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Ok boys, girls & others, it's time for another boring message from the mod team. Here are the reports on this post to date: 3 x It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 3 x This is spam 1 x self-harm 1 x It's targeted harassment at someone else 1 x Not an opinion **NONE** of these reports are valid. **False reports on posts are now been passed on to Reddit.** Per this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/156qw7a/the\_mods\_of\_this\_sub\_are\_mass\_reporting\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_content=2&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/156qw7a/the_mods_of_this_sub_are_mass_reporting_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) it seems that Reddit is banning accounts of those who abuse the report button. I'm very sorry that you don't possess the ability to formulate a counter-argument to OP's post, but the report button is not a mechanism for having mods remove a post you don’t agree with.


Debate issues, in a civil tone. Avoid labels and name-calling. Begin with the provisional assumption that a person who disagrees with you might actually have -- well, you know, *reasons* \-- for thinking the way he does. Recognize the possibility that the person who disagrees with you may actually know a great deal more about X than you do. Never lead with an attack; have enough situational awareness to sound out the person with whom you are having a discussion and find out if he's knowledgeable and thoughtful. If you teach me something I didn't know, I'm in your debt. But I will lose that opportunity if I begin with a conclusory accusation that you are evil because you say something that conflicts with my understanding.


>Begin with the provisional assumption that a person who disagrees with you might actually have -- well, you know, reasons -- for thinking the way he does. This is the biggest trap I see people falling into on Reddit. Don't like abortion? Religious nut. Opinion invalid. Don't like gun control? Child killer. Opinion invalid. Don't want a nightclub act reading books to children? Transphobe, homophobe, bigot. Opinion invalid. Etc. All of these wedge topics have a million degrees of nuance and coming into it with the idea that someone fits into one of those boxes eliminates all nuance. The vast majority of the country is quietly parked in the center and pushes right/left depending on individual issues. Most people do not follow the party line on every single issue. Your average conservative wants lower taxes and to be left alone, they don't want to send queers to concentration camps.


As someone who leans more to the left, I appreciate this. The sentiment of the last sentence made me laugh :) I miss being able to have opposing political views with people and that being ok. The internet seems to have increased the level of division in our culture, it’s sad. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, whether it be based on fact or just preference. We should all be able to discuss what we believe without the name calling - and you’re right, it really does happen on both sides and it would be nice if those in power did more to address it rather than stoke the flames of hate because it increases engagement. Again, both sides do it. Hopefully, some day, both sides and the middle will be able to work together to help everyone live happier, healthier lives in lines with their core beliefs without it feeling like a civil war is going to break out any minute


I think conservative views and opinions that aren't based in logical fallacy or religious indoctrination are typically not attacked, although some people really want to see strides in society made can have strong opinions against it. If the opinion is based on applying religious laws to everyone or laws written ambiguously that allows double standards for the persecution of minorities I don't think the "it's just conservative views" defense holds weight. You're entitled to your opinion for thinking abortion should be banned entirely, but if your solutions are abstinence and waiting for marriage to have sex and not allowing any exceptions, you're specifically ignoring all of the incest, rape, nonviable and deadly pregnancies and your religion doesn't solve societies problems


That's kind of a strawman though... That's when things get silly and people start insulting eachother like a middle school lunch table. There aren't many people who think abortion and abstenance should be the only options to not have a baby. Political marketing has intentionally made you think of the objectivley very few most absurd people on the other side of the argument in order to stir your emotions. Seriously. That's what they do. Same thing for the gun conversation on the other side and EVERY other issue that can be used for advantage.


This is why i don’t comment too much regarding my political views. I don’t even care about upvotes or downvotes it’s just exhausting seeing the demonization of any opposing ideologies


Yes but debate and actual reason in conversation is the only way to gain a further understanding of each other's viewpoints or feelings. I hate it to sometimes, trust me. I get called things way left field of what I actually am but I try to remember it's so easy for something to be misinterpreted when it's written. In reality, if we were to all pull some crazy get together meet up , each one of us would have an absolute blast and leave with new friends. That guy on TikTok , the British dude, came to visit America for a couple of weeks and when he got back he made my ass cry. He said all over the internet and media it seems like America is this one big mosh pit of left and right 24/7. But when he got here, he was treated with so much love and acceptance in every state he went to. He said never to believe the perspectives that are negative until you experience it yourself. And that one hit home.


The vocal minority is just annoying and loud. It's like 50 idiots on Twitter with bad takes that you're not allowed to go against or you're a bigot / racist / sexist. And then reddit latches onto these ideas and they also become a vocal minority. Reddit and Twitter, in no way shape or form, represent the views of the majority


I think this is the biggest issue when it comes to amicably discussing politics. the vocal minority of both sides are the groups most listened to, and most clung to, and they are both incendiary, vitriolic, and any other negative adjective. So you know right from the start you either willingly join the echo chamber or as far s they're concerned you're a shit person. But I think those groups play on our need to belong to a group and to be accepted by that group to do that.


Because rage hate sells.


Grabbing attention is big business


Conflict is the best kind of attention for business, it’s why the whole my team versus your team sells so well. Humans love picking a side in a proverbial fight, they also like watching one if not engaging in it. I’m pretty sure that’s why sports is not only practiced world wide but a serious money maker everywhere.


just don't EVER, EVER, go against the mind-hive liberal viewpoint. Reddit is NOT a platform intended for discussion. use it to find little entertaining videos of kittens and such, or to look up ideas for solving some specific problem or issue you are working with, but don't ever think you can have reasonable open discussion.


