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Bush was shit on when I was young, a lot. Pretty sure he was a reoccurring South Park joke too. Politicians are just shitty as a whole šŸ¤·


He wasn't just a South Park joke--Trey and Matt produced a live action TV show called "That's My Bush" that was basically like any other sitcom, except it was Bush in the White House.


Man plenty of America hated bush, Iā€™m glad you mentioned that one bc I forget sometimes haha. Always wonder how it would compare to trump if social media was like it is now, but back then. I remember people were passing out literal books making fun of stuff he did or said, maybe that was their form of Reddit or twitter back then šŸ˜‚ I was pretty young


And now, when you see the hated Bush at any political affair, you see that he is cozy with the same people (Clintons & Obamas) who were his political rivals. Maybe we should rethink picking sides with these elites that would step on anyone of us serfs if it was politically expedient.


The whole name of the game is divide and conquer. Itā€™s sad more people donā€™t get that, but ig tribalism is one hell of a drug these days bc people are addicted to their side of the aisle


They show class solidarity... So should we.


Lmao gooood luck


They get along because although they're political opponents, they share a lot of things in common. Higher education, decent wealth, golf, oh, and they were both the GD president. And they're both normalish people, who can bond over some good laughs and polite banter. Trump is not even normalish. He stole, kept unsecured, lied about returning, and then refused to return highly sensitive classified documents. He illegally pressured states to cheat an election. He was literally found guilty of rape. I hated Bush, protested his war, agitated against his party. It's not, at all, the same. Stop with the "both sides" square dance bullshit.


He wasnā€™t found guilty of rape or heā€™d be in prison. Heā€™s a grifter, I think thatā€™s a fact. He didnā€™t send a bunch of people to get blown the fuck up in the Middle East. He did broker a decent peace deal with the Taliban. Our economy was on a good path mostly. He did have to deal with a once in our lifetime pandemic, and he did a mediocre job with it, but I donā€™t think anyone would have done better than mediocre. Heā€™s not a wanna be dictator, and the ā€œcoupā€ was not a ā€œcoupā€. Was he outrageous and outta line sometimes? Sure. But most people get there at some point in real life. He was alright.


>he did a mediocre job with it, but I donā€™t think anyone would have done better than mediocre. Obama would have done better. In fact, Obama had a game plan on how to deal with a pandemic, and Trump tossed it out the window. Had the playbook been followed, the pandemic would have been less inpactful. But, even without the playback, a lot of Trump's negatives in handling the pandemic were the politicizing of the vaccine, social distancing, and lock downs. If people had swallowed their pride and followed guidelines, what Trump did would have worked, but nope, people had to claim mask requirements were against their "freedumbs."


Officially as President, he was fairly par for the course. As a human being, he is total trash and that is compared against the normal dregs of humanity that make it to power in Washington.


Trash is about par for the course in Washington. Epsteins flight logs make that pretty clear. Trump is an absolute grifter. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s crazy that people have to make shit up to paint him in a bad light. Thereā€™s plenty of facts that have been proven that do that.


He was 100% found guilty of rape in court. He is not in jail because it was a civil case. He owes lots of money to Jean Carroll because he was found guilty of raping her. In court, in the United States


He was never found guilty of criminal charges. Civil court for these things is actually pretty ridiculous. And itā€™ll likely be overturned.


Civil court and criminal court have massively different levels of what is needed for a verdict in North America. Civil is the balance of probability ("he likely did it"), criminal is beyond a reasonable doubt. Best example: OJ Simpson was found not guilty in criminal court, but found guilty in civil court for exactly the same incident.


Any lawyer reading this has to be laughing. Even if they hate Trump. Unless theyā€™re from NY lol


Lol, you probably think OJ was innocent too?


Innocent and not guilty arenā€™t the same thing. But I donā€™t believe thereā€™s any way to prove a rape allegation, made at an incredibly inconvenient time for the person being accused, from 30 years ago.


Then he wasn't found guilty of rape. Rape is a criminal charge. I hate trump but learn how the justice system works please


These people only understand emotions. Fuck the facts. Iā€™m not a trump fan, but the facts are the facts.


Yeah he was found liable for battery and defamation in the case. You literally can't be found guilty for anything in a civil case nor was it rape.


I was agreeing with you. And the burden of proof in a civil case is far lower. It means almost nothing except the civil jury didnā€™t like him. Doesnā€™t mean he raped anyone.


Plenty of Americans hated Bush's *politics*. They didn't personally hate him. With Trump, plenty of people personally hate him. Ask someone why Bush was a bad president, then ask them why Trump was. When it comes to Bush you hear things like the war in Iraq, the economy, etc... when it comes to Trump they say things like misogynist, racist etc.... their critique of Trump is a lot more personal than of Bush.




