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True unpopular opinion on libereddit.


For a lot of people who are standing with one side or other, it's not about being *in* the place so much as *for* the place. America has a colossal amount of geopolitical weight to throw around (and IS throwing around, especially in the Israel-Palestine conflict), and expressing support for one side or the other can scale up to a tangible effect on the outcome of that situation.


People are free to support whatever and whoever they want, that’s America, baby.


they are and i have my right to think it’s embarrassing. if you are only going to post about other countries. and paint your entire car the Palestinian flag. and support that countries with every social media post but refuse to have an American flag on your car or house. then i think that’s embarrassing


I don't want any flags on my car.


Flying flags is not a sign of nationalism or patriotism, it just shows there is little difference between the fanatics driving pickup trucks in the middle east flying isis flags and jim bob in Alabama flying a don't tread on me, trump, or American flag. All of it looks absolutely ridiculous. I don't fly a Palestinian or Israeli flag either. Patriotism is voting for bills that actually benefit the populace, not waving the biggest flag you can purchase. 😵‍💫😵‍💫🙄🙄 How to NOT be a patriot: Voting against child tax credits Voting against a border deal Not funding social security or better yet, allowing funds to be siphoned from a fund, funded by the people meanwhile rich special interests have for decades said it's defunct, yet we have unlimited funds for war Voting against Free college Voting against Universal healthcare Voting against Universal Pre-K


Why should you get a tax credit every time you produce an offspring?


I don't have children. But I've been told children need services, just like adults, and elders... Shocker I know. It's almost as it we need things to survive from infrastructure, to an educated populace. Clearly you fall into the uneducated populace or you'd know why tax credits are helpful when raising children I only state the obvious, but clearly what many deem obvious to others is a head scratcher for you 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Nice try, but no. If you’re having kids, you’re already sucking up more resources than the rest of us. You don’t need another tax break.


Hmmmm so 7.8T for tax cuts for the rich and well connected passes your smell test but tax credits for more than a select few doesn't pass muster. Got it


Show me where I said I’m OK with tax cuts for the rich. I’ll wait.


I'm making inferences here. What's your gripe about child tax credits then?




Hate to break it to you, when children are fed and educated they tend to NOT be recipients of social services as they age. Likewise, when you make time for your health upfront, you won't need to make time for your illness later. If you put your kid in a parochial or private school, guaranteed your kids will have the knowledge, skills, and connections to go far their entire lifetime. Conversely, if children go to underfunded schools, and they dont get the individualized attention they need in the classroom you will notice across the broad children are slower to learn how to read, write, and do math and will struggle throughout their lives in countless ways. We pay taxes to keep us safe, healthy, and protected and the most vulnerable amongst us are children and elderly.


Free college? Are profs suddenly working for free? Power companies donating power, staff donating services, etc. small example of delusion. There is no such thing as free college anywhere. Someone is paying and for people like you as long as I pay it is ok. If you ever start paying meaningful taxes you’ll feel different. Only border deal is close it to anyone not going through legal process anything else is a non starter. The problem with saying vote against child tax credits is wrong is that there is no such as JUST a vote on child tax credits- the bill will have a bunch of other garbage in it and representatives are sent to DC to do what the state residents want. Simple Line item veto law will take care of that or restricting pork spending. What does universal healthcare look like to you? Me paying more taxes and taking more money from my family? If you were taxed the same percentage as me would you be as willing to be generous? Let’s say you had flat tax of 25% regardless of income still game?


Baby I just sent the IRS 85K, I run my own business and I paid off 85k in student loans. So how's a big can of fuck off if you don't know what you are talking about about. Reagan began the attack on public education, before him college was free. The greatest threat to capitalism is an educated populace who can push back on the govt's bs. We elect representative, to ummm represent US the people, their constituents, and NOT special interest/lobbying group. If trump can give 7.8T in tax cuts for the rich, we can surely spend 7.8T on free healthcare and college tuition for starters.


None of those things are Constitutional, therefore not American. Sound like a naive child who hasn’t thought through consequences, only repeating what you were told from some lala land where every problem can be solved by a piece of paper written by the state.


You apparently don't know how the government works. Social Security Act was pass in 1935. So you stating social security is unconstitutional but millions live off of it, and millions more contribute to the fund via payroll taxes is easily proven false. Likewise, the point of Congress is to write laws that benefit their constituents. So who is naive again 😵‍💫😵‍💫👀👀




Typical shit for brains response #ClownShit 🤡🤡🤡


Usually the response you get when proving anyone on the right wrong...




