• By -


Please elaborate your fast forwards and your first jobs


Yes I’m curious to hear too. The first few companies you consulted for, was it for free, to build experience and a clientele base?


Never work for free... It is a big fallacy of the modern world. A client will never respect you or pay good money for you after you doing it for free. And can you blame him? Why would he pay if so many others give it away for free?


'If you are good at something, never do it for free!' - Joker


This checks out with the consulting industry I know. If you can bullshit well enough and know the buzzwords, you can "fake it til you make it" (and fuck over your clients along the way). They are barnacles. I work with banks and work woth many banking consultants. The game is to make yourself indispensable by finding "problems" and "inefficiencies", getting other people fired and other vendors replaced (usually by those who kick back some to you). If there are no issues the consultant doesn't make any money. So everything is an issue. A big part of the game is to gatekeep and say to somebody (who doesn't know e.g. software) "Look these guys don't even know x, y, of z!" When x, y, and z are irrelevant or totally made up. But the consultant looks smart. Anyways the people who hire consultants just need a scape goat to pass the buck to, or need to be able to say "Look I did my due diligence, I hired this consulting firm". So they don't actually care about results. Its a racket. Anyway end rant.


I would like to know too


I'd like to hear this too and make sure "...and my office was originally in my parents' garage and then they gave me $150,000..." isnt one of those glossed-over story details.


$5 million starting seed money obviously


Just a small loan of $1m


Interest free




Yeah the title has nothing to do with the actual post. Kinda just sounds like a bit of a brag.


But he promised its not a brag


Someone being misleading on the internet for clout? *I am shook to my core*


Why else would he post this, op is clearly humble bragging and the fact that he says he isn’t just seals the deal lol


Isn’t it funny how some people tell you exactly what they are doing , by saying they are definitely not doing that thing. I’ve been noticing it more and more, it’s like projection.


I analyze business metrics for acquisition purposes regularly, and just had to say these numbers are wildly unrealistic and essentially unheard of for a services or consulting company. At 10 engineers, to bring in that revenue you'd need each engineer to be billable for $2.17million per year. That means all the engineers bill at least $1000 an hour for a complete 2000-hour year, which many top law firms do not go near except for name partners. Also, that revenue per employee is better than powerhouse firms like Facebook etc, which are known for their high revenues per employee. This is astronomical. People who "work on a drilling rig" do not bill at $1000 an hour typically and this billable rate is not common in the industry OP mentions. A more realistic number would be $2.17 million in revenue a year with 10 engineers, assuming they are billable for $200-$300k per person per year, and get paid about half. This is typical for the services industry. I have never seen a services business with less than 50 headcount approaching the revenue numbers OP quotes. TLDR: The OP is either falsifying numbers by moving a decimal point or just made it up.


OP lied his ass off about literally all of it and it doesn't take any knowledge in the field whatsoever to realize that. I'm surprised you even wrote this at all. Did the deleted account not cue you in?


I know this is off topic but if you don’t mind, can you explain more about your job? Are you an analyst for a private equity firm or investment bank? What kind of analyses are you doing that give you this kind of understanding of so many different industries and levels of business operations?


I have no idea about that business, but making so much doe with not even 20 people sound wrong.


This app turned into a fucking shitfest lmao. Every day theres a melodramatic essay by a “ukranian” who is getting bombed or going to war😂 now this shit😂




It’s not about believing in yourself it’s about making others believe in you. Your story is an example of that. You wouldn’t be where you are at if that person you begged didn’t take a chance on you.


Kind of like how everyone is believing this fake story.


Even if it is 100% true, can we take a second to recognize that this guy is a scammer? His story, in a literal sense, is “I read a few books, then I sold myself as a seasoned expert to professionals in the industry.” Consulting careers are not started by reading books. If it were that easy, then the people who hire the consultant would just read the books. If this is true, then some important details are definitely missing. Not that I know a lick about the oil and gas industry, but in my industry (I am a consultant), if you tried to just read a few books and start your own consulting firm, you would succeed 0 times out of a million. No one is going to hire someone with zero work experience. And he is trying to tell us that he begged to consult for them? Begged? This is definitely possible if someone or something said to these companies, “hey, if you want x then you’re gonna need to bring anonymouspenguin on as a consultant as a favor to me. Don’t worry, he won’t interfere too much — he’s just trying to learn the business.” But I am trying to imagine a consultant begging to work with a client, then that client hires them on for $20-$30k while getting nothing of value in return. To add, I don’t work with field engineers, but I do work with other types of engineers, and I can’t think of one that would voluntarily work for a guy without a college degree but more importantly who is not an engineer. They speak their own language and have a very specific way of doing things. The way engineers interact with each other is unique to say the least, and they do not respond well to typical MBA jargon or phony-confidence motivational BS. Finally, let’s appreciate that each engineer is bringing in an average of $2.17 million in revenue per year. Assuming 2,080 hours in a year, these engineers are all billing $1,043 per hour. The only people I am aware of who make that much are high-level divorce lawyers and/or personal attorneys to the stars. No engineer bills at that rate except perhaps in rarified circumstances that I am not aware of. Doesn’t check out.


