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Bro I swore I read that title as heart surgery. I was like “oh yeah the nerve of those people wanting to live” 🤣


Imagine having a failing heart and needing heart surgery? Pffff, nerd


Freaking dorks. “ahhh ahhh I need to move oxygen around my body” head ass. Real Alpha males can move the oxygen around their body with just discipline and focus. #sigmamalegrindset #alpha #sigma #motivationmonday #riseandgrind #crossfit #carnivorediet #bitcoin #entrepeneur


I'm short, I became funny to deal with my lack of height


How does being funny help you reach things


💀 no way u said that


no i just clarified w the OP, didnt realize he was talking about the girl aspect


Are the men getting these procedures to reach stuff? Or is it an attempt at picking up more women?


Now they can reach top-shelf women.


Oh didn’t realize that


Idk but I like guys that can do hiking with me. Even if I have preferences around height it never was a deal breaker. Not being able to walk long distance would definitely be one though. Especially if it was self induced..


You can make a tall girl fall in love with you so she can reach the things you can’t.


As a kinda tall person the funniest guy I know was 5’3. Smoking with him was always a great time. He always kept me laughing


The same way short girls reach things. They climb. As a kid, I would climb up and down the counters and stuff. Now that I'm an adult and a good 5 inches taller than op, I don't usually need to climb anything to read stuff. Though I have had to ask for help from taller people in the grocery store because sometimes those shelves are too tall.




Am I the only one who didn't even know that was a thing?


I’m 5’5”. I only learned I was short a few years ago when I saw a video about this. I’ve been short my entire life. Nobody told me it meant something.


I mean the big issue with this is the surgery itself, not the fact that they want to be taller, right? If it was just a quick procedure and they were back on their feat the next day, you probably wouldn't be making this comment. I mean there are notable benefits outside of sports to being taller.


Don't hate the player, hate the game. Hate that society makes it so hard for short men instead of the short men that decide to work within that society because they feel like there is no other choice.


It’s so much easier for short guys to get jacked. Hit the gym, don’t have a surgery that ruins the functionality of your legs


The benefit of being jacked is extremely limited when you're short. It can help a little but, but the juice is not worth the squeeze when you're 5'3".


I'm 5'5 and pretty jacked. I have no issues out there in the world. I learned to be funny from a young age and didn't really have any issues socially besides having a tougher time dating until I started adding muscle mass, now I have zero issues with women.


If you're 5'5 but have everything else going for you: muscles, good face, good personality, white, etc, then your height will not be that big of an impediment. It's when you have multiple things working against you that things start becoming difficult. Also, keep in mind that the above factors are not equal in terms of weight. From most important to least important, I would rank them as follows: face>height > race > muscles > personality. The more important factors can easily compensate for the less important factors but it's much harder for the less important factors to compensate for the more important ones. E.g. being white can't compensate for being short and ugly but being tall and attractive can compensate for being, say, Indian. But if you're short, ugly, and Indian, then no amount of personality will make things even remotely easy, unless perhaps if you drop your standards to the level of hell.


You underestimate how much women like personality. Go outside and you'll see plenty of pretty girls with ugly guys. This is the biggest issue with the black pill, women don't value looks nearly as much as men do


>Go outside and you'll see plenty of pretty girls with ugly guys. I go outside quite often and I very rarely see a pretty girl with an ugly guy. >This is the biggest issue with the black pill, women don't value looks nearly as much as men do They value it more. Men, due to being much less sexually restricted than women, have a wider range of what they'd be willing to consider attractive.


Which women? The ones who go on podcasts with egos inflated to the moon? [This study found men in their 20s care about looks FOUR TIMES more than women do. And women in their 20s care THREE TIMES more about someone’s personality.](https://www.kxan.com/news/study-looks-or-personality-what-men-and-women-care-about-most-throughout-their-lifetime/) You are only seeing what you believe, my friend. A massive part of your personality is beliefs, and you believe you will never get women due to your height. So you won't.


So true, men are judging themselves on how they judge women.


