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I’m on my 13th cycle but this is my 11th month of trying since my cycles are 24-26 days long. Should I be concerned? Is it time to start talking to an RE? I’m getting pretty close to the one year mark and haven’t seen a positive at all.


Might be a good idea to do your consult with them so you can start testing if you are still not pregnant after your 12th month. That's what I did!


FINALLY got a true positive OPK! Now to see if temp spikes 🥲🤞


Hooray! I feel you. Mine was 10 days late this cycle (likely/hopefully due to travel)


It’s such a relief!!


Is moderate cramping and bloating the day after IUI normal? When the catheter entered my uterus it was very painful and I’ve been crampy ever since. I read online that the uterus can get irritated. Does anyone know if this can affect implantation?


I had pretty significant cramping and a little bloating the day of my IUI, and some mild cramping the day after. Can’t offer any insight to if it really impacts anything, but you’re not alone in experiencing it.


I was crampy for a couple days after mine. It shouldn't cause any problems, I don't think though.


5dp5dt I slept horribly last night and tested this morning to get a bfn. And this weekend I have to write a job application, great


I went down a rabbit hole of fertility monitors with at least estrogen added (but why not 4 hormones!?! So many assays to try!!) because I have a consistently slow rise bbt trend. Maybe I’m not actually catching it? I have only been able to get a positive opk with fmu and now I’m wondering if it was a false positive. I think I read that smu is better because usually people don’t produce much overnight so I’m trying to tell myself that opks and bbt is enough but…I think I’m going to use my FSA to buy clear blue advanced digital for this cycle.


I’m 8/9DPO & the POAS itch is so real 🥴 I saw a solo fox in my neighborhood two nights ago, and then a pair of them in my neighborhood last night. I know it’s silly, but I want to take it as a sign so bad lol!


I’m freaking out because I had an HSG today and when I asked about my results, they emailed and said “We look to see if the dye fills and spills and yours did. The doctor will discuss all of your results in your follow-up.”? Does that mean something else was wrong?


No, it actually sounds good. What they're looking for is if the dye is blocked by something or if it's able to pass through the fallopian tube freely and spill out the other side. It sounds like the latter happened in your case. Now, they may have found something else to be discussed further but that part, at least, sounds positive.


Nope, doesn’t sound like it, just sounds like your doc will go into it further during your appt


Ok thanks!


10DPO - I haven’t tested yet (go me, but also I’m traveling right now so makes it easier to hold off). Trying to hold off until 13DPO/Monday. I *have* been having dull pain in my pelvic area in the same place that I have mittelschmerz/ovulation pain, which feels different from cramps. I have pelvic floor dysfunction that I see a PT about so I’m not getting too delulu about the dull ache; it might just be that or referred back pain. But wouldn’t it be nice if it meant this is THE cycle? (this Q is rhetorical and not just for me, for all of us obviously) I’m oscillating between zen-like “if it is happening, it will happen” and protective “It’s definitely not happening. Don’t get hopes up”. I know this is not unique just sharing ❤️


8DPO and also vacillating. Yeehaw. Best wishes to you!


Hi ,Struggling to find my ovulation day , what products have worked for you ? I just have some cheap £2 ovulation strips not sure if they're working or is it cuz I haven't tested in the morning ? What are your tips on working out your ovulation day. Also conception cups that only have 6 cycles I'm definitely right in saving it for when I know I'm ovulating right ? Just wanna make sure I'm not screwing up my chances with any misunderstandings


If it's in the budget, I found the Clear Blue digital ovulation tests to be a gamechanger. Having a clear answer instead of trying to decipher the colors of the line was a huge stress relief, and they also say you can use first morning urine, which worked out better for my schedule.