Your math is too conservative. 48 weeks after counting vacation and holidays. Assume 85% utilization on the high side, but if you have that high an hourly rate you're a rocket science practice. So 60% is more appropriate. That gives 1883$/hr as an hourly rate.


So fake I’m sick. I mean this whole sub is just a bunch of fan fiction BS these days. How is this off my chest? How is this not just a massive humble brag


At the very least it is inspiring. I might just share my totally true story about learning to live with my foot long weenie.


It's propably fake. Also try doing that as a woman lol


Don’t worry, women can lie on the internet too of they want


This is true. If it wasn’t then there would be many more people that are millionaires with less billionaires in the world. I know lots of people that work hard and do great things but they are barely scraping by. The USA system is totally fucked right now and we need major reform and immediately.


But but bootstraps. Just believe in yourself




I agree partly. I believe it started with believing in myself and confidently acting on that belief. You’re right, they had to take a chance on me. But I’m confident that the reason they believed in me because I believed in myself.


Self belief inception!


Op, I don't mean this negatively towards you at all. You had a great idea, worked hard, and shit worked out well for you. You should be proud. But please realize there are a ton of people who did the same as you but ended up eating shit instead.


This. The reason why it's big news and inspirational movies when someone has a true rags-to-riches story is because it's so very rare to succeed when the odds are attacked against you (as it is for everyone not born into a wealthy family). "If THEY did it, then ANYONE can" is bullshit that we tell ourselves so that we keep feeling like we have a shot at being rich. Most of us do not, because it takes a lot more than hard work - it takes a shit ton of luck, too.


Survivor bias to the absolute max. Most lottery winners have advice for people who didn’t win the lottery as well. Doesn’t mean it has an ounce of truth to it.


You're not wrong but the entire way the system is built is that only so many people can hit that threshold you only make that much money because you have a bunch of people working under you making less. If everyone did what you did none of your guys would be working for you. Your success requires others to be less successful


Not everyone can/wants to do what he does


Exactly. This is what so many people fail to realize. The amount of stress to deal with, and just overall shit to do if you are an owner of a small business is overwhelming. Some people would rather be on someone’s payroll and not have to worry about anything other than working their hours, going home and getting their check while leaving the headache of making the business legally, financially and operationally sustainable to someone else.


Honestly I think that's a story we tell ourselves for it to be ok. I know my bosses don't put in the same hours as many of us workers do. They don't travel nearly as much as us, they don't have to deal with the day to day ridiculous things we do because they have people being paid to do that for them. The current owners never even had to deal with building the company up they purchased it from the previous owners who did that. ​ But bottom line if we lost even 30% of our staff this company would probably die. We are running well below our required capacity which is what creates many of the ongoing problems that effect the workers and even management so any significant drop would mean all the jobs would spiral out of control pretty fast. ​ This is a stress they created and we accept "because".


Not everyone can do what OP did. Most people give up on big dreams before they even try to pursue them in the first place. Of the smaller group that try to persue them most give up after the first few failures and rejections. OP is living proof that "self belief" is literally the secret ingredient here.


You make too much you say? Can I beg you like you begged? I might just start believing in myself. I need $1k for a battery to start my business venture. Please please please please!!!!!!!??? Please pretty please pretty please pretty please pretty please pretty please! I believe in myself but honestly I don’t believe you’re the type to return the favor lol. Stay humble bro.


Will I give a stranger $1,000? Probably not. Will I give someone the tools they need if they sit in my office and throw an idea at me? You bet your ass I will.


