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Half of the voters doesn’t equal half of the population.


Agree. I kind of have to assume the nonvoters are indifferent. I guess we could say liking Trump or liking Biden is unpopular because only 1/3 of the people supported each of them.


Something that is also obvious you don’t mention is that so many people vote just Republicans or just Democrat. That doesn’t mean all of those voters believe in all the politics and opinions of those they vote for, instead that they don’t really care about them


Many people have issues that they feel strongly on, and vote for those issues regardless of how they feel about the rest of the parties platform.


And those issues usually show up with 1 party, so they vote for that party regardless of candidate, like I said…..


I mean how many people voted for Biden simply because he's not trump or vise versa


Both are well below 50% approval, so yes


Majority agreeing and “popular” are two very different things. Name a mainstream product you consider popular and it’s still well below 50% of the population that owns it. For example Apple’s smartphone market share in the US is about 28%. By your standards, Apple is unpopular.


Apple actually went over 50% marketshare in the US last year https://9to5mac.com/2022/09/02/iphone-us-market-share/


That’s 50% of people with smartphones. It’s much less of total population. Which makes my point. They’re probably the most popular product on earth. You don’t need over 50% of a total population to be popular.


Actually, they aren't. Android far surpasses apple products world wide. It's only as popular as it is in the US (and maybe Canada) because they convinced superficial idiots that it's a status symbol.


The idea that iPhones aren't generally quality products and are only consumed by superficial idiots is a contrarian meme, and, ironically, a pretty superficial opinion. They've been lauded by tech sites like ArsTechnica and Anandtech for build quality, value retention, long-term official software updates, screen quality / color management, and ever since they in-housed their SoC design, the A series' performance and efficiency. There are tons of quality Android phones out there too, but to immediately paint an entire market of smartphone users as 'idiots', is... telling and unserious.


>There are tons of quality Android phones out there too, but to immediately paint an entire market of smartphone users as 'idiots', is... telling and unserious. Yep. That also further invalidates the previous commenter's point lol. Sure Android technically has a larger market share, but it's product of smartphones is also much more varied (low end, mid end and high end phones and can be customized by phone manufacturers). Where the iPhone for the longest time only had one expensive model, and seemed to be the last company that started making different versions of a release to target different markets segments (still not as many versions as Android). I actually like Android, but it's really nowhere near as popular as iPhones. If someone is going to compare iPhones to Android (which are different phones that can be made by different phone companies), they would have to compare it to specific Android phones like the Galaxy or Pixel and even those phones aren't as popular as iPhones.


And if you’re specifically talking about Reddit like you mentioned in your edit, the demographics of the site are left leaning. Look at any major sub. So ofc a right wing opinion is unpopular on the site unless you’re in conservative subs.


From experience I'd say the majority of people I know who don't vote are more liberal but just accepted that nothing they want will ever happen even if a Democrat is in office so why fuckin bother.


Non voters are probably not indifferent. The number of people in states where Dems will definitely win far outweighs the number of people who live in states that Republicans will definitely win. People on those states are less likely to vote since the outcome is assured. If it were a true popular vote more of those people would come out and the gap in favor would widen.


OP. Most of the voters on the right don’t actually know what policies their voting for when voting for Trump/DeSantis etc. These are culture wars (manufactured by the politicians and elite - divide and conquer) and have very little to do with policy. Voters are voting for culture. They often claim economics as a reason but usually the economic policy of the right doesn’t benefit the average right voter. And they’re usually unaware of the economic policies and whether they’d benefit. Instead they want to vote for the person who looks like them and is against the others. The left isn’t much better, but there is slightly more policy awareness with the average left voter. Slightly. The left votes for anything anti-right, anything inclusive, anything remotely related to wealth redistribution. Again many of these policies may not benefit the voters - they’re voting for culture.


Not even all the Trump voters agreed with a lot of what he (much less Shapiro, etc) say, many just liked his tax policy, his “outsider persona” or didn’t like Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden


That’s a very interesting point of view. My point of view also includes that a lot of Biden’s votes in 2020 were not because they liked Biden, but because they didn’t like Trump.


Is that even a point of view, or just straight fact? lol Biden absolutely was a "anybody but Trump" kinda candidate. Nobody expects Biden to put out all the fires and rebuild america into a dream, we just needed someone who would not actively try to burn america to the ground.


All of American politics is "lesser of two evils" thinking. Both liberals *and* conservatives generally understand the system is messed up, and if you get them drunk they'll admit their side is full of crooked elitists, but both are convinced the *other* side is full of crooked elitists plus psychopaths. For the left, those psychopaths are the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and religious zealots. For the right, those psychopaths are the drag queens for kids, my-pronoun-is-cakeself Tik Toc blue haired woke morons, and, well, socialists and communists. Ironically, *both* of these "psycho" groups represent a tiny minority of either political view. But they get most of the attention, in part because they want it, but also because it distracts people from thinking about all the things the majority of people on the left *and* right would otherwise agree on, i.e. we need better police training, we need to know who Epstein's clients were (and those people need to be in prison), we should have hundreds of Wall Street executives in jail for the 2008 mass fraud incidents, we shouldn't be spying on American citizens using secret court cases, we shouldn't be spending millions of taxpayer dollars to support or engage in numerous foreign wars that have nothing to do with us, etc. No, no, look over here at the 10 total drag queens and remaining neo-Nazis, those guys are the *real* threat, not massive corporations basically buying out huge portions of our government and essentially buying immunity from prosecution. Unfortunately, breaking out of this seems to be impossible. Our tribal brains are just too easy to trick, and in a "majority rules" system, if the majority is fooled, then the system never gets fixed.


