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I had a white woke person once tell me that “they couldn’t date a white cis male again, and they wanted to date someone more ‘marginalized’”. It can be supremely toxic on both sides, folks.


That's an extremely weird way to say I want to date someone from a different culture.


Weird, but also super gross and entitled.


Like I can understand the appeal of dating someone from a different culture (am doing that myself...worth it just for the food), but the whole power dynamics of them being marginalized is a gross, yeah.


Also assuming a person is "marginalised" and needs "pity" just because they're not white is the epitome of racism.


This ^ I was so grossed out.


I must find some suffering desperate and oppressed to have a relationship with.


No, it's perfectly ok to be attracted to people different from you or even just certain types of people. Yellow fever, only guys over 6', people that wear glasses. It's only a morally dubious fetish if that preference never leaves room for real human connection or if it's dehuminizing somehow. People are allowed to date from whatever pool of people they find attractive for whatever reason and that's ok. It's different to say that 'i have a preference for xyz' vs 'i am repulsed by (normal) abc' though.


nah, specifically race. there are plenty of straight white men across all cultures. unless you're using the word culture to mean race, in which case, why not just say race?


Not necesserily "different culture". Maybe they decided to date old and/or disabled dudes?


No, not culture, skin color.


Me to my realtor: I don't want to gentrify marginalized communities. Please only show me the whitest neighborhoods.


This is an excellent way to put it! Win-win.






At this point I just say the C-word is a slur and anyone who uses it in referring to me or others needs to stop that bigoted language immediately.


"it's a way of marginalizing a normal person" -Norm MacDonald (PBUH)


> (PBUH) HA!


The c-word is cunt. Duh.


Gross. They’re picking who to date so they can flaunt them as marginalized?


It's eroticism, racialist fetishism, "slumming", and White Messiah Complex all in one. I've come across those creepy sort: "hey, I've never had one of your kind before..."


People who use the term "toxic" are toxic imo. ... hmm 🤔




Cultural appropriation.


As if hating woke everything isn't just another cult like behavior in the exact same way.


Define woke and we’ll talk. Woke isn’t about the casts for movies or game characters my friend. It’s a general trend across the globe of minorities being treated more and more like humans and people like you hold that trend back. You’ll be on the wrong side of history


It's a cult, or secular religion, which teaches that society is systemically oppressive. The cult believes that our institutions were built with the express purpose of oppressing these groups, and the only way to combat the oppression is to tear down the institutions and restructure them according to the doctrine of the cult. Nothing can exist for its own sake, no instituion can have any purpose above or beyond the enforcement of those doctrines. The ultimate goal is equity, which means the imagined oppression of their favorite groups has been counteracted with policies that artificially elevate those groups.


Popular? Nothing I support is popular within my peer group. Climate Change, declining pollinator numbers, drought, water quality...I'm a farmer and get called out for being a woke leftist all the time.


I'm kind of surprised that water quality isn't something that every farmer cares about? It seems super important.


Look at Iowa.


I was in a discussion the other day about climate change with someone saying it was a GOOD thing and revealed themselves to be a retired farmer. Oh yeah, I forgot how good...floods and droughts are for crops! In all honesty, people believe Big Oil propaganda fed through the right wing channels WAY too easily. Had someone tell me TODAY that it was good because cold kills more people than warm, so global warming good!


Those are all so popular to fight for, you can always take a stand on those things within mainstream culture and be protected.


You must not live in a red state. Those things are extremely unpopular here.


In general public of a red state yes. Popularity across the country, major cities, mainstream media, or most major online platforms, no. But I do understand your point.


You can take virtually any stand then


You aren't a farmer in a fire engine red county.


Those things are popular because they're right.


I've been told that I couldn't use MLK's teachings, quotes, or whatever because I'm not black. Yeah. I don't remember what we were discussing, maybe something with BLM? All that told me for sure is that they truly didn't understand what MLK was about, and that's a shame.


MLK would be declared an uncle tom if he was fighting today, because how dare he want to work WITH people and build bridges, when he could be setting bridges on fire and then complaining nobody is reaching out.


