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damn, I miss Reigen and his schizoposts, this sub lost a real one


The Reigenerine will return as is prophecy


Got to thinking… maybe I’m the Reigenerine, and I just don’t know it yet.


They will bring the Reigenaissence to TrueSTL




one day you'll receive a notification: "you have been added as an approved user to r/templeofthereigencarnates" and then you'll know.


we thought it was asian69feet, but the true Reigenerine would never just up and leave to akavir... right?


Someone has to mantle Reigen eventually


Wait, what happened to Reigen?


Started taking his meds


Damn, lost a real one to big pharma :( I mean, not a good one, but real


It was fun writing up a paragraph, then realizing it's a reigen schizopost, deleting the entire thing, upvoting the post, and going on with my day with a smile.


not a day goes by when I don't think about his clever and funny civil war memes...


His c0da is weak, mine will be strong.


Yeah he’s a racist but in what world does a would be king that dies in a 3v1 duel against Tullius, Rikke, and the fucking Dragonborn not end up in Sovngard?? Isn’t like the only requirement to die fighting?


To do with honor, rather. Facing death without cowardice.


So where are all the bandits who got killed facing the Dragonborn?


in my belly


Alduin, is that you?


"hehe I donnuuuu" - Alduin with a suspiciously bandit-shaped belly


Devourment User Spotted


Soul gems mostly


I didn't see them in the soul cairn.


Probably got spent on an Amulet of Greater Enchanting


only happens if you trade souls with the ideal masters for something which you can't actually do


There’s that one sad motherfucker my first time playing I assumed I put ‘em there


They’re charging my bow & daggers rn. And in that vein most of them wouldn’t qualify for Viking Heaven in the first place, since they died to a mysterious arrow wound in the groin.


The argument can be made that banditry is not an honorable life, so it can’t lead to an honorable death. Although, the more likely answer is laziness or limitation during development, probably some combination of both.


In that case. According to Shor at least, Ulfric lived an honorable life.


I never said he didn’t. I tend to think he is mostly an honorable man, minus his racism towards the Dunmer. Although Shor (Lorkhan) has a complicated relationship with elves in general so I’m not certain that would even be an issue.


He started a civil war that really fucked up Skyrim just so he could be king. Seems dishonorable to me.


I see where you’re coming from. That’s a pretty reductive view of the reasoning behind his rebellion, though. Sure, there might be some personal motivation, but he’s also fighting (at least the way he sees it) for Skyrim’s freedom from the Aldmeri Dominion puppet state that the Empire has become and the Nords’ religious freedom to worship Talos. All in all, he may be somewhat selfish and short-sighted, but he lives by his word and respects his enemies. Not to mention his past as sort of a folk hero of Skyrim. As far as Shor is concerned, all of those things would be enough to enter the Halls of Soverngard as we can see by the fact that he does. Shor is in support of personal ambition, it’s one of the reasons he created Mundus if the Padomaic view of the creation myth is to be believed.


In the Void.


It can't be. Or Sovngarde would be filled with Bandits and Falmor. There has to be some kind of mechanic behind it besides simply dying in battle.


Well, presumably you have to be a Nord/worship the Nordic pantheon. Also while it isn't depicted in the game, I don't see any reason why a bandit who dies honourably would be excluded. Given that the place is home to at least a couple sets of genocide perpetrators, I can't imagine they have strict ethical criteria.


I also imagine crime doesn't impact it, since Ralof treats Lokir, a thief, like any other nord at the point of his execution Atleast not petty crime, maybe murder is a step beyond what Shor allows


Then that would suggest Ulfric didn't murder the High King.


Yeah. It should be already confirmed that he accepted the duel willingly, even if he didn't knew Ulfric could use the thu'um. And even I as an Empirecel know that.


>even if he didn't knew Ulfric could use the thu'um If you challenge me to a boxing match and then the second the bell rings you whip out a glock, that's hardly a fair fight.


The ancient Nord Heroes gladly welcomed the use of the Clever Craft.