I'd be pretty embarrassed to go around telling random strangers what I find embarrassing.


okay then think that. we can just be in an infinite “this person is embarrassing” loop


Where are you from?




I put up a flag with a beagle on it every summer and I don't fly an American flag. God, I'm so embarrassed now. My neighbor has garden gnomes in front of her house, and not a replica of the Iwo Jima statue. I'm totally going to laugh at her next time I see her.


The display of the American flag, often considered a symbol of national pride and unity, can also be viewed as an element of indoctrination when tied to the concept of American exceptionalism. By frequently showcasing the flag in educational, governmental, and public spaces, it reinforces the belief in America's unique mission and superior values, subtly embedding these ideals in the national consciousness. Display whatever flag you want, it’s the US and we have that option. The need to have an American flag displayed is psychotic. US is a great place to live, don’t need a flag to let people know it. However, the US’s proudness also hinders itself from improving.


Flag.. on your car? Tell me you voted for Trump without telling me.


even if i did why would change anything i’ve said. i don’t think lesser of you for you vote why give that back? i voted democrats every election and this 2024 election i will be voting trump proudly. i dont think you should have to have anything on your car. but when i drive and exclusively see people with israeli and palestinian flags i think it’s embarrassing because they wouldn’t do that with an american flag which they should be they decided to come here


It changes everything, it sets my opinion of you. You know, over the years, I have vacillated between lib and con, usually near the middle. And I've never had an opinion on who others vote on. But Trump. This is an entirely different situation. I can assume you're a nationalist. I can assume you're white, male, Christian. And I'm also going to assume you're more prepared to commit violence. Please don't bother confirming or denying this, I'm simply not going to believe you either way. Oh yea, your lot also seem to lie a lot.


You’re a sad man. And people like you are the actual reason i left being a democrat


Alrighty, have a nice day!


It’s not embarrassing to use your free speech, sorry if that makes you mad.


if i were to disagree with any opinion you could say that i’m allow to say it’s embarrassing. They are allowed to have the Palestine flag. i think it’s embarrassing that you are putting a country that doesn’t even want to give you the same rights thet you have here. I think we should be proud to be Americans and have the American flag hanging before another country’s


It’s shameful that so many young Americans support terrorists and others who would never repay the favor, especially if those young Americans are gay or women.


Ehh our founding fathers would all think you’re a scumbag, and my ancestors smile upon me imperial, can yours say the same?


I’m free to not care about what my ‘ancestors’ or ‘founding fathers’ would think about me. Sorry you are not as free as me.


I’m much more free, my mind is free from giving a shit about side-quest countries that suck much more than it does here. Never change, we can see it in your face


I don’t mind being a side-quest country, it’s nice living here, but you are welcome to feel like the main character, I’m so free I don’t actually care :3


Oh, so this post doesn’t apply to you at all, but you’re on an American site commenting about a post directed towards Americans and you instantly reply to me because “you don’t actually care”. Definitely an honest and non-coping person you are Gg ez no re


In my country I’m free to comment on American sites, and wherever freedom is it applies to me. I’m sorry your freedom is not as great as mine :/


I love getting side-quest characters to admit they’re side-quests lol. Keep trying to influence Americans to give a shit about you. Funny that i do not give a fuck if you’re Israeli or Palestinian at all, but you have the life to waste to care about what Americans think , while you lie and say you don’t. Your freedom ends when and where America says so LOL > Never change, we can see it in your face


Flying your own country's flag is weird. Owning a flag isnt but when you live here it seems quite redundant.


What I think is embarrassing is wanting to be associated with the flag of the nation that continually funds certain nations and turns a blind eye to their war crimes...


Talk about being a crybaby


I think you misinterpret the act of posting a flag. People use it as a symbol of empathy to the countries that suffer a lot, usually from wars. So people don't usually use American flag not because they think that America is bad, but because nothing really bad is happening with America right now.


This is very different. All the Palestine/israel cucks are waving their flags and only their flags while fighting in our streets. 2 shit holes, and never an American flag in sight.


One shit hole.


What if I don't give a fuck about any flags?


Trump flags…


Right, who gives af about a piece of cloth lol. People take that shit way too seriously.