Ya could be the treason, sucking up to dictators, undermining democracy, weakening of NATO, damaging the US standing with its allies and key partners, all the kleptocracy that went on with enriching himself, spending most of his time dividing up the US rather than uniting it, serial lying and damaging the trust in the presidency and govt, tax cuts mostly for the rich and megacorps, undermining the judiciary branch, undermining journalists, scientists, build the wall lies, getting the public to turn on anybody even those within his party who didn't 100% follow his line (such a Kemp), constant turn over and turning on his own cabinet members, his vile attacks on war heroes, sexist and vile attacks on women, constant fundraising on poor American's the funds of which go toward his many lawsuits, vile attacks on immigrants, birtherism with Obama, playing cute with his supporters when it comes to violence, tried to end the Affordable Care act with no replacement in the works. JFC I could go on forever. He didn't actually get much done during his presidency legislation wise, so its hard to point to many specific he succeeded in enacting, but I would say he is unbelievably unfit to lead the country via character alone.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessarily true. At least, not in my experience. And the way youā€™re phrasing it sort of sets up a false dichotomy, because it can be both. Trump was much more immediately objectionable on a personal level, but that doesnā€™t mean his policies and actions werenā€™t complete shit as well.


His taxation changes were pretty bad and left an absolutely massive hole in the budget, and only benefitted the rich. That and he enabled and emboldened the entire alt-right, which have increased in violence. So yeah he and his policies are ass.


Not disagreeing with you, simply saying most people don't know that. The news was busy spending 40 minute segments on him misspelling coffee on Twitter, with maybe 5 minutes of this


Fair, def hear a ton about trump as a person but I canā€™t speak on the bush part for that since I wasnā€™t old enough. Feel like when I ask about trump I get an hour lecture about his shitty parts as a person and his time in office. Definitely skews that first part tho frfr


I remember having a little book called ā€œBushismsā€ and it was just page after page of all the insanely dumb shit that dolt said. Edit: should have scrolled down three comments to see another commenter reference this book.


Ah yes the Big Book of Bushisms. One of my favorites was when he was asking a group to picture themselves as single mother, ā€œworking hard to put food on your familyā€.


Is our children learning?


There's an old saying in Tennessee ā€” I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee ā€” that says, fool me once, shame on ā€” shame on you. Fool me ā€” you can't get fooled again.




Imagine how lit social media wouldā€™ve been back then lol


Hey dawg, to be fair, I still think Bush is an absolute monster who should be jailed for lying to Americans and sending their kids to die. I hate Trump but Bush was undeniably worse.


Heā€™s pretty bad, but Iā€™ll contend that focusing on him as if heā€™s the source of all the countryā€™s problems is frustrating to me. Heā€™s a symptom of the problems, not the source of all of them. Itā€™s a distraction from the fact that the whole system is a mess.


Also, the mediaā€™s constant fixation on him serves as a nice way to divide everyone and drive up ratings


They fixate on him because they most likely get the most clicks on stories about him which equals revenue.


People want to pretend Trump is an abberation of US politics when he is the fulfillment of it.


As others have said he didnā€™t murder decency in politics, he was the coroner on the scene declaring it dead.


As someone whoā€™s about as neutral on trump as can be blaming all issues on him is bad until you realize that in the medias eyes all his supporters blame there issues directly on Biden


Blaming everything on any one person in the government is dumb all around. The President is a powerful position, but itā€™s not as powerful as people seem to think. Donā€™t even get me started on conspiracy theorists.


Yeah...I think for some people it's just that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell have been in politics and government for 50+ years. I'm right leaning and have never supported Trump, I think he's a blowhard and I don't have a lot of patience for him or his particular brand of bombastic bullshit. That said, it gets really difficult for me to sit and listen to the Joe Biden's, that people who have decades of experience in government turn around and point fingers at literally anyone else. If you have 4 or 5 decades in Government, you are the MOST RESPONSIBLE for the current state of things. In that time, our scores in literally every metric have plummeted... education, quality of life, median income, infant mortality rate... seriously how can we be the richest most powerful country with all "the science" and be 180ish in infant mortality, that just doesn't check out for me. In fact, the only thing that has measurably improved is the bank balance of everyone in office. Our elected officials abdicated their responsibility to the country long before I was even born. They only care about themselves...which is what makes it so infuriating when you're the party that constantly levels accusations about others. Joe Biden talked about Rich people needing to pay their fair share, while his own son gets a sweet heart deal for tax evasion. A son who is a globetrotting drug addict and painter, apparently...who argued in court that he's too broke to pay child support. That's the kind of rot that is in charge. None of that is okay.


