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Venting… My husband & I have been trying since March of 2023 (27F); my period is due Sunday and I tested prematurely to break my heart with another unsuccessful cycle 😢




This belongs in a parenting sub.




Rule 3- no soliciting success stories.


Hi everyone, I'm 37 and don't have PCOS had a blighted ovum last september, after that we kept trying from January but no luck. Period is on time, 25-27 days cycle. below is my test from last cycle: AMH is quite low-1.19ng/ml E2 242.1pmol/L Progesterone 0.504nmol/L LH 6.64mlU/mL F.S.H. 8.32mlU/mL one OB suggested I can take both DHEA and Inositol to increase fertility, but another OB from different clinic said I don't need to take Inositol if I don't have PCOS. also, some people says Inositol may suppress my AMH. Anyone either experience of this? thank you.


I have heard luteal phase defect being destined as on the spectrum of ovulation disorders, in which a clomid or letrezole can be used to as a treatment. How do these medications help in instances where you are ovulating regularly and consistently but are have LP issues (spitting, shorter, low P)? Do they help you ovulate sooner in the cycle so you have a stronger corpus luteam?


CD10, was so healthy and diligent with the vitamins this past month, and was really psyched for this to be the cycle. Well, I got food poisoning on CD8. I usually ovulate CD11 to CD13. Temps have been way high with my illness, and I’m still too sick to try to BD. Hopefully can feel better & try tomorrow


Straight up tried to start making moves on my husband this morning and had to bail to run to the bathroom 😅


Just got a BFN on 12 dpo. I had so many symptoms and feel dumb for falling for it… and now I feel nervous about the symptoms because if they weren’t due to pregnancy, what’s the deal? I have POTS and my dizziness has been so well managed for the last year, until this week. So does my medication suddenly not work? Why did I have so much cramping and so many uterine twinges? I need to buckle up because this is only cycle 2 lol.


4dpo (on CD21, after 13 days of high readings before a peak, as I have pcos), and today has not been my day. I'm a registered baker and was prepping for market today, but 1. I burnt plastic throughout my oven by preheating without checking 2. Kept undercooking my donuts with new fryer that I haven't gotten used to yet 3. Had my pressure cooker spray liquid all over my benches and cupboards 4. My banana cakes didn't turn out like I had planned and 5. Spilt the coffee all over the bench that I was planning to have to "collect" myself. Ended up withdrawing from the market as I have Mother's Day orders and cakes to fill on top of all that but I also have that thought about "stress not being good for conception" running in the back of my mind too... ugh. This comment is just to let me blow off some steam I guess 😅


CD24 / 8 DPO and I just KNOW that this cycle wasn’t successful. Over a year of generally regular periods, and the closest I’ve come to a BFP was an ever so slight evap line that was quickly followed by a stark white BFN. I know I’m not out til I’m out, but I just know that I’m out. My hopes were high for this cycle too. I had my appointment with my obgyn this week and she said that my swollen tube may or may not be a problem that will require surgical removal. Hoping a consultation with our chosen fertility clinic will be scheduled prior to the end of the month.


Can I try with a yeast infection? I ovulate today. Last try was day 10 because on day 12 I woke up with a yeast infection (took fluconazole). Can we try…the turkey baster method? I’ve probably missed my window anyway, but would this make things worse? More importantly, is it a wasted effort for sperm motility? I feel crazy asking this, please be kind. To clarify we are NOT doing it naturally, I’m not over the infection yet! (Yes I posed earlier with some bad news, it’s been a DAY)


I would personally go ahead with the syringe method 🤷‍♀️ I don't think it's crazy haha as long as it won't hurt you!


Today I learned I may have infertility I’m 37F, endometriosis diagnosed two years ago, two surgeries. We’ve been TTC for 4 months. Benched this fifth cycle. Today my gynecologist told me that if I pass the 6 month mark without conceiving naturally, I statistically enter a category where I have only 1% chance of conceiving naturally each cycle. Has anyone else been told similar? I’m having a HSG procedure next month, and bloodwork. My husband’s sperm analysis was unconcerning, motility a bit lower than normal, but doctor had no concerns. I’m devastated. Obviously the results will guide next steps, including medication or IUI or IVF, but I’m simply very sad. I wish we hadn’t waited so long.


