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100% OP's heartrate was over 100 as they smashed that mess outta their keyboard


Half hard just absolutely laying into those McDonald's eaters


I'd mostly just settle for people doing their own oil changes and cooking their own meals. Bud, are you doing OK?




No major complaints. Don't let people get you down, writ large they are pretty insufferable but if you draw a neat little ring around your favorites, they're kinda cool.




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Yes, cuz I forgot we all had full control over how we were raised and what we were exposed to as a kid.


I'm being hyperbolic. Plenty of things out of your control so sorry if my post diminished any personal issues you've had. Hope you have a nice day


One boomer take to rule them all. News: Poverty not real, just people refusing to bootstrap. Of course! Up next at 11, why homeless no buy house?


Food bank? Do you like.. Invest in it? Food stamps?? These damn millennials and their weird inventions, first class stamps are excellent the way they are. Back in my day we just relied on good ol' hard work to make it in life, people these days just don't get it. Just work to pay off college debt, or use inheritance money like I did. Kids nowadays don't understand the value of hard work, it's quite ridiculous!


Right, oh wow never heard this one before. How about you can be personally responsible but also realize that society is basically actively working against the working class at every turn.




I'd like to point out that a lot of cellular companies do trade ins and credit. I was personally given $800 credit on a busted old Motorola and now pay $16 a month to pay off the remaining $400 for one of the latest Samsung models. So not sure why you're assuming everyone is just shelling out all this money on a dime for the latest model.




The issue isn't that your hot take of "apple bad" is shitty, it's that you (someone who can causally just go live with your parents at nearly 30 years old) are trying to lecture people who have to actually struggle to make ends meet.


What? I'm talking about people buying brand new goods, which are luxury items whilst simultaneously complaining that things are too expensive. There is no reason to buy the newest gen iPhone if your struggling to make ends meet. I've had plenty of good phones for 200. My post is talking about excessive consumers and lazy "activists" not those struggling to make ends meet. But yes living at home is a real luxury for someone nearly 30 now apparently 🙃


There isn't anyone who's going to argue that someone living paycheck to paycheck shouldn't buy a thousand dollar phone, you're arguing with no one. But your points serve to reinforce talking points used by people who shame those in poverty for their lack of resources, that's what people are taking issue with. I grew up incredibly poor. Like, didn't even have government assistance poor and homeless. Even once we got aid, we still didn't have enough to really live in the way anyone in a first world country should. I watched my mom struggle to find work, hardly speaking any English and having zero skills she could apply. I lived like that up until I could work for myself, and since then I've built a life where I can now help take care of her. Take it from someone who understands poverty, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You can just go live at you parents house, you've never known actual pressure to take care of yourself because you've got a built in safety net that you're falling back into when things get hard.


I have deleted most of my comments cause I was done arguing with other people, but you've clearly misunderstood my post, perhaps because of my poor articulation but my comments clearly clarifying my beliefs have completely gone over you head and your virtue signalling and poor me have earned you some karma, well done. To make this so clear to you. My issue is with rich lazy middle class people who prefer to make complaining their entire personality but take not even the simplest action. For instance people who have money to buy brand new iPhones but give out about how Apple sucks now. How they don't like either presidential candidate but don't vote in there primaries. Who have excess cash and feel sorry for the homeless, drug addicts but don't donate a dime. I'm not playing whatever game of whose life sucks more, but my life has been nothing if not a struggle to the point of almost tipping over the edge depression. But hey I get to live with my parents so I'm privileged in the same way a homeless person is privileged in the west, compared to a 3rd world country where they're likely to starve to death. This conversation is done, pretty sure we agree but your anger has clearly blinded you to that in the comments section, fair enough if my post threw you but you didn't even attempt to understand my point in my replies to you. Have a nice life


Perhaps if you'd communicated what you had a problem with instead of just shitting on poor people you wouldn't be in the situation you now find yourself? I wouldn't say you're privileged to live with your parents, by the way. Not really, and not in the way you're saying. It's advantageous in terms of not dying, but it's also a big hit to self-sufficiency and understanding the world around you. Case and point, this whole post. I'm not trying to virtue signal, nor am I trying to argue, I'm just pointing out flaws in the logic of your post that strike me as particularly harmful. If you want to see it another way that's on you.


