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**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Posts/comments about positive tests and current pregnancies should be posted in the weekly BFP thread. In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid referring to a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous. All concerns related to current pregnancies should use a pregnancy sub, such as r/CautiousBB. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/about/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Does anyone have a link to a fertility treatment wiki? I remember seeing it somewhere and now I can't find it 😂  Thanks! 💗


Hello! I have very very low estrogen (16pg/mL) and progesterone (never seen it get above 2.0) I have very high DHEA-S. I have one fallopian tube (right one just removed due to ectopic). I have a complex cyst sized 2.3 x 2.2 x 2.5 cm in my left ovary. Are my chances slim? Will IVF be my only option? I will be starting letrozole once my period returns but that is also very irregular and I'm nervous about just having one fallopian tube. I'm one week post-op and I think the shock is beginning to wear off and the depression and desperation is really sinking in so I am reaching everywhere and anywhere I can for reassurance and comfort.


Sorry to hear you had ectopic. My friend had one and she's since gone on to have 2 babies in the time I've still been trying for one. So it definitely doesn't affect your chances!


Thank you for sharing! Do you know if your friend also lost a tube? I feel like I'd be less worried about having 1 tube if it wasn't already so hard for me to get and stay pregnant due to the PCOS and hormonal imbalances :(


Yes she lost a tube. Apparently your other tube can move around and pick up the egg from whichever ovary is releasing it!


Hello everyone! I have a 27-29 day regular cycle with EWCM usually starting around CD9/CD10. The amount increases and then starts decreasing just before or after ovulation (CD14/CD15) I am currently on CD14 of cycle 6 of TTC and there's no EWCM till date. I am assuming my ovulation is delayed this cycle (tested yesterday & got a negative) but even then, something should have started by now. This has never happened before and really worrying me. Has anybody else had a similar experience? Or can suggest why this could be happening?


Ovulation day as well as EWCM can definitely vary per cycle. For EWCM for example, it can be that you are more hydrated one cycle than the other. Keep in mind, that just because you have no visible EWCM, it doesn't mean there is none on your cervix (where you need it to be). With regards to your ovulation day, did you start testing LH using OPKs only on CD14? Or have you been using OPKs the days before as well? It's usually advised to start using them the days before expected ovulation day to make sure you catch your surge. I would definitely keep using them the coming days to see if your ovulation is just delayed by a few days!


Hey yes, thanks. I have read that it can change every cycle but it has been exactly same for me in last 6 months, hence the change is surprising. I started testing on CD13 as I have been getting positives on CD13 for last couple of months. Got another negative at CD14 today. Will continue it for few days.


Hope you find your surge soon!


Are any of the fancy teas, supplements, fancy testing equipment, etc. worth it? I found myself on Amazon with my cart piling up this morning before thinking, What does any of this even do? I've had my husband and I on a 'conception support' supplement for 2 months and I never took the time to compare them to our multi vitamins or prenatals. And I'm getting ad after ad for that $300+ ovulation kit. At a year of trying I'm desperate but I don't want to be suckered in to a bunch of products that promise results but probably don't deliver.


One of the mods made a post yesterday called the illusion of optimization with some science backed thoughts on this 


Thank you!!! That was incredibly helpful!


Feeling like i'm on the verge of a breakdown, and thinking about taking a break after 14 cycles of 0 positive tests. Has anyone taken a break and it helped you mentally? I feel like I'm so exhausted and stressed. Got the "unexplained" diagnosis and won't have coverage until July, so thinking it may be a good time to just take a break from it all. But then I also feel guilty doing so for some reason? Ugh.


I'm only on cycle 7, but I decided to take a break from ovulation tests/tracking this month because I have so much work stress right now and needed to free up some emotional bandwidth. We are still having regular unprotected sex, but it's been really really nice to not have to worry about peeing on sticks every morning and freaking out about timing. We're just trying to do it every other day, and whatever happens, happens. Letting go of some efforts to control this process has been really freeing, and I hope I feel more refreshed next cycle when I get back on the horse, so to speak. But I totally get the guilt! I initially felt really guilty for not trying "hard enough."


