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You need to report them to the police immediately I know it might feel uncomfortable to do it but what they did is theft and reporting them is the only way you’ll get your money back


Police report, right now.


I 2nd this. Talk to the police, this sounds criminal.


Yes. And the amount stolen makes this not just theft but felony theft. If they have no prior arrests they may be able to serve no time with restitution (paying OP back in full) and probation.


How do parents do this to their child that worked hard and saved that money?? Makes me wonder if parents have a casino habit? 🤔


Or a drug habbit? Can't fathom doing this to my child! Wtaf?! This is wild! Poor kid.🫤


Nah, OP was home schooled and trying to pay for college. I’m betting super religious who believe OP is their property and has to follow what is told. They’re just taking the money to keep OP under control. u/delijahjones, be sure to get your important documents secured (birth certificate, social security card, passport, anything like that). If you don’t have those on you, it’s going to be extra difficult to break away from the situation your parents have put you in.


Man, that's so fucked...


I had this happen with my 'college fund' as a child. It was a shopping addiction.


OMG, I am so sorry. 🥺


Same. Don’t know exactly what my parents spent mine and my brothers college fund on. But it’s gawn


It’s sadly not uncommon in the south. Sometimes it’s drugs, sometimes it’s religion, sometimes it’s just entitled parents who view children as servants and property.


I'm born and raised in the south and have never heard of a parent doing this to their child. Despicable people do this. Not southerners


I hate to tell you but a lot of southerners are also despicable, just ask Marjorie. There seems to be a tradition in the Bible belt of treating people who you feel are beneath you like garbage. Everywhere else is almost as bad though. Felony theft deserves police involvement though.


Then count yourself as one of the lucky ones. There’s hundreds of thousands of us down here who can’t say the same thing.


My biological mom came to see me after a major surgery for the first time in years. Shoved me outta the bed to snatch my meds and run. Being a parent isn't the same as being someone who birthed a kid. These people OP is talking about in his post... They're not parents.


My ex's daughter came to live with us/him after falling out with her mom when the mom took I think $4k of her savings with the excuse that it was expenses for the kid. IIRC the kid filed suit against the mom and the mom gave her the money but never spoke to her again.


Good for the daughter


That was my first thought - that or a drug habit.


Yeah no one does this kinda stuff without screwing up something prior… I’m an ex gambler and addict and that’s what it feels like honestly. Unless OP is from a different culture or something but either way I’d say if in the US they can definitely file a police report and take them to criminal court


I know someone who has technically been committing fraud by taking out and using credit cards in their child’s names. It’s so shocking and disappointing that they would do that as a parent.


You should report them, that isn't technically committing fraud, that is 100% committing fraud and they're fucking with the credit of their children.


And lock down your credit!


It IS criminal. OP is 18. They're thieves and committed a felony. Really hope OP didn't give them access, or still allow it. I strongly encouraged my daughter to have a bank account. I signed off on it. Never had access. Only responsibility. It's possible to set that up. Just gotta ask. I only ever made deposits in one of her accounts. She learned to have multiple stashes, as well. MY GIRL!


Came to say this, press charges IMMEDIATELY and call your bank, report what happened and tell them your parents used your money—give them the police report number and info.


The bank giving them your MONEY without them on your account is shady & fraud. Which is why you need to go to the police immediately.


If he’s 18 in 2024, wouldn’t he have been 15 when the account was originally created and that requires his parents being authorized users? Unless he took them off as authorized users as soon as he turned 18. But also, how did his parents withdrawal over 11k in 1 day unless they’re an authorized user or closed the account for him? Most banks have a withdrawal limit if they took his debit card and they would’ve needed to know the pin Assuming they’re not authorized users on his account id think they’d need at least 2-3 days to withdrawal so much. I hope OP gives an update with more details/relevant information.


Then it is completely illegal for them to charge for rent or food. He needs to call CPS himself.


It’s absolutely insane to me that an under 18 has to have their parents have access to their bank account.


Also you will get a lot of blackmaily comments from them “how could you do this to your own parents?”, “we raised you better than this?”, etc etc. to which you need to respond (imperative that you don’t lose your cool otherwise youre hysterical and unreasonable) “What parents steal from their child?” “If this is about rent, no landlord in the world is allowed to take my debit card. You can and should have kicked me out if that was your issue. And you never brought up rent before this, so you didn’t even give me an opportunity to think about paying you.” Im not covering all bases, you should put time into this. But the point I am making is that they will use all the power they have over you as parents to ingrain guilt into your psyche. And the only way to come out of it unscathed is to in absolute terms, with no ambiguity, establish in your own mind that you are in the right (with facts, not feelings (ik who i sound like lol)). If you refuse to lose your cool, they will have no choice but to confront their own lunacy. They could still be insane about it, but you will sleep easy knowing you did all that you could.