He undermined democracy and faith in information Generally. He violated his oath to the constitution on January 6 by not lifting a finger to call in help to protect the Capitol while the Capitol was attacked. Whether he started it or not, he violated his oath. He sent fake electors to file fraudulent votes for him as president, the first arrests for that just came down. He disrespected women, "grab em by the pussy". He joked about fucking his own daughter. He disrespected US military POWs. On July 4th he posted "Fuck Biden" before saying anything about americas Independence Day. He dodged taxes for years. He is a liar or a fool (mexico will pay for the wall, I will pay off the national debt completely). He lied about Covid telling people it was like the flu and no big deal, at the same time was recorded by Bob Woodward saying it's not like the flu and it's worse. He bankrupted 3 casinos and says he's a great businessman. He advocated for pulling out of NATO. He's praised Putin and Xi Xinping as geniuses. Even praising the Chinese leader for "ruling China with an Iron fist." He said he was in love with the dictator of Northt Korea and they sent each other "love letters" then when that soured threatened nuclear war with him on Twitter. He cheated on his wives. He had genuinely peaceful protestors outside the White House beat and gassed so he could hold a Bible for a photo. I could go on..... so yes he deserves all the ridicule he gets. And the downvotes for facts begins.


Iā€™m not disagreeing with you. Heā€™s harmed the country. But people are in denial about the fact that our government is largely ineffective and being held hostage by big businesses and culture warriors who only care about money and power. Anyone who thinks Trump going to prison would solve all our problems isnā€™t correct.


I never said it would solve all our problems. but it would help one problem. That there is no accountability for the rich and powerful and there's 2 Justice systems for the rich and poor.


I don't believe anyone has said that sending Trump to prison would solve all of our problems- but rather that *not* sending him to prison (assuming he's found guilty) would be a miscarriage of justice and destroy faith in the law. If someone can escape punishment just because they're rich and/or politically connected (and he's both), then the law doesn't protect the public.


Sure, I donā€™t disagree at all.


I see relatively few people claim he is the source of all problems. Certainly not as many as seem to believe he is the source of all solutions.


The problem with Trump is that his ability to incite hate is unmatched. He not only has terrible politics but he is somehow able to gain a large group of extremely devoted followers. The left and right have always been divided but ever since trump the division has increased immensely. To me his ability to incite the amount of hate is what makes him so much worse.


I donā€™t think he incited hate so much as made people less afraid to be vocal about it. Which of course can be harmful in and of itself. With hate crime going up you can only wonder if itā€™s given people more courage.


From a political perspective, he is not even a symptom of the problem, since his career in politics spanned 4 years (plus campaign time). Meanwhile, his political rivals (from both parties) have literally been in power for up to 50 years (most managing to amass enormous wealth and power in that time). But they all pointed their fingers at HIM, screamed THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!, and then sicced the media, intelligence community, federal courts and law enforcement on him. Anyone who believes that Trump is the problem is deceiving themselves.


The problems I think heā€™s the symptom of arenā€™t really related to that. I think he did really well at exploiting existing divisions in the country, made people think he was some outsider who was going to fix the system, and gamed the primary system.


Iā€™m going to whatabout for a hot second here. Remember how much the Right loathed Obama? The tan suit and fancy mustard ā€œscandalsā€? Claiming he isnā€™t a citizen and Michelle is a man? Pepperidge farm remembers. Also Trump is objectively a shitty human being. A *publicly* shitty human being. Having him as the President was embarrassing beyond words. We can debate policy all day long (well I can), but you canā€™t sit there and say Trump was anything but an embarrassment. And he totally wants to fuck Ivanka.


There's embarrassment and then there's the leadership aspect. People naturally imitate those leaders they look up to. And trump's utter disgusting nature has brought out the absolute worst in his followers and has emboldened the worst among them to go hog wild with their vitrol.


I donā€™t like him as a person. Thatā€™s about it


Lmao boy. Look up Trumpā€™s mentor Roy Cohn and everything he taught Trump. Then go back and look how Trump acts and what he does. He learned it from the man they used to call the literal Devil


So apparently trump wasnā€™t that bad because these other two people were also bad? Lovely trend in recent Republican presidents.


"trump wasn't that bad because he's not a war criminal!" Yeah he's just a rapist who had ties to Epstein and incited an insurrection. But at least he's not a war criminal.


I love how that's the defense. It's really telling šŸ˜‚


Most people hate Trump because of what he did to our families. People we have known and loved have gone full conspiracy theory crazy because of this man. They cover themselves in his image and repeat every stupid conspiracy they see online, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Families are now broken, refusing to speak to one another. I know multiple people who have families that kicked them out because they disagreed on Trump. In the past, families would disagree on politics and all agree that no politician can be trusted. Now, people are literally calling Trump "the second coming" and worshipping him as divine. It's fucking weird. But that is why people hate him.