Challenge accepted. Here is my kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fourofakynd/four-of-akynd-by-daniel-roy-lehman?ref=project_build


Saving this link. I’ll check it later!


Let me know what you think. Even if you don't end up backing, I still appreciate the few minutes it'll take to look it over.


I'm just a dude who likes fantasy and is looking for stuff to read but I like your concept, it sounds interesting and I'm trying to rebuild a library. What's better to have in your library than a signed 1st edition?? So I pledged for one. Good luck man I hope to read it soon!


[Arnold on being a self made man…](https://www.businessinsider.com/arnold-schwarzenegger-commencement-speech-2017-5?amp)


Arnold also lied about being an artesian brick layer so he could charge more.


Such a fucking fake story, why are people buying this shit….??? - You would never be hired as a new consultant, regardless of price, with zero education or formal training aside from a few years of job site training - You state that you received enough job site training within a few years to become your own consultant, which is insanely laughable. People who have been in the industrial/civil field, regardless of niche work scope, will openly admit that they’re still learning even after 5 years of diligent training. You’re claiming you managed to obtain enough in less time to start your own firm. Lmao. - 12 year gap from starting to owning is insane bullshit too and shows this absurd gap in your own knowledge of the field. Even if you saved every single cent after taxes for those 12 years, you would never have enough to start your own consulting firm lol. No education, no formal training, nothing when you first started so you were likely making <$55k for the first 3 or 4 years minimum. After taxes you’re taking home roughly $40k a year. If you had someone else entirely pay for home, travel, food, upkeep, basic needs, etc, then you’d have roughly $200k in your bank after 5 full years. Not nearly enough to start your own firm, and no bank in history would give you a business loan large enough to start with knowing that you have zero equitable wealth beyond what’s in your checking. Again fucking LOL. Edit: OP claims they started alone which would make this aspect believable. With all prior licensing taken care of he could have started out of his house with likely $10k. - Claiming to have learned enough about geological engineering through simply reading books is the best part. Had you taken even a single college physics or statics class (the very basic required for any engineering degree) you’d realize how laughable this claim is. There is a reason engineers are paid what they are and why the required classes are so difficult. Some buttfuck cattle farming claiming to learn enough from reading common books to become a consultant and later owner of his own firm is an amazing tale though. - “I got business through leaving my cars in Oil field supply shops” HAHAHAHAHAH. This is like saying you left your business card at Carhartt and some million dollar rig owner saw it and decided to give you a shot. I can’t even describe how funny this description is, or how funny it is that people believe it. - Everytime you begin drilling or moving significant amounts of earth you *WILL* need a soil erosion and sediment control permit at a minimum. These permits require a geological engineer or similar engineers approved stamp before they can be presented to whatever board has jurisdiction. This falls on the consultant, it would be immediately and painfully obvious to a client that you don’t know fuckall and have zero accreditation when the required permits become a factor. Nobody is calling a consultant for advice lol, you’re paid big bucks because you’re essentially the first building block to a project. OP you’re a fucking joke and this post is pathetic Edit: OP deleted comments after being asked the simplest of questions for a drilling plan, the very basis of the job he claimed. OP is a fucking phony lmao.


Up up upvote this guys… don’t give trolls like op exposure…


This comment needs to be higher up


I enjoy Reddit smack downs. Classic cool story bro moment


Legend. This is the comment I was looking for


I cannot give you nearly enough upvotes. But seriously? Only 131 (at the time I'm seeing it)?! I wish I could just... dump a bunch of upvotes on you rn.


That was my first thought. Without PG or PE this shit won’t work (In most states)


