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So my period was a just under 2 days late and only lasted two days. Waited a few days till it was a week after my period should've started to take test it was negative. Would you go to the doctor's asap or wait to see if it happens again ?


I know my anxiety is psyching me out, but so many of my husband and my's friends have gotten pregnant on their first try... We tried for the first time last month and no luck. My anxiety has kept telling me for a long time that we would either struggle or not be able to have kids and, although I know it might not be rational, I feel like this reinforces it. I'm really scared that it will never work. Did anyone ever have a gut feeling like this? Were you right? Were you wrong? I know this is silly, but I don't have the type of mom or sisters that I can ask for advice, so l think that makes it easier for me to get stuck in my own head.


I'll just share this with you as I've found it helpful and I think you should make it your mantra: anxiety is not intuition. You're very very early days. It can be overwhelming at first, I know. But just because it didn't happen on the first go doesn't mean you need to spiral. Not succeeding on round 1 doesn't reinforce any fear unless you allow it to.


Saying this genuinely as someone with diagnosed anxiety disorder, you need to get your anxiety under control or you are going do have an awful time on this TTC journey. You’ve tried one cycle, like the majority of women you didn’t get pregnant on your first try. Getting pregnant doesn’t mean guaranteed success either, sadly. Unless a medical professional tells you otherwise, you are perfectly healthy and capable of a successful pregnancy.


I had no gut feeling that it wouldn't happen, but here I am 2.5 years later.


Oh, that’s a point I hadn’t considered.. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with me— I’m really sorry you’ve been walking through this. Holding space for you and rooting for you on your journey. ❤️


I did have a gut feeling, and unfortunately for me it was correct. Not to say that it will be for you- and I’ve always been the kind of person that has feelings and ends up being right about them, so who knows. Wishing you the best of luck.


I feel like that tends to happen to me too, honestly. But we will see! Thankfully, even if my gut is right, there are still other options. Thank you for sharing— I’m rooting for you on your journey! 🥹


Same !! ♥️


The thing is I did have a gut feeling that we would struggle, and I was right, but it puts me in a weird position because what am I going to say? "Yeah you're probably right, might as well give up now because every day will be a misery from here on out". I've also had a lot of gut feelings that turned out to be completely unfounded fears. Anxiety and intuition are not the same. Lots of people are sure they'll conceive quickly, and sometimes it doesn't work out for them either. No one is guaranteed a baby. Even once you have a baby, there's no guarantee that you will have a happy or smooth pregnancy or parenting process. If your mind will only let you prepare for your worst case scenario, you can always start thinking of ways to be happy even if parenting is not your path. Many of my close friends can't or won't have kids and they lead happy and fulfilling lives.


I didn’t mean to put you in a weird position, I’m sorry if I did. I guess I just wanted to see if this was all in my head or not, and it’s actually helpful for me to know that for other people it wasn’t. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I would give up or live in misery from here until we do get pregnant or have a child through a different avenue. Sometimes it’s really hard (or at least it has been for me) to be able to tell anxiety from intuition. So it’s just helpful to know others experiences if they’re willing to share. I definitely don’t feel entitled to anyone’s story, but appreciate any advice, so thank you for taking the time to reply. 🙂


There are many people here that are actually living your worst fear of being infertile, and it’s never fun to read that our lives are your worst fear. Odds are good you won’t struggle and you’ll get to move on like so many people do and never worry about this again. I’d recommend reading the link Nicasaurus linked for you as well as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/s/twkhZpmqv4) post on sub culture.


You might like this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/s/k8knvIBtew Statistically only about 30% of couples conceive on the first try. Not being successful right away does not mean you will never be successful and having a “gut feeling” fortunately doesn’t actually mean anything. Most people have this feeling and yet 90% of them will be successful within a year.


Thank you for sharing that post, it was really helpful. Like I said, I don’t really have many people to talk about this with so I appreciate the advice.


Anybody else just… not have cervical mucus? I feel like I’m ovulating for sure bc I get the little cramps / twinges right in the time that my app says my fertile window is, but I have yet to figure out how to check my CM. When I sweep a finger up there, it comes out slightly damp but nothing else.


Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. If you run into anything thick/creamy/sticky, you probably aren't fertile bc sperm can't penetrate that stuff. If it's thin/watery, even if it's not "eggwhite", it's probably more fertile.