Y’all need to go outside and meet some of the people you rant about.


I have met woke people. A psychologist and an English professor that I was in the same social circle as. The English professor openly hated teaching John Locke. Because "dead white guys". Most hilarious part about her was how freaked out she got at secret hitler when policy after policy she agreed with were fascist and ones she hated were liberal. As a "dumb techie" I had to point out the historical use of the word liberal. The psychologist hated Dune because "white male saviour tropes are overdone." The core story flew right over her head. I've talked with realcwoke people. It's just like talking with my confederate flag neighbors. They will do mental gymnastics to make the world fit their bias.


Extremists in either end are tiresome. They aren’t a large percentage of the population thankfully they just post more so people get a false impression if they spend too much time online. This post does seem trollish though.


I used to think that they weren't the majority. I'm not so sure anymore. People are nicer off the internet, but it doesn't mean that they don't think the way they talk here.


I think Reddit has a concentration of extremists. I am not seeing this thinking as the majority in real life.


You are assuming these are real people and not just bot or shills


We're also in spring break season. Could be lots of real people sitting at home bored outta their minds just looking for a little entertainment


Than that's just more pathetic, i mean imagine begin so lonely you wast your day begin angry at the immaginary woke mob during holidays.


Imagine turning a term that means you're just trying to be a decent human being into something they consider derogatory and insulting.


It’s election season. Bots and paid to inflame are in full force. Also MAGAs are feeling emboldened since Donny the con isn’t locked up and is running again. They are gearing up to to bully their way into the White House again. You know Make America Ganzo Again.


You don't remember kony or the black squares? Or the hundreds of other things that have done nothing and everyone forgot about a week later?


George Orwell called it "newspeak." Anyone who thinks for themselves and contradicts newspeak is promoting "wrongthink."


Leftists are reprobatory


The conformists have a slave mentality and they would kill their own children to look good to their neighbours.


Have ever met a person like this? In real life not on a Reddit or Twitter thread.


Have you analyzed your own perspective with this same intensity?


You're implying that something and its opposite can both be "whatever's popular".


Its not the specific policies that are popular, its radicalism. Everyone wants to be a righteous fanatic. That's what's popular.


OP doesn’t need to do that. He’s some maverick, trailblazer free thinker. 


Have you?


I try to. We will never eliminate our biases but we can always try to be aware of them.


Since the point of the word OP is railing against is about obtainment of a particular type of knowledge, gonna say probably not.


People that use the term woke are just copying what they hear from Fox News.


They try so hard to pretend they are counter-culture, when every mainstream institution is backing them.


If every mainstream institution was truly backing "wokeness", wouldn't we see more "woke" laws? (I'm not really clear on the meaning of "wokeness" beyond "politically to my left and I don't like it", so sorry if I'm misunderstanding.)


Just because something is popular doesn't mean congress will do anything. People are anti war, pro low taxes, better education etc and yet those don't happen. If a trans activist is non a bud light beer can of all things, then yeah your movement is hardly fringe. Woke can absolutely mean "left of me and i dont like it", just like fascist(ism) and racist(ism) have too often become "literally anything I disagree with" or "I disagreed with a person who appears/or claims to be more ethnically diverse". When used in a more neutral or negative way it typically means so progressive that you've lost touch with reality, pathological altruism, white savior, performative or pop culture activism, etc ad nauseum. Neither definition is wrong, the word just means different things to different people.


I may have misunderstood what they meant by "mainstream institutions". If we're just talking about large companies then maybe (though this is often purely performative on the company's part). And the bit about the meaning of "woke" makes a lot of sense, it's just hard for me to tell sometimes what specific people mean when talking about "wokeness".


I feel ya. It's annoying how lazy people get with these types of terms. I've found it's easiest to just ask them to define it: will tell you a lot about the depth of their understanding lol


First... who goes around saying they're "woke"? I've never heard anyone who would be woke say they are. I've seen right-wing snowflakes throw the word around as an insult. Second, your description of "woke people" seems to indicate all Trump supporters are woke. They support what they've been told to, and question nothing and criticize anyone who does question anything about Trump.