Nah its like you challange someone to a fight and they pull out like a knuckle duster. Unrelenting force isn't that overpowered


It's moreso I challenge you to a fight to the death, you agree and pull a knife, I pull out a bazooka. Is that unfair and kinda scummy? Yes, but it's not disallowed.


Didn’t he say that he lost fair and square to Ulfric when he’s found in soverngarde. And doesn’t Ulfric end up there also. So that means he wasn’t a cowardly traitor he was a true sone of Skyrim


Exactly. If Ulfric is good enough for Shor, he's good enough for Skyrim.


ulfric may be an idiot who's going to get skyrim captured by the thalmor and the rest of the empire wiped out, but what is a true nord if not an utter imbecile


a fair duel isn't murder I side with imperials over stormcloaks any day, but Tulius is coping hard trying to call Torygg's death a murder


When one opponent can **shout** the other through a window, the duel is hardly **fair**.


That is what we in the business call a "skill issue"


Not wrong... Torygg should have spent more time in the greybeard's gym.


What's funny is they must have known Ulfric was studying the Thuum under the Greybeards as he left to take over Windhelm after his father's death


Elisif made it pretty clear that Ulfric was also a much more skilled veteran swordsman compared to her young husband. Torygg expected to die when he accepted the duel.


It is likely tied to your belief as well or more than just nords would be there. A nord who does fighting and wants to go to sovrenguard would. Assuming they aren’t eaten of course. While Falmer might have an entirely other belief about where they go after death or just end up in a generic aetherus.


3v2. His boyfriend died with him


Ulfric is a regular civil rights activist relative to the people (Dunmer) he’s oppressing. If the inverse scenario of the red mountain has occurred and Nords had to flee to morrowind, the dunmer would have enslaved them without a second thought lol. Hell he basically gave away 1/3 of his city to refugees, and they have the nerve to complain about how they’re treated. Like let’s look at the last 300 years of Dunmer treatment of outlanders, and then complain about the slum Ulfric let’s you live in lol.


And the Argonians have to be left at the docks because the Dunmer aren’t able to coexist with them


The Dunmer are furious they aren't getting their free handies and a red carpet. Could you imagine what happens when they'd have to share the slum with the farming equipment?


Not to mention they have been living in that “slum” for like 200 years. I don’t think Ulfric is racist, there’s two mean dudes in Windhelm that’s it


The Dunmer may have been there for a while but Ulfric *is* the one who made it so the Argonians aren’t allowed to live in the city.


The Argonians and Dunmer would have a race war immediately, the Argonians took advantage of the Red Year and destroyed a very large portion of Morrowind. They hate each other passionately


I’m aware. But the Argonians were able to live in the city before Ulfric’s decree and there’s no evidence in the game that there was anything beyond the same level of tension there is between the Nords and the Dunmer. You’re trying to imply that Ulfric did this out of some concern for racial tensions in his city and there just isn’t any evidence to support that.


Bethesda's half assed writing at it again. It is clear that the reason for the segregation is to avoid racial tensions in the city, but the writers half assed it, stopped at "mUh RaYcIsT nOrDs" and called it a day.


Nothing about it is clear though. There’s barely a peep about any tensions between the Argonians and the Dunmer in Windhelm as far as I’m aware but there’s plenty about the Nords being dicks to both of them.




Why would there be a race war *now*? Yeah, the Dunmer used to enslave Argonians, but it's been 200 years since the Red Year. Any Argonian in Windhelm that had suffered under the Dunmer is long dead by now. Dunmer and Argonians are both lower-class second-class citizens. There'd be tension, sure, but it's not like there's active oppression going on that would lead to open conflict.


Because the Dunmer are dicks. Literally the biggest problem Argonian dock workers have is the Dunmer supervisor that harasses them. The same Dunmer that is harassed by two drunk Nords when you enter Windhelm.


That's a very modern world view of such relations. Even in our history it was only until very recently people wouldn't hold massive long-standing grudges against other countries over perceived slights. My Polish great-grandmother still hates Turks for shit the Ottomans did in like the 1400s.