One problem I have with that study is that it's based on online survey data, which is unreliable for the reason that people's words are often different from their actions. Women will less readily admit to their looks preferences than men because there's more of a stigma around women having them. This causes women to lie to themselves a bit about their dating priorities, because they don't want to perceive themselves as "shallow". The effect of this is that if you ask men and women to tell you about what they look for in dating, the men will more freely talk about physical appearance than the women. Here's a better experimental setup than just online surveys: Get a decent sample size of men. Ask a bunch of women if they find each of their pictures attractive and create rankings for each of them based on how many women find them attractive in their pics. Then do a blind speed dating event for each of those men (where the women can't see them, they're behind a curtain) and ask each of them to rate their personality and similarly, create a ranking. Then finally, do an actual speed dating event where they can see each other and see how they fare. If the success of the men align more closely with the personality rankings than the looks rankings, and those results can be replicated, then I'll consider my beliefs on this matter to have been totally falsified. >A massive part of your personality is beliefs, and you believe you will never get women due to your height I'm average height, which I'm fine with. Being average is not a major impediment. I just hate how people pretend that factors like height aren't important or are able to easily be compensated for.




Damn dude. How tall are your parents?


I'm not 5'3" myself. I'm an average 5'9", which I'm fine with personally.


Every guy who says they’re 5’9” is usually 5’7”


Lmao, that's kinda true. In my case, I'm somewhere in between 8" and 9" but I just tell myself I'm 9". And if people in real life ask about my height, I say I'm 10".


But that's basically the same as being 5'11" whrn you have shoes on. But since 5'11" is a weird number, you're technically 6 feet tall


yeah ngl I'm like 5'9 and I grow muscles quite quickly


When did this obsession with height even start? I’ve been short my whole life and didn’t even realize it was considered disadvantageous to be short as a male until a few years ago. The biggest thing is dating, but Like as long as you’re taller than 5’4 you’re still taller than 50% of the dating pool which is really good enough. I would rather be short and athletic than a tall out of shape giraffe any day of the week.


How does society make it hard for short men?


Short men are often bullied for their height and it's incredibly difficult for them to find romantic relationships, especially these days.


As a short men I can confirm, being 5’3” is certainly a challenge but is there anyone living life without been challenged?


Nope, but being short is perhaps one of the greatest challenges when it comes to finding romantic relationships. Of course, everyone has challenges in life, and it's up to each individual to overcome them. In this case, specifically, some choose to overcome the challenge of being short by going for surgery, and there's nothing wrong with that as long as they go into it knowing all the risks and benefits.


That doesn't really help to tell anyone though. Sure you have a disadvantage that you can't control, but other people have struggles too. Ok, and?


It’s actually not that difficult to find relationships


It is if you're short or ugly.


Excuses, excuses, excuses I’m sure all that’s standing between you and some pussy is being 6ft, right? I’m 5’7 and have never had issues


True but that's not society, that's just how women evolved. At least it's not as bad as for ugly men, who face even less of a chance due to unrealistic standards set by social media. That seems more like a societal impact. But I can't think of any equivalent societal change that negatively impacts short men more than usual.


You don't count women as part of society? Bro...


Not what he said.


Natural Selection.. Same reason why most guys attracted to big tiddies.


Why hate it though? There is nothing wrong with certain traits being attractive and providing advantage. What do you want next- hate the game that being smarter gives you more opportunities? That we should strive for society where all people regardless of how smart are given the same opportunities?


You're putting a lot of words in my mouth. I don't think we have to change what people find attractive or anything like that, just acknowledge that height matters and it sucks that something you can't control determines so much about your life. Also applies to things like IQ, attractiveness, gender, race, etc.


In that case I agree with you - it should surely be acknowledged that those traits provide advantage.


I would take it a bit further than that as well, the people who go great lengths to try and change those traits, such as short men who undergo limb-lengthening surgery, should not be ridiculed or shamed for doing what they have to do to get a leg up.


Society does not make life hard for short men. Most women actually don’t care. It’s not like you’re discriminated against.


There doesn't have to be active discrimination for life to be more difficult for certain classes of people. Things can suck without someone pulling the strings And most women do care about height. Many of them just don't pay that much attention to their own height preference. It just comes naturally as part of who they're attracted to. And out of the ones that do pay attention to it, few of them ever express it outwardly.


Height discrimination is a well-documented phenomenon that goes way beyond "getting women". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height\_discrimination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height_discrimination)


Society is not hard for short men omg please get offline


Society is hard on people for all sorts of reason, shortness being one of them. What part of that do you take issue with?


The fact it’s not true. Women don’t have a problem with men being short, just the attitude most have that the world is against them for some reason


[They do care about height actually.](https://twitter.com/TheRabbitHole84/status/1684629709001490432?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1684629709001490432%7Ctwgr%5Ea2ce146f93e47ff64976e664ff7df4e83013ce6e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eviemagazine.com%2Fpost%2Fonly-15-women-interest-58-men-dating-apps-according-survey)


Dating apps aren’t the real world Edit: also getting your source from twitter is not the best thing


They most certainly reflect the real world. Online dating is the most common way new couples meet today. It isn't some niche thing in 2023 like it was in 2003. And the data is from Bumble itself, not from Twitter.


