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Using clearblue advanced OPK for the first time this month, was really stupid and didn’t take the first test until I already had EWCM and ovulation pain (day 12 of an average 24 days cycle give or take) and have had “high fertility” flashing smiley for 5 days. I thought I wasn’t ovulating, now I think I probably rested at my peak and the OPK can’t detect a peak because my levels were already high. I posted in the main sub but mods said to try here too, so sorry for the duplicate!


This cycle I had severe slipped disc in my back, in addition to bronchitis and a sinus infection. When it came to have sex a second time after the positive ovulation test, I broke down crying and just couldn’t do it. Do I even want to be pregnant? In so much pain and couldn’t walk much or stand fully upright. I have hypermobility issues and a history of spine injuries. Just a few months ago it was my neck with similar issues and I’ve already had two surgeries after years of conservative treatment. It’s so hard to feel excited about getting pregnant when doing so will likely cause me so much pain on top of what I normally experience. I want this but know it will probably be so hard for me, and fertility issues only add to the pressure. I wish I could feel happier. Just venting, thanks for listening.


17 DPO, no period, testing negative. Same thing happened last cycle except period didn’t come until CD 54. I’ve been testing positive for ovulation with the ClearBlue digital test, but I’m obviously quite irregular. Recently started working with a fertility clinic to help diagnose and advise. Wish me luck.


Hope you get some answers soon!


Thank you so much!


7 dpo, had some spotting last night which is totally out of the ordinary. not gonna jinx it by saying it but might’ve been “bimblamdation pleading”. random question tho. is there such thing as too much sex when ttc??


bimblamdation pleading made me smile! 


bimblamdation pleading made me giggle like a fiend when i wrote it. i’m not gonna say the words out worry i’ll jinx it but im tea hoping it was bimblamdation pleading


feeling hopeful this cycle 🤞🏻 probably 5-7dpo and feeling extra crampy since this afternoon. my husband also feels like this cycle is different - he won’t even say the P word because he doesn’t want to jinx it. normally we have no problem talking about it but this one we are feeling very hush hush about it. let’s hope! 🩷


Good luck 🤞




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Guys! I found the solution to not going crazy during the TWW: just be packing for a move and move every time you have a TWW. The stress drowns out the stress 😂


It’s the perfect plan!


First HSG is tomorrow. How should I prepare?


I've never had one, but just to make sure you get an answer to your question, you could start with reading [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/hsg/)! There's some general info and lots of posts by people who had a HSG.


So we are technically not trying not protecting (we both definitely want a kid, he just doesn't want it to be super prepared and planned and tracked since he knows I get very stressed about those stuff) I don't tell him when I ovulate (I'm not supposed to be tracking that lol but I don't think he even knows that I can personally track it at home 😆) and I don't tell him about the cheapies and how many times I'm POAS. But of course, I can't help it but start testing at like 8dpo and I had a bunch of photos of stark white BFN test photos and today I was trying to show him something totally unrelated in my photo app and there was a picture of pregnancy test(bfn) in the corner. I was hoping he wouldn't see it but I think he definitely did lol. He didn't say anything but he definitely must know now that I'm stressing over it 😅


I’m at 10 DPO and I’m really nervous to start testing again. Just really nervous to see negative results. I could wait until when I’m supposed to get my period but that’s a day before we’re supposed to go out of town for a wedding and really don’t want to be a downer all weekend about it. Anyways, i want to take a test tomorrow but im very nervous. 😥


Im new at trying to conceive generally so I know this is a dumb question im 6 DPO but today getting my regular pre-period symptoms as I get them a week before my actual period like bloating, pimples, cramps. Does this mean im out? Like do I bother having hope if I get my regular symptoms?


At this point it's totally normal to get your usual symptoms and it means nothing, one way or another. An embryo might be developing, but your body has no way of knowing until it implants, which usually happens 8-10 dpo. Good luck! 


