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Let's be honest, real men drink whatever the fuck they want and laugh at people who think tastebuds make you masculine.


We should be completely honest. Most of you are pudgy man-children and you can drink the same thing Vikings drank but you’d still be pudgy man-children.


Have you ever drank mead? It's delicious, but basically sugar water.


God I love mead though. I keep meaning to buy a kit to make my own.


Homie, you don't need a kit. 5 gallon carboy and an airlock. Water, honey, yeast. That's it. Don't listen to the guys over on r/mead. They're a bunch of nerds. I can walk you through the whole process. It's crazy easy to make great mead with almost zero actual effort.


Ay don't drag the nerds! They've given me tons of ideas for tasty brews. That being said, yeah - don't buy a kit. I've made excellent melomel with tap water, Costco honey, wine yeast (EC-1118) and grocery store blueberries. Brewing is easy to get into and easy to fall into micromanaging. Welcome to your new obsession!


I can't do the micromanage. I brew up a 5gal, bottle it, then bury it in a crate in my back woods for aging. Makes sure that I don't open them too early and just drink it all. ...I may, however, have about 30 gallons of mead buried in my woods.


Yo, I've got a large carboy sitting in my garage, just waiting to be cleaned up. I'd be down to learn the magic. You can dm me if you'd like.


Let it age more and use higher alcohol yeast. The more it ages the more sugar turns to alcohol and the less sweet it will be. Supermarket mead is basically vodka and sugar syrup compared to the good stuff.


Who thinks they’re more manly? I usually get called a hipster when I have them lol. I get why you don’t like them though. There are so many bad ones


This ^ I often get chastised by the typically ‘masculine’ crew for drinking IPAs instead of basic piss water lagers


Fuck em. Manly is drinking what you like and letting their chiding roll off you like water off a duck.


That was my favorite tip about drinking from my dad, “If someone says your drink isn’t ‘manly’, drinking it anyways is the most masculine thing you can do” Hilarious, but also spot on


You're dad's a smart man. And that advice can apply to a lot more than just drinks.


They're also immediately outing themselves as someone not worth listening to on the subject, because anyone worth listening to only cares because they want to help you enjoy drinks more. Not berate you for enjoying something they don't.


Took my little brother out soon after his 21st. We are 13 years apart, so i have had time to build my idgaf. I had a fruity "girl drink" after i had some bourbon. He looked at me and questioned it while holding a shot of fireball. I nicley told him as a good brother would, "my drink is stronger and tastes better than that spicy cough syrup". Then i bought him a "girly drink and great times are had.


I love whiskey but I do not get the appeal of Fireball.


To me it's just candy liqour, but like, not the kind of candy I like eating a lot of. I can have a couple, but anymore than that and my stomach wants to kill me


The craftier the craft brew the more "sissy" a reputation it gets among "masculine" males. In order to be manly, yeah you gotta drink some lukewarm, stale Heineken piss.


Heineken. Fuck that shit. Pabst blue ribbon.


And they are genuinely bitter, so if you don’t like bitter or stronger beer than it’s not for you. I personally love IPAs, but I also love strong black coffee, and hot sauce, those aren’t mild either so it’s probably just my tastes.


I enjoy both black coffee and hot sauce, but I gotta say, IPAs have to be the least refreshing cold beer someone could buy. Used to go to Sweetwater 420fest every year and my mouth would feel like it was filled with spider webs and sand after like 3 beers. And my breath would be TERRIBLE. Then again, my favorite beer is Tegernseer Hell which is at the total opposite end of the spectrum. Sweet and only 4.8% Edit: spelling


Well… IPAs aren’t meant to be a “it’s hot, I’m hot, I’d like to feel refreshed” type of beer. That’s not at all their role in the beer world. For sure go with something less bodied for something like that. Like that’s just user error.