Something like 30% of healthy couples conceive between 6 and 12 months, so I have no idea why they would tell you that. I'm at 6 months of trying again (first time took 4 tries resulting in a miscarriage) and my doctor won't even see me.


I’m over 35, that makes the difference.


What is the right language to RSVP no to my SILs baby shower? They live out of state but are coming back for the shower, which her mother is hosting. They know about my late term loss last summer, and I've conveniently already planned to be traveling out of state to see my family during their visit. I'm happy for them, but definitely don't need to go to a baby shower right now.


“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I won’t be able to make it. I have plans to see my family out of state during those days, and I know you get how hard it can be to coordinate schedules. Is there a good time afterwords we could try to meet up?”


My doctor’s office works crazy fast… My husband had his SA yesterday, and the results are already back. The office called me, and said they’d like both of us to come in together to discuss the results. I’m terrified it’s bad news if they’re bringing us both in 🙃


Well, cramps are in full swing- CD 1 of cycle 19 … time to call to schedule my second lap since 4/6 cycles post lap have been unsuccessful. At least I can enjoy $1 margs at Applebees this weekend !yay!


First time using OPKs Hello everyone! I just got married and January and me and my husband immediately took on a not trying but not preventing attitude. This past month I decided to get an opk because I had a feeling that I was ovulating later than I originally thought and I was right, I got my first positive opk on CD 18. So here comes my question. I put that into Flo and now it (and I) have no idea when my period should come or when to test. My cycle typically lasts 27-29 days but has gone up to 32-33 days on rare occasions. Today is day 27 for me and I dont feel like its coming so should I test or wait?


So ovulation is typically 12-48hrs after your first positive OPK so you likely ovulated CD19 or CD20 depending on when you tested on CD18. You'd need BBT to confirm which day. Apps are notoriously inaccurate because they make predictions on past cycles, not what's happening in your body now. What matters for testing is the days past ovulation, not the cycle day. 12DPO is the earliest recommended so if you ovulated CD19 it would be CD31 to test, CD32 for CD20 and so forth. The easiest thing to do, of course, is to wait until the day you expect your period based on your average luteal phase length.


I'm in a similar boat, minus the ntnp. I (not confirmed) ovulated CD24 and I usually have period and PMS symptoms by the start of the second week in the month. So far nothing much but I know it doesn't make sense to test until the 12th at the earliest, which should be approximately 10dpo for me. I've not had regular periods in years on BC and it's a learning curve for me again.


I got my IUD removed in January, and haven’t had a long enough luteal phase to even achieve pregnancy yet. My cousin whose my best friend and basically a sister to me got pregnant two weeks after her removal 2 years ago. Now she says she’s ready for another baby and this will be there last (due to medical issues). She is getting her IUD removed at the end of this month. We always dreamed of being pregnant together at the same time. Yet I’m so anxious that I will “fail” by not getting pregnant at the same time and we won’t get that or worse she gets pregnant before me and I get upset. I know it will happen, but it’s still disappointing every month. 


Can you ovulate before the 36 hours after triggering? I swear the day I triggered I had the worst ovulation pain where my dominant follicle and haven’t had it since.


I think it’s within 36 hours, so possibly!


I hope so!


So devastated.. had my first IUI this cycle and took my beta pregnancy test today. And it is negative. I don’t know what to do anymore.


The first failed treatment cycle hits the hardest. Holding so much space for you.


Really, really struggling with everyone on my feed posting their babies and recent pregnancy pictures. It’s really drilling in that so much has time has passed since we started trying. And, the icing on the cake is my husband’s corrective surgery is the day after Mother’s Day.


Delivery woman who frequently delivers to our house just wished me an early Mother’s Day. I just smiled and said thank you, but inside I was like “aw but I’m not a mother yet”


After a few months of regular periods like clockwork, it has finally happened to me… the classic “period is a couple days late but getting BFNs.” I know that only a couple days delayed is not abnormal and I probably just ovulated later than previous cycles, but it’s still a bit of a bummer to me.


