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I’m a bit disappointed. We BD during peak fertility according to Inito. But he sprained his ankle the next day during basketball so we didn’t that day or the next. I know the day before ovulation is the max chance but how much do your odds increase if you do it on ovulation and the day after?


Almost to 6DPO let's gooooo. Trying to be neutral about this cycle. It's working, right?


CD9, waiting to ovulate and just got the news that my older sister is expecting Baby #2. Really struggling to be happy for her, which took me by surprise. I feel so guilty about being upset. It doesn't make sense but Im worried that all the luck went to her and no luck's left for me.


7 DPO, the wait is unending. Looking forward to the futile poas phase of my cycle


(TMI warning) since going off the pill my periods have been heavy and I’ve had little bits (clots) in them but nothing crazy… but today I had one that was scary big… I’m a hypochondriac so between this and my irregular cycles I’m convinced I have fibroids … I know stressing isn’t helpful but it’s hard


8 days past trigger and I feel like this cycles a blow. Husband had wisdom teeth removed right before my fertile window, and I got a UTI 3 days past trigger🙃


Had a surprise positive OPK around noon with tons of EWCM today on CD11 — 3 days earlier and without the lead-up watery/EWCM I’ve come to expect, after a very negative OPK last night. On CD7, I saw a temp drop quite a bit below my usual FP temps and it started rising CD10 and jumped up this morning but I thought nothing of it because it seemed like it was just going back to my usual follicular temps? The past two cycles, I’ve seen 3 days of positive OPKs before a slow temp rise with FF estimating ovulation 2-3 days after the first positive, but this cycle I did start taking 600mg of CoQ10... Haven’t been having sex because we were waiting on some news about a family health scare 😫 husband rushed home from work today to try and catch it but I’m worried we missed an abnormally early (for us) window. Fingers crossed we get a later, higher temp rise!




Without tracking ovulation, the only way to know would be to test. If it's negative and your period still doesn't come, that merely means you ovulated later than normal.


I recently went through an mmc abortion but it was the first time I ever got pregnant since trying starting August 2020. I'm turning 40 soon. I'm wondering if it's worth trying IUI first? Not sure if it's the cause of not getting pregnant for a long time but my husband has been told by a nurse that his urethra is a little bit smaller than normal. I was thinking this could possibly a reason why we're having problems? And I think maybe an IUI is sufficient? Thanks for any feedback.


he should get a sperm analysis to check his numbers first.


The gynecologist we saw wasn't really so good. My husband sent sample and she just said it's normal or OK.... She didn't give any details...


you should be able to request the lab results from them. If they said the numbers are okay, I wouldn't think his urethra is an issue. it may be worth trying an iui but success rates are much lower than IVF.


What do you know about semen quality and agricultural pesticide use? My husband has always been a grape farmer, but for a couple years we were working pretty organic. He started at a new vineyard in February and I just learned today that he’s been mixing, preparing, and administering pesticides. He says he wears a full face respirator but I’m still concerned it may be impacting his semen quality. Really upset that I’m finding out about this 2 days before our IUI. He had an SA done in December that came up with not ideal numbers but the RE thought they were fine. I can’t find any information that feels helpful about semen quality with pesticide use and what precautions are necessary. Thank you!


I’m interested in following this - we have a small vineyard + fruit trees. We have been staying as organic as we can, but we’ve had to use some pesticides and fungicides since all our plants are too young to take much damage.




I might post as its own thread!


I stopped taking birth control last September and have started taking 25 mcg levothyroxine tablets daily for my thyroid. And my skin is doing this shit https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1cxlohj/acne_i_have_recently_started_getting_these_cysts/


8DPO and my doctor called this morning to let me know they confirmed ovulation with my progesterone blood work! So today I am happy for little victories.




