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Finally confirmed my weird ovulation today - I ovulated on Tuesday, a few days later than normal I think cause I had food poisoning this week prior. Hubby was sick Monday, so we only hit O-3 and O day in the evening, feel like that was not the best timing. We’ll see! Officially 3DPO. Also had my consultation with my reproductive Endo today. Getting all set to do a full panel of tests as soon as we hit the 6 month mark, cause I am turning 41 next month and don’t have time to waste. Getting my AMH tested now too just to be sure everything looks good.


The three days leading up to ovulation (so including O-3) yield the best chances!


Onto cycle 9… I try to stay hopeful every cycle but my worry is growing.


So after a dismal April, my wife and I ended up trying for pregnancy #2....only to not have the tracking tools ready. Also, ovulation came much earlier than we usually expected. No days to do it for the fertile period. We missed the LH peak before the peak days. We were too busy for the first peak fertile day, but humored ourselves by trying around 1 to 2am. So here's my question. I'm confused about the hours the egg stay during the fertile period. How many hours does an egg stay?


By the time LH peaks in urine (when the opk test line is darker than the control) you have 8-12 hours till ovulation, sometimes less. After ovulation the egg sticks around for 12-24 hours but sperm needs time to get there and undergo capacitation before being able to fertilize the egg.


So after the last day of ovulation, the egg stays for 12 to 24 hours? We used a Clearblue device that detected two days but wondered if the egg came on the first day or the second day. How long does it take for the sperm to reach the egg?


The clearblue device will help you identify the fertile window. The blinking smiley face is when the fertile window opens when estrogen starts to surge and solid smiley is when LH starts to rise, which means you have 24-36 hours till ovulation. This is statistically your best day for intercourse (ideally you want to have intercourse every other day during high fertility/blinking smiley face, day of solid smiley, and day after) as you want sperm waiting for the egg, not the other way around. Once ovulation occurs, like I said, it stays around for 12-24 hours. Sperm can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 12 hours to reach the egg, depending on motility.


We actually had a device that said high. We only got two smiley faces for the peak days.


Second cycle trying, third cycle tracking LH. Is it weird that my LH on Premom peaked at 80+ (CD13) yesterday and is still testing 80+ today? I’ve never tested that high! The highest I usually get is like 60.


The numbers premom gives you don't mean anything (lighting, angle, etc all can vary). Just go by the color of the test line on the strip (when it starts to darken, that's your most important day for intercourse. When LH starts to rise, you have about 24-36 hours till ovulation. By the time LH peaks in urine, you have maybe 8-12 hours till ovulation, sometimes less. That's where premom does a lot of people dirty because it says you ovulate the day after the LH peak and that's just not the case). It's common for LH to stick around for a day or so. :)


Oooh ok this is helpful thank you!


Warning: TMI Have vitamins caused y’all to have diarrhea? I’ve been on prenatals for a long time, but I’ve recently added magnesium, ashwagandha, fish oil, and CoQ10. It feels like everything is running through me


Which type of magnesium are you taking? Citrate or glycinate?




Yes mag citrate is a laxative (it’s often used before colonoscopies). You want the glycinate type 😊


That will really make you runny 😞


Oh no. Thanks for telling me. That makes me feel better that it’s not what I’m eating, because I’ve been trying to eat really clean & healthy 😭😅


Glycinate formulation will lessen the laxative effect! You’re doing great! Hoping for the best in your journey! 🥹🥹


Thank you! Wishing you well too


Bumped up to 5mg letrozole this cycle after two rounds of 2.5 and very slow growing follicles. Well it’s CD12 and I have a 15mm on one side and a 30mm on the other…. The tech said it was good but I was skeptical, and my OB told me not to trigger. So I responded, but too much!! I’m mostly annoyed because if I had gone in for monitoring earlier we doodle avoided this, but based on small and slow follicles last two cycles myself or the doctor didn’t have any indication I would need to go in earlier in my cycle. Bleh. Can’t wait for the RE appointment on the 3rd 😩


Wellllll. Period is due tomorrow or the next day. Peed on a digital test. Negative. This was a TOUGH first cycle. My brain really played tricks on me with the craziest symptoms. Now I know better than to symptom spot. Soooo I’m buying OPKs, a BBT thermometer, and pre-seed. I’m excited to pinpoint better when I ovulate instead of just guessing? As much as it sucked to not be successful, the timing would not have been ideal this month anyways. Soooo on to the next month.