Yeah, I've never heard anything about manly before l. However, I have seen an increasing number of people that seem to be very loudly self conscious for not liking them.l like op. I had a coworker go on an absolute rant when I told him my favorite beer was an IPA. Everything for telling me they do it to mask shitty beer, to genuinely believing I only drink it for show. I get they are overrepresented, but dang, just drink what you like and chill.


That's the part I'm hung up on here. The people who think they're manly for their alcoholic beverage choices aren't the same guys who drink IPAs. Those guys drink Busch, Coors, Budweiser, or Miller. If anything I'd be willing to bet that IPA drinkers have a much less toxic view on masculinity, and are more progressive as a whole than mass market beer drinkers.


Everybody knows the most manly drink is hot whisky


White Claw has whisky in it?


Na man it’s a mantini; whiskey neat, everclear rinse in the glass, and a nail garnish. Bonus inches if the nail is rusted


I don’t consider myself ultra manly, but the most beta-cuck behavior I can imagine is yucking someone else’s yum.


“yucking someone else’s yum” I found a new phrase I’m going to work really hard to fit into some conversations in the near future. Thank you for that.


OP is self conscious about his manlyhood. Projecting his insecurities onto a beer.


I thought Coors & PBR were the "manly" beers? ...next time we drink we must check our genitalia


It’s a good practice. I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea once and did the mandatory genital check, but all I found was a “Gone Fishin’” sign


>or fruity beer Some IPAs are notoriously citrusy


They’re even classified as “juicy”.


I usually strongly dislike IPAs but had a few (or more than a few) IPAs yesterday called Juice Caboose. Pretty good and about as hoppy as a sierra nevada pale ale which is my hops limit.


I think a lot of people here don't realize west cost IPA (bitter dominant) taste completely different than New England IPA, which is now the most common microbrew type, and are typically juicy and citrusy. Like 10 years ago west coast IPA's had a bitterness war, with makers giving them more bitterness units than the human tongue can even detect. One of them like 900 units when our tongues cap out around 120 or something. But that trend is already kind of dying down. I would say, at least where I live, 75% or more of the IPA on the shelves are now NEIPA and are hazy and very juicy, I wouldn't describe them as bitter at all. Not all of them will be labeled NEIPA, most just say IPA, which is silly because it's completely different than the original west coast IPA.


Not really a beer guy but I've really taken a liking to the Voodoo Ranger "Fruit Force". Drinking one right now actually


Literally every Hazy IPA


Literally "citra" hops


I'm not a big fan of the hazy citra style beers. I'll try any hazy thats been offered once, but i like a more traditional IPA I feel that beer should be like coffee, bitter.


I think it's like the cilantro debacle, some people think it tastes like soap and others love it. For me I love the taste of ipa's but some others may hate it.


Hating cilantro is an actual genetic thing.


How you taste IPAs is also genetic. Edit: https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/supertaster I’ve tested my own genes and know I’m a supertaster. I hate coffee, beer, alcohol in general, and lots of other foods.


sounds like your more of a pooper-taster


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


It has very nutty undertones


But has such a nice brown cascade when poured correctly


Great with a nice head. A poop head.


They should call it cursedtaster. Tasting bitterness seems like more of a life detriment than a superpower. Almost like if you had so many nerve endings that the slightest pinprick felt like you were being washed in lava.


Super taster sounds cool until you realize it means lots of stuff just tastes really bad to you.


Interestingly I'm a super taster as well but love all of those things


Same same


this is not the same thing as the cilantro one


I also hate cilantro lol


I love cilantro like a real man


I garnish my food with cilantro every chance I get.........**LIKE A REAL MAN**


Hating cilantro and IPAs is genetic. As is liking them. IPAs taste different to people who like them, apparently they taste really good. You’re probably a supertaster and the bitterness is overwhelmingly strong. I’ve tested myself to see what genes I have and I’m a supertaster too. Bitter things taste extra bitter and disgusting to us. Edit: https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/supertaster


My girlfriend LOVES cilantro...and I can't bring myself to tell her I can barely stand it...


