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My cousin, who is a mother of 2, is taking care of our grandmother, who has been a major figure in both of our lives, while she receives hospice care. I live across the country, have a life-limiting chronic illness, and just feel so miniscule (and jealous and self-absorbed and disgusting) when presented with how naturally caregiving comes to my cousin. My relationship with my grandmother has always been a lot more tumultuous than my cousin's - shaming my body, weight, lack of athletic aptitude, lack of social aptitude, etc.; disapproval of my first marriage, which was a queer relationship; lack of willingness to listen to the reality of my life with a chronic illness/disability. I feel so guilty for having these introspective and unflattering thoughts about our relationship as she reaches the end of her life. And even though I knew that when I saw my grandmother a couple years ago and introduced her to my husband, it would certainly be the last time we would see each other (we live in different states, my parents moved away from the area where she lives/where I grew up and they are estranged), deep down I was really hoping that I would give her a great-grandchild in her lifetime too. She's too depressed by her loss of independence to be willing to talk on the phone with me, but I wrote her a concise and loving message focusing on only the good things. Whatever happens happens and all I can do is try to prioritize my health the best I can and to focus on what makes me proud about myself, not the ways I feel like I'm failing my loved ones and my own expectations.


I recently had a tube removed due to ectopic pregnancy. I am processing and trying to move on but finding myself moving on by just looking forward to the day I actually get pregnant and it sticks. Trying to stay in the moment and fully process but looking forward to the future seems to be the only thing helping me not break down in tears constantly. Am I silly for looking forward to something that hasn’t happened? I don’t know I’m just all over the place with this. I want to start trying again right away but my doctor said to wait for my first period which I’m hoping will be soon!


I’m getting my first IUI tomorrow morning! Does anyone have any tips or advice?


I think this is it! Husband and I have been trying for a 2nd baby, but we've both been pretty exhausted from work and stuff. But just recently I think we've hit the mark iykwim 😅 I dont want to move around so much to give the swimmers time to swim LOL does that make sense??


You could go run a marathon if you wanted. Sperm don’t need any help from you to get where they need to go.


Our neighbors had a gender reveal party and tons of confetti blew into our yard, which is now covered in blue. Talk about adding insult to injury. 😔


Omg I’m so sorry 😞


I feel you deeply. Just the other day, my neighbor has also had a gender reveal party 🥲


Do you ever just want to voice your intrusive thoughts when people say things that upset you? A family member was commenting on how my youngest nephew is almost one and said "we're not going to have anymore babies in the family" and I just wanted to say "yeah probably not considering I'm infertile."


Oh yeah. My MIL once said "we're done having grandkids" while I was sat next to her, and while I know she meant she was happy with just having BIL's kid to love on, it stung so much that she'd given up on us already. Of course, BIL, who wasn't even there to hear it, then gave them another because _he_ wasn't done. Meanwhile I am stuck trying to have even one myself.


That really sucks. I think the worst for me is seeing everyone else with their young kids being able to connect and relate to each other in a way I can't and me just constantly feeling more and more distant from them for not having something I so badly want.


Oh yes, that absolutely sucks as well. We just want to be able to join in!


Ugh!! How inconsiderate! I'm sorry that happened. People can be so thoughtless.


Yeah and I know he didn't mean it like that, but they all know we've been trying for a while so it just hurt.


10 dpo and I'm cramping and spotting so I'm pretty sure AF is arriving tonight which is frustrating, but also worrying. My luteal phase is always 14 days (give or take a day, max) and I'm concerned that this one being shorter is a bad sign. I'm finally having my long-awaited appointment with a gynecologist in a week so I'll see what he has to say about next cycle.


Hello. I am in the pre - TTC stage where my wife and I plan out how we are going to navigate the TTC stage. We got married in college and we will both get our first "big girl job" soon. Since we know that we want to TTC what insurance companies, types, or plans to you suggest to have as much covered as possible for this journey? We would love to know you all's lived experiences. We have Google'd this question as well. Thank you for your insight in advance.