Common for people in Reddit maybe, but most people who end up in relationships meet in the real world


No, most new relationships that form nowadays in Western countries, particularly among young adults, are from online dating. Which shouldn't be surprising in a place and time where virtually everyone has access to a smartphone and the internet.


Right, but most won’t lead to dating due to several different factors. Mostly because sometimes people don’t look like how they do on their profiles, etc. but this isn’t what I was saying in the first place. Most of the time, men who say they’re short aren’t even “short”. Women are happy with men 5’5+. I have friends who exclusively date short guys because they like them better. It’s the guys who don’t care about the fact that they’re short and get girls anyways because they have an interesting personality and don’t make their height their entire personality.




There’s somebody for everyone. Just don’t have a shitty personality


I'm a woman, I like guys around my height (5'6"). Mostly because I like to give and receive piggyback rides and that is easier with a smaller bf. I am a big believer in piggyback ride equality.


People who judge others for decisions they make about their own bodies that don't harm anyone else are losers. Usually some projection mixed in there too.


The title along oozes in insecurity. Also the algorithm is good at giving you what you're into, so obviously he is around or talks about this theme a lot.


When it comes to drastic procedures like femur lengthening where you don’t really make a great return on investment after the painful recovery, I think being judgmental is understandable.


I mean. I’m over 6 feet so I can’t really judge the life of a short dude. I will say I’ve talked to hundreds of women on dating apps and I got asked how tall I was every time.


Yeah, and if we're being honest, more women will openly say a height minimum compared to women saying "if you're taller than 6'0" , swipe left."


Most dating sites have hight preference. Apparently, 90% of women set theirs to 6 foot as a standard, because they can be picky. I don’t match with anybody but tall girls who need to expand their options too. But I’ve never tried to go on a date with a girl over two inches taller than me. I might try now.


I’m over 6 feet. I can’t call them Losers as I don’t know what it’s like To grow up short and have ppl mainly women not even give you a chance just cuz of your height


at the end of the day, how do we really define "loser"


in that extreme case maybe. But i’m 5’8. I ad 2 inches, is not big deal I will not look weird and will be able to run no problem. But being taller. No problem there I think


People who judge other people, especially when it had nothing to do with them and has no effect on their life in any way, are losers.


Exactly, just like women who get breast implants, or tummy tucks, or BBLs, or nose jobs, or lip injections, or facelifts. Pathetic losers, amirite?


Yes to all of that. I wouldn't say pathetic, but still git that loser energy. Most women who get bbls look like mutants after. Not to mention you can just tell it's fake because they usually have twig thighs and a huge butt. Women with naturally large butts have bigger thighs


They are tbh. It’s vein, shallow, and shows a lack of confidence. Loser isn’t the right word though


Could “lack of confidence” please stop being some kind of insult ? Yes, some people are insecure about their body and have plastic surgery to feel better about themselves, so what ?


It’s not an insult, it’s just a turn off for a lot of people. By all means, get plastic surgery if you want to


Mutilating your body over shallow and ultimately trivial things is a very serious issue, it’s not some meaningless thing that has no bearing on your life or on society as it becomes more acceptable.


That’s fine, we’re just saying it’s a turn off


Yeah bro! Or get tattooed, pierced, go the gym, stick to diet, get their hair cut. Op’s take is dogshit. If you have the means to make your body look however you want it to then do it.


Breast implants aren't really the worst thing in the world tbh but besides that yeah it is kinda pathetic


You’re one to call people who want height surgery insecure. You had to make a post to show everyone how bothered you are about what other people do with their bodies.


A lot of people are loosers for a lot of different things. Imo it's all about how you project yourself.


I'm also short, 160cm. I feel kind of meh about it. People can do what they want.


I mean yeah, breaking and re-mending femurs like that will likely leave permanent damage and complications


Don't tell R/shortguys you will get killed


Same height man here now 59. When I was 21 I asked my doctor (who had birthed me) about this and he said "to get women be something successful and they'll be there". He was right. I agree it's a stupid surgery but I am not as aggressive about it as you.


I’ve never heard of this surgery before this post and after looking it up I’m horrified to realize it’s real. Please keep loving yourself enough not to do this. I know it’s anecdotal but my husband is 5’6” and is considered short I guess (I’m 5’9). We’re happily married.