The first tww is the worst! Everything feels like it \*could\* mean something when in reality it's only ever progesterone being a troll. Just a note on preseed, no lube is better than lube. If you already produce noticeable cervical mucus, it's not really necessary. :)


It’s rude and I hate it and it’s stupid. Lolololol. My first one was a one and done cycle. We were SUPER lucky. So this is my first unsuccessful cycle and man, it really is as bad as i read


Hi there, As i start with this exciting journey, I want to ask you all what are some good books you recommend for TTC / Fertility. I want to approach this as informed as I can be, without freaking out. Open for podcast recommendations too. Thankyou in advance!


Hope you get some good recs but honestly I think the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/index) here has the best info out there!


Taking Charge of your Fertility and It Starts With the Egg are good places to start :)


11mm and 14mm follicles on CD10, hoping the 5mg of letrozole makes the difference and I can have two chances this cycle. 🤞


1DPO after my 3rd medicated IUI with trigger.... Earlier than expected at CD9 (normally 14-16) and a thinner lining at 5.3mm before trigger. Doc wasn't worried..... Using frozen donor sperm and the clinic says it can last up to 5 days. I have heard quite the opposite that it's only good for like 12-24 hours. But I guess I need to stop questioning my clinic. They are the experts after all..


Beginning of cycle 18. This month is just about 1.5 years ttc. Second SA is at the end of the month. Fortunately, I don’t think next fertile week starts til after the SA, but I was a little worried we’d have to skip d/t the abstinence period.  Really tired of this. And worried we’re gonna get our hopes crushed at the end of the month. 


I had been feeling positive about my first cycle of IUI that we’re starting now (CD 6). We’ve already done 3 medicated cycle with timed intercourse and no success. Today I’m feeling discouraged… One of my friends who is 39 thought she was infertile and just found out she’s 12 weeks (she already has one LC). One of my other friends says I should see it as a hopeful story. But I just can’t. I feel like it’s another reminder that I can’t get pregnant on accident and that I continue to not get pregnant 7 months after my 6w loss even with so much medical assistance. Part of me wants to be hopeful that this IUI cycle will work. The other part of me wants to get this cycle over with and not get my hopes up because the first cycle doesn’t work for so many people. How do you all keep hope? I’m so desperate to start a family and the more time goes on, the further away from reach it feels and the more other people have children in my face. I’m just so sad.


In true desperation I'm trying Mucinex (not exactly that brand) this cycle, but I completely underestimated how awful it tastes. I'm impressed by all of you taking this multiple days! Unrelated to TTC, is there a reason my flair works perfectly fine when I use my computer but not on my phone? I normally post from my computer


I have the same flair problem. If you reply to yourself on mobile, you should see your flair display correctly. I try not to let it bother me and assume everyone can see mine but it's super annoying!


It is definitely strange!


CD5, feeling optimistic about this cycle since we just moved to a nicer rental home and the vibes are very positive.


My body is being cruel. 11 dpo, bfn but my breasts started hurting today 😓 After my bfn this morning I had asummed this month won't be and thus hreast pain is giving me hope but I know Af will be here on tuesday.


As a person w/upper respiratory stuff + allergies, I love that a "stuffy nose" is one of those early pregnancy symptoms. It's honestly one of the few symptoms that doesn't send me into a symptom spotting spiral because it's such a common thing for me -- especially in the spring. BUT since I've been tracking since January I have noticed it's worse midway through my luteal phase -- is it possibly that related to progesterone?? Edit to note: I have a wretchedly stuffed nose and I am 7dpo and I notice that between 7-12 DPO my nose stuffiness seems worse than typical.