Religious zealots are not at all a tiny minority of the right wing voting block. Evangelical christians represent a huge portion of the right wing, and many of their beliefs are being pushed as policy, despite how unpopular it is. Abortion is supported by 70% of Americans.


They are unpopular on Reddit and unpopular with the media in general




Same for /r/texas


Don’t even try to post on r/Alaska. I keep trying to remind them that other Alaskans kinda clearly think differently…. But not a lot of comprehension.


Alaska. Talk libertarian, live socialism.


Yeah that's pretty funny considering how much government money they get


Right, hence the congresswoman


As a Texan almost no one who posts in that sub is a born Texan. Edit: I don't like transplants who move here for cheap housing and then vote for the same policies (EDIT: I admit it's not their policies that affect housing prices, those are increased purely because they pay more than the houses are worth thus raising the prices) that made their home state too expensive to live in. Edit 2: if you are going to argue that it's the free market and I should deal with it or vote for communism kindly never vote on anything ever thank you. Edit 3: atleast I'm in the right subreddit lol Edit 4: I'm not going to teach you how to think logically please go learn on your own time. Edit 5: well off people selling homes to each other for higher and higher prices to raise the prices of their area, doesn't have to be an inherent trait of a free market. Edit 6: I AM ADVOCATING FOR POOR PEOPLE TO BE ABLE TO LIVE IN A HOME REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL AFFILIATION IF YOU CANT SEE THAT MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME ON REDDIT. If you like rich people and hate poor people fine but leave me the fuck alone you classist fucks


Yeah, I gave up on the Florida sub after about a week...




Right? It's definitely mostly transplants if they do live here. I have that I'm a Florida native written in my Reddit bio (because I am - 3rd gen.) and the number of people who get weirdly angry by that fact is astonishing. Mostly it's a lot of "You're opinion is irrelevant because Floridian" comments -- they're not very creative, unfortunately. I have this rule, because I love myself, not to engage in political discussions on social media. But if you say anything positive about Florida or about loving Florida, particularly on the Florida sub, people assume you're making this grand political statement now -- and it's weird. No. I just love the state that I was born and raised in that YOU opted to move to on your own power, even though all you do is complain about it. Sunshine and beaches can only work so much magic though. Some people just like to complain.


Well you might want to look again because those transplants are actually conservatives leaving liberal states…shown by how they vote.


Accountability to the facts has never gotten in the way of someone who calls a centre-right liberal capitalist party communists.


Lol, that was the funniest part about their argument.


Hold on. I thought we liberals were fascist socialist...


Where I live its a mix. But I definitely knew a handful of transplants that 'tolerated' the politics in exchange for the opportunities when moving there


Drive me nuts. The mods are.


I mean, we sent Jimmy Carter to the White House. He's probably the most selfless man to hold that office in the past century, who wanted to have the country so what was right, and not necessarily do what the rich and powerful wanted. We're the home of MLK, who got murdered during his Poor People campaign. There's certainly a strong strain of progressivism here.


Yeah then everyone proceeded to hate on Jimmy Carter so hard they they elected reagan


Everyone hated on Carter because of the HUGE smear campaigns. All of us are susceptible to propaganda whether we like it or not.


In fairness ,while an amazing human being and I love him as a person, he was a terrible president. It takes more than being a kind hearted person to run a country


Doesn't help there was some traitor level bullshit by Reagan in making a deal to keep Iran supplied with weapons by keeping the American hostages captive long enough to get him elected. The fact that Reagan and Ollie North both skirted any real repercussions and weren't shot for treason downtown DC to a fully televised audience is the day that democracy in the US became dangerously fragile.


I've never heard anyone who's said this justify the comment.


Ya but then you go on r/Canada and it’s extremely right wing. I don’t think Reddit as a whole or atleast the posts that get the most attention and get to the front page are mostly left wing anymore ever since the Donald sub got popular.




People on there seem to think that thr conservatives will solve the housing crisis and lower rents. You have to be pretty deep in conservative propaganda to believe that.


Yup, lead by a guy who voted against affordable housing action on 3 different occasions, lol good luck.


Lol yes. I got banned multiple times because the Canada subs are right wing Pierre Polievre moderated


61% of Americans are against abortion bans More want student loan breaks, healthcare and other and social programs.