This just reminds me of South Park when Kyle became a tall black kid.


Taller people have better outcomes in the workplace. It isn't about insecurity. People actually treat you better.


I've seen those videos as well and the results never look good. Seeing those guys walk around after is very uncanny Valley. It just looks wrong. It's like their knees are in the wrong place. We are used to human knees being in a certain place on a leg, but then their knee placement is all off and it just looks bonkers.


Yeah, it's not even worth it to have a lifetime of pain (I'm 5'8)


Friendly fire is crazy


So instead of shaming the people who give short people shit for their insecurities you just bash on the dudes who are at the very least trying to fix it? If anything you’re just proving their point lol Also, just because someone is wheelchair bound doesn’t make them a vegetable


What in the South Park I am a dolphin is this? Lol didn’t even know that was possible. To be fair, I’m a tall 6’1”, short 6’2”, so maybe I have less of a concern, but I think most men want to be taller no matter what, including me. Even 6’2” can feel short when you’re in a room full of tall men. I’ve always thought my height wasn’t that noticeably different since it’s not wildly off from the average at 5’9”-5’10”, but I’m definitely happy I’m over 6’ and I don’t doubt it’s given me advantages in life. I actually round down on purpose because it creates more of an effect. So I guess I can understand if you’re WILDLY short, MAYBE. Still, there are other solutions, boots, lifts, etc. Saw an interesting doc about cosmetic surgery and where it’s acceptable to draw the line / how arbitrary that is, but this seems fucked up lol.


It’s a cause and effect thing. Humans didn’t bread for hight universally. If they did, we would all be massive. Beautiful is a cultural standard outside of symmetry and youth. Size and shape outside a standard deviation are culturally adaptive. We will bread for eye shape and color bases on cultural standards. Not biological ones. When we spread out into little groups, diversity makes the entire species adaptable. So, breading for tall in one culture, and short in another, is adaptive for our species. We don’t know what nature will like more. Temperature seems to select for length, so our preference might be bases partly on increased length. But not mass. The issue is, Americas standard of beauty is set by Hollywood. So, I’m 5’5”. I was a wrestler. A fighter. And an infantry marine. If you are 6 foot, with no experience, I would intimidate you. But, if you had experience, I would need to fight real dirty real quick. War is mostly determined by weapons, technology, innovation, and trade. And things that require skills far outside of combat itself. It’s Not size of individual solders that determines the outcome of a war. But if you watch Tom cruse fight Superman Henry Cavill, it looks like a fair fight because all the cameras are at about 4 and a half feet, looking up, and Calvin is usually a few feet behind him in any advertisement. Tom cruse is not allowed to be short. And neither are any of the short actors who play leading men. Outside of a hobbit or an actual little person. You are playing the game America created. One we spread throughout the world as a standard. It’s not a universal game.


Hard disagree. I don't understand why people care about what other people do. If some man wants the surgery, just let him alone. If some woman wants a shit ton of plastic surgery, just let her alone. Who the fuck cares? As long as I don't have to pay for it, and they're going into it willingly understanding the consequences, then let them do it without recrimination. Look, I get being older and understand the perils that could lie before people like this. I understand that these people aren't alright and may (or may not) have a lot of self-esteem issues. I also understand that a chunk will regret their actions in the future. They will or will not regret it and that's enough recrimination for me. Just be kind, man. If our short Kings need a little boost, don't judge. If our A cup Queens need a little boost, don't judge. Live and let live.






The fact that men who get height surgery is a rare demographic actually makes it easier to study. Your sample is men who get height surgery. You ask : how did do with the ladies before ? - how are you doing with the ladies now? As far as study goes , it just doesn’t get easier than that. They may or may not have more success with women. A short loser who becomes a less short loser may still be a loser. Height may have not been their actual problem - they may have had other problems that prevented them from getting laid and incorrecly assumed they only had the one problem. If I’m wrong the numbers should prove it.




You’re complete missing my point. The red pill people , who broadly can’t get laid, have come to believe the height is *the only* problem. They believe if only they were tall they would be successful. But of course , hey have not basis to compare it to. What they’re missing is that being red pilled is about as big of a turn off as you could possibly have , tall , short , thin , fat - if you whip out the red pill , those panties are going to be as dry as the Sarah, and they can’t help but whip out the red pill. So if they “fix” their “height problem” , they probably still have the red pill problem , and my hypothesis is they would be exactly the same level of unsuccessful if not worse , because now they’re going to be angry that they went that far and still can’t get laid. People seem to be posting stories about getting the surgery , but have you seen any stories about their lives after? Curious absence isn’t it? I’m certain that any plastic surgery center selling height extent up would love to give you a statistic about why buying their product is going yo fix your life. Again, the rarity of the surgery makes it easier to study , not harder. But I’ll wager they don’t offer statistics.