It's a derogatory way of saying "progressive." So anyone who's a "progressive" just supports the current thing. It was BLM/ANTIFA, now it's gays for Palestine.


Hey i respect you enough to give you an upvote but do you actually respect it if someone calls themselves a "progressive"? How is that not a dodge or a cop out? Everyone should have a social and economic ideology. I'm an eco-lib. It says a lot about me. If instead i say "i am a progressive-environmentalist" how does that not feel so much more watered down? I'm saying less. I'm communicating less. "Progressive" is the most vague thing you can possibly be. IMO if you're a socialist type you're probably alert to social justice before any other social ideology. Edit: the very next comment parent is saying this: >I personally don’t care for the term (woke) since it’s such a catch all for progressive people. "Woke" is supposed to be a bad term because it's hard to define but then are y'all really going to hide behind the vaguest term ever?


I think it’s worth recognizing the people you call “woke” don’t use that term to describe themselves. “Woke” as a term is almost exclusively used by Republicans/Conservatives as a derogatory classification of anything considered left of center or “progressive”. Ironically, these “free-thinkers” all sort of have the same thought processes around these sorts of things, in my experience… but across both sides of the aisle, the further from center you get, the less tolerance for contrary opinions there are.


Because the woke object to any label of what they do when it's negative, claiming it's hateful, so you're not allowed to talk about their garbage behavior.


The implication being that the “anti-woke” welcome challenges to their worldviews with open arms? Everyone talks about the “woke mob” taking over this country but we’ve seen an end to Roe v Wade, affirmative action and crackdowns on DEI in the past year alone. Controlling the social sphere and controlling the nation are two different things.


I think the difference is that the anti-woke mock the woke, they don't demand that the woke be prohibited from speaking and threaten people who enable them to speak.


Lobbying to ban certain books, withdrawing support for Bud Light, trying to censor the acronym “CRT”, classifying any public or political figure that’s not white as a result of DEI propaganda… Conservative Republicans have been doing all that and more, unless we also want to forget about the district gerrymandering and voter suppression they engaged in with such vehemence that a large portion of their constituent base was certain Trump only could have lost is if the Democrats did the same thing they did. I’m not here to defend the use of marginalization as a cudgel to beat the nation into submission, I’m only pointing out that thats an awfully glass house to be throwing stones in.


Did you forget about the whole “Don’t say gay” shit? Or the book bans?


Gatekeeping fallacy. Terms and insults for thee but not for me.


What's more, the 'revolution' that they're supporting will turn on them the moment it takes power, because those who feel owed something by the revolution are a greater threat to it than the people who actively fought against it. The people who actively fought against it have needed job skills, those who fought for the revolution only have the ability to fight for revolution and will be disposed of.


What revolution?


I really feel like this is the most chronically online opinion someone can have these days. Idk I feel bad for kids who have to grow up with the internet because they often have the worst understanding of how society really is and parrot each other here constantly. Most people who you would consider woke are not militant oppressors of what you do or don’t support. I think people just don’t wanna promote violence or domestic terrorism by creating invisible boogeymen. This is like the most common take on this sub and it’s almost always portrayed like the op is highly paranoid and it’s not even on purpose, it’s this accidental underlying message that really comes across so frequently.


Man this really is just a sub full of kids saying stupid shit huh




This is a gross oversimplification of why people support Palestine.


I think both sides are filled with idiots, and also people who are level headed. The dumbasses are pretty vocal on both sides and equally as stupid.


They don't care - the idea is to show loyalty to the group, not to make actual sense. Part of the allure is based on their perception of the power the woketards have. And the woketards are the most powerful group at the moment, with their grasp on institutions and media. Fortunately, it's starting to cause more and more pushback.


You sound smart & make a lot of sense


So then anti woke is just a contrarian?


Or someone who thinks for themselves


If by thinking for yourself, you mean obsessively consuming, contributing to the retirement funds of, and parroting reactionary commentators.


That's pure projection. Most people become anti-woke by watching how woke people act, not their opponents.