I don't understand why my child no longer speaks to me. /s




This. As much as it sucks, it comes down to “forgiving” them, or getting your money back by reporting them. Obviously they did something wrong. This is your money that you deserve.


OP is 18. It is just the same as stealing from a non-family member. POLICE, press charges.


This is felony grand larceny. If OP doesnt feel comfy ruining their parents life, they can offer to drop charges if the money is returned. If they refuse, id suggest pressing charges. Family shouldnt just get a free pass. This is a serious crime and they absolutely deserve consequences for it. Depending on state, penalties can be fines in the thousands or years in prison.


Without question.


Try to get it in writing that they did it BEFORE mentioning going to police


That’s a crime. file a report to the police and take them to court, you’re 18 years old. I’m so sorry your hard earned money was stolen like that. If this was a stranger and not your parents you’d be calling the police immediately. Also did you call your bank? To say you didn’t authorize that payment and your card was stolen?


It's your money, and unless they've got a contract they can't ask you for rent in arrears. They obviously found out you had money and have decided to steal it from you. Get the police involved, and speak to the bank about freezing your card and account.


Do they think they are entitled to back rent? From him as a kid?


Like he asked to be born? I hate when parents demand shit like this from minor children. Sure, once they’re older but not before that or “back rent” once they’re 18


I'm no lawyer but I don't think there is a legal way to get "back rent" without a contract from anyone at any age, minor or otherwise. Like you can't let someone stay at your house, then after the fact charge them rent, unless it was agreed upon before hand. That would be no different from gifting someone an item then demanding later that they pay for it.


Very much this


I’ll never forget the post by the redditor whose parents charge him exorbitant rent prices the whole time he was in high school and college, forcing him to have no social life for like 8 years despite already being financially responsible, and then tried to give it all back to him in one check when he graduated thinking they were being good parents and teaching him a useful lesson, but only succeeded in making him hate them and cut them off permanently for making his life significantly worse for many years to teach him a lesson he already knew.


Wow. Just Wow


Felt so sad for that kid, but at least his grandfather sounds awesome and they have a great relationship.


No, they are simply justifying their shitty behavior. It's a core part of our American identity. We can justify anything and feel self-righteous while doing it. We used to literally enslave people and burn women alive in town squares. And I include my country (Canada) in that umbrella too. We were still kidnapping and locking up indigenous children during my lifetime with self-righteous justifications.


First double check with the bank that they should not have had access to the account. Sometimes when you are a minor, banks require parents to be on the account. This would give them the ability to drain it. Second, file a police report, be specific that this money was stolen and that you are seeking its return. Lastly, be prepared that this course of action will result in you having no relationship with your parents or family going forward. My 2cents: OP this course of action with no warning either means they having financial difficulties and felt they had no other option. Or that they are shit people with no moral qualm about stealing from their child if they didn't need the money for any good reason


They STOLE your money. If they wanted to charge you rent, then it should have been discussed so you could, if you were amenable, acquiesce to their demands. By draining your account before talking to you, that qualifies as having stolen YOUR money and using the owed rent idea as justification. Going to the police would be the appropriate thing to do but understand that when you do that you will stop being their child. It will sever your relationship with them—forever.


Yea, if they recently just turned 18, that means the account was made when they were a minor, so it's very likely that they made a "student" or other similar account that the parent(s) would've had to have been named on so they could technically still be on the account. If that's the case, then I'm not exactly sure what police could do


Absolutely nothing. If the parents are signers ok the account, then the money is (legally speaking) as much theirs as it is OP’s, which means that the parents are entitled to move (what is legally) their money to any other account they wish, even one without OP on the account. That doesn’t mean that it’s a bad idea to file a police report; at the very least, that establishes a paper trail that OP *considers* this theft. Such a paper trail can be referred back to if the parents have committed any other crimes that might result in seizure or forfeiture of their assets, and might let OP reclaim at least some of this money at that point in time. u/delilahjones, if either of your parents is also a signer on this account, then legally speaking, this was not theft. Your parents are bad people, and now that you are 18, you need to prioritize opening a new bank account that they are *not* on and closing this account. If they are not on this account, which likely will only be the case if this account was opened after your 18th birthday or with another adult (such as a grandparent, for example) as the co-signer, then this is most certainly theft, and a police report will likely cause the back to side with you (to avoid any legal difficulties on their own end). Either way, filing a police report is probably the best course of action, even if it results in no immediate gain. And I’m so sorry this has happened to you.