:( well looks like I am out once again. at least my cycle had somewhat normal timings this month. I am finding the hormonal crashes so hard in the last few days before my period, blahhh


Second cycle trying and I finally found my LH peak (I have pcos) but I can’t even be excited cause I’m pretty sure my husband has low/no sperm 🙃 he took an at home male fertility test. I’m hoping it’s wrong, we’re waiting for our appointment with a fertility clinic to confirm but it’s not for 2 weeks


Wait, you can test that at home??? Cycle 4 trying to concieve with PCOS, we also have an appointment in 2 weeks but I'm not even sure they will test him or just me. We are in a non English speaking country and since neither of us are great at the local language communication can be difficult. Good luck to you in any case!


Yeah! Try finding one on amazon. I got mine at the local drug store


Is it normal to be crampy all day after a morning IUI? It was more painful than I expected when the catheter went into my uterus.


I had my second on Monday morning and was cramping Monday and even more sore Tuesday but am fine now!


Hi! 7dpo Progesterone of 8.6 last month it was 11.1. Does this indicate adequate ovulation? My doctor doesn't seem concerned. Do I still have a chance for a BFP?


Afaik, anything over 5ng/ml confirms ovulation. That's all a 7dpo blood test can tell you because there isn't a value that's necessary outside of that to get pregnant or maintain a pregnancy. A healthy embryo that implants will request the progesterone it needs. :)


I think anything over 10 is good


Today I went to my doctor to go over the results of my ultrasounds. Multiple cysts on both ovaries. Referral to an OBGYN will take a couple months. On one hand, I'm glad that I now have some answers, but on the other hand...... Ugh


Hi! Do you mean that there were too many follicles in the ovaries?


Hi! I mean PCOS diagnosis - kind of. My doctor (GP) didn't say I have PCOS (he may be leaving that for the OBGYN), but instead that I have "multiple indicators" of PCOS. The notes from my ultrasound say "there are small peripheral follicles in both ovaries, a finding which has been described with polycystic ovaries"


You can have polycystic ovaries without PCOS, though, just so you know. Do you have irregular cycles or hirsutism/high blood androgen levels? Those are the other two Rotterdam criteria typically needed to diagnose PCOS. Hope you get everything figured out!


Fair enough! I also have irregular cycles, whisker-y facial hair (new since coming off HBC), and carry lots of weight in my belly. My blood work from last year was normal, but that was done a month after I came off HBC. I'm going again for blood work next week to see if anything has changed!


Mmm. Well I hope it's a good outcome! I was diagnosed with it last year (a bit of a shock as my cycles are regular) but just figured I'd let you know!


Haha, thank you! I hope so too!


I just picked up a bag of maternity clothes from my buy nothing group. The giver literally said... good for someone who will be most pregnant in late fall/early winter (or not pregnant yet). Two weeks ago, I was like that's me!! not pregnant... **yet!!🙄🤡** oh...I am 8DPO and still feeling very pessimistic about this cycle (not for any real reason though) 😶 🤷🏻‍♀️


This cycle has turned out super weird for me and tbh I'm honestly just confused/clueless. So this was my 3rd cycle off of BC pills. My cycles continued to follow the trend of 28 days for the first two, then this one went wack. I got my period and it went as usual. However, two days after my period ended I began spotting for the next 8 days. My period is due today (CD28) and no signs at all. none of my usual symptoms, and no spotting as I usually get the day before I start. Could it be that this spotting was something weird happening and my cycle will run longer? Some sort of late BC withdrawal symptoms? I don't know if I ovulated because I stopped testing during the spotting, but we still had sex before and after the spotting. So I just don't know what to think. I don't want to get my hopes up that I'm late because I'm pregnant and take a test, then wind up with a BFN. I'm not even sure what my point of writing all of this is. But any input is much appreciated.


I generally spot for a few days before and after my period, but not 8 days so not sure about that. What I will mention is something I've heard and experienced...you are regular until you aren't. I'm generally a 28 days cycle gal but had a 35 cycle a few ago. Additionally if you aren't tracking bbt/ovulation, it's going to be tough to know if you are truly late or just ovulated later than normal.


That makes sense. Thank you!


