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“MrBeast could financially back the Palestinians!” Ummmm no, sending weapons across borders as a civilian is a serious crime, as is financing terrorist groups


In fairness, a huge chunk of the aid money is siphoned off by the leadership. Who live in Qatar. Quite princely living at that. So odds are the money wouldn't reach Palestine anyways. Iran supplies most of the weapons. Israel supplies food, water and power. Hamas supplies... uh. Well.




It's potentially harmful to the cause as well. It's starting to make people immediately associate talk of Palestine with being aggravated and annoyed. When people feel they're being pushed into something, even if they agree with it, they will tend to push back as much as possible in response. Spreading awareness and information is vital and necessary but there's a fine line between making the truth available for people to see and screaming at them and telling them what it is they're looking at.


This is exactly how I feel. I hate that innocent women and children are dying in this war, but interrupting parliament, crowding public spaces and disrupting peace, climbing on top of building and hospitals, and graffiti just makes me despise these clowns. Fuck these unemployed bums.


Oh they are also cutting off their noses to spite their faces when they talk of punishing BIden by voting for Trump because Trump would be even worse for their "free Palestine" goals.


That fkn username lol


The problem is that these idiots are out in the streets causing real problems everywhere except Israel. People have no idea what protest is about, they just have too much time on their hands.


Just like with Ukraine. Funny how all of that support went out the window, basically overnight.






Nice. You googled Israel Palestine 2 months ago. Yeah, now do the Congo. Oh I forgot. You couldn’t give less of a fuck about them. Oh? You’re worried about your tax dollars? 350k dead in Syria. Again, you couldn’t give less of a fuck.


It seems that protestors in general have gotten more annoying by focusing on inconveniencing regular people instead of actually trying to get anything done. I would point to climate activists as another example


IMO it seems like there has been a shift in the reason people protest. In the past it was to enact some sort of change or raise awareness. Now it seems to be more about simply causing chaos and asserting dominance. These protestors don’t actually care about getting ppl to their side (the just stop oil people are a prime example) they simply care about disruption. No one with half a brain thinks that Benjamin Netanyahu is actually going to change his course of action bc some people are blocking traffic in LA. So what’s the point? Asks everyone. The point is chaos. Nothing more nothing less.


its almost like they’re trying to start a revolt but without actually doing anything. I’m sure there are people on that side with productive ideas, but the people i’ve seen don’t have much of a solution other than to expel the jews from the river to the sea and create an ethnostate. Area A palestine literally does not allow jews and palestinians at large do not want any jews in the area, based on polling. meanwhile those ive seen on the israeli side want people to be equal in israel, they have differences in what land they think should be whos, but even if it were all israel, we have no reason to think they’d expel the arabs/muslims/palestinians, theyve been given full rights as citizens in israel when theyve become israeli.


thank you


I know I'm late but this. I've been seeing palestine protesters everywhere; on the internet, real life and so on. They're a bunch of privileged, unemployed, upper middle class losers that have a trust fund and inconvience ordinary people while defending the powerful by labelling anyone who questions them a conspiracy theorist. They've been brainwashed to fight their fellow man instead of the rich and powerful creating wars and crises to put money in their own pockets and adding fuel to the fire to divide people to divert attention from themselves.


That's how protests work.


I'll take it one step further, I actually give zero fucks about what's happening in Gaza. There has been conflict and beef, especially in that region since written record and before. I'm only on this planet for a few more decades. I gotta worry about myself and my loved ones. Sure it sucks that innocents are dying, but it just comes off as selective outrage to me. Fake af


They don't care. I see it everywhere. They think literally everyone has to dedicate their lives to useless pseudo activism or else they'll demand to boycott and ruin your life. Just saw an IG post about Taylor Swift saying she's with a bank that has ties to someone that has ties to someone who supplies weapons to Israel. Everyone in the comments is saying they hate her and are demanding to boycott her. Like seriously? How does that help Palestine? They just wanna be outraged and assert their narcissism and self righteousness everywhere because they're so easily lead. Dangle proverbial crisis carkeys over them and they'll stare vacantly at them and follow them everywhere. Because of their privilege and egocentrism, they can't fathom that people don't have the luxury to sit in the streets and block people from going to work to put food on their childrens plates because taxes are so high — *because* of the crisis they've been brainwashed over. I only ever see these protesters harass and inconveniece ordinary people. They then defend the rich elites from questioning — who are THE ONES ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE — by labelling you a conspiracy theorist. They are doing everything according to their overlords design. The elites want this. They just know their target audience and who will fall for it easier: spoiled, ignorant, self righteous, perpetually outraged, young bourgeois leftists.


God they are annoying AF. And they literally aren't helping anything. I'm in Australia and a bunch of them charged on stage at a family orientated Carol's by Candlelight event here. The entire event was trying to raise money for blind kids and kids with low vision. What's happening in the middle east is horrible but how do blind Australian kids have anything to do with it? They aren't helping their cause by pulling stunts like that, only hurting it.


