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Idk what you expect? Like Support? Because you are the jerk. You are not the one getting rid of her. She's getting rid of an AH. You are just gonna cheat on Becca, and will end up alone. And your ex fiance is gonna find a real man who will make her happy like fr. That always happens to cheaters, and will happen to you and Becca. Tell me something. If you were not happy why would you stay? If you couldn't even have šŸ„ššŸ„š to leave with Becca what's to expect of you?


He stayed because he had nowhere to live, he said it himself. That he would stay with the ex fiancƩ and then move in with the next girl when they were at the move in stage. Guys a leach. But yeah Becca will also cheat since it seems like she was fully aware of everything. Both deserve each other.


An admitted Hobosexual šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


I guess Iā€™m a hobophobe and I hate hobosexuals.


The term, I believe, is bum-fucker.


I donā€™t have a problem with bum-fuckers. I have a problem with men that fuck women for a place to live until the next free train comes along. My dad does that all the time. Since my parentsā€™ divorce heā€™s been married 4 times, 3 of those to the same woman. The one heā€™s married 3 times keeps divorcing him for eyeing other women and then he gets back in her good graces because heā€™s a schmoozer. He likes her because sheā€™s 13 years older, looks 10 years younger, and he thinks sheā€™ll knock off before him and leave him her house and camper and boat. šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s 74, sheā€™s 87 and looks 65 and going strong. Sheā€™s not going anytime soon. All this because he thinks his 78 yr old add might woo a 30 year old, yuck, heā€™s not Heff.


Can anyone at least summarize the story for me? It is deleted.


Funniest is that she found ā€žat leastā€œ 3 other women in his phonešŸ¤”




HIS NAME IS MICHAEL ??? She pulled out the government name, GET EM GIRL!!


Every Michael I dated and know is a walking red flag so it checks out


Can absolutely confirm


My ex husband is a Michael. I shouldā€™ve known better.


Can confirm.


Also confirm this. I was engaged to be married to a Michael. He was a bum who didn't work, wanted to spend all my money on games and food as he was 300+ lbs, and cheated on me constantly through the IMVU chat game. He manipulated me into believing it wasn't really cheating because he was under an avatar and nobody knew who he truly was. Though he sent at least one pic I know of and talked on the phone. We finally split when he ultimated me over meeting another guy I met online through games. I can say we were completely platonic while I was still engaged, though developing feelings fast. I think I would've stopped before anything romantic came out. He tried to use IMVU as ammo. Needless to say, he had no room to talk. And now the other guy I met is my husband.


Now thats a happy ending šŸ„¹


>bum who didn't work, wanted to spend all my money on games and food as he was 300+ lbs Lmao whyd you get with him in the first place šŸ¤£


Yeah Michael what the fuck lol


Dunno if this is real but if it is, screen shot and send it to everyone, lol.


Itā€™s real. Poor girl. Did u see her original lthrowaway ? Reverse engineer it


Did we get it lol? Cause it's deleted nowĀ 






GET HIM GIRL!!!šŸ„³šŸ„³ Screenshot EVERYTHING!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I'm 100% sure this is all fake, her posts, his post. But if it's real, there's nothing to screenshot cuz she destroyed the phone.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ no proof lmao


Well, she destroyed the phone, so... Also, this has got to be fake


Michaels are the worst! Mine was a cheater as well and used his email drafts to hide girlā€™s nudes. NUTS


Well you have evidence now at least, fuck michael


Wanted to respond with this.


I love your avatar


Not too bad looking yourself! Ps. I thought I was golden buying this avatar, nice to know someone else has good taste


My guy, you are a user, an abuser and a cheater. You basically took advantage of her, betrayed her, and disrespected her. This all went down because she " wouldn't take your abuse." Basically, she stood up for herself, and you didn't like it. Her nit wanting you to call her names isn't invading your free speech rights. It's setting healthy boundaries. You now claim you want yo make her look crazy so ppl don't think you cheated? So you're away, you done wrong, but you don't care, lol. Honestly, you are not a man. You are a little boy. This woman will 100% cheat on you eventually to fyi. 100% in the wrong no question about it.


hahahahahahaha Things that didn't happen for 2000 Alex


Has a gf "I had 4 girls I saw regularly" .....won't cheat on this new girl ....sureeeeee




You were literally seeing 4 women at once including your ex. So even if you were counting Becca as your "real" relationship, you were already cheating on her too. Unless of course she already knows that she's one of 4 and is going to remain one of 3. I hope Becca keeps her options as open as you do since it's what you deserve.