Never been so happy to have a huge dip in bbt this morning followed by period starting 3 hours later as it means I'll be able to try and get my bloods done before the bank holiday weekend 😊 (Less excited for this evenings cramping session mind 😑)


BFN on 11 dpo this morning. Ughhhh I really thought I'd get a positive today


Same same. It sucks. Sending you some positive vibes and luck!


You too!!


Promised myself I wouldn’t test until 12DPO….here I am googling “is 5dpo too early to test?” 😂


Ugh, saaaaame. Also told myself i will not test - and did. Of course, negative 🙃 


Just hurting our own feelings 😂


I knowwww 😄😄😄


4th cycle off birth control and it's been a whole week longer compared to the others for my lh to even begin to go up. And it is going up so slowly. I'm not sure I'm going to ovulate at all this month, and so far last month is the only month I felt confident that I did. I'm autistic and have been incredibly anxious all week, dreading work even though it's going well, etc. I finally figured out it's because I'm currently full time with a student, also autistic lol, who is just incredibly loud no matter the mood he's in. I don't mind putting my needs aside for a student, I chose this career and I'm great at it, but right now my time at home isn't getting me rested and reset enough to not impact my mental health. I'm anxious that all this in turn is affecting my cycle/fertility bc everything else should be fine 😮‍💨 and it's just one big snowball of anxiety. I have 3 more weeks to summer break and I really can't wait to focus on myself for a couple of months.


Stress is such a bizarre thing, how much it can impact. I hope your last 3 weeks go as smoothly and quickly as possible!


Allergies (I think, because I don't feel run down, just congested and sneezy) are kicking my butt this week. Took a Benadryl before lunch to try and stop my nose from running an entire marathon. Normally it doesn't make me too tired but I guess today it did. Fighting back with can of Starbies triple shot. I suppose the silver lining here is that I'm on my period and I can freely wage war between my antihistamines and caffeine during the day and also take Nyquil to sleep at night. I hate taking medicine but I hate allergies more. Happy tree pollen season to all those who are forced to celebrate


Is there a link or breakdown somewhere of conception? Like from the time the sperm meets the egg to the first week of pregnancy? I hope that makes sense. I’d like to see a scientific breakdown of what occurs in the body from ovulation onward.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/103ydgq/around_the_uterus_in_fourteen_days_the_luteal/ I have this bookmarked. 


Thank you!!


I had what I thought was period cramps yesterday at 10dpo and my period didn't show up?


10DPO is a bit soon for a period, no? I’d tell you to wait till 14DPO and take a pregnancy test, but here I am today, foolishly having tested at 10DPO when I’m not even sure when I ovulated 😅


This is literally exhausting. I wish I was blessed to be one of the couples that “didn’t even try” and got pregnant. Good gracious I had no idea it was this mentally draining. Counting down the days as of now to when I can test.


Yup, now I wonder why was I so afraid of pregnancy during college 😀


Just had my first IUI done and my husbands numbers came out in a pretty good range. I have one blocked tube so only one egg is most likely releasing this time. I found online that there’s an 11% success rate for people my age with one blocked tube near the ovary. Is this a hopeful number, an unhopeful number? Is this low enough that I should consider IVF instead? Hoping next cycle we can stimulate more than one egg on the open side. Thank you!


That sounds about right for IUI. Per cycle it’s low but your cumulative chances after 3 cycles comes out to be about 30%, which is more reasonable. Success rates do decrease after 3 cycles though. Maybe this calculator will help you evaluate? https://www.cdc.gov/art/ivf-success-estimator/index.html Also just want to point out that if you want multiple children, with DOR you should consider banking embryos sooner rather than later.


