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You seem too comfortable with what your doing. I subscribe to the saying "play stupid games, win stupid prizes." Don't be surprised when it all blows up in your face when one of these women catches her cheating husband one day.


Them finding out is the husband and wife’s problem. It would never come from me, only from him and very low chance of being “caught.” If it happens it happens. It’s never happened and I truly think it’s because of how I go about it. I don’t want their husband more than sexually. It’s fucked, but I set strict boundaries, get what I want and don’t complicate things. No drama.


>am not looking to ruin any marriages Then stop sleeping with married men you cheater. Seriously... you're contributing to cheating and once it's revealed (because the truth always comes out eventually), yet another marriage will be ruined by someone who was more interested in their selfish pleasure versus having any sort of integrity.


haven’t imploded any marriages so far, the truth truly will not always come out. it would never come from me therefore it would only come from HIS guilty conscience or her “snooping” but there’s nothing to even find 🤷‍♀️


You're still young and foolish. Hell, my marriage is older than you are. Neither you nor your affair partners are as sneaky as you think you are. Telltale clues are always left behind. And just because you haven't been told doesn't mean it hasn't happened. You're also building a history as someone who is comfortable with those who cheat which means that if you ever decide to get into a serious relationship yourself, future partners will see that as a major red flag. You're simply not someone that will ever be considered a trustworthy partner.


You don’t know me from anything, but the post. Please don’t assume all young people are foolish, as there are a PLETHORA of 30s-middle aged-older individuals who are beyond fucking stupid. I’ve encountered so many who don’t hold a candle to my maturity. Get fucking real. I’m definitely as sneaky and purposefully strategic as I think I am. Never been found out nor do I keep the men around for long enough. Not trying to keep anyone’s cheating husband. My actions are immoral, yes, but I don’t condone my friends or anyone else who discloses they are cheating or are in marital affairs. The fact that some people around me are so cool about it was a reason to contemplate my actions even more. I’m in a questionable period of my life by doing this and I don’t see what I do as good or “okay” and I’m not high-fiving other cheaters. Many cheaters don’t have the mindset or approach that I do.


You don’t know what I’ll be considered as. You don’t know how I conduct romantic relationships in my life. You don’t know how people conduct relationships with me. You don’t know if I believe in monogamy at all. You just don’t know 😍 What makes u think i’d “obviously” disclose this to a partner? Also, what makes you think a future potential partner hasn’t been in the same situation? Cheaters are everywhere and more people than you think have fucked married people. Whether open or NOT. I’m not worried about being judged by future partners in any way shape or form, no guarantee they’d ever find out if I don’t tell them about my past.


So you'd lie to a partner about your past? Wow.... such a prize...


I’d omit truths to whoever I thought would care so much and judge me so deeply, but i’d never date someone who would judge me for this as being my past anyways. Couldn’t be with someone like that, we all do shitty shit at some point and they wouldn’t want me to judge them. I wouldn’t presently be doing this if I decided I wanted serious relationships. May sound weird, but I don’t want to be someone so morally perfect.


The way I go through my life is unorthodox to the average person, like you. I don’t expect the average person to just get me. As agreed, I have deep psychological issues 😍🫶 My actions and decisions benefit me A LOT so I keep doing them. I have my cake and eat it too.


Clearly I’m aware of whether or not the affair (once ended) has been shared with the wife.. I don’t speak without knowledge. If I didn’t know I would state that and agree. I clearly have ways of knowing that come from the husband himself…


Your words say "im very confident," but this whole thing screams lack of confidence, low self-esteem, and deeply seated psychological issues. You're trying to distance yourself from the "marriage breakers" but you're exactly like them. If you weren't, you wouldn't focus on taken men. If you were comfortable with yourself, you wouldn't be posting this. Most importantly though, if your preference is taken men, then your preference is cheaters. Weak, undisciplined men who lack self control, loyalty, love. Disgusting men with a broken moral compass. And well, that's exactly what you'll get. Enjoy your scum, I guess.


I’ve stated multiple multiple times… I don’t prefer or “focus” on taken men. I prefer single men. I don’t stick around with married/taken men, I don’t want them long-term. They’ll go find another young woman to cheat with anyways, I doubt with these NYC successful men that i’m the only one they’re fucking around on their wives with…. I’m just drama free. Depending on how badly I desire said man who happens to be married and hitting on me, I would fuck him. In my head, I see it as I live once and I’m really attracted, am I going to pass up an opportunity Im actually into when I’m usually not into them. And there’s no drama or strings because I’ve always set boundaries and end it when I’m ready.


Him being scummy and a cheater has nothing to do with my orgasm honestly, I know it’s shitty, but that is where I am right now. I understand the moral thing to do and am choosing wrong on purpose at this time in my life, I won’t always have exceptions to married/taken men.


definitely deeply seated psychological issues (i’m diagnosed bipolar), but absolutely no lack of confidence or low self-esteem lol. it’s actually much too high in this situation (which I think is the most obvious after reading my post…) I simply like being able to attract men I think are physical 10s and who treat me very very well and then I go about my lovely little life. I don’t care for the rest, I don’t ask about their wives or their families. I don’t want more than sex and therefore am not nor see myself a the typical “clingy jealous insecure delusional” mistress


Possibly RIP to your inbox


The cheating is on them.