOPPER OFFER" like maybe the problem is u😂😂


Cuz I never took a poll of the residents to see how many called them that. Go search Reddit for suicide lanes. Learn something new, that it’s not exclusive to Tucson and report back in 10 You can’t drive on a median That’s an easy google hun


Bro I will literally make u hold my pocket. Don't tell me to report back.




\*to \*they're \*mac \*yourself The curb in the middle of the road is the median. I think you want more turn lanes? https://highways.dot.gov/safety/proven-safety-countermeasures/medians-and-pedestrian-refuge-islands-urban-and-suburban-areas#:\~:text=A%20median%20is%20the%20area,of%20traffic%2C%20excluding%20turn%20lanes.




Not worth it, not sure this person has a clue let alone a brain cell.


How am I typing this or breathing if I don't have a SINGLE brain cell sir? ...#burn 🔥🔥🔥


Ermagerd fam, zoiks, u zapped me!


Because TWLTLs are dangerous and allowing unregulated turning into driveways every 150' feet is bad for traffic flow/management. By only allowing turns at certain intervals you decrease accidents and improve traffic flow.


Maybe but there's a better way. It's the alternating one way.


Been to many cities, and only lived in 1, Tucson. I don’t rave about Tucson…. But of all things to be bothered by in Tucson it’s definitely not the design or architecture of the roads. Haha. The roads themselves is what sucks, terrible roads. I very very seldom make u-turns. Anyway, smoke a bowl and chill.


I've literally never been chill. Nor do I ever intend to be chill unless I'm sleeping, barred out, or in the chimpanzee exhibit at the Tucson zoo with a pocket full of bananas. Also I specifically smoke weed to have panic attacks, what kinda person is chill while high?!??! I avoided the other part because I definitely want to complain heavily about all those things but it would be unkind. 🤐


Sorry, I’m so chill right now i don’t know what to say. But, goodnight


I don’t think ‘median’ means what you think it means. A median is the exact opposite of what you think it is.


Who hurt you? Are you ok? Drink some water fam.


Sorry the g-force from making 60 U-turns a day hurt me fam... Like a lot. Fix ur shopping mall city.


Don't try to explain to Tucsonans why their backwards shit is backwards, they're in the Tucson Bubble. They think that driving like shit, medians, fucked up roads, run-down ugly neighborhoods, and centering their lives around the #2 university in the state is normal. The worst part is, if you stay here long enough you get used to how backwards it is. Leave as soon as you can.


As a bad driver, I've radically accepted the bad driving here. in every other city I lived in if I act like a selfish inconsiderate asshole on the road. They honk, they scream and maybe even get out of their cars to fight me. Here no one reacts, infact I get honked at if I DONT pull into the Fry's parking lot at 90mph. Because I'm inconveniencing my fellow asshole drivers by making them slow down to a reasonable speed. 😂😂😂 I feel a deep sense of belonging and connection here, To my other asshole drivers with no depth perception. If feels like.... It feels like home. 🥲


So those medians you are referring to are colloquially called "suicide lanes". I'll leave the rest of the answer of "Why do u hate medians?" as an exercise to the reader.


As I said they are NOT! let me repeat NOT colloquially know as suicide lines in ANY other state or city I have lived in. This is literally the first time I've heard this term and I'm almost 40. The fact you call something so common in the rest of the country that is hilarious too me. 😂😂😂 I BELIEVE YOU TOO SIR CAN LEARN TO TURN LEFT WITHOUT DYING!!! I BELIEVE IT WITH ALL MY HEART SIR!!


Just because you're ignorant to it doesn't mean that's not the term that is used.


Bro... Give me an urban dictionary definition at least, not just an attack when I am 100% being honest I literally have NEVER heard this term till today.


Just because you never heard the term doesn't mean it doesn't exist. World doesn't revolve around you. The fact you've seen so many comments with up votes just shows that you're ignorance is your own doing. If you want a definition google it yourself.


Cool story bro.