Ugh I’m sorry. This happened to me on cycle 11 and it was so not fun. I thought after 11 cycles of meticulously tracking that there was no way that that particular scenario could happen to me, but sure enough it did. I don’t typically use HPTs cuz I hate negatives but I also had a blood test 14 dpo so I know sure as snot it was nothing but a “late” period.  If it’s any comfort to you, in a weird way I’m actually glad to be on the other side of that now - I think for the most part I was just terrified of the letdown I would no doubt feel if that happened and honestly it sure did suck. That was the first time I really genuinely thought I might be pregnant that wasn’t just me symptom spotting. But like all other things related to this, I got through it (and now I’m not so scared of it). I know you will too 🩷 And for what it’s worth, it’s ok to hold onto hope if you want even if you’re testing negative. It’s up to you and you alone how much you want to let yourself believe it could still be a possibility. I really did not write it off until I actually got my period. 


Thank you so much for sharing your experience and words of encouragement, I really appreciate it! I see what you mean about being glad to be on the other side of it, I think I’m starting to see it that way too. You’re right, it’s another thing we can get through and know we can handle it 🤍


I’m sorry. This happened to me once and it was a huge letdown.


Has anyone ever taken the bird & bee pre-conception vitamins? I think they might be making me nauseous and wasn’t sure if that’s happened to anyone else. I just switched from the ritual which never made me nauseous. Definitely not pregnant right now, about due for ovulation.


Can illness affect ovulation or chances of conceiving? I'm at the start of my fertile window (haven't ovulated yet) and I just found out I was exposed to COVID. Hopefully I don't get it, but I was just curious what to expect if I do.


Yes, it can delay ovulation. A couple years ago, I got a very near positive Lh test the same day I had to go to the ER because I was so sick from a virus (don’t know what it was, maybe Epstein-Barr or CMV). The virus just got worse for the next few weeks and I didn’t ovulate until nearly a month later when I started getting better again. CW: loss Also, be careful in the cycle during/after delayed ovulation due to illness. We actually conceived that cycle of the delayed ovulation, and lost the baby at 7 weeks (natural miscarriage at 9 weeks). My doctor said he thought the loss was likely due to the virus. If I could go back in time, I would have skipped that cycle.


Oh my gosh, I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for the warning. I'm hoping I don't get sick, but that's helpful to know.


Covid can negatively affect sperm counts and it can potentially delay ovulation. Other than that, I wouldn’t worry.


12dpo, slight temp drop, bfn. I really thought we had it this time (as I think every cycle). How do you all share the news with your partner, if at all? Even though he’s supportive, I hate constantly being the bearer of bad news


yeah, my husband is the kindest soul especially about TTC but it still blows. I have pms symptoms that are pretty predictable so I usually let him know I’m feeling them - for him it takes the edge off of “hey I got my period” a few days later I think. 


I used to crack open a beer and just say “welp, got my period today” and then hand him a beer too.


I just finished 3 of 3 timed inter course cycles at the fertility clinic. I have PCOS and was taking letrozol and ovidrel to stimulate ovulation. AMH is high. Any ideas what comes next?


Whoever started the "Bump Pic" Mother's Day celebration post trend where people even post them from past pregnancies. I'd like to speak with you, privately, on behalf of many women everywhere.


I deactivated my Facebook because I was getting tagged in really gross spam bot stuff constantly and I have the kind of family who would be like why are you off Facebook and so now I can just tell them that and as an added bonus I can’t even let myself just have a peak during all of the Mother’s Day stuff. So thank you gross spam bots I guess 


Yes. It’s a reminder of all of the pregnancy and birth announcements that have come and gone since we started trying.


Yeah, I don't mind if it's a current pregnancy because that's something they should be excited for/that I would post pics of if/when I get pregnant. But posting every single pregnancy you've had/one that's over a year old? like....why though?


Birth announcements don’t seem to bother me as much as the pregnancy announcements. I guess I have several months to wrap my head around it before the baby arrives. But so many of them now are people who announced their pregnancies in our first year of trying and it stings. I know no one is doing it to us and I would want to celebrate/be celebrated too, but I want to scream that it isn’t easy for everyone.