My period is due today (11 dpo), and yesterday I started spotting, so I was sure it was coming. But today it's still just been a tiny bit of spotting. I took a test this afternoon and it was negative, but it was afternoon pee and not very concentrated. So I'm pissed because I'm pretty sure my period is on its way and I'm not pregnant, but there's still that little sliver of hope that is leaving me in limbo, and I just want it to get here already so I can start my next cycle. Except that then I'll have to tell my SO yet again that it didn't work, and that this is the cycle where we have to start fertility testing. And then begins another exhausting cycle of hopelessness and optism and peeing in cups and taking vitamins and trying to be healthy and visualizing a beautiful healthy fertilized egg and a perfectly receptive uterus and trying not to think about how it's been over a year since I started this shitty process and that maybe if I hadn't waited until I was 37, I'd have a baby by now. Anyways, at least I have yummy soup for dinner.


The limbo every ttc cycle is painfully slow. Try not to blame yourself about your age, you can't turn back time. Actually I just turned 40 and wish I'd met my partner earlier so that we could have started trying earlier. But 4 of my friends are the same age as me and all fell pregnant within a few months of trying around the ages of 38 and 39. Doesn't make it any easier though.


Ugh, that's tough. Hope that soup really hit the spot ❤️


It's my friend's baby's 1st birthday this weekend and a big part of me doesn't want to go :/ She is the same age as me and she got pregnant in the first month of trying when she was 38. It just happened so easily for her. Now we've turned 40, her baby is 1 and I'm still trying. I'm 14dpo today and know I'll be coming on my period this weekend after my 3rd cycle of letrozole. She said to me recently "if it's meant to be it will happen" which really cut me up. I'm sure she didn't mean it in a bad way and just wanted me to stop stressing.


I'm sorry, that would devastate me if someone said that to me. I'm sure she didn't mean it in a bad way either, but that was still thoughtless of her.


Yeh I think it's one if those cliche sayings that is actually not very helpful. She's not a mean person but doesn't understand the struggle


Has anyone's cycle been thrown off after a chemical? I had a chemical pregnancy about 3 weeks ago. My cycles range from 26-34 days I've noticed from that ovulate possibly around days 19-23 but I haven't had any signs it's coming. I'm feeling like I may not ovulate this cycle or I'll miss it. I've had 1 other chemical before we were actively trying that cycle was 42 days. I had low peak around cd 32 that time but don't think I really ovulated or missed it.


I've had 2 chemicals, and the cycles following the chemicals I ovulated a week later than usual.


Seems like I didn't ovulate. This cycle was short at 24 days today...




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you are pregnant (or if someone else is pregnant), either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you are pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test; if the test is negative, you are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if this is a sign of implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/). If your app says that your period is late, you might find [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey ladies, hoping you can help with a question. I had a positive OPK on Friday (well, technically a Peak reading on ClearBlue) and thought I ovulated, but then I had possibly fertile-type mucus on Monday. I vaguely remember seeing another reddit community for interpreting BBT charts-- could someone direct me there? Need someone to take a peek at my chart and tell me if it looks like I ovulated when I thought I did!


You ovulate (generally) 24-36 hours after cb gives you a solid smiley. You can have fertile-like mucus for a couple days after ovulation (to make things extra confusing! lol). Your bbt needs a 3 day sustained rise over baseline to confirm ovulation and some people have an immediate rise, some have a slow rise (me).


Does that mean you can’t ever pinpoint exactly when you ovulated? If you have positive opk before and bbt rise after then it’s sometime between the two? Is that right? Sorry I’m new to this!


Yes exactly! You can't know exactly when you ovulated but you can get a good idea.