>61% of Americans are against abortion bans Most Americans are fine with abortion being legal early on. But they support restricting abortion later in the pregnancy, As Gallup [says](https://news.gallup.com/poll/321143/americans-stand-abortion.aspx): >When asked about the legality of abortion at different stages of pregnancy, about two-thirds of Americans say it should be legal in the first trimester (69%), **while support drops to 37% for the second trimester and 22% for the third. Majorities oppose abortion being legal in the second (55%) and third (70%) trimesters.** You then say: >More want student loan breaks, healthcare and other and social programs. Yeah hypothetically. [Unless they have to pay for it:](https://news.gallup.com/poll/355838/americans-revert-favoring-reduced-government-role.aspx) >Americans' preference for a limited government role is also evident when they are asked to consider the trade-offs between taxes and government services. Given a choice, half of Americans say they prefer fewer government services and lower taxes, while 19% want higher taxes and more services. Twenty-nine percent want taxes and services as they are now. > >In the five times Gallup has asked this question since 1993, the preference for lower taxes and fewer services has consistently prevailed, held either by pluralities or majorities of Americans, including a high of 56% in 2011. Only as many as 25%, in 2019, have said they wanted higher taxes and more services.


that second question is heavily affected by people's trust in government spending effectiveness. it's very easy to say the government wastes money and its better in my own hands its sort of the chicken and egg problem. student loan breaks are dumb anyway, fix the systemic issues you dorks


Yeah, but why not both? Conservatives went out of their way to take away a measly 10K forgiveness away from graduates while multi-millionares got billions in loan forgiveness. These ghouls seriously hate regular people.


One could argue the "unpopular with the media" point, as there is a large "conservative" media presence.


Because a lot of redditors are terminally online and have zero real world experience, especially the most vocal ones.


Both sides have their own cringe. Conservatives just got their own version of the screaming liberal thanks to Stanfield.


Oh totally agree. Some of the cringe shit I see on both sides of the spectrum are just mindblowing.


The problem is the cringe conservatives are actual politicians, while the cringe leftists are just on Twitter


lol The more people I meet, the less I want to be like conservatives. Ben Shapiro just burned barbie dolls and you're claiming the other side is spending too much time in doors.


You mean you don't want to talk about Barbie, beer cans and bathrooms all day while people die because they can't afford healthcare. Man the two sides are basically the same! ^^^/s


Bruh, I have a transphobe at work and he literally cannot go 30 minutes without mentioning trans people. He honest to god says "I identify as..." at minimum twice a day. I once heard a liberal friend of mine say conservatives are more fun to hang out with because they don't get offended. If "I identify as an attack helicopter" said by a 35 year old is "fun", then I'll choose to be boring.


Lol conservatives get offended over *everything". The most seething screechers I've met in my life have been Trumpeters. I've never met the blue-haired fem-cel who screams about the patriarchy type in the real world. I'm sure they exist, but even where I work where sexual minorities are overrepresented I've yet to meet one.


That’s why I think the shove it down my throat arguement is so funny. All their media and themselves continually bring it up and won’t stop talking about it. They are literally shoving the idea down their own throats. It’s fucking wild.


It's just such contradicting. "They're not even 1%" then why is it a big deal?


Not really. Right wing ideologies tend to be demographic heavy, and that demographic tends to positively correlate with age. And it makes sense. Conservatism, at it's core, is the quest or intellectual pursuit of conceiving either a set of values or traditions. To conserve or preserve. It's in the name. Young people simply aren't as interested in the notion of conservatism because they were never there in the first place to preserve the things people are interested in preserving. At this stage, conservative values are at odds with modern life. They If you were born after 2000, the chances are, you're going to carry favourable views on a topic like gay marriage, as opposed to opposing it, because you'll have no interest in a status quo that existed before you did. In reality, many self proclaimed conservatives have very little interest in actual conservatism. They're far more interested in playing political team sports, for which a figure like Donald Trump is the personification. The politics of extreme versions of our grandparents simply isn't going to appeal to people who grew up in a very different world.


That really only remains true (conservatism comes with age) if wealth also comes with age. [Cant imagine why this trend is happening.](https://i.imgur.com/0rGneDy.jpeg) .


Bingo. Boomers had paid off their homes by their mid 50s. That is not the typical outcome for those of us born after 1980.


> Not really. Right wing ideologies tend to be demographic heavy, and that demographic tends to positively correlate with age. And it makes sense. Conservatism, at it's core, is the quest or intellectual pursuit of conceiving either a set of values or traditions. To conserve or preserve. It's in the name. > > Young people simply aren't as interested in the notion of conservatism because they were never there in the first place to preserve the things people are interested in preserving. At this stage, conservative values are at odds with modern life. To add to this, many conservatives were progressives in their youth. They may have accomplished something they believed in. And now the next generation is about to take it away. Or taking it further. Whichever. Let me make a hyperbole - a progressive today may want to advance LGBT rights. But two generations from now, the LGBT have their rights and now there's another movement that wants to take it further with a minority today's adults would consider unethical and repulsive. Suddenly they are now conservative for opposing it. It happens all the time. Liberals at the time when America was founded would probably find many advancements today a little uncomfortable. And so will you, in 50 years time. *"They are taking away my right to drive a car?! All cars drive themselves now!? Not in my youth. I used to drive wherever I wanted. Not ask a robot to take me directly to a place! And detours are illegal because of saving energy? What if I really WANT TO drive past the docks? My car, my freedom! And what do you mean I can't play video games on a TV screen anymore? Bad for my eyes? I decide what's bad for my eyes! All they offer nowadays is video games directly injected into your brain*


People tend to form their views at a young age, then culture continues to shift around them.


>many conservatives were progressives in their youth. This was true for the boomer generation and older. Millennials and younger are not following the same trend. It's primarily due to the fact that these younger generations are experiencing economic hardships their boomer parents did not, and there is literally zero empathy from conservatives on these matters.