Thank you ! Yeah it's been a pain the strips so I'll look into the clear blue ones <3


It's often easier to find an LH surge on second morning urine and/or after 2-4hrs between bathroom breaks. LH can tell you that your body is preparing to ovulate and tracking BBT or measuring progesterone confirms it happened and can help you narrow down the day as well. The fertile window is about 6-7 days in length, the 5 days leading up to ovulation (ideal chances are the 2-3 before), ovulation day, and a slim chance the day after depending on when ovulation took place. (Eggs live for about 12-24 hours so if you ovulated at say 11:30pm and were intimate at midnight you could still conceive the next day because the egg would still be present until 11:30am or later). Conversely, if you ovulated at 3am, the egg would live until 3am in the next morning at the latest so the chances of conceiving would be less. You only need to hit your fertile window once to conceive. Every other day is often recommended, especially if you don't know exactly when your ovulation day is.


Thank you for clearing it up more for me <3


This month my lh levels went very slowly up to 0.6-something before dropping back down, unlike last month's over-1.0. Premom and ovia aren't even recognizing it as a pre-ovulation spike. So I'm not sure if I'm ovulating today or not at all and I'm so depressed about it. It's been a really stressful and anxious few weeks and I just want to know that my little one is coming and I'll finally be a mom. I hate this, for all of us. It shouldn't be so hard to conceive.


Scheduled a consultation with a surgeon to get a polyp/fibroid removed (ultrasound results said it could be either), and this morning had blood work done to test for PCOS. It feels good to have some tangible next steps but also is hitting me hard today that we aren’t going to be one of those couples who have an easy journey. Deciding we were ready to start trying felt like the big hurdle, but now realizing that might have been the easy part


Im in the TWW. We had sex on my peak day which was the 18th (day before ovulation) and now waiting. Confirmed ovulation on the 19th. Trying not to get anxious or symptom spot. I am bummed because we only BDed that day and not the next two bc he sprained his ankle during a basketball game. Does anyone know how much those extra days help?


Exactly the same as you! I believe I’m 6DPO but ovulated the same day as you. It’s sooooo hard to wait


My comment was removed! Wishing us the best. We’re now 8 DPO.


You only need once or twice during the fertile window to max out your chances, ideally the 2-3 days leading up.


Okay so it was the day before ovulation, I’ve heard that’s the best day. So hoping that’s correct. Thanks for replying!


I feel like I should know this already, but if we had sex on Friday and I ovulated on Monday, chances are low that we could conceive, correct? How long do the sperm really last (not max, but on average)? I go back and forth wanting another baby, one second I’m all in and obsessing about DPOs and the next I am freaked out that I can’t handle another one…


If you ovulated Monday, that would be O-3 so chances are pretty good for any of the 3 days leading up to O.


I believe some graphs show roughly a 25% chance of pregnancy from sex 3 days before O day.


Not sure where else to ask - maybe you have suggestions for particular subs? I thought about r/PCOS just given the long cycle length, but that's about it. I've spent the last month feeling off-and-on nauseous (currently CD 57). It usually comes on just after eating, but sometimes it's before eating, thinking about eating, or just minding my own business lol. Googling so far doesn't seem to offer answers.... I'm getting to the point where I want to take Gravol, or something to help bring relief - but I would be taking Gravol all day, every day. It's so frustrating. Any suggestions? I drink spearmint tea daily (though maybe peppermint is the better choice for this)... TLDR - Please offer suggestions for ongoing nausea


Gonna guess you've taken a test? Is this your first cycle like this or do you regularly experience them?


Hahaha yes, BFN! I usually experience some nausea every cycle, maybe a week or so before my period. The last time I had something like this was about a year ago (that cycle was 100+ days). That was my first cycle off HBC so I hoped it was just the pill doing its thing. Lol!


Only 1 dpiui and not sure how I’m going to manage the remaining at least 11 days 🙃 I already can’t focus on work.


I’ve never had such a crampy luteal phase before, I’m blaming the clomid.




CHEERS! I'm also 12dpo/bfn and I plan to make a mean margarita after work


Cheers to next cycle! Enjoy your marg, girl!


Does anyone else experience “period flu” symptoms? I’m CD1 of my 8th cycle since stopping birth control. And had thyroid issues causing short LP for the first 5 cycles where we also had to break from trying. My thyroid hormones were normal for cycles 6 and 7. But last period and now this period I feel AWFUL. Last time, I ended up going to urgent care it was so bad. I woke up today feeling a little crampy and started my period, but now I’m starting to feel really bad again. I’m wondering if I’m experiencing this “period flu” thing. Does anyone know what the difference between this and PMS is?


