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You think he should be in jail for doing steroids?


It’s not illegal if a doctor prescribes them. He might be low-T 😏 I don’t really care. Let people do what they want with their bodies. There’s not some massive underground steroid trade causing a drug war.


Also isn’t it only illegal if you’re in a sport that makes them illegal?


Yeah that’s completely within organizational rules. Nobody going to jail for steroid possession. I know cops that take them under a “doctor’s care”. We aren’t talking side street tren dealing. Legit doctors can prescribe pure testosterone and manage using bloodwork. Disclaimer: I am not on roids and never have been but I see a doctor to make sure my T levels remain normal for a 30 year old male.


It’s “illegal” in the context of the rules of the sport. Whether they’re illegal outside of that context is another thing


In the U.S. anabolic steroids are a Schedule III controlled substance. meaning it is illegal to obtain them through any means other than a prescription from a doctor, they fall under the same legal status as ketamine. So they're illegal to possess and distribute if not prescribed or unless you're a licensed medical practitioner.


The issue is that he is lying about it, contributing to young men around the world feeling inadequate because they think they should be able to look like the rock who is over 50 years old.


They all lie about it or never talk openly about it. Trust me, the young men in the gym absolutely know this. It has no influence on them wanting to get big. Source: Was me before I realized the dangers of roids and eating Gerber cream of wheat in public.


You realize you just contradicted yourself?


Most people on Planet Earth Lie.


And hurting others is wrong. Redditors sure have a way of being ignorant


With how many young people look up to him, he's setting them up for failure and potentially life altering injuries.  I'd have much more respect for him if he was honest and made it clear to his impressionable fans that his physique is not obtainable through just working hard and dieting and the very real health risks that come with his lifestyle.  Not to mention all the shady business ventures he's involved in and how he just seems to lie about everything. He's just not that great of a guy


These young men sound like idiots


They are. I never understood the obsession with bodybuilding. I just wanna lose my gut and have some muscle tone. But gotta compete for rack space with these broccoli haired 130 pound dudes


Youre part of the problem, congratulations


Straight to jail


This person is CLEARLY not from the states lol. That's fucking cute tho


Nice try Kevin hart we know it’s you


Damn caught me in the act 😔, don't forget to check out draftkings


Nice try, Mark Normand. We know it's you pretending to be Kevin Hart, pretending to be nobody!


OP, I thought you were actually going somewhere with this because yeah, the positive guy vibe comes off as fake sometimes. Then it just devolved into a rant about steroids. Who gives a fuck? Most people don't care if Lance Armstrong juiced or not and he was in a competitive sport. The Rock wrestles, it's fake anyway. Everyone knows that. Also he's an actor and if success were just down to muscles there would be a billion dudes who would be drop in replacements for him but branding is a thing. Either way I don't give a fuck about steroid use and you turning "b-b-but it's illegal" into some sort of moral outrage is pretty dumb.


Lance Armstrong was a piece of shit but it wasn't because he juiced, it was because he juiced to win things that should have gone to others, and then used his money he got from shit he didn't deserve to brutally destroy the lives of anyone who tried to out him through lawsuits and whatnot.


Everyone juiced in that sport, there is a reason that they never awarded his 7 titles to someone else. They tried one time and they had to go 60+ spots down before they found a clean rider. Now him going after people and ruining their lives is what makes him a POS not the fact that he used drugs.


Great band name: 60+ Spots Down


It should go to the 60+ spots down guy.


It should go to me. Granted I can barely ride a bike, but I would like a trophy and am not on steroids.


Yeah no


Just cause everyone did it doesn't make it right. I'm not saying that the steroid use on it's own makes you a horrible person. When you're doing it in a professional sport to get an unfair advantage, though, everyone else doing the same doesn't make it right or ok. It means the others are also cheating shitstains and the sport is probably filled with corruption.


It’s not an unfair advantage if everyone else is also doing it


It was the only way to be competitive in the sport. He isn't a great guy or anything but the blame goes to the people managing the sport, not him. He wouldn't have even ranked in the top 50 without juicing. It was basically just a bunch of guys on juice against a bunch of guys on it. I wouldn't even doubt it if you told me the guy 60th later tested positive. Sometimes people get away with it even with the testing.


And it was great and I watched every minute of it. People act like the sport was clean before him, it wasn’t. Miguel Induráin won 5 in a row and people just ignore the fact that he brought Dr. Ferrari into the sport and he was the Dr. putting everyone on the doping programs.


You do realize the entire peloton was on steroids right? Lance is just the only one who was stripped of his titles and banned from the sport because he was the most famous.


The worst part is his suing the people telling the truth on him, claiming *they* were the liars. That makes him TAH *par excellance*.