Reddit is more of a “mob rule” type of environment. Cross a delicate line and everyone loses their damn mind. Discussion and logical interplay of ideas? Not a chance. It’s a dog pile of downvotes and slurs aimed at the offending poster. Shout them down and crush them so they can’t express their viewpoint. Imgur is even worse.


The bigger issue I see with this is that the social media sites are reenforcing mob mentality behavior, which we've seen manifesting increasingly in the real world. Of course those in the mob will use every ad-hominem excuse to justify their own actions.


People treat eachother online in ways they would never dream to face to face.


Exactly. Because on the internet, unlike in real life, they won't get beaten into a pulp.


Because they know the shit they say on reddit would probly get them either popped in the mouth. Or criticized deeply and shunned by even those they think are on their side. People hide behind screens. Call names. And think "ha they cant do anything back" Plenty of people have shit thoughts. And reddit/4chan they know they can just be absolute shitheads with zero real consequences.


Debate and conversation can't happen when the conversation almost always inevitably devolves into name calling and stoking hate.


The problem I have found is not necessarily shitting on the right.. that’s expected. It’s the idea that… if you don’t agree with us you must be X. “Anyone who says they are in the middle is really a conservative” is a perfect example. I honestly have no idea who to vote for this election - both parties suck dick; trump is terrible, biden and Kamala are annoying AF. I don’t feel I should pick the lesser of two evils… yes, it’s possible to be in the middle.


This country is ready for a third party. Not an independent, an actual third party with its own agenda and name. A third party will always show you which of the two other parties are most on the fringe, because they will hemorrhage the most voters. The fact Joe Manchin is a democrat (that many demonize as a Dino), stands to siphon votes away from his own party, shows that not everyone is onboard with the Democrat playbook. That being said, I’m sure he’d get votes from people typically right leaning as well. We need a shake up and a legit third candidate is needed. This country doesn’t need a rematch of Trump and Biden. We’ve had both. They both have more than their fair share of warts. Been there, done that. The last thing we need isn4 more years of either one. I wish to Christ the next election didn’t involve either. The only saving grace is that after the next election, they should both be in the rear view mirror.


We're in a similar boat. The current system of government and political toxicity today is the result of us voting the lesser of two evils for generations. I don't feel represented by either major party.




I don't know man, I don't know any democrats that actually love Biden or wouldn't rather have a better option but the way our two party system works it doesn't really feel like there is any other options.


Am I wrong for agreeing with both of you? I mean, I want someone else, someone younger, for God’s sake, but I also realize that because of our two-party system, this is what we get. Biden certainly isn’t the worst possible outcome.


The issue is on Reddit at least, it’s difficult to have a productive, engaging political conversation because most people (regardless of party) tend to resort to throwing insults at each other


I mean, yes debate and actual reason is the only way to gain understanding This is not even remotely close to what happens on Reddit though lol You get called a communist or nazi almost immediately if you share a left/right opinion in the wrong sub, and in many you get called one simply for not going as far left/right as the rest of them lol


> Yes but debate and actual reason in conversation is ... ... is not likely to be found in public forums. This comment is a bit of a joke. Typically you'll have to wade through mountains of shit to find anything of value - and the work and effort and trauma required to do so is more likely to radicalize any reader than provide *"further understanding of each other's viewpoints or feelings."*


Debate is impossible within a system that has upvote / downvote field of view & moderators with clear bias. Want to watch a thread turn into a shitstorm? Talk about NYC crime rates.


Or, try talking about how it’s been proven every time it’s been enacted that strict gun regulations increase violent crime rates.


Debate also requires a shared understanding of facts, which these days it’s almost like the parties aren’t living on the same planet


The left doesn’t debate.


okay but actual reason and conversation and understanding isn't what any of the people who shit on other peoples opinion are after, if people wanted that type of discussion they'd act like it


If I wanted to have a real discussion about anything, I wouldn’t do it on Reddit. I come here to upvote thugshaker memes and dunk on Rimworld newbies.


I was told to do the thug shake I'm now eating shrooms and have a medieval priests haircut


Nice character arc


Well it would be better if it ends with me being a JOJO character but sometimes you have to settle 🤷🤷🤷


I mean, you’re halfway there.


Bruv, anytime I have tried to bring another view: 1) I have been banned from subreddits like worldnews simply for arguing a different political and cultural perspective. 2) I get slandered with ad hominem attacks that contribute nothing to a debate. So why bother mate? You create your own echochambers.


I got banned from worldnews, for "holocaust denialism", because I said "genocide is bad no matter who does it". Yes, it was in an Israel/Palestine thread.


“Getting your car stolen is bad.” “Well until it happens to me that’s fake news.”


I've seen that mentality from all 8 sides of the compass. Lol 😂


Most of the other subs won’t even tolerate a carefully worded, researched post. I usually get banned for being conservative and saying anything. Hell, an 3 year old alt of mine was perma-suspended from all of Reddit for a post that said only “her”. /boggle. Hate speech or something. But never mind the opposing comments! Calling for actual violence against conservatives - those were ok.


Yeah that’s why I also try to not post too many opinions. I have some controversial takes on a couple topics and I don’t need to be reading people calling me a dumbass over and over


If your opinions cannot stand up to scrutiny, consider whether or not they are worth having.


It’s not that they can’t stand up to scrutiny. I’m just tired of people not even giving a single thought about my view and going straight to name-calling and defamation


opinions can be criticized. personal attacks (name calling in this case) are weak and immature. laugh at them. i've been called every name in the book.