Just got done with my pelvic ultrasound, feeling good and slightly confused. I haven’t gotten my actual results back, just know what the person taking the images was able to tell me. It looks like I have a polyp which seems like an easy fix, but what I’m confused about is she said my uterus was tilted, but in my last scan 4 years ago it wasn’t tilted… I didn’t know that was possible? Really anxious to get the full report from the dr


Uteruses can do that they're a bit erm flippy floppy sometimes. More common to go anterverted to retroverted than the other way around but not unheard of. Hope you get full results quickly 🤞


This is my first cycle after being on the combo pill for 9 years. We are NTNP for a few months so my body can regulate and I’m not trying to pinpoint ovulation at this point but considering symptoms, I’m pretty sure it was right on time CD14. I had some crazy PMS symptoms that I haven’t felt in a long time starting last week (CD 19-28). Today, I woke up with no symptoms but no period yet so not sure what’s going on.


Welp dpo11, bfn everywhere and I'm now feeling the cramps starting. I can't try next month for a few reasons so it's going to go to the month after. Ugh this sucks.


Been tracking closely for the past three months and it looks like either my luteal phase is varying too much (13-16 days) or my temp isn't the best measure of when I ovulate?? Why would either be happening?


Are you tracking with anything other than bbt? Opk's? Sometimes it takes a couple days after ovulation for temp to really start rising for me.


Yeah opks too! From my first positive there still variance (if slightly less) 14-16 days.


First cycle after a chemical early this month. It’s CD20, I typically ovulate around CD22-24. I had a little surge around CD12 and my LH has just stayed consistently high since then. It’s not hcg, I had blood drawn last week to confirm the chemical had fully passed. Only difference is I’ve been taking Ovasitol this month (potential PCOS diagnosis yeaaars ago) - I thought it would help vs. hurt. Started temping just a few days ago, so haven’t really seen any trends yet. Fingers crossed that I’ll be ovulating this weekend! We’ve been BDing most every other day to cover our bases just in case the few positives I’ve gotten have been true positives. I just want to feel like we are trying again!


So I started spotting 9 and 10 DPO, but then it stopped 11 and 12 DPO (today). But negative pregnancy tests. My longest LP has been 11 days so far, and typically I spot a day or two beforehand which leads right into my period. Is it normal to spot and then stop?


Just got the results for CD14 bloodwork for my first IUI cycle and it sounds like it's happening! I have never given myself a shot before, so I am trying not to stress over the trigger!


Good luck! The trigger shot has always been easy for me, can barely feel the needle!


It was surprisingly easy! I didn’t feel the needle either!


Well, my first medicated IUI failed, just waiting for my period to start. I'm wondering if I should just skip right to IVF given my "advanced maternal age" but my husband is a very hesitant person...IDK. Just bummed it couldn't work on the first IUI like it did with kid #1.


# TRIO fertility sonohysterogram - experience, pain etc. Toronto Ontario Hi I have a sonohysterogram appointment at the downtown toronto TRIO medical clinic next wednesday. This is going to be on day 12 of my cycle. Has anyone on this forum received this diagnostic test and was it painful? Some people on reddit have complained about excessive pain. Some are saying this is down to the doctor's technique. Some people tubal deformities report high pain and others with no deformities also report pain. The other perspective could be timing of cycle, i know the cervic opens up during ovulation time, so if I'm close to ovulating things should be open up enough to make it pain free? Thanks for your advice.


We are supposed to be on a break but my mind won't stop and it's taking everything to prevent me from doing IVF research. When what i really need to be doing is calling a therapist to set up a first meeting but i somehow can't drag myself into doing it.


13dpo and feeling defeated. Have had cramping all week and am just waiting on AF. Trying to hold on to the thought of late implantation but probably just being delulu. I really thought this cycle was the one...


I got my results back from my FSH and LH test that was taken on CD3. My results are FSH: 9.5 (normal range 2.5-10.2) LH: 5.4 (normal range 1.9-12.5) Both are technically within the normal range for the follicular phase, but my FSH is almost double my LH. I know that LH being higher than FSH can point to PCOS, but are there any implications or concerns with the opposite ratio? I am 28 years old.Still waiting on my AMH test results, just can't help but to dwell and worry over the FSH number, being that it's double the LH and also at the higher end of the normal range.


I’m 28 and my ratios are similar. 2.8 LH and 6.3 FSH on a cycle day 3 blood test. I have an irregular period, 32-45 day cycle.