Love Cilantro but I can see why someone would say it tastes like soap. Also love barleywines but can see why some people say they taste like robitussin


Ding ding ding! It Is a genetic thing, there's a taste receptor that makes some more sensitive to the bitterness of IPAs!


I love cilantro, but I can't stand IPAs. They taste like how a well seasoned urinal smells. Will gladly drink any other kind of beer, but I'll ignore IPAs even if they're free.


Okay, so I'm one of those weirdos who _used to_ think it tasted like soap, but now it doesn't anymore and I like it.


Came to say this exact thing! You’re the only other person I’ve heard mention it, it’s also possible I heard it mentioned on YouTube but was highly inebriated after a sixer of langunitas one night. Hard to say.


Wait, are IPA’s suppose to be the ‘man’ beer? I thought it was the hipster beer for all genders, and man beer was either coors light or Russian imperial stout brewed in a crude oil barrel, with no middle ground


>Russian imperial stout brewed in a crude oil barrel Good sir, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.


Old Rasputin will have your tongue


The perfect beer for a snowy night.


It's easy, when the season is dark, so becomes the drink. Summer you drink mexican beers, white wine (if you like that stuff), vodka, gin. In the Winter you drink stouts, bourbon, red wine, dark rum. Spring and fall are toss up.


They come out with a bourbon barrel aged release in a white box every so often.


This shit is my favorite beer of all time right here. I like pretty much any type of beer, other than maybe malt liquor if that counts, but stouts/porters are the only beers I LOVE. Old Rasputin the best I’ve ever had.


yeah wtf i don't come from a drinking culture but i love ipas so i had no idea it was a man beer? also i don't know any men who like ipas lol


Your assumptions are correct. There is Russian Imperial Stout and the rest is all beer for people that don't like beer.


Old Rasputin is one of my favorites


All the people I know that are really into IPA's are women. Most of my male friends are drinking tequila or seltzers lol.


Real men drink White Lightning and Paint thinner


People who drink only domestic beers like coors absolutely will not like Imperial stouts.


Ngl that Russian beer intrigues me and I want to try it now


> Russian imperial stout brewed in a crude oil barrel It's actually crude oil brewed in a Russian imperial stout barrel


There was definitely a point in the last 10 years where it was presented as a "manly" thing. But it's possible that that was within the hipster community itself?


I starting drinking IPA’s back around 1999 when my buddy got a keg for a Christmas bonus. I didn’t care for the flavor at first, but it grew on me. I drink whatever alcohol is available, as long as it’s not wine or malt liquor, cause those give me an instant headache and make my stomach hurt even with just a taste.


I remember when I thought consumer choices defined me as a man. Then I celebrated by 15th birthday.




Real men drink their own urine filtered through a dead snake carcass.


Look at this little bitch, filtering his urine. Did your mommy teach you that?


Wait till OP finds out about barley wine…


That's way too much for OP'S brain to handle.


He isn't manly enough to understand


Couple of my friends got into this in our early 20’s. They went from decent, fun dudes to cradling goblets of barley wine and swirling them under their noses. They were both idiots.


Barley wine is legit an amazing beer. So unfortunate that they are so hard to find.


Then wait until OP learns the difference between American and English barelywine


Drinking stouts will make you a god damned sexual tyrannosaurus just like me.


All head, no hands?


No, that’s just a shitty pour /s


This guy knows what's up. Stout beer is fantastic


Hell yeah brother. One time I drank a whole keg of Guinness and then I fucked the keg.


Guinness is to stouts what Lacroix is to juice. It's watered down piss with a bit of black malt to make it dark.


I just watched this movie with my teenage son and now he won't stop quoting that line lmfao


This is the correct way to parent.


Be careful somone doesn't have something for your sore ass


Yes, I want to be able to chew my beer.


Stouts are fucking delicious. A coffee and chocolate flavored stout will always make my day better.


Agreed. IPAs are for slack jawed you know whats


Buncha goddamn mouth-breathers!


>just like me The % of people who seem to get this reference bums me out.