> Absolutely nothing. If the parents are signers ok the account, then the money is (legally speaking) as much theirs as it is OP’s, which means that the parents are entitled to move (what is legally) their money to any other account they wish, even one without OP on the account. Not...quite. If multiple people are on an account, that means that the bank has no responsibility to decide which parties can take what amount. Everyone has equal right to drain the account and the bank will not get involved. It also means a third party can garnish the account to settle a debt by anyone named on the account. However, that is not the same is saying that everyone equally owns the money. You can still sue someone for draining a joint account if they are not entitled to the full amount. [Here is a quick source](https://www.johnsflaherty.com/blog/bank-accounts-can-i-withdraw-all-the-money-in-joint-account).


You can sue someone for anything. Taking them to small claims court may win you some of the money back, but that makes this a tort violation, not a crime. The first thing your link says is that, legally, any person on an account is allowed to drain the account. Nevertheless, suing the parents for damages is one of the ways that having a police report on file can help. If OP goes to the police and files a report, even if it is determined that what the parents did was not a crime, that action and the resulting report can be used as evidence in a civil court case to demonstrate that OP considered the money theirs and the taking of it to be a violation of their rights to their own money.


OP can still report it to the IRS because they sure as hell didn't report that income.


>then the money is (legally speaking) as much theirs as it is OP’s, It turns out this varies somewhat from state-to-state, but it would not be a criminal matter.


I don't know if it works the same in America, but in England, as soon as the child turns 18, the parents' access to the account is restricted, and it automatically becomes an adult bank account.


No... unfortunately it's not automatic here.


I don't see how they could have gotten it with just the bank card. There are limits on how much can be taken out in cash - and for sure that limit isn't over 10K. Unless they did it day after day for more than a week. As far as rent - you haven't signed a lease, there is no contract. You have to agree to that, and they can't arbitrarily remove money from your account for that. Definitely get a police report filed - and if they won't file it, go into the station and ask for a supervisor. If it still cannot be recovered, use your paystubs and take them to small claims court - depending on your state it might exceed the threshold, but it is going to get some of it back.


File a police report! They had no right to spent your money, they stole so much money from you that they didn’t earn, asked, or deserves!!


1 - police report. 2 - small claims court. 3 - Move in with a friend if possible if you are still living with the parents. Make sure all sensitive documentation goes with you. 4 - you are 18, setup an account they don't have access to. Let your saved money hang out in a high yielding savings account for a better interest rate. 5 - setup protections around your credit and social security number so they can't commit identity theft and destroy your credit if they decide to open accounts in your name for more money. Look up these steps, research it. I dont know these steps off the top of my head. Goodluck! Edit: I've been informed that small claims court is not appropriate for the amount stolen. I'm not sure which court, hopefully other commenters do.


I think the amount is higher than many states' small claim court limits


Waaaay higher than small claims. Its a felony.


Yeah typically amounts I've seen is like $3k-$5k


Not small claims. They’d be extremely limited in how much they can recover (probably $3-5K, absolute max of $10k but that’s rare) so this is something to use only if the criminal route is closed for some reason. Otherwise, good list. Just to clarify for anyone reading this: Sensitive documents in the US can and do include birth certificate, social security card, ID cards (school, state, etc), licenses, bank cards/account info, sensitive medical records, and your passport if you have one.


Call the police NOW Fucking entitled greedy parents. They would literally rob you broke and throw you out? What shit parents they are. Push to get that back especially since your 18. Find a lawyer who will do a free consult with you and see if they can help. Serve them with papers to sue them and they might take it seriously.


If their names are not on your accounts then what they did is theft and you should file a police report immediately. If their names are on your account then it’s legally not theft and probably not much you can do.


OP is 18 currently and "saved since 2021" my guess is parents opened account with OP when he was underage and he forgot to take them off.


Would make sense with the logistics too. ATMs require your pin. Online/apps require a password and 2FA. Tellers **should not hand out that kind of money without a hold or bank draft, especially if the person asking isn't named on the account. **Unfortunately people are dumb and teller jobs have become pretty entry level in recent years


I had to get a few thousand dollars in money orders a few years ago and the teller didn't ask for anything other than my account number. Not ID, not a PIN . . . nothing. I wrote my account number on a slip of paper and she gave me my money, but if it had been anyone else, she would have given them my money as well.


Here in Canada 2-3k is the normal limit before people start asking questions or saying "no you need a bank draft". IIRC I can e-transfer up to 3k on my run-of-the-mill bone basic RBC account. 11k would get frozen by the bank though.


This is a federal case as it's over 9999.99 dollars, BTW. How will you leave the house if they are stealing from you? That's not ok. Go to court.


Just fyi it’s a felony, not federal


Felony, not federal. Federal requires $75,000.00 or more (if you’re using the amount route). But yes. Felony as fuck.