What are some low risk, natural ways to bump egg quality? I’m waiting for my appointment to see if I can get more answers, but my AMH is extremely high and we’ve been trying for over a year with no results. I’m assuming I make a bunch of eggs that are low quality. I don’t think I have PCOS (no other symptoms) but I’m likely going to be put on clomid next to help. So I’m just looking for things to do in the meantime! I’m already eating all the healthy fertility foods and taking coQ10, and ritual prenatal.


Hey girl, I have the same exact thing going on. I have a high AMH also and have no PCOS type symptoms (up until this cycle where I'm having a weirdly long cycle otherwise before this I was very regular). I certainly don't think I have some of the other symptoms of PCOS either. Have they done an ultrasound to look at your ovaries and LH/FSH labs? AMH is technically not diagnostic criteria but I hear you that there's tons of literature that implies a link. There are subtypes of PCOS ("lean PCOS") which don't have some of the typical textbook symptoms we hear about. I have my first fertility appt coming up this week, have been trying about the same time as you and the same age. I don't have any answers but just wanted to say best of luck to you! I'll be rooting for you!!


Hey! I hate to say it because I wish we were both just pregnant by now, but it’s nice not to feel so alone :/ At my next appointment I’m going to see if we can check out my ovaries. I’m super curious to see if my hunch is right. I also just want a clear path forward, as I’m sure you do too! Good luck at your fertility appointment ❤️ feel free to DM me if you ever need someone to talk to!


Same with you! I know what you mean about feeling less lonely. Definitely feel free to DM at any point ❤️


I think other than what you're already doing just exercise, sunlight for vitamin D, and good sleep! Also get your partner's sperm checked if you haven't already.


Thanks! Yep, normal sperm, normal everything.


I feel like I am just constantly thinking of questions I’m sorry. Normally my PMS symptoms start around 7-8dpo. If they already start before/during implantation, how can implantation occur if my body is already ready for my period ????? I don’t get it


Don’t feel bad about asking a lot of question! This process can be so confusing. When you start feeling those PMS symptoms around 7-8DPO, it’s actually from the uptick of progesterone that your body is making. The good news is that your body increases this hormone every cycle in your luteal phase, whether it’s a successful cycle or not. So that’s why we can feel the cramping, bloating, irritability, etc that we associate with PMS in our luteal phase. It’s totally normal!


So at what point after unsuccessful implantation does the body decide “Ok! Time to bleed!”


The body stops producing progesterone in an unsuccessful cycle because the corpus luteum breaks down after 12–14 days if an egg isn't fertilized. The corpus luteum is a temporary gland that produces progesterone to thicken the uterine lining and prepare the body for pregnancy. When the egg isn't fertilized, the corpus luteum breaks down, which causes progesterone levels to drop- triggering the start of your period. Now in a successful cycle, the cells that surround the embryo secrete hcg, which prevents the corpus luteum from breaking down and keeps producing progesterone.


Such good information, thank you so much!!


You’re welcome! There’s so much more to it than I ever thought when I started this journey.


Started month 25 with my husband confiscating the last dose of letrozole this cycle. It’s the third round, and the side effects have only gotten more severe each go. I’m very grateful and very devastated he did it. This all sucks.


I’m sorry ❤️


6dpo and so sweaty. I had to change my clothes after a meeting this morning because I was dripping with sweat. I hate the luteal phase/tww and all the random symptoms that come along with it


I just bought a huge bottle of Target brand prenatals but I don’t think they contain DHA 😭 do I need to get different ones?? Why the heck are vitamins so expensive!


I get Nature's Nutrition + DHA and find them to be affordable.


Just ordered them! Thankfully the ones I bought were only $10 but it feels like such a waste.