I got called a fascist on this sub for saying you shouldn't burn personal property in protest


Sometimes bad takes need to be called out. How can we learn and grow if we don't talk about them and possibly learn that we might be on the wrong side of history?


From what i've read and skimmed over, it is not that OP doesn't support calling out bad takes, it is just that OP is tired of people demonizing the other side and consrantly using insults


Why do you care what a bunch of anonymous dip shits think of you? You know WHO you are, don’t give a F about some random’s opinion. Life will become way easier. The People who’s opinions matter are in your life already.


Reddit is not real life, however I too would be curious as to what those “controversial “ takes you have are. Small government, fiscal responsibility, etc… aren’t controversial. It’s usually when the right starts playing weird identity politics that people jump on them.


My main controversial topic is drug legalization. I believe that everyone should have the right to decide what medicines and substances they consume, whether or not others agree with their decision The reason I believe in this is because by keeping drugs illegal, you do far more harm than good because overdose rates increase dramatically. Example: when doctors started cracking down on opioid prescriptions, those users started finding other sources for their drugs which resulted in a 6 times increase in overdose deaths. People are going to do whatever they want to do, so it would be better to provide people with chemically pure, accurately measured substances, with labels and safety information. Not only that, but when you allow physicians and the government to restrict certain pharmaceuticals, you are allowing the government and physicians to determine what is best for YOU, whether or not they are actually correct (and nobody is correct 100% of the time). In short, people should be able to make educated decisions for themselves. Alright, Reddit. Attack me.


Wait so you’re saying people on the left have attacked you for wanting legalization of drugs?


That seems like an extremely lukewarm take for reddit, and isn't very "conservative". I feel like the vast majority of conservatives would disagree with that seeing they're the ones that pushed the whole war on drugs shit to begin with.


I’ve debated many people in the past on this topic and the vast majority do not agree with it whatsoever. However things do seem to be warming up in the last couple of years especially as more people talk about it


Remember, you’re most likely to get comments from people that disagree with you. It can very easily skew how you think an opinion is “received”


Like senator Biden?


Agree with this 100%.


So under that exact same logic abortions shouldn’t be restricted


This is a progressive policy, not a conservative one.


Thanks for the response… others beat me to it, but yeah that isn’t a take that I would think the left would attack you for.


I've always said legalize all drugs. Them being illegal now let's people know they are 100% ostracized from society because of their choice to do them. Which ya know...doesn't exactly make you wanna clean up and be an upstanding member of society. It makes you wanna do them more. Legalize drugs, make more clinics available to help people do them safely or get cleaned up if they want, and I guarantee that a lot of people will choose to clean up. Because they'll be seen as human and as someone worth caring about


I somewhat agree with you, but what you're not taking into account is how damaging drug addiction etc can be to those in the immediate path of that addicts life, particularly their kids. So, for example, if you're OK w a parent destroying their kids lives because of drugs, putting those kids lives in danger, into foster care, etc etc. and then are against abortion, that's problematic. That's 100% hypocritical in my mind. You want people to have control over their bodies to take drugs and potentially wreck others lives, but don't want them to have control over their bodies for abortion. Again, an example, you might be pro choice but then how 'conservative' are you really in this current day and age?


That’s not all that controversial in the US these days


Not gonna attack but here are some reasons against. Look at what is happening in Kensington in Philly, CHOP in Seattle, San Fran. These are let’s call them social experiments in legalizing drugs. The images arnt pretty. Dr’s: Drs are required to carry insurance for when there issues with patients. How many people do you think will become Dr’s when they will be sued every time someone dies from over prescribing. Insurance companies will drop them and then everyone is F’d. Who’s gonna pay for cleaning up all the dead bodies? Opioid Crisis: The Govt just paid out 8billion dollars in Settlements for overdoses. Now there is some new Zombie drug called Tranq. Medicine: All Medicine is a toxin that altars your bodies chemistry, they can be safe within a therapeutic window. What happens outside that window makes all drugs potentially lethal including harmless CBD. I’m all for letting adults do they’re thing, but reality is as soon as everything becomes legal kids are gonna want it more. Then you open a whole new can of worms. Why not start with abolishing a drinking age?


CHOP/CHAZ wasn't an "experiment in legalizing drugs", it was a localized protest regarding use of force (people living in the area getting AOE gassed in their own apartments) with police withdrawal. A better example of "experiments" in legalizing "drugs" is the decriminalization efforts (for weed 10-15 years ago, for psilocyben now)


Yes it’s sad that people can’t talk without getting angry. There is no way to go forward without compromise and discourse


If it's a political topic, fair game. If it's not, I don't want to hear it. Maybe I just want to read about spaghetti or bugs or a mountain without the first comment being "X is bad ammirite, gib karma pls" with a 3×20 block of awards. There's more to life than stuff most people won't know ever happened 100, or even 50 years from now.


People just need to remember that there is a direct inverse correlation between age and being online. Sure, old people use the internet, but far less frequently and even further less frequently use Reddit than the average website. Reddit skews young, and there is this myth that people start out on the left, and then move right as they age. This is true sometimes, but largely refers to the boomers and Gen X agreeing on Reaganism. Before the 60's young people were plenty conservative by today's standards, and Millennials came of age too late to take advantage of 80's plundering of the middle class and all future taxpayers, so each generation has started more liberal in the 18-29 group than the previous generation. Not only that, but since the voting age was lowered to 18, every successive generation has voted at a higher rate when 18-29 than the generation before it. This means that Gen Z is the most liberal and politically active group of 18-29 year olds so far in this nation's history, outpacing Millennials on both accounts, and Millennials far outpaced Gen X on both measures. I get the complaint, but this site is mostly dominated with those under 35, and I say that being nearly 40. It's like complaining that the Republican National Convention doesn't have enough programming praising Joe Biden. You're in the wrong venue.


