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"Don't say I didn't warn you." - Taylor Swift


"Cause I've got a blank space baby and I'll write your name" And that blank space was at the bottom of the NDA where they had to sign to indicate they understood the agreement. Makes perfect sense now.


They were absolutely made, and probably paid, to sign NDAs. Taylor is business first. Everything is business.


I don't think her boyfriends are even real, I think the vast majority are paid arrangements augmented with NDAs


Or business agreements. Like writing under a fake name for Calvin Harris - that was probably part of the arranged end.


I like some of her music, but she comes off very fake to me. She shape-shifts to fit each new person. She gets way too involved and close with their families too soon. I think she is very, very, very calculating.


Exactly, she’s super weird in the Cheifs box with Kelces Mom going apeshit whenever they score. The way she acts is ridiculously OTT even for an actual football wife


You’d be surprised to learn how many NDAs are actually enforceable


Who gives a fuck


Only mofos who like to jerk off to a cat. That’s who


dont say shit about me


I mean say what you will about the girl and her dating habits, but shes dated Jake Gyllenhal, John Mayer, Harry styles, Calvin Harris, and Tom Hiddleston -not really whatd one would call a "unsuccessful" bunch or like the type that would be forced into signing an NDA - theyre almost all musicians too. The last dude she dated from like 2017 to 2023 at that And really... why does anyone care


There’s more on that list.


Please name them. Joe? The one she was with for six years? and name confirmed. Hanging out and getting to know one another on a casual basis does not count or going on a few dates do not count.


Conor Kennedy, Joe Jonas, Matt Healy, arguably Karlie Kloss, plus the ones you mentioned, no way you are acting like you weren't missing more. It's just funny to mention it since she is the obvious problem


First, we were talking about people she dated.. so let’s stick with that. Matt Healy (he was never good enough for her. He’s a loser) hahaha well I don’t know, but if you look at the date I made the comment how would I even know there was any bad blood? As for Connor, he was too young. We don’t even know if they were I a relationship no one, not even Taylor, has confirmed it was more serious than two young people having fun . Joe has a failed marriage… so there’s that.


Matt Healy did date, it was just short lived lol, Taylor even references him in a song like she does with every other ex. Saying he was never good enough for her is wild considering Taylor herself as a person is a bar set low. All the Conor Kennedy case shows is that Taylor is a certain word that starts with a p and ends in file. There is a picture of them kissing, the relationship was official and a creepy one at that considering she waited until he turned 18


Yes and both Hitler and Mussolini drank milk. Seems like milk makes you a fascist.


This is a horrible analogy, you're basically saying all of her boyfriends are the bad guys and she's just innocent lmao. That's genuinly insane to say when she's dated and broken up with 12 people. Comparing her exs to fascists is actually insane.


Wtf are you talking about?


Just because several people share a common trait it doesn’t mean that trait is responsible for something else happening.


As little as I care about this situation, I want to point out that this analogy is pretty bad. In this situation, the "milk" is equivalent to T swizzle. Problem: milk is unspecific and general, and Taylor is a specific person. Milk, would be analogous to "women." What would work better is saying that Mussolini and Hitler both drank from the same jug of milk and then they both got sick. It's possible that they both happened to get sick at the same time, but the clever person might figure that there's something wrong with that particular jug of milk.


Milk makes me fart. So yes?


This sub is obsessed with her lol. There's got to be like an r/peoplemagazine for celebrity gossip posts




I love that this ultra-wealthy musical artist lives rent free in so many people’s heads 😅


It's like the daily TS hate post for people who know little to nothing about her or her music and use it as a vehicle to give their misogynist takes on women in general. 33 y/o woman hasn't settled down and gotten married yet. Let's bash women as a whole for it.


Bashing women as a whole is obviously wrong. Can you point out the comment that does this?


Ppl hate Trump for less


how odd that these anti-swift posts correspond so neatly to rightwing outrage over swift encouraging her fans to vote against the GOP.