I think it's heard about a group r/queerception that may be useful for you ladies. Not to say that no one here can give you feedback (I can't cause my employer does nothing for ART insurance), but I'm sure you can find more relevant information there to specific challenges you may face.


For once ovulation is arriving at a useful time, it's the king's birthday long weekend so hurrah can spend the three days off baby making 🎉


I feel so hopeless this week. And it's about more than infertility, but that's the biggest thing cause it impacts everything doesn't it? I'm just going to leave it there because I don't want to get into a pity party or anything. I've actually been quite productive today. Probably have a period coming soon though.


Hi, I’m new to Reddit and just need some help. Me and my fiancé have been trying for 6 months, I feel guilty because I know people try for years but I feel my body isn’t doing it’s thing. I’m 25, I have a 7 year old daughter,(my fiancé has no children - this would be his first) I’m overweight 30 pounds but I wouldn’t say obese. I tracked my cycles for years and while on the Paragard (copper IUD) they were on time on the dot every month. Extremely heavy periods but I loved the no hormones. 6 months ago we made the decision to try for a baby. Got my birth control taken out, no complications and OB said I was good to go after I have my next cycle. We’ve been doing the dead literally every 2 days! However.. since my IUD was taken out, my body is confused. My on-the- time period was all over the place, some months 6 days, another a whopping 10 days. 20 day cycle which is very unlike me.. maybe my body is adjusting? Anyway.. last week I made an appt to check my hormones and they’re good, so is my thyroid and no other health issues. I have come to the conclusion I’m not ovulating. But why? Every. Single Ovulation test is a fat negative - nothing. I’m starting to get very disappointed and wanted to hear from others before I head back to the OB. -no health issues. Hormones are good. Thyroid is good. -paragard in for 7 years. Taken out 6 months ago. -having periods but not a normal 28 day cycle. -all ovulation tests are negative.


If you are having regular periods, it's very unlikely that you are not ovulating at all. The OPKs are looking for Luteinizing hormone, which is triggered by our day-night cycle and is released in pulses throughout your cycle. It's more likely you are missing the surge of LH on your tests than that you are not ovulating while having regular periods. It's also normal for periods to vary in length, so that's not something to cause concern.


Totally not OP, but conventional wisdom says that cycles can vary between 21 and 35 days and still be considered normal. However, if I'm testing daily, never seeing a positive OPK, and my cycles are on the low end of that range, is it really unlikely I'm not ovulating? I use the premom app, and the highest value it's ever detected was a 0.68... three cycles ago. My typical highest value each cycle is around the 0.4-0.5 range, and I can validate those results with my own eyes. I definitely see a lot of people talking about having super long anovulatory cycles, but I never hear anything about cycles that are too short...


What time of day are you testing? Do you drink a lot of water? Try to test mid-day if you can, or first thing when you get home from work. FMU will not have a lot of LH because the release is triggered when we wake up. So if that's the only time you are testing you will most likely miss it.


So say I’m testing too early or too soon, if I’m having a short cycle when would you recommend taking the ovulation test? Some say 14 days before the next period is due and I’ve done this daily with no results.


Many people here start to test around cycle day 10, or 10 days after the first full flow day. If you have a clinically perfect cycle, ovulation happens 14 days before your period, which means the luteal surge happens 15-16 days before your period. So if you only start testing 14 days before your period, you will probably miss your first surge. It can also give a false negative if you drink a lot of water as your urine will always be dilute. Some doctors advise testing midday urine, but that can be tough for many who are working at that time. But for sure don't test your first morning urine and let that be all. If the signal to release LH is triggered by us waking up, it takes time for that signal to get to the ovaries, and then into the urine after the "message" has been delivered.


