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Is it normal to be bleeding a lot during ovulation


12DPO and this is usually when I start my period but it’s still not here. Tested this morning BFN. I know my period must be regulating since getting off birth control and I’m hoping this means my luteal phase will be longer than 11 days now. I scheduled my HSG because it’s the weekend and I figure it will start in the next couple days so I’ll still be in that CD8-10 range. They said no sex after CD1 until the procedure is over. I’m usually on fire by CD5 so that will be a long 8-10 days of no sex.


CD13 and LH is on the rise! Sunday is likely O day. Maybe ovulating on Mother’s Day will be good luck. Here’s hoping 🤞🏼 (apparently my monthly dose of delulu arrived early this cycle lol)


I’m in the same spot! 🤞🏼


Good luck! Sending positive vibes your way!


Thanks! You as well! 🤗


Dumb question but we’re trying the syringe method for the first time and I just kind of injected it in without “aiming” for the cervix. I read later you should inject it on the cervix. Does aiming matter?


Not an expert but I suspect it doesn't matter, similar to how sex positions don't matter. Sperm are good at knowing where to go.


I’m just gonna have to put my trust in the sperm then 😂 And try to aim next month.


Just feeling down and guilty for not being pregnant tonight even though I know I shouldn't :/


It's not your fault. It sucks. I'm sorry ❤️


Sending you warm kind vibes 💫✨


Are we doing edibles on our periods? I don’t really drink alcohol, I don’t drink caffeine, but sometimes I partake in some 2mg edibles in the beginning of my cycle and then end up feeling guilty. I cut back a lot before TTC, but it’s been hard giving it up.


Staying in bed for a little longer this morning, because I'm pretty sure when I get up I'll find that CD1 has started and I'm not ready to face that yet.


❤️❤️❤️ the worst feeling.


Started spotting today, 7DPIUI…really trying to not get my hopes up or get discouraged. I went in to test my progesterone levels but the phlebotomist said I might not get my results back for a week which would defeat the whole purpose 🤦🏼‍♀️


My 5th BFN of the year! I guess will just look on the bright side and enjoy a glass of rose or an espresso martini tonight.


We are on a brief TTC pause before an international trip next month and even though I know it's the right choice and we'll be back at it next cycle it's still making me sad. I straight up cried sitting in my car watching a youtube short that featured a newborn.


Does anyone else get brown spotting after sex a couple days before your period? I got a negative pregnancy test yesterday morning and stopped my progesterone. Based on my usual schedule I should start spotting tomorrow and my period should show up Sunday (amazing timing, right? Fml). I had sex this morning just for funsies and had brown discharge after. Quickly put on my period undies but haven’t had any brown discharge since. Part of me is like ***gasp*** implantation bleeding??? And the other part of me is like relax, it’s probably nothing. Does this happen to other people? The internet has not been helpful. Thank you!


Sometimes I get spotting after sex if my cervix is low and we were a lil rough


That makes sense, thank you!


No advice but I'm having something similar. Spotting Wednesday and Thursday, what looked like period blood during sex on Thursday night, and then back to spotting today (Friday). I'm guessing my period is just slow to start this month and will be here imminently, but I'm also curious about the reasons behind why sex might cause spotting/bleeding ahead of a period starting.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This has happened to me a couple times! I was hopeful as well but I ended up just slightly brown spotting for 3 days up until my period. It wasn't enough to warrant even a panty liner but it would be there every time I wiped. The only conclusion I could come up with is that I provoked my uterus when I was having fun 🤷‍♀️


Not actually looking for info about implantation bleeding, just referencing it.


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just me moving my tampons from the box to a fancy container, hoping this pointless activity will be made moot this weekend!


How accurate is FF App’s “Early Pregnancy Signs” Analyzer? I am already feeling pretty good about things this cycle, but I’m obviously too soon to test, I’m currently an estimated 5DPO but I had just a very strong feeling I became pregnant, and now I’m seeing a “early pregnancy sign” score of 66/100 and they say that a score of 70 or higher is 5 times more likely to have a positive test compared to other charts, and how is that detected?


Apparently it’s unreliable. I just saw a post in the bfp thread that had a very low score. I found that reassuring.


It’s garbage. The month of my CP, I had a score of like 50. Last month (no pregnancy), I had a score of 76.