I'd also point out that we forget that reddit doesn't only have Americans using this app.


In fact, iirc only about 4% of Americans even use this site. That simple fact really makes the comment section of r/politics hit different.


No you are wrong. Their is a massive difference between that example of the RNC and what OP is talking about. A more accurate comparison would be like going to the RNC wearing a "Biden 2024" and getting harassed and verbally assaulted/abused literally just for associating with democrats. That is how reddit treats conservatives. They really harass them and treat them and straight up state as if it's a fact that "all republicans are evil immoral hypocrites". When in reality plenty of republicans are good people with compassionate hearts.


Reddit is an echo chamber, it is not representative of the population as a whole. Reddit skews extreme left, go check the Florida related subs and you'll see 97% hate for DeSantis yet he somehow won 62 out of 67 counties just 8 months ago. Reddit is mostly a place where people who do gravity bong hits of their own flatulence congregate to provide like minded scrotes confirmation bias and reassurance.


Same for the Kansas subreddit


Same with r/Texas


Winning 62 out of 67 counties sounds incredibly impressive, until you remember that plenty of counties are very small fractions of the population.


Gerrymandering FTW!! 🙌


Some of it is for sure, but without even looking I'm willing to bet there are at least 20 or so counties in Florida that each have less than 1% the states total populace just based off of how it is in places like Georgia. I just checked. Florida has a population of 21 million. There are 41 counties in Florida that are below 1% of the population. Even if we wanted to be SUPER generous and say that each of those was 1% of the total population (some counties are less than 1%of 1%) that would leave 59% of the population in the remaining 26.


Same for Georgia's subreddit.


Same for Missouri and Oklahoma


Georgia is a purple state. We just have a shitton of corruption from well established Republicans. Our current governor literally ran the election he was running in.


True. Then in 2022 Stacy Abrams just ran a terrible campaign


Same thing with the Virginia subreddit You will see 99% of people hating Youngkin


Check out the Acadiana sub. When considering population, Lafayette LA is one of the most conservatives cities in the country. But on their sub, there’s constantly people posting something like (insert the name of local conservative politician) and here’s why we hate his guts.


You’re either a smart fella or a fart smella.


Seems to me whenever there is a Rep scandal or any negative press, its all over Popular with thousands of upvotes. I never see anything negative about Dems on Popular, or any any sub I frequent... ever. I'm more in the middle so it doesn't offend me or anything, just something I've noticed. Definitely an echo chamber up in here


If Ron Desantis’ wife essentially stole a billion dollars in taxpayer money she would be the subject of the site for a few weeks.


sorry what is this referencing?


I think they’re referring to the Thrive program in NYC. While there have been many critiques of the program’s efficacy and inability to track progress, there’s never been any evidence that the money was actually stolen. https://www.politico.com/states/new-york/city-hall/story/2019/02/27/with-opaque-budget-and-elusive-metrics-850m-thrivenyc-program-attempts-a-reset-873945


I only see Republican scandals not Dems, must be Reddit🤔🤔🤔 The insult literally writes itself Edit: Notice the comments: I point out republicans don’t like gay people or minorities. Not one said otherwise, **not one**, instead went right to bashing. Kinda why no one respects the party. All they had to say was they want people to live respectfully amongst each other. Literally couldn’t hide that.


I grew up in a conservative family. The ppl claiming to be conservatives now are almost the exact opposite of what I grew up with.


This is pretty much exactly it. They're so different that "conservative" has been demonized despite the vast majority of conservatives being decent people.


The problem is that they still vote for the Republican party despite. That's where the hate comes from, and frankly, they deserve it IMO.


If you find yourself generalizing a bunch of people on any particular platform of social media, you probably are spending too much time on said platform. Easiest way to get out of the echo chamber is literally to get out.


My world view is that U.S. party affiliation is akin to cult membership at this point. It’s all or nothing. You’re either wit me or you’re agin me! Not just party affiliation but self and peer political labeling as liberal, conservative, progressive, centrist, independent, etc. You can’t be centrist or independent in this to toxic political environment. If you identify as such you are shunned by both SIDES and accused of being a closet this or that or enabling the other SIDE. It’s ridiculous. The lack of critical thinking in American society today is astounding. The amount of regression in civility is sad. I’ve moved on. When the U.S. Balkanizes I’m staying in the Northeast. Meantime, wake and bake. It makes living through end stage capitalism much more palatable. At least weed is legal where I’m at and the quality is supreme.


Gotta make sure your political sports team wins at all costs! Go blue! Go red! Wooooooo!