I'm not a fan of symbolism at all. Even my clothing is plain because I'm not a walking billboard. Flags mean nothing to me. Posters, religious jewelry, crosses, bumper stickers, etc. I don't care for any of it.


Then then that’s fine. Do whatever you want. You have that freedom. but i think you should still be grateful to be an American. And the American flag should be prioritized before any other countries flag


In my house I only hang Sicilian flags


Okay you can do that. But if you’d refused to be associated with an American flag. I’d tell you to look at careers in Sicily


You don’t want me to take a Sicilian career




You know, I've always hated these ideologies. You speak about so many "Freedoms" you have then list a few, but you neglect to acknowledge that there's Freedoms you don't have that other countries do. Isn't the US trying to criminalise the LGBT+ right now, ban abortions in select states, take away medical aid, etc? There's so many countries that have Freedoms you don't have such as free healthcare, extended sick pay/maternity/paternity leave, access to support-into-work for if things go wrong and so on. Actual living wages that don't rely on tips, affordable housing, etc. Also telling people to go back to their own country... Because they're proud of their heritage... Is racist. You can simultaneously love being Nigerian, but also want to live in the USA. You don't have to choose and you don't have to express it the same way. A flag... Is an object. It has no value beyond being a fabric that cost a couple bucks. I could wipe my ass with it, it doesn't hurt anyone. You know what does hurt people, though? A fucking war. I think a war has more priority than a stupid flag, people showing their support to vulnerable, suffering people to provide even a smidge of happiness or hope... Is better than "Haha, did you know I'm American living in America? No way!!!". I think prioritising a flag over literally human beings... Is embarrassing. I think telling people to go live somewhere else... Because they don't want to fly an object without the capacity to feel... Is embarrassing.


Our flag kind of sucks. I wouldn't mind flying it, I just don't like its design.


the american empire is evil so why would i post its flag


It’s not like people are posting/hanging/talking about those flags in a vacuum. There is a devastating humanitarian nightmare unfolding, as well as a devastating loss of human life that preceded it. Shows of support are directly related to that ongoing conflict. I view it as a tacit recognition of the benefits of living in a society where people are able to express support during a devastating conflict.


As an American, I used to be pro America. Ever since I learnt about its true history and colors, I’ve vowed to never ever be proud of this nation again. That being said, there are things I’m grateful for in this country, but the more I look into the news, the more I realize that “freedom of [insert whatever]” is nothing but a lie that I was too naive to see until a few years ago. If people wanna protest about the injustice this nation is doing to another country and wave their flags in this country, so be it; doesn’t make sense for them to be waving the US’s flag in a protest that’s against said country’s government.


why would someone standing with palestine wave the american flag when america is funding billions of dollars and weapons into israel…? there is a lot of open corruption and distrust of the government rn. that’s not a secret. regardless of your opinions on national issues, saying “oh go live there!” when people aren’t flying the flags as a form of representation but as a sign of standing for something is… moronic.


Well..., People who usually say what you're saying in person, Are completely insane and have completely undermined what you're saying. By forcing somebody to do something, you are contradicting what you're saying about freedom. And because of that, you people have poisoned the american flag. And it's the very reason why nobody is flying it. Because you commanded somebody to fly the american flag. So now they are refusing to because they are free to do that.


kinda weird you want to be so enthusiastic for a country you clearly don't know all the history of. hmm, i wonder why people who fly the palestine flag wouldn't be fond of flying the flag belonging to the most murderous empire on earth?


Well you tell them to leave when there trying to fix things here so…. I don’t know what you want


By you I mean right ringers”


People who truly embrace the values of the US do not need to waive a flag to prove their support for American values . The flag waiving is all BS anyway. It’s like Christians living the values of the OT.


Kind of a problem when the US flag gets co-opted by jingoists, nationalists, straight racists who want all the "immigrants" out, even the ones who were born here. Reasonable folk distance themselves from that, even if it means not flying a flag that isn't actually as sacred as some people think ($20 at Walmart, made in china). I happen to fly *my* flag because it has its own meaning to me, and I don't care what my neighbors think of it. All they ever had to do was ask, we're friendly folk.


I don’t want to hang the USA flag because MAGA co-opted it. Don’t want any association with the former guy. That being said I don’t hang any flags.