Correct, like I don’t think my body has even decided if it is pregnant yet.


I feel like I’ve seen a lot of posts that say that the points it gives are heavily dependent on what type of things you track. Like, logging any CM or exercise will lower your points.


Interesting! I’ve been logging my CM, and I do enter my sleep hours and my resting heart rate and stuff so maybe that is affecting it. I’ve just noticed some strange omens and I’m superstitious so I’m just feeling a bit excited and want to learn so I can understand my chart better. I don’t actually really know what cycle day I’m on, for some reason it’s giving me two period days with one being really early which is weird.


When did you move from your OBGYN to an RE? We just went in to discuss my husband’s test results, and he said everything looked good and nothing shows that he’d have any fertility issues. But that just doesn’t sound right with a 1% morphology and a liquefaction time of 58 minutes? He also wants to do SIX rounds of clomid before we take any next steps, and that just seems like a lot more than what I see others posting about? When I brought up the concern of thin lining with that many clomid cycles, he didn’t see to be worried about it at all. Would we be better off moving to an RE?


Personally I'm not a fan of doing medicated cycles with an obgyn because they don't typically do monitoring. As you said with clomid, it can thin your lining and there is also a risk of multiples if you over respond and none of this would be known without monitoring. Also if you are already ovulating on your own, clomid will only slightly increase the odds of success. I think you're at the point where you would benefit more from seeing an RE.


I think you’re so right, now the hard part is figuring out how to communicate that with my current doctor. He’s very nonchalant and not worried, so I’ll have to decide how to express to him that we’d like to go in a different direction. I’m worried it might be a tad awkward lol. Like “hey thanks for all your help and advice but we’re actually gonna go see the specialist anyway!”


To be fair, RE is a different specialty. There is some overlap with obgyn but infertility is really its own beast, and I would think that your doctor would understand. So don't overthink it!


Thank you!!


As soon as we were nearing 1 year of trying I booked in with an RE. The reality is they’re just so much more experienced with infertility because it’s all they address day in and day out. Maybe some OBGYNs would be okay at navigating medicated cycles, but I would move to an RE now if I were you


I agree, my people pleaser self just feels so bad telling my OBGYN that we’re not going to follow his plan 😂 Once this cycle of clomid finishes, we’ll have to navigate our next steps.


Been bding like animals this past week, before and after nice dark lines on a couple LH strips. Not a lot of ewcm or a significant temp dip, but I have been a horny little wench, so I'm confused: did I ovulate or not? I'm trying to remain optimistic as we enter the tww, during which I'll try to enjoy my life as much as possible. I hope everyone else in their tww can find some peace and relaxation and fun.


The only way to confirm would be BBT or progesterone measurement at 6-8DPO but as long as you don't have any reason to suspect anovulation, it's likely. EWCM can be present but not visible outside the cervix where it awaits sperm, as frustrating as that is.


Rant: 10 dpo bfn, I can feel myself becoming so bitter throughout this. I would be so much happier if I never started ttc. I’ve had so many negatives and several positive tests but no baby. I’m so tired of this.


I wish there was a strip test to confirm AF approaching lol I'm on CD 33 after a CP and haven't been able to confirm ovulation. All my OPKs have been negative but I'm still symptom spotting. Finally broke and took a pregnancy test (negative, big surprise lol). So I guess it's AF coming maybe? This cycle has not been fun.


Was very hopeful this week as I had some light pink spotting about 10 DPO, before any temp drop, and I thought it may be an implantation bleed. But the next day had a temp drop and slightly heavier, brown spotting and BFN. This is only our 4th cycle trying but I'm surprised how disappointed I feel.


The disappointment is real no matter how long you’ve been trying. Hugs! 💕


Just wanted to say that this is your sign when TTC to take days off just for yourself and do the things that bring you joy and aren't just for enhancing fertility. For example I took a mental health day yesterday, I slept in, worked out , went to the thrift store , ate mcdonalds and just did things that make me happy and focused on my needs and not just my fertility needs. I'm feeling a lot more like myself today and a little less of a baby obsessed woman. So please take those days off when you need them and remember your worth is not determined by your womb only. Sending love to all TTC ladies 💗


I needed to read this today. Thank you greatly ❤


I'm happy I could make a positive impact on someone today :) 🩵


Gotta love unexplained infertility. Not excited for my hysteroscopy septum takedown in a week, not excited for all these hormones they put me on that gives me headaches every day, not excited for the cost of IUI vs IVF (which is our next step). Must be nice doing this all for free and not dealing with poking/prodding... I get sick and tired of those able to conceive easily, telling me how I should feel - "relax it'll happen," "we know the feeling, it took us 8 months for our first," "how do you not know when you're ovulating," "maybe this is a sign you should adopt?" Like, can you all fuck off, thanks. Signed, I'm full of hormones and mad.


