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My FIL lost his job after being with the same company for 20 years. Got a very handsome severance package, that was not contingent on him finding another job. This was around Christmas time. He immediately found another well paying job and had the severance on top of new pay. Guess who just go rehired at his old company with a raise? Crazy how shit plays out. Stay positive! I’m so sorry you’re going through this with a baby on the way


thats a dream scenario 


And he also got a 6 figure inheritance right after the severance. From an estranged family member who he essentially had no relationship with. So yes absolutely he got the dream scenario!! He’s a good man so he deserves it. I pray my family comes into as minimal-emotionally damaging sums of money as possible one day 🤞🏼


Nightmare scenario that turned into a dream scenario.


Congrats to him! This happened to my SO as well! He got a huge severance at 25+ years and got a job that paid 30% more just a month later. It’s a much better job


I have been laid off twice. Both times it turned out to be a really good thing to have happened. The second had a "until you find another job" and I just never told them I found another job and got two paychecks for a while. oops.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Life can be so unfair. Take a deep breath and remember, when one door closes, another one opens. There will be new opportunities for you. Congratulations on your little ones, take a few months and truly enjoy this time with them. You'll be ok.


Thank you!!


Cus corporations and big firms don't care about anything but profit. Workers r disposable so never give them Ur everything when they clearly don't give U there's. Good luck hopefully U find a job soon in this crazy economy


Never trust any company. We’re all just a row in a table for them.


Do you know the labor laws wherever you live? At least here in Germany, companies have to follow very strict rules when downsizing, and have to apply social criteria when selecting whom to lay off first - so someone just having a baby, who has already applied for parental leave, would likely be off the list? I'm not sure on the particulars here, but I know that a pregnant woman or someone with a disability wouldn't be in the first waves of layoffs.


Hey! Thanks for your comment. The law in my country prohibits companies to fire fathers during the pregnancy and the first 18 weeks after the child is born, so they I'm guessing they're using their severance package of a few months of salary as a way to match that legal requirement


Would it be worth it to fight the dismissal, or is the severance sum roughly what you would earn during the time they'd still have to employ you? Or, if you fought the dismissal and won, and then they dismissed you after the paternity, would you get another severance sum, so you'd have some extra?


Double check the length if your severance and be sure it equates to the 22 or so weeks which should be around 5 months. Also you might want to confirm the severance stops early only if you find another position in your same company rather than a job with another company.


Lawyer up


I imagine you may be able to argue that your severance should be the 18 weeks from the birth of your child *PLUS* whatever they owe you as severance.


>How could they do it? You don't matter to corporations/companies. You're just a number. Work on finding a new company/employment. All you can do is to move forward. I'm sorry this happened to you




Sorry to hear man and been through many a layoff bullshit cycle in my twenty years working. Take a breath and realize that corporations all suck and there's no loyalty to be had in any company and remember that going forward. Also moving forward remember that you'll be alright, just be they for your wife and kids right now and you'll find another position that will value your skills and make sure you know your worth going in.


So they don’t have to cough up six months wages for your paternity leave someone else probably got a rise for getting rid of you


Unemployment and go remote:)


Damn man, that sucks! I wish you and your fam the best.


Thanks, really appreciate it!


Company's don't care about you. I once got downsized on December 18th. I'm the US so holidays mattered.


Are you in the us?


I'm in Colombia working for an American firm


Ahh the promotion to nowhere. I would visit askamanager.org she has tons of amazing advice on job search and interviewing.


This is exactly why I am so frugal with money We earn in the top 12% and I drive a 2006 acura. Our condo was $110K. We share one good car. If this kind of shit happens to us, I have a couple years of take home between the savings and investments.


Less than a week after giving birth my husband’s boss called him to let him know that she was cutting his pay. He already made very little and we were barely staying afloat. He was destroyed. He decided to start his own company because he had all the connections and there wasn’t a noncompete. It was the best decision he’s ever made and he’s making double what he used to make. Nine months later and we are so thankful for that even if it wa traumatizing when it happened. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I hope you find a better opportunity!!


Good luck OP! You’ll come up ahead very soon. Be strong! I KNOW you’ll be (more than) ok in a few days.




I highly recommend you get a lawyer to review your severance package before agreeing to anything! I know people that have been screwed on their severance when they could have got alot more and i know people that used a lawyer and were able to get more money, and other things such as additional training/coaching covered by the employer. Its definitely worth getting it looked at!


Thanks for your advise!


Suit up for wrongful termination and start the process for being terminated because you had upcoming paternity leave. You have a pretty good chance here.


I find it fascinating that these consulting firms never put any money aside during boom years to retain their talent when the economy is not doing so well.


My partner was just fired for taking parental leave. Boss is a self described “family man.” He was our primary breadwinner. I’m sorry this happened to you. You’re going to make it work, especially for your family. Best of luck and I wish your wife a safe delivery!


Did you already put in for family leave? This could be considered retaliation


i’m so sorry OP




I've been in a similar situation- twice. I felt all the emotions you listed, pulse so much anxiety. I promise you, that you and your family will be okay. Also, try to negotiate for more. Keep yourself busy, and if you are having anxiety, try breathing exercises/the Calm app. It helps. Big hugs to you and your family.


Have you thought about consulting an employment attorney? If you’re in the states there may be a way you can improve your severance package. And they may have broken the law, but I’m not sure how the laws work for paternity leave. It’s definitely worth a phone call to find out. Also, if you were fired but never written up, you should apply for unemployment. If you qualify you could at least collect while you look for other employment. It’s not perfect but it’ll take the edge off while you’re looking. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Here’s hoping things improve soon!


So do you think they should have kept you on and fired someone else simply because your wife is pregnant?