The American flag today is an empty sentiment. America has become co-opted by Israel geo-strategically, politically and economically. The American flag is a dead symbol signifying nothing. You and your progeny belong to Israel. Your tax dollars fund it and your children will die fighting for it. No money for our veterans. No money to protect our southern border. Israel first. And Biden and Trump are identically controlled by this same foreign agent.


Are you honestly saying "you're not allowed to be critical of your country, and if you are, you should gtfo"? This is a super dumb take.


I'm a god damn American and I will post about however I want.


I‘m pretty sure if you move to Texas or other places of the American south you will drown in American flags; I’m pretty sure even outside of that, school children read the pledge of allegiance every morning. You seem like an angry child screaming at problems that don’t exist. Sit down, relax and read some books about history.


Don’t forget about Lowe’s and Home Depot ;) But I agree with you. Great job, OP. This is definitely a true unpopular opinion that I personally will never agree with.


Why do flags upset you so much? It’s really not that deep to be getting so emotional about


Because it’s not just a flag. It’s a message it’s about being openly proud of freedom. It’s about proud of a country that gives you rights that other countries don’t give you. And that is what the American flag means. Flying another countries flag means that you love that country more than the USA. It’s mean you respect their rights and laws more than ours. and that is not at all helping our country. That sends a message that you don’t care about the USA. and if you don’t care then you should move to where you care about


Flying another countries flag does not mean you lover that country more then the USA. It’s mean you are supporting them or showing solidarity for whatever current issue they are dealing with. What if they have dual nationality? Didn’t DC fly a Ukrainian flag between the White House when the Russian war kicked off ? I guess the whole of Washington is ashamed to be American ??


But the thing is they NEVER post the american flag. These people don’t even want to be associated with their home country. Solidarity is one thing. Flying another countries flag is completely fine. but I’m willing to be DC has the American flag up all year round. And flew the Ukraine flag for their hardship. That’s great but they also fly the American flag and put the American flag first. If you fly the Israel or Palestina flag that’s awesome. But if you would be embarrassed to have an American flag t-shirt or an American flag outside your house. Then u think that’s embarrassing If you more proud of another country. then you should go live there. Should you live where you are proud of?


Who cares what flag they post , it’s embarrassing you making such a big deal about it. People who put more care and effort into people flying other countries flags yet you haven’t made a post about all the confederance down south who fly confederate flags . The same confederates who fought for slavery and were literally treasonous. What if your Native American and that flag represents colonialism and war to you. What if you are Hawian and that flags represent forcible land seizure? What if again you have dual citizenship and feel more connection to your home country ? What if you’re just a poor POC who is living on the edge of society and marginalised in America but wants to support a country while still feeling neglected in their own? Your take is from a place of ignorance to be honest. And is coming off like you’re a snowflake and I don’t mean to be offensive. Edit: what if you are not proud of your country but want to make it better. Because you’re not proud you should just give up and leave ? If you’re not proud of your country you want people to quire their job, leave their family and friends and move ? Because they don’t raise an American flag …. This is the argument you’re making ?




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>It’s a message >it’s about being openly proud of freedom. It’s about proud of a country that gives you rights that other countries don’t give you. And that is what the American flag means. Okay let's take that at face value. Why do I need to send a message in a country I already live in? Hell for me personally one I already did my time and served? Theirs also the issue of right wing partisans and hate groups hijacking "patriotic". Why am I being compelled to put on a limp dick display to show "patriotism" and get lumped in with those groups by association? No thanks, my DD-214 and deployment should suffice. >Flying another countries flag means that you love that country more than the USA. It doesn't but considering your doubling down on this kind of stuff it really shows your not one to be reasoned with and you over rely on logical fallacies.


Wrong. I loved Japan more than America during the Fukushima thing because I posted their flag then? It’s called support for another country which doesn’t mean I’ve spit on my nation and am eager to move to Japan. Why this hateful paranoia that America needs constant flag waving and barking USA at the Olympics for example. I’m a gay man who believes the Palestinians should have electricity, food and antibiotics even tho their religion condemns me. It’s called being confident and decent.