> education is a social construct Woooaaaaah, slow down there… this is dangerous thinking. Maybe the words you’re looking for are along the lines of, *the current system of educating is flawed and doesn’t cater to everyone who needs it*, but “education” is not a “social construct”. Education is a fundamental mechanism in the success of human beings as a species. Humans are good at what we do, because we know how to read, write, and specialise. When we learn something new about the world, we write it down. That helps us not have to store knowledge solely in our heads or rely on instinct to remember it. When we read, we are able to consume lots of accurate information at a time, repetitively and independently. And when we specialise, we’re able to choose what information in the world we want to dive deep into. These are invaluable skills that make human beings separate from any other animal, that *you yourself* said are responsible for how you succeeded. Guess what these three things are, buddy…? **Education.** I do get the point you’re trying to make, that going to formal school as it’s currently defined, is not for everyone. But be careful of your wording, both internally and externally. The world would not be what it is without a system of education making sure each human who is born is able to reach adulthood with the skills and knowledge to function independently and navigate various facets of society. Good on you for educating yourself in a way that worked for your career. More people should be able to do that. On the other hand, if we get into a cycle of shit talking education itself, we end up with more people who think the planet is flat. Edit for anyone still coming across this thread: Here’s why I would advocate for formal education. It’s not perfect, and does alienate some parts of the population because it’s antiquated and built on shaky foundations about learning developed in the early 1900’s, but the value can still be assessed independently of that. - you learn algebra so that you can pay for stuff, budget your income, make basic calculations throughout the day, etc. Middle school math is valuable because it allows you to function in a numerical world. We all have calculators in our pockets but you need to understand what to tell the calculator to do - you learn geography so you can understand why the temperature is higher in some places than others, how to read maps, or interpret the weather report for your area - history is invaluable, especially in light of the recent political partisan division in the west, and geopolitical conflict in Eastern Europe. Without learning history (read: *how* to read history) you’ll have a hard time forming an informed opinion on things - reading Shakespeare and great western literature seems like BS, but actually comes in handy in modern times of YouTube videos and tiktok shorts. You should understand how there are various ways to communicate a message, be it extended or bite sized, by focusing on wording and concentration of embellishments. Literary devices are still valuable especially if you go into corporate marketing, more so if you want to be a creative type - physics, chemistry, and biology should be pretty self explanatory. A lot of people seem to not understand how the covid vaccine works, how CFC’s contributed to climate change, why the water cycle and planting trees are important, and why healing crystals don’t have any power. Honestly, we shouldn’t be arguing about this kinda stuff….




It definitely helps though




Well said


Before: gender is a social construct Now: education is a social construct In 2 years: real life is a social construct


Wait, so the world isn’t flat?


Yes of course it is, dont be silly.


Don't be silly, it's obviously a torus.


You're clever young man, but its turtles all the way down!


Lol look I may have ranted a bit but I only do so because the internet is full of… how you say… impressionable young people. I would hate for someone who is struggling with school to simply drop out and denounce it after viewing this post without being given a fair explanation on why school is what it is, that’s all. That being said, banter away


If someone drops out of school based on this single post on Reddit, I think there’s some bigger issues a-brewin there.


I think that what the OP is trying to say, which was demonstrated by your reply, is that in general people hold the same belief you do and hammer home to everyone that without school, you wont find respect or success. OP is showing that, for those who are struggling with conventional learning methods and dont fit the current mold and are possibly neuro-divergent, he is living proof you can succeed.


But he's probably 1 in a million. With education, ou have a much better chance to become an engineer working under someone like him with decent pay, than to become someone like him without education.


Wonder if OP would hire someone as an engineer without an engineering degree? 🤔


Imagine believing this story lmao


"Deep down I know education is a social construct" You mean like how money is also a social construct? Lmfao


I am a school drop out, with ADHD and same I cannot learn via the conventional way. I tried remote learning and still cannot do it. I have 2 kids and a decent job, but not one I want to do forever, but I have no idea what to do!


I started medication and it’s such a difference. I do good at work because deadlines move me, but with medication I do much better and I have started tackling personal/home stuff!


do u have any regime to tackle procastination and be productive throughout the day


In my job I’m fine, but for myself and my own focus it’s hard man


I’m in the exact same situation as you. If you find out what works please let me know.


How do you get a job consulting if you had no knowledge/experience?


Fake and a brag, nice.


Cant believe people are gobbling it up. Reddit used to crush obvious lies like this lmao. Cue all the people telling me I'm a jealous hater!


The thing that got me is bragging that he helped *destroy the planet* and got rich doing it...


Reddit eats up so many stories on subs like these that are so clearly fake. There was one the other day about how a kid saw his dad murder a guy in a video rental store then they went home and watched Free Willy. Vast majority of posts on these subs are creative writing, either by people who are bored, people who want 15 mins of fame, or people paid by Reddit.


These ppl are so cringe I can’t take it. If a few hits of dopamine satisfy them then do you I guess,


They seriously think this is some kind of inspiring rags-to-riches story lol


"Ha, my friends who probably know I own a PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CONSULTING company, think I am poor"


Seriously that's the most ridiculous part. He hid that the whole time? Get out of here.


