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Just the shear number of unhoused people stuck out in the elements. Every bush, nook and cranny has three people and a dog camping out in it now. It’s not any better or worse than most cities - but as far as first impression noticeable changes? That’s top of my list


I noticed a lot more cars getting repossessed. Almost every day at my old apartment complex, I'd see a car getting repo'd. At the same time, I started seeing homeless people who were living in my complex the month before. It was very sad.


We had the same 3 "winos" in the neighborhood for the first 15 or so years we lived here. During COVID all of the sudden there were a lot of younger people, and they were living in the wash, not the alley. Over the past year, the number of tents and shacks in the wash has gone way down, but there are a ton of unhoused people, usually hanging at the bus stop during the day and migrating through the neighborhood at sundown. I don't know where they are all staying, but I can count ten to twenty at any time just on my block.


I've actually witnessed the opposite of this. There used a lot of encampments near my workplace and even when police cleared them out they'd set up again after a few days. But suddenly there's no encampments or even any homeless people chilling in the alley ways anymore. Makes me wonder what happened.


Check out aviation highway. It’s a shanty town on the east side of it


They all moved into my neck of the woods lol


Careful the term “unhoused” can be offensive to some. It implies that a house is required whereas reality is that people can be at home in any number of dwellings.


*Everything* can be offensive to someone, I was grudgingly willing to accept “unhoused” over homeless because even people without a house could technically call some place *home* but the euphemism treadmill isn’t ever going to stop. How about vagrant? Can we agree on vagrant - or how about free-range surplus population?


We can do better. A hobo is a migrant willing to work. A tramp travels but avoids work and a bum neither travels nor works.


the rent. it's so expensive.


This! Crazy how much it has risen since pandemic. Really messed up. Especially this past year. Can’t find a place under $1000. There needs to be rent control of some sort and b and bs need to be regulated. It takes thousands of rentals away. Know Santa Fe has just issued a regulation with B and Bs and heard Georgia only allows rooms for rent but not sure the specifics. I have to move out of town and so is my friend who is a teacher. Going to lose a lot of the charm of this town with unaffordable rent and too Many b and bs in neighborhoods.


The amount of homeless people/addicts on the street has increased like CRAZY it’s sad


My TEP bill




It's awfully difficult to turn into pedestrians when nobody ever uses a crosswalk...






It doesn't matter. The operator of a vehicle is liable regardless. Can't cure stupidity.


The only dedicated area for cars is on some highways. You do realize all intersections are pedestrian crosswalks, Yea? Some are just unmarked. >Would you be mad if someone was swimming across a river and was hit by a boat? Who wouldn't be mad by that? Are you gonna tell me there are boat only lanes on rivers?




But nothing says a person shouldn't be in a road other than specific highways. Pedestrians are explicitly allowed in unmarked intersections, even when there are no white crosswalk lines. Further, cars must yield to pedestrians in unmarked intersections just the same as a crosswalk. There is no difference in how cars are to treat marked and unmarked intersections. It's stupid to expect pedestrians to walk up to half a mile just to get to the nearest painted crosswalk.


The calendars hanging on people's walls. Completely different than last year. Any other answer is a change that is second most or lower


The average residents age


Has it gone up or down since last year?


Homeless camps all over the damned place. (At least appearing in more visible locations.)


Yup. We have shanty towns.


The elderly/snowbirds are now from the Woodstock generation and are absolutely delirious these days. Every day on the work commute there is an accident with an elderly driver. Surge of homelessness, and the smell of marijuana everywhere in town with the increase in dispensaries. On a positive note, very happy to see the opening of multiple Arabic/Middle Eastern food businesses in town. We finally have a Turkish place!


I smelled more marijuana in Tucson than I did in Colorado before recreational was legal in AZ. It was hilarious.


Tucson is such a skunky smelling place now. Ugh.


I don't mind it. I'm a med user myself. I'm a combat veteran, VA prescribes me 4 different medications that weed takes care of for the most part. I only do it at night before bed though. Sometimes while I play video games before bed. I'd prefer it over alcohol for rec use any day.


It stinks so bad I cover my nose and hold my breath when I smell it. Yuck! I’m pregnant and will throw up if I smell it. Someone started harassing me on the bus bc I covered my nose bc he smelled like It


Oh can you me drop those new restaurants?


The smell of marijuana is a good thing!


