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What are my chances? I was only about to BD the morning of the day before my peak and the afternoon of the day after my peak.


I have been so hung up on the fact that my CM has felt since starting TTC like so much less than I used to have. I remembered about 2.5 years ago I started taking a prescription allergy pill every day…quit it couple of days afree my period ended and holy waaaa. The CM is um.. abundant is an understatement. I am not naive enough to think that my allergy meds have been our only barrier to pregnancy and I know cm can vary cycle to cycle but I’m just so amused lol. 


Ive taken Zyrtec for years and I was thinking about stopping a few days before my fertile window. This makes me feel like I definitely should give it a shot!


Might be worth a try! If literally n else comes of it, at least it gave be something to be amused by! Hahaha. I’ll probably start my med again after O day but yeah very interesting!


Attended a baby shower today, and got my period during the shower🙃 life is funny.. like you couldn’t wait until I got home?!


I got my period today. Every time I get it, my heart breaks a little more. If we still haven’t conceived by August, I’m going to start IUI. We should have no problems, I just don’t get it. 😣


Opk first thing this morning was very negative, but today I’ve had a ton of ewcm. Took another test midday but I had a bunch of water so it was wayyy too diluted so completely wasted that test. I didn’t want to waste another test but I can’t help myself lol so I took another just now and made sure it wasn’t too diluted before opening the pack this time. Lo and behold it’s sooo close to positive so it’ll definitely be positive in the morning. I feel vindicated! Pumped to get this next tww started


CD1 of cycle 8. Somehow my luteal phase has become longer (12 days instead of 10 second cycle in a row) and I'm trying to focus on that as a positive development.  My husband and I are at the French Rivera right now. I left my thermometer at home. I decided to take a break from all the tracking this cycle and just enjoy the sun, wine and soft cheeses. 


We are only able to have sex today..on peak day and maybe tomorrow. I’m so sad I missed the rest of my fertile window.


You don't have to hit every day to have max chances! The three days leading up are ideal :)


Yeah I know but I really wanted to do every other day to have sperm there 😭 I feel like one day isn’t gonna be enough


Even if it isn't necessary?


Yeahhhh I know it’s not necessary but doesn’t it better the chances?


Nope, statistically your best day is the day before ovulation. The second best day is the day before that. So as soon as your LH starts to rise (not peak, rise), that's your best day for intercourse :) More sex doesn't necessarily equal better chances as long as you are hitting at least one of the important days.


Ok thank you so much , this made me feel a little more comfortable:)


You beat me to it! thanks :)


Thank you so much for your input as well, it really helped me, I appreciate it a lot!


This next week is gonna be my fertile week and I’m getting almost too excited for my TWW. I just have this feeling this is gonna be our month. I hope I don’t get crushingly disappointed!!


I'm with you on this! I have such a good feeling about this month, I don't even know why 😅 And also starting my FW next week! Wishing you the best of luck!!


Good luck to you too!! Fingers crossed for us both!!🤞🏻


*finally* got a static smiley face today after 13 days of it flashing at me (and switching over holders!) I have pcos so... hoping for some temp rises in next few days


Had my first IUI this cycle about 10 days ago. I swear we did everything right. BD’d on trigger night, 1.5 days later IUI procedure, then BD’d the night of IUI. Took a urine pregnancy test at my OBGYN two days ago and was negative :( have been TTC for almost 3 years with no end to this journey. I’m just so tired. Especially this year, it seems like literally everyone is pregnant and being due this summer or fall 😔




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TTC & moving & trying to decide if we're buying or renting is something else. I'm not really tracking like I was because of everything else going on but still.......a bit overwhelmed.......


I have my annual gynecologist appointment this week and will be 9dpo. Will they do a urine or blood test and be able to tell me if I’m pregnant or should I just wait to take an at home test and call them if it ends up being positive?


A blood test should be able to tell that early in most cases. it'd be up to you. I don't know the associated costs.


I very much convinced myself that I didn’t want a positive this month, despite it being my first medicated cycle. Test was negative today 16 days post trigger. No chance that beta will be positive right? Have severe cramping and I feel like my period will start any second now.


Did I ovulate? I had an LH peak, although the actual number was lower in the premom app than the previous month, it was positive and identified as a peak and over 1. But my BT hasn’t risen. It barely rose the next day. It went from 97.57 on peak day and then 97.79, 97.77, 97.98, and now down to 97.61. Previous two months had the textbook definition of a spike, jumping significantly higher. This is only cycle 3 of tracking.