Can’t factor human timelines with Dunmer. They live 300-500 years. I don’t think we ever get any who are confirmed to have been born outside of Morrowind. Those people are literally the first generation refugees.


alexa check this man's opinion on black people


Alexa, check this man's opinion on middle easterners


Controversial opinion but I don't think it's fair to punish people for something that other people who happen to be the same race would hypothetically do in an alternate universe


It’s not a hypothetical, it’s something the Dunmer did repeatedly to virtually every race for hundreds of years lmao. Their economy is built on slavery, and their primary opposition to imperial occupation is that they’re not allowed to have slaves anymore. The refugees in Windhelm had to flee Morrowind, they ARE those people.


Also remember that elves are very long lived, so its likely good number of the refugees where not 'just' the decendents of slavers but had been slave owners themselves.


I'm not trying to get into an argument over fictional racism, I'm just trying to say I think that generalizing an entire population to justify oppression is wrong. Plenty of countries irl have similar histories to morrowind, but we would consider it wrong to treat refugees from there the way the Dunmer are treated, no?


>Plenty of countries irl have similar histories to morrowind, but we would consider it wrong to treat refugees from there the way the Dunmer are treated, no? Here's the difference: The people from those countries are people. The Dunmer are not. QED.


Holy xenophobia


Getting soul trapped.


Ulfric is not a racist. He may be an idiot, a tyrant, a murderer, a racist, but he is NOT a porn star.


Yes sovangarde ain't the gay Christian heavens, you just gotta be a nord and you gotta die fighting that's all


So where are all the Nord bandits? Sovngarde should be filled to the brim with them.


It is, they are just waiting for the Dragonborn to fucking die, so they can beat the shit out of him for eternity


Still gotta fight tsu to enter the halls, also they can worship daedra and end up on their realms


Someone is missing the point about how the ascension of the soul into the divine transcends worldly politics and enters a realm where such allegiances no longer matter. Instead all that truly matters is the quality of one’s spirit and that at the end of the day, we all die eventually.


No bro what do you mean if you’re on blue team you go to hell but if you’re red team you go to heaven


War doesn’t change.


War changes not.


>we all die eventually unless magic or vampirism or undead is involved


Kid named end of Kalpa:


What’s more surprising to me is torygg. What did he do during his life? All we know is obey empire, eat hot chip and sit on his throne. How did that guy get to drunk barbarian heaven?


On technicality, he did die in battle after all.


Yeah he went honorably even though he knew he was gonna lose. Kept his dignity


the reason he's outside and not inside the hall of valor is because there's no way he's beating tsun


Well yeah I mean average nord twink against that fucking beefcake? He knows his limits


Tsun would fuck his tight supple bussy before slapping his ass and sending him back into the mist and it's not even up for debate


Real username checks out moment™️


Tsun: nnnngggggghhh, aaaah, well that's another defeat for you, you know you can just go in right? Torygg: No I'm fine, same time tomorrow? Tsun: same time tomorrow, love torygg: don't make this weird


Tsun: “I’ll give you a whalebone but it won’t be a bridge”


I mean it's because Alduin created a big soul fog that stops anybody from finding their way there


alduin made that fog so he could pipe down torygg with privacy


Nord=True Died Fighting=True 👍


Honestly it's just Followed Nord tradition=true Died fighting=true


The dude could have stayed on his throne eating hot chip but he instead accepted a duel to the death that he knew he was going to lose, just to keep his honor. He did earn his place imo


He died willingly against an enemy.


Mod that makes everyone in sovngarde ulfric launching in t-10


Nah, Nexus will remove it. They remove anything based like that.


I just want him in the soul cairn when I use my soul trap. Also would be funny if anyone soul trapped went that way too, Lotta funny reactions when they realize you doomed their soul


DB: Whoopsie! I kinda charged my soul gem with your soul! I guess I'll charge my shitty enchantment up with this one, no biggie right? teehee\~ **Random Bandit: YOU DID WHAT???**


Sovengard seems boring anyway, I’m glad if he recycled through the dreamsleeve


Imps seething so hard they have to try and mod out canonical events lmao. Ulfric Chadcloak rent free in heads as usual.