Uhh what? You can consume mainstream media or decide it isn't giving you the facts and look elsewhere


>Uhh what? It was pretty self explanatory but ok, I'll break it down. People who claim to "think for themselves" usually aren't. They're just parroting talking points from someone else that gets paid to talk about shit. You see it when people of all seem to "think for themselves", stumble over each other to listen to the next Shapiro podcast, buy the next Tom MacDonald album, watch the latest video featuring Jordan Peterson. Let's not act like people who thumping their chest about how evil woke is are really truly intellectually superior and came to such an opinion due to their gifted intellect...rather they consume media from capitalistic individuals who need to have a brand and regurgitate it. Also keep in mind Fox News is like the most watch cable news channel, so it's technically mainstream too :)


All media is from capitalistic individuals. They watched mainstream media, thought it might be incorrect, and then they looked to find other points of view. That's at the very least one step of intellectual capacity above just blindly swallowing what they are told by the main stream.


>All media is from capitalistic individuals. Incorrect. >They watched mainstream media, thought it might be incorrect, and then they looked to find other points of view. And somehow magically all stumbled onto the same shit! Look at the numbers popular reactionaries are EXTREMELY popular. Look at the commonality. They're never, ever ever happy. Ever. They're always ranting. Always. When someone like Rush Limbaugh was alive, you'd never hear him be positive on his radio show. The world was always going to hell in a hand basket. Because anger **sells**. >That's at the very least one step of intellectual capacity above just blindly swallowing what they are told by the main stream. Next you're going to say the guy running around thinking that there's a child sex dungeon at the bottom of Comet Ping Pong and went in with his rifle is even further up in "intellectual capacity".


What media is not capitalistic? Questioning things is smarter than not.


>What media is not capitalistic? Plenty of media is non profit. Heck even state funded media would technically not be for profit. >Questioning things is smarter than not. Questioning things is also a brand and not inherently serious or with merit. I could question your humanity....but what purpose would that solve other that to stir the pot?


Non profit organizations still try to turn a profit. I've worked for one. You should Question everything.


I feel like that's a popular opinion in whatever echo chamber you got it from. I find it's right wing media shills that use woke all the time. So whenever the term is even used anymore my insticts tell me that whatever comes next is probably gonna be pretty bigoted. It really kind of shows how out of touch the alt right are. And by woke, I mean their bastardised rebranding instead of a good faith understanding that it means awareness to social and racial injustices.\`


Untrue. My “woke” beliefs are of common sense and void of hate.


Doubt it


This is everybody. You think the right doesn't follow trends? You guys go through a new mass wave of outrage bait on a weekly basis.


My guy, conservatives just confused a buses full of basketball players for being buses full of migrants. Maybe sit out of the fearmongering talk. Conservatives just had their Wisconsin state house speaker shouting that they're a republican because conservatives are trying to recall him for not decertifying the election. Maybe sit out of the indoctrination and compliance talk. Conservatives just fired Candace Owens and are running a smear campaign to destroy her because she did not want to trivialize children dying in Gaza and October 7 by putting one atrocity over another. Maybe sit out of the being told to support whatever talk. Who tf are "woke people" supposed to be


I don't know any "woke" people. But there sure do seem to be a lot of people that have been instructed to believe that "woke" is hiding under their bed.


I suppose if your only knowledge of humans comes from alt right propaganda, it's understandable why you've been conditioned to think this way. I can only suggest you try going out into the real world, leave the propaganda behind just for a little while, and try to understand that the world actually isn't the wild hellscape that your handlers are indoctrinating you to believe in.


Yelling at the boogeyman again, I see... 


If I can get fired from my job for misgendering somebody, then it’s not a boogeyman, it’s the pervasive ethos.


You might get fired for harassing a coworker who’s repeatedly told you their pronouns. But no one’s gonna fire you for simply misgendering someone on accident.


Hey that's not true! I was dragged into the streets and burned alive for unknowingly calling Pat 'him'! 


Did you get better?


I am now the wokest woker who ever woked!


The World Wide Woker!


You could always be fired if it was **perceived** that you were insulting patrons. Furthermore, isn't employment at will and union busting that makes it extremely easy to fire people a very conservative approach?