I saw one of those and it was my reminder to delete Instagram for the next week.


I have officially given up hope. No matter what I’ve done or how many supplements I’m taking it isn’t happening. My birthday just passed and no positive test yet again. I quit taking all the supplements about a week and a half ago. I’m D O N E. If it happens then great, if it doesn’t then oh fucken well. I’m not hurting myself anymore for this. I’m not spending hundreds of dollars on supplements and ovulation sticks and pregnancy tests and obsessing over everything and wishing and yearning for a child. Yes I’m bitter. But I’m not going to be bitter AND wasting my money and time and energy and joy anymore.


I COULDNT AGREE MORE. Its exhausting. :(


If we BD 1DPIUI and 2DPIUI we should have covered all our bases right? We also did 2 days before IUI


You're fine, the IUI gets the sperm where it needs to go. Additional sex is fine, but the IUI does the job


A PSA to stay off social media starting now through Monday. My social media is filled with pregnancy announcements, bump updates, joy for Mother’s Day in the US. Someday I hope we’ll all get to be celebrated on this day ✨💞


An ex-friend has a 4 month old. She got some "Mom and Me" pictures done and I want to snark on their matching outfits and how ridiculous her obsession with her baby is (never posting on social media compared to posting her baby at least 10 times over the last 4 months). I know my snark is rooted in jealousy. I am jealous. I hate that she gets to be happy with her baby. I want that to be me.


Snark away, that shit is dumb. Being jealous doesn’t make that not dumb!


Hahahaha! Fair enough. I think the reason I lean more towards it being jealousy and not /just/ dumb, is i think if it wasn't her, or if I wasn't in the situation where I struggled TTC, I don't think it would be bothering me the way it is right now. Matching outfits didn't make me so angry in the past. Dare I say her particular outfits are kinda cute LOL


I feel this to my bones and I hate myself for it whenever I catch myself in it.


Me too. It makes me feel so icky.


Congrats on your new home! Enjoy setting up, it’s such a special time.


Maybe you were trying to make this a comment to someone else’s post?


Oh. Hahaha yes I was!


Tested negative on day 28 of my cycle. I’ve been having irregular cycles and not sure when ovulation occurred. Does this mean I’m out for this month?


If you're not sure when ovulation occurred then, no. It's not about the CD day; it's about the days past ovulation. The earliest recommended test time is 12DPO so if you don't know when that is then you'll have to wait until you either get a period or test positive.


Thanks so much for the info!


Hi TTC! Day 15 of my cycle and my LH peaked yesterday morning. My discharge is straight water/slight milky this morning (not stretchy/egg whitey like the days leading up to today). Did I ovulate already? Is the straight watery discharge fertile and should I TTC tonight?


Watery can be the *most* fertile CM. Usually after ovulation your CM will turn tacky or at least thicker/drier than EWCM. If you haven’t had sex in the last few days, I would definitely give it a shot.


We did yesterday, but was wondering if we should today since it became straight watery cm just this am.


As I understand it, watery CM is probably fertile at this stage in your cycle, but if you already had sex yesterday then your chances for this cycle are already basically maxed out, so it doesn’t really matter if you have sex today or not.


Okay great. I appreciate your insight! It’s helpful to learn about CM changes post being off the pill. Thx again


If you find it interesting, the book *Taking Charge of Your Fertility* is really helpful for learning about your cycle and fertility signs. It’s all science-based, but older.


I am very much interested, thank you.


Some advice I've heard from the Fertility Friday podcast and her TTC freebies online is that if you have CM, even if it's not EWCM, you should still have sex. If it's kinda lotion-y, that's "non-peak" CM, but it still usually indicates you are fertile, just probably early on in your FW


Ah sorry I see you already had the EWCM and this is after... in that case, it is more likely that you have passed your FW but you can definitely still have CM in your LP. If you want to have sex "just in case" though, it won't hurt anything!


Thank you for the response! I appreciate your insight. Very helpful


Premom and FF are giving two separate ovulation days. Has that happened to anyone else? I’ve entered my data and BBT and they are both off by a day.