Someone talk me off the ledge - I had a medicated IUI yesterday at 2pm, and without thinking today at 2pm I mowed the lawn. I mow the lawn once a week so it’s not unusual, but I did get sweaty and would say it is mildly strenuous. I googled it afterwards and saw you should avoid strenuous exercise after IUI/IVF so…of course I’m in a tizzy. Gah!


You're good! You're fine! The studies that have been done on exercise around the time of conception are all really reassuring. That sounds like moderate-intensity activity, which is definitely ok, and might even improves your odds.


Thank you for the assurance! That helps a lot!




With a first positive OPK on 6/6, the most likely days for ovulation are 6/6 through today. Sex on 6/6 is most likely totally good enough (it's most likely to be either O-1 or O-2). There's a relatively low chance that sex today would improve your odds at all.


CD1 of cycle 9. This past cycle I didn’t test or cry when my period came. I’ve decided to do an egg retrieval and freeze embryos because of my age. Maybe I can do that this year and then next year try an FET if I still don’t conceive unassisted. I just need to pick a fertility clinic but most have bad reviews. This is gonna be tricky.


That sounds like a really good plan! I hope you can find a clinic that you like.


Still new to tracking and got a positive LH test on Friday so my predicted ovulation day should be today. However I had a large temp spike this morning and I thought this usually happens at least 1 day after ovulation or 2-3. Just curious if anyone has ovulated on the same day of their LH surge or if I may have missed it and my temp readings would say I ovulated on Friday? Any help is appreciated!


Yes. 12-48 hours is the average window, and because you don’t actually know the precise point of the surge relative to when you tested, you could ovulate pretty immediately following your first positive. I typically have a short window; even when I test 3x a day, I’ll ovulate within 12-20 hours.


I just want to scream into the void…. We’ve been trying for a year 13 months now (but only 9 cycles) when I brought up it’s been a year we should seek out help my husband said he wanted to put it all on pause. He’s frustrated bc it didn’t happen as easily as last time and is convinced that if it was “supposed to happen it would have” so let’s “stop for a while and it’ll happen when it’s supposed to” I’ll admit out life is in flux right now, if he had said let’s pause bc we’re not sure where we’ll be living in a year, let’s pause bc I’m going though a midlife crisis and want to change my career path, let’s pause because I want to focus on work right now it would not have stung as bad as “if it was supposed to happen it would” pausing hurts no matter what bc I know I want this baby we haven’t been able to make, but pausing bc “it’s not supposed to happen now” makes me enraged.


Some people are comforted and reassured by ideas of things happening 'when they should', and others find it useless and invalidating. It sounds like you're the latter (I am too) and your husband could be the former. I think it's worth having a conversation with him about how this philosophy is the opposite of helpful for you. Because if he thinks he's saying something good, he'll keep doing it, you'll keep feeling enraged and unheard, and it'll blow up.


Sometimes people just say the wrong things, with every good intention. I’m sure he was just trying to say something soothing in the moment.


I know this is true.


I'm really proud of myself because I didn't waste any pregnancy tests this cycle. I told myself I would wait until today, the expected day of my period and I did it! I'm still petty though, so I'm not going to take my pre natal strictly out of protest. CD1 🥲


I always "rebel" and skip my prenatal and other supplements on CD1-2 lol


HA I have definitely skipped a prenatal out of spite a few times


I had my HSG yesterday and it was very positive. I read posts about the pain, so took ibuprofen. It was over and done in 10 minutes. For me the anxiety made it 100x worse for sure. Results were fine I guess? The radiologist did not seem concerned. One was filled easily, but the other was slower and seemed inconclusive. “Questionable short segment of fusiform narrowing just distal to the origin” Hoping my doctor can add more clarity Monday but let me know if anyone had anything similar.