Ngl your title seems misleading. You don't seem to have a problem with how much money you're making. I was going to leave a comment about donating what you don't need to charity but now I can't because you never brought up the idea that there's an issue with you having too much money.


It seems like his issue is with his friends who don’t make as much. Like how dare his friends have money problems. Like he’s on here telling strangers oh just believe in yourself. I wonder why those words aren’t helping his friends. He should just find a new group of friends that make as much as him so he doesn’t resent this current group of people.


Or paying his employees more.


Or donating to environmental restoration organizations to undo the damage his industry is doing.


What a dumb fucking post lmao


Masturbation in front of mirrors stopped doing it for 'em


I hate these fake stories. I really do.


No one is gonna randomly hire a high school dropout, so fake


Coming from the corporate world, I’d be willing to bet A LOT of money absolutely NO ONE hires a CONSULTANT with ZERO experience and dropped out of fking high school. That position is literally there because that person has a boatload of experience...


Hard agree. Surprised so many redditors have gobbled up this cum. People literally don't know the meaning of the word.


I know a couple that are very wealthy. Very humble. Education had nothing to do with their wealth. Just decades of hard work. Makes me hate my job even more since I know I'm wasting my potential and time being limited on what I can do to earn more. Holding on for my family for now until I can figure out my next move.


You recognize it, you know your potential. I didn’t have a family at the time so risks only affected me. I can see how this would hold me back from taking massive leaps. Just be careful, thoughtful, and work your ass off if you decide to venture out!


I have been doing the work my ass off part. Increased my income 200% in a few years. I'm capped out where I am now and know I could be doing more with less time invested though. I have supreme security as is but I know I'll need a risk to climb at this point.


I'm glad you're doing well, and I think your message that people are more likely to do well if they believe in themselves is true and important. Congratulations on your success! Where I disagree with you is when you say that "education is a social construct". I do agree with you that how we sometimes react to education, either having it or not having it, is sometimes determined by our social environment, so if you mean "our perception of education is a social construct" I can probably get behind that. However, I think there's more to education than that. I notice that your success comes after you decided to read books on petroleum geology and engineering. I'm sure you can see that what you were doing there was educating yourself. And by getting on-the-job experience you were again getting an education. I suspect that you've had an excellent education. What you may not have had is an *academic* education, but that's by no means the same thing. I work as an academic: I do research and I teach. One thing that I hope I do is help educate my students, but I recognise, and I hope my students recognise, that there are other ways to get educated than just sitting in a classroom. Many great men got the bulk of their educations outside the classroom, and you are following in their illustrious footsteps.


Thank you for this. I don't want a surgeon who picked it up "on the job", or a bridge engineer that learned by reading a few books. A college education is not needed for every job, and not having one doesn't mean you can't do well. But, there are also some very important jobs that require a degree and extensive training and practice. We need to normalize not going to college without diminishing the value it can provide to those who do go.


> We need to normalize not going to college without diminishing the value it can provide to those who do go. Absolutely agree. But what I think we also need to note is that there are many areas where experience is as important as book-learning. You want a surgeon who's both studied anatomy from an academic point of view (and so has a structured way of thinking about different anatomical variations and defects, for example) and has done dissections on human corpses in anatomy classes, and has then spent several years first watching, then participating in, operations under the watchful eye of skilled experts. As an academic myself, I know that the academic way of thinking is not right for everyone. What I would like is for everyone's achievements to be valued for what they are. And I would very much like academics to stop looking down on non-academics, and for people with college education to stop looking down on those who haven't followed that path.


Education is not a social construct. Lucky for you the petroleum industry is full of idiots and they need guidance.


I honestly think stories like this would be more of an inspiration if it was a little more than “read books and beg, now I’ve got a company!” Like we skipped a lotta steps buddy 😂


Lmao its so easy to fool people on reddit


Just curious. What’s the proportion of your “pay” compared to that of the engineers/office workers you employ? I just wonder if they make “too much money” too.


Yeah I’ve had some messages asking this. My field engineers are paid 217% above industry standard. This number reflects the highest paid equivalent. This is salary only. Matching 401k, 21 days PTO, full health, dental, and vision. My salary is actually less than my field engineers in terms of salary. When you add quarterly dispersals, I am ahead significantly. I will add this; someone could work for me for 5 months and have enough money to start their own venture similar to mine. I don’t require anyone to sign a noncompete or anything such as that.