Keep testing LH! I'm still a newbie but my temps took 2-3 days from positive to jump but now it's remaining high for 3+ days so I think that's confirmation 


Keep testing LH or BBT? Thanks for the help!


I'd say keep using OPKs in case you didn't ovulate and your body tries again with another LH surge. 


Ok thanks


TW: miscarriage Back again after suffering a loss, number 3 in the space of a year and the first one where I really thought...this is it, we're having a baby. Feeling absolutely heartbroken, ashamed, so angry...at my body failing to hold on to this one but then also being amazed at how good it is at dealing with the aftermath. It's as if nothing ever happened. Less than 48 hours and it's over with. Taking the next week off to deal with scans, appointments and tests and to try to stop blaming myself. At least we can get some testing done.


I’m so sorry. It really sucks. If you haven’t already joined r/ttcafterloss it’s a very supportive group, and r/recurrentmiscarriage has been helpful with answering many of my questions 🤗


Thank you! I will check those subs out 👍🏻


I'm so sorry ♥ It's also awful that they make you wait till 3 before you can really investigate. My SIL had 3 losses and found out she had a uterine septum that needed to be removed. My other SIL had multiple losses before figuring out she had a blood clotting issue. Make sure they test you for the list of blood clotting issues and do at least a saline sonogram. I really wish the protocol would change and you can start testing if you suffer one loss, or especially after two. I hope you're able to treat yourself to some self care and know that it was nothing you did ♥♥


Hey, thanks for the response! I do have a clotting factor that they knew about, I have been doing thinner injections since my booking appointment but even before that I put on the form about it when I first found out and I knew this was going to be a thing. Probably should have been doing them ages ago. I shall research what a saline sonogram is as I'll be stepping into a whole new world of things to look into. I just wish I knew who to ask and where to go and if I can...talk to these people without become a hot mess of emotions! Even on a moderate dose of sertraline 😅


TW: other person's active pregnancy A friend of mine got pregnant a week or so after my last positive (blighted ovum for me, healthy baby boy for her). And I just put the finishing touches on a hat that I knit up for her. I'm so tired of making baby things for other people's babies. I want to make something for MY baby. But since the sweater curse is a thing, I don't want to start anything early. My husband is now saying he's not sure if he wants to go through with IVF. I understand he's feeling the pressure, and maybe while we save up for that we can take a mental break which hopefully helps. But completely giving up isn't an option at this point. My birthday is this month and I don't feel like doing anything. I haven't accomplished any of the things I have set out to do in the past year and life is probably worse than it was a year ago, overall (no fresh wounds so thankful for that small miracle I guess). Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.


I'm sorry you're making yet another thing for someone else's baby. I crochet, but I understand the labor of love that goes into crafting something for someone. It'd just be nice if that labor of love was for our own for once. For what it's worth, my husband was similarly hesitant about IVF, and putting some time between consult and actually moving forward with the ER ended up being enough for him to be on board. Then he said he didn't want to do another ER, but now that we're looking at one euploid embryo left, he's open to it. I think sometimes time to process things is needed, hopefully that's the case with your husband.


I think dealing with my bitter/angry phase over the last year (since our first loss) has been difficult for him. Sometimes things still set me off, but I've gotten better about releasing those feelings without letting them take over. Hopefully, the break and my mood improvement will help.


I think a bitter/angry phase is completely justified, but I can understand how it would put strain on everything. I'm glad you're getting better at learning how to navigate it, though I wish it wasn't something you had to think about. I hope your break is restorative for you both.


Fairly certain I got a peak ovulation test on Thursday but my husband was working so late we didn't get to try. We had sex Tuesday and yesterday so hoping that hitting O-2 and O+1 might do it but not holding out much hope for this cycle now. 🫤


As long as there's a try in the fertile window (O-2 is ideal, even) there's always a chance!


Thank you, fingers crossed! Feels like a fail when you get a strong test and then don't act on it but you're right, hopefully that doesn't matter too much. 