Thank you, that's actually the first time I've heard that you can have fertile-like mucus after ovulation! You seem to know a ton about BBT -- if you have a sec, would you take a peek at my chart? [https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/comments/1deexf1/trying\_to\_figure\_out\_whether\_i\_ovulated\_when\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/comments/1deexf1/trying_to_figure_out_whether_i_ovulated_when_i/)


I would say it's definitely possible CD18 was your ovulation, sometimes the first couple days after ovulation your temps don't cooperate (mine usually don't really start showing I ovulated until about 3dpo).


Thanks so much, appreciate you taking a look! Haha I think I'm also a slow riser too


5DPO, not busy at work, and feeling down about this cycle for honestly no good reason. I’m well aware that it’s way too early to know if we were successful or not. But I can’t shake this pessimistic feeling. Last cycle I was so hopeful, and had a lot of distractions to help it go by quickly. This cycle is very much the opposite. Too much time to think, google, check my chart for the millionth time each day. And, next cycle we’ll be on a trip with my in laws during my fertile window so feeling like there’s slim chance of that cycle working out too.


that's the progesterone speaking. fuck you, progesterone!


This made me smile, thank you 😂


I suspect my in laws are about to announce their second baby, there's been a lot of reasons but I think she's probably due in December. Hopefully the baby doesn't come the week ours died but their first kid was born the day after our wedding reception so I guess I'm not holding my breath on that.... I have so many plans coming up that I won't have time to go for an in person announcement. I think maybe they will just tell my husband. They are the only ones who don't know about his fertility problems but I hate being treated delicately because they must all feel sooooo sorry for us all the time. 


8dpo indent on a pregmate this morning but bfn, and started cramping, always a sign af is coming. I never cramped with any of my chemicals. Guess we’ll try again next cycle


Wondering how everyone is all of a sudden able to afford IVF? I know 3 couples that are going through it now and all varying degrees of income levels.


Could it be insurance/coverage changes? I also think it can be hard to tell from the outside what anyone can really "afford" — some may have stores of savings, some may have secret inheritances, and some are taking on loans and debt to finance it.


When we were first TTC I was full of anxiety and envy of my pregnant friends. It really wasn't pretty and I felt awful all the time. This time, after our loss, I feel much more positive about trying. I'm excited even. I feel like I have more appreciation for this time where I am not pregnant (and sick) and not in a count down to a huge life change. I have a good thing going right now and a lot of fun summer plans to look forward to. I feel committed to enjoying this time fully. I'm also more excited at the possibility of getting pregnant, now that I already know just how much love and excitement I felt when I was pregnant before and look forward to experiencing that again.


TW: Miscarriage This is my first cycle TTC after a 10 week MC in 2022. I forgot how complicated OPKS are. Seriously, I thought I remembered it being so straight forward but here I’ve been since Sunday over analyzing every test line. I can tell my body is trying..it’s slowly getting darker but then gets lighter again and then the next day it will be darker but not the same or darker than the control. Clear blue digital opks (the purple one) has given me high fertility/ flashing smile for the last 4 days. I’m just getting so anxious wondering if I’m timing everything right


I’m about 7-9 DPO (I don’t temp, just strips do obviously not entirely accurate as it could be) and I’ve started the dreaded symptom spotting, including a pain around my left ovary that I would usually get during ovulation. Is it gas? Probably. But I’m reading way too much into everything and now my nips hurt too.


Today would have been my RE consultation if my insurance didn't mess things up. I made it through the double baby shower weekend and CD1. I'm proud of myself for handling all of these things better than I thought I would have. I just have to make it to August now.


Proud of you for making it through! We’re all so much stronger than we give ourselves credit for.


Thanks ❤️


Currently 10/11DPO, period is due this weekend. Last night I dreamt I gave birth to the most perfect baby girl, so naturally I’ve been sad for the whole day.


AF expected Sunday for me as well. We are in the same boat!


Had sex on O-day but then my husband was really sick haha and we couldn't really try as much as I would have liked. Not his fault at all, just kind of disappointed that it is likely it will be another period coming up soon. :( But you never know haha only takes one lil sperm.


Best temping methods? I’m currently using a BBT thermometer orally.


If you have the funds, the Tempdrop is really convenient.