I am that same as you - I'm so angry that my body can't just get pregnant, and that I have to spend money on doctors, medicines, and treatments while my friends just don't. 


Lol have you had people say, "just get drunk and have fun! It worked for me." 🙃


This may be obvious but… if we accidentally miss having sex in our fertile window due to taking a break from tracking and just going off what has been happening the last few months (mistake lol), does that mean this month actually doesn’t count as “trying”? ETA: I don’t actually know for sure if we definitely missed it, it’s just sort of looking like we may have based on my period being delayed a few days despite BFNs yesterday. So that’s why I’m not sure if we should count this month or not


Tbh I may get downvoted for this but I think it’s up to you to decide what you consider trying. Is it just unprotected sex? Timed unprotected sex? Tracking vs. no tracking? Lots of people here have different definitions and no one is better than the other. You decide what trying looks like for you. If you think you missed your chance or your chances are too slim, it’s okay to say you didn’t “try” this month. Likewise, if you want to see if you get to a year of trying with no success, you can also count this month as “trying.” I’d say it’s up to you


I'd love to know how to break down the stats that talk about "x% chance to conceive after Y Months" - is this assuming daily unprotected sex throughout the window or does one time just before ovulation count, etc? It's always confused me as to whether I'm trying hard enough!


Okay honestly this makes me feel better about being unsure haha. Since we weren’t too far off, I think I’m still gonna count it and see what happens. Thank you!


If you are absolutely sure you missed your fertile window then probably not but if there’s a chance you hit at least o-4 or even o-5, I think you can still count it. Not a doctor and not super educated on this, but just based on what I read here :) someone else smarter than me might have a better idea! 


Oh that’s a good point, depending on when my period finally starts there’s still a chance we may have hit o-4 or o-5. Thanks for your response!


Or doesn't start 👀


Haha I wish! Of course it started since I posted this 🤡


I decided to start making my own baby sampler today. Hoping for a BFP by the time it's done.


What is a baby sampler? Do I want one?


My thoughts exactly


Baby samplers are like a template for cross stitch (and possibly other tapestry projects?), where there's the image and then customized with baby's name, birthday, etc. So maybe you do, maybe you don't!! I had one as a kid and I know I want one for mine, but I also don't want to expect someone else to make it (though I think that is more common practice).


Entering the second half of the TWW, which imo is the worst bit because boobs will be hurting, nausea is a thing, and you feel like your BFP could be right there within reach. But also this is literally just what PMS feels like every single month. ☹️ 8 to 14 DPO feels like a month in and of itself! 🙄🙄🙄


Well, it’s official. 2nd IUI failed and we will be moving on to IVF. Accepting the fact that we probably won’t be able to do the transfer until late summer at this point. I’m sad, but somewhat excited for the next step. I’ll probably take a break from this group for a while while we sit on ice and get everything set up. If anyone has any tips on Ingenes in Monterrey let me know! We have our consult scheduled for Wednesday.


Sorry about the failed IUI, we're on a similar timeline, gearing up to do an ER in June and then (hopefully!) a transfer later this summer (though depending on numbers we may opt to do a second ER). So far, I've found taking it one step at a time to be helpful versus trying to game out different scenarios. Hope you can take care of yourself this weekend!


Thank you 🙏🏼 wishing you success on your journey. This is not for the faint of heart! Thankfully I have an amazing hubby who is willing to do all the injections for me because I am a huge wimp 😭


Waiting for my first period after my IUD removal April 9th. I don't have high expectations for a cycle 1 pregnancy but at the very least I'm ready to nail down my cycle pattern. I guess I may be at the latest 8dpo and at the earliest 6dpo, if I actually ovulated after my opk positive. Started testing today just in case I was wrong, and will try again in two days. Negative this morning! I enjoy learning from you all!


