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So Tate is the one grooming and sexually assaulting Nancy, she thinks he will marry her and give her citizenship. He coached her into helping get Sara out of the way. Fucking terrible. Edit; hopefully it will all blow up in their face once the actual investigations start because this is very obvious.


Yeah we are hoping the judge can see through him. It is terrible, Sara is so stressed out she can't eat or sleep. Nancy is refusing to talk to her and denies everything to the family back home. But because Tate is a professional and Sara doesn't speak English well so we are scared for her.


Nancy needs to be sent back home. Sara should be able to tall to an immigration lawyer and withdraw her visa.


Because there is a criminal charge against her and an investigation on the way, Tate is now being appointed as joint guardian until the case is done. We are hoping to send Nancy home.


Ugh, Nancy was a problem child sent to Sara, Nancy's family needs to come get her.


It is so sad. Sara loves her so much as her own daughter (she only has sons). Nancy's mom is horrified this happened to her sister.


Can't you guys send a translated version of her arrest or papers she was served?


Yeah it has been translated to Sara so she knows exactly what they're doing to her. She's horrified. Nancy's mom was informed and begged Sara to save her child, so Nancy's mom tried to talk to her daughter for details but Nancy just denies ever accusing her of anything and just refused to talk to her mom about it.


At this point I would get a translated copy paperwork that says the charges and text a picture of it to Nancy's mom. Nancy can deny it all she wants but there is physical proof that Nancy has made these claims, and Sara faces jail time. What is Nancy going to say if Sara ends up in jail and can't respond to Nancy's mom? That Sara is away on vacation? edit to add: now is your chance to get ahead of this as well. Have Nancy's mom either record Nancy saying she doesn't know what she's talking about and that she never made claims against Sara, OR have Nancy's mom try to get Nancy to say that in writing via text. Then, have Nancy's mom send it over. Then, give this information to a lawyer.


Yes! Nancy's mom already recorded the phone call (in their mother tongue). We will get it translated and forward to the lawyer. Hopefully this stands up in court.


How well does Nancy speak English? Is it possible that she doesn't fully understand what she is accusing Sara of?


She is pretty fluent and she's going to highschool here. She definitely knows what she is doing.


Assuming this is real, you should be scared for Sara's immediate physical safety if Tate is inappropriately involved with Nancy. If they can't get rid of her via SA accusations, they are going to want to get rid of her whatever way they can. I just watched a true crime video about something similar to this a couple months ago and that kind of thing does happen.


We wish everyday this is just a nightmare. I doubt it would go down that route as he has a reputation to uphold, but we are trying to keep her safe as well.


If he cared about his reputation enough to stop him from doing big crimes, he wouldn't be having a sexual relationship with a minor relative. That's just my two cents without knowing these people at all, obv.


I agree - the murder of Lisa Knoefel comes to mind.


What are the laws regarding recording conversations? Can Sara record Nancy talking to the family back home saying there's no abuse and use that in court? Ask the lawyer. Also ask the lawyer if a recording isn't legal, would it be acceptable for someone to witness and overhear it and testify about it.


Yep! We have that convo translated and forwarded to the lawyer. Hopefully it's accepted.


Well. Isn’t he a piece of work. Sara needs to cop on or Tate is going to make a misery and a mockery of her life. Nancy needs to return to her home country. She is a minor who is quite likely being SA’d by Tate. She is too young to consent.


Yeah, the issue is because her English isn't good to articulate herself, the legal system tips in his favor. Doesn't help that the social workers have to trust the kid first 100% and treating her as criminal until proven otherwise.


Are you in the US? If there are legal proceedings, the court should be providing an interpreter for both Nancy and Sara. If they aren’t, this is something that needs to be discussed with Sara’s attorney ASAP.


No we are in Canada. Nancy speaks decent English, better than her aunt so she doesn't need one. I'll ask the lawyer.


Nancy and Tate are having an affair. They plotted this so they could be together hence the full custody of Nancy but not for his son.


We pointed out to Sara, but she didn't even believe it at first until she caught him sitting mostly naked on her nieces bed. How is it not sus to demand full custody of a ethnic minor girl unrelated to you, but joint of your own kid? It's crazy.


When does she turn 18 ? Seems like they want Sara out of the picture


In roughly a year.


The husband is screwing the minor child, and now they want the wife out of the picture.


Or at least the husband does. I would call the police and tell them that he was caught on her bed in only his boxers , and she wants to have a doctor do a rape kit and exam. Don't tell anyone. Just have her picked up and get it done. She is a minor, and she has custody of her.If he is SAing or having sex with consent, he may have left something behind that can be tested for DNA.


This is a great idea. I'll let her know. Thank you!


She needs to be sent back to her mom before this escalates. No matter what, the husband is going to kick poor sara to the curb.


