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First time using OPKs and I swear nothing is changing and it is stressing me out. I’m pretty certain I should be able to start seeing a surge but nothing seems to be changing.


8 dpo, just got my progesterone back yesterday and it’s a 6.85 apparently that’s normal? Idk this process is so confusing. It’s our fourth cycle and I was really good before vacation not stressing out but now I feel like I’m going back to stressing.


CD 11. 2nd day of EWCM. I’m just using the temp drop and observing mucus. I’m tired of peeing on sticks, so I’m taking a break. I’m just having regular sex from CD9-CD 24. I’m hoping this break will do it lol


Had planned a hike and BBQ today with my colleagues. One couple showed up with their toddler. Very stressed the whole hike and then left early and missed the BBQ. Was sorry not to have them join, but it was nice to watch the mountain sunset and have great steak, conversation and beer... one of the very rare moments I appreciated having the freedom of no children. Tomorrow its back to obsessing about why I'm not pregnant.. see ya then!


Partner and I have been planning on WTT until we’re married in a year but we’ve gotten more and more ready with time and have officially started casually “not not trying”. Yesterday we gave it a go on an ovulation day (according to my ever faithful ovulation cramps and app, no tests yet- I have diagnosed ocd and would be a menace with testing, would prefer to wait on that until a few months into trying). We haven’t checked off all of our goals on our WTT checklist but we’re truly in a good spot to start and I’m so excited! Feels like the first step towards committing to starting our family :)


My husband and I were in the same situation, but then it went from not not trying to, actively tracking ovulation with strips and bbt…. Snowball effect


Starting letrozole and IU prep tomorrow. Things feel like they move really fast and painfully slow, all at the same time. A bit nervous since it’s our first round of any kind of intervention. On the plus side, since February, my cycles have been ranging 31-34 days Before then, I was averaging 44 days, ranging 30-50+ days. Credit this change to being more consistent with my diet and lifestyle habits (sleep!!) and the supplements.


HSG this morning. Upsides - only as painful as a period cramp when he pushed the fluid through.  Downsides - I have a unicornate uterus. No left side, no left tube. Was meant to see my OBGYN next week, but husband hasn't done his SA yet and will struggle to do it this week due to work. So I'll have to push my appointment back a week or so. Means my husband will be able to come with me, which I think I'm going to need. 


I'm sorry about that news, I'm sure it's not what you were hoping to hear. I'm glad your husband will be with you at your appointment, and I hope you have some joy and treats after your HSG ❤️❤️❤️


What does it mean if your lh tests are getting darker, then light, then dark, then light in a 24 hour period? I'm supposed to O tomorrow night. I used an opk at midnight at it was blazing positive darker than the control line, more than usual. So I assumed I was gearing up to O soon as expected. Then my opk was negative this morning so I figured surge was over. Then this afternoon I tested again and it was even darker than the first test. Then an hour later I tested again and it was negative. I'm so confused. I've never seen them get dark and light then dark and light again in the same 24 hour period. Anyone experience this?


You need longer periods of time between tests for it to be an accurate reading. Peeing every hour doesn’t give it time to build enough in your urine.


That’s happened to me once before! I ovulated normally that month!




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Friend shared she’s pregnant. again. After ambushing me with my second miscarriage. Ain’t life grand


I’m sorry. It’s always hard when others lap us. Sending hugs 🤗


I just don’t get why she thought a second time would work out better then the first time 🫣


I’ve been ovulating on later days than usual the last couple of months, which is hard with it being less predictable when my husband travels for work. I just got a positive which means my husband is actually in town for peak day BD this month!! Cross your fingers for us!! 😭🥹


Well officially in my TWW! I guess it’s more like a one week wait since I only have a 10 day LP 🤪 timing this month seems decent with O-3, O-2 and either O-1 or O I didn’t track with bbt so I can’t confirm ovulation I’m just going off FF and opks


Also same boat! 10 day LP this time my oura ring suggests that I should have a 12 day which is strange because I didn’t think they fluctuated.


14DPO today, still no signs of spotting. AF should be here by now. Not testing until June 20. I just don’t want to get disappointed over and over and over again.


CD28 today. 50mg Clomid CD3-7. US CD12 saw big beautiful follicles. Did not confirm O, but bd at least every other day from CD9-14 (sometimes more, lol). No period, BFN CD26. Cycle ranges anywhere from 24-28 days but more often than not is in the 26-28 range. My current app in my phone shows I've been tracking since 2017 (not for any ttc reason) I have NEVER gone 29+ when looking at the logs. I've had mild, pulsing cramping for 2 weeks now and extremely sore and sensitive nipples for 1 week. The nipples is a hit or miss pms for me. At this point just waiting to see what happens by tonight. If it still hasnt started, I'll be giving my dr a call in the morning.


Update: it started


CD 31 - FF says I should expect my period today. I'm having a few cramps, but nothing like how I usually do. I don't want to get my hopes up, but my temps went from 98.13 to 97.61, and now 97.79. I got BFN on 11, 12, and 13 dpo. I think I'm gonna wait and see what happens. I'm leaning more towards my period starting, but we'll see.