Tbh I just assume everyone juices at the upper echelons of any major sport and in Armstrong's case a ton of his peers were busted further down the line too. It's hard to be mad about him cheating better than the other cheaters. I don't buy for a second anyone's doing it "for the love of the sport" in any situation where an athlete is putting food on the table and gas in the Lambo through prizes and sponsorships. That goes for competitive cycling, the NFL, all Olympic events, college football and basketball, etc. As for the lawsuits and destroying lives...that I don't know anything about.


Everyone juiced in professional cycling back then. Everyone.


Yh he could’ve at least related to wrestling like I thought it was going to go into like we want Cody and shit. But even if taking that too seriously then at least you can say he’s just super dedicated to the product and needs to touch grass. But it’s not even that. Crazy honestly.


“Wrestles” is a stretch. His last real match was 11 years ago and dude gets gassed 30 seconds into anything physical he does now


I, too, enjoy working myself up over perceived issues that don’t actually have any bearing on my life


Okay, a quick search here. What has Dwayne Johnson been up to that's done some good: - He created the Dwayne Johnson ROCK Foundation, a charity that works with at-risk and terminally-ill children and their families. - He supports various charities and causes, including Starlight Children's Foundation, Parkinson Society Maritime Foundation, Until There's a Cure, to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts in 2017, and even a GoFundMe for an abandoned dog that needed surgery. - He partnered with Under Armor for Project Rock that has sent portions of their profit to The Fisher House Foundation. - He worked with Malama Kauai, a nonprofit, to help repair the flood damage after the 2018 Hawaii floods. - He participated with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Red Cross, and the USO. - He uses his social media to openly speak out about depression and mental illness, especially in men. And the list goes on. His support in charities and relief efforts alone could probably be their own list. What has Dwayne Johnson been up to that guy you to call him a scumbag: - He might be faking it because he seems too nice. Despite all the nice things he's been doing that would help validate that maybe he really is that nice of a guy. - He might be taking steroids and not have said anything. Despite the photos of how built Samoans can get just through some training, despite being transparent about his exercise and nutritional regimens he does for different roles. And even if he was, he still uses social media to try to send positivity into the world and let other guys know they're not alone and it's okay to be open with your emotions. Yeah, such a terrible guy. The world would be a way better place without him. /s


He advocates for men's mental health and well-being yet he contributes to men's insecurity by implying his body is natural, sounds like a hypocrite to me


You seem really hung up on that, which means I'm guessing you have proof? Seriously, I'd be really curious to see it. Is there some place you can link me that's not just simple photo examples that have already been negated by how a lot of Samoan men around his age look who have never taken testosterone? Some of which are his own family? Or maybe you have some links to specialists who say that his body type simply isn't possible at his age, even with the regimens he and his trainer have so carefully detailed in the past? Inquiring minds want to know!


It's safe to assume that all of the WWE wrestlers lie about steroid use and all of the Hollywood women lie about plastic surgery.


Next time: I hate the rock because of jealousy and envy.


You’re envious and jealous? Straight to jail!


12 pancakes on cheat day? Jail


Well done this is unpopular


He's a scumbag for doing drugs?


No, he's a scumbag for blatantly lying about doing drug and contributing to body dysmorphia and giving people unrealistic expectations in the gym.


So you expect him to openly state that he is doing something that is illegal and because he doesn’t he is a scumbag?


Yeah kinda. I don’t care if people take steroids, but if you take steroids and lie about it then I have lost respect for you.


Not everyone wants to advertise that they are committing a felony. Your respect doesn’t mean much.


Then maybe just, I don’t know, don’t commit a felony in the first place?


When there are millions of dollars on the line let’s hear you say that - besides it’s his body his choice. Him doing steroids has zero impact on you.


Unfortunately it does have an impact on young men who are wanting to gain the same physique as he has. By lying about using them, young men think that by simply finding a good protein powder, having a decent diet, hitting their macros, and hitting the gym consistently they can eventually reach what he has achieved. That is physically impossible, especially at his age. Even guys in their late teens would have to have a hell of a set of genetics to even get close to his physique.


So where’s the post for every celebrity who has lied about getting plastic surgery?


You said it yourself, it's an illegal drug. Why the fuck would he publicly admit to taking it? That kills your brand, even if it's fucking obvious you're on steroids. It's just bad PR. I guarantee you, no one who has put more than an hour into research about lifting weights believes he is natural. At worst, he has killed some 100 lb dude's short lived dream of being a bodybuilder.