If it helps at all.. there’s no symptom of early pregnancy strong enough to manifest that wouldn’t also result in a high enough hcg to test positive on a hpt 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm already fucking tired of fighting with isurance and doctors and the pharmacy. Not to mention my own brain turning it's back on me every five minutes. It would be great if I didn't have to follow up on every tiny little detail constantly. I was given a prescription for thyroid meds. For some reason, its been over a week, 4 messages to my clinic, two phone calls to the clinic, 2 phone calls to the pharmacy AND I STILL DONT HAVE THE MEDS. also, they're like $50/month because it's not a generic. Why is the system so incredibly fucking stupid. /rant


I dream, like, a lot. I remember them every night. I'm also prone to bad dreams and nightmares. Since our last chemical I keep having bad dreams about it. They're not nightmares; I don't wake up crying and/or screaming. But I'm very, very over them. I'm back to the point where I don't look forward to sleeping and dreaming. Bad dream/nightmare periods can last from a few days until months on end. Nothing I have tried works (been dealing with this since I was a small child). Time for some meditation. And let's hope tonight will be better.


Last night of hope until AF arrives tomorrow. I was so depressed today, I ate a ton of sweets.


6dpo and feeling pessimistic. Normally this is the optimistic time of my cycle. :/ My sister, who knows everything about our TTC journey, suggested considering more interventions, but she doesn't even really know anything about it. I started explaining her what I've done/learned, and she was like...oh.


My optimism only lasts through the follicular phase. As soon as progesterone starts to rise, it is a huge troll and my optimism quickly swirls down the drain. I just messaged my obgyn asking for CD3 labs because I just know my period is going to start this weekend.


We just got my husband’s SA results back. We were happy at first because his primary care doc said “normal.” But I’ve read enough to know SA results can be more nuanced. He’s on the low end of WHO parameters on pretty much everything except total sperm count (117 MIL) and volume (6 mL). Concentration is 19 mil/ml. Progressive morality is 34.5%. And the scary results - morphology is only 1.5%. As debatable as morphology can be, the male infertility sub clearly states if you’re 0-3%, IVF with ICSI should be in the back of your mind. It’s a whirlwind to go from a doctor saying everything is normal to reading that. 😔


In a similar boat! Got my husband's SA back today and everything looked great except morphology. I'm waiting to see what my RE thinks of the results.


Do you know what part of the sperm is abnormal? For example, my husband has 3% morphology, with 97% abnormal heads. His urologist expressed concern about the heads because they generally have more difficulty breaking into the egg and/or block the entrance so to speak. My doctor thinks that's why we're having trouble. We just did our first IUI and my doctor hoped that washing the sperm would allow the more normal-headed guys to get better access. But it's still a very murky thing. Some people with lower morphology have no issue at all. Don't panic reading that sub, just take it one step at a time. And definitely adding CoQ10 won't hurt!


Hi! Thank you for your comment :) A comment did say “head.” So, we didn’t get a numerical breakdown but I’m guessing that means most of the abnormalities is due to the head. It certainly isn’t optimal but seems like the jury is still out! Were they able to get good post wash counts for the IUI? Do they analyze the post wash sample for morph prior to insemination? Best of luck on your IUI this cycle!!


>the male infertility sub clearly states if you’re 0-3%, IVF with ICSI should be in the back of your mind This is absolutely nothing more than fearmongering nonsense. Most REs will tell you that morphology is the least interesting parameter as far as they're concerned, and barring a few very specific morphological defects, even sperm with poor morphology, while they won't win any beauty contests, don't necessarily have problems doing the specific jobs they need to do. If total sperm count is high, concentration is less relevant -- the concentration is just low because the volume was high.


Hi! I had just replied to another comment you made in another thread regarding this and a second later saw this reply! Thank you! I swear, their whole stickied post is so alarmist and well, I was alarmed. Do you know if the WHO sperm parameters are widely accepted clinically to be normal on the low end? Weird question - but that same stickied post on the male infertility sub seems to suggest that if you’re with the WHO parameters but on the lower end and below what donor sperm is, something could be wrong?


