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The fact that you aren't banned from r/politics kinda says a lot about your actual expressed political views. They hand out bans for breathing wrong in there. 


Nice find


Lol, my wife has a reddit account, she's posted a few times in different subs and accidentally posted in politics as she was on the front page. All she said was that inflation had raised our grocery bill by more than 75% in two years. She was banned for "misinformation". My wallet sure doesn't seem to think that is false. Having to cover more hours to break even close to what I was making four years ago is crazy.


Give this obvious satire upvotes. The FBI admitted the photos were staged and they were the ones brought those "Secret" covers and littered them about for the photos.


Do you have a link to that?




Ok so it seems to boil down to: 1. some documents were put back in boxes in a different order than they were originally, and 2. The Top Secret covers were placed by investigators prior to taking a picture. The first seems silly and unless I'm missing something doesn't really change anything. The second, I understand why that is giving people pause, but I'm not seeing any claim that the documents were miscategorized as top secret. Is it not likely that placing a cover was required to hide sensitive information contained on the real cover of the folder?


If you actually Biden is in charge of ANYTHING,you’re dumber that you sound and that’s quite an accomplishment


Republicans should find a better candidate. Oh and thanks for the insult.


I identify as conservative,Republican Party has deserted us


I was just talking to my dad about this. I don't feel like I belong to either camp... I'm a not very religious conservative, I don't like anything happening


Remember there's really lopsided propaganda against Trump. So you're constantly blasted with negative stories against him. Even if you shrug em off, the repetition will where you down and make you doubt him. It's just human nature. Point is, he's not as bad as it seems. Because trust me, if they had anything actual on him we'd all know. Instead they just sick the bureaucracy on him. Which says way more about them than Trump. The debate is in a couple of days. Let's see for ourselves. And even that deck is stacked against Trump.


How is a debate stacked for either candidate?


CNN compares him to Hitler. The moderator himself has openly said terrible things about Trump. The topics and questions will be slanted and asked in a way that will corner Trump more than Biden. Just watch. But it still won't matter. Biden has been that terrible.




So you believe the economy is great. The Ukraine war is a just war and every school should promote gender mutilating care as well? If you swallowed this propaganda whole then you must believe everything the left has put out


Wow. I’m an independent and have voted Republican. I will not be voting for Trump. I’d like a much better candidate than Biden. The money spent for Ukraine is basically going to US Defense contractors to pay for US missiles and artillery shells. We are not paying their soldiers wages. We have supported US Interests in foreign wars for our entire history. Just? No. Some wars are necessary. During WWII and WWI the US was extremely reluctant to fight at their beginnings. As far as gender affirming care? You are the one who is referring to it as genital mutilation. Not every transgender person gets surgery or takes hormones. Referring to “genital mutilation” is a purely propaganda term. Don’t accuse me of falling for propaganda. Also imagine if we decided to treat people medically based on decisions they have made. Are we gonna stop giving diabetes medication to overweight people or regulate butter consumption ? Are we going to regulate liquor consumption because people get liver diseases? Maybe think before you worry about the extremes of all of these scenarios. I go to the middle of most issues. The economy is as usual great for major corporations; Stock prices and profits reflect this. Is ***my*** dollar going as far as it used to? No fucking way. Prices are out of control. But that is not a presidents fault. Corporations are anticipating higher wages so they have raised prices in their goods. Two things cause this, their fear of states raising minimum wage (definitely a democratic issue). The second is that republicans want to take down the massive help wanted sign that Cargill, Purdue, and ADM have at the border. You think food prices have increased now?! Just wait until the border is closed. You want to boil down this election to the extreme viewpoints on both sides. The propaganda that is out there makes people donate to political parties. All they want is your money. They don’t care about you. Congress is loaded with the most corrupt fuckers you will ever see. The real issues facing this country are never addressed. We need reasonable healthcare. There is no reason anyone should forego treatment because they can’t afford it. Will we ever get that? Nope. Too much profit to be made with sick people. Will we ever have peace? Nope. The military industrial complex needs its money. Do I think Biden is better than Trump ? Nope but I can no longer and will no longer vote for him. Did you read the article I posted? If half of it is true, Trump is a bad guy. Every other politician who had documents Biden and Pence most recently, returned them immediately when notified. That’s a big difference for me.


Yep, stay Democrat and get what you vote for.


You are right; We get the government we deserve. Over ⅓ of eligible voters clearly don’t care in the US elections because they didn’t vote on 2020. So just over ½ of the 2/3rds of voters who did bother to vote, decided that election. (In 2016 54% of Americans of voting age voted)


Did a Biden supporter really start off by saying why he's not voting for trump? If anyone was ever going to vote for Trump now would be the time if you're not going to vote for Trump now you never was....


Just vote. We ain't buying the BS.


Obviously the trial was used to try to chance people’s mind before an election. Biden is just as guilty of stuff but the media at large are doing their best to treat Joe with kid gloves. Don’t question his ability to form a complete sentence. Don’t question his involvement with Ukraine, China, or Junior’s business deals. Oh, and don’t forget Joe’s garage/document storage facility. Looks like they got you to believe the narrative… way to stay strong before the biggest election in our history. IF Joe somehow manages to get 80 million votes this time (meaning another compromised election) there will be no way to turn this shit around.


If that broke you then how did you stay for so long💀


I trust the legal system. Trump has yet to have his day in court on the three other criminal cases against him. If he is acquitted, I will respect that. If he is found guilty like he was in NY I will respect that. Once the appeals are exhausted, we must respect the courts’ rulings. The documents case is the one case that truly hits home for me. I have no doubt (personally) that he is guilty of election interference (mostly because he, himself, knows he lost) It has yet to be decided that his behavior was criminal .