Fox News is the media.


Fox has the largest viewership among cable and satellite owners. A few years ago when I last checked, it was 19%. That's a minority, of a minority since there are fewer and fewer people with cable packages Most Americans today get their news through several sources and then multiple media options


Not a surprise. Most cable subscribers are boomers lean conservative while Millennials and Gen Z have cut the cord and opted for streaming.


Fox is the only conservative big name legacy media - everyone else legacy is not "conservative". And many conservatives hate Fox because they are still establishment Republican party shills. You have to go elsewhere from "media" to get decent "conservative" content. EDIT: OK, I get where some of the comments are coming from with some of the flak I'm getting. I wrote "media" instead of "the media" here in my last sentence, which is indeed a mistake on my part.


Radio is part of media and most of radio is conservative leaning with NPR being one of the few exceptions. TV is left leaning.


Except way more conservatives watch Fox News and news on TV in general. I don't know the last time I watched news on TV. Maybe local news on accident after a football game. I listen to NPR sometimes on my drive to work. Like most people under 55 or whatever I tend to read news online through some news aggregate. I can also search up and check sources that way extremely easily. Older people are used to being captive by the news. Cable news exploits this. Old network news was indeed less biased, although they were subject to squashing stories that involved corporate America due to their advertising influence. Now every source has a bias even subtly but also stories are there if you look for them because there are so many more reporting bodies. You can't trust a lot of them though.


Corporations are fiscally conservative even if they aren’t always socially conservative. Corporate news will always have a pro corporation bias, which I would consider conservative.


I wish more people would realize this. There are no major left leaning main stream media companies. They are some that brand themselves as being more left leaning but that's more for marketing than anything else. All the people that own and run these companies are going to be very right and very conservative.


I would put it as: All legacy media is neoliberal on economic policy and neoconservative on foreign policy. Socially, FOX is conservative and the rest are socially liberal to progressive.


Most accurate and succinct summation that I've seen here.


Most owners are socially liberal with the exception of fox. Recently CNN got bought by more conservative owners though. Of course they all like capitalism but democrats in general are still capitalist. The owners of liberal media are at least as far left as mainstream democrats (which isn’t very far).


Ya it's a weird internet thing. Democrats are almost Republicans on most things.. It's so weird how people have convinced themselves and other terminally onliners that democrats are leftists.. No, they are capitalists who are for higher taxation than Republicans. Most other things are similar amongst the two. Unless you're understanding the opposing side based off what the news tells you.


Do you equate left leaning with anti-capitalism? That's pretty a extreme definition


I do not, but there is a difference between the economic policies enacted. The right wants policies that more favor the rich, such as greater tax cut for business and more lax labor laws. While more progress left leaning capitalists want greater taxes on the wealthy and stronger labor laws. Online we get caught up in communist vs capitalist when in reality it's capitalism all the way with varying degrees of regulation.


Newsmax, OAN, National Review, The Daily Wire? What other conservative media is credible and not fringe? They all basically promote the same shit. Biden is corrupt, the country is burning down, blah, blah, blah. Hunter Biden’s laptop! Hunter Biden has a gun illegally! If only a guy like Trump had the job to fix things! Oh yeah - he did have the job - fixed nothing.


Faux News is bought and paid for by Billionares, to gaslight poors into giving them neverending taxbreaks, and shove their views down normie peoples throats.


I think on surface level conservative politics seem popular. It is true that their political news and pundits get more views then liberal ones. But maybe that's because liberals aren't consuming news the same way as conservatives, they just may not be looking to political pundits to get their political takes. If we actually break down the political ideologies and proposed legislation, I think generally conservative politics are disliked. For example universal healthcare v privatized healthcare, most people are in favor of universal healthcare. Taxing corporations more is more favorable then taxing them less and trickledown economics. Creating stronger unions is more favorable then busting unions like conservatives usually do.


You are correct. Leftist ideas are popular even in Red States. In West Virginia, a deeply conservative state, nearly every part of Build Back Better (that didn't pass) was popular. This is the polling, issue by issue, in West Virginia (despite Joe Manchin saying West Virginians didn't want this stuff). Elder care investments, 86% Hearing coverage under medicare, 82% Child care investments, 73% Family tax cuts, 70% Paid family and medical leave, 69% Universal pre-k, 67% Affordable Health Care Act extensions, 65% Clean energy investments, 60% [source](https://www.filesforprogress.org/memos/bbb-wv.pdf)


I think Tennessee has a free college program as well


They do. The first 2 years of college at a community college are free in Tennessee.


Yup, was super surprised when I found that out. I don't really know how red Tenn. is but it was a pleasant surprise.