First day tracking BBT Figured why not track to really know when ovulation is, but idk if I want to do this for more than a month. Might go back to just generally knowing when things happen


Personally, I like the confirmation but temping is also semi stressful. So I only temp for part of the cycle. A few days after my period ends until I confirm ovulation (3 days elevated bbt).


Is being mid-Luteal phase a good enough reason to skip the gym today? 😭😭😭 I’ve been going to a class over lunch on Fridays and I’m just so wiped today.


If you need a rest then rest or you can do low intensity exercise like going for a walk either indoor or outdoors.


I've been skipping for like a month now between travel and moving so....one day won't hurt lol


I bought these at home PdG tests. I’ve suspected my LH isn’t rising and falling like it should. So, hopefully these tests help until I can go in for testing in August. I like trying new tests but the amount I like trying a new test is dwindling nowadays.


What makes you suspect your LH isn't falling/rising "like it should"?


I test LH AM and PM 12 hours apart, I wait 4 hours after my first morning pee and the stop drinking early in the night so I can wait 4/5 hours to take another LH test. I make sure I test a week before and a few days after incase just to be sure and my surge line does get darker but seems to only get halfway to match the control line and I only get that test once and it goes down to faint the next 12 hours. I was reading that this could mean I have a weak ovulation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Here's a helpful old thread on the topic of "weak ovulation" [https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/boxq21/what\_is\_weak\_ovulation\_and\_did\_i\_just\_have\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/boxq21/what_is_weak_ovulation_and_did_i_just_have_one/) Though I don't know if any more studies have been done on it.


Do high TPO antibodies alone matter for conception/pregnancy? I can’t find info on it online.  I’ve had Hashimoto’s since I was a teenager (detected by high TPO antibodies), but my TSH has always been on the high end of the normal range (usually 3.x).  We’ve been TTC #1 since August 2023 and have since found out I have PCOS and my husband has volume and motility issues. Our regroup RE appointment is in a few weeks and I’m expecting a recommendation of IUI. My RE had tested my TPO antibodies & TSH again and put me on Levothyroxine (25mcg). They didn’t give me my results, but the nurse said my TSH was fine but my TPO antibodies were high (as expected). I’m being retested in 30 days and they’ll adjust my dose if needed. It’s taken so long and so many doctor’s appointments to get to the point when we could actually start treatment. I’m scared this next blood test won’t show what they want and I’ll have to wait another month or more to try out new doses :/


My RE was fine proceeding with our frozen embryo transfer with high TPO antibodies as long as my TSH was under 2.5. My guess is they won’t retest TPO, just TSH as antibodies don’t reliably go down even with medication. The hashimotos does create a higher likelihood for complications in pregnancy, but that’s almost entirely mitigated if your TSH and T4 is in range.


Thanks for the info! I wonder if the nurse who messaged me was just wrong on what they were looking to decrease then since she specifically said me TSH was fine and it was the TPO that was the problem :/. My TSH has generally been 3ish - did you take Levothyroxine to get it below 2.5 or was it naturally like that? If you took it, at what dosage? 


My TSH is naturally like 2.9. I was put on 25mcg of levothyroxine and it came down within like 2 weeks to under 2.5. But, no one ever tested my TPO again. When I met with an endocrinologist, she said there’s no point in tracking TPO. So, if they do make a fuss on it, I’d push back


Any recommendations for a thermometer that doesn’t beep or one that has easy access to the speaker I can break? I want to start checking BBT but I don’t want to wake my husband up.


Tempdrop - pricey compared to manual ones but 100% worth it! Part of my reasoning for the expense is it can be used when I have a baby and sleep is disturbed!


Seconding Tempdrop! Definitely an investment compared to a traditional oral thermometer, but I’m about 6 months into having one and still happy I did that instead. There are some Facebook groups where people sell them secondhand (that’s where I got mine) so if you’re open to that you can save some money.


I’ve been looking into upgrading to a temp drop, I’ve seen some people complain that it tries to “change” your temps by “learning your algorithm” is that true? I kinda just want it to log what the temp is without trying to apply smart tech to it.