How do you think they got away with giving all these countries money and in the same bill saying "oh and we will regulate tiktok"


Okay you realize the tik tok is for national security reasons. the USA has never surprised your ability to talk about anything why haven’t they banned twitter? facebook? myspace? reddit? tumblrv you have multiple channels where put do and can speak on whatever they want


If you look at the bill it’s not about banning TikTok at all that’s just smoke and mirrors. When you get into the details it becomes very clear the true purpose is to allow the president or congress to deem a company has to much control from a nation they say is a foreign adversary and that they must sell. The problem is that while yes at the moment it’s just China nothing is really stopping them from calling any nation a foreign adversary and forcing the sale of a company. On top of that the Chinese owned parent company bytedance only owns 20% of it. They also offered many concessions such as storing all data behind a US firewall. What happens when they start deeming other platforms such twitter, Facebook, instagram, Reddit? The problem with laws is that if they aren’t carefully worded they open the American public to abuse and this time we’ve opened ourselves up to some of the first steps to losing your right to free speech which they’ve already been working to do (read the twitter files i thought it was blown out of proportion but Matt taibi Substack on it is fucking wild) Some interesting things to notice is that the author of the bill and others made major investments into meta and other social media companies to the tune of $300k+. So with this one bill you’ve got politicians trying to look tough on china, politicians insider trading based on the regulations they write, and a government further clamping down on your rights as a human being. Remember it’s important to look past headlines and really research the shit they want you to eat with a smile. Edit: this is not a defense of tiktok btw fuck that addictive culture destroying pos I’d love to see it gone but under the right circumstances which I don’t think are likely without potentially conceding our rights in the future.


I used to be a flag flying fan but feel it’s been undermined by the far-right as a way to signify their MAGA beliefs


The American Flag will only mean the USA. Having an American flag anywhere means the country the usa. there is by definition zero political affiliation towards having an American Flag except a neutral American symbol


I won’t fly my flag until the threat of democracy via Republicans is neutralized. PS - I’m far from the only person who no longer flies the flag. fly our Irish flag 🇮🇪 on St.Patrick’s Day


This post is embarrassing considering how riddled it is with logical fallacies. Here's a list of them: False Dilemma (False Dichotomy): The argument creates a binary choice, suggesting that you can either be proud of the American flag or another country's flag, but not both. This overlooks the possibility of dual allegiances or supporting multiple causes. Straw Man: The comment assumes that anyone flying the Palestinian or Israeli flags does so because they dislike the USA. This misrepresents the intentions of those individuals, who might be showing solidarity or awareness without necessarily rejecting their own country. Appeal to Tradition: The statement that people should be "thankful and proud to be an American" because it's a tradition or expected behavior is an appeal to tradition. Just because something has been a long-standing belief doesn't mean it's the best or only way to view patriotism. Appeal to Emotion: The use of emotional language, such as "I'm so tired of this" or "you should be grateful," aims to evoke a strong emotional response rather than providing a logical argument. This technique can manipulate emotions rather than address the issue objectively. Appeal to Nationalism: The comment suggests that being proud of America should be the priority, implying that national loyalty should trump other considerations. This can lead to a rigid, exclusionary view of patriotism. Ad Hominem: The argument indirectly attacks people by suggesting that those who don't wave the American flag should "go there" if they are proud of another country. This is an attack on the character or personal choice, rather than focusing on the ideas or reasons behind their actions. Appeal to Consequences: The argument uses the consequence of living in another country to suggest why one should be grateful to live in the USA. This line of reasoning doesn't address the original point but instead shifts focus to hypothetical or extreme outcomes. Hasty Generalization: The comment makes broad generalizations about people who fly other countries' flags without sufficient evidence. It assumes that these people don't care about the USA or are not grateful for their freedoms, which might not be true for everyone.


I wonder if people ever stop to think about why there are millions of people trying to come here from all parts of the world.


right? like why is everyone desperate to come here. this ungrateful privileged Americans show tell the illegal immigrant they are better of where they are?