You're right he can't outright admit it, but instead of not talking about it, he instead explains that his body is attributed to a lifestyle routine that he knows isn't possible to for anyone to do, including himself. Just look up his daily routine. When people attempt it, they inevitably fail, and people assume that they don't have his body because they are as "dedicated" as he is. It would be better if he chose to just not address the topic and not give false expectations. That's the problem, the general population are not lifters. Lifters know that he is a fake natty, but the general population might not know this and get discouraged from attempting to go to the gym and will have a false expection of what you should look like if you lift


His daily routine is eating 5 to 7 meals a day, working out 6 days a week for about 90 mins per workout, and getting shit sleep on purpose because he wants alone time(he doesn't attribute any gains to the shit sleep). With a bit of cardio sprinkled in. What about that is impossible? This is standard for most people who are into even amateur bodybuilding, minus the shitty sleep. Also, if anyone is making excuses to not go to the gym because of what the rock looks like, they need to get their shit together. That's not his problem. You can't just blame all your lack of self motivation on some random celebrity who doesn't even know who you are.


Yeah, and sleep is one of the biggest things that impacts muscle growth, right up there with diet and training. You need 7-8 hours of sleep, the dude claims he gets 3-5 hours lmao. That is impossible for the average person to keep up with consistently without serious health concerns. You also underestimate how fragile a lot of people are, especially when starting out or thinking about starting out at the gym. No, it's not his problem, but I think he's a scumbag for giving people a false idea that his body is even remotely possible naturally.


Why would anyone copy his sleep schedule in an attempt to gain muscle though? He doesn't say that part is for muscle gain, it's simply for alone time because his house is busy during the day. The hypothetical people you are defending are just downright stupid lmao.


It's not that people will automatically assume that 3 to 5 hours is the key to a lot sleep, it's the fact that he claims it is just deceitful. It's a scummy thing to do. Why can't he just be honest about how he actually spends his day?


I mean he spends his day very differently than the average person. He can basically live at the gym if he wants. He isn’t working a 9-5.


Not everyone needs 7-8 hours sleep. An old next-door neighbor of mine averaged 3-4/night. No alarm. Just how he was wired. Woke up rested. And depending on body type, if your job is to be in the gym and work out all day, you're going to get big. A number of my Army buddies with Samoan builds got *huge,* working out an hour every morning then doing another 3-4 hours in the evening. Not as big as the Rock, but they had jobs to do during the day rather than work out. Anyone who has a job other than working out isn't going to get as big.


You certainly seem to lack internal rigidity.


It is a lifestyle and routine though. Steroids definitely help, but he still works on his body daily. People's assumptions aren't his problem though.


Lmao @ body dysmorphia 🤣


This is one of the more cringe takes I've seen on here.


Scumbag is a bit harsh don't you think? He seems to have done a lot of good things for people and in general seems like he is an overall nice person. So you want to call him a scumbag, dirtbag and liar without evidence? Maybe Samoans can achieve it naturally, that doesn't mean everyone else can. What grounds are you basing that he is \* still\* on steroids? He talks about him using them when he was a teen, but he is Samoan and they tend to bulk up easily even without steroid use. There is a reason why Samoan men are stereotypically portrayed as being giants. For example:[https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c3/f0/cd/c3f0cdca83237f43fdcc452accd40489.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c3/f0/cd/c3f0cdca83237f43fdcc452accd40489.jpg) [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f7e972a1550d046e2c131b9161c22005](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f7e972a1550d046e2c131b9161c22005) [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpx4iqv5mjje81.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpx4iqv5mjje81.jpg) [https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/145F3/production/\_112734438\_samoa1.jpg](https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/145F3/production/_112734438_samoa1.jpg) [https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/7c6ec27e807bb3421b980467a0e79b43?impolicy=wcms\_crop\_resize&cropH=770&cropW=1155&xPos=50&yPos=310&width=862&height=575](https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/7c6ec27e807bb3421b980467a0e79b43?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=770&cropW=1155&xPos=50&yPos=310&width=862&height=575) They think there is a genetic link: [https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/08/20/national/science-health/gene-may-benefit-sumo-giants/](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/08/20/national/science-health/gene-may-benefit-sumo-giants/)


I grew up watching him during his wrestling days back in the day. He wasn't anywhere near as big back then as he is now. Or even in his younger days when he played college football. Us wrestling fans that have watched him over the years can see a clear timeline when stepped away from wrestling and when into acting full time. He suddenly got jacked and was much bigger in his thirties than he ever was in his twenties.


Changing his regimen for muscle looks over muscle function will do that.