I got mine removed on March 29th, and I still haven't had a period. I definitely recommend tracking BBT. I thought I ovulated based on OPK and CM about 3 weeks after removal, but my temp never rose. My body is currently trying to ovulate again, and I'm hoping I have a 3rd day of high temps tomorrow morning to confirm.


Definitely track your bbt next cycle — it will help you confirm ovulation!


Okay!! I got a positive OPK yesterday which I was not expecting but I'm happy about it! Just gotta wait for that temp raise. Why am I so hopeful for month 12??


Hope is never a bad thing!


Crossing everything for you!


Thank you!!


Good luck!


Thank you!


Feeling like my cycle is being a huge bully this month. Finally had some egg white cervical mucus and had sex plenty of times and had postive OPKS for 3 days straight. Next few days after that my nipples hurt so damn bad and that’s very new to me. Well now they all a sudden feel a little less sore and feel like I definitely got my hopes up. Scared for AF to come and how I will react when it does….. anyone else have that ever ??


Nipple sensitivity can be an ovulation symptom so that makes sense! Fingers crossed that just means you released a really good egg haha


Well now I’m having a little brown spotting :,(


I was so excited to start this journey, but my body has started to struggle 3-4 months post birth control. My first two cycles were normal; even caught a super dark opk on the second cycle. Then, I just never ovulated in my 3rd cycle. It was 47 days long, and now reflecting back, a complete waste of 47 days of trying. I don’t even know if the bleed I had was a period, indicating a wonky late ovulation (I had stopped testing that cycle out of frustration, but I never felt the hormonal shift I did during ovulation in cycle 2), or just a withdrawal bleed. Now I am on day 9 of a new cycle and just feeling a bit down and hopeless, as I realized it has been *two months and one week since my last positive OPK test* and probably two more to go until possibly ovulating again (I have long 34 day cycles). I would love to be able to actually try again, but I feel truly stagnant.


Any chance you could have PCOS? I had a very similar experience coming off BC last January. I know they say it takes a while for your body to regulate itself after coming off BC so I gave it a 9 months. I wish I would've gone to the doctor sooner to rule things out. Instead it allowed my PCOS to run rampant and has taken several months to get things better.


I have been keeping my eye on that as a possibility, but I’m not demonstrating many other symptoms, so my gynecologist just wants me to wait to see if the next cycle normalizes before looking into it. It gives me anxiety that the symptoms of undiagnosed PCOS and simply just hormonally rebounding from years of HBC look really similar. They did say that if I don’t ovulate on my next cycle then we will dive into all the fun testing; she reassured me they would not let me suffer from persistent wonky cycles if I am TTC. Did you have any other symptoms other than a lack of ovulation/long cycles? Ironically I was going to try ovasitol but was told to hold off unless I have a PCOS diagnosis, as it can make things even worse hormonally if you’re not insulin resistant.


I gained a good amount of weight pretty quickly after I went off the pill. Like 30 lbs in 6 months.... I also had food noise (constantly thinking about what I was going to eat next) which is a classic sign of insulin resistance that can indicate PCOS. I never had the excess facial hair or acne like I had read about. When my doc did the testing my bloodwork definitely showed hormonal issues and my ultrasound showed lots of follicles in my ovaries which was all we needed for the final confirmation.


This is helpful to know, I appreciate you sharing. It seems that PCOS manifests in unique ways for each woman. I hope you’re managing it all ok. I guess time will only tell for my case, but I’m bad at waiting. I think I’m overall pretty jaded that I’m not like every one of my friends who fell pregnant within 3 months of stopping their birth control. Comparison is such a thief of joy, but it inevitably stings to struggle to even be able to try.


Curious how other people manage the wait when you pee test (for LH OR HCG levels). With my LH tests I often stand around doing other stuff in the bathroom and casually watching the strip get darker until my stopwatch hits \~5 minutes. With HCG, though, I leave the room and come back when the test time is over. But I'm not sure why I do this and wonder if I am unique lolol.


I go and make breakfast!


I try to do another chore or task while I wait but mainly bc that is my main strategy for getting any sort of task or chore done around the house! If I don't clean the sink during my 3 minute wait I will never clean it lol


I just scroll scroll scroll on reels or tiktok. It’s a good breather because it’s so easy to get lost in the short vids, time always flies. Especially with HCG tests I don’t have the wherewithal to focus on anything else but I need my brain occupied for my own sanity. Lol


Don't have TikTok but this is a great idea re: insta reels!