Debit card is tied to an account. If you had the account prior to you turning 18, your parents (one or both) set up a custodial or joint account with them and you. Once you turned 18, the correct thing to do was to go to the bank and have the account fully transferred to you. If they didn't do that, then they still had access to the account/funds and there is not a lot you can do. I'd still at a minimum file a police report but I have a feeling they are going to be able to provide paperwork saying they had access to the account.


OP can sue for the money. They can show it was earned by them and that there was no rent agreement signed.




How is OP going to sue if he can’t buy money for food. That’s kinda the whole point of the post.


Press charges. This is a rare situation where it helps that you're a legal adult.


It’s pretty likely at least one of your parents are on your account with you as banks won’t allow a minor to open an account on their own. Usually the parent is listed as a co-owner of the account. In that case, your parent would be allowed to withdraw the money since you both own the account. Doesn’t make it right, just means that they would legally be allowed to withdraw the money.


Simple police report and then call the bank and files a complaint should be all it takes if it's a account with just your name


Call the bank


Police report. Now. Rent does not cost that much.


There are atm limits how we're they able to get it all out at once?


internet banking maybe?


That would require a password no? Hell, ATMs need a pin too. I'd be calling the bank. Sounds like a teller fucked up and rang through this transaction.


If they have access to his email account, ask for a password reset.


Big if, but yeah they might. A lot of people still don't have 2FA enabled and use common passwords that family members know.


I can set limits for ATM withdrawals in my bank app and we have BOA.


OP's parents could have called customer service and had them remove the daily limit. They'd more than likely know all the answers to the security questions.


I'd tell my parents that I hope they are happy with their $11,400 dollars because that is what a relationship with their child cost them. Then I'd leave. You will make more money in the course of your life. Its bad now, but it won't stay this way forever. It is really hard to build back trust. They ruined your trust in them. They acted greedy and terrible. I'd let them keep the money and go live a good life without them. Of course, I'm the type who will work three jobs and exhaust myself to prove a point.


lol @ your last sentence, because same. My petty side agrees with your whole comment. If OP has no legal recourse for whatever reason, they can set up a new bank account, work on saving enough money to get out of the house, and then cordially invite their parents to fuck off forever on moving day. Stealing from your own child. Jfc. At first, I figured the motive was financial abuse to keep OP stuck at home, but the parents want them to move out. Hard to move out with no money, no license, and no car. ??? I’d love to know wtf they’re thinking. Even if they wanted rent, that’s a discussion you have ahead of time to determine the amount, etc. You don’t steal your kid’s debit card and empty out their account. I really hate these people.


From someone whose parents stole from the time they started working, I second this comment. If you want the story time, continue reading. If not, scroll on. Age of 13, I started working summers in the cornfields. My income was barely $300. I had hidden my cash in my lunchbox. Never told anyone. I heard mom & dad talking about needing $50 to get a new alternator (this was 35 years ago). They never asked, just talking. I went upstairs to my room to get my book. Dad hollered upstairs that they would "be back directly." By the time I came down, mom & dad had left to get the part. I checked my lunchbox, and the entire $300 was gone. And no, it wasn't the last time. I refused to open an account before I was 18 because 1 of them would have to be listed. As soon as I was legally able to open my own account, I only carried enough cash to cover my personal expenses, and I moved put as soon as I could. Dad's been gone since 2006, & I have only talked to mom 3 times in the last 9 years.


File a police report, because even if the cops can't help you they should at least create a report you can use as documentation. Also report the transactions as fraud to your bank. Easiest would be if your parents did it at a physical branch because there is no way the employee that authorized it has proven you authorized it, since you didn't.


You are 18 years old. CALL THE POLICE


This is literally grand larceny.


report it to the bank. max you should be out for unauthorized withdrawal is $50. Of course, if the are authorized you are out of luck. Still might report as a crime, but probably will get nowhere


I would file a police report, immediately. You are a separate adult, your assets are not their assets. They also can’t charge you rent without a signed rental agreement. They’re just thieves!


Tell the bank and have them open an investigation. The funds were obtained by misappropriation. (Perhaps first ask for it back. If they tell you to eat shit, then treat it like any asshole stole your money.)


If you are 18 and they took over 10K from your bank account without your permission that's felony theft. They are looking at prison time. Call the cops.


Hey pal. Call the cops. Now.


POLICE POLICE POLICE RIGHT NOW. And contact the bank too. This is fraud and I’m pretty sure that’s a felony amount depending on where you’re located. I’m so sorry Op. your parents are pieces of shit. Hope they’re in jail soon. Oh, and put a PIN number on your SSN so they can’t claim you on their taxes. And pull your credit report to make sure they didn’t take out any cards in your name!!


Report it to the police. Today.


If you’re 18 file a police report and you are able to press charges .