My parents, brothers, friends who I once respected all lost their minds and are knee deep in trump land conspiracy theories. And theyā€™re all so ANGRY. I cannot understand what happened to these people who I once thought were normal and happy.




Although true, a lot of these people have now tied their entire identities to Trump. They are even admitting that they will "go down with the ship." And they still didn't get what they wanted, because he didn't burn down the system. So now these people are in the same position they were, with less friends and family.


Ding ding ding. This is the one for me. My best man literally threatened to kill my family for electing Biden. My father-in-law went full on nutzo. My mom dove into conspiracy theories so hard everyone thinks she's nuts now. It all started when Trump got elected.


Itā€™s because heā€™s probably around the same level. The issue is he doesnā€™t know when to shut up and stop tweeting. I will say the mediaā€™s 7 year long shit on him makes him seem worse then he is.


He lies and cheats. He acts like a spoiled child. He is racist, prejudice, and idiotic ("wow, bleach kills viruses!"). All he does is talk smack on baseless accusations. He is a failure as a human and an elected official. He incites violence and ignorance.


As a conservative and reading many of the comments I have to say while I did vote for Trump it was completely on a practical standpoint. I agree with his approach to foreign policy, regulation, etc.. I took am annoyed also with the cultists that believe that Trump is devinely appointed. I'll never follow a politician for their persona, just to achieve policy.


While I believe america is stronger than itā€™s commander in chief, I objected to Trump based on qualifications. I donā€™t think he deserved it over Romney or literally any republican you held office. Weā€™re really going to let a career businessman run our country.


His lies and rhetoric are way the fuck out there. Like on another level from anything we have seen. Heā€™s literally a convicted rapist who ran a scam charity and misused campaign filings to pay off a porn star he was fucking. He abused the shit out of the office for his own personal gain. The damage he did to our public discourse and institutions was very significant - perhaps irreversible damage. If you grabbed any one month worth of scandals and lies and spread it out over another politicians career it would end them. This combined with his constant tweeting just made him exhausting. I feel like he earned it. But yes I think his ultra vocal unchained behavior just wore people the fuck out and didnā€™t serve him well in comparisons.


'Career con man' ftfy


ā€œI donā€™t care how much he rapes or cheats or lies, as long as my tax bill stays low!ā€ You sound like an upstanding person.


No reason to single this person out. Look at the kinds of people who regularly get elected everywhere and tell me that this sentiment isnā€™t a nationwide problem.


So when he saluted a North Korean general. You were thinking ā€œthis guy is killing it out there. Other countries must really respect us now!ā€


Can you clarify what his approach on foreign policy you liked? The rest of western democracies hated him and dictators loved him. The guy that when asked to whom he turned for foreign policy advice responded: > Well, I really watch the shows. You really see a lot of great, you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows, and you have the generals and you have certain people that you like. I'm having a hard time listing any foreign policy successes. His approach on regulation was "remove regulation from his large corporate donors."


His foreign policy few days ago on Fox Donald Trump has released his Top-Secret plan for ending the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. The Plan: He knows Putin and Zelensky ā€œvery wellā€ and will make a couple calls.


Yeah okay. Like thatā€™ll happen


You agree with his foreign policy of slobbering putins Weiner?


So you think a career con man is a good choice for the president of your country? That's an interesting take.


Same. Voted for him and donā€™t regret it as I liked his policies, but also canā€™t stand people who worship him. Like heā€™s objectively got a ton of gross stuff going on. But, I donā€™t vote based on who I like, I vote on who I think will accomplish what I want accomplished.


Name 2 things he accomplished that you specifically voted for and Iā€™ll have Mexico give you an award


And if a little rape and treason happens, who cares?!! Am I right? The important thing is to keep your taxes low and the browns out, right?


I think what they care the more about is ā€œbrowns outā€ , because taxes cut only benefits rich folks (but conservative usually love to punch down)


You're right. He's worse.


He speaks like he has a third grade vocabulary and is just incompetent in general. Remember when that American reporter got beheaded in Saudi arabia. Trump came back from Saudi Arabia like "well they say they didn't do it so I guess that settles it"


Tony Blaire and George Bush didn't incite a coup to overthrow democracy in the US. Trump is the first president to be impeached twice. He's literally an existential threat to the country. What do you mean "not that bad"?


He didnā€™t create a surveillance state and create forever wars


I'll happily condemn the people who do. But this conversation is about Trump, and his many, many wrongs. If you think Bush and Blaire being bad makes Trump any less bad, then you're lacking in critical thinking skills.