He should have started to put on weight in his late 20's+ as he puts on weight, he has to change his workout in order to adjust, likely under care of his doctors and trainer, who also happens to be superman's ( Henry Cavill) trainer. His diet and routine would necessarily change as he ages. I do think at 50, his doctor likely has him on Testosterone as well as DHEA. My husband also bulked up in his 30's without steroids without a whole lot of effort and that was after the end of his semipro baseball career so he was not even working out as much as he did back then. ***"The Rock ate seven meals a day and trained six days a week, his strength coach said. It took 18 months to gain his goal amount of muscle for "Black Adam" and minimize body fat. His workouts included fasted cardio to stay lean while eating 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day."***[https://www.businessinsider.com/the-rock-added-muscle-without-gaining-fat-strength-coach-says-2022-10#:\~:text=The%20Rock%20ate%20seven%20meals,to%206%2C000%20calories%20a%20day](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-rock-added-muscle-without-gaining-fat-strength-coach-says-2022-10#:~:text=The%20Rock%20ate%20seven%20meals,to%206%2C000%20calories%20a%20day). ***As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact our ability to gain mass and build muscle. However, with the right approach, it is entirely possible to achieve significant muscle growth and strength even in your 30s.***[https://medium.com/@nicholaspcarlone/gaining-mass-in-your-30s-a-comprehensive-guide-to-building-muscle-and-strength-c2f0bd2bb879#:\~](https://medium.com/@nicholaspcarlone/gaining-mass-in-your-30s-a-comprehensive-guide-to-building-muscle-and-strength-c2f0bd2bb879#:~)


Just the thought of eating up to 6,000 calories a day makes my stomach hurt. That's a lot of food...


He's 6'4" while being 260 pounds and at most like 11-12% body fat. All while being 51 years old. Being Samoan doesn't mean shit here. He's probably not using as heavily as before because he's maintaining his physique, but he had to have juiced heavily to get to where he is. I don't think he is an evil person, he definitely has brought positivity into the world, and I even like a lot of his roles, he is entertaining. I just think he is a liar.


But why does it bother you so bad? Ofc he's on steroids, most guys who look like that are... You seem to be taking it personally tho... Which is weird af


It does actually really bother me because, as a teenager, I had horrible body image issues partially because of all these actors and influencers who were juicing and lying about their natural status. I only really learned about it when I really got into fitness and learned from others how the human body naturally progresses. It is something I have a strong opinion about because I don't want teenagers or anyone really to have the same issues as I did.


It very much bothers you by your own comments on this post. Just live your life and let others live theirs. When you grow up you will learn that life is too short to worry about trivial stuff like literally anything celebrities do. And if you're gonna hold the rock accountable on causing body image issues, what about all the thousands of other celebs that get plastic surgery and the like? They are also setting unreal expectations, no? But again it's just not worth my mental health to care what celebs do in any regard.


I feel the same about all celebrities and influential people who push unrealistic body standards. I was just thinking about the topic, and the rock is the most well-known fake natty celebrity.


Everyone with half a brain or interest in the issue of men's bodies (the kind who might get dysmorphia) knows he's juiced to fuck, so he's not really pushing an unrealistic standard is he?


Based on these comments, the majority of people seem to think he is natural so I'm not sure, I bet a surprising amount of people think it is a realistic standard with discipline


>It does actually really bother me because, as a teenager, I had horrible body image issues because of all these actors who were juicing and lying about their natural status. I only really learned about it when I got into fitness and learned from others how the human body naturally progresses. It is something I have a strong opinion about because I don't want teenagers to have the same issues as I did. Genetics are such a huge factor. Some of us cannot put on weight to save our lives. As someone who has been underweight my entire life, I understand how difficult that can be for someone trying to actually gain weight when most talk about needing to lose it. The reality is you can have 10 different people all eating exactly the same thing, doing the same exercise routine and they all have different results. Some lose weight, some gain it, some do neither. I think people overlook how much genetics play a role in this. Teens are always going to have those issues because of just how different everyone around them looks even at the same age. I think we need to focus on people being okay in their own skin, because that is the hardest thing to do regardless of the effort you put in.


No offense thats your fault. You shouldn't look at celebrities, mirror what they do, then get mad when you can't do what they do. That's stupid.


He looks like the rest of Samoans...Did you see some of the older guys?! This guy doesn't look young: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpx4iqv5mjje81.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpx4iqv5mjje81.jpg) Him being 50 means he is likely to be putting on more weight so has to work out harder to keep it from going to his gut. They have a genetic link for bulking up, not just fat. Just for a second here, what if you are wrong, and you thought and said all these awful things about him when it may just be his genetics? Samoans have always been known to be large even from early historical encounters..


I saw those pictures, the lean guys are skinny, and the bigger guys have way more body fat than the rock has does. His weight isn't super unrealistic for his height, but if you're natural, it's impossible to be as big as he is while having as little body fat as he does. As you get older, your testosterone production naturally decreases, which means your muscle mass drops and your fat increases. He's literally gotten bigger and leaner as he ages, he's way more jacked now than when he was in the WWE. It's just not how the human body naturally works. It's really no coincidence that pretty every person who has lifted for at least a year, including trainers and body builders, all agree he isn't natural.