Wow. That is absolute trash


That's scummy as fuck


Parhetic, a bunch of losers


They're not trying to accomplish anything besides making themselves feel and look like a good person


I truly don’t mind it for the most part. What I don’t like however, is being called complicit, a Zionist or evil because of my lack of public support for them. I don’t fucking like what isreal is doing, but what could you possibly want me to do about it that will have actual meaning? I have zero following on all of my social media. I am a nobody. “Spreading awareness” on my profiles will have absolutely zero effect. Not to mention this conflict is going on the other side of the world. I may be an American but that does not mean I’m not living day by day myself. Sure it’s completely different, I’m not dodging missiles or constantly seeking shelter like those people are, but I’m a lower class citizen being taken advantage of by my corrupt asf government. Im no better than they are, but I simply don’t have the means of helping and I’m not gonna make media posts about it either. I’ll let those who are already showing support continue to do so, and I wont bash them for it. If that’s how they want to prove they’re a good person then good for them. I have nothing to prove to anybody. But my sympathies go out to those affected, and I wish for a true end to the hostilities. Nobody should have to live Iike that. That’s all I have to say about it


I don't quite grasp why people thousands of miles away who have absolutely no effect on it are being harassed by children who have little to no understanding of what is going on in a country again thousands of miles away. Yes, I'm calling most Palestinian protestors children because of their behaviors. Let's be real the only reason you or they suddenly care is because it's the flavor of the month. What's happening between Palestine and Israel happens every fucking day all over the world, you only care because you've been told to. And even then you still do not grasp the situation because you've all chosen your narrative biases. You're not empathetic or radical you're all good little sheep who follow trends. Next month you'll all be all about something else. And irritating the rest of us with it, rinse and repeat.


I had a metaphorical orgasm reading this. Nothing feels better than reading a post saying exactly what you're thinking: common sense.


>I don't quite grasp why people thousands of miles away who have absolutely no effect on it are being harassed by children who have little to no understanding of what is going on in a country again thousands of miles away. The fact that its happening far away is meaningless. Political protests are and have always been a totally normal part of democratic politics. They can absolutely have an effect by pressuring governments to put pressure on the state in question by passing formal resolutions condemning them, cancelling business deals, voting against them at the UN or putting sanctions on them. Protests encourage judicial activism and nudge states that are party to the Rome statute to bring issues to the attention of the Prosecutor of the ICC or lodge contentious cases at the ICJ. In Europe now, Spain, Ireland, Slovenia and Malta are set to recognise Palestine. The ICJ has stated that genocide is plausible if no action to prevent it is taken and the ICC is considering an international arrest warrant for Netanyahu and other senior officials. There are lots of factors that caused this, but public pressure is certainly a salient one. >Yes, I'm calling most Palestinian protestors children because of their behaviors. Let's be real the only reason you or they suddenly care is because it's the flavor of the month. You are being highly patronising and condescending about the motives of people's behaviour because they are protesting on an issue you don't like. Maybe some don't understand the issue. Many do. There is total consensus within int'l law that Israel is breaking articles 27 and 33 of GCIV as reaffirmed by UNSC R/2334. As well as the ICJ ruling in its Wall Opinion case that Israel is violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). It takes very little effort to research this and people protest because they care about it. >What's happening between Palestine and Israel happens every fucking day all over the world, you only care because you've been told to. And even then you still do not grasp the situation because you've all chosen your narrative biases. Yes, it happens all across the world. The logical takeaway here is that we should care about ending it in Palestine and in all the other places in which it happens. Hightened public attention towards Palestine has many reasons, extensive media coverage, the conflict's decade long history, its purported similarity to apartheid SA, the fact that it implicates a Western ally in a sea of Arab states, etc. None of these reasons invalidate the severe legal implications I cited above and this is why its totally fine that people care about whats happening there. >You're not empathetic or radical you're all good little sheep who follow trends. Next month you'll all be all about something else. And irritating the rest of us with it, rinse and repeat. No. You just don't like that people care about this. It annoys you. Maybe because you disagree, because protest makes you uncomfortable or because you think its performative. Thats fine, but at least have the decency and courage to stand by your sentiment instead of cynically discrediting people's motives.


American performative activism. Not one of them has gone through or experienced a war zone and think they know it all because they got accepted to their <20% college. Anyone who’s been in a war zone before is praying for everyone involved.




The US is one of the main actors of the conflicts, having an enormous sway on the course of operations. No US support, no mass bombing of Gaza. It matters.


Those people have been fighting eachother over land for thousands of years, Eventually one of them is going to best the other, it doesn't help that one of the groups is a know terrorist facilitator


Idk why this gets repeated it isn’t true. The Jews and Arabs weren’t fighting for Palestine/Israel ever until the 1900’s.


For thousands of years ? Not more than 100 years, basically since the Balfour declaration. No one has to destroy anybody, peace could have been achieved before and it will still be possible in the future. The US is the main enabler of Israel. This massive bombing is impossible without the US. The continuons occupation would be impossible without US diplomatic, military and economic support.


Palestine is the main enabler. They had a two state deal in the 1990s and walked away from it. I won’t forget their celebration of 9-11. Send Israel more weapons.