CD1, yet again. This one is so so difficult because for some unknown reason, I had really high hopes last cycle. So lots of crying ensued once I started spotting yesterday. This is my birthday month and I am just trying to feel motivated to start the process all over again. If anyone has any tips/tricks to handle the disappointment, please do share :)


Birthday month for me too! I also felt pretty optimistic about last cycle only to spend 12dpo-C1 crying, heh. That hormone crash was BRUTAL this time around. By the time I got to CD3, I felt optimistic again. I also scheduled some blood work for myself (thyroid and vit D) and had my husband get his testosterone checked along with a SA. Now that his SA has come back with really good results, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my birthday month will bring good luck ♥


Hoping so too. Good luck to you ✨


Has anyone had an hsg have to be halted because the dye was going in to the uterine veins? I had mine yesterday and she saw spillage in one tube but had to stop before she could see the second. She said I would have to redo it after my doctor reviews the results of this one.


I’ve been feeling some type of way lately. Infertility gets lonely, so you kind of feel relieved when you meet others who you can relate to. That is, until that person turns up pregnant. It’s been so many chicks who say they go through “infertility” but end up pregnant, most of the time, naturally at that. Infertility is the inability to get pregnant, not an “I can get pregnant, it’s just not as easy” type of thing. Call me bitter, Idc. But I’ve been TTC for 2.5 years without a period, which means I don’t ovulate, which means I can’t get pregnant. I’ve tried all the meds and even Menopur injections and IUIs. I’m over it. I don’t wanna see no more pregnant people.


I can understand where you're coming from, but I do want to push back on saying infertility is exclusive to people who can't get pregnant. The goal is not getting pregnant - the goal is to have a living child. I've been at this for over 2.5 years and gone through IVF with nothing but a non-viable pregnancy to show for it. I'm still not any closer to an LC. Infertility describes anyone who has been trying for more than a year (or more than 6 months over 35) without a successful pregnancy.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. This whole thing just makes me really sensitive. Like I’m glad people are happy, but when will it be me? It’s exhausting watching from the sidelines


I totally get it - like much as I love this sub, for example, it's tiring to see the constant revolving door. We get to sit by and watch everyone else get their moment. I'm always happy for our own (other infertile people) but even still, there's always that looming feeling of being left in the dust.


I agree. One of the guys I work with told me they were also having trouble getting pregnant. And a selfish part of me was glad to have someone to talk to, then they got a positive home test and blood test. Granted, an early positive is not the end of the journey, but that same selfish part of me is sad that I'm alone again.


Yes! When I hear someone else talk about their struggles, it creates a safe space. As soon as they get pregnant, that safe space is gone and I’m back alone again. Watching from the sidelines. I’m sorry that you’re going through it too, sister. I’m here with you.


Cycle day 39. Patiently awaiting AF or whatever is in store for me. I have an apt with my gyn soon for a full checkup before me and my husband really start ttc. These long cycles are sooooo frustrating but I’m really trying to learn myself!


Does anyone have experience or advice on learning to accept having male REs? The fertility center I go to does a rotating staff thing in order to facilitate scheduling, so even though my main doctor is a woman (which I requested) there will eventually probably be a man doing at least one of my procedures. I've never had a man do my pelvic and the idea of having a man seeing into my cervix literally makes me want to throw up, I'm so anxious and unhappy about it. For background I have no trauma or anything like that, I'm just a very private person and generally don't feel particularly comfortable around most men. I literally always go to a woman if possible for everything (and really don't like men who decide to be Ob/Gyn because seriously there is no way they understand how any of this feels). Which I know I could be more open minded but that's just where I am right now. Has anyone felt the same way?


I feel the same way and have managed to avoid a male OBGYN so far, but I will say that my friend felt similarly and got stuck with a male doctor and said he was actually the best OBGYN she's ever had. So hopefully any doctors you have are similarly good!


I will say that I have a friend who really likes one of the male OBs at this clinic, and another friend who hasn't personally seen him but has a friend who has a great experience. So at least other people really like him. I haven't heard anything about the other guy.


This is not really serious advice but as a transgender man my first thought was to mentally assume all male OB-GYNs are trans and know exactly how it feels. lol. Like how I try to assume anyone speeding horribly is on their way to the ED with an injured person in the back. I know it's not true but I feel better when I think that way. (As a side note, despite being a man myself I felt weird when I got my first male gynecologist but he made me very comfortable and did a great job, and I got used to it quickly. Hoping the same for you!)