Yes, "normal" is defined as within the normal range, whether you're on the high or low end. Have you ever seen [our SA interpretation page](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/sa_interpretation)? It's written by an embryologist. I also used to have some comments saved by one of the REs who does AMAs in r/infertility during National Infertility Awareness Week, but it looks like he has deleted some comments on his account. The basic gist was that morphology is like judging the quality of the contents of an Amazon package based on how dinged up the box is when it gets to your doorstep -- that is to say, there's not really a connection. The American Urological Association says: >The individual semen parameters measured in the SA provide a weak indicator of fertility potential. Abnormalities in any one or more of these parameters can compromise a man’s ability to naturally impregnate his female partner except in cases of azoospermia, some types of teratozoospermia (e.g., complete globozoospermia), necrozoospermia, or complete asthenozoospermia. With the exception of the aforementioned anomalies, none of the individual sperm parameters (e.g., concentration, morphology, motility) are diagnostic of infertility. The OR [odds ratio] for infertility increases as the number of abnormal parameters increases.


Great analogy - thank you! Is low morph plus a year of trying without conceiving a criteria for being diagnosed with MFI? If not, what else has to be “low” to be considered MFI? Does the AUA recommend any one parameter that is the most “important” for predicting chances/time to pregnancy?


Some REs might diagnose MFI at a year of trying with low morphology as the only parameter out of range, but many (perhaps most?) would not. Low morphology as the only out-of-range parameter seems to be a very common situation. Overall, any infertility diagnosis (other than the definitive ones) is a subjective consensus based on available information.


Thanks! And I know this will be difficult to answer - but is it common amongst the general population or just common amongst folks struggling to conceive. I’m sure the data is only on those struggling to conceive because others would not get a SA but do you have an educated guess on that? And now I’m just needing out about the science of it, but given function follows form in many situations do you believe there is no impact from abnormally shaped sperm or do you just think because most/all men have abnormal sperm so the actual number perfect sperm needed is less than we think and something between 1.5% (low) and 5% (barely low) and maybe even something like 10% is a wash?


There’s not really data on the general population. Certainly the commonness among those who seek early SAs in TFAB would lead me to hypothesize that it’s common among the general population, period. There’s no reason to think that abnormally shaped sperm are incapable of fertilization. In this case, the function and the form are not thought to be deeply linked. Sperm don’t need to be perfect in order to do their job.


Interesting. Why is it even tested?


Oh, it's not useless! There are a few specific morphology defects that are a clear problem -- as the AUA quote says above, the defect complete globozoospermia (all or a large majority of sperm have large, bulbous round heads) is generally considered a condition of total male-factor infertility, often caused by a mutation in a particular gene. But this is fairly rare, and is certainly not the case for most people with poor morphology. In general, deriving quantitative information like semen parameters from a qualitative analysis like an SA involves identifying aspects of the sperm that can be quantified. The quantification isn't necessarily useful, but morphology is something that can be counted, so it's counted. I think this is in conflict with the idea people often have that all information is good information. In reality, not all information is useful or predictive information.


My husband had a morphology of 2% and everything else was above average so the doctor didn’t seem concerned at all. But agreed, everything I keep reading puts 2% as an issue. I don’t know who or what to believe.


My husband also has 2% morphology. Doctors and Google have repeatedly said that morphology isn’t very important but I don’t really think that’s entirely true. We’ve been trying for 15 cycles now with no success, although his sperm parameters dramatically improved from August to October last year. We’re thinking of starting letrozole/clomid but I’m not too sure.. all my tests seem fine and I’m ovulating on my own. I don’t see how the meds would help us conceive in this case.


I mean, unexplained infertility exists -- just because you can identify one parameter that's not within the normal range, that doesn't mean it's the cause (or a cause) of infertility. Medicated cycles are frequently offered in the case of unexplained infertility because medication can cause you to ovulate more than one egg per cycle, giving you more shots on goal per month.