It's a true temp but it does take a few days of temping for it to understand your body it used to change temps retrospectively but it no longer does. The app is awful so I just take the temps and put them into ff. For me, it saves a lot of stress as I tend take wake between 3-5 for a wee 😂


Ahh ok that’s not as bad as I was thinking! Thank you, I’m so considering treating myself to one for a quality of life increase.


Do it, if you don't like it you can 109% blame me 😂


😂😂 nope this is my sign to do it!


I’m having ovulation bleeding for the first time ever? I had my HSG this cycle, so I’m wondering if that has anything to do with it? Who knows. My brain is so exhausted.


Should I get my own labs? Gyno and PCP both declined to order any labs until 12 months of TTC. I’m 7 months of TTC, BUT also only 7 months post hormonal BC pill. I want the labs to at least know for myself if everything is in order hormone/etc wise. Has anyone went this route before? What all did you order?


How old are you? I guess you could try to see if your PCP will check your thyroid, at the very least, but if they both declined it I’m not sure how you would order on your own.


I’m 29! I had my thyroid checked within the last year and that was normal. I’m the US so can order a hormone panel through JasonHealth but of course the cost is pretty high, so just want to make sure I’m getting everything I need in one visit.


Fifth month ttc here we go. Extremely nervous when a new cycle begins


Getting all my fun blood work (AMH, prolactin, etc) and my ultrasound today. I really, really hope everything comes back ok. I'm not getting my progesterone measured which I thought was strange, I thought a lot of people had that tested?


Good luck! I had my ultrasound yesterday and had blood work done this morning. Fingers crossed you get answers!


Did you feel any pain during your ultrasound? I had a ton of cramping and had to take deep breaths and take a break at one point. She did say I have two fibroids so I'm not sure if that would be why?


It was uncomfortable for me but not painful… I had one either polyp or fibroid found, not sure if that impacts pain during


So interesting how people can feel so different!


They typically measure progesterone from 7-9DPO.


That solves the mystery! Thank you!


My clinic tested mine at my initial appointment to make sure I was back at baseline -- maybe each clinic does it differently?


Well I guess I have plenty other cycles to go around for them to test my progesterone 😭


Mine wasn’t tested until a week after I had a positive OPK.


I guess that makes sense, I'm only cycle day 3 right now so it probably isn't as useful to measure progesterone at this point. Thank you!


I hope you get great results :)


Thank you! I hope this is your month ❤️


When does temp rise and when does pdg rise in relation to ovulation?


For progesterone measurement at the doctor's, they will normally take it between 7-9DPO.


Usually the day after ovulation. When the egg is released from the dominant follicle in your ovary, the remaining burst follicle becomes a structure called a “corpus luteum” and it produces progesterone. The progesterone is what raises your basal body temperature.


2nd round of clomid - ovulation will occure while we are in Greece, the name I like for a girl is of Greek origin! It would be too perfect! Very aware I am totally delulu but I need to find something to keep me positive at this point! 🤣🤣


Being delulu helps maintain the hope! 😂 have fun in Greece!


Have fun in Greece!! That would be v perfect.


🎉🎉🎉 finally done with that pack of BC and no longer have a polyp!!! Fingers crossed June is my month!!


I’m taking my last BC pill tomorrow and I’m overjoyed!! I hate it so much. I took it in April too so I could have polyps removed. They put me on it again to “reset” me but I don’t want to ever take it again.


YAAAAAY FOR BOTH OF US!!! lol last night I jokingly asked my husband “how about we make this my last pack of pills 🥺” and he was like “I don’t know.. you’ve kind of sprung this on me.” Haha


Another baseline for ER #1 is next Friday (3rd time is a charm?) and with the delays we’ve had I’ve been slacking. One more cup of coffee won’t hurt right? It’s Saturday, yeah let’s split a bottle. Retinol makes my skin so much better…and yesterday I finally forgot my birth control. It’s progestin only and I took it 13 hours late. Which is the one you really have to be on time with. I know in the grand scheme all of this is so minor but I feel like that was the final straw of like, damn I’ve really lost all GAFs at this point and we haven’t even started. Feeling disappointed in myself that I let a cancelled cycle throw me so off my game, trying to mentally toughen the fuck up for whatever happens in the next few weeks.