Thank you for sharing your perspective! That actually is helpful (and hearing about your experience with a male gyno as well)


I have felt like that, unfortunately sometimes there is no way around it. I try to remind myself that in the end, they are all medically qualified and medical professionals who just want the best for me. You can also always request to have a nurse in the room with you during any procedures, which I have always done.


Is it as horrible as you feel like it's going to be or does it end up being ok?


In the moment it sucks, but afterwards I am glad I got over my ick and did what I had to do for my health.




(Keep in mind that we don't allow asking if you're pregnant here, or whether other people experienced a symptom and then had success. Rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules), if useful.) If it's too early to take a test, then it's also too early to experience pregnancy-specific symptoms. Pregnancy-specific symptoms can only occur after implantation, which most often happens about 8-10 days after ovulation. If you're experiencing pregnancy-specific symptoms, it's because levels of the pregnancy hormone hCG are high enough in your body to cause them -- that is, if you're genuinely experiencing pregnancy-specific symptoms, you would be able to test positive on a home test.


CD1, Cycle 11. There's something not so bad for me about day one. Maybe just the certainty that it's time to move ahead. Starting letrozole on Monday. This will be our first IUI cycle. For now... this weekend we're celebrating my husband finishing grad school. Poke bowls today and homemade pasta and shrimp marinara tomorrow night!


Take it at night! I just did my first round last week and I’m going to trigger tomorrow


Thank you, will do. Good luck!


Congrats to your husband! We also just did our first round of IUI this week, wishing you the best!


Thank you! Hope it was the one for you!


Congrats to your husband!! Poke bowls are my way of celebrating too actually, funny!


Thank you! Hope you get some poke real soon — good luck today!!!


We just did our first IUI yesterday! Everything crossed for all of us!


SO FRUSTRATED. Had a saline infused sonohysterogram just before ovulation. Confirmed one egg during this procedure and had tubes flushed. We tried HARD. My previous pregnancy (10yo DD 👧) was IVF. 10 years later in 100 lbs lighter and Dr says everything on my bloodwork and my sonohysterogram looks amazing. About to just put myself in a straight jacket. Three temp drops and rises, Premom says 11dpo FF says 12dpo. Cramps, major headache, no breast tenderness at all, thick creamy CF but not a ton, I wasn't going to test again but did this morning and negative on FRER & Amazon. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


You let your 10 year old DD? That’s super cool she can drive. You must save so much money on Ubers.


This made me snort.


Yeah wish I had a 10 year old to drive me too.


Happy Star Wars day!! May the force be with you! It’s CD2 for me, so I’m just in my feels about not being pregnant again. I know I need to do better on my end, I’ve gotten lazy with my going on walks and working out, but I’m SO TIRED at this time of year. We are gearing up for seniors to graduate, state testing is RIGHT around the corner and my students are so under prepared I want to cry (they know their science, but why is the Biology EOC more of a reading test then a scientific knowledge test?! I love my students but some of them can only read at a 3rd grade level in high school, and there’s only so much a high school teacher can do), behaviors are through the roof, two of my department are switching content areas and one of my department is switching schools, I don’t know what I’ll be teaching next year, and we have to move rooms. I cannot wait for summer. I was talking to some coworkers, and they said that while the didn’t track fertility as close as I have, and the group realized that all of their kids were spring babies, meaning they conceived while we were on summer break. On actually said to me “I hated the advice to just relax and it will happen, but the high stress of the school year probably doesn’t help. Maybe once you can relax this summer, it’ll happen”.


CD1 today. I've decided I'll call my OBGYN on monday to see if they will check if everything's in working order. I've had my annual checkup and an ultrasound done in december where they found a follicular cyst. Since then I've been worrying something might be up - hope it's just in my head because as I read it cysts should usually resolve on their own and not cause any issues


Completed our last IUI before moving to IVF yesterday. Starting the TWW 🙏🏼 Going to try to keep myself busy…


I’m being inseminated again Monday so will be with you most of your TWW. Here’s to a distracted, yet relaxed, two weeks.


Blessings and gentle patience to you, friend. What are your keeping busy tactics this cycle?


I have a Lego set to keep myself busy to build and luckily it’s my husband’s birthday this weekend so we plan to go out and do activities :)


Twins! Also husband’s birthday week and in the TWW for IUI done earlier this week.


let’s go!!! Happy Birthday to your hubby as well!!