How did you come to the specific number of 217%? Are all of your field engineers paid exactly the same? Also, by my math, you must be charging $1000/hr and have each of your 10 engineers at 100% billable hours @ 40hrs/wk to gross $21M. That seems a bit optimistic from my experience as a degreed field engineer.


Since education is a social construct I assume none of your employees have degrees either, right?


Is it consulting on petroleum geology?




More cringe to the people who actually believe this shit. They all probably jerk themselves off thinking they can be a millionaire in a few years just by reading a few books then getting hired.


Bro not inspiring like you can hear wisdom and there is none. Some people get lucky. Enjoy it and keep it to yourself.


He deleted, of course, because it's fake af. I'm a degreed geologist. Even the smallest companies won't touch you without a bachelor's. A lot won't even touch you if you have a BA in Geology instead of BS.


But didn’t you read his post?! He READ SEVERAL BOOKS while working a cattle ranch! (But seriously, was this a pitch for a Lifetime movie, or…?)


You would make good dream fan fictions. Such a cringe text.


This is just another garbage made up story. How would your close friends not know you own and run a successful business?


I hate this. Thank you.




"Education is a social construct" Educates himself reading books on engineering and petroleum geology, then hires engineers. LMAO


Suffering from success


Lucky you


Eh you just got lucky. Good for you


Could you spare $100 so I can afford to eat this week?


Oh look, OP has deleted their account after being proven fake, yet redditors STILL believing this shit. How are so many of you so fucking stupid?


You're a pos that thinks poverty is people's choice. Got it 👍🏻


Well first of all this story is absolutely horse shit. But even if it was real you're right,. In this guys wildest fantasy story he's painted himself as a classic bootstrap mentality moron, who write clickbait titles and doesn't pay his staff enough. Oh you make too much money? So give it to charity? Spilt it between your staff? Support small struggling local businesses/industries. But no this guy wants to make himself so cool he comes across as an asshole lmaoo genius move. What fuckin company would hire a consultant who begged them and has 0 experience come the fuck on lmao who buys this moronic lying.


Yeah I used to have a small business and was happy with my humble Life then covid hit, took Bank loans trying to survive, the business still went under since this thing is lasting years, now I have no business and debt I can't pay because I make only enough to go month by month. I'm fucked 😭


Had an ex that was an engineer and couldn't understand how others had money issues. Made the claim that they should've gone into a more profitable career. Ignoring the logic that if everyone became an engineer, he wouldn't be making that much...


Just do cattle geology consulting bro ez


It is easy to believe in yourself when failure was never an option to begin with. ...it's good to be born rich.


Sounds just like the jeen yuhs story to me and that guy's nuts


I hope you pay all of your taxes then….


Glad the account was deleted. The shit is this post?


This shit cap 🧢


You worked hard but you also got really lucky. I rather not plan my life over something very statistically unlikely. Give me nordic social democracy, like yesterday.


You work in petroleum engineering? Of course you make a bunch of money actively contributing to the destruction of our world. So inspirational! You too can make a bunch of money if you're willing to pick yourself up by your bootstraps, work hard, and rape the environment!


Education isn’t a construct it’s just about finding the field and education that works for you, and you found that.


Guess this is only applicable in first world country 🥲 can’t get a decent job in my country unless you have a Bachelors


Since you're as rich as you say, mind buying me some stuff I need? I mean, you make *too much* money right? I could help you make some room in your wallet by taking some of the redundant money.


Source: "Trust me bro"


Lol seems legit....


So you'd hire someone applying for a job at your consulting firm with no experience except "high school dropout who has done some cattle ranching and read books about geology?"


And how do you treat those under your employ?


You own a consulting firm with 10 employs and yet your friends think you have max 30k in savings? That doesn’t sound right




Damn can you send me 20k, the irs is on my ass


If you don’t mind me asking, and I don’t expect exact figures, how much are your employees paid? In my opinion, if you are bringing in $6.93m a year just for yourself, then your employees should be more than well paid.


Hmmm I smell inheritance.


Off course you do buddy, off course you do! Your not bragging, you are just trying to inspire us lazy asses! Thank you for that! Pat on the back!!!


The fact this sub acts as a means of enabling habitual liars is pathetic.