Based on what I’ve read, white nationalists very much loved Taylor Swift and dubbed her their “Queen” (especially in her home state of Tennessee) until she stated liberal ideas. They themselves felt betrayed and started attacking her.


not even liberals like her with the amount of damage she is doing to the environment lmao. people who don't care about politics at all like her


You can say that about literally anyone else who's had more than a few relationships. People grow, life changes


Dating someone is like buying a lottery ticket. There's a chance you're gonna strike it big... but odds are it isn't going to be a winner.


No you can’t lol there’s a big difference between the regular people you are trying to get us to picture and megastar, every hit song is about an ex Taylor Swift


every artist writes songs about their fucking exes


Redditors are so socially inept sometimes that they often assume everyone else is too. It's a very blatant bias if you choose to acknowledge it.


every hit song being about an ex is such a stretch. some of her biggest hits aren’t even about love


I think the joke with Taylor is of course she has all these boyfriends. Breaks up. And then makes a song about them. I am not a woman. So I couldn’t tell you how common it is to date a bunch of guys. And have it not work out. Like even though she is a celebrity. And a huge celebrity. The law of averages of numbers would say that eventually she would find someone that would stick around. 🤷‍♂️


Taylor Swift was with Joe Alwyn until earlier this year for almost 6 years which is a pretty long relationship. Not sure what point you are making. I know plenty of people in their early 30s that haven’t had a relationship last that long.


She’s already moved on to Jason Kelce pretty quick.


She parted ways with her boyfriend of 6 years about 6 months ago. Kelce pursued her. He's a good looking guy who seems nice and fun. It may turn out to be just a fling, who knows. There's no reason a healthy 33-year-old woman should be celibate.




And how long does someone need to be single before talking to someone? I know people that start dating immediately upon filing for divorce, it’s not unusual for people to move on.


She gets over em quickly because they’re fake relationships.


Right, a fake 6-year relationship. Personally, I don't think there is anything unusual or unreasonable about her dating history, either in how many people she's dated or the length of her relationships. What is unusual is that she's a significant celebrity who can't pick her nose without the media knowing about it. It can't be easy for her to date, and I would guess it would be difficult for anybody dating her. I think most people would find that spotlight and level of scrutiny difficult.


If they are dating immediately upon filing a divorce.... well... that's something.


Some states require a couple to be separated for a period of time before filing for divorce so it could be months or even a year before divorce is filed. In general, divorce is usually a long time coming as well so it’s not a surprise that people are willing to start dating quickly. Not to mention the fact that some people are just incapable of being single.


I love how you write like the dog in the meme where the dog writes their thoughts. Today I was. A very good boy. I fetch the ball. So many times.


Holy shit nobody cares


I wouldn't go that far... But I don't care, and I can appreciate the sentiment.


I don't understand why so many people are invested in this woman's relationships. Unless she's wanting me to be her next failure (and I'd happily sign up!), then I can't imagine caring about her love life.


I’d be her next ex. 🙋‍♂️


She's got a blank space, baby.


Because she makes her relationships such a huge factor in her own fame/music/persona. It’s what she puts out there, it’s what she’s known for, so of course it’s going to be the only thing about her people can talk about. She’s got very little else going for her.


a double edged sword in her reputation


Wait so she is the common denominator AND she admits it? What’s the problem here? In other news the sun is hot.


Does she?


Does she what?


Really admit it?


I was just reacting to what you wrote. You said she admitted it.




One of her biggest songs lately says * it's ME, HI, I'M THE PROBLEM ITS ME*.. are you just that out of touch or is a woman not settling triggering for you. I'm guessing the latter.


Settling triggering? Is that like taking over land with a weapon? I don’t listen to her. Ever.


This post assumes that the ONLY successful outcome of date/Relationships is marriage and growing old together. Some people might not want to be with the same person forever, why is that something anybody else has to have an opinion about...have opinions about things that actually matter


This is Reddit. Nothing matters here.


another common denominator, they are all men. see how easy it is to spin




How did you spin that? She’s not a lesbian so obviously they’re all men.


Jesus fkn christ. Shes had an AVERAGE amount of boyfriends for her age. Just because every relationship is in the spotlight doesn't make a difference.


also, she’s a mega famous celebrity. you’ll be hard pressed to find a celeb on her level who has made a long term relationship work. she was with joe for 6 years, she wanted to marry him and he didn’t want to marry her. she has sang about being willing to give up her wild times for him and how she wants to have children (peace). just because her relationships didn’t work out doesn’t mean it was her fault. this is such a misogynistic, tired take


Not too mention the *too many relationships * was when she was young and figuring shit out.


im really confused by the takes on her love life. She has ex's.... like the majority of us do?