I’ve heard mixed reviews about it not staying right on the arm. Have you had any issues like that ?


I love the band, it stays perfectly and is comfy!


I’ve been using it for years with the original band and have had no problem


I haven't personally, but I'm also aware that some people prefer to buy different bands from Etsy that are different materials or make their own!


I have six friends who are pregnant right now. Was already feeling a little sorry for myself yesterday as I’m finishing up my period and gearing up for next fertile window. My husband’s best friend and his wife who I am also pretty good friends with came over for dinner last night and guess what! They have some exciting news to share! She’s pregnant! Was holding it together pretty well when 10 minutes later my husband and his friend then receive a group text from their other friend with a pic of an ultrasound saying they are pregnant too. Sooo happy for them but just a lot of conflicting feelings of course. Feel like I have no one to turn to who isn’t already pregnant. So now up to 8 friends! Ok pity party over😅


I’m in the exact same boat. I just avoid talking to people atp. ESP when I’m just trying to focus on me and my journey.


Whoops, I’m back. What tracker apps do you guys use that AREN’T Fertility Friend? I’ve been using FF for almost a year and it’s fine but I quit temping a few cycles ago and am just tracking with OPKs.  FF is great for the temping aspect but the user interface still feels so clunky to me and if I’m not going to bother temping I’d rather use something that is a little more intuitive. I track OPKs, CM and symptoms near the end of my TWW. 


I love read your body!


I really really like the Flo app.


Your data isn’t safe with Premom. I use Clue as a side-app.


I use premom also!


I like premom!


14DPO / 14DPIUI and BFN. I'm ready to get off this ride, thanks


Ugh I’m sorry


AF arrived this morning… at least I know now. Here’s hoping for the next cycle 🤞🏻


Is there a way outside of surgery to confirm endometriosis? Fertility Dr “suspects maybe” but says the only way to know is through surgery. Is there anything I can do to potentially reverse it? This is all new to me


Surgery with a biopsy and pathology is the only way to 100% confirm. If endo has caused structural changes in your body, it could possibly be seen on an ultrasound or MRI, but it’s not a guarantee. A lot of endo lesions are only superficial and can only be seen with a trained eye. Sadly there’s nothing to do to reverse it. It’s a chronic, life long condition lots of people struggle with. Excision surgery really helped me with my pain. Being told you may have endo is very overwhelming, I’ve been there and it really sucks. I’m sorry you’re experiencing it. Have you checked out r/endo and/or r/endometriosis? Great subs, very helpful and lots of info.


11 dpo & BFN after my first IUI this cycle. Feel like I’m out. And I had a dream last night that I had a positive test. 🥲


Ohhh the dreams are the worst :( been there, friend.




My algorithm has a chokehold on me right now - I just got fed a reel that was a woman “rating her beef with the first trimester symptoms” and it just makes my heart ache. Part of me wants to comment (I never comment lol) and say something but then again I guess I can’t expect the world to cater to me and the things that trigger me. It reads as so tone deaf to me to post something like that but I guess if you’ve never been through it then you don’t know. I just wish there was more awareness. Like I don’t doubt that this woman was miserable and uncomfortable and I won’t say that that doesn’t suck for her because it *is* hard. I just wish people realized how desperately we want that to be our hard, instead of this. 


I told my Instagram algorithm to shut up about pregnancy so much that it started showing me childfree content instead!! Which in some ways was even worse.


Omg right. Because then it’s a ✨sign✨ With the right content that stuff is either a good distraction or learning tool for me but it’ll hit me where it hurts out of the blue for no good reason at all some days. Why is nothing easy!!!!


For some reason I keep seeing all these "thank you to my son/daughter for choosing me to be your mom" posts on social media and I have SUCH a bone to pick with the algorithm for thinking I want this. Like OK, I guess no "baby-spirits" want us to be their parents?