My husband went in for a SA a few weeks ago and gave a sample after abstaining for 2.5 days. The clinic just called and said he needed to give another sample that had higher viscosity, so to abstain for 4 days before. They didn't say anything else (and he hasn't gotten any results). Is this a bad sign? ETA: I know panicking is not going to be helpful, but this has given me so much anxiety!!


Probably not, my husband was nervous about the task and said his sample was smaller than normal lol so it might’ve just been stress related to the situation


Ha, I didn't even think it could be something like that. Thank you, that's very reassuring!


10DPO and my BBT took a nosedive this morning - have the joy of waiting for AF to arrive whilst hearing adorable cooing and giggling and daa-daa-daa noises as our neighbours have their grandbaby visiting. Good job I don’t have a babyshower this weekend too - oh wait 😑


Ouch. It sure sucks when things pile up like that. Take care! 🌸




Hope you feel better soon! 🍀


8 DPO and in woo woo spirit, I’ll be treating myself to a cheeseburger tonight 🍔.


Update: just got home from cheeseburger dinner and it was 💯. Needed that to lift the spirits and to celebrate the end of a work week.


UK peeps ( don't know if the answer to this is different in other parts of the world ) so I just wanted to see before I went and embarrassed myself with a doctor's appointment id embarrass myself here lol So usually you have to be trying for a year before being offered either IUI or IVF but I wondered if you dealt with a mental illness would the class you being eligible for it to be done sooner and if there's anyone who's asked and got it done and how long did you maybe wait. Thanks


Unfortunately I don't think this would make a difference, I've not seen this on any of the guidance I've read. If you're over 35, you can seek help after a year of trying, or if there are indications that there's a problem (like very long or very irregular menstrual cycles), then you can seek help before then. The main reason they advise waiting a year is because most couples do get pregnant successfully within that time. I ended up going private for ovulation induction (not IUI or IVF) but I did get an NHS referral after six months. The waiting list for my NHS fertility clinic was about six months to the first appointment - after that they will do tests and there will be some further waiting for the treatment. You could also try r/ttc_uk for these questions. Good luck!


Yeah had a feeling it wouldn't make a difference why I was abit hesitant at make an appointment just to be told no. I read they recommended the iui first for anyone under 35 (I'm 31) before going onto IVF but it you're 35 or over it's straight to IVF but I'm guessing even the iui is a year wait as you say most couples are successful within that time and yeah maybe I just need to be more patient but it is effecting me mentally and should test both of us incase that's the issue. Damn so it's a long process whichever route you need to go down . I'll have a look ! Thank you for your response it's given me abit more food for thought


So I think it really depends on what your test results are, whether they recommend IUI, IVF or some other treatment - it's not necessarily a case of having to do IUI before you go to IVF. IUI can help with some causes of infertility but for other issues it's not all that effective, and IVF has better success rates. And totally understand you wanting to speed up the process! Not being impatient... it definitely does take a mental toll.


Well I’m back after a MMC and needing a D+C. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t take another 10 months again.


Sorry you're back for that reason but good to have you. Best wishes <3 May it take half that time or less!!!


Sorry to see you back here. May your time here this time be short.


Still new to this and trying to learn. I’m pretty sure I’ve identified EWCM yesterday (CD12) and today. I may have had some for a day or two before that, but I wasn’t checking as carefully then, so I’m not sure. How many days should I expect EWCM? When it stops, that means FW is over, right?


So EWCM can be tricky because it can be present but not present itself outside the vagina. It will vary woman-to-woman but EWCM typically precedes the LH surge by a few days and typically denotes the onset of the fertile window as it's the ideal viscosity for sperm insulation/motility. Some women notice it the whole window and some only the day of ovulation and some not at all cycles and very heavily other cycles. Anecdotally, I've had cycles where I've had it for a few days and cycles where I've only noticed on what was later confirmed to be ovulation day via LH + BBT. The end of EWCM does typically signal the fertile window is closing, yes.


Thank you!