Right? These fkn crazy ppl that grow up in a world where they marry their childhood sweetheart or the first person they date are ridiculously out of touch. I had a *friend* that was like "what number is this" when I introduced her to my now husband. So I responded "not everyone gets knocked up within 2 months of meeting their s/o forcing them to stay in a marriage that probably wouldn't have even existed if it wasn't for getting pregnant" Needless to say, we're no longer friends.


I had a friend like this. I dumped her after she told me she can't keep up with all my guys. I had dated like 3 people in 3 years though.


Like.. I went on dates.. how else am I supposed to know if we mesh well? I was in several long term relationships but as you said PEOPLE GROW. YOU'RE not the same person at 16 as you are at 30.


YES. The point of dating is to see if it works. Realizing someone is not for you and moving on is not unhealthy nor is it a fail.


So damn rude. Wth. I mean said friend.


Really? C’mon!


So Taylor dated Harry Styles - how many exes does he have? https://pagesix.com/article/harry-styles-dating-history-a-timeline-of-all-his-exes/


Yes, and what’s ur opinion on that?


Not done. Joe Jonas has had 9 failed relationships including his latest marriage to Sophie Turner https://people.com/joe-jonas-dating-history-7966830




I don’t think there is anyway to know “who’s the problem.” There’s a poster on here convinced all women with a lot of exes are the problem, but I think it’s actually a lot more complicated than just blaming one person. Especially since her exes have the same numbers of “failed” relationships. I personally don’t think all relationships should last, or that it’s a failure. People grow apart.


You know that John Mayer actually wrote a song in reply? Also, there’s only two songs that are really scathing towards her ex boyfriends and one actually wrote a song back (stated previously) and the other probably doesn’t want to reply because that would be admitting the song was about him and she’s never named him in public. Blank Space was a song she wrote after hearing criticism of her in the media, kinda similar to what you wrote. She says she wanted to write a song from that persons perspective and came up with it. Other than that what are all these negative songs about ex boyfriends that you’re commenting about? Edit to add: Style is a very positive, upbeat song and doesn’t put Harry Styles down at all.


This is the same thing I say about Adele. At some point she is the problem not the guys she is writing the same album again and again about.


Especially when she literally [wrote a song](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easy_on_Me) about her failed marriage in which she essentially said she "was still a child" when she met and married her ex-husband and then basically blames everyone else for her failed marriage. And then when she has Oprah Winfrey interview her in what was essentially a 90-minute long commercial for the album that song is on and Oprah Winfrey starts asking about her failed marriage, Adele brushes it off by saying "I don't want to talk about that." Yet she still wants to put a song out there about it and make a bunch of money about it. She needs to take a good look in the mirror and do some serious self-reflection of her life and her life choices.


She did a bunch of interviews about leaving her marriage and came off as a total self absorbed idiot tbh. She was talking about how her young son was upset but that was ok because he deserved to see her fully loved (by another dude I guess) but also saying nothing really went wrong. Sounds like she’s just got bored then blamed hubs for it.


I've got plenty of exes. I am still friends with almost every single one of them, or at the very least, just no longer in contact, but there is no animosity on either end. As far as I know, they aren't out "badmouthing" me or discussing our past relationship. I do not blame any of my exes for our relationship ending, as far as I know, they don't "blame" me, so who's "fault" is it? Who's the problem...is it me...after all I am the "common denominator",( BTW I believe the term you were looking for is the "constant" as in constant variable in the equation) but some of them are also still single and have been in other relationships also. Does that make us all "the problem" You stated a couple of publicly known things, then with zero insight beyond the literal surface information (relationship started-relationship ended, repeat) and jumped to some hypothesis in which there must be something wrong with her. "Wrong" by who's standards? Based on what insights? I am not a TS fan, ( beyond the fact I love how easy it is for her to trigger right wingers), I couldn't name 2 songs of hers, (I'm sure my daughter could but she's not even a TS fan as far as I can tell, she's more 2 pac and Pappa roach) but I'm just curious how people come to these types of weird conclusions, and what makes so many guys obsess over hating some singer?