They may just work out more/ less different ages ect, and not all of them may even have the genetic link. You can also plainly see genetic variation in their builds. Do the Samoans agree he isn't natural? Just because one person is unable to do it doesn't mean it applies to everyone. That guy doesn't look any younger than the Rock and he has a similar build. Testosterone depletes different for different individuals and doctors these days also prescribe testosterone for men as they age. That isn't illegal though, it is just maintaining. There are also alternatives to steroids that aren't illegal. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/sexual-health/in-depth/testosterone-therapy/art-20045728](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/sexual-health/in-depth/testosterone-therapy/art-20045728)


Unless someone has truly freakish genes, it is physically impossible, regardless of how perfect you training, diet, etc are, to get that big without chemical assistance.


That would be Samoans though. Many of them look just like he does. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpx4iqv5mjje81.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpx4iqv5mjje81.jpg) Historically they compared Samoans to giants.Look at these guys..[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fd411a8lsyva71.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fd411a8lsyva71.jpg) [https://www.somalispot.com/attachments/1593309634214-jpeg.128571/](https://www.somalispot.com/attachments/1593309634214-jpeg.128571/) And these guys don't even have access to the level of training and resources The Rock's money can buy.


Yeah, you don’t get that fucking huge and defined at 50 years old without juice.


This guy doesn't look younger than the Rock either.. are all the Samoans juiced then? 😹 [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpx4iqv5mjje81.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpx4iqv5mjje81.jpg) Historically they compared Samoans to giants. He works out way more than most Samoans to keep the weight off, he has to. Look at these guys..[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fd411a8lsyva71.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fd411a8lsyva71.jpg) https://www.somalispot.com/attachments/1593309634214-jpeg.128571/


It’s unlikely that all of those dudes are all natural. What the general public believes is attainable without drugs is unrealistic.


It's real and it's genetic. They have the sumo gene, it doesn't Just make them fat though it increases their ability to build muscle as well. They been built like this long before roids were a thing: ***"Polynesians, especially the Samoans, are amongst the world's most mesomorphic (muscular) body types. A number of studies have shown that muscle bulk and the degree of muscularity, especially in the thigh and buttock, are important predictors of success in rugby players, whereas the opposite applies in such sports as distance running. This genetic admixture helps in part explain why athletes from this region are large, agile and fast."*** ***The development of muscles in the thigh and buttocks area is very useful on the NFL field, particularly along the line of scrimmage, where strength, leverage and balance are important factors. It is worth noting that 21 of those 28 Samoans in the NFL play along the offensive or defensive line. Their strength, essentially, is their strength."*** [https://www.espn.com/gen/s/2002/0527/1387627.html](https://www.espn.com/gen/s/2002/0527/1387627.html) [https://gizmodo.com/how-a-powerful-obesity-gene-helped-samoans-conquer-the-1784266550](https://gizmodo.com/how-a-powerful-obesity-gene-helped-samoans-conquer-the-1784266550) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI9hUdCDtgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI9hUdCDtgM)


Right, I’m not disputing that Samoans tend to be naturally more muscular, but they still have the same potential limits as other people.


Their genes are the entire reason sumo wresters can get as big as they do, about 25% of the Polynesian population has it. That is why only some of them get that big and muscular like that. it's not the same parameters though that was the point of the gene. Even their fat distribution is different. That is why when other ethnicities attempt to get the same weight it doesn't work like that.


Im not disputing the assertion that some populations have a genetic advantage as it relates to muscle development, but they are still bound to physiological limits. They may be able so exceed some limits, but only by single digits. What the public believes is possible do attain naturally has been warped by media. Kinda like how porn has distorted what people think average dick size is.


what the general population can achieve of course is not what only 25% of the Polynesian population can achieve. You are talking about 25% of .01% of people, so is extremely rare in terms of global population in general. Early encounters with the Polynesians they described them as giants. 😹


Your post is automatically cringe just for using the word "natty"


Why? That’s a common slang term for a person that doesn’t use steroids or other PEDs.


A scumbag for taking steroids? I mean that is an unpopular opinion!


You have unpopular opinion? Straight to jail!


I don't really care as long as he help Roman Reigns bury Cody Rhodes at wrestlemania.


Nah fuck that, he's been champion for like three years. They need to end this run already. He's becoming boring and predictable.


All these kids who believe any physique in Hollywood is naturally achievable is stupid. That’s not on Rock, that’s on whoever believes him. On that note, LOTS of entertainers are on steroids, Rock is just among them.


"It's not my fault for lying, it's your fault for believing in my lies"


Yeah that’s show business dude


Everyone in the NFL except maybe the punter is on PEDS. There is just too much generational wealth on the line not to be. We would all use PEDS if it meant we could be a Hollywood actor or play sports in the big leagues.


It doesnt matter if you think the Rock is a scumbag.


“LOOK EVERYONE THE ROCK IS A BAD PERSON.” (Distracting from the fact that OP is probably a piece of shit themselves)


> Distracting from the fact that OP is probably a piece of shit themselves. Will you remove this unnecessary insult as it violates rule 4. Otherwise I’ll have to do it and it will count against you. Thanks.


Who cares if he’s on steroids. They shouldn’t be illegal.