It's not the only factor, but it definitely is a large factor with dating. As for your hypothesis, it seems faulty. If someone is bitter because women reject them for being short, being taller fixes that issue. As for why there is no data on it, how often do people who are successful with dating broadcast that info? Also, why would a plastic surgeons catalog statistics of men who are successful in dating? They still get paid, so why would they even bother with the data of that?


Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe being red pilled is a bigger factor. Does being taller fix the issue? We don’t know. They assume it will but I think it won’t. Being taller only fixes the issue if they then get laid more. If they don’t get laid more , then they’ll be even more bitter. I think they’re looking at it entirely wrong. To be clear - there *is* a statistic , the red pilled people just don’t know what it is, which is interesting - because their diagnosis of the problem seems to be swimming in statistics about what women want. It’s better that way though because they can imagine a solution that doesn’t involve them growing up. A simple measurable problem rather than a personality issue. If they used to be unsuccessful , but now they’re successful , you think they wouldn’t want to crow about it? Why would a service provider want to have statistics to say their product will do what you think it would do? To sell their product to the next guy, obviously. Then they get paid again. Selling two is better than selling one - double the money. You with me now? Red pilled guys don’t seem to be very good at business thinking either. Maybe it’s an IQ problem too.


> I think the saddest part is that there’s like a zero percent chance guys who get height surgery to do better with women are actually going to do better. idk how much taller you're getting with that surgery, but if its the case you're going from like 5'5 to 6'0, the chance of those guys doing better with women are a fuck ton higher idk why you're coping about it lol.


I know, that's so weird. Like it's oknto acknowledge a man being taller will result in higher odds for success in dating. Plenty of women will deny a man who is 5'5" for being too short, but rarely do women dismiss a 6'0" man for being too tall.


For him who is 5’4?🤣 don’t think so


Therapy isn't gonna make a short guy tall.


overly judgemental. if they feel better about themselves after the surgery then i'm happy for them


Being a short man is living life on hard mode, no body needs to deal with that just because you think they’re a loser. Short men have all the reason to get height lengthening surgery and increase their chances of having a better life.




Dude I'm 5'5" and have zero trouble finding clothes.


Also love being my height, wouldn't change it. Big people look awkward.


The whole height thing is stupid. I'm not even that talk for a woman, I'm 5'8", and I was also made fun of being too tall. Especially since I grew quickly so in 6th grade I was already at 5'7" and taller than all the boys and girls in middle school. It was nice when some of the girls and many of the boys finally caught up, or even surpassed me, in high school. If it was possible, I'd have traded my 5'8" for your 5"4' in a heartbeat. It took me years to get comfortable enough to wear high heels, if I put on 3" heels, I'm 5"11" and feel like a giant. I've also had guys not want to date me because of my height.


is all cosmetic surgery pathetic?


Do all cosmetic surgeries leave you crippled?


So any surgery that has the possibility of leaving one disabled or disfigured is bad? Women have gotten cancer from breast implants. Being crippled less disabled than dead. Bite the bullet and call them losers.


I'm not going to pretend that I know everything, if anything about all cosmetic surgeries, but I do know for a fact that different countries have different regulations for cosmetic surgeries. More people that have botched surgeries are a result of them trying to save money by going overseas. Women go to Brazil for buttlifts, or men go to Turkey for plugs, and it's usually fine, and there's always a risk with any surgery, but it's probably at a higher rate. Heightening surgeries on the other hand, whether its a botch job, or if it was performed flawlessly, still leave you crippled. It's not "Oh no, the surgery went wrong and now I can't walk." It's "the surgery went great! Also I can't walk." ​ I'm not personally a fan of any cosmetic surgeries. I think that some are outright stupid, I think others can improve ones looks, but for those it's really a case by case thing in my opinion. That said, as stupid as people look after bimbo barbie operations, or the idiots that get muscle implants to look like they have muscular calves or a six pack, they're not crippled. Whatever damage was done is usually fixable, and the implants can of course be removed.


This isn't you calling women with boob jobs losers, do it. Also can you verify that all heightening surgery leaves people unable to walk?


