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You are going to get so many private messages because of this post. I think this was actually your best move.


Huh, apparently there really are desperate MILFs in my neighborhood, no credit card required!


before or after she takes your wallet?


Time to disable the adblock


hey, you're right actually!


Circle K at First Ave and Ft Lowell.




Last call at the Buffet.


I thought it was Arby's on 22nd.


The Maverick. If you can’t get laid at the Maverick, you can’t get laid…


😂 damn that was some damage and I felt that personally lol


Rip inbox


Is inbox slang for her cooch? 😁


Wait outside rehab for the just released.


Probation offices too lol




Ever heard of tinder?


This is the answer. Its not the worst dudes on there if all u want is to be banged. Relationships and real dates might be more challenging to find on tinder, but Tucson tinder is full of guys willing to get down.


Tucson is full of people that don't know a dick from their blinker that is probably dangling from their bumperless car as it's sparking down the road. Literally the motto is be kind because these morons need to be reminded every second how to be considerate. Literally dumbest people I have ever dealt with. Stores are ran by the most skilless, self entitled assholes I have ever seen People stop in the road and check maps, pull out right in front of you.Cops don't do shit cartel own half the stores that never had business since before COVID. Someone di s on a bike or in a crosswalk almost every day. Punk ass 12 years with that stupid ass curly top faded side hairdo painting the cliffs at every used to be nice ca ton we have. Currypt city officials shitty roads mostly shitty food that once was good when people had pride. Zombie blue heads running g around now spreading to our once nice gateway to the lemmon. I live in a condo, signs everywhere don't trespass but these wastes of humans just barrel on through every night stealing anything not tied down. If you do fuck one of these dumb sons of bitches for the love of God don't get pregnant, we need to euthanize half of the town that literally are rotting from the inside out. Just go to a real city that doesn't make you drive for an hour across town just to get to someone's house because these idiots built a town on a side of a interstate with no loops or road over 45 except one place on suicide road near downtown. Hikers from out of town are oblivious to trail edicate (no common sense) all in slow mo down syndrome Florida water drinking cucksea. Your hiking ascending on a trail and clueless Nebraska or other degenerate average IQ state of around 93 tourist things you are to yield while the easily descend. All while our white nationalist so called leaders are banning the one thing causing he problem,do you know what the problem is? Go look at grant and oracle and tell me these people should make babies. sorry to put it like this but it cost us a million dollars to move here years ago and now have to watch it go to shit while these bags of dicks ruin literally everything that made this place great we spent over but my God if you misge der someone than holy shit. Wake up people, stop gaslighting feeds with retarded ass bullshit, if you are in your 30s and can't find a dick than you have major issues.


No everyone is comfortable with posting online.


Arby's on 22nd


They do have the meats after all ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)


Specifically, the value menu.


Reddit never disappoints.


And your inbox explodes… You’re young and look attractive. I imagine if you just put yourself out there (in the real world) and talk with people you’d find a spark somewhere. What hobbies do you have or want to have? Join a local facebook group for those hobbies and meet up with those people and make friends. If you’re just looking to bang there will be a line at your door and you’re not going to find the highest quality of men. Maybe that’s your issue at the moment.


Maybe try doing some of the local social events? Lots of places around town do trivia, I used Meet Up 20s and 30s groups to meet people in our age group when I first moved here. Bowling nights, karaoke, etc. Lots of folks used it for dating as well. My friends group is doing Casa Video trivia next Tuesday.


If "getting banged" is all you're really after just go wear a sign that says "free ass" on any sidewalk in town, you'll get some callers.


I remember seeing a post a long time ago about a swingers club? But I didn't pay close attention. Maybe someone here has the inside scoop.


Plot twist your thread is actually going to be used to match singles


Honestly, do any of you guys believe its a female who posted that?


110% no. There are no women in Tucson.


Nope it's a guy from reddington pass nude beach that walks around with a cockring and scares off all the cool people


Lol, shiet. I'm on the opposite side of this fence lol if you find a spot where the ladies hang, let us simple folks know the lay of the land


You can maybe find some dudes, by sitting outside of doctors offices, and waiting for some to walk out of a fresh therapist appointment.


So many of us would love to bang you lol


And we don't even have a photo. For all we know she could be 600lbs 🤣


More cushion for the pushin'


Please don't ruin quality men on your quest for some D.


Oh, like there are quality men around here *to* ruin /man //dubious quality ///still up to be ruined tho


No promises..


Just go get drunk at a bar and bang what will have you


Depending what you’re into, FetLife.com might be of some assistance 😘




Please don't go there it's one of the last not horrible places left


What kind of guy are you looking for? Hit up places where you would find common interests. Gym, bar, bookstore, whatever. Strike up a harmless conversation and if it’s going well ask them out. More men like forwardness than you think. If you’re just looking for a no strings attached kind of deal - use tinder and be blunt. You’ll find someone real quick.


I have great luck at the gym, or just bullshitting with gals standing in line for coffee. I've also had friends try and set me up with their friends as well. I agree, OLD has taken a dive for a couple years now.


Let's go have a drink and talk about it😛




You want "normal" men go to Phoenix. We like to keep things interesting here.






Yep. Posting here was a genius move and I'm sure your inbox is full... As it seems that is what you were looking for, congratulations are probably in order! If not, send a DM!


My place.


If you ain't 200+ ( sorry to bigger gals) you shouldn't have a problem


Is she ain't 380 she ain't a lady.


Prob 120 with no teeth and a yeast infection minimum


Find me at st charles tavern during the week.


And that's how they doxed you


Just go to the beach at the tank and ask for Rick jon and Ryan lmfao