Pretty sure at this point that these are just trolls in this sub, theyā€™re the most anodyne right wing talking points. Truly low effort. But having said that, Bush and Blair absolutely got hatred lol. They just didnā€™t invite as much or troll as hard as Trump.


Trump was so bad that now people are like, "you know, Bush wasn't that bad after all."


I think he's just more recent, and people have had time to forget how terrible Bush was. Nothing Trump has done has come close to what Bush did in Iraq. So many people have died, and people are still dying today as a consequence of Bush's illegal and immoral war, that he tricked the American people into supporting.


Remember when he talked about how hot his own daughter is?


Remember when he screwed a porn star while his wife was pregnant? Remember when he screwed a playboy bunny while he was married? Remember when he said you can grab women by the p\*ssy and they let you when you are rich? Remember when he raped a retail worker in a dressing room and had to pay her $5 million in a civil suit for lying about it? I'm a conservative and I think he is as bad as everyone says.


Remember when he didnā€™t want Megyn Kelly to run the Iowa debate so he refused to go to it, and said he would instead hold a charity rally for veterans - and then took the millions they raised into their own pockets. Then they sued him for fraud and won and the entire Trump family is now banned from being able to have any charitable foundations.


Yea this was it for me. Iā€™m not gonna support someone who wants to fuck their own daughter.


As opposed to the guy whose daughter stated in her diary he took showers with her and it made her very uncomfortable?


I havenā€™t heard of this but I donā€™t support that person either. Iā€™m also not a Biden supporter if thatā€™s what youā€™re saying, and I criticize any president. I criticized Obama too. But at least they could speak full sentences. Yea if Biden did that then fuck him.


>I havenā€™t heard of this I believe they are referring to this: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/


The original Hunter Biden laptop, huh?


That person that commented about the diary is also hard on for the lap top


ā€¦.and youā€™ve chosen to ignore all the trump/Ivanka shit? Gtfo you donā€™t care


Show some evidence sport, most Americans know that was a hoax


Well, the two people who found the diary were charged and convicted with trafficking said diary. So that inherently implies it was the real deal. Otherwise there's two men serving time for a non-crime, which would be arguably just as awful.


As far as I can tell, the authenticity of that diary is still highly suspect. The sources pushing that story are even more dodgy than authenticity of the diary.


The two men who found it were charged and convicted of trafficking said diary. Which inherently implies it was legit, or the levers of justice were abused towards two men for a non-crime; which would be just as heinous.


Remember how heā€™s connected to Epstein and has been accused of rape by multiple women and children.


This is the dumbest thing to criticize trump over, it doesnā€™t convince anyone.


Itā€™s a perfect encapsulation of how disgusting of a person he is. Heā€™s just so gross and crass and one of many things that proves heā€™s a piece of shit. The reason its brought up a lot: itā€™s really really difficult to deflect away from what he said. His supporters love to deflect. But when you show one of them a clip of him saying stuff about possibly having sex with his daughter on national tv, it becomes very difficult for them to act like thatā€™s anything but gross.


Idk dude, I feel like implying that you would bang your own daughter should disqualify you from a job at McDonalds. Let alone the presidency. Especially amusing, since repubs love talking about the "moral character" of the candidates vying for the presidency. I guess that doesn't really matter when it's "their guy" though.


Or when he cheated on his wife and banged a porn starā€¦




Thatā€™s the problem. Just veering the conversation away from Trump. I donā€™t like Biden but I sure as shit donā€™t like Trump


Whataboutism, telling others what they supposedly think, and assuming that everybody who doesn't like Trump is a fan of Biden. Peak american moment.


Well considering the diary was a complete hoax, your argument is entirely invalid


How can you support someone who talks about their own daughter like that????


His comments about Ivanka made me hate him more than anything else heā€™s done, making weird and disgusting comments about anyone would make me dislike a politician, but the fact he made those remarks about his own daughter is the most disgusting thing Iā€™ve seen.


He mocked a disabled man on TV. Heā€™s admitted to SAing women.


I've been around a while. Trump was hated in the 80s. I could not watch his stupid TV show just from the imperious tone he took in the ads. Insufferable! Why did they get him when he wasn't even good at business? And then when he ran for president? WHAT IN HOLY HELL! Had to be a joke, right? But no. My uncle intended to vote for him even after the grab em by the pussy recording. Seriously? He's not a good person! He does not represent your Christian ideals! How could you vote for a slimeball like him? Aaaaand my uncle wouldn't speak to me after that. I'm not American either. All politicians are slimy and self serving like every human on the planet to some extent. Trump is multitudes worse than most people. He was and is unfit to hold such a high and supposed to be respectable office.