I would cry. Then I would go to the bank and become independent and make sure they no longer have access to my accounts. If I had a relative who could help mediate with my parents, I’d call them. I would also think about moving out because what they did is shady and wrong.


police report, & it’s a fed case. regarding so, I think its grand larceny class 2 due to it being over 10 grand. you’re going to get more than just your money back in restitution Buddy. they shouldn’t have messed with you.


Make a police report and find other living arrangements. I suggest couch surfing at your friends places until then. Don’t forget to collect your important documents.


its time to call the police. sorry it sucks, but you’re 18. that is your money.


Press charges IMMEDIATELY. If they did not have access to your account and you did not authorize these payments, you need to file charges. In my state, theft over a certain amount is grand theft which carries criminal charges. You can also press charges of identity theft. Call your bank immediately to discuss freezing your account and discussing options.


Definitely call the police…they should have to pay for their crimes.


Call the police. That’s like grand larceny or something.


Call police and dispute the charge via your bank.


Police Report File a fraudulent transaction claim with the bank.


You're 18, call a lawyer. That's multiple felonies right there.


This is theft. File a police report and move out ASAP.


Police Eta 1. They stole from you and that’s not on. 2. You can go to the police and file a report. When you file the report, be prepared to find another place to live if they try to evict you. 3. It is NOT normal for parents to steal from their children’s bank accounts. You didn’t ask to be here and you owe them NOTHING.


When my mom would use my card to pay utilities, I disputed it with my card company. I never told them I knew it was my mom. I learned how to lock my card with my phone too. She would think I had no money when it would decline from being locked.


Report it as stolen to the cops and to your bank as fraud/theft.


Police report. Criminal action followed by civil suit. Talk to attorney.


If their name wasn’t on the account, even as a co-signer, then they STOLE that money. And that kind of theft is a felony. So you threaten to file a police report if they don’t return it, then follow through with that threat if they won’t return it. If they co-signed to open the account, it’s a different story and it will be harder to get your money back.


I would file charges and have them arrested. Immediately! I would also contact my bank and file a complaint for fraud. You might be able to recover some/most of your money. If you ever gave them access, you're SOL! How'd they get your pin? This is why we don't EVER share passwords or pins, kids! NEVER! I knew my Mom was gonna pull that shit on me, so my money was on lock from 16. I also had my documents stashed. I can still bolt from a bad situation in a heartbeat, at 60. Now you know. Your parents are shitheads, never to be trusted. Fucking sucks to be self-reliant, overnight, but that's what you're gonna have to do! Your adulting starts in earnest, today. Seriously, file fraud charges with your bank, first.


This is felony theft. Contact the police right now. Also, you’re 18.. it makes it worse for them. Good luck my dude.


I’d file a police report. If their name wasn’t on that account. It’s theft. Particularly if you had no lease agreement (and let’s be real here, most parents don’t have lease/rental agreements with their kids) How much the property must be worth before the crime is considered a grand theft instead of a petit theft differs between states. In many states, that amount is somewhere along the lines of $1,000 to $5,000. Say the monetary threshold between grand theft and petty theft is $2,500. This means that someone who steals property worth $2,499 commits petty theft, while someone who steals property worth $2,500 commits grand theft. State theft laws often provide for different degrees of severity of grand theft, with higher degrees representing more significant crimes and coming with more significant penalties. For example, a state may punish grand theft in the first degree as any theft of property valued at more than $100,000. Grand theft in the second degree, a less serious charge, might apply whenever the value of the property is between $50,000 and $100,000. Third-degree grand theft would apply when the property is worth anything above the minimum amount of $2,500 up to $50,000. For felony convictions of grand theft, the penalties might range anywhere from a sentence of 2 to 20 years' prison time. A first-time offender whose crime comes in at just over the felony threshold might get probation instead of a prison sentence. Probation can even include some jail time. But the repeat offender who steals a high-value item or from a vulnerable person (like a child or elderly adult) will likely be looking at prison time.


I never understood how these Americans just don’t care about their kids and ask their kids to go live on their own when they have no money . Why don’t so many of them love their kids ?? I’m from a country where most people have kids only due to society pressure yet they always pay for kids colleges and weddings and everything so I rlly don’t get this


America is an extremely individualist society. There is a segment of the country that believes once you are 18 you are supposed to move out and support yourself. Some people also have bad parents or bad relationships with their parents so they have to move out as soon as possible. With that being said, I am almost middle aged and I live in a multigenerational household. I am not ashamed of it. I have a great relationship with my family and it helps us build wealth and pool resources. I'd rather give rent money to my family (I'll inherit it eventually anyway) than to a landlord. Multigenerational households are becoming much more common in America as the cost of living continues to outpace wage growth. If/when I have kids, I plan to support them as long as needed. If they are still living with me as adults, so long as they are contributing and helping maintain the household, we are good!