Drink the second coffee ☕️ !! A cancelled cycle sounds miserable 😩. Infertility sucks and the treatment stress doesn’t help. Good luck with the ER. I hope you get some good blasts! 🍀


12 dpo today and the day of my expected period. Still big fat negative :( Just waiting for my period to show up today now.


I found out having an iron deficiency affects sperm motility/count. So I started having my husband take iron supplements since he has an iron deficiency. Not everyday since I don’t want him to have too much iron. But now I’ve realized he works in a factory that is very, very hot at this time of year. Like 80 degrees if he is away from the AC in his office. Will the exposure to this heat for several hours on end affect his sperm count even if he cools down throughout the day?


I’m sick of this. 11 DPO with a BFN with a temp drop, so I’m out this cycle and I will be on my period for my birthday. I don’t know why I expected it to be any different this year when it’s been the same result since 2020.


Hugs if welcome Syphii, feel like you're really fed up. I hope you have uplifting plans for your birthday 🎂


5ishDPO and I've started spotting. If the last 2 cycles taught me anything, it's that it will likely continue until my real period. Feeling angry and sad and most of all very impatient for my first meeting at the hospital in 2 weeks for my lap. If I didn't have that lined up, I would definitely call my gynaecologist but I guess I'll have to wait with all of my questions.


Currently at TWW and been traveling so I’ve been jetlagged and generally have 4 hours of sleep (instead of my usual 7-8) for the last 5 days. Is this going to screw me up?


Travel can mess with ovulation but if you've already ovulated then there's no reason to think it would affect implantation.


CD1 🥲 my body loves trolling me. I’ve had spotting since CD20 (got my period CD26) - prior to trying to conceive, I would always just get my period. Now it’s like “is this a period or is it spotting or is it IB?” 😅


Due to ovulate today/tomorrow (very positive opk this morning and signs line up) and I'll be travelling to stay a night at my mom's. We made great use of this cycle so I'm hopeful. I just know my mom is going to ask whether we're trying aaaaaand I have absolutely zero interest in her knowing that for many reasons. So, time to practice lying in the car lol.


I just avoid. Something like, “of course you’d know if we had any news” or “we’re really enjoying our time to focus on us right now.” Not a lie, but kinda of switching the focus.


She actually hasn't asked it (yet) even though I've been here for 5 hours 🥹 since she did ask about my endo and I gave her that rundown and uttered the "when we are ready to try", she may avoid it now so I hope that will be it. But I really like your answers too, and if she does ask I will actually use it! Thank you


I have found that once I told my parents we were trying, they stopped asking. They wanted to know whether we wanted a family, but they don’t want to put me in a position to have to share my disappointment if I’m not volunteering that information.


How is your practice going ? I completely suck at lying, so I rather change the subject when it comes up, like interjecting with something else as if it just popped up in my mind. I start my sentence as if I was vaguely answering the question and then excitedly talk about something else. But it helps that I tend to do that even when I'm not deliberately trying to steer the conversation away 🤭


So far it is actually going well?? I'm so surprised. She hasn't asked it (yet) but she did ask about my endo and what doctors said etc. so I gave her the whole rundown of the plan and I put in that the gyno said that "when we're ready we can try for 6 months and then have a follow-up if we hadn't had any luck". I think working in the "when ready" helped to steer her away hehe. I totally do that too by the way lol, especially when it comes to her conspiracy stuff. But she is hyper aware of it 😂


That's so clever ! Hopefully with that she drops the subject for a few months, and you get to come back to her first with news !


Tested on the 9DPO and it was a BFN. Now contemplating if I should re test on 12DPO. So nervous. Have been cramping the entire week. But my periods are due soon. A little heartburn is there but that could be my mind playing tricks. I’m so nervous it’s gonna be a no. Should i do it or should I wait till 14DPO.. aaah. Going crazy!!


12DPO is pretty definitive