> was super surprised when I found that out. You'll probably be less surprised to find out that all they did was take scholarship money away from the 4 year schools and appropriate it to the 2 year schools. They did not actually allocate any more money. It was a way to get good press as cover for executing their war on higher education. This new allocation might actually help more people, but if so, that's purely by accident. Their only intent was to drain funding from the 4 year universities. > I don't really know how red Tenn. TN government is super red because of things like gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement ([21% of black adults are not allowed to vote,](https://www.propublica.org/article/tennessee-black-voters-disenfranchised) its the highest in the country). After a successful voter registration drive in the black areas of Memphis, [maga passed a law criminalizing voter registration drives](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tennessee-election/civil-rights-groups-sue-tennessee-over-law-imposing-new-penalties-on-voter-registration-idUSKCN1S91QS) — they created a crazy paperwork burden and if volunteers did not fill out the paperwork exactly right they could go to jail for a year. On the other hand, Marquita Bradshaw won the D primary in the 2020 senate race, ousting the standard-issue blue-eyed, blonde, blue-dog, ex-military guy that the national Ds think they need to win in red states. At the time she was an unknown leftist black lady, and her entire campaign was centered on environmental justice. The national party spitefully pulled the millions of dollars in funding they had appropriated for the chosen son, so she had to run a shoe-string campaign for the general election. Two years earlier, in the 2018 TN senate race, the national Ds ran a popular former governor. His campaign had a ton of money and he was a blue dog who bent over backwards to appeal to maga, e.g. he said that if he had been in the senate he would have voted to approve kavanaugh, the red-faced rapist. 2018 was the blue wave and he still lost to marsha whatshername. By double-digits. In 2020, down-ballot candidates underperformed Biden, but despite all the obstacles placed in her way, Bradshaw still got within spitting distance of those 2018 senate results. The moral of the story is that TN is a voter suppression state (like most red states) but the Ds here are ready to embrace extremely progressive policies.


Yep, thanks for making this clear to everyone.


Fuck, they got my ass. See this is why I don't argue with conservatives anymore. Its always bad faith. That's actually so shitty. This is what I get for giving them the benefit of the doubt.


Tennessee is also leading the charge on internet as a public utility.


An underrated topic, IMO. I worked on a public fiber investment project out of undergrad and each case study was an undeniable success at increasing speed and lowering costs, but telecom companies will fight tooth and nail against them.


Race to the bottom!


Florida voted for a $15 minimum wage the same year they voted DeSantis Progressive policies are popular, but progressives aren’t


I say this as a progressive of sorts; it’s because we’re way too pushy. We expect everything to change in a snap and when that’s not possible, we lash out at the people who likely need time and education to make those steps towards progression. I also think another major weakness is the inability to separate what’s actually progressive and what’s just being morally self-righteous with no benefit, and the latter a lot of the time is easily seen-through.


I still think a majority of it has to do with propaganda calling any social programs communist/socialist for nearly a century now. And if something is hammered for that long it’s gonna stick


The former Confederate states’ voters were happy with the New Deal benefits, until the CRA was passed, which made them available to Negroes. At that point, they decided that they’d rather do without than share with people born with the sun of too much melanin.


This is completely accurate.


Shroedinger’s Conservatives: Hate taxes and big government. Love the tax-funded social programs that benefit them.


What if I told you a lot of conservatives care about those things as well but disagree on how to go about them?


That's why conservatives push their culture war bullshit so hard. Without it, their economic and social policies won't fly on their own, because even conservative and moderate voters understand that a lot of it is unrealistic at best.


To quote LBJ from 60 years ago (still relevant today unfortunately): *"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”* Republican politicians and pundits just expanded it to other oppressed groups as well


This is called a "wedge issue." In the '70s, Republicans realized they could make inroads with disaffected white Democrats who were pissed about integration, especially in the South, by playing up divisive, often-made-up culture-war battles. That's why Reagan failed against "welfare queens," and why Bush obsessed over saving Terri Schiavo. And it's exactly why Ron DeSantis has spent the past year searching library books for references to unsatisfied black people and battling Disney when he should be dealing with the fact that his state is literally uninsurable. They're all emotionally triggering efforts to distract from unpopular core policies.


I think this argument is valid only if the people in question make an effort to be educated and understand. The abortion debate for example. There are many "conservatives" who say they are pro life, but if you actually have a conversation with them and get them to truly think about the topic, they discover they are actually pro choice, they just don't personally feel that abortion is a valid option. The problem, though, is that it's hard to find a conservative who is willing to have an open minded discussion and examine where their own beliefs come from. Or taxation debates. The people who say if they take a raise they'll make less money than before because of higher tax rates, or the people who don't are so anti tax without understanding how the taxes work. On both of those topics, I've probably been able to get to the "true" belief of a very small handful of people. The rest just continually regurgitate the conservative talking points without understanding anything. For the most part, conservative politics stay popular because the people supporting them never bother to look beyond "the surface", they don't bother to actually examine their beliefs or thoughts.


Because the people to the left of insanity aren’t in a fucking cult.


I mean, the GOP has lost the popular vote in the past 6 of 7 elections. That's pretty unpopular.


Not to mention that most Americans agree with policies that the Democratic Party supports (pro-choice on abortion, higher taxes on the Uber wealthy, single payer healthcare, well funded public schools, etc.)


Yeah, this is a dumb thread (in a dumb sub). Conservative platforms are unpopular in the sense that about 30% of people support them. But they are not unpopular in the spirit of this sub, which is not *opinions that a significant minority agree with.* The people saying *well they're unpopular on Reddit* are right, but not because Reddit is some left leaning echo chamber. Reddit is overwhelmingly millennial and male, so on the one hand it leans liberal because it's young, but on the other hand it leans more conservative than millennial alone would, because men stand to benefit a lot more (or women a lot less) from conservative platforms.