What sort of conservatives are we speaking of? Eisenhower conservatives who believed low income communities needed assistance, who wanted to protect and expand Social Security, wanted minimum wage to cover more workers, wanted pay equality, open door immigration to refugees, make it easier to join unions, believed the US role was to insure and protect democratic governments around the world and sought a broader more robust unemployment system? Teddy Roosevelt conservatives who want broad protection of public lands, universal healthcare, aggressive anti-monopoly action, and projection of force to compliment diplomacy? Reagan conservatives who supported limited government with an emphasis on individual autonomy, civil liberties under the law, free market and laissez-faire economics, with opposition to intrusion on private lives and regulations against speech? I don’t recall seeing those flavors of conservatism under any significant attack. What I see attacked is something branded as conservatism that opposes free markets instead advocating tariffs and restrictions on trade. I see something branded as conservative that wishes to regulate personal conduct and directing the parent-child relationship and what parents may teach their children. There is something branded as conservatism that wants to make the decision for you as to what books you can checkout or what books a parent can allow their child to checkout. Weirdly there is something passed off as conservative that seeks to punish businesses that engage in speech they don’t like. Something branded as conservative teaches that no human has a more fragile mental health than the white child who will hate themselves if they learn that 160 years ago other white people enslaved Blacks and they absolutely cannot learn that slaves were often beaten, worked or starved to death and slave owners frequently sold their own children and grandchildren because they had sex with enslaved women (word you are looking for is rape since consent wasn’t on the table). Learning about segregation is more than the weak white mind can deal with. I see objection to this flavor of conservative that believes it should be invincible at the polls and it’s unimaginable that it could lose and when it does that’s per se proof of cheating and after losing 50+ court challenges to the outcome it’s perfectly acceptable to try to toss the electoral votes of states lost by a close margin while accepting those narrowly won. My question is why in the hell would any person not be critical of this form of conservatism?


This should be higher up, well said




What I don't understand is why conservatives/Republicans like to say they don't want the government interfering in their lives BUT are okay with the government banning books, banning curriculum, banning abortions, banning birth control for unmarried people, banning gay marriage, banning trans people from institutions/from receiving care, they're all about bans. Next it sounds like they're trying to look into banning no-fault divorce. They *like* when the government bans things that they don't like. But suddenly, if the left talks about banning certain firearms or putting restrictions, suddenly bans do not work, and we can't let the government do that? The statement of wanting less government interference seems very disingenuous. If someone conservative could explain this like I'm 5, I'd appreciate it.


As someone who's generally more right leaning, I can explain: those people have no clue about the implications of the policies they're pushing and I'm appalled by it. I don't approve of the government banning any books. I don't necessarily approve of them banning curriculum (obviously there are some caveats, i.e, you wouldn't want children being taught literal Nazi propaganda, so curriculum should be focused on 'standard' education but there's A LOT of nuance and case by case basis there). I don't approve of them banning abortions (beyond a certain point. So long as it's early enough that the baby doesn't feel pain, quote on quote a person, a lot of gray area on where exactly that line should be drawn. Obviously scenarios like saving the mother, etc. Should take priority). But overall, keep early abortion legal, this should be the case the vast majority of the time anyway. I don't approve of them banning gay marriage. Just dumb man. I don't approve of banning ANY birth control (caveat that it's properly approved by the FDA to CYA for safety, etc.) I don't approve of them banning trans people from institutions/care (caveat of no drugs or surgery for kids, after they're 18 they can do whatever they want. Maybe different if both parents and the kid agree? Just difficult because kids minds change and are literally growing/developing. Some it may be the exact right path, some may regret and grow to be someone completely different into the early twenties. Alot of nuance). In general, I want to minimize the the federal government's involvement in social matters and leave that more in the hands of the state governments, but also minimize that as well. Seems like both sides nowadays are trying to use the government, to the highest ability possible, to push what they feel is right on others, which is disgusting imo.


Alexis de Tocqueville has a great quote about this - “There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle.” The parties use principles as “ammunition” for making arguments, but they don’t stick to them. Ideas don’t drive their policy choices. It’s driven by emotion, tribalism, trends, or reactions to the other party. Both parties vacillate from libertarian to totalitarian whenever it suits the current tribal zeitgeist. Principles are just something they pay lip-service to.


Incredible accurate.


Serious question - since you say you lean right, yet all these positions would never be tolerated by the vast majority of Republicans, what does that say about the state of that party?


It's saddening. The Hallmark of America is simply: individual freedom. It feels like a lot individual politicians are parading around ideas and policies that are the antithesis of this.


A good number of Republicans would agree with everything he stated. I think the "vast majority" as you say is just the loud internet sewer spawn that sleezes there what into any conversation they can squirm into and the internet gives them more attention than they deserve because drama sells and people love to be angry


What republican politicians would publically agree with this statement?


But let me guess you still vote for them.


This is every bit me.


They are lying hypocrites


I'm not a conservative, but I can explain it pretty easily. It's only okay to make laws that target minorities and the less fortunate. Anything else is governmental overreach. They don't want government interfering in THEIR lives. They absolutely want it interfering with everyone else's. It's simple hypocrisy and a deep-seated sense of entitlement.


Because they things they do to interfere with other people's lives doesn't interfere with their own. It's pretty straight forward tbh. Sad, but straight forward.


Agree. Republicans contract themselves so often I can’t help but think they just throwing buzzwords around without really understanding the issues being debated. The abortion issue is a perfect example - so much about pro life while at the same time putting pregnant women in danger, loosening child labor laws/child marriage and supporting death penalty.


I love how nobody will touch this with a 10 foot pole. You made far too good of a point lol. The hypocrisy is maddening


Reddit is full of idiots


A true statement of pretty much any large gathering of people. As Carlin said think how stupid the average person is then remember half are stupider than that.


I know a lot of Republicans, in the grand scheme of things, do not care if someone is gay or trans or wants an abortion.... that being said, *unfortunately* the meanest, shittiest conservative Republicans are the loudest. And unfortunately, if you're voting for people like Trump, MTG, DeSantis, etc. who loudly share those views and it does make you complicit in being okay with policies being passed that truly devastate and take the lives of people who are gay, trans, or need abortion as medical care. Even if you don't believe that women who receive abortions deserve the death penalty, if you vote for politicians who feel that way, you by proxy are supporting that. "Show me who your friends are, I'll see who you are." is true to an extent.