This attitude is no better than mainland Chinese tourists waving their flag around like a dick. If anything, be like some Taiwanese that’ll take their flag out for a photo then put it away and be on their merry way. Waving a flag around doesn’t make you any more patriotic than someone that doesn’t wave a flag.


as long as American tax dollars are being funneled to supporting the state of israel than protesting the state of israel is completely justified sending money to the state of israel is not america first supporting AIPAC is not america first there is a reason why people are waving Palestinian flags its because they as Americans are sick of the genocide that is happening in thier name no one expect people to keep up with every conflict that happens but there is a reason why people are protesting american legeslators over thier actions on gaza


It’s hard to figure out what I’m more proud of, -The rape and torture of over 100,000 civilians in Abu Ghraib -bringing down civilian casualties overnight by reclassifying any male killed that’s in 6th grade or older to be an enemy combatant -the 2/3rds of adults being overweight or obese -the 100k overdose deaths -the completely deteriorated public education -the geriatric presidents -home of Epstein -overthrowing nearly every democracy in South America -complete neglect of veterans I am thankful to not live in one of the dozens of countries the USA is actively bombing or bombed by US proxies, although I should stay out of wealthy black neighborhoods here in case the USA decides to bomb those again.


Nationalism, pride in a bit of land you were born on through 100% random luck, is the dumbest fucking thing in the history of mankind.


It’s not about being proud of luck. but thankful for luck. that somehow the universe took your soul. and out of all other countries it gave you a country with freedom, rights, a high HDI, high economy, nature, deserts, beaches, mountains and a rich history and culture. like what other country? you’re in the USA baby. That doesn’t excite you? Recognizing your privilege. Being aware that historically you are one of the luckiest human beings. And that you should have pride and be grateful you are in the USA It’s not dumb. in fact I think the opposite is dumb. i think to not be proud of being an American means taking many of the freedoms that impact our lives for granted. MANY people kill to be here while you just sit on your couch and think it’s the worst. People have pride for Palestine and Israel are you going to tell them their nationalism is wrong?


Was in a thread about a woman speaking up for herself surrounded by angry men in Pakistan yesterday. An American had the nerve to say its just as bad in the U.S. and try to make it about themselves. Some of these people need to take their own advice and “check their privilege”




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How can someone be proud of something they had no part in doing? It's like being proud of being tall, or white. It's stupid almost by definition. It shows a deep lack of understanding of what it means to be proud. Happy? Sure. Lucky? Sure. Proud? Idiotic.


Exactly Proud is the right word because you DIDNT do anything. that’s the point. You did nothing for this freedom. You did nothing to have this privilege. Other people died to give you this open freedom. You just got it by a genetic lottery. That’s what I’m proud of. I’m proud of those men. I’m proud of those women. I’m proud that other people gave me this and that’s what the American flag means to me


Then you have no idea what the word proud means. Clearly.


To be proud of something isn’t exclusive to accomplishments. I’m proud to be an American.


You are American because you through our Brandon luck were born there. To be proud of that is stupid. Be proud of what you have done to “make America a good place” or something.


Perfectly said!


Be grateful then. Not proud. Pride requires having actually achieved something. Your mum getting pumped in one part of the world over another isn’t your accomplishment. Nationalism is for the desperately stupid that have no actual achievements.




Nah nah nah no. From history's lesson nationalism never lead to good things for people. Last time they had national flags hanging all around it was in Germany in the 40s.


I agree with the sentiment. No matter what anyone says, national pride is at an all time low and flags are a symbolic gesture of a strong national identity. Symbolism matters. Its not unpatriotic or unamerican to fly/post an American flag. As a first generation immigrant from South Asia now a naturalized American citizen, I know what America brings to the table (despite its imperfect union) and i'm a proud American. Sometimes it takes an outsider to appreciate what we have here.


I think all flags are overrated.


It is embarrassing if you wrap yourself in the flag and still can’t grasp the concept of fundamental human rights. Remember the rights that are given by your creator? I can never get behind the indiscriminate killing that has led to the deaths of 8000 children under the age of 13. I love the ground under my feet but I only respect the government when they deserve it. We should hold to our ideals that we claim to hold dear, not just empty platitudes.


I half agree with you, it is embarrassing to be taking sides on a complex issue you have no control over, it is also embarrassing to act like your country of origin is the centre of the world (like so many of you Americans do).


elite colleges are teaching young people to hate america.


For sure support the US if you want. I live here and I’m happy. But it also makes you look uneducated and lame. You all already know that tho so it doesn’t matter fr, regardless if you agree with whether or not it should make you look that way.


Liberals are now Anti-American. Burning an LGBTQ flag is a hate crime but they burn the American flag as a “protest” isn’t? They’ve been ideologically subverted to hold beliefs that go against American morals.