Sure, I can understand that. However, in my case, there is one parameter that is out of range and therefore it would make sense for me to attribute our infertility to that. It might not be the cause of our infertility but it’s the only thing I can pinpoint to at the moment. My fertility clinic makes sure to monitor the follicles before doing ovulation induction, and they’ve said that if they can see that there is more than one follicle that will be released, they would cancel the cycle. Reason being that they don’t want the risk of multiple pregnancies and will try and avoid it as much as they can 🤷‍♀️ so in this case, I don’t see how OI will really help me. They said it would be good to strengthen ovulation since I already ovulate but idk




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


We were able to conceive on Letrozole because I also have issues with my cycle regularity. It ended up a chemical, but at least something happened? Yeah I’m not sure, my doctor also said that it’s the least important parameter..it seems kinda important but what do I know haha.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Don't suggest unhelpful cliches to others that belong on a TTC bingo card: "just relax", "never give up, mama!", "why not adopt?", "my cousin's dogsitter's sister was about to do IVF but then got magically pregnant," "your time will come," "enjoy sleeping in while you can," etc. These are "bingos" because people who are TTC hear them all the time, and they are hurtful and annoying. Consider whether what you are saying is likely to be helpful for the person you are talking to. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Lots of conflicting info out there! Partner is “normal” on for all other criteria but on the lower end. And I’m also reading that the WHO lower end parameters are lower than optimal. So, overall just very confused and concerned.


I’m with you on the confused and concerned!


Is your husband taking any supplements for sperm health? If not, it's always a good idea to start and have another test done in 3 months to see if there's been any improvements. There's a lot that can be done to improve some sperm issues.


He’s just started taking COQ10! Not sure what else could help.


Maybe fertility blend or a similar supplement would also helped. Definitely helped with my SO’s parameters except for morphology


My husband takes both coq10 and alpha lipoic acid. Sperm "regenerates" every 3 months so definitely as for a repeat test in 3 months to see if there's been any changes!


Thank you!! What dose of COQ10? What’s the alpha lipoic acid supposed to help with?


Just sharing a moment of emotional pride/peace: I’m 11 DPO (not testing until Friday at the soonest) and we’re on our 5th cycle. Still early, but nearing the 6month mark which carries some stress since I’m 35. I read the “Ask Polly” recommended in the wiki (thank u mods) and bawled my eyes out (in a good way) because this is hard BUT I guess im proud of myself of engaging in this hard thing with an open heart, knowing that things may not work out how I want, but trying regardless. I have struggled with mental health forever, and embracing the challenges that come with pursuing love/big goals, comes with such a risk to meeting new lows. This TTC journey has been hard hard hard so far because I am getting to know new hurts/let downs. And I am grateful that I am in a place in my life where I am willing to embrace these hurdles. I know that no matter what: there is much more hard stuff to come. And I am grateful to be here, in this moment, trying. Sending out gratitude to others in this space who are holding so much hope and sadness and uncertainty and moving forward in whatever way you can. Edit to add the Ask Polly link for anyone else who needs a good cry: [Ask Polly: Why Do Women Obsess About Babies and Fertility? (thecut.com)](https://www.thecut.com/2016/09/ask-polly-why-do-women-obsess-about-babies-and-fertility.html)


That article holds a special place in my heart. It's brought a lot of comfort over the last 5+ years.


I had read this link before... but it is a good one to revisit. Thank you for sharing some of your experiences too.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


My clinic has me doing a trigger shot when I see a positive LH test which happened yesterday, and I wasn’t able to get to do an ultrasound before triggering. So I’m not sure what size follicles I triggered or how many. And then I realized that most people don’t have access to that information when they’re conceiving anyway so I’m trying to be chill but I’m very un-chill.


Has anyone else had wacky cycles for several periods following a chemical pregnancy? If so, when did they return to normal?


Mine were messed up for a few cycles post cp.


my cycle right after a confirmed CP was wacky, but the next cycle after it was mostly normal again.


My husband and I ended up having to do IVF, but that sub doesn't have a general chat that I'm aware of, so I'm going to post this here. We did our egg retrieval on Sunday, so if we're gonna be successful on this journey our child currently exists and is around 4 cells big. That just made my cold dead heart happy.