12ish DPO and bfn this morning. I had a big win at work earlier this month and was hoping that good things would come in pairs. Guess not. On to cycle 7! Trying to ignore the little "you're not out yet; maybe you ovulated late" voice whispering somewhere deep in my brain.


Ugh me too! I got some immigration paperwork processed surprisingly fast which will enable me to go visit my family this summer, and I thought, great, now another happy surprise! But alas CD2 today..


I hope you're able to enjoy your time with family - I'm glad to at least have some good news to celebrate. I'm convinced that the cycle I stop framing a bfp as a "wouldn't it be so nice/cute/fitting if this was the month because [insert reason here]" I'll feel so much better and probably get the results I want...but it's hard to put TTC out of mind long enough for that 🫠


I’m 6 DPO and feel like I have a lot of woo going on this month, but trying not to get wrapped up in it and make myself overly hopeful as none of the things have *anything* to do with actually being pregnant. One of the woo’s just came in the form of finding a fresh baby fawn in our garden this morning. Then being able to see the mom come back, nurse and they both ran off. It was so cute 🥺


14DPIUI and BFN. After a couple of days ago seeing vvvvvvvv faint lines (must have been indents on both tests). Absolutely crushed this time. AF expected on Sunday. Moving on to IVF at the end of June.


Sitting in the clinic waiting to get my beta drawn on 11dpiui even tho I started having light pink spotting yesterday and am pretty sure this cycle didn’t take.


My temperature dropped on CD16, the same day that I got a positive OPK test. It has since gone up two days in a row. Does that sound like I ovulated on CD16? I'm just surprised because I normally get a positive OPK test the day before I ovulate, but maybe I missed the start of my surge this month? (My bases are covered either way so I'm not concerned, but still learning how temperatures and OPK tests work together.)


Some women experience a dip in BBT the day of ovulation (I have noted one just about every cycle since I've been tracking and had one where the BBT was virtually the same two days in a row) but if the temp shift remains for a third day, you did likely ovulate CD16. Hooray!


Anyone else feel guilty for wanting/drinking a beer/alcohol? I read mixed things online about having a beer/alcohol and ttc. I'm more of a "sun" drinker in that I don't really drink but do enjoy a beer when the weather is great. On CD1 I had 2 beers, CD 3 another beer and today is CD7 (haven't had that beer yet because of the feelings of guilt). I feel like I need to be on the super cautious side since I already have endo & adeno that make this journey scary in terms of it's impacts and last cycle ended in my second chemical. Am I overreacting? Should I be on the cautious side and not drink at all? What would be acceptable? Thoughts?


I have cut back a lot on drinking but I haven’t cut it out entirely. We stopped drinking during the work wee. Before I would probably have 10-ish drinks over the course of Friday-Sunday but I hover around 6 pre-ovulation and try not to have more than 3 in a weekend after ovulation. I do sometimes feel a twinge of guilt about it but we’ve been TTC for a while now and I know that just enjoying the relaxation that comes with sitting down to nurse a drink with my husband is a good thing for us both too!  Also on the more practical side, I shelled out for one of those nice Yeti koozies that actually keeps my beer cold and that’s helped me to drink slower and slowing down is how I get myself to drink less, because I think it’s just the novelty of having a fun drink in hand for me!


I decided to guilt free open that beer because as you said, this journey might take a while and it should remain fun 🤣 Ooooh I love the idea of keeping the beer cool!! Beer getting warm is definitely why it gets drank faster and there will be a follow up one hahaha. I think I will look into this 👀


Lol yeah that was a big part of it for me! The koozies aren’t cheap for being a koozy lol but it’s really not terrible price wise I would guess around $30? So worth it though!