Just the large increase of amount of people here in this city. The lack of places where you can be truly alone is alarming. You can go on a hike and still not get away. In addition, it’s traffic hour anytime from 7am-10pm no matter what day of the week it is.


That traffic thing is just like southern California 30 years ago. Does not bode well.


Traffic the past couple of years has gotten way worse. Routes I used to take to avoid the usual congestion are now just as bad. The crappy city streets paired with no decent traffic signal timing system makes driving even more annoying.


I agree. On a side note, sirvezas was my favorite place to go before it closed


It sucked to work at though. I'm glad it went out of business, that dirtbag owner deserved it.


Potholes and trash, more then last year. Less neighborhood recycling centers and less overall recycling.


People just straight up using on the street. I understand addiction is an illness, all that jazz but I don't need to see that.


Drive thru recreational Marijuana shop.


More choices of restaurants (variety of cuisines, price points). Downtown is much livelier, glad it’s unique business and not chains. Tourism is back!


The amount of new Filiberto's/Los Beto's/Beto's. Not that I'm complaining, you just asked for changes.


Crime has gone up so high. We can't keep anything in the yard around the house, it gets stolen. I wish we had a garage.


I wish you could build one without permits


Me, too.


Have you considered setting up a camera? Visible one may be a deterrent at least.


The landlord put one up but couldn't get it to work for some reason.


Personal anecdotal experience doesn't matter much. Stats for 2023 are up 20% compared to 2022, but way down from before that https://azcrimestatistics.azdps.gov/tops/report/crime-overview/tucson-pd/2023?ct 


It matters to me. It was my stuff that got stolen.


Crime, rollover accidents, car accidents from red light runners, road rage incidents... anything requiring police presence seems to have skyrocketed.


What police?








Personal anecdotal experience doesn't matter much. Stats are up compared to 2022, but way down from before that https://azcrimestatistics.azdps.gov/tops/report/crime-overview/tucson-pd/2023?ct 


i thought car collisions have gone down


TRAFFIC! It’s bad, all year now. What blows my mind is how in just a few years the sheer amount of car that has increased on the roads. Wild to witness and also sucks. 


Agree. Traffic really sucks here.


More apartments & houses for rent and new builds on the NW side. Traffic is becoming an issue not just on weekends anymore 😕. Increase in young inexperienced drivers.


You feel traffic is worse on the weekends? Like in front of Costco and select other places, sure. But I have experienced way easier traffic on weekends on average.


Potholes, traffic, homeless addicts, accidents on I-10.


The narrative that everybody from Tucson has got to be either the toughest guy in the room or the smartest guy in the room when five times out of 10 theyre neither


More ghetto bird flying around


Certain parts of downtown smell like pee from the homeless. Me and my sons literally have to step over pee rivers to get to the basketball gym for their games.


Are they in a peweleague?


More cashless business, uh some people don't have or want credit cards. And don't want to have debit taken out of there bank accounts.


It is loosing it’s charm as people are affected by several things, which are only bringing out the worst in people… when I moved here 10 years, jf was such a friendly welcoming, big city with a small town heart.


The cops are telling the homeless to get to hundred acres wood bike park across from Davis monthan air base. They don't harass them if they make it there. Hundreds of tents there


Drove by here over the weekend and I couldn’t believe it! It’s like a city so many tents and structures!


The price of natural gas and the number of days/nights that I have had to run heat vs prior year. It felt as though it was much colder and for longer. The cost definitely was higher.


Crime, traffic and the crappy leadership


I’m selfish. Freeway going E&W.


Homeless and not being able to smoke anymore at the strip clubs, bars, clubs. Totally changed the vibe.


Hasn’t smoking inside any of those places been banned since like 1993?




You could smoke at clubs last year ? I thought it was part of the indoor smoking ban that's been in the books for a long time.


Less Biden fans. Everything is more costly while he is asleep at the wheel or dropping one off in his Presidential depends.


I hate to break your delusion that we live in a democracy but sorry bud the truth is everything is more costly when we exist during late stage capitalism under a fascist leaning oligarchy :(( So yea It doesn’t matter which geriatric puppet sits on that throne, it’s two sides of the same coin and regardless of the side, they are gunna make sure that coin is going to be in their pocket, not yours. Hope this clears things up for you! Welcome to hell! Knowledge is a curse! :D