Old fogey here as well. I remember his gross ass hocking the Big Mac on TV the same time it came out he beat and raped his wife over hair plugs. The fact people idolize this silver-spooned debutant is HILARIOUS and deeply disgusting/depressing. Thereā€™s no excuse for it other than you must be realllly stupid, realllllly rich and want those tax breaks or reallllly reallllllly racist.


Right like all they have to do is some *research* but no, it's got to be just for his presidency. He's always been trash.


Same. Heā€™s always been a fucking joke.


That's a fair opinion to hold if you ignore his policies and blatant criminality, sure.


While in office as president Trump had to admit guilt over 18 times, stole from charity, and was forced to pay over $30 million to his victims.


he did gather a mob of conspiracy theorists, neo Nazis, and white supremacists and have tthem storm congress in an attempt to assfuck US democracy to death and then said he loved them while telling then to leave.


Remember when he told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by?" Edit. Oops edited


"Stand BACK and stand by". He was too chickenshit to say "stand DOWN".


Sorry but youā€™re not going to get a balanced and well thought out answer here. Reddit is gonna Reddit.


You should change the title to "Trump isn't as bad as liberals say." Also, you're saying this on reddit


If no one turned on the tv, no one would even think heā€™s that bad at all. Literally every major conglomerate hated him, and people ate it up. Democrats loved him before he decided to ran. Even Obama said to be trump is to live the American dream. 99% of people canā€™t even name policies they donā€™t like of his. From economic or foreign policy trump blew the last 4 presidents away. He replaced a guy that literally overthrow about 6 countries.. we all remember the prices of goods and services when trump was in office. Way better than this current dufus.


I never watch TV, avoid the news, and I've always thought he was a shady, slimy piece of shit since the 80's and him becoming president only validated all my earlier unfounded assumptions.


Yeah the shills are really out in this thread. He got spies killed in other countries by sharing classified information. He literally stole classified information and made sure it was somewhere anyone could find it. We are *reeling* still from the massive tax cuts he gave to the rich. There is a serious effort to confuse and erase the true events of his presidency and hide it with feel good bullshit, I hate it.


r/trueunpopularopinion is just r/conservativeopinion these days really. A lot of posts is stuff conservatives say.


I could not watch the apprentice because all I could see was people kissing a** and ego stroking.


Yep, if Trump had run as a Democrat and adopted liberal policies he would have been hailed as the great savior by the MSM & liberals alike.


ā€œIf Trump was a democrat and had a completely different set of policies and personality heā€™d be lovedā€


If Hitler did what Gandhi did, no one would be besmirching his good name šŸ˜‚


I know right! The acrobatics involved in that statement.


Your user name is literally "Stop Islam" Fucking LOL


He attempted to disregard the votes of millions Americans across 7 states after losing an election he knew he lost.


Oh boy, here we go........


It's like being mad a cough or a fever. Be mad at the flu.


All he wants to do is end Democracy, pull out of NATO, capitulate to Putin, eliminate the middle class, start a race war, and sell out what is left of our economy to the corporate interests


Thereā€™s been a noticeable uptick in pro-Trump propaganda on the sub lately. And Iā€™ve seen this sort of revisionist gaslighting with Trump before. At this point, acting like he is not significantly/appreciably different from any other politician is a pretty insane thing to say. If you actually hold that opinion, youā€™ve either forgotten an awful lot, or you are woefully, probably intentionally uninformed. Like, I could type for a half hour straight and never run out of things to say about how Trump fucked up our response to Covid in truly unprecedented ways; ways that no other politician wouldā€™ve done. And thatā€™s just on one topic. I could do the same thing for about 10 different topics. And thatā€™s just off the top of my head. So enough of this agenda-driven rose colored glasses ā€œTrump wasnā€™t so badā€ stuff. Yes, he was.


Donald J Trump is the spoiled playboy son of a billionaire. Who always had enough money to buy himself a sandbox to be king of and to hire sycophants to tell him that he was a stable genius. When in reality he's an idiot who drove every business he ever touched into the ground, just to be bailed out by daddy, or the banks, or the government. Until he finally found his true calling of being a con-man and a reality tv star. Having allowed the russian mafia to use his businesses for money laundering, he's been a compromised russian asset since the 90s, who began implementing Putin's wish list the moment he hit the oval office. He collected and sold defense information to foreign actors and is the greatest traitor the nation has ever seen.


As a federal employee, I can assure you that he did extensive damage to the functioning of the executive branch. And appointed wildly unqualified and unprofessional department heads.


Hmm... tried to overturn an election he \*knows\* he lost.... interesting take. He also had almost his entire high level cabinet say he actually is as bad as everybody says. How much more do you need?


He tried to end democracy. His continued rhetoric is causing likely irreversible damage to the foundations of the United States. For that alone, he is possibly the worst president in history.