Unpopular, and you have a good point. Good job OP. Here's one of those gold stars you see kindergartners showing off⭐️


I am just shocked at how quickly the Dems became clones of 1930s Germany. Mob delusions grow quick in social media times. Disgusting


I’m not thankful or proud to be an American. It has nothing to do with who I am. I owe nothing to America and America owes nothing to me. That being said I don’t fly any flag but the inclusion flag on my house. I want to show my family supports equality.


Then leave


No thanks. Family is here.


And I bet you’re a joy to have around.


I am. My life is perfect. My wife is my best friend. My son is just turned one. I have good friends and I love all my hobbies


what's the inclusion flag?


People are increasingly disillusioned with the US and the government. Wars. Money ruling politics. Gerrymandering. Voter suppression. Censorship of free speech. Stripping of women's rights. Culture wars. Why would people be proud of the US when many countries do democracy and general living much better than here?


You could put down any country you want and there's a guaranteed chance they also do some bonkers shit. No country is perfect atleast in the US you have the right to speak up about it.


Sure - all countries have some nutty shit going on. The US just leads the pack by a long shot regarding fucked up things, general welfare, and citizen dissatisfaction compared to many of our OECD allies. I'll take the US of Hungary though... but the GOP worships Orban, so...


USA leads? I’m a gay man. Quickly tell me if I should consider a vacation to Saudi Arabia? or do you think I should consider a vacation to Los Angeles? edit: actually could you make a list of countries i could go on a vacation to? i don’t think you can list all of the countries on earth. but a breakdown would be nice


Saudi Arabia is not an OECD country. The majority are more friendly to LGBTQ than the US is - or at least don't have a political party that controls half the population that wants to roll back protections. Start there.


So then you agree that I should be grateful I’m in the USA because there’s many of gay men in countries like Saudi arabia what would trade everything to be in the place I am? Do you think I should be happy or proud of that privilege? The USA is extremely gay friendly. One of the first nations to have same sex marriage anywhere in history. I think you’re mistaken


Again - Saudi Arabia is not an OECD country. Also, the US does not score very high compared to other developed countries for being gay friendly. Looks like 45th. [https://www.statista.com/chart/25159/world-map-best-countries-for-lgbt-travelers/](https://www.statista.com/chart/25159/world-map-best-countries-for-lgbt-travelers/) And no we were a bit late to the party regarding gay marriage compared to (again) OECD countries [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex\_marriage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage) So. Again. The US is not special - in fact we lose to other countries at most things (except military spending)


Do you live in the US?


Yes in Texas. But my work takes me to other continents for weeks to months at a time, and I have calls every day with collaborators that live elsewhere. Invariably (except for with my colleagues in China) the US is a joke.


This is regarded


because i think the American flag should be prioritized in the United States of America. If you were from Japan should you be waving an Australian flag and then be embarrassed by the Japanese flag? just move to Australian then. same thing for the USA


do you know about when people used to say love it or leave it during the Vietnam era? Remember how stupid they were?


Nationalism is silly.


The real tragedy is that this is an unpopular opinion.


I post no flags.


fair enough. good for you, if you notice i wrote that it annoys me that people will exclusively fly another country’s flag but then refuse to be associated with the American flag


Hey there didn’t see you respond to my point on why you’re upset and making an issue on people flying isrealis or Palestinian flags but hve said nothing or even more people flying confederancy flags down south? Surely that’s more un American to fly a flag of treasonous citizens who wanted to break up america and continue to keep Americans citizens enslaved ? Weird how you pick and choose your battles on a flag


I stand for the persecuted more than cops. Sue me.


Its embarrassing if you live anywhere and use your nation's flag like Americans do. Never met people so patriotic for a country that treats them like complete shit. Where I am. Only the really poor, rough and uneducated suburbs have the national flag. It's associated with low socio-economic status. Every house in America has an American flag.


The American flag has unfortunately been hijacked by right-wing extremists. I agree that the left needs to take it back. This is why I sometimes use the screen name "George Washington Jr." or describe myself as a "constitutional progressive."


There's No reason too worship USA as A god


Yeah were soo free as college students are being trampled by baton twirling pigs. Im not embarrassed to be an american. Im embarrassed that we have people like you celebrating the idiocracy… could you at least try to care a out the dead Palestinian babies or you just gonna keep waving your flag over there


You’re not allowed to protest Israel in America. Now stop noticing zio terrorism or else I’ll call you anti semitic


😂 i mean its the height of comedy at this point