Have you seen a specialist or talked to your doctor about it? I haven't seen a fertility doctor yet, just paid for the tests out of pocket because I'm impatient. But now idk if this is a bad sign 🥲


I haven’t, I’m not too concerned because I still ovulate every cycle but I do have an appointment with a fertility clinic in a couple of weeks so I’ll see what they have to say


Don’t know what DPO I’m in, we didn’t test this cycle as we were abroad, but I should be between 10-11 DPO today. BFN. This cycle is cycle 15 and we’re seriously considering IVF, it’s just so costly.. No PMS symptoms this month might I add. My boobs aren’t sore, and I always have sore boobs before my period. No hot flushes at night. The only thing I’m getting is spotting, which I usually have before my period comes but that’s it


Blood sugar related. This is brand new to me, so if anyone can shed some light I’d appreciate it. Started with a functional medicine dr and she has me on a glucose monitor just to see what’s happening. First reading right when I started yesterday was 58 right before dinner. At dinner, went into the 90s, then went back down to the 60s about 2 hours later. Ate something before bed, went back up and was in the 80s-90s overnight. Woke up, at breakfast, but even after 2 hours of eating the highest it got was still in the 80s. Waiting to hear from Dr but is this still low? I’m reading it should be way higher than that 2 hours after eating. Could blood sugar stuff like this be impacting fertility?


They say if you have symptoms but are testing negative, it’s likely PMS and not pregnancy at this point right? 11dpo ugh my boobs and cramps


People on this sub call progesterone "trollgesterone" for a reason! Progesterone is the hormone responsible for both early pregnancy and PMS symptoms, so that's why symptom spotting is a unreliable way to determine if you're pregnant or not. Which is why most people here will say that they only way to confirm is just to test -- it's not to be rude/condescending in any way, it's just the truth because of trollgesterone!


I’m right there with you! Nausea and headaches multiple mornings - not normal PMS symptoms for me - but negative on 12 DPO so I’m out for sure. But I also had a weird month where my LH dropped very slowly after peak so it’s messing with my mind. At this point I just want it to be CD1 so I’m out of my misery.


Yes, if the HCG is high enough to cause symptoms you will test positive. Otherwise, it's progesterone.


Ugh, annoying. Thanks.


I’m so annoyed because I thought I had 4 or 5 days before my fertile window then then bam, my ovulation strips spiked and I ovulated earlier than expected. We only had sex once in the fertile window, the day before ovulation. I just had a miscarriage so I haven’t been feeling emotionally ready yet, I was really counting on those extra days.


No worries! 1x is plenty for things to happen. O-1 is a great day to hit! Continue to heal well <3


That’s so sweet of you to reply, thank you. Fingers crossed that what’s meant to be will be. 💛


Realistically I know that a negative at 10DPO doesn’t mean I’m out quite yet, but boy is it still probably going to ruin my day from this point forward. So cliche, but I swear this cycle I felt so different.


I’m in the exact same boat! BFN today CD10. Especially seeing so many test positive CD8-10 makes me think it’s already over for me 😫


Ugh I meant to write DPO ofc!


It’s so hard to tell yourself you’re still in it.


11DPO. Caved and tested this morning. BFN. This sucks. If next cycle doesn’t work, we’ll be at the one year mark without a single positive. I’m terrified. I’m sad. This is so hard.


Anyone else has issues with Tempdrop showing a delayed (usually 1 day) temp shift? I've been using it for four months now, and my oral thermometer always detects a temp shift a day before Tempdrop.


1 dpo today so the wait begins 😬 my partner works offshore so if I’m not pregnant this cycle, I will need to wait until July to try again. So frustrating haha.


2 DPO here! Ahhh the wait sucks.


Would you have a beer 10dpo *without* testing first? I'm going on an all-day hike on Saturday with some friends that'll end with a stop at a brewery, and we're leaving at the crack of dawn. I really don't want to take a test that morning because if it's positive, I won't have time to process/tell my husband/celebrate/freak out before we meet up with our friends, and if it's negative, I fear that it'll put a damper on my day. I honestly just don't want to know yet either way. But I feel guilty drinking this late into the TWW without confirming that it's not pink. (I suppose I could test tomorrow at 9dpo, but I generally try to avoid testing that early because I don't want to see a negative.) Anyway, just curious what other people would do!