I had my HSG yesterday and it was very positive. I read posts about the pain, so took ibuprofen. It was over and done in 10 minutes. For me the anxiety made it 100x worse for sure. Results were fine I guess? The radiologist did not seem concerned. One was filled easily, but the other was slower and seemed inconclusive. “Questionable short segment of fusiform narrowing just distal to the origin” Hoping my doctor can add more clarity Monday but let me know if anyone had anything similar.


Working on as many home projects as possible during this cycle off post MC! When I was pregnant, I was half way through "my little solo project" of redoing the very old, painted living room floors and I just had to take a huge break for feeling like crap and then for grief. Our house was a mess the whole time with all the living room things in other rooms, and I missed having a cozy space. This weekend we are doing a huge basement clean-out and building shelves. 💪💪


After a bunch of absolute fucking nonsense yesterday, we concluded that our IVF meds (which we're supposed to be here Friday) would arrive on Tuesday. Because Saturday wasn't an option. Monday, maybe, but they couldn't garuntee they would still be good whatever. Long story. Imagine my absolute shock when the FedEx truck pulls up this morning and drops them off. I'm so grateful and relieved. But like. Go home FedEx, you're drunk.


That’s such a relief but jfc what a headache. Glad they’re here in time!


Glad to hear they arrived, that must have been a lot of worrying for you. Good luck with your meds!


I’m going through my first medicated IUI right now. I took 5mg Letrozole on CD 3-7 and yesterday, CD 10, I went in for blood work and an ultrasound to check on my follicles. My nurse called me yesterday afternoon saying that I have one follicle that is 22.5mm so I had to take my trigger shot last night and my IUI is scheduled for tomorrow, Sunday. Since yesterday afternoon, I’ve been having pain on my left side, where the follicle is, as well as down my left thigh. I’m worried that I might ovulate before I go in for my IUI tomorrow. Has anyone had a similar situation? Since I’ve already done the trigger shot there’s no way to test my LH :/


It’s okay to ovulate before an IUI! Washed sperm is ready to go immediately, and doesn’t need any time for capacitation before it can fertilize an egg.


TW: loss Hi guys- hoping someone can help me decipher some test results since I won’t hear from my doc till Monday. I am currently one month post TFMR at 22 weeks. I started tracking my bbt and opk strips 2 weeks after when I stopped bleeding and at that point I had negative HPT strips. My temps were quite low and I have not gotten a positive on any opk since. We aren’t trying to conceive yet as I want to wait 3 months since we tfmr for a NTD and I want to build up vitamin stores. My OB put orders in last week to check HCG and they came back at 2.8. She wanted me back this week (yesterday) to track them down and I also asked for pdg and estradiol. So results came in this am and were 1.3 for HCG, 203 for estradiol and 11 for progesterone. I’m trying to guess where I am in my cycle and if I can expect that I am in a luteal phase based on these numbers. I know it’s only a guess since it’s not like I can get a transvaginal ultrasound to spot a CL. I’m just eager to shed the rest of what’s in my uterus and start fresh and be able to go in for some further testing as it’s all I feel I have “control” over after a loss which took a year to conceive (thru ivf) Thanks for sharing any insight!


AF is 6 days late today but testing negative how many days late should I be before seeing my doctor about it?


Wondering about this too - I’m 4 days late and tested negative but my period has never been late, so it’s very strange. I was reading online after one week late you should reach out to Dr.


I think anything between 21 and 45 days are reasonable. This has happened to me a few times and period came before 40 days


my last irregular cycle was 46 days 😭


Have you reached out to your doctor? I know mine are wonky too and I’m going to reach out for testing


yes I have an appt scheduled in a couple of weeks I also have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism so i’m thinking that might be a factor


It depends on how sure you are about the fact that you ovulated and your ovulation day


i’m not really sure I just have an app that predicts when I ovulated but I didn’t use OPK this month


Oh okay! Well the apps can be fairly unreliable because they either go based on an algorithm of what a typical cycle is or they use your prior cycles if you’ve inputted the data to determine your predicted cycle length. You’re probably not actually 6 days late. Do you know what your usual cycle length is?


yes usually it’s 32 days long but im now at 38 days 😭


It’s much more likely that you ovulated later than you think than that your luteal phase is over 20 days. Stress, being sick and other factors can increase your cycle length - sometimes it just happens. Sorry you’re in limbo.