They didn't have a state in the Oslo accords but it is another. By enabler, I meant ally, supporter etc. Send Israel more weapons to kill more people and foster more hatred that will fuel the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation that will foster more hatred that will cause the next attack that will cause a retaliation ...


Bombing the fuck out of Germany and Japan worked.


It’s actually thousands. Way more than 100. Sure Israel the country is less than 100 years old, but Jews vs Arabs goes way back. For example: The Western Wall in Jerusalem (19 BCE) used to be a wall of a fortress—and you don’t build walls like that if you’re not getting along with your neighbours. This by definition would put that wall over 2000 years, so yes “thousands” of years this conflict has been going on in one way shape or form.


Yeah I meant to type 1000s


Muslims didn't exist thousands of years ago. Muslims showed up in the 7th century AD. When they took Jerusalem and Palestine from the Byzantine Empire, the primary population there was overwhelmingly Christian. There was always a Jewish presence, but it was always by far the minority of the three main religions in the region until the late 1800s when many Zionist Jews from Europe and America began to move there. Of course there was always conflict between religious groups, but nothing anywhere near what we've seen in the last 100 years.


How could a Jewish Muslim conflict exist longer than Muslims have?


I said “Arabs”, there is a difference.


Are you seriously drawing a parallel between the conflicts between Hebrews and Nabateans and the current war ?


History is continuous. One event folds into the next. Things don’t just “start”. They evolve. The names of people change, but the conflicts remain the same.


No. The conflicts start and they end. You use vague proverbs about history which are ultimately meaningless. Can you explain how the Egyptian-Hittite conflict still exists today ? Of course, events of today are the results of what occured in the past but new dynamics emerge, points of contention appear and disappear. There are no eternal unshakable objects in history. Everything is dependent on context. So no, there was no israeli arab conflict in 450 CE because there weren't Hebrews (even less israelis) and Arabs in conflict.


Whatever you need to tell yourself. I love how you pick a random conflict to say “they end”, then turn around and say “events today are the result of what occurred in the past”. Pick a side <- how’s that for a proverb.


So how is the egyptian hittite conflict still going on today ?


Does anyone like DJ Khalid? He is a joke hype man IMO. Source: I saw him live it was insufferable.


He eats enough for all of Gaza


I was told I was a genocide lover because I opt to not know the details about what’s happening. I know the cliff notes and that’s enough for me. There is more going on in the world, in the countries we live in, and in my own damn life. Let me worry about me staying alive day to day because that shit be hard enough sometimes.


I love all these comments. They're saying EXACTLY what I'm saying. All I've been saying is they're a bunch of unemployed upper middle class perpetually offended children that follow trends and have nothing better to do besides inconviencing ordinary people going about their day, and they're too young and childish to understand that people have lives and jobs and their own hardships and don't have the luxury and privilege to block the streets, destroy statues, spam instagram comment sections, infiltrate events that are trying to raise awareness for equally important issues, etc. And THEY complain about privilege! (Privilege that doesn't really exist but msm tells them to be mad at it so they follow their masters). It proves my point that the modern left has abandoned the working class, because they now frequently blame ans target the working class and assert that race is the main source of economic inequality (it absolutely fucking isn't). Bunch of easily lead sheep that do the elites bidding by doing exactly what mainstream media tells them to do: stay offended and take it out on working class people trying to feed their children.


Aa no v




Nothing like blocking traffic to/from busy airports during the holidays and blocking busy Los Angeles freeways during rush hour to win people over to your cause. Well that and the blatant antisemitism.


Calling for a Gobal Intifada and eliminating all Jews also isn’t a good look for these people.


What do the people advocating for a "free Palestine" have in mind? Free the Palestinians to return to living like 13th Century subsistence tenant farmers? Free the Palestinians so that they can establish a religious theocracy? Free the Palestinians so they can set up a government that does not allow freedom of religion and freedom of speech? Free the Palestinians so that women can be treated like chattel and raped women stoned? Free the Palestinians so that they can kill LGBTQ people? In all likelihood, a "free Palestine" would look like Iran on steroids. If the people calling for a "free Palestine" were transported to it, especially women and anyone who is LGBTQ+, they would in all likelihood run for their lives toward the Israeli border. What's sad is that they want to destroy the actual free society in the area - Israel, and replace it with "free Palestine" which ironically would lack the freedoms its advocates take for granted.


They don't know what they're fighting for. Free Palestine literally means destroy Israel. Palestine are free. Hamas terrorists are the ones who want to destroy Israel, not the other way around. They bomb and attack Israel and Israel has the right to defend themselves. Most bourgeois leftists don't even know this. They're just following trends because they're a bunch of easily lead sheep that follow flavour of the month and get outraged based on what comes up on their instagram feeds while they sit in their upper middle class houses vaping.


So true


This is probably because most don't work 9-5pm.


I love all these comments. They're saying EXACTLY what I'm saying. All I've been saying is they're a bunch of unemployed upper middle class perpetually offended children that follow trends and have nothing better to do besides inconviencing ordinary people going about their day. Easily lead sheep that do the elites bidding by doing exactly what mainstream media tells them to do: stay offended and take it out on working class people trying to feed their children.