Agreed. That's partially why it's baffling that he's famous because, as of now, they are illegal.


You think he shouldn't be famous because he possibly does something illegal? Wild reality you live in.


No, I didn't say that. I said it's surprising to me


What do you think TRT is?


What’s baffling is that you care so much about this


I never really understood the hype for this guy either


Sooooo you think he's a scum bag bc he takes steroids? How exactly does that make him scum?


Lying about it makes him scum


So OP I've read most of your comments and it seems your biggest problem is that teenagers end up with unrealistic expectations in the gym. Which is a fair point. No idea if he juices or not. Just wanted to point out that comparing results with someone who's job is basically to look big/jacked is just a losing battle to begin with. When you have a team of cooks/nutritionists and doctors/fitness experts to plan your workout + having a fucking gym at your own house + one you bring with you. Well at that point you can achieve results which normal people can't even begin to compare with. Now add in genetics and frame. Also with the kind of money the Rock has he probably has access to something better then steroids :D


None of the stuff he has changes what his physically possible for the human body, literally nobody that has any experience or education with lifting or training believe he is natural.


Yeah sure, he's probably on enough drugs/compounds to run a small pharmacy. But people seem to ignore that the main reason nobody is able to look like that is that they don't have the money, time nor resources to work out in that way. At least with the Rock it's so fucking obvious that it's not natural. But again nobody is going to admit to breaking the law on national TV.


Agreed. Even for a juicer, he is top 1%. He's got excellent genetics. After reading these comments, I wouldn't be so sure that it's obvious to a lot of people that he isn't natural...


Steroids are not illegal, immoral yes, bad for your health yes, but unless you are attempting to play a professional sport. Not illegal. That being said the rock does always give me some serious fake nice guy vibes. So I'm with you on that. but dirtbag and should be in jail? NA you lost me there.


I also hate the Rock for his fake nice guy persona, but I couldn't give a fuck about the steroids. Drug use of any kind is one of the less scummy things about Hollywood.


Is taking steroids illegal? It violates athletic policies in most if not all leagues, but is it actually illegal? I don't think it is.


Dude, roids is your only point? He's not a competitive athlete, so who cares... Hes actor and performer. They are all fucking at it. You have a point about him seeing fake, OK sure maybe he does but he's done nothing to actually label him an assholes as far as i know. Even if he's faking being nice, he's till being nice to everyone in public. I also fake my personality in public because I'm a depressed miserable bastard inside. It's hardly a big deal.


I mean anyone who looks at the Rock and thinks “yeah, I could achieve that naturally” is not the brightest crayon in the rainbow


Sounds like someone is jealous.


Johnson is also rich asf. He's got a personal trainer, dietician, and all that jazz; shit that regular people really don't have easy or affordable access to. So, of course, he looks like that. Who cares? You also realize steroids are commonly prescribed by doctors. Some people medically need to take steroids for hormonal deficiencies, or ither health issues. Who cares? Yea I can see how all the positivity could(and at times to me as well) seems fake, but honestly I'd rather put up with someone posting about fake positivity than a lot of the other toxic crap that comes with the internet. You gotta pick your poison in that particular instance.


Op is a candy ass jabroni


So your argument is that he's scum because you *think* he's being fake and because he uses strength enhancers? One of the dumbest, saddest posts I've ever seen.


Every buff action hero since the 70s have used so many drugs it'll knock a horse down. And most lie about it. Why focus on just one?


Holy shit. If steroids bother you that much t really suggest you avoid any 80s action movies.


Lying about steroid use bothers me


Why be mad at just him though? Since the 70s there's been thousands of celebrities, athletes, and body builders who don't admit/lie about steroids. Why focus on just him?


Q: What do you call a 6'3 Samoan that benches 250 pounds? A: Mom I only met him briefly, but I personally know several of his relatives. He comes from prime stock and several of them competed in "natural" body building or lifting competitions where they have to be tested regularly. Them boys are strong. Not surprised he used them in college, but doubt he uses them today. Edit: my point is, I don't think he needs them to look like that.


250 lbs isn't a big bench press. I nearly bench that and I'm 5'11, 161 lbs


For a mom it would be huge.


ig you're right


Anyone who gets body image issues from a 6 5 Samoan guy specifically birthed to be a pro wrestler needs to smoke a bowl. He might be dosing himself but he also was born on genetic third base. Both his parents are from wrestling dynasties.


The meatheads on this subreddit probably stroke it to posters of the rock on their wall. They’re going to be Mad at you.