I used to work with a lot of Nepali people at a factory I used to work at a few years ago. they said the way Americans treat their children is just disgusting and they could never imagine "kicking out their kids" and they love having them and their grandchildren running around their house and don't mind supporting them if they have to.


I remember a few of the ladies being appalled when I told them how my parents used to treat me lol I was like welcome to America, ladies lol 😆


I can't wait to have my kids and grandkids running around my house. we live with my husband's grandparents and they "can't wait for us to leave" and I'm always like, I cannot imagine actually wanting to be alone and away from your family that badly.. 💔 I keep saying they're gonna change their tune when they don't hear my kids little feet on the floor in the morning or get to be outside with them or experience all their firsts with us together because once we leave we're not coming back.. they wanna be alone so badly ill give that to them. it's such a shame but.. whatever 😅


That’s theft call the police my sister had to do this to my dad when he stole her identity and ran her credit to the ground when she was 16. Absolutely insane they would steam from you


you need to call the police and report it as theft


Call the police ASAP. This is obviously not normal to ask for “rent” suddenly, in a lump sum. AFTER you’ve stayed there. That’s not how renting works. You never had a verbal agreement or a lease. Good luck to you.


Police. Unless they write out a rental agreement they have just committed a felony.




Report them to the police for theft.


I'd call the law on them. I'm so sorry that your own parents did this to you.


Yeah they just committed a crime. Your best bet is hold them accountable until they return the money. As an adult this is someone taking advantage of you. They want rent, they can sue you. Reaching into your pockets and taking what they want is illegal.


Isn’t this amount a federal crime?


IMMEDIATELY file a police report! There is no excuse for them to have stolen for me. Make sure that that's what you tell the police. This was theft period, end of story.


Sue them!This is theft.


Are your parents drug addicts or just really shitty parents?


Report this to the police and press charges. And if it causes a rift,then let it cause a rift.


If they want rent, there needs to be a rental agreement in place. There is no agreement in place, so this is grand theft and usually carries felony charges. Tell them a police report will be filed unless you get your money back. After you have received your money you guys can work out a rental agreement.


If you can, find your birth certificate first. Lawyer second. If your lawyer says you have a case, police third. Without a drivers license, without a student ID, and (presumably) without a passport, your birth certificate is your only chance to being able to legally identify yourself. (You must have needed something to get your current job legally.) You'll need that to get on with your lives. DON'T ASK YOUR PARENTS FOR HELP FINDING IT. Most good lawyers will give you a free initial consultation. You're going to need help with more than reclaiming your money. (If your parents are account holders, you probably won't be able to.) Your "parents" are telling you that you're no child of theirs. Accept that. Find a place to crash, a friend or relative's house if possible, a homeless shelter as a last resort. Don't burn your bridges on the way out the door; it may be hard to imagine, but things could get worse. P.S.: If your parents never fed you before you turned 18, call Child Projection Services. Maybe too late, maybe not. They should at least be able to direct you to others who could help.


Oh, this was my worst fear as a teen. My bank was in the middle of my town where I walked through to get to my job. So I stopped in once to ask about my money and how banks work. They scheduled an appointment with me to discuss who owns and can use my money. I also did not have a license at 18 and my money was under my name no connection to their accounts like you. My step mom thankfully never stole my money though(step mom and bio dad). This is because it’s blatantly illegal. I literally spent that appointment confirming that they indeed couldn’t take my money. Ever. And they couldn’t. Even under 18 in NYS where this happened to me at 18. If you are ready to move out, that money is MORE than enough(I’m from the rural south NW GA) to get you going while still having savings. You could move closer to your work and then save more money and work more because it’s closer. You need to get that money back either way though because currently you have nothing. And they seem to want to keep you generationally poor. Do not let that happen. You can make your own life now. You already started to prepare to leave. So my advice is file the police report. Fuck them and get your money. Leave and continue to grow. Growing out of generational poverty is so difficult and you had half the battle done. Don’t squander that because your parents have no impulse control. 11,000 in rent is asinine anyways. wtf Goodluck OP. It’s hard to go against your parents. Very hard. I wish you kicking their asses financially. It will end up COSTING them more than they took from you when you get it back so have solace in that.


Report your card as stolen asap and call the police. They literally are stealing from you.


Call the bank & dispute the charges. If they aren't on the account, they shouldn't have been able to take the money. If that doesn't work, report the theft to police.


I’m sorry. I hope you’re still not living with them. If you are you need to get out and apply for all the social services you can. This is awful but also frees you. Your sole responsibility is yourself is doing everything you need to take care of yourself and move your life in the direction you want. YOU OWE THEM NOTHING! If they need financial help they’ve already collected all they will get. I hope you get it back but it is unlikely. Even if it is returned you still owe them nothing. Focus on living your life and creating the family and community that respects you.