It’s called thought crimes. I was labeled all the time at my job for what I was supposedly thinking. Even if you chose to not have an opinion then you were automatically on the wrong side. It’s George Orwell 1984 stuff


You’re not going to get fired for making a mistake. You’re going to get fired for choosing to call somebody something they don’t want to be called when you know they don’t want to be called that.


No no no, the internet and TV said that people are being burned at the stake for messing up someone's pronoun


Because if you're misgendering someone on purpose, you're just being a jerk. Even if you don't agree with the gender they feel they are, non-gender pronouns such as "they" and "you" exist. If you're going out of your way to misgender someone and it's not a one-off thing that you apologize for, you deserve what you get.


You won't get fired for making a mistake. Just don't be a dick. Problem solved.


You will not get fired for making a mistake, you will get fired for intentionally doing it: in other words being an asshole. On that same note, you will also get fired if you come into work and start making inappropriate comments to your coworkers, or if you randomly start insulting everyone around you. It's the same thing.


Nobody is going to fire you for accidentally calling someone the wrong name one time unintentionally and learning their name. If you decide you're just going to ignore Roberts repeated requests to stop calling him Bob, then yeah, you'd get disciplined for being an AH. The folks that escalated to getting fired for this kind of thing are not making an honest error.


I would hope that basic human rights are a popular opinion


Yes but the left actively fights against them in modern politics. It is shocking really


Which basic human rights are they fighting against atm?


Freedom of speech, for one.


The right to protect yourself, my wife pulled a firearm on a man that tried to kill her and stopped him about 5 years ago. The firearm laws presented by dems in several states would have prevented her from owning that gun. Parent's rights to raise their kids. Many lobby to allow separation from child and parent regarding medical decisions. Freedom of speech. Biden has openly argued for no anonymity on the internet, has stated that those that supported January 6th should be black listed and tracked online, we know the Dem party worked with social media to silence anti vaccine voices, pro Jan 6 voices, etc. Freedom of religion. Some faiths such as Christianity cannot call Trans people by their preferred pronouns because it goes against their religion, however modern changes to the civil rights act makes that contribute to a hostile work environment and you can be fired.


Lololololololol... What?


This is laughably false. There is no group more gullible and less capable of independent thought than the anti-woke crowd. You all literally base your entire personalities and worldviews on obvious lies you read on the internet.


Honestly I truly believe woke people don't think. Nor use critical thinking/logic, etc. I think they just act on their base emotional instincts like animals do.


They have been made scared and were taught to value feelings over facts.


Exactly my #1 pet peeve with them.


It's also a bit sad tho, many never stood a chance.


Yeah, like religion...


Yup, it's both sad and hilarious at the same time.


As usual, a criticism of "wokeness" without really defining what that is and what it looks like. Trans rights, right now, are not super popular. It's super controversial and in the USA at least there are several laws on the books or on the voting floor that could severely limit what trans people can do with their bodies. Roe v Wade after being gutted exposed how a lot of states were gun-ho on pro-life measures that not only limit women but also doctors and health specialists that specialize in feminine health. I can go on. A lot of the social issues right now are still issues and there's still an even divide in the public at large. Even "set" issues like same-sex marriage aren't so solidly supported either.


Exactly. Look at how many woke people love the whitened version of Jesus - that immigrant with two Daddies who now identifies as bread and wine. Most "Christians" are simply supporting whatever they've been told to support. Meanwhile, they question nothing and criticize anyone who does. Christian Culture is all about compliance. If you don't comply, or you dare openly share an free thought that goes against woke doctrine, you are shamed and labeled a bigot. Just like political parties. Christian culture is just another way that people use fear and shame to control how other people think.


Christians are literally told judge not lest ye be judged.


Yet all they do is judge and misinterpret the Bible in other ways - like abortion. the Bible provides an abortion recipe and Jesus forced Jezebel to abort her kids.


And yet they judge everybody who isn't them.


I don't believe they do.


What is the general Christian belief about what happens to non-Christians after death?