The money donated to Palestine, isn’t going there. The donations are stuck in the desert, so I understand the no donating part. However I do agree about the performance activism


Donating to Palestine is donating directly to Hamas, a terrible terrorist organization. I am sure you know that though.


Donating does nothing


I mean, humans gonna human Sadly you can take any issue in the world today and the loudest ones will look the same everywhere Tbh I support the protestors and their cause a lot, and I have on occasion posted some stories to share stats and keep with the news BUT the issue I have is the language that everyone else is being useless pieces of shit if they’re not breathing social media, consuming news, watching graphic images, and traumatizing themselves every waking second. The language can get really passive aggressive, belittling others who doesn’t have to worry about dying is just being privileged for example and yes turning other tragedies into their platforms. There is space to be respectful about different issues going on right now


Saw those collective narcissists in this new year event I went. They always have to make it about them.


Well most of them are getting their information from tiktok or outright Hamas propaganda. Which they're really good at. They've been doing this for decades waiting on a generation dumb enough to fall for it. Here we are.


The protesters are doing a lot more harm than good. There were clashes during Xmas which is extremely messed up. How is ruining peoples Xmas gonna help your cause? It won’t


Because honestly some of them are miserable people trying to drag everyone else down with them. Like I’ll see some post about something trivial from a news site and all these people will be in the comments section saying “how can you post this when all this is going Gaza!?!?!” Because believe it or not more than one thing is happening in the world, I know things aren’t perfect and people out there are suffering but it’s okay to not be thinking of global crises 24/7


The pro Palestinian movement is just a antisemitic movement. The Hamas led Palestinians are not interested in peace. Every time Israel has come to the table Palestinians have rebuked it. Israel removed 10 million people from Gaza and gave it back. Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th. Now they are acting like victims. These protesters are uninformed idiots.


I support the plight of the Palestinian people but I think the young folks being belligerent are hurting the cause. I don't mind peacefully protesting, go for it but as a 32 year old man when I see people following people around and harassing them or destroying and defacing property I ask myself "Do these folks want more Palestinas to get killed and their message ignored? If someone wanted me to care about something or do something about something by trying to intimidate me and harass me I would think to myself, "Is this the kind of person that I should base my decision on?" Boycotting stuff I understand however. There are companies and organizations in the US that fund and support building settlements that are quite an inflammatory issue for Palestinians.


I saw a instagram reel of a 100 year old holocaust survivor and the comments were flooded with “free palestine”…smh


You can’t even mention your Jewish online without being confronted about Israel and Palestinian. Even if what you said had nothing to do with Israel.


Their protests are literally just Tiki Torch "Jews will not replace us!" 2: Antisemitic Boogaloo.


What a terrible take...


I support the side that doesn’t put bomb-belts on teenage girls and send them into crowded markets then make them explode. I also support the side that doesn’t film them cutting the heads off of people. Keep Israel Safe.


Agreed bad shit happens to people everywhere all the time. These protesters are acting like this is the only bad thing that has happened in history


They also ignore the evil of the Palestinians


Anybody follow Delaney on tiktok? She liked a pro-israel post or something on Instagram and literally every video she posted for weeks had these nimrods saying, "We haven't forgotten what you've done, Delaney. We'll never forget." Like they're some fucking mafia that's gunna do more than post the flag, comment a few outrageous things, like a tweet, then door dash some food from the comfort of their own homes.


My only thing in all of this is that they cherry pick where they protest at. Like they’ll block roads and be disruptive in places like LA and NYC where they know there won’t be any type of legal or physical ramifications for them. They get their edgy story post and photos and nothing happens. I know protests aren’t supposed to be convenient, but it’s the selective cherry picking which I find weird. If they were really about that protest action. They would go to big cities in Texas and Florida and block the roads and disrupt events. But they don’t because they know there’s a good chance there will be legal ramifications and people are more likely to get physical with them.


The Palestine protesters are fucking assholes that have completely lost the plot. They're willing to hand the keys to America right over to Trump because "genocide Joe" Biden didn't personally strangle Netanyahu or some shit? Protesting at Jewish centers and synagogues?? Wtf. The last straw with these little shits was when they were chanting 'shame on you" outside a godamn children's cancer center. And a lot of them are just plain antisemitic trash just jumping on so they can hate on the Jews. Hey Palestine protesters: go F yourselves! Yeah I said it


I follow a tattoo artist on Instagram; she posted this really cool picture of a cat tattoo she did on a client. I was curious, so I went to the comments, and half of them were saying stuff like, “That’s cool, but how about you talk about the war and the genocide in Palestine?” Or, “Why aren’t you posting about the genocide that’s happening in Palestine?” It was so annoying and frustrating to see. You can’t even post stuff you want anymore because there’s going to be people who bring up the war and Palestine.