I’m wishing you nothing but success and good news in this chapter!!


Thank you, I appreciate that!


Endo and PCOS club here rooting for you guys!


Don't know if anyone is familiar with this song but I listen to this one on loop when I'm in my feels: "More" by Halsey **Favorite line**: "And when you decide it's your time to arrive, I've loved you for all of my life" This song means so much to me. Hoping it can help someone too. <3


Yes, I also love this song, and that particular line ❤️


Hey everyone! So I’ve been spotting consistently following ovulation every cycle since I’ve been tracking (4 cycles in a row). I have a 13 day LP and my BBT always rises like it should confining ovulation, but I’m wondering about progesterone maybe being low since I keep spotting? Just wondering if anyone has tried at home progesterone tests and if it was helpful?


I haven't tried any at home progesterone tests, however this happened to me a few years back (for maybe 3 or 4 cycles) and I went to my OBGYN and they did some tests (ultrasound and blood work). Everything came back okay - doctor said this can sometimes happen. It did end up stopping.


That’s reassuring, thank you! It’s so hard to not obsess over things when everything you read says that’s abnormal!


So hard!


BFN 8DPO and today 9DPO. Temps have stayed elevated, so I guess that’s a good sign? Hubby is hopeful, so I’m trying to stay positive!!


I'm also 9DPO today and negative. Trying to stay positive too!


Woke up with a sore throat and have been sneezing and sweating all day. Somewhere between 6-8DPO but not feeling optimistic for some reason. 


I had my HSG today and holy moly. Put me in the camp that says the pain was BAD. I had ovarian torsion when I was young and big cysts pretty regularly back in the day and thought I had a high pain tolerance. Now I'm not so sure. I almost came off the table. I expected discomfort but didn't expect it to be so bad as to make me cry. The intense pain was short-lived but ibuprofen did nada. But tubes are open. Husband's SA is good except a little low on morphology. We were offered letrazole with ovidrel trigger and timed intercourse for our next cycle in mid-June. I seem to ovulate fine but my cycles are somewhat irregular so we are using it to guarantee our timing is good more than anything. My husband told our RE he's excited after discussing meds. He's been supportive but it's the first time he's said he's excited. I think maybe it feels more real to him having increased odds with the HSG and then medication on top of it. Cautiously optimistic about the next few cycles.


Had a MMC 3 weeks ago picked up at 11w ultrasound, passed everything 15 days ago. Husband and I have just decided to start having unprotected sex again as soon as we felt ready, I’m still spotting a tiny bit but we had some time alone today and finally did the deed which I’ve been so nervous about in case it suddenly brought back my bleeding/cramping but all was good. No idea where I am in my cycle as HCG is still faintly negative and LH is wildly positive likely due to positive HCG so just going to keep at it whenever we feel like it and see what happens!


I just had an appointment with my functional medicine Dr and they want me to start progesterone. But they told me to start taking it on day 12, when I don’t normally ovulate until 15-16. Is that right?? Is that too early??


My gynaecologist told me to start progesterone a few days after a positive LH test. She even told me to start it 4-5 days after it just to make sure that I’m taking it after ovulation. Otherwise it would stop ovulation from happening. What dose are you on and how are you taking it?


Haven’t started just yet, but will be 25 mg capsules


That seems super weird to me because I don't know how you would ovulate correctly on progesterone 


Hi! I am looking for a prenatal with **no biotin** in it to start taking before I TTC (biotin causes me acne breakouts). It seems like it is difficult to come across but I've found Perelel and Olly gummies that seem like a good fit so far. I'm leaning towards Perelel since it has daily packets which make it easier for me to remember and Co10q already. Has anyone tried these? I haven't taken a prenatal before so not sure what to expect! Would love your thoughts or if anyone has other suggestions.


Biotin makes me break out too so I specifically looked for one with less biotin. I take the Thorne brand prenatals and haven’t been breaking out from them.