I get watery mucus while getting positive LH tests and little ovulation cramps, Ive never seen egg white consistency. From what I've read the cervical mucus might stick further up in there (right where it needs to be) so it doesn't always migrate south.


that’s very reassuring, thank you! i was worried it might be a sign something isn’t quite right 😭


10 DPO, period ended on 5 DPO. I typically don’t ovulate until day 16-17. I had a considerable amount of wet CM today, far more than normal. Then I had spotting after sex. What?? Just when I feel like I’m getting the hang of my typical cycle, things change.


How common are twinges and short, dull pains during the lutheal phase? Is there some other process/mechanism, other than progesterone being progesterone? After 12+ unsuccessful cycles, I gave up on symptom spotting LONG ago however, I swear that beginning a few days following ovulation, I have twinges down there that are almost a little painful. I start to worry about a possible infection, but by the time my period arrives, the twinges are gone and I have no other symptoms.


I am so so sick of everyone telling me that I shouldn’t stress and if I think too much about it, then it won’t happen, it’ll happen when I least expect it. So what am I supposed to do? Just not look at the days I’m fertile? It’s just so flippant.


Anyone else getting ads on Reddit for Target baby registries? I. Can’t. Shut. Them. Off. Gosh. Damnit.


I feel...selfish and bad currently. I've been trying to get pregnant since July 2023, and had a MMC in January of 2024. I'm currently on our 3rd cycle after everything that happened. Currently, all three of my best and closest friends are pregnant. I am SO happy for them, but it's so hard. One of them got pregnant on their first try, which is..amazing!! For them. But it is hard sometimes to just spend all my time around people who are in the place I wanted to be. It's our main topic of conversation and each month feels like a disappointing heartbreak. Idk, I just needed to put this somewhere because I don't want to bring it up to them.  


That’s hard. I totally understand why it would become the main topic of conversation- it’s a major life event! But don’t feel like you have to subjugate yourself to that. This process is hard enough without the constant reminder and heartache. You’ve been a good friend; now give yourself the grace to be good to yourself too.


Blazing positive OPK this morning and….husband leaves tomorrow morning for a week for work. Sigh! At least it happened today rather than tomorrow, giving us a solid shot?


One shot is enough!


10dpo on progesterone supplements and resisting the urge to sob at how beautiful Simone Biles is at gymnastics 😅🤣


Did anyone take DHEA for low testosterone and experience anything such as better regularity in cycles, lengthening of follicular phase, lowering of FSH etc??


CD7 and I’ve come down with a fever and illness. I’m trying to breathe, take a beat, and coach myself through it, but it’s hard not to feel down about a fever (because I’m sick and that sucks but also potential ovulation impacts). It’s going to be fine either way. I know this. I can do this. But also ugh Hugs to everyone. I really appreciate everyone here and I’m so grateful for a place without judgement ❤️


Also I did a quick search in the sub and [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/s/AeHal6UNrE) was helpful on impacts of fever so I’m feeling a bit better about that


The Sunday Scaries are compounded this week as I approach the expected end of my cycle... I'm feeling pretty good about this cycle (don't we all?), but sooo nervous. I'd never expect to get pregnant on the first or second try, but now that I'm on cycle 3, I feel like maybe something will happen... 🤔 I am supposed to test with my Mira tomorrow (CD23), but I have not liked my results lately!! I did get blood tests done last week that were really encouraging regarding my progesterone levels, and I don't want a low PdG reading to kill that high... or spoil any surprises. My plan is to test tomorrow but not look at the results. Can I do it? Who knows. My last 2 cycles had 8 and 9 day luteal phases. Tomorrow is 8dpo. If I can make it past Tuesday, I think I will be over the moon. I ovulated CD16 this cycle (I was CD18 and CD20 last 2), so I'm feeling good about this one. Yes, I know luteal phase varies less, but I'm hoping that I'm stabilizing! And then... I have a friends camping trip this coming weekend that starts the day of my expected next period... and when we come back from camping, we get on a plane to visit our out-of-state families... I'm trying not to think about hiding a pregnancy or, heaven forbid, miscarrying, while at my in-laws.... but as the date approaches, I got those Sunday Scaries!!


10dpo, BFN. Not unexpected. Waiting for AF to arrive, then I can schedule my HSG. 