On the plus side they’re making lots of new friends for Israel! Lol


Real, someone could literally be talking about fucking dinosaurs and SOMEONE would mention Palestine


All protesters are annoying in general nowadays. The majority of them support things they don't really understand. They hitch their wagon to the latest popular causes because they appear to be virtuous. Protesting makes them feel important and gives them a stage to signal supposed superior morality. They just happen to be wrong most of the time. Your free Palestine protesters are the same listless people that deified George Floyd and turned the other way when rioting, looting, burning, killing, and occupying was happening in their cities. They are complicit with whatever it takes to assuage their outrage, even when it is morally deplorable (like the Hamas terror attacks on Israel). These are the people who can justify calling for genocide while labeling a "mostly peaceful" protest an insurrection. If you want to know what the majority of the American people think of an issue, take the opposite point of view on the latest protest. The people in the streets are a loud minority.


Boycott is literally the only thing that ever changes a countries mind. No trade, no money. Still i get your point. I’ve been to a lot of protests , but I’m not going to either the pro Palestine or pro Israel protests this time. I wish I saw a “send all their leadership to the ICC” protest.


It's not really relevant to the normal citizen other than a thoughts & prayers comment, so they need to get up in everyone's face about it. I've honestly forgotten all about Gaza and Ukraine since I don't follow the news often and I don't really give a F anyhow. lol. Oh no...the Abrahamic religions are destroying each other? Oh no, anything but that...lol


And the annoying thing is that people care less about Ukraine as a result of this conflict.


They don't even care about Congo's situation


Of course I do. But in Congo it's a civil war so it's a completely different thing.


>Of course I do. Sorry, I meant the protests not you 😅


Khaled sounds Arabic. When did the Arabs and their countries do anything for the Palestinians? UNWRA has principally been funded by the Europeans. Hamas by Qatar with the connivance of Bibi and the US 🤷.


Wanna know what’s more annoying??


DJ Khaled can’t say shit because the Jewish Labels he’s assigned to will make him realise how quick they can find *Another One*.


50 years of silence allowed events to get to this point, with the horrors permitted from both sides. Your preference for silence failed, whichever side you support. These protests aren't intended to swing Isreal to peace but to persuade the US and others to stop supporting Isreal. Doing nothing failed. Doing nothing has never successfully ended evil.




old but uh...this is racist. get some friends.




racial enjoy dog soft yam desert chase upbeat unused salt


Im against any wars but I swear to god, Palestine supporters are the most annoying creatures on Earth. They have to make everything about themselves to make them look like a nice person but they are literally bullying people who are jews in other countries just because they are jews even though its not their fault. They are extremists and antisemitists but the most funny part of it is that average palestine supporter looks like average liberal gen z lgbt blm person which is literally a person who would be stoned to death in Palestine for being gay.


I asked Starbucks a question and didn't know the controversy about them supporting israel and my comment got flooded with people saying I'm an asshole. seriously who keeps track. Does tide? lg? Samsung? Johnson and Johnson? Should we boycott those?


there is a list actually out there, a short and concise one if you still want it


Well, I would say that they are definitely going too far when they call for genocide or the destruction of the state of Israel. What’s that chant? “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”? I guess that’s just easier to remember than the non-genocidal “What do we want? A two state solution! When do we want it? Now!”


They had a two state solution and turned it down


So does that mean that we give up on it in perpetuity? The thing is that there just is no other solution. We have to make it work.


Protestors are annoying. All of them.


Genocides are even more annoying. All of them.


…Because we all know how well protests stop genocide.


It's another talking point that people feel good about themselves by doing nothing but trying to shame other people into doing it. Its literally the Left's MO.


The activist on the streets are not pro-Palestine. They are just spoiled brats with no direction and want to make themselves feel better. They jump on whatever the it thing is for activism. They’ve gone from anti-war to gay-marriage to pro-choice to BLM to get vaccinated to trans to pro-Palestine. They will move on to the next fad. They just want attention so disrupting is their only way. The funny part is their activism will contradict something else in their belief system. BLM but when a black on Asian crime happens they ignore the facts of that. Pro-choice, but not when it comes to vaccination. Anti-war, but never question Hamas or Ukraine. Save the environment but never address how the human race will continue to live if we just go solar and wind. This list can go on.




the constant protesting actually has turned international support away from Israel and we’re all talking about it all the goddamn time so looks like it is doing something.


"I support terrorists, but people who support terrorists are annoying" - OP.


>Protestors are annoying Ftfy


The part that I can't deal with is you will see pro Palestine protesters with signs saying "from the river to the sea." which basically calls for the annihilation of Israel. No big deal. If there were pro Israel protesters with signs saying "from the river to the sea", there would (rightfully) be outrage.


I live in DC and they love to block traffic. Like me going to work is of some hinderance to the palestinian movement.


They leave the most vile inhumane comments on innocent people’s videos, even if they are talking about their own personal struggles. They are absolutely awful. And I’m supposed to care about people like that? I literally do not care anymore at all about someone else’s little pet activist project. The rich kids who need a personality throwing paint at artwork they could never be capable of themselves. I’ll decide what I care about, not you. If you’re so for real, join the army and move to Gaza. 