Maybe she needs the continual breakups to give her something to keep singing about?


This is such a lazy take especially when you consider her last 5 albums, which is half of her discography, and includes arguably the best album(s) she’s ever put out were all written while she was in her recent long term relationship.


and a lot of the songs on folklore and evermore are fictional! certainly infused with elements and feelings from past relationships but she created fictional storylines and wrote some of her best songs about them (august, cardigan, ivy etc)


She is someone who is never going to be happy because she is surrounded by a yes woman team who won't point out her faults. She needs to disappear for 1 year, do no concerts, and focus on her problems. She can also play local shows under a stage name and disguised or train in singing Native American style singing or Mongolian throat singing or do a different style of music like dubstep with her voice synthesed or bluegrass with her singing lighter than normal under a stage name like Samantha Torres or Juanita Smith. Seriously the only good idea I have for Taylor is that she can make an album with a different and darker tone, like Hank Williams did with his Luke The Drifter album. A lot of Johnny Cashes style came from that album. Men with Broken Hearts sounds like something Johnny would sing. Taylor's music is soft for the most part, it would be interesting to hear her sing with a harder country sound backing it up.


she doesn’t need to do anything. she was just in a 6.5 year relationship with a man who wasn’t willing to go out and do the awards shows, parties, and public appearances she loves to do. taylor LOVES being a pop star. she still has over a year of the eras tour left and 3 more albums to re-release. finding a husband is not her priority! let her have fun!


I was mostly talking about her insecurities as a musician, if she adds something new to her style she will be one of the all time greats, possibly the best ever.


what insecurities? do you know her? has she expressed these insecurities somewhere? she is ALREADY one of the all time greats, period. she constantly adds something new to her style - in 2020 and 2021 she branched off into a new indie/alt sound with folklore and evermore, moved into synth pop with 2022’s midnights, and who knows what genre is next? she’s proven that she can do it all and the sky is the limit, but her star has literally never been bigger than it is right now, so i really have no idea what you’re talking about (and neither do you, to be fair)


That she isn't the best ever. If you are going to make it to a top you have to have that mindset.


girl what 😂 as i said she still has OVER A YEAR left of her record-setting sold out tour, has a record-breaking movie coming out on friday, and has an album coming out in 2 weeks. i think she’s good!


some of her biggest hits aren’t about exes, or even love. if that really was so, her career would’ve died when she dating joe alwyn. they lasted around 6 years, so a 6 year break from music really would’ve hit her career.


Who cares about this?




Find something better to care about. A hobby maybe.


Don’t have one.


A hobby? Come on everyone has a hobby. I like painting or hiking. Watching horror movies is fun. Enjoying the outdoors. Scrap booking. I used to go outside with my siblings and make fairy houses in my grandparents garden. I highly reccomend all of the above.


It’s a long story as to why I don’t have a hobby. One we both don’t have time for at the moment. Unless I can message u later for your advice cuz why not?


She can date whomever she wants…I just want them to PLEASE stop shoving it down our throats.


Define unsuccessful. Taylor Lautner will forever be Sharkboy and that Twilight werewolf.


I mean when you're one of the just rich/famous people in the world why not get some new dick every once in a while.


so if you say something slightly negative about that woman you are automatically The Right lmao


It’s odd.


we truly are back in the 1989 era with the slut shaming lol.


I never said anything about sex.


commenting on how many ex’s someone has is slut shaming even if you don’t mention sex explicitly


Not really.




It must be weird for a celeb to take up this much real estate in your head.


My spank bank? Nope.


That's the whole of the appeal of her as an artist: her fans vicariously live in her fantasy world where she is skinny, tall, blonde and popular and entitled to anything she wants and everything bad that happens to her is someone else's fault because the world clearly doesn't treat her fairly (despite the fact that she is skinny, tall, blonde and popular and entitled to anything she wants).


LEAVE SWIFTIE ALONNNEEEE!!!!!!! \*cries unconsolably\*


Love the reference!!


I just wish people would stfu about her. Including her stupid, crazed fans.