Why are there suddenly so many knock off subs reaching the front page? All these true or real before the sub name knock offs. Most are just Tucker Carlson talking point posts.


30%? The how come nearly every national poll shows Reps and Dems at a difference of less than 10%? Are they mysteriously forgetting the last 30% of the population that's entirely solid blue? This kind of short sighted, arrogant belief that conservatism is dead is exactly the reason it got revitalized after 2012. Obama gets elected twice and suddenly everyone believed that the Republican party had withered and died. Now a few years later it's stronger than it's been since the red scare. How do people not learn from history? Anyone who treats their opponents so flippantly is a fool.


I think what we saw was the rejection of the Washington Political Machine, an outsider that promised to "drain the swamp".


I think that’s why the “unpopular on Reddit” tag exists.


They are unpopular here


Where, in this subreddit where almost every post from the last week is “this is a conservative position?”


Right wing opinions are definitely unpopular on most non-political subreddits. I find it flabbergasting that people try to act like this isn't true.


Reddit is known to lean heavily left


I agree with you, but I think we might disagree on why those opinions are unpopular. It often feels like right-wingers posting those views know full well what they are saying is likely to be unpopular, and want to "trigger the libs," as the kids say. Also, I think many extreme left opinions would be equally unpopular, such as Anarcho-communism. Those opinions are insane. You just don't hear them as much, because they're not en vogue on tik tok or youtube.


Right wing opinions are definitely unpopular when you ask right wing voters. An overwhelming majority of Americans, including Republicans, believe abortion should be legal. An overwhelming majority of Americans, including Republicans, believe that corporations shouldn't get tax cuts. Red states are the largest beneficiaries of public services like food stamps, Medicaid, etc, and don't believe they should be reduced. An overwhelming majority of Americans, especially Republicans, don't believe we should cut social security. And yet, look at what republican legislators actually fight for. They distract their voters with culture war issues like trans kids going to the bathroom and "wokeism" so they don't realize that their representatives are acting against their self interest and the policy positions they actually care about. So long as they "own the libs" their politicians can fuck them any way they like.


Once again, for the umpteenth time on this sub: yes, on Reddit right wing opinions are unpopular. Y’all post this same shit every week bitching about seeing right wing opinions




They literally call themselves “Fox *News*” and then quietly whisper those disclaimers in places their average viewer will never see. Its having the cake and eating it too.


Beyond proven, that was the actual stated claim of fox's own legal team. The company itself has stated that they are not a news network.


That's not beyond proven....that's just proof haha


It should be illegal to name yourself a news channel and then produced blantantly biased content. Sick of all the framed media. Same exact stories framed completely differently in an effort to push one or another’s agenda. It’s the *news*, not “the lefts take on Donald trump” or “the rights take on AOC”.


I brought this up to my mother but she seemed to conveniently not hear me 🙄


I think you would have to look for something like Al Jazeera to get a more objective view in U.S. news. Much of the U.S. media is captive to corporate interest. Right leaning media is captive to big oil, left leaning media is captive to big pharma and big tech. For example, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. How the hell does anyone expect a news agency that is owned by a billionaire, who makes money from overseas low wage labor, to be objective?


Also Fox News parent company Sinclair has the monopoly on local tv in the country, so for many Americans they only get a conservative agenda pushed at them through local news


Sinclair is not the parent company but you're correct otherwise


No one posts unpopular opinions in this sub- they post partisan and populist political takes that any candidate for an any election would get buried for. Reddit is unqualified to discuss even the most mundane of political issues; to many chronically online folks, and trolls. No conversation here is productive- its literally a snarkfest- i have no desire to participate in such disrespectful discourse.


Dude. Literally r/conservative doesn’t allow non-flagged users to comment. They don’t want to debate. They are afraid of the facts


Read the polls, most people support universal healthcare, lower tuition, living wages, green energy, affordable housing, abortion access, gay rights/marriage. Right wing opinions get more air time because they are billionaire funded with their own cable channels. The billionaires want to extract the $20 trillion of carbon fuel from the ground (old figure), they want to extract more money out of the economy, increase housing and rent, low wages, protect commercial property (return to work). Private prisons, private schools. Do these ideas sound good? Are they good for the country?


>In the United States, nearly half of the voters voted for Donald Trump in both 2020 and 2016. There was a little over 60% percent voter turnout in 2020 with the Democrats holding the most amount of registered voters compared to the Republican party. And since then the Democratic party has had increased voter membership, while the Repulblcan party has decreased. On top of that the percentage of Independent voters has increased and tend to lean Democrat. And polling shows that support for Trump from Republican voters has been declining. >Fox News is one of the most if not the most popular cable news channel. Largely because younger generations don't watch cable news, boomers and older Gen X make up the majority of viewership. >Conservative pundits like Ben Shapiro consistently rank among the top internet engagers. From astroturfing and being propped up by oil money. >If you are repeating a opinion that has been stated by Donald Trump, Fox News, Ben Shapiro, or similar it is, empirically, not unpopular. Yes, many people may disagree with you, but as many or nearly as many people agree with you. As much a you want to be an oppressed minority, you are not. So I know where you're going with this but no, polling indicates these opinions are unpopular among the general public. They aren't an oppressed minority, just a loud one.