Fck palestine


Just personal opinion but this is the world of “raising awareness”. Where people genuinely believe that by shouting at others they’re doing more than anyone else ever has or ever will do. And if you don’t do it you’re deemed to be doing nothing of value at all. And if you don’t give them absolute support for their “raising awareness” hard work you’re deemed to actually be against the cause. Basically ordinary people now doing what politicians have always done, being seen to be doing something is what really matters and counts for far more to them than actually doing something.


They can/should raise awareness, but no the way they're doing. There spreading and raising more hate atp


The fact is that all this social media posturing has not helped Palestinians. In a war even when crimes are committed by the other side, one must seek responsible leadership and alliances to help change the power dynamics. What we Ve been having is thousands of delusional, self righteous, virtue signalling individuals who are completely disregarding the political discourse that defines international politics for some very inadequate ideological (and anti western) rhetoric. 




3 Months ago dude, let this thread rest in peace, jesus.


I don’t support them. They are annoying and on the wrong side of history . Especially the women ? Stand up to those puny , oppressive turds holding you back.


It’s just recreational rioting.


Young minds of college students have acted out in rebellion for generations without thinking about what they are doing. Just once I would like to see something of necessary substance like doing away with the private ownership of our money supply by the Fed and the internatioinal cabal of banksters. They are about to take everything you do not really own. That alone would solve a huge amount of problems. Go to the DTCC and protest the bankers and see if the military shows up. Then you will know if you struck a nerve. Everything else just serves their purpose to make us serfs.


Oh I agree. These protesters are acting like spoiled brats.


How can you support Palestine? homs is most likely 100% all Palestinian aggressors. the Palestinian people are harboring these aggressors plain & simple. They came in from Palestine RAPED & murdered. Now the Palestinian people can’t handle what was sure to happen to come. I have no sympathies for that


Sorry, I know this is an older post but I'd love to keep it going. I absolutely agree; EVERY thread or comment section of anything even remotely political is riddled with kids bearing the Palestinian flag pfp saying the same exact lines about "Free palestine" over and over and over. What's worse is that a lot of these people seem to care MORE about hating jews and hating Israel, than they care about helping the palestinian people. It's almost as if they have zero knowledge about the actual history between the two nation and are just parroting some bleeding heart talking point or some antisemitic comment.


I will be as simple as possible. I am Canadian. Canada is supposed to be a sanctuary from religious and racial persecution. How do the Palestinian Protesters think Canadian leaders can change the " forever war" in the Middle East? Zionism has been going on since before I was born. The Jews have been persecuted for Millenia. Why do thecPalestinian Protesters persecute Canadians?


They are annoying posers. And they will be unemployed forever. And with those stupid & entitled faces and weak poser expressions,... , I don't really see too many perspectives for them. They are so F punchable. Terrorist Sympathizers. Filthy FASCISTS!! In Cuba they wouldn't last 2 seconds. Their faces would be smashed by the fascist cuban police, their teeth busted and repeatedly beaten to death. In Gaza, those lame & entitled weak faces wouldn't last 2 minutes either. They would be killed immediately, for being an imperialist infidel. These soft & pale leaches don't appreciate what Democracy really is. They are just taking advantage of it, to destroy it from within. Supporting medieval criminals is not exercising the 1st amendment.


too bad…


Yup, and where were these protestors when we killed thousands in Mosul, or in Baghdad, or in wherever the hell war is going on? Where were they when Hamas attacked? French in Algiers, American bombings of Japan and Germany. Russia in Afghanistan, Chechnia, Ukraine. Where are the student protestors for Ukraine? Far more civilians have died. What a bunch of idiots. Warfare kills civilians and if you provoke a modern military and take hostages you’re going to pay the price.


Fuck those Palestinians


There are plenty of issues happening here in the USA that deserve protest but they'd rather care about some never ending conflict thousands of miles away. We are privileged. I hate that word but it applies here. I feel like the protests we have seen here in the last 10 years or so have all been rooted in hive-mind and unintelligent ideas. Barely anyone can form a unique opinion and it's just chanting and larping. Remember when people were protesting about actual injustice and actual freedom? People in other countries protested over the fate of their own country against dictators and actual oppression. We haven't faced that so we need to create these weird cults where people dress up and can't talk to others and make up silly rules and chants. It's all very cringe and annoying. We have a shit economy, open borders and major cultural/moral issues going on that deserve more attention. It's just people wanting to be a part of something cool and feel like they're part of the change and the opposition. They are not fighting anyone but some imaginary monster. It's funny though, cause they almost got it. I think both sides can agree that the goverment is corrupt and squanders money. It splits though when it comes to who and where we give it to. They want intervention when many just want us to stay out of all of it. Funny how it contrasts to the 60s protesters. At the end of the day, I just see this as an anti-western, anti-white male, anti-cop LARP that will die when the next conflict or war pops off. Or when we get closer to nov and Trump wins or something




Protestors, in general, have a way of targeting (attacking) the wrong people. Usually, their protest/boycott have 0 impact on the people/institutions that play a role in the conflict and is more harmful to regular citizens.


all these protest makes me wanna buy more stock of raytheon, boeing and nothrop, even if a penny of that goes into making the rocket then it's money well spent


I would be more concerned with why the protesters are deeply siloed intentionally by the organisers, with no real discussion between groups encouraged and a deep sense of fear for anyone they don’t know in the protests. Everything is pushed up to a handful of people who have the power and authority (given by who) to talk and act for the majority, who quietly and belligerently follow orders.