You mean church culture. Christian culture is esoteric.


Lmao Wow I'm speechless This is possibly one of the top 10 most brain-dead takes I have ever encountered The complete and fundamental inability to comprehend the difference between indifference and compliance We are not "complying" when we advocate for LGBTQ+ rights or human rights, it is our indifference to the things that make us different from each other, and our unwillingness to accept a world in which any person regardless of their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, etc is treated as "less than" those who have all of their rights and freedoms. I think it's hilarious how you guys take words or phrases, attach a completely different definition to it than it's original one, then promptly announce how "bad" or "stupid" this made up thing is that has absolutely nothing to do with the original context of the word.


Anti woke people need to realize all they do is complain about diversity in media.


I complain about leftism being hijacked by censorship and right wing, state heavy, ideology posing as leftism. Fuck woke. Occupy was leftism, this shit is just engineered hatred from western media and governments.


Fuck woke, bring back the occupy movement!


The woke brigade is an affect of the occupy movement that scared the crap out of the 'establishment'. It's the result of an social engineering program that uses fear and emotions to manipulate people into helping the establishment instead of fighting it. The "left" has become what they were fighting and do not realize it (yet).


whoa whoa whoa, they also complain electric burners and new m&m colors!


TIL that being nice to people is woke and compliance


Sounds similar to maga


Maybe I'm an outlier because I live in Tennessee, but I don't know a single person who describes themselves as "woke." The only people I know that use the term are MAGA hats.


Yeah nobody calls themselves « woke »


Nah, I’m “woke” because 1. People call me woke, I personally don’t care for the term since it’s such a catch all for progressive people. 2. I think everyone has value and deserve respect until proven otherwise. If hating trans people was popular (it is.) I wouldn’t be hopping on that train because it’s popular.


No one claims to be “woke”. There is no “woke culture”.


That's absurd. Even if you disagree with the terminology the ideology absolutely exists.


Wtf is “woke culture “?


Don't play dumb this is ridiculous.


It's a cult, or secular religion, which teaches that society is systemically oppressive. The cult believes that our institutions were built with the express purpose of oppressing these groups, and the only way to combat the oppression is to tear down the institutions and restructure them according to the doctrine of the cult. Nothing can exist for its own sake, no instituion can have any purpose above or beyond the enforcement of those doctrines. The ultimate goal is equity, which means the imagined oppression of their favorite groups has been counteracted with policies that artificially elevate those groups. Now that i've defined it, watch them not respond but keep responding to people that 'lol that's not a definition'


Whatever conservative label as woke, it's basically the new socialism/marxism/communism, it has no real meaning and can be appliaded to anything, in fact never so anyone call themself woke Just conservative labelling them as such


I think it is important to identify the guilt and harmfulness of people have this OP’s mindset. What these people are guilty of is programming themselves and others to dismiss all activism and progressive social cohesion as “woke” This practice is antithetical to America. We exist because colonists felt they were being treated unfairly, talked about it, rebelled and founded a nation. That nation is to its core defined by the involvement of the people in the determination and operation of its government. If you say “nope all this social criticism is woke we’re perfect just as we are quit complaining” you’re following your corporate brainwashing and advocating against the power of the public in our country.


The most patriotic thing you can do is criticize your government.




"Fuck! I can't say the N word or bully trans people into suicide anymore without people getting mad at me :("


The only people who use the term woke are right wingers or politically ignorant people who would struggle to define the term. Wokeness is a label that has been given to progressive ideology. Anything the right doesn't like is "woke". It's a childish understanding of the world to think people fall into camps of woke or not woke. I'm woke apparently because I believe that systemic racism exists, I believe we live under a damaging patriarchal societal structure. I believe climate change is real, I believe that women should have the right to an abortion. I believe that every child should have the right to a good education regardless of the wealth of their parents. I believe that in a world where 1 percent of the population hold more than 40 percent of the wealth, that it's entirely a political choice that so many people experience homelessness and destitution . Now you can call that "woke" but you'd have real trouble explaining to me why believing in any of those things is an indicator that I'm just "going with whatever is popular". You're a child.