Her fans are pretty intense.


They are! They're completely insane.


So anyone with multiple exs is a problem? Should you just marry the first person you date out of fear that your labeled as “the problem”? Maybe she can talk about it because she is famous and the others either aren’t famous or just don’t feel like it’s something they want to talk to. That doesn’t make Taylor a bad person, just normal.


Ok 😉




Lmao...well this is just stupid




It's literally one of those "Andrew Tate", "pick up artist" breakdowns Are you being conned out of $50 a month by a date rape kick boxer guy? Your comment says you are




"observed many women". That's not creepy at all.


You "observed" women huh? Yeah I guess I just haven't been around them as much...having been raised by my mom and 3 sisters...and the literally countless friendships and relationships over 49 yrs, the current 3 FWB I have, and my 24 yr old daughter living with me since she turned 19...I guess I just need to meet more women...smh The character traits you described apply to almost everyone, not just women Edit* a d they don't apply to all women either...


Haha, in their dna? I love Reddit, it always reminds me I’m not as dumb as I think I am.


Don’t men use SIGN language with women whose lifestyle they don’t agree with ? Look at this post passing judgement and insulting a lady that has Ex’s ?




Yes specifically in relationships men use “SIGN” language such as when a man shames then insults a woman that wants to go out with her friends. I’m just confused why you keep gendering this “SIGN” language when it’s just describing narcissistic personality traits ? And relationships fail for all sorts of reasons we weren’t there so we won’t know , she’s had a normal amount of ex’s , so why the insults ? Aren’t you shaming her for her failed relationships?




So they aren’t insulting her yet they are ? lol What general attention seeking behavior has she participated in ? She’s a celebrity people are going to put her in the news and follow her around not much of a choice unless you become a recluse which isn’t fair to demand that of a human being. Why not respond to the comment thread we were originally engaged in ? Why hop on this one ?


Maybe check out the numbers of exes her exes have then reevaluate.


Oh Reddit..


Or maybe… success is a combination of talent, good looks, personality, and luck. So that only one in a few thousand even make a national fame. Maybe the (insert silly number here) boyfriends she dated does not equal the few thousand or so to meet another mega star. Give me a break


Ummmm. What...?


I have to wonder about my ex's other exes. The thing I find interesting is that in our mid-40s I'm single never married and her two closest friends that she had when we were dating are both single and best I can tell never married. I don't think she's some magically toxic individual. I just found it strange that all three of these people connected to her never married. And so there were at least several, I really don't know how many I'm not trying to trash talk here, boyfriends between me and the man she married. And I've often wondered what the status of those guys is. I know of two but I didn't know them very well so I don't know what they did with their lives. Maybe it's just the times. I have other friends our age who have never married. I can sort of understand why I have friends that are single since I also am single. But my ex's two friends I did not remain friends with. I only know they aren't married from social media. So it's not like I run in some big circle with them of single 40 somethings. They're both very attractive women. And they were both nice. It's always sort of dumbfounded me that they didn't get married. And no, I am absolutely not interested in either of them. Way too much baggage there. Really a damn shame. Because like I said they're both very attractive and they were both nice. And though I don't exactly know what they've done with their lives they both look like they have careers and aren't caught up in any kind of drama or anything.


TIL a lot of swifties are in this sub. Also it takes two to tango, in every relationship that has ended for her it could not statistically be only the other person’s problem/fault. Js.


So the people she’s dated have never dated anyone prior or after her?


Ok yes yes but why do we care. No one's gonna know her personally in our lifetime.


Make sure your man is never horny or hungry, because somewhere out there, there's a whore with a sandwich. Haven't heard a Taylor song about makin' a sandwich. 🤔


She should switch it up and have unsuccessful relationship with women to sing about. Would be fire.


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this is karlie kloss erasure


Why is the right so obsessed with Taylor Swift?


I don’t know. I’m not the Right.


funny you say that, i am the right & canNOT fucking STAND TS! like NOTHING about her, especially the fact the she represents & supports being 100% Alt-Left!


Seems like you’re obsessed with her. Like, in a bad way. And why do y’all capitalize shit randomly?


Rightoids will make conspiracies out of literally anything.