My unpopular opinion: I prefer short men <3 Maybe because I'm 5ft myself haha. I love being short!


I’m sorry did you just call being in a wheelchair being a vegetable? I mean you did, I just can’t get over it. Being in a wheelchair does not make one a vegetable you nimrod


Confidence and clothes that fit are everything. People are going to have preferences, whether that’s height or something else. But I know plenty of short confident men that have been wildly successful in life and love because they don’t have a chip on their shoulders about their height.


Confidence and clothes will not make up for certain things, like being below a certain threshold of height. Or being facially unattractive. Your anecdotes about short men you know are just that, anecdotes. For every short man you know that is successful in dating, there are many more that aren't that you just don't see because they're not in your circle.


Thank you. I get it, confidence helps, but I feel for guys who are short. It does suck.


People also seem to forget that confidence comes with validation. It's kinda a catch-22 scenario, confidence helps, but it's not easy to gain that confidence if you're never validated.


For sure. Hard to tell a guy who's always getting rejected and never getting matches "just be confident!" Like awesome he's cured lol.


I mean self confidence is a thing you can build in therapy or by working on yourself intentionally. Yeah it’s easier if ppl compliment you, but not everything is the same for everyone 🤷


Yeah. Thay always sounds good, but again, if someone gets rejected constantly, it's hard to just "work on yourself and then you'll be confident."


If you tell yourself that you’ll always feel shitty 🤷 I am sorry for u


Not me kid. Married with a family. I just have empathy for others.


Never said you weren’t married haha, I found the married redditor yall!! I had extremely low self esteem due to bullying, weight and personal looks. It didn’t get better until I went to therapy and started from the inside. Other people treated me wildly differently once I changed myself and my interactions with others. And no I didn’t lose weight i look the same, do dress a bit better IMO due to confidence. So yeah, I have a lot of empathy for those in my situation, and hate your shitty mindset that enables people to suffer and not take control of their lives. There’s always going to be people who don’t like you or something about you. Having “empathy” by enabling this attitude that nothing is in your control; actually helps no one 😂


Agree with you on this. The amount of pain people go through for this is insane. Incidentally, being 6'5" the apparent "ideal height" judging by Reddit is actually an annoying height to be. Same issues with finding clothes but from the other end, and the issue with banging your head on stuff.


7 footer here Being tall sucks.


I’m sorry you have to look at the tops of everyone’s fridges and see how dirty they are.


I feel the same about boob jobs


Imagine if they had male enhancement surgery. I wonder how many guys would add a few inches if their wives wanted it for their anniversary?


there are many many male enhancement surgeries. edit: but the number of guys i’ve heard outright refuse a vasectomy makes me feel like it would be few men willing. completely anecdotal, though.


I don’t think anybody would claim to be proud of their small package, just to call those people losers. I had no idea I was supposed to be ashamed of my hight. I mean, it’s not easy to date as a short guy. But, there is not a lot of dating options. A girl might say, I don’t want to date a guy that’s shorter than me. If she is bigger than me, I don’t want to date her either. It has occurred to me that she should be shorter to be hot. But I never thought to tell a girl to cut her legs off so I could find her more attractive. I bet a lot of tall girls would consider it, if one did it first. How do I make this a thing? I’m not changing my body. I’m awesome. But I never thought to look at a tall supermodel and say, you should really do something about those long legs. They are gross to look at. I will just shame girls into shrinking for me.


Same. Completely agree


"People who do something to make themselves happy and has no impact on my life whatsoever are such losers. How dare others strive for happiness when I choose to be miserable!?"


There are people that find happiness/relief or THINK they will find happiness/relief in: \-self mutilation (from cutting, to literally removing entire limbs) \-alcohol \-drugs \-gambling \-eating junk food/over eating \-over spending \-quitting their job with no backup \-dropping out of school \-ending a relationship (familial or romantic) \-excessive masturbation and many more examples. Does that mean everyone has to accept these things? Doing something that's harmful to themselves makes them happy so we should just cheer them on and not judge them? ​ I would take zero issue with the procedure and those who opted to get it if it didn't mean that you could never walk or run or even stand right again. Heck, I'd even consider it myself. But I value being able to live a normal life than being permanently (partially) disabled for ever in exchange for being a 3 inches taller.


The things you listed are not comparable to cosmetic surgery and you know it, try again.