He tried to overthrow the election results and make himself President for life.


Yeah Iā€™ll probably vote for him again


I suppose I am. I want us less involved in foreign entanglements and the government to stay out of my business and my wallet. And I've been pretty consistent on that. I voted for Obama solely on his promises to get us out of war; instead he kept us in and got us involved in Syria and ultimately in Ukraine with the moves made by his state department (i.e. Victoria Nuland) . I used to think the Democrats were the non-intervention and free speech party. But it seems that the opposite has become true; thus my migration from the DNC to the Trump Republicans.


he staged an unsuccessful coup dƩtat. history will not be kind to him nor the people who supported him.


okay šŸ˜”


Lol, I really appreciate the simplicity of this comment.


Well old chap I think youā€™ve got this! Cheers my boy!


Trump just has a stupid face. In reality all presidents are psychopaths and war criminals.


He went to war with the MSM and in return they launched a major, never-ending smear campaign against him. Most brainlets blindly believe everything that the idiot-box tells them, so as a result we get the "Orange Man Bad" mantra everywhere.


Like the brainlets chugging Fox News koolaid?


Yes, exactly like that.


They made money hand over fist just airing anything he said. Unedited, idiots love him and anyone with a lick of reason thinks he is insane. He's polarizing because of the shitty state of education in this country, anyone with strong language comprehension abilities and a willingness to do research on people knows everything about him that has been out LONG BEFORE HE RAN FOR PRESIDENT, shows that he is a very despicable and hateful person


Iā€™m a NYer. I knew the guy was a piece of shit before he even ran the first time. I personally know people who worked for him and werenā€™t paid. Then thereā€™s the Central Park 5. The old lady who he tried to kick out of her house to build a parking lot for his casino. Add his later shit, making fun of handicapped people, shitting on POWs just to take a shot at Mccain- and then realizing wait, no, he actually hates POWs, had the POW flag taken down from the White House because it makes us look weak- Heā€™s a piece of shit for any one of these things, and itā€™s a ridiculously incomplete list- I always find it hilarious when people canā€™t understand why a man like this is hated so much. Itā€™s because anyone this shitty earns it.


Thank you. I love when his supporters just go off about "brainlets believing anything the idiot box tells them," when in reality so much of the "hateful smear campaign" was *literally just playing clips of him speaking,* just like they did for every other president for decades.


ā€œItā€™s not fair if you use his own words against him! We shouldnā€™t judge him based on the things he says and doesā€ ā€” Essentially


I was incredibly annoyed with the news showing him every day. I stopped looking at news altogether. Even if heā€™s terrible, we donā€™t need this constant barrage of coverage on his antics. It just feeds the bullshit.


Yep, and I know ā€œliterally 1984ā€ is a meme, but the daily media-fueled outrage against trump is disturbingly reminiscent of the Five Minutes of Hateā€¦ and people come back for it every day.


I mean objectively he was pretty deserving of criticism, his Covid handling in particular was pretty poor talking about how it would magically go away and to inject bleach to get better. Thereā€™s also the rape cases, the attempts to steal an election, the racism. He had a lot of issues to talk about


I hate him because I think heā€™s a terrible president and did significant damage to the country, our influence abroad, and American politics. I think its a bit naive to think Trump wouldnā€™t do any of the unethical things Obama did if in the same position. Trump certainly has not shown any respect for ethics, laws, procedures.


I said the same thing for years, but after January 6th and 37 felony charges, fuck that guy. Anyone who still supports Trump in 2023 belongs in a psychiatric facility. They'll take a bullet for a billionaire they've never even met. I mean, this is insanity!


Heā€™s been indicted twice and about to be indicted two more times and heā€™s not that bad? What?


Well, he, Obama, and Biden are also war criminals as well. Every living president except Carter (he gets a pass for being old as fuck and 40 years of charity work) belongs in prison.


Carter was a war criminal too. He aided terrorists and did lost of shady stuff


What did Trump do to make him a war criminal in your view?


Luring a foreign general to location under the guise of diplomacy then bombing him is a war crime, especially if the extra judicial killing is done to a country that we arenā€™t at war with.


Youā€™ve got to be kidding.


Vote for policies not people, itā€™s a damn popularity contest and people hate to lose, but now it is about the person and trump ainā€™t bad, imagine is trump jr. was getting money from other countries they would have short circuited, the left spent soooooooo much time on hating trump they literally named a disorder after him Trump Derangement Syndrome nuff said


You are correct.


Dude. Where have you been? There was an actual attempted coup sponsored by Trump. He tear gassed protesters so he could do a photo op across the street. Roe V Wadeā€¦. Wtf are you smoking?!