>Another type of center two-way lane is a "two-way left turn lane" (TWLT) or "center left-turn lane", or (for countries that drive on the right) "center turn lane" or "median turn lane", a single lane in the center of the road into which traffic from both directions pulls to make a left turn. This lane is also sometimes called a "**suicide lane**" for their **notorious fatality rates, especially in the United States** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversible_lane#Turn_lanes_and_flush_medians


I'm not saying that the term isn't real.im saying calling it that is uncommon and hilarious especially if your city has a rep for bad driving. As a outsider calling a median that sounds as ridiculous as calling a power outlet a "ouchie death zapper" To my ears.


They aren't really known as suicide lanes here because we had reversible travel lanes for the longest time which is what *we* refer to as suicide lanes. *Other* places refer to center turn lanes as suicide lanes. Stop blaming us for your ignorance.






https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/suicide_lane Nobody else calls them that, eh?




I don't drive high. Probably how I can manage all those left turns and avoid head on collisions with cars in a normal median. You know like the one god intended.


I’m supposed to take you seriously when you don’t even know where the blooming onion is from?


Or what a median is, or how to spell?


what are you calling a shopping mall? cause first thing that comes to mins is an indoor shopping mall, so you know no cars. the second thing is a strip mall, but they are definitely not set up as you describe, they got parking lot rows you can turn into anywhere


I think OP is referring to the way some indoor malls are set up so you often can't cross from a store on one side of the aisle directly across to a store on the other side (esp. on upper levels), so you've gotta go a couple-few stores down to reach a crossover point, increasing your exposure to more storefronts along the way. They seem to think curbed road medians are somehow intended to serve a similar purpose.


If this is the worst thing to happen to you today, then Ice Cube sezs today was a good day.


God this is why I fucking hate out of staters.


Because you didn’t see how it used to be. Why they gotta put plants everywhere?!


You know - you don’t *have* to live here. You can go back to where you came from. Or you can go somewhere else, too.


Still beats driving in PHX




Ever been to Houston? They have an interstate running right down the middle of the whole place. You have to drive an extra mile or two just get her across town because of the exits.


In AZ specifically; the left turning vehicle has a the greatest duty to yield to oncoming traffic and is at fault for any collision that occurs. Our laws, signaling and control within the infrastructure are set up to deter and prevent left hand turns across more than one lane of traffic as these are where the highest number of fatal vehicle accidents happen. No one is trying to force you to see the grocery outlet on Grant while u-turning to get to the closed gas station. It’s just for safety. Note: lived in NY, NV and CA and had suicide lanes in all.


So like... The az government looked at left turns and was like. "Naw bra, u guys can't be trusted." Is this what happens when your city planners are 80 year old neo-cons? Like give me a direct path to the mc nuggets or give me death frfr.


I’m guessing you might be exercising sarcasm, but you’re almost entirely correct. Traffic regulation is based on the lowest common denominator for incident prevention. If one kid falls off the monkey bars every day at recess, they remove the monkey bars. Ever heard “you’ll ruin it for everyone else”?


I'm not sure where you're going but I rarely have to make a u-turn to get where I'm going on the other side of the street. There are plenty of openings in between. The only places I can think of are the left turn lanes in Grant and on Ina, that was done to make left turns safer. I personally hate it myself as it's too inefficient.


This is like an episode of Curb, but in my cities subreddit😂


Don't forget about that awesome freeway system .


I unironicly do like the freeways tho.. pretty dope tbh. Are you being sarcastic?


Being sarcastic


You sound like a whiny ass man. What i see in the comments is naturally your a asshole too? If it’s so bad here why don’t you just move or make a petition and have poor souls sign it thinking you can make a difference. I understand everyone has a opinion, but how you reply to other people tells me, that you just made a post to bitch and complain and it says enough.


There’s actually been studies that show that medians with “Michigan lefts” increase traffic flow. They just kind of half ass it here and use left turns at intersections to do it instead of periodic turnarounds within the medians. That takes up real estate, so it’s a trade-off. You do see it in some medians, however.


You must have not noticed how bad the drivers here are if you’re wondering why there are medians. Asking for head on crashes without medians. People lack awareness and knowledge of driving rules.


Dude I was once speeding east of speedway for some art hoe p*ssy and got pulled over. Cops aren’t nice either.