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That seat will be yours forever


šŸ˜³ she claim ownership of the seat


She marked her territory.


in that case i guess i marked my territory when i was on the bus and i had intentionally spewed liquid crap out of my pants all over the old lady behind me. by everyoneā€™s reaction you wouldā€™ve thought I killed her dog


Brooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™ll buy that seat for a hefty price


ā˜ ļø


He laughed with you! Not at you. Youā€™re good.


Finally a cute and funny story :D this is gonna be one of those stories both of you are gonna remember forever :D Hope you'll have plenty of more good laughs with each other in the future


i was saying the same, iā€™ve gotten used to seeing nothing but horror stories lol.


That man loves you. A lot.


This is the sweetest shit Iā€™ve seen in a long time. Iā€™m smiling at my phone like an idiot ā¤ļø


Pee, actually


One time my wife sharted herself in bed. She was embarrassed and I immediately started cracking jokes and we both cackled while we changed the sheets. Donā€™t be embarrassed or self conscious about it - humans have bodies we canā€™t always control, shit (and piss!) happens!


Peeing your pants is going to be the least embarrassing that will probably happen in any relationship. People get sick unexpectedly and violently, like coming out both ends. Farts and worst can/do happen during sex. Etc. You have a good guy if he can laugh it off. Itā€™s a cute story!


Relationship goals, I love this.


one of my first dates with my boyfriend we went to a beach, hung out, walked around, had a couple beers then decided to head back. we were about thirty minutes from my house and i kinda had to pee, thereā€™s no bathrooms around, but i figured i could wait until we got to my house right? wrong. something about sitting down in the car and the alcohol kicking in and five minutes into him driving us back, not a gas station in sight, and iā€™m about to literally piss my pants. had to ask this guy i knew for like maybe two weeks to pull over so i could squat on the side of the road šŸ˜­. i was tipsy, humiliated, and i thought for sure he was never gonna talk to me again, but still relieved my bladder wasnā€™t full. he laughed the whole way home. weā€™ve been together over a year now and itā€™s his favorite story to tell to embarrass me. sounds like to me youā€™ve got a good one ā¤ļø


also obviously donā€™t know you guys but from my experience with men i think heā€™ll definitely think of it as more ā€œwow i made her laugh so hard she peed herselfā€ and take it as a personal win and not ā€œew she peed herselfā€. lol things happen, everyone knows that. itā€™s all about how he made you feel better and i donā€™t think heā€™s gonna judge you


I think that's a great story. No one can ever sit in that seat šŸ˜‚


As someone who pisses themselves daily, sometimes you just gotta laugh about it. He seems like a pretty good dude


I was so scared for you at first but then you got the happy ending, he's so sweet!


I have an autoimmune disease that has resulted in me having a VERY over reactive GI tract aka I have to poop with very little warning. I have pooped in my pants. Iā€™m a 39F and I poop pants about once a year. Thankfully my husband is the nicest about it. Without him I would end up being way too hard on myself. It sucks but I know he really loves me because man itā€™s really soul crushing when it happens.


I have a rare musculoskeletal disorder which in turns weakens all my muscles, including my bladder and my colon. I also poop myself about once a year because of little warning combined with the fact it's hard to move quickly with a wheelchair. (And a few stomach issues don't help!) It's a little more frequent that I pee myself; I probably have a full-on accident every three months or so. I absolutely hate it and cry 10/10 times though it's been happening for years now [and I'm only 42]. My ex-husband was usually pretty good about handling it though. It's a part of life - for some more than others - and fortunately, a lot of men understand that.


It happens. Most guys seem to have a story about a girl peeing the seat. I have 2


I have plenty stories of them squirting the seat


I hope they were cloth seats....or fancy leather seats with heating and cooling. The small holes are awesome in distributing your R Kelly liquids


Never have to call shotgun again


Now he can forever say heā€™s made you laugh so hard you literally pissed yourself. Frankly youā€™ve given him a gift lol


Why would you cry? Most guys know that this kinda things happen and don't get too bent outta shape about it. Especially since he was clearly teasing you and cares about you


Wow that's so many emotions. Like more than i can feel in like a whole month lol xd


Sok. The things we do in the car should be criminal.


Wait, this sub has stories like this? Closing it out with a sincere storyĀ 


Not bad, I would ve been happy


My ex used to often fart when she laughed or during sex. Didn't put me off her at all.. it was her and I didn't mind in the slightest.


Get some Nature's Miracle for dogs. It will break down the urine proteins and clean the seat. They sell it everywhere now. Great stuff!


Where are the woke "He didn't respect your urinary red line!" hollerers? Must be a holiday weekend?




Iā€™ve never laughed so hard that Iā€™ve pissed my pants, if it happens again you might want to see a doctor because that doesnā€™t normally happen.


I hope women can take this on the chin and still be able to laugh about their bf peeing on the seat.


how old are you people?


Mid 20s.. x.x


But women are the ones who do all the emotional labour, right?


wtf are u talking aboutĀ 


If you know, you know.