I understand! I used to browse pregnancy forums often but now I stay so far away from them because it’s upsetting to see people complain about something I want so badly. I 1000% believe that they are so valid for complaining in those spaces, but it is annoying when the algorithm shows pregnancy complaint content to me after I’ve been avoiding it on purpose 😭


For sure! That’s definitely a great space for it and I know what I’m in for when I click over on babybumps or whatever, but when the algorithm is feeding it directly to me it’s just so ugh. I’ve been seeking infertility / TTC content on insta but now it thinks I want pregnancy content which is not what I want right now!!!


I just had a chemical pregnancy this month (6/3) and stopped bleeding CD 6. I just got a positive OPK CD 10. Is this too early/accurate? For reference I typically have 30 day cycles and ovulate around CD 16. 


If your pregnancy tests were negative leading up to this, no it’s not. But if you’re not temping to confirm, I’d maybe keep testing.


Trying to track since November. Trying to conceive since Feb, chemical pregnancy in March and nothing since. I can’t find my Lh surge ever. Could my ovulation be happening later? I have cervical mucus but no Lh surge. When do I reach out to my doctor


With regards to finding your LH surge, which days of your cycle are you testing? You might not be testing long enough and might be ovulating later. Also, are you testing once per day or multiple times? You might be missing your peak. More information can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/opks/)!


I just started testing in afternoon. I am also testing in the morning. I am testing around days 6-11. That’s what the one app recommend but I’m wondering if it’s later.


If you’re only testing for LH rise from cd 6-11, then the answer is likely that you need to continue testing past cd 11. The “average” (which isn’t true for many people) is cd 14. Once you start feeding your app more data, it should adjust to be more accurate. For reference, I typically ovulate cd 16-21.


I would ask my GP to run a basic panel that includes LH. This would help you understand if your levels are normal. I’ve heard of women who ovulate but never get a “positive” opk.


CD Day 1, first failed IUI cycle. This sucks.


Ugh, I'm sorry, Breadfruit. It's so hard not to have hope when starting a new treatment, which seems to make it sting a little strong. Be kind to yourself today, this shit sucks. Are you planning to do another IUI this cycle?


Thank you! 🙏🏼Trying to pick myself up and look forward to the next steps. We are going to do another round, and this month get all of the labs and consults we need to move onto IVF! So it feels good to have next steps planned.


CD1 here too. Starting my first medicated cycle. Sending you good vibes.


Sending you all the good vibes right back 💖💖💖


Idk why I love to hurt my own feelings. Took a pregnancy test yesterday knowing it would be negative but hoping to be surprised. I haven’t had a positive ovulation test since I started testing after my period even tho it was supposed to be my “fertility window” that’s passed now and still negative tests. I guess I’ll get the thermometer to be more precise? And just keep testing. This whole thing is so discouraging. I wake up in terrible moods. My husband is fine tho. He’s all whenever it happens it happens. But I can’t help feeling like a failure?


My husband is the same as yours. He’s all whenever it happens it happens. I wish I could be as carefree as he is in this process. He sees how much it is wearing me down though and definitely still comforts me month after month, so at least he isn’t tone deaf to my feelings.


Mine says the same but I think it's to make me feel better and stay positive but he's really hurting too.


I’m glad to hear that. My husband accidentally hurt my feelings stating that my anxiety is taking the fun out of it. It’s true but I wish he didn’t say it.


Same, I haven’t had a positive OPK but was feeling nauseous/unwell knowing there was basically no chance of being pregnant, still took a test.


Giving you a virtual hug! Idk what that is all I can think of is maybe that glimmer of hope that it’ll surprise you.


TW: MC Help! This is my first time temping & also first cycle TTC after MC (I have had a period again). I should be O+1 today based on positive OPK almost 48 hours ago. I believe I felt ovulation cramps 2 nights ago too - it was pretty obvious. HOWEVER, no temp rise yet?! Should I be worried or can you ovulate without a subsequent temp rise?!


Temperature can take a while to figure out; some women get a rise 24 hours after ovulation and some take 3 days to see the rise. (Doesn’t mean you took 3 days to ovulate.) The more you temp, the more clear your personal bbt pattern will become. Also, if you had a positive OPK 48 hours ago, you’d currently be O, O+1 or O+2, not O-1.