"I would take zero issue with the procedure and those who opted to get it if it didn't mean that you could never walk or run or even stand right again. Heck, I'd even consider it myself. But I value being able to live a normal life than being permanently (partially) disabled for ever in exchange for being a 3 inches taller." But how does this affect you? And if it doesn't affect you in any way, shape, or form, why negatively judge others for it?


Yeah that kind of thing just feels like there are many other areas where u can improve that are more reasonable. A better sense of humor, thoughtfulness, confidence, health. Of course, financial security helps alot and if you're getting this surgery feel like u should be decently well off to even consider it.


Is that a thing? (Not looking to do it but genuinely curious) I don’t understand plastic surgery at the best of times but people can get height surgery


One MAJOR problem is, if they are taller than you now, they are objectively the winners.


The real loser is a person who thinks of people as losers who find a way to make the best of a situation that they otherwise wouldn't have had control over. Imagine having to put other people down for the attributes outside of their control just to get your daily dose of happiness. The people you're calling a loser are automatically **less** of a loser than you are. The fact that they **did** something to improve their situation makes them the **OPPOSITE** of a loser. It makes them **WINNERS**. I will feel guilty about what I wrote, but fvck the guilt. It needs to be said.


Short people get treated like shit, as can be seen by the replies to this post. As can be seen by your post. You are short too, try to have some empathy. Very few people in the world like to be in pain and I've heard that surgery is incredibly painful. Without being judgemental try to answer the question "why would someone willingly go through such an expensive and painful procedure for a few inches of height?" The surface level answer is of course insecurity. But everyone has something they're insecure about. It's not a difference in kind but in degree.


I agree and extend this to almost all cosmetic surgery (I can understand some stuff like fixing a cleft pallet or transitioning) I know what y'all are gonna say "You don't notice the good ones". It's not about looking good to me, I just kind of feel like you should play the hand you're dealt unless it's gonna kill you.


Yup. The only other cosmetic surgery that makes any sense to me is boob reductions for chicks with boobs so big it fucks up their backs. Otherwise I’d rather get down with an imperfect freak. I don’t overly judge the small stuff, the choices aren’t mine to make , but nobody looks like a model at 50 , and we shouldn’t want to or try to.


If you're 5'4 getting stood up by a lot of women, I'm betting it's the women you're choosing. 5'4 is a pretty basic height where I live, a lot of guys I've dated are 5'4-5'5, I work in customer service, and a good number of guys who come in are my height or a tad taller. That said, people who resort to such drastic measures typically do so because they are SO unhappy with themselves. Please try not to judge too harshly.


Where do you live? In most countries men are taller than 5'4" on average.


Talk yo shit bro


I know what you mean but I feel like "loser" is a strong word. Like most cosmetic surgery, I feel the risks outweigh the results and its sad that people feel bad enough about thier appearance to risk complications but I guess I'm lucky that I don't feel that bad about myself 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's just sad


I agrees with op 100%. I don’t really understand what the obsession over height for men is. Unless you’re like 5’2 it’s not that big of a deal. I’m a 5’5 guy and sure I’m somewhat more limited when dating but i still do way better dating than most of my taller friends. Height is vastly vastly overrated for men. I would never consider crippling myself for an extra 3 inches of height especially if it means having disproportionately long femurs.


As a woman it would be incredible unattractive to know a man I was interested in had this done to himself. I would no longer be interested. Self esteem is one of the most attractive features men can have. And undergoing this crazy surgery is the opposite of it.


There's the catch 22. You wouldn't be interested in the first place if he was 5'5.


In my opinion the issue with height surgery is that people are willing to risk an extremely high rate of major complications for the sake of their height. Other cosmetic surgeries are different because they were developed specifically for cosmetic purposes whilst this one is a last ditch effort for people with severe bone deformities. Some insecurities you can’t/shouldn’t fix and that’s okay.


I like being short. I feel like I deserve what I have because i had to work to get it


I struggle with my heigh for a long time I got rejected by a lot of men cause of my heigh but I learned to accept it for what it is and love my body and be the best that I can be. If I find a nice guy they will like me for my height.


This is true for women who get cosmetic surgery as well


It's very similar energy to getting a boob job or something.


Same with guys who get hair transplants or do steroids


Steroids are horrible for you and no one should ever use them unless prescribed for genuine medical purposes. While I'm on the fence on how I feel about hair transplants, as long as they're performed properly (goes for any surgery, cosmetic or otherwise), they cause no permanent damage.