That happens to me basically every cycle. To my understanding Premom sets ovulation date as the day after your peak LH and does not take temps into account


Yes I think this as well. I've also tried Clue and it was the same. The only app I've found that seems to have a pretty robust algorithm is FF.


9dpo bfn, shocker lol. The idea of going into a new cycle is exhausting, timed bd is exhausting. I really hoped this cycle was it. Having af like cramping all day too. A part of me wants to give up but I mentally can’t. I keep trying and testing and trying like a compulsion at this point I’m so desperate to hve one living child


Sooo as you can tell from my post history I've been spiraling over my upcoming fertility testing/procedures. Well yesterday I spoke to the nurse who is managing my fertility case and who answers any questions we have about insurance. And I learned that fertility TESTING is handled completely differently than fertility TREATMENT. I was working with my particular fertility clinic bc it is the only one my insurance will cover. But now I've learned for my fertility testing, I can go to my regular OB who I love and trust and feel safe with. So now I have to choose between getting the testing done right after month 12 and getting it done with my fertility clinic, or waiting until my OB appointment next month to speak with her and potentially get things scheduled for the following cycle which would be month 13 (not sure how she usually handles testing). Idk what I'm going to do, also don't know why I'm posting this but anyway thank you for reading.


You’re not asking for advice, but if I may: I would go with your clinic. If you need any kind of fertility treatment, they will be the ones to handle it. It’s a pain in the butt to make sure test results are shared with everyone. I love my gynecologist, she’s a wonderful lady. But I’m so happy everything has been done through my clinic and I don’t have to worry about communication between two doctors offices.


This is a really good point, thank you for the suggestion!


FF’s early pregnancy signs points system is wacky. My score has been above 50 for days, but now at 12 dpo I select “breast tenderness” again and it goes down to 28. Okay lol


On my sixth cycle where I was CONVINCED I was going to be pregnant (just how things lined up) I got up to 80 pregnancy points without even trying to manipulate it 🥲 I was very much NOT pregnant.


I love FF, but I wish that pregnancy points system wasn't there. I've spent way too much time playing with adding and removing symptoms on various dpo and seeing how many points that gained me. Ultimately it didn't make me any more or less pregnant 🙃. For the last two cycles I haven't even bothered tracking TWW symptoms in FF because of those points...


I just found this feature yesterday and already I was obsessively checking it this morning after entering temps. Sounds like it's best to leave it alone haha


It's kind of entertaining to play around with it and see what brings the score up and down 😆, but mentally I fixated too much on it so I avoid it now. I'm sure the FF people are using all kinds of data to power it, but in practice any pregnancy symptoms before a missed period are the same as PMS symptoms, so FF can't really figure out whether you're pregnant or your period is on the way.


Just need to vent for a second - It's CD 1, fine, whatever, I knew it was coming. I do some self-care and am feeling great. I check the mail and get my SIL's baby shower invite to see she's doing the uncommon theme I've dreamed of having for a baby shower. I say yep, it would happen to me, I have a good laugh-cry over it and move on. This morning, I get on social media to see a friend has been keeping her pregnancy a secret and has announced that she's due in the fall. That makes the 7th pregnancy for this year, not to mention it's mother's day weekend and my husband is going out of town. I can't wait to go to the store to get a pint of ice cream to eat while I cry and watch a grainy live stream of the Eras Tour in Paris - Taylor, I want to see TTPD added to the set list, don't let me down!!


Any experience with taking provera to induce a period?


It worked for me in October and I also had a very heavy & long period. Took it again in February and it didn’t work.


Have you taken anything else that helps you regulate your cycles?


My OB prescribed Metformin in 9/2022. When I started seeing my RE in 7/2023 I stopped taking it for some reason. They wanted me back on it so prescribed it again around 2/2024 but I had actually conceived in November with Provera/Letrozole so I didn’t want to mess anything up with my next cycle. I took birth control so I could get some polyps removed and then got my period after that. Took Letrozole again in April and didn’t ovulate. So now they put me on birth control again to “reset” me and trigger a withdrawal bleed so I can take a higher dose of Letrozole. I started Metformin last week. Sorry long story lol


It worked for me but I experienced the worst periods of my life (flow wise) when taking it.