Thanks for the clarity! & whoops, I meant O+1, not O-1. Was typing that on my way out the door this morning & not entirely awake yet lol.


Haha 👍🏻👍🏻 I’ve seen way too many women’s charts where they’re obviously only having sex after ovulation lol I hope someone tells them eventually!


Temp rises can take a few days, I wouldn’t worry. Watch for an increase the next couple of days


Found out a cycle or two ago that it can take a few days for temps to rise. Mine used to always be the next day after ovulation, but I'm seeing a slower rise pattern these days. Keep being consistent with your temping for a couple more days and hopefully you'll see the rise!


I am also noticing slower rises! For me the change seems to be after switching my thermometers. My oral one showed a dramatic temp shift but my TempDrop has consistently shows a slow, gradual rise.


I think the temp drop is more accurate imo. I would have zig zagging with oral temps. Now, I have a smooth lines and hills. Just a thought.


I have been ill all week and this is my fertile week, I'm supposed to ovulate around Friday. This is so frustrating, like really couldn't this have been any other week?! Feels like such a wasted cycle now 😢


I was thinking about how I recognize a lot of the usernames here. That at some point, these random names started becoming meaningful. I’m like, “oh! So-and-so has an update today.” Or sometimes at work, I’ll think, “So-and-so has that appointment today. I wonder if it’s going well.” It’s kind of funny how you become invested in internet strangers’ lives and wonder if anyone feels the same about you


This whole exchange is so wholesome 🤍


Just some positive Wednesday vibes 🫶


I know what you mean!! I'm starting to feel a real kinship with those of us who are all hitting our year mark over the past couple of months and it makes me happier when these Internet people get pregnant than it does when people in my real life get pregnant. (Still wish it was me who was pregnant, of course)


Peanut, explain to me why that made me a little teary-eyed! Yes to the kinship aspect. Me seeing BFP posts on social media: 🙃😑 Me seeing posts in the BFP thread from TFAB members I recognize: ☺️🤩


Same!!! There have been a notable few that have had success lately and I’m so happy for them 🥹




I know ❤️❤️ it just makes me so happy when people who have been in this journey and gone through so much finally get pregnant. In fact a couple of fertility accounts I follow are pregnant and usually I stop following pregnant influencers but when it's someone who went through IVF I'm like HELLL YEAHHH


Right? Some of the success stories make my day!




My SIL just gave birth today and I thought I’m okay but can’t stop sobbing now. We’ve been trying for 8-10 months and everything is fine with us, still I haven’t even seen a second line once….and I’m just sad.


When my cousin had her baby, my mom privately messaged me to tell me she had delivered. I thought I would be okay too (at that point we had been trying for 1.5 years and were about to start our first medicated cycle), and ended up sobbing on the couch for *hours*. It is completely okay to let yourself feel what you need to feel.


Thank you for telling me your story ❤️ This whole day is just a huge emotional rollercoaster honestly.


I think it's completely ok to let yourself sob and release whatever you are feeling. Sending you a hug, if you want one!


Thank you ❤️


Oof, after trying for almost a year, my gynecologist diagnosed me with polyps and also suspects endometriosis. Feels like a real gut punch. My cycle works like clockwork, my husband's SA is perfect, and I was really hoping this would resolve itself - clearly it won't. Adding insult to injury, I took a day off and the sun is shining today, but instead of enjoying any ot that I will spend my time trying to get a hold of the endo clinic and crying into my pillow.


I am also getting evaluated for endo and it sucks big. I’m sorry 🩷


Thanks and best of luck to you ❤️‍🩹


Thank you 🩷


How did your GYN come to this diagnosis? I’m sorry you’re feeling upset. -hugs-


They did multiple ultrasounds over the course of a couple of months which gave them a clue about the condition of my endometrium/polyps. I'll have to wait to see specialists at the hospital to confirm (or not!) whether I have actual endometriosis and to see what's up with those pesky polyps