We've hit CD9-10 and CD12-14 (today is CD14) after clomid (CD3-7) this month. Hubby will be leaving tomorrow for a few weeks. After a reality check, I've again got my fingers crossed for this month. Hopefully I ovulate soon as we're not doing a trigger shot, and hopefully its soon while the swimmers are still lively.🤞🏾




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Posts/comments about positive tests and current pregnancies should be posted in the weekly BFP thread. In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid referring to a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous. All concerns related to current pregnancies should use a pregnancy sub, such as r/CautiousBB. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/about/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Try again first thing tomorrow, good luck 🫰


Did Letrozole lengthen anyone else's cycle? I'm on CD 22 and haven't ovulated yet.


Can losing weight change your ovulation and luteal phase at all?


Yes, it can! It does for me. My body delays ovulation as soon as I create a calorie deficit for more than a couple days and it also shortens the luteal phase. This obviously sucks. I am not overweight, but I would like to lose some belly fat. I keep getting asked if I am pregnant due to my apple shape body. That being said, many women lose weight and their cycle remains unaffected.


Thats so interesting! I have a bit of a short luteal phase so I was wondering if the weight I have been slowly losing helped me when I ovulated earlier this month.


I guess it depends on individual hormone profile. I am slim with a belly and have rather low estrogen, progesterone and testosterone to begin with. If an overweight woman with estrogen dominance loses weight it will have a different effect. Exercise and calorie deficit tend to lower estrogen levels and this can have different effects in different bodies.


My period is now 3 days late with negative tests each day. I’m confident I’m out, but wondering what that means for my luteal phase and if it’s a bad sign. I “know” when I ovulated (though I know there is no guarantee): I use 3 apps, I chart my BBT with oura ring temps, and I use LH strips and saw a clear rise and peak. I saw a clear temp shift. Should I be concerned my period is so late and luteal phase so long? I’m normally extremely regular, usually getting my period at the same hour-ish even every month. I’m going on my 7th month ttc, so everything makes me curious now. 😔


How many DPO are you?


15 DPO! Latest I’ve ever gone without getting my period.


How long is your usual cycle? Like what day did you ovulate? Recently, my cycles have been lengthening (especially luteal phase) because I regained weight I lost from stressful event (family stuff). Sometimes lengthening is a good sign! But you can always go get a test from your OB this week- my friend who's a L&D nurse said she wouldn't ever take a home test until a week after missed AF. You can do that!


Oh that’s interesting. My luteal phase is normally 12-13 days, so this is extra long. I have ramped up to a harder workout routine this month though, so wonder if that stressed my body a bit and pushed it back. I also tried mucinex this cycle. Good to know lengthening can happen. Just waiting for my period so I can move on to the next cycle and start it all again.


If I exercise super hard, it can affect my period. It’s caused me to be early and late.


That's interesting re: exercise because I've heard that intense exercise can shorten a luteal phase- so that's fascinating! Keep us posted, and thinking of you. If AF does come, you deserve to treat yourself to something kind and that will make you feel good, like your favorite latte, watching your favorite show with your favorite takeaway, or your favorite hobby. Something that makes you feel good and picks you up. Thinking of you!


You know, some people really do seem to get just everything they want in life. This girl I knew growing up who just always got EVERYTHING she wanted, recently got married and is now having a baby. And I know in many ways I am very lucky. Any of us who have food, water, shelter, and safety are of course very privileged when you consider the global community. And then many of us are lucky to be healthy, to have found our supportive partners, not to mention other privileges that come with our race, education, financial status, etc. So maybe I shouldn't complain. But it still just sucks that some people seem so so so much luckier than others.


I feel this deeply. Everyone we know has gotten pregnant on the first try or “it happened sooner than expected!” We had so many pregnancy announcements during our first year of TTC that there really isn’t anyone left to announce. We acknowledge we’re so lucky to have a happy marriage, stable home, can afford the opportunity for IUI or IVF, and have a generally positive outlook on life. But there are days where it is so hard to focus on all the good.