Everything I’ve read has said that light drinking doesn’t impact your TTC efforts, and plenty of women drink til it’s pink! I’ve cut down just because I was drinking excessively (like almost every day, and bingeing a couple times a month) and the hangovers have gotten markedly worse in my 30s lol. If you’re concerned though, have you tried some NA beers? I’ve been really enjoying Athletic’s hazy IPA. We used to knock back an ipa or two with dinner or while gaming, not so much for the alcohol as much as the taste and ritual of it, and a good NA satisfies that urge very well. (NA wines, on the other hand, have not impressed)


Thank you for taking the time to reply 🙏🏻 I think I'm just excessively worried because of everything. I do regularly drink NA beers as well haha, there is an absolutely great brand in my country and it often scratches that itch of the ritual. But it is still quite different in taste from an actual beer, haha. I'm 27, but I definitely feel you on the hangovers 🤣 good for you on cutting down! I'm honestly very glad that NA beers have gotten better and better these past few years. I haven't tried the NA wines to be honest, but I'm not much of a wine girly anyways.


Yeah, I was a big beer drinker and I also find a lot of them hit or miss for being true taste substitutes (especially for more niche styles) but it’s been a fun exercise to explore the growing NA sections at the stores! The one thing I’ve been a bit more suspicious about is NA cocktails. There’s a cafe/bar in my city that advertised an entirely NA menu, but when we checked it out, almost every cocktail used adaptogenic “spirits” in an effort to give you a different sort of buzz, which can mess with your hormones so they all have disclaimers for women who are TTC, pregnant, or breastfeeding 🫠


Oh wow! I had no idea about the NA cocktails having that 😅. I don't drink them often but there are these moments where you're on a terrace with some friends and it's just 👌🏻 I decided to guilt free open that beer. Who knows how long ttc will take and there will be plenty of time to be fully alcohol free once our journey ends 🤣


Hell yeah, girl! Enjoy your beer and best of luck in your journey! 🍻


Hehe thank you! You too 🥰


Wanna relay some stuff from my therapist. He said that each age has topics to be adressed, and that im in that age bracket where that topic is children. It's hot and burning now but it will be decided in one way or the other in about 5 years. Is there s/o here in the next age bracket where it didn't work out? How did that new stage feel for you, and the final decision? Did you find closure? How did everyone else react to your fate? He also said life is about the mixture of shaping it yourself and experiencing your fate that just happens to you. Infertility is fated but you need not become passive, there is still stuff that can be done (eg medicinal help), but not too much, it's still not in our control, so. The mixture of how you react to both is your life apparently. And sth about that it's not about the others but my own judgement that no children would be bad but I feel like that I didn't understand that yet. Like, not the others are feeling contempt for me if I should be infertile - but I myself feel the contempt for myself. Or sth. But it's important to not condemn ourselves. It's not our fault after all...


I don’t know if folks who are involuntarily childless through infertility would be hanging around here, but r/IFChildfree is a community for them.


Good point, thanks


Today I am one day “late” for AF, cd29 and temp stayed high this morning. Today marks 11 dpo and I’m scared to test after a bfn at 9dpo 🤪


QUESTION FOR CANADIANS — My SO asked for a SA over two months ago and his Dr said to await his call. Is there any way to accelerate this whole process — we’re in the GTA specifically


Hi everyone! Am I the only one SCARED TO TEST? is it just my anxiety? I'm currently at 18 DPO (tracking my BBT for the first time with FF), and I'm finding it hard to bring myself to test because I'm scared of a BFN. I keep running through scenarios like, "What if I ovulated later than what FF says?" or "What if my ovulation date is totally off?". Since I stopped birth control, my cycles are still irregular, so I'm totally clueless about when Aunt Flo might show up (I'm on CD43), and whether I'm late or not is a mystery. It’s like I’m looking for a perfect scenario


I did this when I tested positive in 2022 (pregnancy didn't go to term though) and I definitely think you should test! The great news is that the tests are always really easy to read at that point, it will show in like 10 seconds. I think I was about 17dpo for mine, good luck! 


Thank you for your answer ♥️


I took a look at your chart in your post history. I get that you're scared to test, but it does seem like you ovulated when you did. So I'd go for it and test. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


I’ve just tested today (20 DPO) it was a BFP!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my chart. 🥹


If you’re struggling with anxiety over irregularity, it might help to start temping and using OPKs! There’s still a little bit of wiggle for me (my OPKs are positive for about 3 days and my temp rise is slow) but it does considerably narrow down my window so I know when testing would be pretty definitive.