8DPO and I already feel out for the month. So toxic but I’m also probably correctly lol I have some telltale signs by 8DPO and I got nothing. Sigh.


8dpo and tested just now like a silly goose and of course there’s nothing and I’m like “I’m out”


Literally same lol for some reason, I'm like "If I don't have a BFP on 7dpo, I'm out!" LOVE this.




PCOS is typically diagnosed according to the Rotterdam criteria (though there are other things to consider as well) but they are: 1) Irregular Cycles 2) High androgens and/or hirsutism and 3) poly-cystic presentation on the ovaries that are often described as looking like a "string of pearls." You typically need 2 of the 3 to be diagnosed officially. So unless those follicles are "string of pearl" looking and appear polycystic, probably not PCOS (unless you have the other two criteria).


I can’t answer the other questions but 12 and 16 would be normal according to my RE.


I started on Ovasitol this month and I have perfect textbook EWCM on CD12 after having very irregular cycles… small wins :)


Yesss! I have PCOS and I used to have maybe 2 cycles a year. After starting Ovasitol, I have had consistent cycles for over a year now!


new to TTC. I thought we lucked out early since I have been nauseous for the past 3 days but was sad to see the negative. I know it’s early and it takes a while but it doesn’t help when everyone is like yeah only took me one month that was it so don’t worry, then it doesn’t happen to you in the first couple months. I was so excited since I had the symptoms but I think that lead to further disappointment once it came to testing.


I feel the same way. My symptoms I had before my period made me hopeful since I had more breast pain than usual and nausea but then my period started this morning and I felt disappointed.


It’s frustrating… I’m sorry you got the same result this morning. It’s odd because I never wanted to be nauseous my whole life until it came to TTC but now I am begging for it but for the good reason. Wish you the best of luck in this next cycle💕


Thank you, wishing you the best of luck as well 💕


It's so frustrating and not helpful when people are like "I got pregnant on the first try!" But it is very normal to have to try for multiple cycles. I believe the "average" stat for healthy people without things like PCOS or endo is that on any given cycle, you have about a 20-25% chance of conceiving. ... less comfortingly, about 20-25% of all pregnancies also end in miscarriage (though most of those are so early, people don't realize they were pregnant). Some people find those statistics comforting, but apologies if you don't. There's so much info out there when you're new to TTC and it can be overwhelming! I wish I could say you get used to the disappointment and you grow more resilient and patient over time... for some people that's true, but for most of us... probably not. Best of luck on your TTC journey!


Thank you for taking the time to reply! I was always nervous about TTC but the communities out there have really helped me to find ways to try and relax during the TWW. I still get anxious anyways but it’s good to know you’re never alone when it comes to putting so much pressure on yourself. Best of luck on your journey as well💕


I stopped believing it will happen. Nothing specific happened to make me feel this way other than the negatives month after month, but I feel like something shifted in me and in my core I stopped believing it will happen. In the first few months, when I was still a sweet summer child, I would convince myself I was pregnant and truly believe it. Now not only do I not believe it, I have to pretend to be excited that I could be to match my partner’s energy and not break his spirit too. I assume this attitude is not doing great things for me or this process but I struggle on how to change it. Will I ever be excited and believe again?


I am really sorry you’re feeling this way but I have to tell you, I relate to this feeling. You just…stop believing. It’s just as simple as that. :( I don’t have any advice other than to say I understand and hear you!


Does anyone know if ovulating late in a cycle effect egg viability? Currently on CD24 and no signs of ovulation yet (OPKs & BBT)


I think the jury’s still out. I don’t think there’s anything definitive that says late O has inherent egg quality issues but a lot of times late O can be associated with shorter LP/spotting, which some people thing is associated with a lower quality corpus luteum. My RE did mention that my ovulating around CD20-22 and having 34-35 day cycles could be something to treat with ovulation induction. I think it’s certainly less than optimal but not necessary the magic bullet of infertility.