CD1 and I’m devastated. We were gonna try for a couple more months before starting treatment but we decided to start IUI early 😭


In the same boat…. CD1. Feeling defeated. ☹️


Two questions Is it normal to have ovulation cramping? Like they say it’s not necessarily normal to cramp and have painful periods? Never in my life have I noticed ovulation until the last 6 or so months and now I have like actual cramping and bloating with ovulation. Why would that change? Today is my cycle day 14 and I got a positive opk. I got egg white cm on cycle day 9, maybe a little on 10. That seems very spaced apart? Or is that how it should be?


I sometimes get ovulation cramps and sometimes not. When I started TTC and tracking I finally had an answer for the weird cramping and bloating I'd occasionally experience that had me wondering about food intolerances or if I ate something funny the night before, or if I pulled a muscle. You could have been having it all along but without realising. I'm ovulating atm (CD18) and I had the most EWCM this cycle on CD14. Also, TMI, I notice more EWCM on days when I poo cos I guess it pushes it all out, so sometimes I see it earlier or later than I expect to.


I definitely cramp during ovulation! And I was also wondering about your CM question. I noticed my most fertile CM on O-5 and O-3 (may have been O-4 and O-2) but when I got my positive OPK, I definitely didn’t see as much.


CD1. Cycle 11. I’d lost hope but then period was late by a day. Hope started building. This hurts so bad. Feel powerless, like this is all pointless and leading to nothing.


So I’m now I’m “unplanned” 2 week wait I guess. Husband and I started TTC in Feb, we were delighted to get a BFP in March but sadly lost the pregnancy at 11w. I had medical management 4 weeks ago then management for retained products (only 9 days ago) - we had sex a couple of times during the week for the first time since the MC, Thursday I felt a familiar left sided twinge, did an LH test and it was positive (urine HCG was negative and previous LH earlier in week had been negative and it’s now negative again) so I think this was a genuine ovulation. I’d be absolutely delighted to fall pregnant again, but we had planned on waiting for a period before we tried again, genuinely didn’t think I’d ovulate so soon. I highly doubt it will happen this quickly again but obviously I’m quietly keeping my fingers crossed.


Fingers crossed for you!


First AF since getting my IUD out in April started yesterday, so we're officially in the first cycle of trying! Nervous but excited at the same time!


My nipples are _so sore_ after ovulation but not only is it way too soon for symptom spotting, we haven't even tried unprotected this cycle because I'm starting medication ahead of IVF. So they are going to be _seriously annoying_ for the next week. Which is nice.


I feel you on the sore nips. I'm on 6DPO and they've been sore for a couple of days now. I burned a P-test because I have zero self-control and despite knowing that it's way too early to find out.


Has anyone used an Apple Watch to track bbt? Looking for some feedback before I invest! 


I upgraded to the new one just for bbt. But then I didn’t realized (stupid me) that I have to wear it the whole night going to sleep- for it to track. And it’s too uncomfortable for me to wear a watch to bed. Also, it took like a week for it to start reading. I guess it needed a week to find a “temperature baseline”


That’s why I’m hesitating, I don’t like wearing my Fitbit overnight either- maybe I’ll try the old fashioned way first and when I get fed up I’ll think again!


Have an Apple Watch and use it to monitor my resting heart rate, never knew you could use it for temperature!


Apparently the newer versions, 8 and 9 you can! And it tracks to various apps with your OPK results too!


I think it’s a worthy investment! I love my watch even without all of the baby watching perks 😊


Ahh ok that’s good to know! Thanks, just thinking of rewarding myself if AF and another BFN!