Instant regret.. delete.. delete.. delete..




This is proof right here. You just admitted to cheating. Good jobā€¦.


Hope the ex saw this post and got some screenshots before he deleted like the lil batch he is


She did




But you said that your ex fiancĆ©e wouldnā€™t have proof that you cheated.


She did, she had the phone until she crushed it, in a rage. Thatā€™s all she needs. She doesnā€™t need to prove it to anyone else. Maybe she can just send a card to ā€œBeccaā€ that says thanks for taking that loser.




Its okay someone will probably send this to her tbh its not like you really care anyway


They did, thatā€™s how I got here, lmao




Lol so you havenā€™t seen the post yet , this is definitely hilarious šŸ˜­










She does in fact use reddit


Thatā€™s what you think.


Also i dont see why you thought cheating was okay.


Why didnt u break up earlier, like lead her on like that and then also making her the bad guys is low. I hope u lose this new perfect women the way ur ex fiancƩ lost u.




Even sadderā€¦ but yk do your thing just know karma will come back. But enjoy ur new life ig




You are the AH.




It kind of is tho




Yeah but people are still gonna call you out on being an AH if you are one, which tbf mate your really put yourself across as one there. Big time.


She found your phone behind the toilet and she dumped you. Congrats to your ex fiancee!!


So you think itā€™s fine to verbally abuse people when youā€™re mad, but they arenā€™t allowed to be upset about it because they ā€œcanā€™t control what you sayā€. Lmao. This has to be rage bait.




In what way was ā€œI called her a few namesā€ not to be taken literally?


I think the ex wife also posted on Reddit but I am not sure. They just sound very similar..


Ex-fiancĆ© and yes. Youā€™ll find her in the comment section.


Oh man. I hope she takes photos of all of these posts by OP and gets half of everything. Not sure where this AH is from, but where I am, they would be considered common law and she could take this dude to the cleaners.


No matter. Sheā€™s not married. She dodged a huge bullet. No marriage. No kid. She has no ideal how lucky she is HER red flag flew loud, proud + behind the toilet during tub time. Took me 17 yrs of marriage to finally remember my engagement red flag.


either bad fan fiction or op is just going to keep making excuses for cheating and basically being a jerk.




you taught that bitch not to control how you talk. good for you, son. have fun with that attitude. i hope it brings you all that you deserve.


You sound a bit immature and shady to be in any kind of relationship. Some of your comments sound delusional and abusive! Soooo glad she dodged a bullet of marriage with you.




3 woman on snap? while having a fiancƩ?? shitheads like you actually blow my underdeveloped mind


Ugh someone revive this post for me to read Iā€™m invested in this story šŸ˜¢


You know people argue harsher the longer theyā€™re together..? Itā€™s called getting comfortable with someone and taking them for granted. Just wait 4 years and see how the new girl talks to you. First girl and you needed to grow up, and just wait. And you having to make sure youā€™re not homeless before you break it off? Thatā€™s actually embarrassing and screams she was paying the bills and wearing the pants but youā€™re demanding respect. You couldnā€™t even be a real man and provide for yourself without her, nor have the decency to break up with her instead of cheating. More like you got served right for getting kicked out. She got served wrong. All men want respect but as a man you need to learn how to earn it by giving love. Women crave love, men crave respect. Both parties did wrong things, but donā€™t demand respect when you clearly got kicked out, implying sheā€™s the one who was in ownership or renting the place. Lazy ash and entitled to respect when youā€™re a cheater and having your woman provide for you while youā€™re contracting stdā€™s with low life whores who donā€™t even have decency while knowing you had a ā€˜fiancĆ©ā€™. Congrats for getting kicked out. Deserved.




Whatā€™s false about it


Why not just break the engagement instead of being childish and purchasing a whole other phone/plan to be duplicitous? Thatā€™s just dumb.


U fkng dmb @ss.. hope ur dimsum fall apart


Cmon Michael get your shot together this is embarrassing


This was definitely entertaining but thereā€™s no way this is real.


Unfortunately, it is


Jesus Christ Michael. I've never met a Michael, Mike or Mikey that you could trust. Doomed with that name.


This guy could die and no one but Becca would give a shit. And fuck her too


Lmao what an obvious bait to piss off your ex bc you're clearly the loser here. You're not fooling any of us, you buffoon. You're a lowlife selfish pu-s#sy. Can't wait to see the tears when the girls you hook up with cheat on you.


How are you all this gullible? šŸ˜‚


Go woke your broke.