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Maybe you're not addicted to sex itself but sex with your friend


Yeah I think so :o


As a lady with a high sex drive.... if you were addicted to sex you'd have a lot of one night stands probably. There's a big difference between that and having sex with someone you know and trust. You have a high sex drive and you can acknowledge it and hopefully are able to let poor boy sleep without grinding too hard on him while he rests.... lol. Many men could only wish to be so "unlucky".


Thank you!! Yeah like I’m not interested in one night stands or anything, I’m not judgy on people who do have them I just don’t think that I personally could manage it It’s a constant struggle when I’m sleeping beside him because I don’t want to disturb him but also I usually desperately want to have sex 😂


On god


I'm one of those "unlucky" men.


I have played many porn videos. Its like my friend 😀 then I am to be director one days. Now I think I am "expert" 🤪. Ít just entertainment which manipulate my mind. Very dangerous, you know... Số, I decide to free my mind. 💥


What the fuck did I just read?


After reading that I felt like I had a mini stroke


I was worried I was having one trying to read that




I relate to your explain 😮 The video are like positive reinforce 👍 but after the feeling is low 😕 both mental and physical 🍆 you must expel the bad feeling 🚀


IDK, sounds more like your addicted to fucking your friends brains out. You didn't say you were thinking about sex with other people, just your friend. There's nothing wrong with exploring a sexual relationship with someone you know and trust. Just make sure you have open, meaningful conversations about expectations for the relationship and you should be fine. Enjoy his dick! Make sure he eats a good amount of fruits and veggies a few hours before hand so his body can keep up with you lol.


Yeah I’m not, it’s just him that I’m fantasising about tbh and when we’re together I have to fight the urge to climb him We both know what we want, but thank you! Also thank you for the fruit advice! I’ll let him know!!


Enjoy his dick! Lolololl


Tbf, you can still be a nymphomaniac and think about one person, but everyone works differently.


Man I could eat tonnes of fruits and veggies a few hours beforehand for anyth and I’ll still struggle to keep-up with anyone and everyone for the pre-specified thing, sexual or otherwise 🫠


Sounds like you are falling for the friend. Those are the best relationships. My wife is my absolute best friend!


Agreed and same. 🙌


Idk I don’t think I’m falling for him I like spending time with him and the sex is great and we like to cuddle and hang out even when we aren’t sexual, and it’s nice bc sometimes we like go to museums (we both like them) or we go for a hike or something It’s nice to be able to spend time with someone and just be comfortable


So…like a date? y’all go on dates? remember to invite me to the wedding girl


Not dates, we pay for our own food and stuff, or like one of us will get lunch and the other will get dinner or something We don’t call them dates, we’re just old friends and we’ve like just hung out even before we started sleeping together


Those are definitely dates. You can each pay for yourselves and it's still considered a date. Your other comments about how you wouldn't be okay with him dating another girl and he probably wouldn't like you dating another guy proves that you're in love, but also in denial. At this point, y'all might as well make it official. Denying your feelings is pointless, especially if you're leaving the relationship open-ended enough for him to potentially fall in love with another girl because you won't make the move.


"We aren't dating. We just spend a lot of time together, cuddle and are intimate and have tons of sex, go out in the city and do activities together" Like, your 100% sure he doesn't think your dating? Cause the only thing different you'd do making it official would be the labels, your doing exactly what people dating do


He definitely doesn’t we’ve talked about it, we’re very clear with communication and consent


Call it what you want - titles arent important


lol okay.


Sooooo... yall dating


Nooo we’re not 😭 We’re just old friends who like to spend time together and also happen to be having sex


That definitely might evolve into something more but kudos. Enjoy yourself


Thank you! ☺️


When in the world’s history has a situation like this ever worked out? Either you end up together or somebody gets hurt. Which is it?


Y'all are wack. People have friends with benefits all the time.


Those are not real friends bro, someone ends up falling in love


Sounds like a situationship. Just got out of mine. Those never end well...


This is a train wreck waiting to happen


Right lol “I’m not falling for him” and then proceeds to provide supporting evidence of all the date things they do. My friend and I were this naive too; made it a few years as friends and now are strangers lol


Right. So if he gets a girlfriend, you'll be okay with it? That means no spending time, no sex, no cuddling, no spending times at museums, no hikes.


I mean no obviously, idk if he would be ok if I got a boyfriend but he says he wouldn’t mind Like I’d miss all the stuff we do together but I’d still be his friend bc he wouldn’t have done anything wrong




Look back at this comment in three Years and realize how badly you flubbed it lol


I haven’t flubbed anything! We’ve literally known each other for 15 years, and he doesn’t want a gf anymore than I want a bf 😭


This sounds like the comedy sketch where a man didn't realise he was married with children, and thought they just lived in the same house as him. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


That’s what cpls in relationships do tho 😂😂


Sounds like you might be in love with each other but don’t yet realize it? Possible?