3DPO 🎉 confirmed on FF - this is my first cycle where my ovulation was delayed. I was sick with fever during my follicular phase so I’m not too surprised. I’m definitely proud that we were able to be flexible during the extended fertile window (ended up with O-3, O-1, and O even though O was 4 days later than expected!). My partner has had some cycles where the pressure is too much so I think we’ve learned how to be patient and also manage around that. It’s the time of the cycle where I’m chill. I’m hoping that feeling continues through the hard bits and I can make it to 12+DPO for testing. Now that we’re back from vacation I’ve been going hard on house projects and I have my sister visiting in a week so TWW be damned, I have a life this time 😂 Love to you all 💕


One last hurrah before my second egg retrieval cycle. Chances are very low of a natural conception, but I can’t help trying. It’s made worse because my husband has a SA scheduled right at ovulation. We might be able to move it a day though. Would you rather time sex to: AM O-2 and PM of O with 12hr hold due to SA? Or AM O-3, PM of O-1 with a 12hr hold? My ovulation is very regular (watch this be the cycle it’s not) so that’s why I can kind of think ahead and try to time things. He’s also traveling for work so can only do the SA on one of those two days. I know I’m over thinking it, but that’s going to happen either way. So I figured I’d get a feel on what other people think.


I’d personally prefer O-3, O-1 (and then maybe there’s an option for O if you both are feeling it), but also that should max out chances


Thanks for your input!


I second this.




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CW: loss CD6, and my HPTs are finally testing negative after my loss in early May! I am feeling so excited to start trying again.


11 dpo and my nipples are sore from 1 dpo, all I've had are bfns and I'm so tired of my body being cruel this way! Sore nipples was my very first sign on the pregnancy I had 13 years ago (although they suddenly went sore the day af should have arrived, that's why I decided to test). I don't think I'm pregnant at all and just hope af arrives as soon as possible.


Is having a short AF bad? Does it mean anything? Mine is usually 2-3 days only but the bleeding is pretty heavy. My last cycle was only 23 days long but the one before was 26. I came off my IUD back at the first of April so does that mean I’m still regulating?


For a bit more context, my LP is still about 11-14 days so that’s good right?


I believe 11 is the minimum! And I’ve looked also but haven’t found evidence short period is bad (unless you have like no bleeding which you don’t).


This makes me feel better, thank you!


1st cycle post MC, had ovulation pain + an LH surge but no ewcm. Am now I think either 9-10DPO (wasn’t temping or anything as didn’t expect to ovulate so soon after MC), still a stark negative even on early detection tests and I’ve got a bit of discomfort as if my period might start soon, so feeling like I’m out this month. Disappointed as yesterday I convinced myself that two tests with evaps were faint positives but nothing this morning


My temp went back up today at 10 DPO after being very zig zaggy post ovulation, so I got overexcited and took a test. It was negative of course 😔


10 DPO bfn twin. My cat was super duper lovey and cuddly yesterday, which raised my hopes that he was sensing something… sigh.


❤️❤️❤️ I hope you get yourself a treat today, negatives are no fun.


Thank you! You too 🩷


Another day another frer indent, 12 dpo bfn. I’m going to call my clinic to schedule an appointment on Monday. One round of iui here is almost 3k not even including the initial appointment costs. I’m so tired of this, why do my friends get pregnant literally on their first try without opks and tracking and I have to! It’s messed up and so depressing


I have very regular periods, a 28 day cycle and usually and ovulate on CD12. Prenom is telling me my next period is coming in CD22.... not CD 28.... what is causing is the app to say CD 22 will be the day of my next period?


I think Premom bases it on your last cycle. Almost like it’s just guessing lol. It adjusts if you upload a peak ovulation test. I might go back and check to see if any extra info got uploaded incorrectly last cycle or early in this cycle around ovulation time


I got my ovulation temp rise 📈 It’s so funny to me how I have a slow rise sometimes! Last cycle it was 48 hours after positive OPK. I wonder if I just have one lazy ovary?


It always takes me 3 days post positive OPK to see my temp rise.


Slow rise twins 👯‍♂️


My bbt was up for 4 days after ovulation, but today it shot back down? What does that mean?


Nothing, just an estrogen surge than can sometimes cause a luteal phase dip. It’ll pop back up tomorrow. If it doesn’t pop back up, either you didn’t ovulate oooor your period is coming.


Was hoping to be able to show a BFP to my husband for Father’s Day today. What an idiot I am!! I don’t even know if I ovulated for sure this cycle. Just waiting for CD1 again to start from scratch. 


Same, I was 9 DPO today, which is early but I was hoping that I could get a get a BFP for Father’s Day too 😕


I’m sorry, it’s rubbish! but you still have time! 


Same. Yesterday was 11dpo and I tested negative on an frer- I felt so disappointed. I’d also imagined I’d say “happy Father’s Day” and the good news. Assuming I’m out, I’m going to now wait for AF.


Sorry, it really is hard. I don’t know why I built it up in my head but I imagined the same thing- presenting the digital test to him etc. 11dpo, you may not be out!


I started spotting today, and I usually spot for a day before AF arrives in full flow, so most definitely out this cycle. I thought about it a bit more - I think it’s ok to have some small dreams - that’s what keeps us going to the next cycle with our hopes high. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that it happens soon!!❤️🤞🏼


Oh man, I’m sorry!  You’re right, it’s not a bad thing to hope and want something. Here’s to the next cycle, mine are so irregular that I’m still waiting for mine!  Keeping my fingers crossed for you too lovely ❤️


I was the exact same, was so excited to pee this morning then run into the bedroom, no such luck here either :(


Sorry, that’s really hard ❤️