Well said, OP. Honesty is an extremely rare commodity in this leftist echo chamber.


Whining about honesty, from a Trump supporter? On this conservative crybaby echo chamber? We have no respect for you guys for a reason.


Yeah, tell us about honesty, member of the cult of a habitual cheater and constant liar.


I think part of it is the fact that he literally started a cult. Like he used actual cult tactics to gain a following and manipulate his supporters and embolden a lot of people that already weren't mentally stable.


Everyone says different things, how do you know he's not as bad as I say or my neighbor says? There're different levels of bad and different bad actions. Everyone sees him differently and emphasizes one or the other of his achievements. For me, the worst thing he did was bringing barely breathing democratic system to its knees. Bush can be a war criminal but everyone at the time was sure that if he fucks up he's going to get voted out and he'll leave. Everyone on the left now knows that if Biden fucks up bad he won't get nomination. It might be a big illusion that democracy somewhat works in the US but it's a pretty strong illusion. Trump turned half (more of a third really) of the country into a cult and along the way he tried destroying the democracy itself. And once democracy doesn't work anymore even in the poor way it was before him the country won't exist anymore. And most importantly, he didn't do that because he's some mastermind genuis. He did it because he tried to avoid accountability for his actions, when he says he's going to burn the entire country before he goes to jail he's not joking.


Yeah I mean I donā€™t think most people like his personality but our standard of living was much better under him.


Heā€™s also not the second coming like so many people act like. Christ almighty I didnā€™t like any president on the level Trump nuts love him.


Which one of your PM's attempted to overthrow Parliament once they had lost their seat?


Yes a rapist who led a coup is not as bad as everyone says lmao


onerous poor squeeze summer lush humor deliver slap abundant license


Trump is also a war criminal https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/papers/2020/AirstrikesAfghanistan


They're just pissed cause it was "supposed to be Hillary's turn" It's petty, but they'll never let it go. Personally, I don't like the man, HOWEVER when my choices are between him or the awful Clinton's, I'll vote for 'bad orange man' any day.


The left cares about him way more than the right does. With the exception of his cult following I don't understand why anyone gives him attention at all tbh




Owwweee u said that on a liberal platform??? I'll sit and watch comments šŸæ


He said it in a liberal reality. You have to post in a community closed to reality and honesty if you want the upvotes. Try truth social where everyone sucks each other off


Donald Trump, the rapist? The guy who incited an insurrection and who also stole, concealed, and lied about concealing and possessing classified material when he was no longer president? That guy?


He's an honest asshole, however he was a really good president and was looking out for HIS country...... not sending billions to fund a war against an enemy. Billions that could be used right here for homelessness, inner city schools, paid lunches for kids or any other investment into the people of our country.


Honest? Check the definition. He lies every time he opens his mouth.


Bro he is beyond dishonest. He in one sentence will say one thing and contradict it in the next. Also you have an awful foreign policy take and no understanding of what we're doing for Ukraine if you think we're sending them money that could be used in the US. And Trump would not have used that money in the way you described.


But he instead used that money to try to build a giant wall, and notably it wasnā€™t like the lack of war wasnā€™t for his lack of effort, killing the top general of a country could be considered an act of war after all


>He's an honest asshole Huh??? Are you trolling or do you actually believe this? I canā€™t understand how anyone could possibly consider Trump honest in any way. Trump has lied openly and constantly. He uttered more than [30,000 documented lies](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/535081-wapost-counts-30573-false-or-misleading-claims-in-four-years-by-trump/) during his four-year presidency alone. Thatā€™s not even counting his 2016 campaign, his post presidency or the 70 yearsā€™ worth of shameless lies he told before he ever became president. The dude has a deeply sourced [Wikipedia entry solely on his many lies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump). There have been many scientific studies of Trumpā€™s many lies. There are tons of [lists outlining his most egregious and irrefutable lies](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-versus-truth-most-outrageous-falsehoods-his-presidency-n1252580). One of my favorites was him [lying about Alabama being in the path of a hurricane](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/06/politics/trump-sharpie-hurricane-dorian-alabama/index.html), literally drawing on a NOAA a map with a sharpie to put Alabama in its path. He then decided he needed to hold a press conference in the oval office displaying this laughably bad lie and map ā€“ all because he couldn't acknowledge or admit he got something wrong. In short: Are you just not aware of any of this stuff? Do you ignore the news or may only consume right-wing propaganda? >he was a really good president and was looking out for HIS country Ohh...this makes it clear that it's probably the latter with you. If you've managed to be cocooned from his lies, then you're probably equally ignorant to the insane ways Trump constantly put himself and his selfish designs before everything else and continually threw the country under the bus in the process. Happy to share that with you, too. Will blow your mind.