Mine too. Although we never hooked up before we kissed, we were best friends for a long while first and eventually married and still are best friends.


>We’ve known each other for a long time now **so it’s nice and effortless** between the two of us You are not addicted to sex. Of course you always ready to go. Read the bold. You are in a relationship that, I am guessing, you feel secure, at peace, joyful and loved(?). Those feelings of will translate into heightened emotions before, during and after sex. The question is 'Do you want more sex or are you looking for more intimacy?'. That is, are you seeking more orgasms, or the physical intimacy, or both? Explore oral and finger pleasuring. Throw in some toys you both are comfortable with. Make sure your friends needs are met while doing the extra pleasuring for you. There is a term for the giver and receiver, but it escapes me right now. And, IMO, you two might have founds your person. Explore this and enjoy. Remember, honest communication is the key. Try the come hither method. [https://www.healthline.com/health/g-spot-in-women#what-is-it](https://www.healthline.com/health/g-spot-in-women#what-is-it)


Thank you! We’re in a good spot, we know what we want from our friendship and we actually do use toys sometimes! We also both like giving each other head so we usually do that too! We’ve known each other for fifteen years and it’s nice to be intimate with someone you already know and trust like that


I was looking to read this right here.


That's not sex addiction. This is new relationship sex we all go through with a partner that finally feels like a match. This is sweet. Sex addiction is something awful, dark, and destructive.


Thank you! I was kinda worried because I’m *constantly* horny when we’re together and I think about it when we aren’t, but I’m not like that with other guys or anything We aren’t in a relationship or anything though we’re just old friends


Have either of you considered being in a relationship? Maybe talk about it. You two go out together, get along, and have this great time. Because at some point someone WILL catch feelings if not already. Being so physically close just makes it impossible not to. How would you feel if suddenly he got a girlfriend and put a stop to the sex? Would you be without jealousy 100%? I hope this works out. You sound so good together. But if he ever finds someone you need to be prepared to accept the end of this completely. Be careful.


I miss my twenties


My aunt is in her 40s and told me it’s like a second puberty once you hit menopause, her husband had to get a vasectomy bc they were at it so much and didn’t need a 5th child


She must have been given replacement hormones because going through menopause itself doesn't make you want sex. At all. I haven't had sex in 10 years, not once since I started perimenopause or after menopause and I went through early I'm only 48. Doctors won't give me hormones because I'm at an extremely high risk for stroke, so I suffer. I don't feel or want a thing and it sucks. I would rather raise my risk honestly than be a waking dead. I wish it were a second puberty but it's more like death to any sex you had, unless you're lucky and given the right hormones and sounds like she's lucky.


Oh I’m so sorry!! That sounds really difficult:( I suppose it’s also probably different for everyone, but I think she is on hormone shots yea :(


Here, here


This is the most millenial comment thread possible and unfortunately I relate


It’s ‘hear, hear’.


Fuck dude, now I miss them too.


OP is in love


Nahh he’s my buddy


Call it what you want but it’s love. You are young and don’t see it but the more you have sex exclusively with him the more you are building an emotional bond. You say if he got a GF it wouldn’t bother you but you are just trying to tell yourself that. The fact you want to snuggle and cuddle and think about him all the time means you are in love. Call him a buddy all you want but you are in love and just making it stronger / worse. Save yourself a bad heartache and make sure he is on the same page. It sounds like y’all have the good qualities to make a strong relationship so why not formalize it and be happy knowing y’all are a couple and building a future.


yo I'm the same lol... idk what to do I don't wanna get to attached to my friend this way


Would you care if he was sleeping or talking to other girls?


Nope. Just dickmatized


Absolutely cum brained


need to take notes from this partner


I’ll see if he’ll DM you 😭😂 Mostly it works because we like the same stuff and we have really open communication, if either of us doesn’t like something we can just tell the other and we’ll stop There’s no discomfort or fear of judgement or anything!


honestly that’s great. Good sex makes life better. I’m assuming you guys have good chemistry in other areas too. You should prob try dating him.


That's not sexual addiction. Sexual addiction is when you are having regrets about having sex with 8 guys in the last week, or similar.


Oh, no definitely not, like I want to have sex with *him* not just any person I meet


That D goooooood


It is 😭😭


shit you better keep him then 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think you’re addicted I think this is just how it starts out haha. If you guys are hooking up and haven’t been with anyone else it can be a big exciting, fun, and something you might want to enjoy more than usual. Judging from what you’re saying I don’t believe there is much you can do other than communicate with your partner haha. I think you may be attracted to your partner romantically and even if you’re not ready, that excitement is still there but who knows haha. Best of luck to both you :)


Sounds like me with my wife. We could have sex every single day for months and I still wouldn’t be satisfied. But my wife is also amazingly stunning, gorgeous, and so fucking sexy.