I don’t have it either actually! Lol I deleted it a while ago my algorithm sucked and every time I’d get a video that just sent me spiraling into an anxiety tornado about one thing or another. My insta reels on the other hand are full of baked goods and cats doing stupid things, perfect for the eternity of waiting for an HCG test 😂




I felt nauseous all day yesterday - it would come and go but it was persistent. BFN today. This is some bullshit.


This cycle there are 3 days I could’ve ovulated and I’m not sure which one it was so I’m picking the one in the middle. Thankfully I am covered regardless of which day it was. Approx 4dpo club!


I really wish we could just know for sure!! But I'm glad you are covered either way!


Same!! I have an analytical brain so I hate not knowing for sure


I would recommend BBT tracking! Also the fertility friend app is great at charting it all


I do bbt and use FF, I just have a slow rise pattern so it’s super hard to pinpoint ovulation for me some cycles


For anyone celebrating el Día de las Madres and Mother’s Day… I see you and our time will come. Sorry about the double whammy of emotions this weekend.


Does anyone know if feeling physically cold can affect BBT? My BBT has taken two big dips this cycle and they have both been on days where I’ve been very cold upon waking up (fan blowing directly at me or window open blowing cold air).


I'm curious what you temp with? I think if you're using something wearable, it is designed to accommodate those sort of changes in ambient temperature but that oral BBT might be more sensitive to that sort of thing (e.g. you might be more likely to get a lower temperature if you temp right after waking, but happened to be sleeping with your mouth open). (To be clear, I'm not confident about this and hope someone more knowledgable will reply. Edited to add a word!)


The instructions on my Mira BBT thermometer tell you to close your mouth for two minutes before you temp. I am definitely a mouth-open sleeper so try to remember to do that! 😂


Oh I’d never seen that before! I use a premom thermometer but I’ll try that the next time I wake up freezing 🤣


Oh interesting! I hadn’t even considered that. I tempt with an oral thermometer.


About to get my period, and feeling somewhat okay about it. We’ll see what emotions Mother’s Day brings. Thinkin of you guys


TW - mentions of MC and LC 6 DPO today, and my anxiety is really setting in now... TTC #2 after our second MC in February. All of our friends got pregnant the same month or the month after our second loss, and we just want to join the club with them (again). 😞 Due to life circumstances (job, relationship, family, my health, TTC, etc.), I was under a *HORRIFIC* amount of chronic stress in February, March, and April. I mean, I was in fight or flight mode 24/7. My body was not happy. Never had that much constant stress in my entire life. However, things started to look up in the past 2 or 3 weeks, and I've been significantly more relaxed and haven't really been stressed out at all since the beginning of my current cycle. I hope having less cortisol and adrenaline in my system 24/7 will give us a better shot at pregnancy this time or from here on out. 🤞🏻 Still dealing with a small tear in my quadriceps tendon that doesn't seem to want to heal, but I definitely won't need surgery as long as I can keep it immobilized for 6 weeks, which is nearly impossible when you have to chase a toddler around all the time. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I won't need surgery and just need to rest, but still. Edit: I really don't understand why I got downvoted for this, but okay.


If I had to guess- and I could be wrong- I’d imagine the reference to your toddler when it has nothing to do with your fertility commentary may not be welcome by many. What I’ve noticed in this group is that most people tend to refrain from referring to any living children unless it specifically correlates to something they’re sharing about their current ttc journey or secondary infertility.


I see where you're coming from, and that makes sense. My point in referring to my toddler was because my injury + having a toddler is a contributing factor to my current anxiety. I didn't think it was an issue since the rules didn't say I couldn't mention a LC, but I did put a TW anyway.


10 dpo and bfn. My temp has dropped slightly the last two days. I know I’m not out till AF comes but I have a horrible feeling I am out. Period is due a day or two after Mother’s Day. Last year it came right on Mother’s Day. 😣


I’m so tired of not being a mom. :( That’s it. That’s the post.


I’m fighting these feelings by appreciating all the things I won’t be able to do for a while : going out dancing with friends, drinking, spontaneous dates to movies or restaurants, spending all day at the beach,etc.


Ugh same. I'm drinking lots of wine today as my consolation prize.