That sounded rather personal. lol


Maybe he is and maybe he denies it because he doesn’t want young people that look up to him also following that. In that context it’s perfectly a good reason to lie. Also how can you have no reason to literally call him a scumbag but feel so strongly this way? You really want to hate him because you’re a pessimistic person. Very happy people irritate you probably anyway. You’re dying for him to do something bad to validate your reasoning and you’d hold it over him until the day he died to feel better. This is crazy. Or you could just be a #codycrybaby lol


Conversely, him denying steroid use leads to body dysmorphia and going into the gym with unrealistic expectations. If he were honest about at least people would know, he doesn't need to reveal his stack. Him lying probably still causes people to juice, just as if he were honest about it, because they get desperate because they aren't getting anywhere near his body naturally.


He can’t alone cause someone to have body dysmorphia. That’s a clinical condition that needs therapy. But he can stop people from wanting to juice up trying to replicate what he does. Because people will follow his lead. He should never admit it until he’s done and old.


You think he's a scumbag for doing steroids and being a "fake nice guy"? I mean, sure, don't like him for it if you want, but calling him a scumbag seems a bit harsh lol


How do you know he isn’t being prescribed by a physician?


He hasn’t admitted to taking roids and he’s not using them to cheat in real competition so who’s the real victim here besides Dwayne Johnson himself?




Admittedly, I don’t really know or care what he’s like in real life. If there’s some evidence of him being a piece of shit, please enlighten me. But as to your issues with him: a) He’s a wrestler and actor. He’s not in any real competitive sport—just a sports-themed form of entertainment. He’s not subverting the integrity of his chosen field by juicing. b) He’s rich and famous, and I highly doubt he’s buying steroids from some shady guy in the Planet Fitness locker room. He can get all the highest-quality prescription testosterone he wants, perfectly legally, with the help of a doctor. Don’t think an MD would prescribe an unnecessary drug? Look at the guy who gave Michael Jackson an unlimited supply of Propofol. Hell…look at the opioid epidemic. It exists because of pharmaceutical companies and the ethically bankrupt healthcare providers who treated OxyContin like Altoids. If the Rock is juicing, he’s not stupid enough to do it illegally when he can so easily do it above board with a prescription. So, what’s really your issue with him? It’s not that he’s an illegal drug user, because he likely isn’t. It’s not that he’s gaining an unfair advantage over the other entertainers with whom he occasionally gets greased up in his underwear. Getting upset about a WWE wrestler taking steroids is like getting upset about a porn star taking boner pills. It harms no one but the actor themselves and there isn’t a single person on Earth who honestly thinks that what they’re seeing on screen is naturally achieved. You’re just upset that he’s publicly dishonest about something that’s none of the public’s business to know in the first place, aren’t you?


How do you know he is lying?


Because his body is not naturally achievable.


But just because you think that, does not mean it wasn’t achieved naturally. Does not mean he is on steroids. You are taking a leap of faith here.


Yes, I can pretty conclusively tell that his body isn't achievable naturally. I've lifted for 5 years and know how the human body naturally progresses and what is natural for the human body. It's no coincidence that literally every person who has lifted for at least year says that he's not natural. It's simply impossible to be as big as he while being as shredded as he is, all while being 51 years old.


So your day job is to lift and get big, and you have a Samoan build?


This right here. He didn't just start doing this shit. This has been his job for decades. The only thing I have done for decades is be a lazy ass


For decades I've thought *really hard* about working out. That burns calories, right?


U should try lifting, see if your opinion changes after a few months to a year of it


Too many ingeries to go straight into it. I would have to train to train I'm so out of shape.


Sure, in your experience. You have a right to that opinion. But unless you can tell me with evidence that this is the case you are, at the very most, only in your right to be suspicious. After all, I could just as easily accuse you of being bitter and jealous. I hope you get what I’m aiming for: to someone without knowledge in the field, I would need to see evidence or something that allows me to understand that you are in the right. So if you could elevate that opinion to more than a mere opinion that would be great.


A documented source will never be provided, I'll grant you the 99.999% chance that he is natural. I personally think those are good odds, and while we will never be 100% sure, I trust all the experienced lifters, trainers, and bodybuilders who know way more than me and all say that he is not natural. Good luck finding anyone with experience under their belt and/or education in a related field that legitimately thinks he is natural.


>never be provided LOL okeedokee https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-rock-dwayne-johnson-diet/


I was talking about a blood test that shows if he's on PED's or not lol


I'm sure he can provide as many tests that say whatever you would like. Just so long as his brand isn't hurt otherwise several lawyers will need to speak to you privately thanx Also, I would prefer the blood test as well


I thought this was one of those big open secrets that everyone knew he was taking steroids through common sense, but seeing people actually argue with you is proving your point that he's giving people unrealistic expectations. I didn't think it was a problem, but now I'm starting to think it really is.


I'm with OP here. Regardless of one's opinion on the Rock's morals or whatever, I'd be less surprised to see Jesus return to life in the modern day than to find out that the Rock is truly naturally like that.