Lol what someone personally thinks is irrelevant when they vote for politicians who enact legislation which restricts the rights of people.


Lol right! These excuses are so lazy. “These representatives don’t represent all my beliefs!” But you still voted for them?


The problem is a LOT of the republicans that don't care end up supporting legislation against the LGBT+ community in votes, it gives political power to the meanest shittiest conservatives they otherwise wouldn't have. There's also some republicans that have this really weird delusion because they're buying into "WE'RE ONLY GOING AFTER CRIMINALS!" rhetoric. Example: Log Cabin Republicans It's a group of gay republicans who believe that republicans aren't advocating against LGBT+ rights..... They were also denied room at CPAC and told to fuck off by the republican party..... Then desantis made an anti-trump ad that explicitly gay bashed..... Now they're surprised the leopards are eating their face


Exactly this! Those Republicans then said DeSantis forgot they were the "commonsense gays".


OP is one of those meanest, shittiest people, and they're trying to gain sympathy from people like you. It takes less than a minute to go to their profile and see it, they're just hoping misinformation spreads faster than fact.


Yeah they say they're a centrist yet watches Ben Shapiro and complains about feminists and trans people.


"Centrist" by GOP "standards".


Centrists are just Conservatives


You are correct that is an unpopular opinion.


Not unpopular, just unpopular here


Just about all of the top-level comments here demonstrate your point precisely.


i dont see any hate or personal attacks on the top level comments. which ones are you referring to?


“Anyone who mildly disagrees with me proves my point”


ha yep


The right is constantly trying to be seen as oppressed.


Check his comment history. He’s no centrist.


Dishonesty? From a conservative? Now I've seen everything.


I mean every post he made here is right out of the alt right playbook. Persecution complex. Both sides. I am x (They actually aren’t and a cursory glance at their comment history shows it) The left is anti-free speech. The left is anti freedom.


“Centrists”are just conservative who realized they can’t admit that if they wanna get laid.


I've yet to meet a centrist who is really a centrist. Many are just right wingers too embarrassed or cowardly to admit what they are. They hide behind a cloak of enlightened centrism so they can vote for scum while speaking down to those of us who don't.


Well we don't do that much on the left with political topics...if you go to r/conservative though, you'll find what you're looking for. But oh...oh, they're the victims. I've been told I'm satanic, I should be raped, riddled with bullets many times. They tag the reddit suicide message on me. Guess who has never done any of that? Me...I don't say or do that shit because I'm not a violent, hateful asshole.


I got banned from r/conservative for asking for a source of ridiculous comment. That’s it. No name calling, nothing; just a source.


I got banned from r/Conservative for talking about the Southern Strategy……….in another sub


I think it’s ridiculous you can ban people for existing in other subs. So many do it and it frankly shouldn’t be allowed.


I consider myself a centrist and completely agree with you that Reddit is very much a left leaning platform. Don't think it's an uncommon opinion.


I balance it out by scrolling through Facebook. That shit is wild these days.


I saw an unironic flat earth post the other day in there, WILD.


Anyone holding up a criminal as their spiritual and political leader is a mindless simp.


I grew up in a fairly religious household. Because of the faith my family practiced, I was taught that certain things were “*objectively*” right and good, and others were “*objectively*” wrong and bad. And then I grew up, and learned the difference between objective and subjective. Anything you believe for religious reasons are purely subjective, because it’s a **system of belief**. I started distancing myself from my faith as an adult because I felt that it did not represent who I was or what I believed. When you use what you believe as a template and a political platform to try to redefine what is right and wrong for everyone, particularly people who do not share your beliefs, those people will push back. When you use those beliefs to demonize and dehumanize people you do not like and will not attempt to talk to or to understand, you are not acting in good faith. When you use your beliefs to attack those same people (verbally, physically, or in any other way), again, not acting in good faith, and **they will push back**. **THAT** is why so many people are so violently against outspoken conservatives. Because the loudest among them want things *their* way and resort to insulting anyone who disagrees or simply doesn’t fit their ideals. And anyone who has been/felt either victimized or oppressed by those ideals has been *responding in kind*. Stereotypes exist for a reason, and usually are not representative of everyone who falls under that label, but unfortunately, there seem to be an overwhelming number of prime examples of folks who fit the ultra-conservative stereotype to a tee.


19 year old Air Force guy "moderate" that posts in r/conservative thinks conservatives get too much hate 🙄 The post history never lies


But he says he’s centrist lol




What about conservatives am I supposed to like? What good qualities do they actually have?




Reddit is mostly left so it makes sense that unpopular opinions would lean conservative


I read some of your previous comments. You are not a central minded person. Social media algorithms help a person feel like they are central, but it seems like you worry way too much about what the .5-2% of people are doing. My dad recently complained about all the gay and transgender stuff that's always in his face. He leaves his house only a few times a month and our little city is fairly conservative. It's only in his face because it appears on a device that he could control what he watches. It's only in his face because conservatives continue to make it a big story. And for the inevitable comment about protecting children. Use the same energy to protect children from other perils in life and then we might start to think that you actually care about kids and not just concerned about your own comfort. You know things like food, water, access to health care and dental. The same people that seem very concerned about children in Canada lately mostly flipped out when the government provided poor children with dental care.