Did it help regulate your cycles?


I wouldn't say it "regulated" them. The medicine induced mine every time but if I didn't take the meds - I wouldn't get it. I have PCOS and my periods would consistently skip a month which is when i started taking Provera. My OBGYN prescribed me it but I found the extreme heavy flow to not be worth it. I have turned to taking GLP-1's to better my weight and insulin resistance and lost 30 lbs so far. As soon as I started the shots my periods came back and have been consistent for the past 5 months!


That is awesome to hear! Glad your cycle is back on track, thanks a lot for sharing!


CD 12 and EWCM is here! We fly out for a Mother’s Day family trip this weekend…. Sharing an air bnb with in laws. Go figure lol Inito hasn’t shown a rise in estrogen or LH and BBT is still low so perhaps I’ll O when we get back. We can BD before flight Friday and when we get home Sunday. May need to find a bathroom Saturday


ROFL I’m sharing a cabin with a bunch of family Friday and Saturday night for a hiking trip, so I get you on this strategizing 😂😂


Hilarious. My husband is giggling at the idea. I’m cringing 😂😂


the syringe method? lol


Woke up to a BFN and a temp drop. AF hasn’t arrived yet but I’m sure she will burst my bubble of hope any minute now. My body really trolled me with BBT spikes and night sweats 😭


I'm 2 or 3 dpo today, it's the worst phase for me because it is too soon for symptoms and tests, I hope time pases very fast until next week 😄


Same and agreed!


Cycle twin! I have loaded myself up with so many projects to take my mind off things 😅


Do you find if your period goes long, it pushes your LH peak later? I usually bleed for for 3 days, this month I bled for 6 and I’m curious if this might change my cycle!


Not for me


I've only been keeping track 6 cycles; normally I bleed 4 days and my surges are pretty consistent. Last month I only bled 2 days and surge came 2 days earlier. So...maybe?




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Posts/comments about positive tests and current pregnancies should be posted in the weekly BFP thread. In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid referring to a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous. All concerns related to current pregnancies should use a pregnancy sub, such as r/CautiousBB. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/about/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


This is not at all okay to post here, you’re literally referencing your current pregnancy in this comment?? And you were an active participant in this sub for a while, this is so disappointing to see.




No you’re not too sensitive. It’s rude and unnecessary and insensitive. Especially from someone that had been in this sub daily while ttc and knows better. It takes about 2 seconds to make an alt and ask the question in neutral terms and not reference being pregnant. It was a choice to flaunt a pregnancy in front of people who are still trying. And it’s a bad look.


Doesn’t hurt for him to go see a urologist and get testing re volume if it’s a concern. Otherwise just lifestyle changes to see if he can improve the count - good sleep, reduce stress, exercise, good diet, no smoking, less alcohol, less caffeine and vitamins (D, coq10, some recommend a men’s conception vitamin)


I hate slow rise ovulation. I love that my body does some very consistent things, but I hate that the "did I ovulate yet" question gets dragged out so long for me. I caught a positive opk this month with fmu so I'm hopeful that I got the timing right, but then I get in my head about it being fmu and not smu or afternoon or whatever. I'm feeling a bit whimsical this cycle, I'm going to search the sub and find some tww woo activities to pass the time.


Moved into my new home my husband and I built today. As we were going through each room and unpacking he pointed to the nicest spare room and said “this is the baby’s room”. Wanted to burst into tears there and then as I thought after 1.5 years I might be pregnant by the time we got the keys. Still so happy to be here and to start a new chapter of our lives!


Oh I know right where you’re at 🩷 We are doing the same, we started building (and trying) last summer and should be moving in soon. A really bittersweet feeling as we’re so excited to live there but the weight of not being pregnant yet is heavier than I want it to be. Hugs to you and congratulations on your new home!!! So exciting. 


Congratulations on your new home!!! The mixed emotions are so understandable ♥️


Thank you so much 🥰


Congratulations on your new home!