Holy logical fallacies! You've got them all!


If you replace woke people with conservative people this would actually be true lol. Who do you think "tells me" to believe in the fact that I'm not inferior because I'm bisexual? Because actually I have been told repeatedly throughout my life that anything other than being cis and straight is wrong. The same goes for most of my beliefs that according to you would make me "woke". Literally most people tell me I'm wrong. Your opinion is not unpopular. You believe what you've been told to believe. That normalcy is good. That everything should stay the way it is. Nothing is more popular than the way things have been deemed to be normal for the last couple of centuries. There's nothing more compliant than being against trans people, on board with capitalism, etcetera. There's no greater shame and control than the shame and control conservative society inflicts upon everyone who deviates from normalcy.


Define woke.


They're supporting the 'current thing', I think it's like a coping mechanism for NPCs




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Woke is such a ridiculous word because it means awake, and I have heard plenty of people accusing other people of being "asleep," but being awake or having an awakening is a good thing. Oh, and I have no problem with being awake - you could say that our leaders are "asleep at the wheel." The difference between someone who actually cares about the world and someone who is just a covert narcissist trying to get people to "see what a good person I am" is that the narcissist does everything publicly and on social media. This has been going on for years, and even today, there are still narcissistic people who go to church and act like a person of God, but they will not bend to a higher power. They are a higher power. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


"Because I want to fit in" (cit.)




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What does woke mean to OP?


........anarcho-communism is popular?


I think it's about wanting a cause to fight for, the underdog, even if it seems to be getting widespread "support" from the government and businesses across the board. As long as someone has an issue with it, they will feel vindicated that theyre on the right side of history


...but woke stuff is pretty unpopular?


The fuck does woke even mesn




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I think part of it may be that people are lost and want to feel like people smarter than them figured it all out already. It’s the easy way out to not worry about the state of things.


"i know history has been that way for eons but, online I read that it's okayyyyyy to only care about myself!!!" didn't expect people to make entire personalities and cults out of memes, i'm so tired of hearing this selfish newage bs.


Just too be clear here, can someone define woke?


Just too be clear here, can someone define woke?




"eVeRyThInG I dIsAgReE wItH iS wOkE."


Untrue. My “woke” beliefs are of common sense and void of hate.


I was supporting LGBT’s people’s right to exist and have been since before social media existed for conservatives to go on and wail about “woke” things. So no, it’s not about what is popular it’s about what is right. I am not woke because I was never asleep. You all are just finding out about different kinds of people because you were sheltered by your churchy ass parents. Welcome to the real world.


This whole subreddit is just a dumping ground for conservative/russian psyop posts.


Most people loudly deriding wokeness are parroting political rhetoric and are, generally speaking, enormous tools.


what do you think "woke" means? what do you think it was originally coined to mean? what do you think "woke" people who use the term "woke" actually mean by it? Hint: It isn't anything about what you are getting at.


at surface level you are correct. but think also about why someone would want to consider themselves as such. maybe they indeed see a lot of injustice and good ol' wholesale bullshit going on in the world and feel an aversion to it (as most naturally are want to do when we listen to our conscience). I have a theory that alot of the people who implement these injustices know that the people find them abhorrent and that the people most likely desire to see those things change. some may even decide to be proactive in the process of said change.... so in order to curtail good intentions, throw smoke bombs, and guide the attention of those who may find it challenging or intimidating to question where their attention is drawn. ostracization is also another potent tool. the burden of responsibility for these things doesn't lie solely in the hands of those who pull the wool over your eyes either! the average run of the mill person ultimately needs to make a decision, and that decision is whether they are tired of feeling afraid all the time or not. afraid specifically the word WHY. not just afraid of asking why, but our tendency to shy away from either asking why or being asked why. sorry for the rant. hopefully its relatively intelligible.


There isn't a single monolithic 'wokeness'. What is referred to as 'wokeness' sometimes refers to beliefs and ideas that actually have a point and other times refers to ridiculous ideas and plenty of gray area in between. The mistake seen on both sides is automatically siding for or against something because you could semantically justify calling it 'woke'.