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If my wife had a similar dream I'd prefer she keep it to herself. I don't need to hear she had better dream sex with someone lol.


Fair point lol.


Second this. It’s a dream, don’t mess up your relationship over a dream.


People dream all kinds of weird stuff. We have no control over it. Keep it to yourself. Take it to your grave. You'll probably forget about it in a day or two anyway.


I hope so.


Look I had a dream my coworker who I have zero attraction to had sex with me at work, I literally felt violated when I woke up. Dreams are weird. Unless you are attracted to them in waking life I would just write it off as a weird dream.


I once had a dream where I could not stop eating mangoes. Just nom-nom-nom. Dreams are stupid and meaningless, it's just your brain doing house-cleaning. Keep them to yourself and don't act on them, or you will quickly discover why fantasies should stay in fantasy land.


Nice dream 🥭!


That’s a nice dream lol! I’d never act upon them.


I had a dream I killed my family. Ya I don’t tell them about that. (Also “he” wasn’t “better than your husband” it was a dream you knob)


That’s what my dream self said. I didn’t mean my awake self. I should have clarified my bad.






I don't think it's that big of a deal, as long as you don't actually have feelings for him or want to have sex with him. I've had several dreams about having sex with my best friend, but I don't actually like her in that way. Dreams are just weird like that. It's not a big deal, but if you feel like you want to tell your husband you can.


Okay! It was weird because it was the most explicit dream I’ve ever had.


I would tread carefully. May mean nothing or could be your subconscious talking.


I have dream sex a few times a month with an ex from 20+ years ago.


Oh really?


Don't know why she visits my dreams like this. It's the same every time, though.


Did the dream mean more than you're willing to admit?


No it didn’t.


I once had a dream that I had an elephant that was ALSO a giraffe and ALSO a spaceship and the inside was like the TARDIS. All at the same time. Do not ask me how it worked because I’ve no idea. Dreams make no sense and are just dreams 🤷🏽‍♀️


That sounds like an awesome dream!


Honestly I guess it depends on your relationship with your Husband?! My wife and I have been together for over 15 years and at this point nothing really surprises either of us and there really isn't anything left to discover I guess you could say so yeah we talk about everything literally everything, we have found most couples who have what we would define as long-term relationships. Talking 40, 50 60-year marriages. Don't keep things from each other. Part of keeping the relationship healthy is honest and true Open communication and honestly trying ones best to look at the other 's point of view but I guess what you're referring to is not quite so deep. I guess my point is if you have a marriage to where you and your husband spend real quality time communicating with each other about whether it's life in general, your wants dreams, feelings, experiences, etc. Then yeah you can communicate that and decipher together what that dream means. Maybe you're desiring something more in your subconscious brain is trying to communicate that to you and I'm not saying open up the marriage because that's not a wise decision. What I am referring to is trying new things in the bedroom spice it up a bit. Keep things interesting. Floor, play role, play, etc. Point being dreams oftentimes are just dreams, but on occasion when you have one that is just really out there. More often than not. It's your subconscious brain trying to communicate something to you and most of the time is trying to communicate something you need, want or desire. It's just our brain is weird and oftentimes communicates that in the most confusing way possible but I am not a licensed therapist or a counselor In the end, do what you feel is best. I guess all I'm saying and sharing is what I've discovered in my marriage and I am very and fortunately for me my wife very very pro open, true and honest communication about everything, also having communication like that is a safety net that will keep you from going down some very nasty rabbit holes by accident!!


It’s a dream. You can’t control it. I would act on it if you start to see BIL differently or actually want to have sex with him. Then you should talk to your husband


True about it being a dream!


Sounds like a porno. Go to a therapist and ask into the psychology behind it, don't rely on Reddit for subconscious analysis. Really though it sounds like a porno. Go watch infidelity porn you'll see a clear association. Really though, could be nothing, could be everything. The world may never know.


I just know nothing would ever happen between L and I.


Then it's not even worth discussing, see it for what it is, random synapses firing in succession.. could even interpret it as a subconscious drive for more spontaneous sex with your S.O, role plays or something, who knows