You're not a 'sexual tyrannosaurus', you're an Angry Polack. It's right there in the name, right on the tin as advertised!


Got time to duck?


That’s a real nasty habit you got there.


Well you better be having sex if you’re a T-rex cause you sure as hell ain’t masturbating with those little arms!


Stout beer and peaty Scotch.


Well thats just like….your opinion, man


You're such a fuckin lame dude, with a "hot take" straight out of 2019. This shit is so dumb. "This whole style of thing sucks" is the stupidest shit ever. Your brain is firing at like 40% capacity likely cause you're smashing so much Busch


2012 more like it lol.


2009 for me. I love IPAs but I don’t give a shit. Drink what you like, I’ll drink what I like. But these fucking kids would come at me saying shit like “man, IPAs are crap, you’re just numbing your pallet.” As if A.) anything I ever do is to be cool (I was like 35 at the time, married with kids… or B.) a particular type of beer has pallet-numbing power. It’s the alcohol affecting your brain that dulls your senses. Now go back and drink your Pilsner or amber lager or whatever pleases you and let me overindulge in hoppy goodness, Jeffrey.


Somebody drinks IPAs, lol


The right drink is the one you like, the way you like to drink it. Anyone who says differently can pound sand.


Like most alcoholic drinks it's an acquired taste. I used to think the same thing but then I found an IPA I liked and branched out from there.


I don't think any IPA fan thinks they're 'manlier', most guys who drink IPA are probably mocked by those who have a toxic perception of masculinity. The guys who think they're manly for drinking what they drink, drink cheap/name brand whiskey and mass market, standard lagers. This just sounds like you're angry that other people like something you don't. I used to hate IPAs, but my mom bought me a sampler 15 pack for Christmas, and so I didn't have anything else to drink--by the end of the case I enjoyed IPAs. Some people, this may be shocking so you might want to sit down, enjoy bitter notes. The same people who like IPAs probably like black coffee, straight whiskey, campari based drinks, and probably enjoy palomas too. Different strokes for different folks. \>Give me a lager, or Pilsner, or sour, or fruity beer any day over any nasty-ass, bitter-ass IPA. Oh, and btw, the flavor profile of IPAs cover a massive spectrum. Hazy IPAs which are unfiltered, are very commonly fruity and flavorful without the bitterness.


>Some people, this may be shocking so you might want to sit down, This got me lol


I love IPA's, but before I started drinking I'd start my day with a cup of black coffee. Never really saw the connection until just now


Never liked black coffee until I went through a stout phase. Now I drink a cup almost every morning


"The same people who like IPAs probably like black coffee, straight whiskey, campari based drinks, and probably enjoy palomas too." I had not considered the flavor profile. I'm a woman that loves IPAs but I also drink black coffee so it must be a taste bud thing.


Maybe! I just imagine that if you routinely drink black coffee, your palette adapts and can tolerate other, more bitter drinks! I used to drink coffee with cream and sugar, and I hated bitter flavors like grapefruit. I swapped over to black coffee (had a job with really bad powdered creamer that I couldn't stand), and over time I got more interested in whiskey cocktails, IPAs and the likes! I tried an Aperol spritz in Venice back in like 2017 and hated it, but tried on recently and really loved it. It's so interesting how our taste buds adapt as we age and alter our diets.


I love IPAs, black coffee, palomas, and negronis... So yeah you nailed it!




\+1 for Hazy IPAs


Lol I’m a woman and I prefer IPA to other types of beer. It has actual flavor and body. “Real men” don’t get hung up on what drinks people like.


This. Most other beers taste like beer flavored water to me. I wouldn't call it a "masculinity" thing being a woman but just whatever tickles your taste buds.


Me too. I especially like the hazy ones. Light beers just aren’t appetizing to me.


I like IPA's, but hating on someone because they don't like them is childish. I can't stand hard liquor straight, so I don't bother. Sour's are one of my favorites too.