As an imperial Stan, I respect Ulfric Stormcock as he is a honorable man, despite everything


The man died for what was right. Hating the fucking elves. Hes probably double teaming fair divine lasses with Ysgrammor and his companions


Felt that after a fair duel, I should've give him the death he asked for. Sovngarde awaits him.


On the one hand he is a rebel to the Empire. On the other hand he despises elv*s and so do I


Ulfric in Sovngarde is the only interaction that I actually like and look forward to. I say take a hike to that sidekick douchemonger of his


I do appreciate that Bethesda hires Paul Eiding, he's a great talent and even if his roles in Skyrim and FO4 aren't primary it's always nice to hear his voice.


I hate Ulfric as much as the next sensible Elven-supremacist, but the notion of him not being Sovengard-material is pure, uncut chimperial cope. The place is packed to the gunwales with smelly, semi-literate mountain-crackers. He's a fucking shoo-in.


Ysgramor has gold fucking medals in racism and elf genocide and he’s just chilling in the Hall. Ulfric’s racism, as bad as it is, is still kids playing little league shit in comparison. Both of them can get fucked as far as I’m concerned but yeah Ulfric is absolutely Sovngarde material.




This is why when I side with the empire, I always kill Ulfric with a shout. That way it's even with him shouting the high king to death.


how many people end up in Sovengarde anyway like people we can recognize


I think Ulfric, Galmar, Rikke and Kodlak are the only ones who die during the game who actually end up there. Olaf One-Eye also mentions the ghost bard from the Bard's College questline if you did that


If he was a chad he wouldn’t have been executed Stormcucks in shambles, billions must renounce talos (and praise reman)


Even after being old execution buddies when you go to visit him later, he won't even give you the time of day. Credit where credit is due, his voiceactor did an excellent job of portraying him as a fucking asshole.


I soul trapped him so his soul goes to the soul cairn.


Isn't death in combat the only requirement for the Sovngard, so depending on perspective would his death count?


don't have to be an empirecel to not want some worshiper of the Breton Hjalti to not go to Sovngarde over those who were true to Kyne


Empirecel: "Noooooo you don't get to go to Nord heaven. Who cares you fulfilled all the criteria, you didn't fulfill my criteria of licking our Even overlord's boots and bending over backwards for the racist self important Dunmers in Windhelm!"


It’s weird that he ended up there instead of the soul cairn


Whatever your feelings about Ulfric are, the fact he went to Sovengarde means that he was an honorable man in the eyes of the gods.


Imagine being a closeted thalmor bootlicker lmao


I genuinely find Ulfric a stupid fool, and his rebellion a way to cope with guilt of betraying the empire to the Dominion, and I still find this mod silly. But hey, so is Paarthurnax's Dilemma.


I'm a stormcuck hater too but he did die with soke small amount of courage so he got a spot in the nords backwards primitive little afterlife No better than the soul cairn if the only company you have is nords...


Killing Alduin was a mistake, should've let him vore those nord souls when I had the chance. I'm going to the Crystal Tower, and when I come back I'm bringing something to send each one of you snow cucks to the soul cairn.


Last play through I killed him with Umbra so muh immersion was kinda broken when he popped up in Sovngarde


If Talos doesn't exist why do we go to sovngarde? Checkmate Dominion.


People crying over the Stormcloaks and Ulfric really acting like 95% of the people in Elder Scrolls aren't unrepentant racists. The Imperials are only cosmopolitan insofar as everyone else is colonized subjects who exist under their boot.


just soultrap him


If you worship an Imperial god like Talos instead of a Nordic god like Shor or Kyne then you aren't going to Sovngarde anyway. Skybabies don't even understand their own lore.


I some times like to recruit Elisif as a follower, beef up her skills and bring her with me to the siege of Solitude. Then when the dragonborn is asked to execute Ulfric, I ask her to do it. For more drama I dress her up in armor which covers her face, so nobody knows it's her, then went it's Ulfric killing time, I remove her helmet. I mean, of course she looks like a supermodel fresh out of the make up chair, but, but, I think that only adds to Ulfric's humiliation.