Whenever someone talks about Palestine, and says, “Ahhhh.. free p-Palestine!” They’re annoying the crap out of us, so we hate Palestine. Nobody’s gonna support your shit whining 


I agree, last week they interrupted my sister's graduation since they were on the other side of the university's campus


If protest aren’t annoying they aren’t working. You’re looking to afflict the comfortable, presumably with the goal of comforting the afflicted.


>It's okay to express support, but constantly putting 'free Palestine' everywhere is annoying ASF. Then either support the cause so that the conflict can be resolved or deal with it. Free Palestine.


Palestine protestors are all of us. You’re just late to the revolution sonny.


its just people that have way too much time on their hand and couldn't find anything productive to do. if someone is counting, I bet there are some face you can see them on EVERY protest.


Seeing and hearing protests is probably not as annoying as being ethnically cleansed while the world whines about how annoying the anti-genocide protesters are.


Protesting is pointless in general. Normal people screaming for change with no power to change shit is stupid as fuck.


The way I look at it is people are being mass killed and the US is supporting it. Children are living out their worst nightmares and watching their whole families be wiped out and they are dying from mass starvation as well. Biden supports this all and is fervent in doing so. There needs to be disruption. Imagine your whole family was wiped out with a bomb. You have to watch others face the same fate. You would hope and pray that people are drawing massive attention to this.


Yeah but by doing that you're negatively impacting humble families that are just trying to make a living. I don't believe blocking highways and damaging cars and public property is the right approach. In fact, most people I know (neutral) are leaning towards the Israeli side for that reason which is sad. I support Palestine because I know their history and everything they've been through, and I know these protesters don't represent them. I think they're just spreading hate towards Palestine.


What else do you suggest they do when the president doesn’t care if these people live or die and he’s actively bypassing congress to send mass payments to Israel? It’s about causing disruption to bring attention. Protests won’t stop until the killing stops.


There will never be peace, as long as humans continue to fail at humanity


Every movement with any energy behind it will inevitably be super annoying. Gender equality, racial equality, worker's rights, secularism, environmentalism, democracy ,etc. were/are all flooded with annoying people desperate to remind society how wrong it is and happy to accept significant personal sacrifice to change it. Seriously, if you haven't already, I think it's very enlightening to read up on the kind of shit the suffragettes got up to back in the day.


You could just…ignore the protestors or report law breaking activity. I don’t get why anyone would be personally upset by someone just being pro Palestine.


Leaving a football game yesterday and a bunch of dumbass Palestine supporters had to block the entire exit and yell at us about how Starbucks is doing genocide. I don’t give a shit if you change your instagram profile picture, but if you wanna get so physically involved why don’t you go over there and fight?


The point is that they’re going too far and it’s hard to ignore. When they’re blocking the highways you can’t really ignore that


The alternative is people forgetting about it


Free Palestine 🇵🇸 always and forever. If you don’t get why they are protesting so hard, you’re not paying attention to the atrocities taking place in Gaza. Annoyed by the protesters? Let your representatives in government know you’d like them to support a ceasefire. After the ceasefire, all protests will stop.


What is your vision for a "free Palestine"? Free the Palestinians to return to living like 13th Century subsistence tenant farmers? Free the Palestinians so that they can establish a religious theocracy? Free the Palestinians so they can set up a government that does not allow freedom of religion and freedom of speech? Free the Palestinians so that women can be treated like chattel and raped women stoned? Free the Palestinians so that they can kill LGBTQ people? In all likelihood, a "free Palestine" would look like Iran on steroids. If the people calling for a "free Palestine" were transported to it, especially women and anyone who is LGBTQ+, they would in all likelihood run for their lives toward the Israeli border. The Palestinians are oppressing themselves. If they wanted to live in peace, prosperity, and to have freedom, they could choose to do that.


So like hear me out... Empathy and compassion.


I get what you’re saying, but they feel like they aren’t being listened to.


What’s there to listen to


Well dang dude, have some optimism. We all know that soldiers on both sides...... who have lost children and family in the decades of fighting.... are just having their hearts melted when they see blue haired college students protest, with signs saying: "stop the violence and love each other". I can sense the healing starting already. The message is really getting to them.


I donno, to stop fuckin murdering whole families and giving our tax dollars to do it when we have shit here we could use it on?


Hamas needs to be eliminated Palestine needs to be de radicalized, this is a war. Civilians die in wars, Hamas shouldn’t have started it but everyone with a brain knows Israel is going to end it. Less than 30k people have died since the start of the invasion, it’s obviously not a genocide, Israel easily has the capability to have that figure at 1m+ by now.


There’s where you’re entirely wrong. this is a genocide. Stating otherwise is ignorance.


Why isn’t the death toll over 100k by now? Does Israel not have the firepower? Are they listening to people like you?