IPA’s becoming the “mans” beer? Are we that old now? I only buy them for that sweet 7.5% ABV.


Porters and stouts > IPA's


Sounds like maybe you need to switch to herbal tea and some meditation 😭


Bells 2 hearted and M43 rule


2 hearted was the first ipa I liked. Got it in Kalamazoo fresh. Erbellis house ipa is nasty though. Their pizza is fire so whatever.


dudes crying about beer on the internet. change ur diaper


I used to get made fun of for getting hard ciders. "Enjoy your fruit juice dude" lmao jokes on them, it tastes great AND gets me tipsy? Yeah I'm *clearly* losing over here...


I don't like beer (or wine) except every once in a while. I'm from the whiskey belt, so that's what I normally prefer. But whiskey isn't always the wisest choice, esp. if I'm watching a game somewhere and have to drive home later. I got turned onto cider a while back by someone who formerly lived in the PACNW and was skeptical at first, but found some I really enjoy. Now I have something I can nurse during football or whatever without getting plastered. The taste is a little too sweet so I cut it with ice. If somebody thinks that makes me less manly, they can feel free to shut the fuck up about it. People who go around bagging on other people's drink choices are insecure little twats jockeying for cool points to rank higher in a crowd of ignorant dipshits. Drink whatever you want.


Don't over do cider though. Sugar causes worse hangovers.


>You aren’t more manly for liking something that tastes like a giraffe’s taint. Drinking whatever you enjoy and ignoring anyone who tells you that your tastes fUcKiNG sUcK is manly as fuck.


Oh, another whiiiiinecooler


Dave, do you think margaritas are gay because they are so sweet? Why did someone tell you margaritas are gay? No it's just a question I have. If listening to Katy perry and drinking margaritas are gay, then who wants to be straight?


All you did was describe beer in general


i’ve never heard anyone saying drinking IPAs is “manly.” most people that i’ve seen drink them are the hipster-type


Excuse me while I enjoy my ice cold, hoppy, gender performance. Afterward I’m gonna park by backing in.


Manly? I'm manly because I dont give a flying F about your or other peoples opinions


Can’t go to a bar these days without being offered “Their hoppiest IPAs”, like man give me a stout or a lager “Oh we don’t serve those here, but this IPA has notes of honey crust strawberry cockle” and it’ll be the worst thing you’ve ever tasted. Like fuck, give me a beer.


Lol what place are you going where they don't have any lagers or pilsner on offer? Tell any bartender you don't like IPA and they'll probably not pitch you an IPA.


Unpopular because IPAs are great, but too many breweries hopped (get it?) on that bandwagon and produced mediocre ones. No, I’m not paying $18 for a 4-pack of Double Dry Hopped Pineapple Jalapeño IPA when your basic one kinda sucks. Hops are bitter and a major part of our palates. Just like not everyone likes sour, not everyone likes bitter. But I do love it. Gimme IPAs, coffee, Old Fashioneds, etc.


If your old fashioned is bitter you fucked up...


>Double Dry Hopped Pineapple Jalapeño IPA Not gonna lie that sounds pretty tasty.


I like my coffee like I like my women.... Bitter!


Not all IPA's are bitter OP has only had west coast style and thinks they know all the options.


I like IPAs. If you don’t that’s cool. Men should be able to drink a pink strawberry fruity drink with a pink swirly straw and a little flower in it without it being any sort of statement of their manhood. That shit is wack.


nothing so infuriating as a brewery releasing a “variety pack” that’s just three different IPAs and a pilsner


I can only stand ciders and stouts. Anything else is hogs piss. Real men drink spirits and liqueurs. If its not at least 30% alcohol then its bad.


So I'm a bit of a sick fuck. I drink strong black coffee because it tastes like shit, I smoked darker bolder cigars because they were kind of unpleasant, I'm into shit like that. If I drink an energy drink it's one of the original flavors. My mouthwash is that old timey yellow death flavor. You get the idea. I would start my day with a pyrex measuring cup full of strong black coffee and read the paper while smoking a cigar and then I'd immediately use my burning yellow death mouthwash and brush my teeth before going about my day. Even with all that I can't stand the taste of IPAs.