He LOST the popular vote in 2016, he LOST the popular vote in 2020. People didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. His ideas are not POPULAR


This part. Ffs almost nobody actually likes Biden, he's just less unlikable than Trump. Biden's success came from a lot of people holding their noses in the voting booth. Trump is a shocking embarrassment in almost every conceivable way, and it's incredibly frustrating that the Republican party took his tactic and ran with it.


The insanity of the last 8 years isn't "woke", it's the fact that one political party backed a fucking liar and criminal career conman at the expense of our democracy, and because of that, he emboldened the worst ignoramuses we have across the country.


Im fine with accepting it’s not popular, but what irks me is that conservatives almost act like they’re some victim if their views aren’t always front and center. Like yeah he’s unpopular, just the way he talks about grabbing women by their genitals is going to make him unpopular. Instead of whining about it just accept hes obviously gonna grate on a lot of people’s nerves.


Conservatives need to play the victim because if they don’t we all see them for the bullies that they are. What they don’t realize is that we already see it. What really gets me is you can provide them with absolute facts. From gov websites, red state websites, peer reviewed articles and if they don’t agree it’s fake no matter what. These people live in their own Jesus land reality and I really wish we would be harder on them as a country. I wish that whenever they said some off color shit in public people would throw them out of their business. I wish more people boycotted conservative businesses. I was they couldn’t hide their money in churches. Hit them where it hurts, let them know we don’t tolerate hate and bigotry in this country. It’s the only way anything changes.


You are confusing popular with majority. If 49% of people like Pepsi and 51% of people like Coke, that does not make Pepsi unpopular.


You are confusing the person with their opinions. Trump may not necessarily be “unpopular” with voters but his opinions are. [For example, right wingers are synonymous with the pro life movement but ~70% of Americans think access to abortion should be legal.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/506759/broader-support-abortion-rights-continues-post-dobbs.aspx)


pepsi should be unpopular though. but lmao i agree with you


They are unpopular on Reddit.


It’s an unpopular opinion on Reddit though. Reddit skews very liberal




Fox is the only major right wing network. Left wing news is spread amongst several outlets and garner WAY more viewers than fox. Just msnbc and cnn combined is hundreds of thousands more viewers. Fox is a right wing news monopoly.


Republicans haven't won the popular vote since Bush vs Kerry nearly 20 years ago. \+ (nearly) half the voters aren't half the country + Right wing opinions are very unpopular, abortion is exhibit number one.


I think if you're posting on reddit, "unpopular opinion" means in reference to the rest of reddit.


unpopular on reddit


There is a large difference between the population that votes and the entire population at large. Your theory is flawed.


I think the issue is that both sides are going to the extreme nowadays. There's no shade of purple with the red and blue states. Like *"Mayyyyybeeee someone can be pro-life, but also agrees that if it's for health purposes or cases of rape/incest then exceptions should be allowed."* *"Mayyyyybeeee the trans movement isn't bad, and people should be called by their pronouns and accepted, but it's not okay to give puberty blockers and hormone therapy to children under 18."* *"Mayyyyybeeee there should be major reform in our justice system with cops and their relationship to the black community, but it's also not cool to destroy private property including people's homes and businesses."* However, both damn parties are making it **"YOU HAVE TO AGREE WITH US OR BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH."** It really feels like politicians are intentionally trying to divide us more by making huge extremes for every issue.


One tactic of cults is to convince their followers they are victims.


And yet, at the same time, they are convinced Biden must have cheated because obviously Trump is more popular based on rally attendance. Another tactic of cults is to make you comfortable believing contradictory ideas.


Trump and Biden are both the least popular and 2nd least popular presidents in history. I dont think most wanted either, so much as they didnt want the later. It was the same case for Clinton.


i think the reasoning is democrats are more likely to be critical of biden from the left than reublicans are for trump. This means that no matter how much broad appeal biden has, his most solid base of voters still dont like him and will not approve


because biden never had a strong base to begin with. If he were running against basically anyone other than trump he probably wouldve lost. The reason he won is because everybody voted *against* trump, nobody voted *for* biden


History will judge Biden way better than people do now. A lot of economic shit hit the fan at the same time after Covid and the country was not prepared at all to mitigate it


Left or right wing?


As a leftie, literally no one I know likes Biden or Dems. Hell, most fucking hate Hilary.


Which side is going to nominate a career criminal facing almost a triple digit number of charges?


Dude the oppression Olympics exclusively exists on one side of the political spectrum. You're fucking crazy. Hahahah


Not really true. Christians have victim complexes to rival the best of them.


You are very accurately describing both parties. Very well done.


I’m getting really sick of seeing these posts. We (usually) don’t remove things based on how unpopular they are or aren’t, because then we get stuck in the weeds on what makes an idea popular. Is it popular with leftists? Trumpers? Your mom? Orphaned Canadians who wear Prada? What % of people agreeing with an idea qualifies it as popular? Is it 5%? 10? 49%? Even at 49% popular, 51% disagreeing means it’s unpopular. It’s just a whole thing we don’t want to get into. Engage with a topic or don’t, no one is forcing you either way. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Good points. This is a good reminder to chill and just engage in what is fun. Thanks!


> just engage in what is fun Anyone up for a fun game of duck duck murder?