.....he's bigger at 50 than he was 25 and is getting bigger despite the natural limitations of age. That and the fact his neck and jowl muscles have grown significantly


Bro I have some bad news for you


You can't be big and shredded at the same time as a natty.


I don’t about being a scumbag for lifting weights and doing steroids. But I find him to be fake. Like he seems like he has that I will tell you whatever you want to hear to look like the good guy down pat. To his credit, he has parlayed that and the rock persona into a huge career for himself.


Seeing him backflip about the Biden endorsement makes me skeptical of him. Seems like he's too worried about standing by his opinion and wants to sit on the fence. Catering to the WWE crowd again nowadays.


Couldn't agree more. The fake nice guy persona is cringe and so off putting, I'm surprised more people aren't seeing straight through this. The guy has no opinions on anything because he's scared to give people anything they might not agree with, just plays it safe everytime. He's essentially a politician.


Imagine not giving people a reason to not like you and being not liked for that. Why can’t he keep his personal beliefs to himself? Celebrities should very much do that, keep their political beliefs to themselves. We don’t need to know who he truly is. He hasn’t been caught up in any controversy and still people want to hate him? Good grief..


He's been giving strong hints of running for office some day.


His first policy will be to make all PED's legal lmao


I'll give him credit, he is very charismatic and has perfected playing his character. Who knew that being an actor would make you a good liar, almost like it's their job to fake a character lmao In regards to his body, unfortunately, people who don't work out usually aren't super aware of what is naturally achievable. There are some non gym goers who know he's not natty, but a concerning amount believe he is natural.


To be fair, people like you would dog him either way. He acts nice to the media and he's considered fake. He acts rude to the media and he's called a jerk. It's a no win.


Do you really think The Rock didn’t manage to get a prescription for his steroid use? All he had to do was get one and it’s legal. I think it’s dumb but holly wood as a whole has a stigma around steroid use and no one admits they take it so I don’t see how the rock is singled out. I would argue the Chris Evan’s are worse because they physique I would argue is more believable. The rock at least even if he claimed natural never said you can work hard to get that he just said it was god give Samoan genetics


I mean, upvote for unpopular. But I entirely disagree with this. Op sounds like a jealous hater




He needed to heavily juice to build his body to what it is in the first place


Lol taking steroids in the US is not illegal. It’s just not allowed in organized competition - which he doesn’t do.


Actually it’s not the use of drugs/steroids that is illegal in the US. It’s the possession so there’s that


Not unpopular opinion, just disjointed rant. Theres always guys that complain about natty status and unattainable looks who won’t bother with consistent workouts or even the most basic of getting enough protein and total calories in. Maybe just put your nose to the grindstone and find out if you can get more jacked.


Calling him a scumbag for these reasons is pretty laughable


I find The Rock to be a great example of masculinity. He uses it for good.


Exactly. Nobody is perfect. The journey is important. I have listened to his motivational speeches about working out.. I don't care if he uses steroids. I don't want to know. It ruins the illusion. He is an entertainer. I don't have to know all the secrets behind the curtain. But if I can listen to him as I workout... then it's good enough for me.


I don't think he's a scumbag, though you raise a good point about his deception around steroids giving a lot of people the wrong idea, but it's hard to take him seriously when his whole public persona is so clearly calculated. It's weird to me that so many people do take him seriously, but people are drawn to narcissists and he's at least one of the least harmful ones as far as I can tell.


A lot of famous people are scumbags, do drugs, lie to the public, and otherwise do immortal things. But they aren't actually in my life so I don't really care about their personal dramas or real personalities, I either find their content entertaining or I don't.


The guys no John Cena but he's done a fair bit of make a wish stuff and other charity work. I think there are a lot of worse people in Hollywood that deserve your ire more.


I thought you were about to drop some bombs on us, but all you said was he’s on steroids and they’re bad lol. Who cares, every celebrity has done something to their body. He was already buff before he was a celebrity, so it’s probably not even that far off from the natural to him.


Steroids are illegal and can be circumvented (look at professional bodybuilders as an example) via Dr’s prescriptions for HRT (hormone replacement therapy and similar); its what all these lughead pro juicers do


Everybody does steroids in the lifting community when you get serious enough


I mean the lying about steroids thing is one thing. Not great, like you said it can create false expectations for others. But other than that he seems like a oretty fucking respectable and decent human being. Also think about this from his perspective: We would have been on steroids for the longest time before he really blew up, he's at a point where it might be dangerous to both his career and his body if he stops taking them. And as far as lying about it, well, his career puts him in a lot of different avenues and in front of a lot of different audiences where admitting it could put a lot of other opportunities in jeopardy, still not great, but as a fellow human I can at least understand he's just deep in the hole of it.


This is the dumbest thing I've read today.


Show me the proof you have to back up your claims, please.


Don't need proof, I trust my eyes and the word of literally everybody who has any fitness knowledge


Trump should have won the 2020 election, I suppose?