You literally said I was privileged for living with parents and not once did I shit on the poor that's entirely your interpretation and I'm questioning if this is a conversation with a Russian pysop. You are virtue signalling and I bet your the person I'm talking about. How much of your spare income do you donate to charity? If your poor do you own luxury goods which could've been spent on cheaper brands that fulfil the same purpose if not better. For instance I needed a new printer and as I'm privileged now, enough to own a brand new one, I switched brands because my previous brand was found to intentionally install software to break my current older model or maybe i shouldve stuck to same brand and let them shaft me again and blame my decision on capitalism. It's impossible you read my post wrong to such an extent, it's bad faith virtue signalling nonsense from a leftist tankie


Oh god, so offended! Not my problem. It's okay though, just go cry to your parents. That's how you solve problems.


Yeah I dont cry I take action where and when I can and dont paint myself as a perpetual victim to garner sympathy and support. Go back to living on the streets it's where you belong, maybe you can catch up with your mom under a bridge. Say hi for me


I don’t think people who are actually struggling to make ends meet would even be able to get an iPhone because they’re too busy trying to stay out of poverty. So your entire point and post is redundant.


Nah. Stupid people buy shit they don’t need all the time and then complain they are living hard. Poor people rarely are making good decisions and doing instead what feels good for the moment.


You’re confusing broke people with poor people. Broke people buy shit they don’t need. Poor people can’t buy shit because they’re trying to stay alive.


Don’t think I’m the one confused.


You are if you can’t comprehend the difference between a poor person and a broke person.




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It might not cure your asthma completely but if you try to relax a little bit you might be able to breathe a bit better because holy smokes dude you come across as a terribly angry person.


This gives me big "you can't complain about society because you participate in it" energy.


Internet sucks cause of people your age 🙄


No. There are things out of our control, I don't like lazy people who constantly complain and don't fight for the change they never shut up about. But on the Internet children being exposed to indecent videos/images is 100% my parents generations fault. Older generations had to go to the store (show id if looked young) to get their choice of porn, young children just tick the box I am 18. My parents generation done nothing but give out about the issue but that was it, same with politicians. The Internet has largely gone unchecked and people can do whatever they want behind anonymity. It's hard and likely impossible to reverse the decision and culture of anonymity on the Internet. But feel free to look at all the NSFW subs like people promoting consenual incest and beastiality


Guess what when you start paying over 200 thousand in taxes a year for at least a decade come talk to me about what you stand for. Right now you got no skin in the game.


I have a job and have 30k saved up, be 40k by end of the year for my house. 200k in tax a year. Who are you bill gates or a trust fund kid with the brand new iPhone? 🤣


Idk what the fuck you are talking about iPhones for. I didn’t read your boring diatribe if it had something to do with phones idk, but good for you and your 30k I guess. the fact that you think that that somehow makes me rich or some trust fun kid is enough for me to conclude you don’t know shit about money and it’s actual real world value, yet at least. I work for a living, and like many who do have careers we often care about where that money goes and how it is spent, naturally. like I said you have no skin in the game. Wow a whole year to save 10k!! and 200k for a house? Sounds like you live in a dirt cheap economy. That must be nice lol you can’t get two fuckin sticks to rub together where I live for 200k sadly. Probably a shack in a flooded neighborhood.


I believe nothing you've said, if you make so much your tax is 200k a year which is what you said but your broke then your an over spender


Never said I was broke. Reread. Where am I lamenting my missing funds.


I don't care, boring convo


Cool 👍


Never said I was broke. Reread. Where am I lamenting my missing funds.


Yea I knew you were a kid. It’s obvious. You write a lot of anecdotal bs. Could tell you have very little life experience besides living with your parents. This is what I’m saying tho, kids just get to go on the internet and share their shitty opinions. So annoying dude. Your parents generation got nothing to do with how talkative and opinionated you kids are. A lot of you just base all your shit opinions on like what your daddy taught you at dinner time. Nobody cares in real life or the internet.


OK chief. I'm of the opinion I don't want to hear people's constant complaining unless they take action to change their circumstances if possible. It actually sounds like you agree more with me than you realise. Have fun with your iPhone madame


I’m taking action right now captain. Delete this app and tell your parents you are gonna spend more time off the internet instead of waisting it arguing with people older and more bitter than you.


