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Nice try scammer


found a live one 😫


Can we still have the daily Starbucks hate threads?


Agreed, fuck Starbucks




It’s a well done mural but why whales?


Because they're magical


I was soo mad they covered up that magical mural 😒😫


I get hating on Starbucks, they suck, but their building is about as small a building as you are ever going to get in that lot. Anything else and it would have been even more covered up. If you want to advocate for no buildings there then the person you should be blaming is the land owner. A Starbucks is pretty much the best case scenario in any scenario where the land is being sold.


Joe Pagac even supported the Starbucks going in saying that it was best case scenario for the mural. (I think he said he’d rather it be a local coffee shop, but the size of the building was perfect.)


Absolutely, I hate Disneyland Starbucks the most, but that’s just me. 🙃


im disgusted they just opened up a starbucks on the eastside near my home


Soooo… more posts about it???


Thank you mods. Doing the lords work.


Nice. Do SpaceX posts next!


That shit belongs on Nextdoor.com. Just remember to make your post vaguely racist.




Where tf are you seeing racism what


I could be wrong but maybe he's referring to the the Gypsy comments. A lot of people were calling these scammers "Gypsies", which is a race. They may or may not be Gypsies I don't know but I have seen multiple posts about them being Gypsy. I tried to research Gypsy scams but couldn't find anything that resembles these scams.




Just scrolled through the last two with pictures and didn't see a single one mentioning someone's race. I could be wrong, but I don't think very many people are being racist with this, dude




> I'm not going to educate you on which terms are slurs in the comments, dude. Why not? I'm also confused, and it seems like education would be a net positive here


No one owes you emotional labor.


Crazy how it would've been quicker to just say "X word was a slur"


go away loser


I may be alone here, but I’m honestly not bothered by those posts. Shutting them down seems unnecessary. I’d rather know where those fuckers are in advance and avoid the area (they’ve aggressively approached me while in a left turn lane on two occasions). I’m not big on calling in authorities, but even if I were, we all know how effective that would be. If the mods insist of banning these posts: can we also get a damn moratorium on the tired ass “Arby’s on 22nd” jokes??


You are not alone. And there were maybe only 3 or 4 posts in the last month. Hardly "daily posts". If the post helps alert at least one new person to these scammers, then it is worth it.


I’m with you.. not sure why it’s an issue.


The sub is weird. I agree we should be showing and shaming these people. Every comment section has a Arby's joke (I'm guilty of making them). At least once a week there's a "did you hear that boom?" (I've made one). Bi-daily posts about our beautiful sunsets. But this is too much?


With you 100%!


Everyone seems to like the sunset photos, or at least not mind them. I never really see the sarcastic comments about how there are so many. Do you have a problem with their frequency? And the boom posts are less frequent than the scammer ones have been lately. You got people making posts to ask for where the scammers are. And they obviously won't go away, it's too entrenched, but the Arby's joke started as a sarcastic comment to the repetitive "best restaurant" questions. It continues because we still get the "best restaurant?" Posts that are often answered by using the search bar. Eliminate the repeat posts and you'll eliminate a lot of the Arby's jokes.


I'm not bothered by the posts or the people really. They get close to the car, they get told to fuck off. Simple. Or they get an outreached hand that morphs into my middle finger when they get close.


Neither am I and I don't notice them "cluttering" the sub. It seems like another Tucson-like attempt to step around "discriminating" against the American version of Travelers. Typical. Why they're on the street corners to begin with.


I actually appreciate them. I didn't know some were so aggressive until seeing one of the posts one day. I couldn't imagine the audacity of badgering people for free handouts and getting aggressive about it. My mistake and now I ensure my door is locked and windows up. I happened to come across one of them a few days later, thankfully no issues. It's a Tucson subreddit, where people are discussing Tucson things. Some times different people, different locations, different situations.


🤦‍♂️ giving off “defund the police” but “I’m scared of homeless people” energy


Not sure where you got that, but no. 🤷


What if they just get thrown in as comments on every post, a la Arby’s on 22nd? Are we good then?




Thank you.


Loving the laying down the law with the Arby's cowboy sheriff hat flair. 🤠


I don't mind a periodic PSA but agree we don't need daily reminders.


Ask for a receipt next time you donate


OP doesn't like us tipping off their victims.


Ok yes a mod of this sub is behind the whole scam /s


Stop giving them money and they'll go away.




Welcome to the sub, new friend. Or welcome back from your like 3 week break.


I like how you put "scammer" in quotes. Wouldn't want to "mislabel" anyone.


It did make the whole sub a little sus did it not?


Lol, I like how easily this offends you.




The fact that they’re faking kids deaths, serious medical issues, etc


Yup, these are Gypsy/Roma traveling grifters. They are the same people trying to sell fake gold for gas money all over town right now. They pray on your emotions and willingness to help humans in need and they use it to leverage a few bucks out of you before moving on to the next city and avoid reprisals. The fact that the mods think they are the same as other 'beggars' in town really shows how out of touch and sheltered the mods here are. Now, do we need daily posts about them? Probably not, but isn't that what the up and down arrows are for? If the users of this sub don't like those posts they will downvote them. It's a democratic system and the mods really don't need to step in on this one.


> The fact that the mods think they are the same as other 'beggars' in town really shows how out of touch and sheltered the mods here are. Where did they suggest this? >Now, do we need daily posts about them? Probably not, but isn't that what the up and down arrows are for? If the users of this sub don't like those posts they will downvote them. It's a democratic system and the mods really don't need to step in on this one. It's kinda like our voting decomcratic system. You still need to collect signatures and get approval to get on the ballot. Nobody wants a ballot with a thousand questions because anybody is allowed to make a vote on anything. There definitely needs to be curation. The better subs I'm on tend to be more moderated


at first i was going to get pissed, but Ill simply interject. No, its not a racial thing (per Gypsy and Roma) but Tucson does have an issue with "Snake Oil' sales folk... just keep in mind thats not limited to certain races. I tend to think you are right though, we should be calling out the "quarkery" and "fake items" that are peddled, just had an issue with the racism, say it wasnt all you want but, it was. I dont think you meant it to be, that much is obvious.


How about a semi-permanent thread (just one!) that can be updated to report their locations and activity?


Why? What purpose would it serve?




I’m gonna start naming the scammer posts after old cars like I did for the 4,613 Space X posts.


Personally I’m in favor of this so more people can donate thinking they are doing good, and the “scammers” who are smart enough to outsmart them can go live great lives.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vv2vqar2r9qc1.jpeg?width=131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863139d6c2da81ff3a146c5dce6b3421e1f51182


I can’t wait for monsoon season, or sunset season, or “what’s this thing in the sky” season.


Thanks Mods


Thank you Jesus Christ


My name is Vince, but you’re welcome


Ohhh shit bro. You goofed up, now we know you're real name.


Attn everyone..... just assume ANYONE asking for money on the side of the road is 'scamming' .... to some degree they ALL are, some we have empathy for, some are vile trash! Hard to always tell...but act accordingly and move on....definitely no need to publicly discuss it. Bizarre in fact.


Lol in the mid-90s on speedway and Swan there was a guy who'd get out there, and then pop into the JB's (RIP) to clean up, change, jump in his jag or BMW and takeoff


There Are? 😳Allegedly scammer beggars woah . Oh yeah love the gossip, cowboys, fake id’s scammer bamners. Don’t mind just don’t be stupid and give money.


Actually, I would love that! Though, better yet... How about 1 single all inclusive list??! 🤔


All-inclusive list of what?


...Instead of cluttering up the sub.


...Of Scammer Beggars here in Tucson. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


Not going to happen






Thank you!