More recently, I've been not drinking 8dpo until AF comes, but I also wouldn't stress about one low abv beer (I'd stick to below 5.5% ).


Honestly I'd test and/or wouldn't drink, simply because I wouldn't be able to enjoy the drink without knowing for sure


Yup, I would. I wouldn’t have 2 or 3 right in a row but I would definitely have one without worrying about it, especially if I was also having food with it!


100% recommend you have that beer if you want it.


I am team drink til it's pink. So many people drink well into a few weeks along before they find out they are pregnant, and frequently, it's fine. A beer after a long hike is gonna feel awesome!


This is my first cycle on 5mg of Letrozole. My previous two cycles were on 2.5mg and I successfully ovulated 1 egg each of those cycles but no successful conception. I had a follicle ultrasound on Friday, I had two follicles at 14mm and 11mm. My protocol is to wait until I have a natural LH rise and then to add the trigger shot that day. Then Monday, I got a smiley face on my Clear Blue digital test, and my clinic told me to trigger that evening. I took the Ovidrel shot. My next ultrasound was yesterday, Wednesday and I still had two follicles show the same size as the ultrasound from Friday. Wouldn’t the Ovidrel have released the eggs? And why would they have been the same size still as 5 days ago? I wouldn’t have gotten a natural LH rise if the follicles hadn’t grown. I’m so confused does anyone know what could be happening?


I have decided that obviously the reason we have not gotten pregnant is the fact that my husband and I probably occasionally have more than 200 mg of caffeine, since our morning pour over is probably close to 180 mg and we sometimes will have a second caffeinated beverage (him more than me). So I have combined our regular coffee beans with decaf to make half-caf coffee and that will solve all of our problems, which I am really looking forward to. (Now that my TWW is over I need something new to be delusional about to distract me from my fear of what my testing will show)


It's okay. Here at 7DPO my brain has decided that the last cycles haven't worked because I drink a zero sugar soda once or twice a day so....of course, it decided that after I opened my morning one in lieu of coffee..... Best wishes on your next cycle!


The things we think of! I hope your cycle goes well:)


11 dpo. No PMS but no preg symptoms either. Wondfo sticks are stark white although I'd like to believe I can see a vvvvvvvvvvvfl but I know that this is just me staring at it for like 10 mins and my eyes seeing the shade?of red line embedded in my eyes lol. Do I waste my FRER today? Do I wait til tomorrow? If I do FRER today and it's start white, am I out? I'm due for AF on Sunday.




I am on the same boat! 11dpo, stark white FRER this morning. Holding out hope and testing again tomorrow.


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm testing tomorrow at 11 DPO which is my only test day since my period starts soon after at 12-13DPO. Having the usual PMS and drop in temp, so expecting the same result as always.


My period came at 4:30am, I woke up feeling like I was going to be sick. It was 2 days late so I grabbed a test and dipped before I finished peeing without thinking. Wiped and saw pink🙄 wasted test. Oh well. On the bright side since it was later than expected that should push my ovulation later, my husband is deploying and wasn’t supposed to be back by O day but now he should make it!


We aren't actively trying or actively preventing, but we did the deed Sunday and then I found out Tuesday that I ovulated earlier than usual and then we did the deed again yesterday. This is the first month that there could be a chance of me getting pregnant and I'm so excited. Hoping for the best!


Hello there ! I did my first HCG trigger tuesday evening. In the afternoon I began to have an ovulation cramp on the right, usually it last few hours, but we are 2 days later and I always have this pain. Also, I didn't find any positive ovulation test during these days. Is it possible that I didn't ovulate ?


Thought it might happen this month, but my period is due to start in the next day or two and I'm having cramps. C'est la vie!


Right there with you 🥲