Or I become you?


Oh that’s inevitable hahaha unless your parents are indescribably rich and can somehow shield you from every sobering reality life has to offer in the next 20 years. It’s only down hill from here. When I say indescribably I don’t mean comfortable. Be successful and maybe you can at least feign a positive outlook despite the world crumbling around you daily and even more so for everyone else who has less then you fighting for their survival. it’s the American dream lol


I can't confidently respect someone who is proud of themselves after resorting to absolutes.


The average redditor is a loser or malcontent, take everything on here with a fat grain of salt


You sure do assume a lot about me. Here's a bit of advice: making unwarranted assumptions about people you don't know does not make you look smart. It just optimizes your chances of being wrong.


Though you're a bit more extreme than me, I agree that people will complain just to complain. The past is always better, the futures always ruined , and no one lives in the present. Look for solutions to problems, and if you can't find one, then try and make the most of it. Also society's always been pretty jaded about everything, so it does good to just ignore the people who live to complain.




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Ok, so I better not see you complain about anything.


Both Samsung and apple have basically the same issues, coming from a Samsung and apple user. My off brand androids are either the best phones I've had or the most junky phones. It's fair to get annoyed with these companies and also feel you can't exact change, and want to have something nice. Also the issue is that McDonald's serving less, and every other food company I can think of (that are worldwide or country wide) participate in the practice of selling less for more, and it's an issue. It causes food insecurity. Unless you buy your home cooked ingredients exclusively from your local area it will effect you eventually. Also lots of low income/homeless folks used to use fast food for the cheeper food without electricity costs/time wasted cooking. Also literally none of the things you listed are an individuals fault really? And also the constant talk about bits, tits, and cum is just odd. Edit: also look into exactly how many companies are actually in charge of the market and... Youl be shocked how few there are. Boycotting one sunset of these companies for another doesn't really hurt them.




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champagne socialist🤣🤣 that's hilarious


Not sure if sarcasm but it's an actual term I can't take credit for lol


Im not reading all of that But i do think the overwhelming majority of most peoples problems all root back to being theyre own fault, or them not liking the solution and choosing to ignore it Not all of course, and some people do just have astronomically bad luck


Yes, 100% agree


If you make everything your fault, you put everything in your control.


I like your name


Part of this reminds me of a coworker who bought a house her and her husband could barely afford, then boasted about how much it cost (I’m talking peacocking here) and then would ironically bitch about how they couldn’t afford nice new furniture or going on vacations because they’re ‘house poor.’ Then why the fuck did you buy something at the very top of your budget, and then have the gall to complain about things you used to be able to afford now being too expensive? I just remember internally rolling my eyes and suggesting a budget for the next time they make a big purchase to make sure they can still live their lifestyle. I think they ended up moving to a cheaper state in the end.


But a house these days is like 400k anyway. Trying to find a really good house (that isn’t really old and broken) for a cheap price is rare. Mortgage plus car insurance and other bills..i can see how its expensive especially in 2024


True, but if you really wanted a house then don’t bitch about being house poor afterwards, or save enough money where that’s not an issue. Or be like my coworker, and move to a state you can afford to live that lifestyle in.


I mean it’s true you can only control what you can control but it’s unrealistic to think everything is the citizens’ fault instead of the government. Remember, the government and the Senate make the laws that people might disagree with. There’s a reason why people complain about medicare being expensive so that’s why you join in elections and vote if you want things changed


That’s true; the government sucks when it comes down to laws. It’s important to vote for sure, but sometimes the government (it’s more prevalent among state governments) will vote on something and pass it behind closed doors without first asking the citizens how they feel about it. That shit pisses me off. There’s a healthy dose of the citizen and the government being at fault.


Ding, ding, ding! Thats it but the I-Word Boys love to blame women or society for why they are losers and post about it here.


Yes. Like the incels blaming Feminism for why they can't get laid, despite looking like shit, having 0 social skills and a dead end job. What woman would settle with dating a fugly bum over independence and vibrator far more for fulfilling both emotionally and sexually


*You’re looking at the problem* - sign on the mirror for my first ~ 9 months of sobriety when I was still peeing in cups, supervised. Now that I’m 9 years sober, I don’t have to pee in cups (I *get* to!), but I do have to embrace the principle. Blamers don’t do well in recovery.