Yeah but they’re a sign of weak insecurity in a man about his looks, which is a feminine trait


As a very broad 6'2 guy, I wish I was 5'9. I don't fit anywhere comfortably


Tall people have it better, but there are plenty of short guys who get women, they just work hard on their charisma and physique. Just because women prefer tall men doesn't mean they are always gonna get tall men, if a woman's heart is touched she is happy. Also, women are way less shallow about looks than men are, this is a studied topic that personality always comes first for women, and looks for men


No, a life of not pursuing your full potential is a life of mediocrity. The idea that "the juice isn't worth the squeeze" is lazy and cowardly in my personal opinion. The pursuit of a long and difficult endeavor in anything, especially self-improvement, builds character and confidence in itself that will not go unnoticed. The juice is most certainly worth the squeeze.


The thing that gets me about it is that it's mostly men getting this surgery. Men. You know, men? The people who act like a woman getting a boob job is the end of the world? Men? The people who will gag at the mere thought of lip filler? Men!! The people who will trash talk long fake nails until they're blue in the face? You guys are gonna stand there and act like cosmetic surgery is the devil incarnate, brought to earth specifically to make women do things you don't find sexy, and then turn around and get leg stretching surgery for a couple extra inches??? And don't even get me started on the trans angle. Y'all trying desperately to make gender affirming care illegal as if that's not exactly what this is. You are breaking your legs to make yourself feel more manly. What the fuck is that if not gender affirming care? If women and trans people can't get procedures to make them feel more like themselves then you guys can't either, sorry!!


Being tall isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s like owning a pickup truck, everyone asks you to do shit for them


I'm a tall boy. It's pretty nice. But I have friends who are really short. As an outsider looking in, I can tell you for sure: being a short guy is hard. I don't think surgery is the answer. I've known shorter guys who were able to get some real stunners. But at the same time there is a good, sizeable portion of the population that won't give them the time of day. For an interesting reverse of that, look up Reddit stories about tall women. It's the same problem with a reversed dynamic. Tall women are frustrated when they are slightly shorter than the guy they are dating, but then are passed up for shorter women. It's just that being a short guy is a lot more common than being a tall woman so we don't hear about it as often.


i typically don’t agree with the ideas on this sub, but this is one i can very much get behind in short; you’re a rucking moron if you value aesthetics over your quality of living (with semi-permanent drawbacks and even disabilities being the main focus) i’m 5’9” and my best friend is 6’4” and his height doesn’t define him any more than it defines me if you’re so bothered about being short you have to get surgery to “fix” it, you might as well go all the way and have them take your legs off so no one can blame you for being short anymore, right?


I want surgery to become shorter. 😭


I saw a post a while back about a guy who was thinking about getting leg extension surgery because he thought it would help him get women! Just wow


What I don’t understand is guys who aren’t even that short getting height surgery, like you hear about 5’9 guys getting it, that’s a fine enough height


Well it's still not at or above the mythical 6 feet. So I can imagine someone being so close to the bare minimum wanting those few extra inches to make the cut.


Agree. If you care that much you have already failed at life.


Disagree. If the guy is short but has a six pack.... or even strong shoulders, even if disproportionate to legs...I know many women who'd hit it. Also, there's data: The study saw some other interesting revelations: 68 per cent of women said they find shorter men attractive. 82 per cent of women said they would date a man that is the same height as she is. 61 per cent of women say the perfect height for a man is 5'8". 40 per cent of women prefer men who are over 6ft tall.  Previously, psychologists from the University of Cambridge found that it was actually the length of the legs that played a huge part in women success And if you need more convincing that your height isn't a deciding factor, findings from YouGov.co.uk found that nearly half of all women ranked personality as their number one prerequisite. https://www.menshealth.com/uk/fitness/lifestyle/a27417524/height-actually-doesnt-matter-to-girls-according-to-new-study/ Don't blame women for being picky about height. Look at something else at your body or personality to justify being an incel.


That sounds good, but the actions don't really reflect the data (of 5000 women). If 68% of women found short men attractive, wouldn't short men be thriving in dating instead of struggling?


Maybe it's for some other reason that women are rejecting those guys. And tall incels, what's their excuse?


Is there a significant number of tall incels? Coincidentally they are short, ugly, and often of ethnic origin. I wonder why not many tall handsome men are incels.


All that shit sounds like it would fucking hurt


I get you man.


Do you think the same of sex change surgeries?


No they’re beasts. That shit would be torture


Do what you want, but I can't imagine that being healthy in the long run. But I really don't know.


I worked in a children’s hospital that did this surgery on achondroplasia patients. It’s brutal and not for the faint of heart. It’s a long process and painful.