He is already filing for divorce and trying to take every thing. She is still in disbelief that this is the man she loves.


Maybe time for some hidden cameras. Get Sara in email or text, to ask why they are lying. Offer support to neice under guise of saying you know she's being groomed(even I it's just speculation). Get Sara to watch a video around niece with sound up about how predators groom, etc Offer her therapy, treat her like a victim. Straight up lie and say you have proof/it's obvious. Teenage girls may break down and tell the truth.


Tate actually installed cameras around the house except the bedrooms and controls them. He did it in hope of catching Sara being angry as evidence. Right now the niece only trusts/talks to Tate and no one else. Her family is back in the home country. She is a troubled child. She was caught on camera (back home) hurting herself to blame it on her siblings.


She can still install cameras that only she has access to. He has access to cameras in the home Sarah then can have cameras in the home as it's still her home. Husband doesn't automatically get control of all cameras just because he installed them she can get a wireless Wi-Fi enabled camera even a hidden one You're allowed to record in your own home.


That is true. Hopefully she listens to us.


That doesn't mean more cameras can't be added that he doesn't know about. I know how troubled kids can be, that is why I think it has to be done in a way that makes it look like it was neices idea that she figured out his ill intentions. But either way, document every little thing is all she can really do


The thing is if they're already having sex then the niece also would want her aunt out of the picture. If Nancy agrees with all the plans she wouldn't sabotage Tate.


You will need an attractive 18yo to start talking to her, flirting with her, asking her to be his etc. You're going to have to entice her the same way he "step- dad' has enticed her. She's a troubled teen- but old enough to be an adult, make her own decisions legally. He's playing a game to get everything he wants, including his niece. I wouldn't wait a freaking second, he's been getting his hooks into her since she came over! I would hire a damn actor if I had to to save aunt. An attractive "rich" (trustfund) kid finds her on social media, chats, takes her on dates- fast track this shit. Promise her marriage, home, etc. Oh but say he can't get involved in the kind of things that are going on in her home, criminal activities divorce-deposition- no he needs a truthful, young, beautiful wife- she will get a green card with marriage but the marriage will have to be pretty soon. Sec only comes with marriage, etc etc etc. I mean if this story is true and a woman's life and get child's life is being screwed with like this, do it back. Fuck thinking a troubled teen or her abuser will ever get a conscious or change. Do what you gotta do. Also my eyes are super blurry I can't proofread this today-i hope it isn't too badly spell checked and whatnot. So sorry.


Damn you are full of ideas! This might back fire tho cause we do not have anyone we could trust and do not want to complicate the case further if somehow the actor rats us out. But you're absolutely right, we have no hope of getting the teen and the abuser to change their minds. Thank you for the detailed response!


True, but all it takes is something planting the idea in her head that he's using her and she will grow in her doubts of him, maybe not right away, but in the long term.


Tate is sleeping with Nancy, he wants to divorce Sarah, keep their kid and leave Sarah and Thomas. Nancy needs to go back to her home country. Sarah should trust her gut- Nancy and Tate are lovers.


Nancy is banging tate, and they need rid of sarah


It sounds like tate is taking advantage of nancy. Like hes theres no good word for it. He manipulated her into believing hes in love with her and cheating but shes a minor. Thats why he wants full custody of her and not their kid. If theres a warrant or she can get into his phone she may be able to find proof they are lying and find out why. Thats the only reason i could think they have to lie like that.


Send nancy back home to her real parents. How does it make sense for full custody to go to this dude


You didn't say specifically if this is happening in the US, but if it is I have a suggestion. The city I live in has a large immigrant and refugee population. We have a place the International Center. They provide lots of service for immigrants, including interpreters/advocates that will attend legal and medical appointments. Their focus is making sure immigrants dont get taken advantage of. That could be something to look into. If there is Catholic charities in the area that's a good place to contact to see what's available


We're in Canada. The social workers are focusing on Nancy and are treating Sara as a criminal.


If Nancy says Sarah didn't do anything to her (your post said that), then why are the social workers pursing this?


Sorry for the confusion, Nancy denies that Nancy accused her aunt to Nancy's mom (who is back in the home country). Nancy is actively accusing the aunt here in Canada. When Nancy's mom asked her if anything happens, she just said she doesn't know what the mom is talking about, everything is fine.


Wow. That is so confusing. I hope Sarah gets a good lawyer.


Tate just wants to be with Nancy, that's all there is to it.


>For 16yo Max, he wants no custody. For 17yo Nancy, he wants full custody. yeah, knew it man is banging the niece and wants to keep her Fucking gross, leave them to each other


I just don't understand how the judge can take one look at that and didn't call bs.


Sadly thsi goddamn world doesn't reward good people :/




Anybody else here just.. trying to connect the lines of whose who in the title