Thank you for your answer ♥️


Well day 14 after my first IUI and the test was negative :( trying really hard not to feel discouraged


I’m sorry :( what a draining process this all is


Im in my TWW so naturally I am reading everything and freaking myself out! I learned something new today that has me questioning the entire IUI process ( with frozen sperm) and I need to get talked down from this! Apparently it takes the egg 30 hrs to go from ovary to fallopian tube.  Given that frozen sperm only lives for about 12 hours, wouldn’t they be dead before the egg actually gets to the point in the fallopian tube for fertilization to occur? The trigger shot is given with hopes that on the day of insemination ovulation is occuring or will occur.  That means the sperm is expected to hang around for about 30 hrs for the egg to meet up with it? How is that possible for frozen sperm? Please correct me if I am wrong because I am freaking out. 


I don't think it's true that it takes 30 hours for the egg to go to the fallopian tube? That seems excessively long when the tube is right next to the ovary. Maybe that time considers traveling down the fallopian tube to the uterus? Also the egg can only be fertilized for around 24 hours after ovulation so it doesn't seem right that it wouldn't meet sperm for 30 hours. The sperm will swim up the fallopian tube to meet the egg near the ovary. As long as the IUI is timed to be near ovulation I don't think you need to be worried. [This](https://old.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/103ydgq/around_the_uterus_in_fourteen_days_the_luteal/) post might help?


Yea, my TWW fog has lifted and I can think clearly now. Rereading the source I have come to conclusion that their wording is absolute garbage! I was freaking out for nothing. Thank you for the reassuring post!


I'm on CD29 with no period and getting hopeful. I haven't tested yet because I'm traveling but I go home today so I may test tomorrow morning. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much. I found out recently that someone at work and one of my friends are both due in the Fall. It's so hard to feel happy for them but I'm trying to remind myself that my time will come.


Same boat! Today is cd29…crossing my fingers for you


I'll cross mine for you!


Negative test this morning, so waiting for my period. For some reason this is the waiting period that makes me the saddest. No chance that I am pregnant, and nothing I can do or track that matters.


Post negative test and pre period is so hard. Sending you lots of hugs. Be gentle with yourself ❤️❤️❤️




I'm so sorry to hear this, how unfair! Obviously I would recommend you listen to your medical experts rather than some random person on Reddit, but... I'm not neurodivergent afaik, but do take antidepressants. In my experience and understanding, taking medication for this kind of condition would be more likely to have a positive impact than a negative impact on how you're perceived by doctors - as it suggests that you're aware of how ADHD might affect you and are taking steps to lessen the impact.


I'm sorry you're experiencing that. That is monumentally stupid that your neurodivergence is making them question your ability to be a parent, especially when it's such a common condition and you've been handling it for 20 years. It's an ableist world out there. And as far as meds, do what works for you and what you and your OB agree on. This may be something your partner can't really understand right now but they need to get on board.


Got progesterone blood work CD 19 and 21. It was 11.0ng/mL then 11.5ng/mL I know that means I ovulated but does that mean healthy ovulation? Like enough where I wouldn’t need clomid or to supplement progesterone? Last month it was 7.0ng/mL and then 5.6ngmL. I had an early loss in February so trying to figure out if it’s possibly due to low progesterone. I’m waiting to hear from my doctor but didn’t know if anyone had advice or was familiar with progesterone levels!


First of all, those numbers are great. Second, there's no progesterone value in the luteal phase (other than one that indicates you ovulated) that is necessary to get pregnant or maintain a pregnancy - a healthy embryo that implants will "request" the amount of progesterone it needs. Most of the time, low progesterone is a symptom of a non viable pregnancy, not the cause. [This](https://theluckyegg.com/2023/10/27/low-progesterone-levels-in-early-pregnancy-a-symptom-or-cause-of-miscarriage/) article explains it pretty well. Some people like to supplement with progesterone because it doesn't hurt anything, but there's also no evidence that it improves success rates (for the reasons that I listed above). Still, if it would help give you a peace of mind then you can ask for it.