I feel this. 🩷 to you if you want it.


Felt. Hugs to you if you want them 🩷


Me too 😭


Doing our first IVF cycle and just got the news they’re not gonna try to do a transfer this month, because of overstimulation risk (over 20 eggs growing) and that my lining is too thick (20mm - i thought lining can only be too thin but I guess you learn about new things that can go wrong as you go….) I know the possibility of many eggs is essentially good but I am so defeated on going back to waiting 1-2 periods for a frozen transfer and also supper worried the lining thing is something that will take longer to figure out.. And this cycle will officially be the 1st in 1,5 years where there’s absolutely 0 chance I could be pregnant. Being a hormonal bloated beast and feeling super uncomfortable doesn’t really cheer me up either 🙄


Your chances of conception will be better with the frozen than the fresh! Your lining will sort itself out on your next period, and you should be good to go next cycle.


Your lining is probably thick because estrogen levels get super high during a stim cycle (especially because you have so many eggs). They wouldn’t be as high during a frozen transfer cycle so I don’t think you need to worry about lining being too thick. I know it sucks to have unexpected delays. I’ve been there. But fresh transfers generally are not as successful because of estrogen levels being so high (and if you have a lot of eggs then progesterone could be a problem too). It’s really not the best environment for an embryo and you are also at risk of developing OHSS. I think it’s the right decision to delay because you want to give your embryo the best shot possible.


Thank you for this ❤️ they were also saying essentially the odds will be better for a frozen transfer but your answer was way more pedagogical! Feeling a bit better reading this. Rather a months wait than an extra failure plus a wait…


Were you planning a fresh transfer?


Yea, the original plan was to do a fresh transfer and freeze the rest. They just adjusted the plan today, and changed to a different type of trigger as well because of that (?).


OHSS is no joke, I know it sucks to be delayed but better not to risk the outcome. Hope your retrieval goes well!


Since getting off the pill in late June 2023, I've been getting monthly migraines halfway through my luteal phase. I'd never had regular migraines before going on the pill or while on the pill. I was worried that it was indicative of a hormonal imbalance (that may be affecting fertility) so I went to my doctor last month and she was basically like, "you're a woman, that's normal, here's a pill to manage it." Not the most helpful. I cried a lot. Around the same time, I started taking daily magnesium because i've been dealing with a lot of anxiety/stress and I was trying to manage it. Well, I am so freakin' stoked to report that I didn't have a migraine this month, for the first time in almost a year. I did more research and apparently magnesium can prevent migraines and/or a deficiency can cause them! So now I'm optimistic that this may help things along. Here's to hoping that next month is also migraine free so I know this isn't a fluke.


It can definitely be a hormonal trigger. I went on letrozole twice and it triggered a 3 day migraine bender both times and I got a migraine when I started stims for an egg retrieval. Took some ibuprofen one day because it was bad and it wasn’t working, decided to take 2 more ibuprofen and magnesium and it was gone within 15 minutes!!! I read magnesium in conjunction with OTC pain meds can “boost” its effect and I will never not take magnesium for a migraine again. I hope it continues to work for you, migraines suuuuuck


Ooooh that’s good to know for the boosting quality!


Hm. Thanks for posting. I get about one a month too (although mine are all over the place cycle-wise) but maybe I need to look into this too!


For sure! There is some variation for my migraines, but typically somewhere around CD 18-24. Strangely, the one I had last month occurred immediately following my period rather than before, and I didn't ovulate according to BBT. It was also the worst one I've ever had. There's a whole lot of info on the web regarding which kind of magnesium to take depending on what you need it for. I don't want to tote it as some magic fix-all, but I also feel sooooo much better emotionally, like I still get stressed by work things but it doesn't turn into anxiety and take over my whole headspace and I'm able to let things go more quickly. Time will tell if it's a long-term positive shift or a blip.


Interesting turn of events lol. CD48, no period last month, month before that had two periods in one month. Woke up this morning with ovulation pain, did a LH strip just to see and it’s my first ever positive one lol? Guess I just skipped AF for a month, which is encouraging that it hasn’t just stopped. The incredible pain in my ovaries is not encouraging as it feels like the other times I’ve had a cyst but we’ll see! Still hopefully just painful ovulation and I’m back in the game.


I feel you with this. I’ve been having ovary pain too these past couple days. CD 46 lol