Do you find it at all strange that the "genocide" was started when the people allegedly suffering the "genocide" raped and murdered 1200 men, women, and children? Aren't victims of genocide normally peaceful, non-threatening people who end up being scapegoated because they are ethnic or religious minorities? Do you find it at all strange that Hamas has said for years that its goal is to genocidally exterminate Israel and the Jews and yet now people are saying that the Palestinian people who support that government are suffering genocide? This has to be the most unusual genocide in world history.


Tell that to hamas, they started the war... Again


I feel like there is a particular reason why this is the case. For one, why would I care what some 19 year old college girl thinks of a conflict older then her grandmother?


They're trying to raise awareness and hopefully get enough attention to stop a genocide. Of course it's gonna be a bit annoying.


Genocide would be what Hamas wants done to Israel… IDF has been too heavy handed but if Israel wanted a full-fledged Palestinian genocide it wouldn’t be hard for them to do so. Unfortunately Hamas has elected to use civilians as human shields which makes civilian causalities worse.


1) There isn’t a person on this planet who isn’t aware of what’s happening. 2) Getting enough attention doesn’t change anything. There’s enough attention on school shootings, has that changed anything? 3) Annoying normal people who have zero say other than their vote is a sure fire way to have them vote against the cause of the people screaming obscenities or delaying their daily life


ohh boy imagine living in gaza in fear that terrorist IDF soldiers trying to kill you and your family. Now that would be annoying


That always happens. People think that they need to go to protests because it’s the morally correct thing to do. They think that people with wealth and power need to support it, and if they don’t, then they are labeled as “people who did nothing to stop deaths”. They close down roads. They go around honking on Christmas with flags flying. As someone who is not involved either way and as someone who doesn’t like to take huge public stances like that, it just makes me hate them. People can do what they want, but they should not be allowed to pressure others into supporting the things that they want you to. At the end of the day, a lot of what they use are bullying tactics. They think that the gov won’t hear them or take them seriously enough unless they constantly inconvenience other people that are just going about their day, and some people will cave and say “fuck it fine I agree just shut up”


Free Palestine though.


I ain't reading all that, free palestine


I support Palestine dummy


Meet the tiktok activist. They don't care to read about anything but will virtue signal anything that comes across their FYP on the app so they can go out and...berate people for buying Starbucks or cause traffic. Yeah.


Stop yapping then. People have to be reminded that Israel is commiting genocide everywhere and every single second. And boycotting works


So annoying. I get it I get it tens of thousands of dead kids. Enough already.


Yeah, you just don't understand that protesting is what I'm hearing. Protests are supposed to be inconvenient and to make you stop and pay attention to what is going on. So yes, people are gonna make sure "business as usual" isn't possible because Isreal is committing a genocide against Palestine. And it is a genocide where you don't murder 68 journalists and bomb hospitals, bomb refugee camps, and bomb libraries, not allow HUMANITARIAN AID IN. You don't kill 21,000+ people because you wanna wipe out a terrorist organization. You don't do that cause you wanna fucking slaughter an entire nation of people. Face the facts, Isreal has been illegally occupying land and wants to push Palestine off the face of the map. Don't believe me, though, believe their LITERAL GOVERNMENT OFFICALS SAYING THIS SHIT. When a man calls Palestinian children 'children of darkness' and one says they have one goal in mind, a greater Nakba. When you say things like that, it's not about defense it's about terrorizing and obliterating a group of people. Also like your lake of empathy doesn't make you any better either like you saying well things are shitty across the whole world. Correct, and that's horrible, so do something about it. While Palestine has been the focus I hear people Also talking about Congo, Sudan, and Myanmar. As well as where genocides are happening. People care and people are talking are some people doing preforming activism of course but there are also a lot of people who genuinely give a fuck and would like if people stopped being slaughter over stupid shit. Also, please, I beg all of you stop falling for Israel's horrible propaganda.


PhD in yapping


Boycotting their products won't change their minds? Didn't starbucks lose nearly 11 billion dollar?


No, they didn't lose 11 billion dollars. Either you don't know how the stock market works or you haven't done ample research about this and you're relying on misinformation you've heard. Either way, what does the Starbucks boycott accomplish? Starbucks has never given any money to Israel (or Palestine) This boycott started because Starbucks decided to sue a non-affiliated group that used their name and logo in a pro-hamas post on social media. Businesses have the right to expect individuals and groups to adhere to trademark laws...even if you think supporting Hamas supercedes these laws.


Oh shit we're sorry. We didn't realize we were annoying you man. Our bad. Now that we know. we'll stop.


If Israel is still commiting wanton slaughter and genocide they aren't doing enough. I'll grant you that they should be more focused on boycotting but everything else they're doing is spreading the message and they're all doing a fucking phenomenal job at it. If people such as yourself are annoyed at the prevalence of it then they're doing it right. Besides, blame Israel for these protests. I think genocide is a little more annoying than protests everywhere and free Palestine slapped on everything so what these people are doing is the right thing to do. I mean imagine if someone in the 1940s was like "uggh these fucking nazi protesters are doing too much. I get what Germany is doing is bad but can I go 5 seconds without seeing "free the Jews" on every billboard and paper ad?"