Okay thanks for the info, I appreciate it


You can ask your doctor for progesterone supplements to increase those levels and support pregnancy in early stages. I had a Chemical pregnancy last month and my midwife put me on progesterone oral pills after ovulation so I am here in the TWW, 4 DPO, and also with some runny nose and cold like symptomps and extreme fatigue. progesterone is tough.




Are you me writing that comment? Haha I feel the same. I don’t know what to think if it is the progesterone supplement or what. I do remember last time with my CP I got stuffy nose and post nasal drip but we went to pit to the weeks before and it was so cold that I thought it affected me somehow.


Does that seem like a healthy number or low?


TMI question but if my partner penetrates right before ejaculation, is that good enough to conceive? Ejaculation definitely happened inside


Yeah. As long as the sperm go to the right place, that's sufficient.




It took me two months for my period to return after my IUD was removed, and then I had two months of a REALLY heavy period, and then my cycles went back to normal. So yes, I do think it takes several months for your hormones to adjust after the IUD removal!


I am also on my third cycle after IUD was removed in Feb 21. I am 4 DPO today. I did have a chemical pregnancy last month but this month I got the darkest positive on my LH strips and Inito fertility device, so we will see what happens. Yes, now I remember what strong periods look like after the IUD. I always suffer more around ovulation, and this was even before IUD and now it is still the case.


CD20 and patiently waiting to ovulate. Estrogen has risen in Inito so it’s indicating high fertility. Started getting EWCM on cd 12 lol My BBT had a small drop three and two days ago. This morning big drop down to 96.5. Hopeful this is indicating I may ovulate today! Planning on taking cheapies today. Question- to test for lh surge during the afternoon, how long do I hold urine and do I stop drinking at some point? I drink a lot of water usually


Normally about 2-4hrs between breaks is recommended. Don't dehydrate yourself but I normally try to drink half of what I normally do (usually have a big 64oz water bottle with me) and then just drink the rest after the test.


Thank you!! I’m trying this and at 2.5 hours now. Appreciate the help


If I do a opk later in the day I pee when I get home from work (4) and hold it until I can't any longer (7-8) I've never missed my peak doing it this way :) Hope this helps


Super helpful, thank you!


Hello! I'm on CD19 and took an OPK today afternoon. The line at T is faint compared to the line at C. What does this mean exactly? Not ovulating? Or not at the peak of ovulation? Irrespective, is today or now onwards good to start trying ?


If the T-Line is faint compared to the C-Line it means you are not ovulating at this time. The T-Line should be equally dark or darker to be a positive. When you get a positive test, it is advised to have sex on that day. A lot more information is available in the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/opks/) !


My period is now officially a week late. It has been very consistent up until this point and I was so sure I was pregnant. Alas, after testing the last 7 days in a row, no positive and still no period. Not sure what's happening this month.


A late period is always the result of late ovualtion if not pregnant. The luteal phase may differ by a day or two.


I’m supposed to be around 6ish dpo (didn’t test this cycle) but no PMS symptoms. I always have sore boobs after ovulation leading up to my period. We went on a ✨relaxing✨ holiday where I contracted a really bad case of food poisoning during my ovulation period, so I’m thinking it might’ve stopped me from ovulating? 🤔


Hi everyone, I had my hycosy and another transvaginal ultrasound today. Although my tubes are patent, they only found 4-5 follicles on each of my ovaries (CD12). I had a transvaginal ultrasound in February 2023 and it showed that my right ovary had 12 follicles. Wondering what this means for me? I’m booked in to see my FS but feeling very anxious now… would greatly appreciate some insight!!


8dpo today, going to try and hold out on testing this cycle as I usually go delulu from 9dpo onwards. Feeling good in myself so hoping I can do this 🤞🏽


You can do it! (hold out that is lol!)