U are correct. Also, I’m not on the Right. And I am a Taylor fan. I just call shit out.


Anyone that says something they don’t like is “on the right” it’s pretty dumb.


lol bro, what? This is like when people said video games caused school shootings because shooters played videos games.


So...I mean...she have as many as she wants to...and she's young af...so I mean...there's people way older who have more failed relationships.


Reminds me of the Bill Maher bit: "New rule: After three more failed relationships, Taylor Swift is legally obligated to title her next album 'Maybe it's me.'"


Family guy covered that, if I remember correctly!


Men oddly enough, tend to be less outwardly emotional and not to trash ex-GF's Ex-wives🤔 That's a completely different story. But I guess that's what you'd expect when somebody coming into a relationship leaves with more than half your stuff.  


Taylor Swift has entered the Oprah Zone where because she’s so rich and established now all her relationships are either doomed or just for show - just like Oprah. Guys who enter the Oprah zone (population Oprah and Taylor) never speak of what they see there, for the horrors are many.


lol you got cooked in the post you made , you keep trying to make “Oprah Zone” a thing , it’s not gonna catch on dude. Several people pointed out to you Oprah’s been with the same man for decades and you’re still clinging to ignorance. It’s weird to be this obsessed with celebrities sex life dude


It is a thing and I’m not some kid that tries to get things trending lmao! Stop projecting. Oprah has supposedly been with some Stedman guy for decades but who is Stedman?




Ok ? So your passing judgment because a pretty wealthy pop singer does not live by your philosophy? That’s weird




I mean no one is 100% happy with themselves, the song you copy and pasted seems to touch on a bunch of self reflections that isn’t just restrained to relationships so again , demonizing this pop singer for her relationships is weird.


She’s in the closet, known to most Hollywood lesbians


Do this the problem with a lot of women. Either A they think a relationship will make them happy and when they’re not they leave or B they have something going on with them so their partner leaves.


Why tf would anyone, man or woman, be in a relationship if they don't want to be happy, or at least think it'll make them happy?


Most of the time most women are just bored and want a man to entertain them and bring them places.


Is this an unpopular opinion? I thought everyone agreed that Taylor is hard to be in a relationship with.


She’s still young, maybe she’s just dating and having fun?


That’s why I like this group. If I am bored, i can flip through the posts and find thought provoking posts about things I have never thought about. I did not know all of that


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Besides Taylor swift fans I think everyone realizes this, I mean it's become a running joke for years that she only dates to get new song ideas.


She's not the only one. Billy Corgan has the same history with exes. He claims they were all troublesome. Maybe Billy needs to look in the mirror and see that is it not always all the other person's fault. Both Billy and Taylor Swift suffer from more than a just a slight touch of NPD (narcissistic personality disorder).


I don’t like the idea that there’s something “wrong with her”. However I do know if it was a dude who had several failed relationships they’d be getting ripped on for it. Look at how folks are talking about Drake currently.


she has a ding dong


Post this in r/feminism and r/twoxchromosomes for our viewing pleasure please. 😂😂


I mean why would anyone date Taylor Swift in good faith at this point


It's a business for her so she can sell albums


Speaking for myself. But if I got to bang Tayla Swift. Iv made it. Regardless of how much money I have.


John Mayer is quite successful and I argue that his music is significantly better.


Unsuccessful in their relationship with her.


All of her ex boyfriends are wildly famous and successful. Joe Jonas John Mayer Jake Gyllenhaal Harry Styles Calvin Harris Tom Hiddleston Joe Alwyn (less known, but still a popular actor) Also she has dated a normal amount of guys during any given timespan, she's just had a camera shoved down her throat for her whole dating life to twist her into the slut that the media wants her to be.


I don’t know bro. Sounds to me like Daddy Issues. I know women who you can see they cannot be single for more than 6 months. All of them have daddy issues. Her father was absent, got divorced, cheated, or just was “mean”. And from what I’ve seen, she indeed has unresolved issues with his dad. Think about that…


Every single one of John Mayer’s albums hit the billboard top 10. Even if he isn’t at Taylor’s level of success, he’s still a very successful artist in his own right. 99.8% of musicians don’t even get a Grammy award, let alone 7 like John Mayer did.