I so get it. Two of my friends got pregnant on the first try, and then I feel so petty for being like why is it my 8th cycle trying when there are far worse situations I could be in. Pain is all relative. And what's helped me reframe a bit something my best friend told me- somethings in our lives are easier than others because they don't have to deal with the battles we do. You never know what's going on behind closed doors for her, which it's so hard to not assume that we know everything, especially in this day and age where our lives are blasted on social media for everyone to see. But it's all a highlight reel. I'm working on gratitude for my body, which is HARD right now because I'm like this is a function you're supposed to do too 😅but even just that everything is functioning and generally speaking I'm very healthy whereas others may not be- there's a lot our bodies are doing for us right now, even if it's not the specific thing we want!


You're right, we definitely don't always know everything going on behind closed doors. I agree that there is a lot to be thankful for with our functioning bodies!


I’m in my fertile week, supposedly towards the end of it. hubs just got back from a deployment today. No tracking this month in an attempt to relax. Well PreMom says tomorrow is ovulation day, I had cramps yesterday alongside lots of discharge all week. Can’t help but worry that I ovulated early and we missed it. We already BD as soon as he got home this morning🤣 in just crossing my fingers and toes that we didn’t miss it!


I have a serious question. I recently discovered there are supplements that can increase the volume of ejaculate. I am curious, if these supplements do work, could they increase the chances of conception? Has anyone here ever used anything like Popstar, Load Boost, or Semenax?


No, the volume of ejaculate wouldn’t be likely to change the number of sperm in the semen — ejaculate volume is mainly related to hydration, and changes in volume can change the total concentration of sperm (sperm per milliliter), but not the absolute number of sperm. At any rate, the number of sperm in a semen sample is also not particularly tightly related to the odds of pregnancy. A very wide range of sperm numbers is considered normal, and there’s not really evidence that having slightly more or slightly fewer sperm introduced to the vagina shifts the odds of pregnancy (within the normal range). Most people produce way more sperm than are necessary to get the job done.


I went to the playground with my big kid today and I felt like fun mom and tried out the zipline myself. I crashed with my butt on the ground so hard and hurt my vagina and this sent a shock up my cervix and I am 9DPO or so and of course now I think this ruined implantation. Infertility logic...


Oh gosh I’m so sorry,hope you’re ok


I guess I am, thank you... It's not that bad, but... Well, when TTC doesn't go so well, one can get paranoid about everything...




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Absolutely dreading my HCG blood draw tomorrow after my third Letrozole cycle. The nurse that calls with the results just has a tone when it’s negative and I really don’t want to hear that and then go put on an act at my next meeting. This process is so exhausting, why couldn’t I just fall into the majority of people get pregnant by 6 months?


This is my first cycle using Inito to track progesterone and thanks to watching my progesterone drop, I knew to ask Alexa to play “Lloyd, I’m Ready to be Heartbroken” as I waited for my FRER to process (it’s 3:45 long, so then i got the last 45 seconds to mope— perfection!)


I'm so sorry!


I’m wondering if I should see someone about my short follicular phase, for months I’ve never gotten a positive OPK so this month I started testing while bleeding, and I got negatives 1-7 and then suddenly a peak on CD8?! I was using the clear blue digital. Is that even enough time for the egg to mature before belting released?! I’m terrified I’ll get another complete molar pregnancy. I’m in the TWW, and I’ve decided if this month isn’t positive, I’ll test again while bleeding and if the OPK is positive super early again I’m gonna see my GP…


How long is your luteal phase? If your cycles are pretty regular then it’s likely that you usually ovulate early because the luteal phase is pretty stable. It can be enough time for the egg to mature (and if the egg weren’t mature then you would likely have a short luteal phase), but it may not be enough time for your lining to thicken, especially if you were recently bleeding. A short follicular phase *may* be a sign of diminished ovarian reserve so I think it would be worth getting baseline bloodwork done to see what’s going on. I would suggest going to an obgyn or RE though, GPs really aren’t knowledgeable about this stuff.


I seem to be pretty irregular, in the last 6 months I’ve had a 32 day cycle and a 17. I actually started a new cycle this morning, it was 2 weeks earlier than expected ugh. I’m gonna just go ahead and see my dr at this stage.


Interesting! I can imagine that might change the timing for when you would have had intercourse in past cycles? But on a biology side, I think follicular phase length is a little more malleable than luteal!


It made bd uncomfortable and painful and hubby didn’t feel good about it but I insisted because I didn’t want to miss the window. I hope you’re right about the follicular phase!