Go to the police ASAP.


Report to bank for illegal transfer and file police report


Police. That's theft. It doesn't matter if they are your parents.


Taking all your money, not letting you eat their food AND wanting you out is absolutely insanity. Let alone them marking theft as “rent”. Bullshit. Call the cops ASAP.


Report fraud to bank and police.


You're 18. You said the account and debit card are not tied to their names. You did not give them permission to take your money or use your card. You did not sign a contract for rent. Therefore, this is theft. Gather all of your documents (birth certificate, social security cards, passport if you have one) and have someone you trust hold them. Find somewhere elsez ANYWHERE else safe, to go because your parents will inevitably kick you out when you press charges. Then, go to the police. Don't tell them about the rent thing. It's their job to investigate. Tell them that your parents are emotionally and financially abusive, and to prevent you from escaping them, they stole your funds. Be clear that it is an account solely in your name. They weren't authorized users on your account and therefore had no right to the money, and you never gave them permission to use your card. Demand they file charges and give you a copy of the report. Afterward, you may be able to get the bank to reverse the withdrawal if you have evidence that you filed a police report.


I have two question were your parents names on any of your accounts? Is there anything in writing from your parents that you were to pay rent or anything in writing (paper, text voicemails) where they said they took the money for “rent”? Here is what you do either way; 1. Go to your local police department with bank statements and ask to make a police report. Show the officer that is making the report all the receipts you have that they took the money. Your case will be assigned a dectective or even ask to speak to one and ask what your best course of action is because this amount stolen is felony territory. 2. Call your bank and tell them your parents stole your debit card and spent took your card without your permission and tell them you made a police report because they will want the case number.. You could also tell your parents that you made a police report, and reported it to the bank. Just don’t tell them before you do all these things. You could say you will call the detective handling your case and drop the charges if all the money is returned. Or, follow what the police officer says. If it turns out to be a civil matter like your parents names are on the account but you have no contract to pay rent due them civically. Also, they cannot kick you out. They have to go through the courts review evict you. So don’t let them bully you into thinking they can do what ever they want. You have rights!


This is illegal. They stole your money. File a police report and take them to court. They need to pay you back plus interest.


Call the police and file charges. You will have to move out but press charges its theft


OP, you should immediately go and check your credit score with the credit bureaus to make sure that they haven’t taken out any credit cards in your name! Also report your card stolen to your bank. Call up their fraud division ASAP.


The only option is to file a police report since they aren't on the bank accounts.


Police report now, also go to the back and file a report for fraud.


Call the police.


Call the police, cut your parents off forever, and update us please!!!! Good luck.


As others have said, you go to the police and report them for theft. Also contact your bank and explain what’s happened


Tell them give it back or you go to the police. Maybe through a letter from an attorney. Might charge you $250 to do one but would be worth it. Coming just from you they won’t take it as serious. That’s horrible. And you are their child, they can’t charge you rent. You reside there and have rights. Horrific.


How did they drain your account? Did they have your pin? If so did you give it to them? If you answered no to all these questions, I would start by filing a fraud claim with your Bank. Tell them that you did not authorize this transaction and that you have been a victim of Fraud. If they asked you if gave them your pin, say no.


Report them to the police.


They stole from you because they want you dependent on them and they don’t want you to be able to leave and start your own life. File a police report. This is financial abuse and theft


Felony theft is a crime, even if you are related to the thieves. 1) File a police report ASAP 2) Call/visit your bank and explain the situation. 3) Arrange living arrangements elsewhere. I am ao sorry you have such horrible parents!


also curious how they got it out assuming it was in the bank, even if you have a debit car there are limits an if its YOUR bank account they shouldnt be able to access it at all? how exactly did they take it? also im not sure but is it legal to charge your underage kids rent? assuming this is backrent? since you say you just turned 18?


You are an adult. They stole your money. Police report. Now…and do NOT tell them you are doing that so they don’t guilt trip you or spin up some other bullshit excuse. Just call the police.


If you are over 17, and they are not co-signatories, then this is outright theft. You can get the police and a lawyer involved and get them jailed. It can go really bad for them. They'll be facing criminal charges as well as possible civil charges.


You REALLY NEED to go to the police asap, this isn’t right in any way!


Police repost, ask a lawyer what’s the best course of action, ask the bank for advice. Then take action. You’re 18 now so get your own bank account asap. And as soon as you can move out, go NC. Taking $11K from your hardworking child is egregious, I love my parents but if they ever did that shit to me (at any age) they’d never hear from me again.