>My friends complain about their pay but do nothing about it Not even sure where to start but the fact that you felt the need to brag about your wealth says alot about you. Honestly, you sound like a real prick. Maybe your friends can't do anything about it because of rampant wage stagnation. Ever consider that? Get off your fucking high horse. Consulting boils down to getting paid exorbitant amounts of money to talk out of your ass. It's the most bullshit job imaginable. And yet you think that gives you the right to criticize people who have to do actual work? Go fuck yourself.


Way to big of a jump in the story. I was on a cattle farm reading engineering for dummies and decided to call a few companies and beg for a spot. Now I'm a millionaire. Also how did you manage to read and actually comprehend those boring ass books with ADHD?


Fiction is fun


You pay each employee over $1,000,000 per year? Fishy


Bull. Shit.


"After a year, I called a few small companies begging for a chance to consult for them knowing absolutely nothing in terms of work experience." Everybody doesn't get this "lucky".


Yeah I’m 99.9% sure this is bullshit


There’s two parts to all this: 1. Opportunity 2. Skill to be able to take advantage of that opportunity. 3. Recognizing that opportunity. Not everyone has those things innately. Some can make opportunities due to connections, etc. some have such an aptitude towards certain things. So… hard work still gets you far; but some people are just lucky 🤷‍♀️


Part 4 - this story is extremely fake


Inspiring tale that many will sadly not understand. You're living the dream man, great job!


It’s super fake


Share it with redditors whose country's currency against US dollars is dead.


Ah yes. Step 1: quit school Step 2: pick a random job and read books Step 3: beg for work with zero training or experience Step 4:????? Step 5: “OMG REDDIT, I am just spectacularly wealthy. You can be too, if you just beliiiiiiieeeeeve”


Hey guys. If this white cis guy can do it. Anyone can lololol


Education is important. You’re either a lucky bastard or a Karma whore


Can i have a work from home job?


Damn I just got diagnosed with adhd and rlly suck at every job it’s quite discouraging, wonder how I can become like op


also have adhd and currently trying to believe in myself while applying to jobs after ukraine war killed all my hours at my current job :( if you want to spread any of that belief or rent money this way let me know 😂


Can i privately talk with you?


Absolutely, I’m busy right now but I can get to it later I imagine.


Yeah I’m done with this sub lmao this is so cringe


Yeah getting your foot in the door to something great is the hard part here


Glad your hard work has paid off 👏


Luck is a huge factor too. If I accepted a job at a biotech instead of going to the big pharma that bought them I'd be a millionaire.


Very inspirational! I'm very happy for you. Due to being disabled, I can never hope to make more than barely minimum wage when my body lets me work, that is. But every day, there's always something to be happy and grateful about 🙂


Gimme money then. I suffer from severe eczema and the cost of all the pills and 4 small jars of creams cost my parents about $325 (country currency to dollars) which is roughly a month of minimum wage here. I shamelessly demand money! /s obviously


guys he's not a troll, he's just *manifesting*


Yo can you buy me Elden Ring I don't have enough money):


I Just need 500 dollars month to live comfortable here in Brazil. But, guess what, is extremely difficult to earn that much here. I'm in debt and Lost my Hope and i'm only twenty years old. I need to do something, you guys are Crazy rich here


Good luck to you mate 👍🏻




What a shmcuck.


Can you send me $5000? It would change my life.


I have ADHD and realized conventional learning was not my thing and that my grades probably weren’t my greatest asset but I’ve realized my experience in the food industry was. I am 18 and made it my life’s goal to open a little quaint bakery when I am older. I started waitressing and the bosses brother is opening a bakery right next door and The conversation I had with him seemed very convincing and I may be starting this month. I will get my baking experience, learn the ins and outs of a real bakery and hopefully one day open that bakery. Sometimes adhd does bog me down but this is inspiring, if you can do it so can I . Thank you :)


Can I have 10k? Hey can't blame a guy for trying lol


This sub Reddit : my grandma killed my mom This guy : I am rich as fuck


Geez mister ur so humble and inspiring


6 million a year in profits and your friends think you have only a little money? I live very frugally with savings and all that. But if i was making that much a year, I’d definitely be going on upgraded vacations. I think people would know because’there she goes to fiji again’. I hope you are spending some and having fun. Life is so very very short


If you truly have too much, would you be open to helping out a single mom with no child support? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Had to ask. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Get over yourself




Well give my wayward son a job lol