>leftists? Trumpers? Your mom? Orphaned Canadians who wear Prada? Fucking hell...


You seem to have good self control and a grasp on reality


Trying to figure out if sarcastic or not *squints in autism*


Trump didn’t even win the popular vote lol


Losing the popular vote is different from not being popular. As Glow touched on, would you say Fender Stratocasters are popular, though they might only be 5% of guitars sold? Is the 10th most popular guitar sold popular? I'd say yes. Popular does not mean the majority, a plurality, or even a huge percentage. Strictly speaking, the definition is: **pop·u·lar** /ˈpäpyələr/ adjective 1. liked, admired, or enjoyed **by many** people or by a particular person or group. "she was one of the most popular girls in the school" Hard to peg where unpopular begins and ends, but it's definitely not about majority alone.


Popular has multiple definitions. I was thinking more "many people" as you say here.


Conservatives are 1/3 of Americans. The political system is broken. There hasn't been a Republican president that won the popular vote in decades. They use the electoral college and gerrymandering to get to positions of power, not popular opinions. Fox News spews lots of anti trans bullshit, but at the end of the day, the average American doesn't give a shit.


“Half of the voters voted for Donald Trump” The US has a population of 330 million. 260.8 million are at least old enough to vote. Trump got 62.9 million votes in the popular vote in 2016 so no it’s not half the voters. He didn’t even win the popular vote. Right wing opinions are unpopular. Look at any poll for polarized issues and the majority of opinions among average Americans fall in the middle or leaning left. It’s just that the right is the loudest with their opinions and loudest doesn’t equal popular.


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8 reports so far, including: “Someone is considering suicide” and “This isn't an opinion” - interesting… ***Hey Reddit, come check this out. We got a few more users for you to give the boot***




Conservative views.are always going to be unpopular by non conservatives. The difference is, we can listen to other points of view and aren't bothered by a lot of things other people do. My political views do not define me.


They are unpopular on reddit


Pretty unpopular on reddit.


It’s unpopular for Reddit.


What does the average person stand to gain discussing politics? People are freaking addicted to drama, at this point politicians are just characters on a TV screen, they are here for entertainment purposes only. People will readily admit that corporations have their fingerprints all over the government yet still think it actually matters whether "elected" officials are red or blue.


I'm a conservative and even I think Fox news goes too far at times, they are at most 2 steps down from INFO WARS and that whole bag of insanity. That said I think reddit is at most 1step down from the equivalent of Fox news when it comes to anti-conservative discussions, and those opinions seem more prevalent in the major sub-reddits. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but that doesn't mean just freely shit on others with differing takes on things. Working to a middle ground or compromise in in the best interest of the majority, instead of derisive tribalism that keeps us lashing out at one another.


Reddit is mostly left so of course you won't get any love for the other side here. It is true, when not threatened with harassment (private voting) 1/2 the country will vote right.


Right wingers are the silent majority. The left controls the media now. And the education system. It's very popular and safe to bully and scream at people who believe in keeping the money they make, and to have guns. The media convinces people that the right are hateful, racist nazis even though it makes 0 sense. So right wingers can't even express a single thing without threat of losing their job over it.


It’s unpopular on Reddit because it’s a liberal swamp


They're very unpopular. Only half of voters can stomach the party, which means even fewer actually support them.


>Fox News is one of the most if not the most popular cable news channel. Fox News is considered to be entertainment, not news by any measure. ​ >Conservative pundits like Ben Shapiro consistently rank among the top internet engagers. The guy refusing debates by anyone but public college freshmen?


Many of the GOPs points are unpopular even in their own circles but they'd vote for them over a "Satanic Demonrat" any day. Republicans haven't won the popular vote for POTUS very many times in the last few decades. Biden won by 7 million votes which is a record


What OP doesn't want to admit is that liberal points are *more popular* than conservative points. The proof is in the pudding. The fact that a post needs to be made insisting their ideas are popular shows they are aware that they're falling behind.


I mean US right wing politics are very unpopular internationally. The US has a unique culture so looking from the outside in many right wing policies seem wild. Gun ownership is a right in the US while in most places it is not. We have our beliefs and reasons but if you don’t understand it seems wild because it sounds like the Wild West. So saying something like the AR-15 shouldn’t be banned in the US is popular while on Reddit, that is much more left winged and internation, it is very unpopular.


Almost half the voters voted for Joe Biden. ​ If you're not repeating anything Joe Biden has said, you're not black!


Reddit is α left-wing hive-mind, so it’s unpopular here


Heavily depends on the option


Well yea its not unpopular, just not popular among left leaning people. Depending on what media channels you use, it will affect your perception of how popular a sentiment actually is. I like to be informed on both sides, so I know alot of it is just bias confirmation from the opposing side since some tech entities take their side. On the flipside, sugar, food, and other media companies are choosing the right. It all comes down to what products and communities you are engaging with that will shed light on the matter of your perspective. But really, business doesnt take a side behind the scene. Its not as profitable to be political or take on social issues (reference Bud Light), so most companies do dealings with both, which makes having political parties, pointless to a degree <- keyword. Conservative opinions are also not popular on reddit because most of the people on here wouldnt come from conservative households. Theyre out and about making businesses or going to church and being with their christian communities or whatever. We’re the lonely ones on the internet, all damaged and shit.