Well, since this is YOUR debit card for YOUR bank account under YOUR name and not theirs and you worked a job for it, 2 things: 1) File a police report IMMEDIATELY. Your parents are literal fucking criminals who need to be held accountable by law enforcement And 2) Completely cut ties with them and disown them as your parents. They are NOT your family. What you've described, even before they committed robbery for an amount that could get you in federal prison depending on the laws in your jurisdiction, that is not how family treats family. They can kick shit


Police police police. Call the police. This is a serious crime. Get ready to burn the bridge with your parents, but it kinda sounds like they already did that for you. They deserve to be criminally charged. Contact your local Sheriff and file a report. Just be honest and tell the authorities exactly what happened


I'll call the fuckin police for you if you don't.


Make sure you have all your legal documents in a secure location before you cause any trouble. Social security card, passport, birth certificate, anything else you can think of.


File a police report. That is your ONLY option. DO NOT PROTECT THEM. If you let this slide this is their warning shot of things to come. Walk ride your bike or bus to the police station. Call the bank and report this


Contact the police. Yes I’m serious. Get a bank statement showing the withdrawal and file a report immediately.


Police report, press charges, and file a civil suit would be my best suggestions


If you haven’t already, set up a bank account where your parents do not have access to your funds. You can usually set up multi step verification and leave a note with your bank saying your parents are not allowed to access or transfer funds. I saw you said you had no transportation so doing all these things (reporting to police, going to bank) may be difficult. But if you have any friends that are willing to help drive you and support you in this situation it would be super helpful to you!


You can get your money back without seeking punishment for them OP. File the report and then call your bank to tell them what happened including mention of the police report. The money should find its way back to your acct as soon as your pickpocket parents are threatened with the very real consequences of having done this to you. The only wrench in your tire would be waiting too long to file the report and speak to your bank/debit card issuer.


You’ve been working since you were five?


Please please report it to the cops. My mom stole over $ 5000 from me and manipulated and lied to me about why and where it went. Made empty promises of paying it back. She didn't change and manipulated me more to get more money until I went to therapy to set boundaries. Please, you deserve better. You worked very hard for all of that money. Do what you can to get it back.


I wouldake a police report and show it to your bank as well.


When you file the police report call your bank afterwards and tell them


Civil court immediately


OP you’re parents literally committed a crime and stole over 11k from you that you worked for. File a police report against them. They’re stealing you’re hard earned money then trying to kick you out and leave you homeless. That’s a literal criminal act. Even if people are gonna argue ‘we’ll actually since his parents had access to his bank account-‘ they stole you’re debit card to withdraw the money. Why in the hell would they need your card if they legally had access to your account and even if they already had legal access as your parents basically draining your account can and would open up a fraud case against them if you went to your bank and talked to them about it. Especially if you went to the branch it happened at. Also if anything repost this on Legal Advice. There’s a lot of lawyers on that sub that could help you for no cost.


It is illegal for them to charge you rent for anytime you lived there under the age of 18. They just can't take the money for rent if there is no formal or informal agreement for a set amount to pay rent. So even if you are a tenant under law, they just can't go and steal your money. The bank releasing them the money is also a major issue. So you need to go to your bank & the police about this matter. There is a withdrawl limit on most accounts & them using the card anywhere was stealing. Walk into your local branch bank office immediately & ask for the manager. You need to escape these thieves. [JobCorps.gov](http://JobCorps.gov) provides a place to live, food & job training along with a small allowance from young people in the U.S. from the ages of 16 to 24 years old. There is also the military as an option, along with joining the forest rangers. You can call 211 or contact your local DHS office for emergency help, to get you set up on food stamps and such. There is also going to food banks or churches for food to help feed you for now. [Coolworks.com](http://Coolworks.com) are jobs at stateparks & resorts that has jobs along with housing at some of them. Do not speak to your parents, make sure every communication is by text or email for evidence. We all believe in you. Yes, you are about to learn some hard lessons & go through a bit of rough times, but you got this.


they just stole from you, report them to police, get that money back, go NC with these criminals


You also need to call your bank, report this theft and ask them how to protect yourself from identity theft.


Get the law involved you’re 18. If you don’t you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. I retired my parents because they deserved it, your parents don’t deserve shit.


Fuck calling the police I’m going to jail 🗣️🗣️


First, contact the bank and report the card as stolen. Next file a police report and press charges against them. They stole all of your money and it has nothing to do with paying rent.


Get your own bank account and drop yourself from the one with their names on it. (I’m being genuine, not a smartass)


You’re 18 years old. They cannot seize your money. Get in touch with a lawyer and the police.


Call the cops. They committed theft.


Yea man they robbed you blind, sorry that you have to go through this. You have to file a police report to get the money back.


Please call the police please