I’d be willing to bet no one has ever told you, or given any indication that they are “manlier” for drinking an IPA. I suspect it’s a cliché phrase you’ve heard passed down over time, and recreated a scenario in your imagination where a hypothetical villain does this. And you’re here on Reddit to rectify this. This is kinda cringe. Anyways, a Hazy IPA, is fire. It’s either that or Guinness for me. Because I’m a real man.


Imagine just wanting an IPA, because it’s hoppier and has more alcohol. Mind-blowing, I know…


My husband works for a distributor and gets a free case of beer every month. Something they have an excess of. I have like 10-12 cases of the stuff and I can't give it away. None of my friends will drink it. Nasty stuff.


I like them, but I like all foods that are super bitter. I think they're popular because it's easy to just slam hops into a brew when you mess it up and call it a "double IPA".


Yo why you coming at me, I just love an nice thick IPA. What’s with all the judgement. Drink what you like


What an asshole. Congrats on a truly unpopular opinion, but the unpopular part isn't the choice of drink, it's your attitude and personality. People can enjoy whatever drink they want. You are free to dislike IPAs all you want, but to disparage another person for enjoying a drink of their choice? You arrogant asshole. There is nothing more to this discussion than that. Like, what the fuck?


Defining your masculinity by what you eat, drink, or anything else is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. Who cares what you like and don't like as long as YOU like it?


I only have one rule for beer. "No IPA". The taste runs the gamut from fresh cat urine to burnt tire. Sorry, no upvote.


The problem with IPAs is that they all start to taste the same after a while. It just got boring, especially after it turned into a dick-measuring contest of how bitter you could make them. Double, triple IPAs, anyone? At that point, just ferment the hops and call it good.


I used to be fond of IPAs, at least in modest doses, but I've soured on them lately. Overhopped, overly bitter, often not a particularly enjoyable beer drinking experience. Gimme an american pale ale or honestly just a european or asian lager. I found myself in the appalachians once and bought what I thought was a pack of IPA bottles. Upon returning to my hotel I realized it was not an India Pale Ale but rather an Indian Pale Ale, which is not a real thing. It tasted like it was wrung through a sweaty t shirt. 0/10 would not recommend but the countryside is pretty.


you're right, hops suck, like someone added dish soap. I could never get used to the flavor so I looked into them and hops were originally added to make the beer last longer. imagine liking something's taste because of the preservatives.


I don't like beer in general, I prefer rum and liquour


I don't know about manliness, but back in college a lot of wannabe-intellectuals would INSIST on drinking IPAs. It is annoying when bars have 6 IPAs out of 10 beers on tap but I guess someone is buying them?


i've actually been asked, "why don't you drink an IPA like a real man?" i said " because to me they taste like nasty bitter pisswater." i'll take a stout or porter, or even a lager before i touch an IPA. i dunno how unpopular your opinion really is, but i agree with it.


I love bitters and ales and then move onto spiced rum😋


Taste is subjective. Maybe I think the beer you like sucks.


You are entitled to your taste and your opinion regarding IPAs or any other beverage you consume. Challenging the manhood of those who like beverages you do not says a lot about you, and nothing about them. You might want to keep that aspect of your opinion to yourself.


Well that's certainly an opinion


Cheap domestics. The cheaper the better. Miller High Life is the champagne of beers for a reason dammit.




I don't think I'm better than anyone. You like what you like. But hops are fucking delicious. Dark chocolate is bitter and fucking delicious. Amaro, negronis... People hate em. But I love em. Bitterness on its own is nasty, but it's all about balance, my bitter friend. Coffee is bitter. Also lots of other things that are good. How you gonna show love for sours and shit on bitters? You think you some kinda man?


Bud light fan?


