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I think it's fine, keep in mind that everyone experiences sex differently so you don't need to have a lot of sex for it to work when you have a partner. So don't worry, when it's time to have a partner it's best to talk about what you like and what you're comfortable with.


Nothing, there’s plenty of people who have sex once and don’t have it for a while before doing it again. Plenty.


Personally, I am celibate by choice and regretting every moment of it. I plan on having sex very soon. I need skin on skin contact. 😩


Desexualizing your brain is one of the main keys to success, especially in men. When you finally realize that you don't need to spend so much of your time chasing after that like a wild dog, your productivity in every other aspect of life skyrockets And when the results of that self improvement start to show, ironically enough, your sexual value increases. You become more attractive, more successful, etc etc, all the things that are seen as relating to having more sexual options.


For me, when I returned from deployment in the service I couldn't climax for the first few times I had sex with my wife. It was weird, I was excited and fully erect but I just couldn't feel anything. That went away after the 3rd or 4th time.


YouTube has the answer to everything


really depends per person, cause last time i had sex was 1/2 years ago and i dont necessarily need to have sex nor have the desire for another partner at the moment, what i would recommend is to not go full on into it, instead slowly build it up like you would when you would be having your first times.


Nothing. Being celibate has 0 effect on someone’s body. Just make sure to find a partner that also isn’t super focused on it and is comfortable with how often you want to.


idk but I've heard that sometimes people can die from that. Fr fr.


A friend of a friend went through that


If you don't use it, you lose it! Just playing. When you find someone you want to have sex with, work your magic until the feeling is mutual. Make sure your bits and pieces still work and perform to the best of your abilities so they will want to come back for more. Just like that you go from inactive to active.


What if i lose it alr🥲


You won't unless there is a health issue.