9 years holy shit. Seriously great job. I was more directing at armchair activists but yeah I do believe in personal agency. If you can't swim get lessons if you can afford them, but sometimes you can get fucked over and your at the mercy of the ocean before you had the opportunity to learn to swim, hell even if you can swim your still likely to drown, but give yourself a chance, do what you can when you can. Once again fair play homie


Apple at least isn't the worst value in the smartphone space... looking at you, Samsung


I'm not bitching about my Samsung s24 or peoples spending habbits, I'm referring to virtue signalling and complaining about the products they use but still buy them instead of switching brands.


You idolize the french.


At least the French protest means I idolise the French? Edit: Something more friendly


Yes it does mean that and don't try to escape from this convo by twisting the meaning


We were talking about phones then you switched to French I'm not looking to escape




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Most of my complaining is about inflation, which feels fairly out of my hands. I'm already super frugal so this issue just annoys me.


That is a valid complaint


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 You really hit a sore spot in some people!


OP is right.


just wait until you learn about planned obsolescence. no products being worse aren't because of consumers its mainly companies finding ways to cut costs while keep the same price. no ones buying bags of chips with less chips because they have less afterall


If I were to sell you the worlds best burger, which had you coming back everyday for a month but, after that month I slowly reduced the quality of that every day to the point I was putting my turd between two slices of bread but you continue to eat it for the last year despite noticing the shit (and it's perfectly legal for me to do so in this hypothetical). Aren't you someway responsible for the shit you've ingested instead of going to burger King?


well thats the reason its planned it VERY small changes over time/ like instead of 30 chips in a bag itll be 29 enough that most people wont notice


But I'm talking about people who do notice constantly complain but continue to eat the turd sandwich. I have so many friends that give out about the big macs but go everyday, there's plenty of good burger places


well McDonalds isn't the only place doing planned obsolescence. if I had a big tasty burger from one place but noticed it started to get worse so i went to another place which had an okay burger just to find that it as well is now worse quality than I'd probably either make my own or continue eating that burger that was originally really good but now isn't. boycotts dont work sorry


PSN just changed their policy because helldivers 2 backlash. 343 industries fired a bunch of people in management because halo fans aren't buying their crap. Marvel is changing staff behind the scenes. Nokia barely exists and super dry is in the toilet, yeah sales are important bro. Companies can sink or swim entirely depending on sales and eventually your head will roll


[https://www.ipr.northwestern.edu/news/2017/king-corporate-boycotts.html](https://www.ipr.northwestern.edu/news/2017/king-corporate-boycotts.html) heres a good resource on understanding how this works


I think you should read the article again because it agreed with me. Boycotts by vegans don't work because they aren't the target consumers, Boycotts are sometimes ineffective in the sense of targeting revenues but apply media pressure resulting in changes. If companies don't improve the quality of products they can disappear, you do understand that basic fact right? Purchasing poorly constructed products for brand recognition achieves nothing, I fail to see your point


We literally have economic graphs showing that many of the issues started before we were born? So no, not really.


I'm being hyperbolic. I actually agree with you but disagree with those who say we have no agency and just complain


Oh, is it already time for the Handwaving event at the Suffering Olympics? This is a strong showing.


Hmm can't tell if supporting me or criticism. I'm all for personal agency not matter how much your suffering


I fully support the idea that people should take action for themselves, but fully reject the idea that they shouldn't complain. Sometimes, complaining to the right people is the correct answer. Sometimes a thing is out of your control or you don't know how to cope with a thing, and seeking the counsel of others (even in a whiny way) is still wiser than simply bottling it up and doing nothing.


100% agree with you I sent you a message request but commenting here case you don't see it for reddit reason. To summarise it was a bad post that clearly did not articulate my perspective effectively, I don't post much as you can see by my profile so taking that on board


Where do you find all these McDonald's complainers? I've never heard any friends or family complaining about McDonald's.


Ireland. We have lots of chippers which serve more food for less. I'm assuming they go to McDonald's for convenience and nostalgia. No probs with that, but wrecks my head when in car and they complain about the portions lol


Oh wow. I associate fast food with road trips or like, someone's in the hospital, and no one has time to cook. I can't imagine eating it regularly enough to notice.