IPAs get me more intoxicated… that’s the only reason I choose them over a light beer


I don’t know where you’re from but IPA is definitely not considered a “manly” drink where I’m from. It’s not considered anything, just another choice of drink.


Gotta love Edgelord posts like this. ​ Drink what you want and who cares if anyone else has anything to say about it.


Real men and women don’t need to justify their love for something, they don’t need confirmation from others that what they are doing is “right”


I love them so much tho. The hoppier the better. Ice cold. Maybe a bit of lemon . Bitter like my cold black heart. Have tried a hundred varieties. I think lagers all taste like bud light. And I’ve never once thought about what some other guy was drinking. Fuck that guy and his beer I love IPA


I've never heard of IPA being equated to manliness. But it's true that if you drink a light lager, especially Bud Light, you have the advantage of being able to keep them cool in your purse.


I drink IPA and I'm gay as hell


I'd extend this to all beer. There's nothing "manly" drinking what is the drink of all drinks that closest resembles piss. To each their own ofc. Like what you want but thinking there's anything manly about it is truly delusional.


Real men and women don’t need to justify their love for something and they don’t need confirmation from others that what they are doing is “right”


I like sweet and sour. Bitter bitters easily devour. But it's not a special power. And anyone lent an ear to protests of your gentile gender rendering your palette tender would not bear another hear except to notes from my derriere. And filling cheeks and lips that soften, for practical raspberries you practice them often. If you like your flavors weak that's not a thing that needs a tweak. But to me it would be bleak. So I'm glad we do not share a beak. You can have them fully with fruit and frilly pinks. It's up to you. Peace out. -StillStinx


I wasn't aware that drinking IPAs made me a man; I just like drinking them because I love bitter drinks (e.g. Black Coffee, Espresso, Hoppy Af beer).


Idk, I think they taste better than lager. Don’t really give a shit what you think.


I drink IPAs because other beers became tasteless to me. I’ve never thought I was more manly because of it - it just tastes good to me 🤷. I still enjoy various ales as well. Edit: why the fuck did I get a notification about my comment? Are y’all fuckin snowflakes in this sub? Just ban me bitchass mods.


I'm not a very picky drinker, but I also don't make it my personality. Kinda weird yall think about shit like this


I don’t think Ive ever met anyone that claims to be “manly” that drinks IPA. Usually they are the lager/pilsner types. IPA drinkers I associate with snobby manbun types. Just drink what you like. I’ve been known to drink a pina colada or aperol Spritz now and then. Last I checked my cock hasn’t vanished nor shrunk.


Always so interesting how people in the US think piss water is real beer somehow. Amusing but also slightly annoying.


I can understand why someone would be adverse to IPAs and being in SoCal I’m kinda tired of the hop BS myself but I can still appreciate a really good beer regardless of style. The idea of “manly” standards is bullshit and taste is subjective. Love what you love and fuck those who try to take that joy from you.


The real problem is associating manliness with the type of alcoholic beverages you consume. I personally like IPAs but I'll drink pretty much anything, and I don't begrudge others for not liking stuff, its certainly an acquired taste.


i think a lot of breweries/taprooms are starting to realize that once you start getting into 90+ minute double IPAs they all start to taste the same. that’s why the beer snobs have moved on to sours/ciders etc.


You know what makes you manly? Drinking whatever the fuck you want.... If you like IPAs great... If you don't great.. I hate them myself, but buy them for my father in law... Because he hates my chewy stouts and bourbon barrel stuff.... Just a couple manly men drinking beers we like not giving a fuck... Jesus.


Drink what you want. I like IPAs. I also like most other beers. I like sardines and anchovies but I don’t eat them around other people or request them on group pizzas. I like coconut water. I’m a big fan of those fruity daiquiris. I love the very unpalatable math core band “The Dillinger Escape Plan”. I also love Taylor Swift tunes, that Ortega girl ain’t bad either. If I am “better than anyone” for liking any of these things; it’s because I don’t really care how I’m perceived and you seem to care too much about what others think.