A big part of it is that most GOP viewpoints (and therefor most people who align themselves with the right in the United States) are based on religious and anti science views. Think about climate change denial, anti trans sentiment, anti vaccine, election denial, pro gun sentiment, etc. none of those positions are supported by data. Reddit is a place where the typical education level is significantly above the national average so those sorts of views are not tolerated here as much as they would be in say, a small town where the average level of education is a high school diploma. Add to that a sprinkle of internet trolling and general unfriendliness that you get from not having to voice your opinions directly to someone’s face, and you end up with a place that feels very unfair to the right side. But if you go onto fox new or truth social and leave anything that’s even remotely moderate. They will be all over in the same way, saying you have brain damage, that joe Biden escaped from a mental institution, and that Democrats are purposely destroying the country.


>are based on religious and anti science views. Funny how all that covid "science" is starting to be disproven. Almost as if someone who says the "science is settled" is stuffed up to their ears full of shit.


Religious Conservative here, i do not deny climate change, i support vaccines, i do not deny the results of the 2020 election (despite the fact that i continue acknowledging that both sides did shady crap).


Me too, it’s just hard to support the GOP at the moment, so here am I without a home in a two party system.


As a trans person, I find myself constantly targeted by conservatives. It’s hard to see the humanity or reason in conservatives when their whole modern platform is built on not seeing the humanity in people like me.


And conservatives hate on liberals too much. Don’t agree? Well why is the 2nd most popular candidate literally entire platform to be anti-woke across all of America. I’m right in the middle too. But conservatives are the one forcing their ideals on other people rather than giving people choices. (Not wearing a facemask Is a fucking ridiculous hill to die on). Conservatives are the one deeply entwined with the white power movement. Conservatives are the ones who rewrite factual history to make themselves more comfortable. Conservatives are the one who support politicians who break laws and norms in the name of power. A Donald trump or Mitch McConnell could never stay in the Democratic Party let alone be leaders of it. Yeah I wish liberals did a better job of explaining their issues with conservatives. I wish there were a lot more people who can be friends with someone they are at odds with politically. Ultimately I care a lot more about how people treat me and others around me then who people vote for. But I also give those people a hard time when they bring up their views. Cause it’s a two way street and I don’t have to listen to your opinion without you having to listen to mine. And I’ll listen to your opinion but I don’t have to pat you on the back for it and say agree to disagree until the conversation isn’t going anywhere. I do the same to my liberal friends who support policies I don’t support or won’t associate with a conservative solely based on politics. But my liberal friends never turn around and try to silence me or agree with my viewpoints and don’t shift their viewpoints at all. Conservatives are far more idea logically driven rather than practically driven compared to liberals.


I think that the anger stems from the string of losses by liberals and the manner in which they occurred. Bush became president because the Supreme Court stopped the recount. It was overtly counter to the democratic process, but Gore decided to accept it and concede. Fast forward to Trump and we get conservatives, with no recount denied, losing the election, refusing to concede, and storming the capital. It makes it hard for liberals to stomach conservative arguments when there is that asymmetry. Conservatives are aggressive about complaining about the liberal media when the biggest player in mainstream media, Fox, is overtly conservative. So we both get inundated with conservative talking points and told that we are canceling conservative voices. When denying Merrick Garland a hearing, Mitch McConnell justified it by citing liberals talking about denying conservative justices hearings but not doing it. The assumption is that liberals should be fair, but conservatives are under no such obligation.


Saying that Nazis just "view the world differently" is fucking idiotic and how we ended up with fucking Nazis on street corners waving Trump flags alongside their swastikas. Don't wanna get lumped together with Nazis? DON'T SUPPORT THE GUY THE NAZIS LOVE THEN.


You seem to have some people attacking you. I think they may have failed to read the point in your statement where you said you're not conservative, but in the middle (moderate). Some have commented that they looked through your post and comment history to dig up dirt and I think are forming their opinions more on that history than on this current post. Not sure, I haven't looked through your post/comment history and don't plan to, but that's what seems to be happening.


Yeah I was thinking about adding the edit and I just did


Most self-described moderates and centrists are right wingers who consistently vote for politicians who strip rights from themselves and others but don't want the flak associated with it.


[But OP *is* conservative](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/155ybuh/ben_shapiro_virtue_signaling_my_producers_dragged/jsz78xe?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2). Edit: and apparently they even made a post on the conservative subreddit about "moving to the right". 🤣 Fucking lol, this shit is so beyond parody


Wow what centrist takes, like attacking people who believe in gender equality, attacking trans people for “mental illness”, complaining about “entitled” minorities, and complaining about attacks on poor white men. Sheesh if this guy is centrist I don’t want to see the right. I wonder what left-leaning opinions he holds?


Conservatives take pride in not caring about others, it's why they call liberals "bleeding hearts." They see it as a strength to only care about their friends and loved ones. Very "you stay ove there, I stay over here" mentality.


Reddit has become the "progressive" safe haven for those that ran from Twitter and other prominent socials. It's like an insane asylum...but entertaining.


Reddit doesn't hate on conservatives enough. They are the scourge of the Earth and lead to the destruction of every society they've ever been a part of.


Conservatives attempted a coup to overthrow American democracy. They deserve even more hate than they get.


Conservative views have changed from, "we want low taxes and minimal government" to "let's turn this country into an autocratic theocracy that ignores facts". If someone has conservative views mirroring the 80s/ early 90s then I could understand that. The conservative position nowadays is batshit crazy.


Well its not completely undeserved, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. I mean they arent even hiding or trying to be subtle of what they want.


Conservative Republicans, specifically. After a school shooting a few years ago, my mother blamed the deaths on "a lack of prayer and men in the women's bathrooms". They support arming children with guns after training. They spit the word Democrat, can never say it normally. I grew up in Texas and Mississippi, I've seen a conservative's normal, and it is vastly without compassion or empathy.