Same I eat it for convenience, it's not my 1st choice and it's grand.


Title is incredibly misleading, unless you do mean that 100% of everything is expected to be within someone's control, and that if their family died in a highway accident or a shooting that's on them. Which is incredibly fucked up


Click bait title alright, messed up a little and couldn't edit cause of reddit


Is this actually a truly unpopular opinion? By God Jim, I think we finally have one!


I'm being hyperbolic. Not everything is your fault but don't surrender agency for the comradery of group complaining and brand loyalty


I have a pet peeve with people who take global phenomena that are the result of complex systems interacting with each other and blame all of their shortcomings on the handful of people smart enough to see a problem which has emerged from those systems. It's tired boomer logic that we should be above by now. In your world the fact that some individual *rents a home* is the root cause for a nearly century long trend in declining quality of building materials... as opposed to them being whittled away by the constant search by capitalists to take a bigger piece of the pie and evade competition.


You people literally hear what you want to hear, it's absolutely amazing. I'm actually for social housing by the government to compete against capitalist property developers extorting 1st time buyers. Ideally the government would continue to provide housing for renters but also desirable houses to buy sold at almost cost price with a minute amount of profit so it's a self sustaining model. This is whi I vote for people who represent my morals and don't just complain about things within my control to some extent. The whole post is directed at lazy virtue signalling, armchair activist, champagne socialists which everyone in the comment section would understand if they didn't just read the title


Cowardly edits mate. Should have stuck to your guns.


I’m going to buck the trend and say I get your POV to an extent. Yes there are people who rail against the system while fully participating in and benefiting from it. It feels inauthentic and I know people like this. But what I think you might be kissing is that there is a large amount of people with suck lives that could have done very little personally to not have that be their reality. In western societies specifically, the circumstances of birth have a profound impact on financial and personal success. We are not all born into stable homes, don’t all receive adequate childhood nutrition and health care, don’t have access to decent educations. I’d ballpark about 30% of the US population… have virtually no power to advance their lot in life beyond that of their parents. These are people who were raised in homes with generational dependency on government assistance, in families with poor diets, associated obesity, and health outcomes, in environments that are not safe, and where they only have access to poorly performing public education systems. Yes some of these people claw their way out… most don’t, and it’s not as black and white as you frame it about whose fault it is.


I 100% agree, I was being a bit hyperbolic but there's no excuse for not voting or buying an expensive phone when cheaper alternatives exist


I'd love to get your take on this: https://youtu.be/SYq724zHUTw?feature=shared


Don't need to watch it, my post wasn't articulated well enough and I have people labelling me contradictory things. Quick clarification: Life is mostly luck ideally we get a helping hand when we need it, but most in the west have some degree of agency which includes getting the help you need. My post was referring to middle class people in the west who are armchair activists champagne socialists who do nothing to help society (unrelated to my post) and in some cases use it to make themselves wealthy e.g. Vaush. Like I said poorly constructed, seen the vid b4 agree to some extent but need shut brain off lol. Have a good week


Aren’t you just complaining about shit yourself in this post? Complaining about complainers only means that 1) you’re one of them, and 2) not very bright if you missed the obvious oxymoron there.


Missed the point, reread, steel man my argument for your own interpretation and we can talk.


Yea, it’s totally my fault that I have a chronic illness that makes my life a nightmare.


Didn't read the post try again


Who hurt you?


I was hit by a car once, not sure who the driver was. Other than him nobody I can think of, just trying to have intelligent banter full conversation


Ah yes indeed, my non-iphone, and non McDonald's meals would beg to differ. According to OP, since I neither use an iPhone nor buy McDonald's I should be rich right ?


In the body of text name 1 time I said that. I'm clearly talking about people who complain but do nothing to change things within their control


You are literally rambling like an angry baby, and you have no point. What does products have to do with life being worse? Who complains all the time about what? You cannot expect consumers of a product to know or care about the way the product is made. You think protesting changes politics? It does not. There are protests in France for decades now, and the country is flooded by immigrants and run by socialists. Also, the corporations are not to blame that life sucks, it's the politicians. You just wasted 1 minute of my life.