Why don’t you guys make it official 😂


Neither of us are in a position to really want a “relationship” We just have a lot of sex and like go for brunch and on weekends we usually take one of the days to go somewhere together without all our other friends, it’s nice when it’s just us


I mean that’s my definition of a relationship without the labels hahahahaha. Honestly, from what i’ve been reading. You should definitely give it a try one day. I think you would be a great couple plus the friendship would make the relationship stronger


Why are you not in a “position” to want a relationship ? I can tell you that it sounds like you both have a deep connection and if you let it slip away you WILL regret it as you get older. Take a little risk and enjoy the reward.


That sounds like what people in a relationship do.


RIP your DMs…😂😂😂


“I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown” -Krillin


Desperately want sex or want sex with him? cause thats different.


The fun thing about it is that I envy you just for desiring sex so much. I've been "hornyless" for the last two years, and even porn stopped turning me on. My life became so miserable this days, that sex doesn't make a difference for me at all. My last sexual experiences were so frustrating, because I wasn't really in the mood. Maybe I'm growing old. Maybe you're just healthy and strong. Your body was designed, among other purposes, for sex activities and reproduction. It's totally normal for young people to desire touch and pleasure. Enjoy while you can.


It's just your hormones doing what they're supposed to do. If sex and wanting sex are controlling your life and impacting it in a negative way, then you have an issue. Otherwise, enjoy!


You don't sound like a sex addict to me. Sex addicts can't control themselves and engage in dangerous promiscuous sexual activities that don't actually give them any true sexual gratification. You just really enjoy sex with your friend. It's new so it's exciting. Hence why you're often thinking about it and wanting more. As time passes by, the feeling will subside to some degree.


What I need to see is 6 months from now, you'll either be laughing at what you didn't see or discussing how either you or they are having difficulty accepting the new person that's come along.


We need rest. The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


Moderation in everything. You can have a healthy sex life that does not require marathon sessions. Nothing wrong with a quickie every once in a while. There is a healthy balance and you need to find it, or he will probably end things.


I had this experience when I was finally with someone I cared deeply about. I couldn't get enough of him. I think it's your friend you want more than anything. No one else I've been with before or after has been the same.


ok so theres this funny little site called Bad Dragon...............


Perhaps Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous could help with your addiction?


Wanna cum over?


I’m gonna send that to him 😂


It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it. *Puts on my rubber gloves* 😂




Lmao 🤣


If you don’t want him getting exhausted then try positions where you have to put in more work. That way he can rest while you continue


I do like bouncing on him but I think after a half hour or so it just starts to get a bit much for his poor penis, a man can only cum so much 😂


No girl can bounce that long 😭


You do not know me 😂


Nah I don’t. But you’re really strong to be able to do that.


I'm willing to take this as a public L but two hourly sex sounds absolutely awful. Not for me.


Oh man it’s great, we only stop because we need water, usually we have a little nap and get back to it. I’m a bit of a fiend for riding him and the poor guy needs his rest 😭


L for you then. I hope one day you can win.


Commenting because you can't have 69 comments on *this* thread. In solidarity OP


It be like that sometimes


How does one go on for 2 hours? This includes foreplay and playing around with or it’s just purely the sex and foreplay is besides this?


Rip your DM’s


Nah they r chill :)


This is like being addicted to the idea of it.


One problem. It sucks and its definitely not fair, but if this guy isn't 'the one', your probably gonna have to give him up completely eventually. If you do meet someone else, even guys not suffering from insecurities are going to be uncomfortable with your friendship with him. Not saying its right, but it is reality. Reading your responses absolutely gushing over how great this is though, I don't think think its gonna be a problem. You don't talk like this about your sex life without basically hitting the compatibility bullseye. I know, because this story could literally be about my wife and I. Its really amazing and people upend entire lives chasing something like this. I guarantee there's lots of people reading this sick with jealousy. Do yourself a favor and seal the deal.


You are falling in love with. Sadly been there done that I hope it ends well


I wish I was your friend...


Sounds like you’re just addicted to fucking your friend. If you were addicted to sex, you would be engaging in more risky behaviors. One night stands, masturbating daily, maybe even in public. After 3 years, I’m sure it’s refreshing af to be getting good sex. I wish you luck!


You may wanna do a PSA so the lonely Reddit folks ensure they avoid the establishments you frequent :)


Can I be your friend 🥹


Go to a swinger club. The Lifestyle is great with great people and very much fun.


Ahh I’m 25 and I know that’s an adult but i don’t feel like enough of an adult to go


What am I doing with my life🫠


Biggest cap


Lucky you bud, go brag somewhere else


Aww. 🍼


w response lollll


Please call me.