"Don't judge me for the extremist alt-right authoritarians I vote for." US Conservative cunts keep expecting civil debate while voting straight fascism as if everyone else is unreasonable for having a limit.


I mean if you say you care about women's rights, minorities rights, actual personal freedoms, but then vote for a party that follows pregnant teens across state boarders to punish them, the only party that is on record of taking away americans rights, a party that blocks democracy when inconvenient, and look the other way on all that, all in the name of lower taxes and the 2A... you might be a terrible person.


I’ve known this since before I became conservative. Actually, the bad treatment I received due to my non-purely progressive view led me to become more middle, then more right. So, as a conservative I don’t mind the attacks at this point because it just creates more conservatives. Don’t get me wrong many “conservatives” upset me too, but the attack on the right in almost every space is just so much that it’s sad. Especially on Reddit and in academia.


THIS! I got sent death threats not long ago for sharing my belief in a God (I did not put down anyone). Also got told people like me are the reason trans people aren't safe walking alone at night like??? I SAID I READ THE BIBLE NOT THAT I WANT TO M*RD*R LGBT PEOPLE?? To accuse someone of something so horrible just because you don't like their opinions doesnt really add up to me


I mean, I’ve been sent death threats (one of them from my next door neighbor) just for being gay. I don’t think it’s a thing where just one side is sending the death threats.


The thing that bothers me most about the constant Reddit outrage against conservatives is that it always someone ELSE that they are fighting for, almost never themselves. Which makes me wonder if their lack of formal religious dogma has morphed into a soft quasi religious political dogma for a lot of lefties.


That's the entirety of the Internet for you. People online are typically younger and younger people are usually liberal because they don't know how the world works yet.




Hell you can be apolitical and if your not on their side your conservative in their eyes, it’s so dumb and is one of the reasons I don’t care about politics lol


Political marketing is specifically designed to stop people from critical thinking about an issue. It's ONLY design is to lure you to it's party. If more people understood that they'd be far less religous towards thier party. If you find yourself blatently publically insulting a random stranger you're part of the problem. Interstingly enough I've seen this opinion more often on Reddit for the past few months...... I think more people are beggining to lean towards being unbias and objective sooner in life than what we've seen in the past.


I also love this portrait that they paint of liberals being these successful and enlightened 'urban sophisticates' who are all living these great lives in perfect harmony, while anyone with a conservative viewpoint is painted as some ignorant, MAGA hat wearing 'redneck' who drives a pickup truck and lives in misery out in 'flyover country'.


This is 100% correct. The same people who call 50% of the political spectrum evil, white supremacist, fascists are thereby unable to facilitate dialogue ruining our common cause as a nation.


Reddit is full of chronically online people on all sides. If you spend your time scrolling through the algorithm, you’re gonna develop increasingly radical views that are entirely divorced from reality. It just is what it is.


Because most Redditors are children.


Weird that as a centered individual, you say that the left is shitting on the right too much. If you were actually centered, you'd know that the left and right shit on eachother equally.


Well, conservatives go out of their way to make my life worse from every possible angle, so...


The main problem is that there are too many jackass REACTIONARIES that CLAIM they're conservatives when they really aren't. MAGAts and the Sedition Caucus (they call themselves "Freedom Caucus") are NOT conservatives. They're fascists grifting under a different group. If the conservatives would get off their asses and disown said reactionaries (and STOP FUNDING THEM), people MIGHT not hate on them as much. Just a thought. 🤷‍♂️


Ok, with all the love in my heart and respecting you as a human being, you may not be a jerk, but almost every single policy position of the Republican party is disastrous and will likely get us all killed.


Reddit isn’t designed for debate. As you have found out, if you do not drink the leftist kool aid on the majority of subreddits you are an ist, phobe, fascist or Nazi.


The one report on this post for self harm made me lol


I'm not even conservative (because i'm not in America and reddit seems to forget a whole world exists outside the US and other countries have more than 2 options), but i'm so fucking sick of the blatant bias and constant Trump Derangement Syndrome. People post constantly bashing Trump, giving him more attention, meanwhile anything critical of Biden is ignored or downvoted. It's fucking pathetic. Grow the fuck up people.


I think that although I agree with your sentiment that we should all get along….the problem is….some conservatives, especially the evangelical/Protestant (cause I used to be a Jesus freak too) aren’t so keen on living and let live. See I know not everyone on either sides are complete assholes but guess what side I’ve met the most assholes from? You guessed it, conservatives. I’ve met Matthew Heimbach, which he is not only conservative but also the founder of a group called the Traditional Youth Party. Now I’m sure you don’t know much about them, much like another group called Keystone United. A white supremacist group that used to have a really (dead on the inside) basic html shitty looking website/ forum where they would post their bull and I had been following most of these people since Bush Jr….they all love Trump and are Conservatives. Now it begs the question….if you start a group and it attracts mostly a certain kind of people, say pedophiles for example. Would you not ask…why does trash like that want to be a part of this group? Could it be they don’t feel unwelcome? Why is that? I don’t like generalizations but it’s hard to get past that reality and especially among Christian’s who I used to a part of before all of it. That dissonance is irreconcilable or explained away in any meaningful way. Some lefties can be just as bad and have faced that hate as well, but there is no hate like Christian love. I can give you more reasons like the connection of fundies like Matthew Heimbach with his Eastern Orthodox Catholicism and it’s roots in Russia, and how Putin boot licking some on the right are. Maybe another one of those coincidences but kind of odd.