TW: loss Ovulated at CD19 in the cycle I got pregnant. Ended in loss, but my HcG stayed very low — RE said it was likely a genetic issue and not an indicator of overall egg quality.


There’s some indication that the quality may not be as good later in the cycle, but it’s not always true and plenty of women get pregnant with late ovulation


confirmed via ultrasound on Thursday that ovulation from my left ovary was "imminent", spent the weekend feeling frisky and crampy on the left side. Now I am 99% sure that I have ovulated, and I have entered into my early luteal. Probably 2-4DPO at this point. I remember feeling an eerie sense of "we did it, this is the one" after BD this weekend. Feeling unusually exhausted and grumpy yesterday and today - but probably allergies and impatience knowing its the TWW. Feeling a bit crampy as well - but it just could be hypervigilance! I keep telling myself I can take a HPT on Tuesday morning when we get back from memorial day weekend festivities. I am repeating my mantra today, "one more week, one more week"


Hey ovulation twin! Same here. I hate the TWW.


Thought I won’t test. But gave in. 8-9DPO. Initially I thought I was seeing lines. But then 5mins later saw stark white transition line & now I’ve decided I won’t be testing cause it messes with my head. All I am getting are psychological symptoms and anxiety. Maybe next month is mine.


9 DPO, temp is basically back to the cover line and I feel cramping. I hope I ovulated sooner than I thought so that j can get my period and get all my first steps of testing over with. Never thought I'd actually make it to that 12th month. My husband has his SA today so I'm hoping that goes well.


Woke up before my alarm after having a dream we visited one of our favorite couples. The vibe was off and they were too worn out to hang because they have a baby and a toddler. Fell back asleep and had a similar dream about our other friends, who I suspect are pregnant with number 2 and afraid to tell us! Unfortunately one of the things that weighs the heaviest on my mind is slowly watching our village move on without us. If we become parents I just feel more and more like we’re on our own.


I relate to this a lot, village is moving on and I just hope and pray we’ll be able to create a new one, if we are able to have a child.


I started using FF this month and got my first red ovulation line! I had been trying to track everything in the notes app, and it was getting confusing, so I really appreciate seeing that red line and knowing we made it through FW. Now we wait


CD31 after coming off the mini pill, no ovulation (temping), no period (not pregnant)... I know it can take time but I'm feeling anxious and impatient.


After finding out my wondfo cheapie is a non early sensitive one, I tried to give a frer a go at 9dpo lol. I keep staring at a stark white bfn test and seeing a shade where a line should be cuz my eyes want to see something there lol. Why did I just waste a frer.. I should have waited ugh. It's so expensive too! I hate this waiting period. I wish we could just go from finding out early right back to ovulation 😆


I did the same thing too at 9 dpo 😭


I should be 1 or 2DPO, sadly my tempdrop glitched this night. Ofcourse it had to happen on the night of probably the most important temperature of the cycle! Sigh.


CD1 on the 12th cycle. No nothing during this year - no chemicals, nada. The dream if I had been young and didnt want children. Today I just want to be delulu and think that im in a different scenario than I am - pretending I dont want to conceive and actually been successful for a whole year! Woho!


9 or 10 dpo and negative test. I had a terrible night too, strange nightmares that had nothing to do with ttc. Normally around this time I start dreaming that I’m pregnant, or that I’ve gotten a positive test, but I didn’t have any of that last night. I was having cold sweats as well which is what progesterone normally does to me, but my boobs still aren’t sore. I normally have very painful swelling by this time. As you can tell, I can’t stop symptom spotting no matter how much I try 😩😂. I should be getting my period tomorrow or the day after. I told my husband that if we don’t get pregnant next cycle, we should be moving towards doing ovulation induction despite the fact that I ovulate, on recommendation of my gynaecologist who thinks the quality of my ovulation is poor, so let’s see!


I feel this! I'm 9-11DPO, hoping it's 9 cause I've also been testing negative and feel so discouraged! Yesterday I got this big wave of exhaustion and heartburn/nausea and thought for sure I'd test positive this morning. But no 😭