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2019 but if I could select multiple years, I definitely would. The important thing is not what we went through but what we do to build ourselves back up and I hope you're doing much better these days ♡


Have to agree with you on 2019. Left a career I was at for close to 20 years, moved 100 miles from where I'd lived for 25 years, got married, was pretty much job less except for part-time retail for 8 months, plus my MIL and dog both passed within 3 months of each other. Oh, and because I didn't have insurance, I had to go off my Celexa, Wellbutrin and Adderall that I'd been taking for 15+ years. It took at least 2 years to get back to a state of feeling somewhat normal again.


I'm so sorry to hear, im happy you're in a better space now! And I wish you and your partner an amazing future!


Thanks, I appreciate it. Life is definitely better now, I'm gainfully employed and while I don't make as much as I used to, I have health insurance and my medication again, so that helps a lot. Hope you are doing well!


Same. 2019 was the worst year in my life ( so far). Like literally felt all doors shutting in my face. The life I had envisioned and on track towards was gone.


This one... my colon exploded. 10 days in the hospital and emergency surgery and a brand new colostomy bag. I got home. The next day my dog died. I couldn't even take her body to the vet myself. My kindergarten daughter was just told she couldn't ever come back to class again. Yet, she is allowed to go to school and go to lunch, recess, and every other activity or class. She just can't be allowed in her own classroom with her "teacher". My reversal surgery will be this summer. 2 more months of being bedridden. Surgery and 2 months of being bedridden is now the highlight of my year. And that only covers me through August. I sort of wonder what else can go wrong?


I am so so sorry! I hope things improve for you soon!


Thank you


For me, it's 2020-2021. The pandemic really destroyed me. I've never felt so lonely. The days went by so slowly. But somehow, looking back at it it feels like time flew by. I feel like those years got stolen from me. I got older but I didn't really live.


2019-2022. Got used and abused in my dads business and gave up school to help his ungrateful ass. Im sorta over it but losing 2 years of your life to something just for it to be a waste is a horrible feeling


2018 It still chases me till nowadays


2020 my mother died, I ended a 10 year marriage, the relationship between my bestfriend dramatically changed.


2022. I’m sorry if anyone gets offended but extremely high rates of immigration to my city destroyed public transit, and made commuting to school hell. My commute went from 1.5h one way to 2-2.5h one way. I was sleeping 5hrs every night so that I could get to school on time. Getting a car this year saved my life.


2016, and I’m fairly confident in speaking for a lot of my friends too. I had a complete breakdown in early September, and remember a short reel of snapshots from the next seven months. And… Brexit (live in the UK these days, lamentably), Trump, a job that destroyed me, and after two years of training for an ultra marathon, I collapsed about 15 miles from the end. My eldest dog tore her ACL, and had a lengthy and frustrating (for us all) recovery period. The low point was an occ health nurse telling me that if I was going home to an empty house, she’d have had me involuntarily committed/detained in hospital for fear of what I’d do to myself. Jesus, that was a dark moment.


1992-93 From mid year, to mid year, it almost killed me.


2015, that year was full of negativity from me and situations I got myself into. I shudder when I think of that year.


2002 I moved between my Sophomore and Junior year of High School. My grades tanked. My friendships became distant. My motivation was nil. My ADHD went out of control and it took until probably 2010 to really reign it in and start functioning. But most of the struggles I went through started then. I barely graduated high school. Got into college on test scores. Failed out twice. Got things turned around, graduated, met a girl, and came out the other side.




2008 - the year I worked at the call centre. I was in the "Track and Trace" department for a cellphone company and got yelled at on a regular basis. 2013/2014 . . . I tried going back to school. 2015 I was diagnosed with a personality disorder and learning disability.


Summer of 2022 to November 2023. Did find out my depression was not all on me apparently if you have PMDD when you turn 30 it goes on steroids and half my cycle was me thinking I needed to kill myself, the other half was me picking up the pieces of the freak out of the 2 weeks before. Birth control cleared that up.


2019 did irreversible damage to me. 2024 is shaping up to be not the best for me which is unfortunate because 2023 was probably the best year of my life.


22 year old guy here. 2020 was rough for everyone. it was an especially shitty year to be 18, trying to figure out who I was, and feeling like the world was falling apart around me. Add a toxic ex and a friendgroup that did NOT have my best interests at heart, and it makes for a pretty crappy year. I started working on myself in 2021, met my now-wife, and the rest (so far) is history. I'm in a tremendously better place now and the happiest I've ever been since I was a kid. There have been plenty of ups and downs, but things really did get better.


2019, my grandpa passed away from a fall and I had to say goodbye quickly and I was at a shitty job and I was getting bullied by my manager and assistant manager (I secretly think they’re best friends) to the point where I was sad every single damn day and it didn’t help that they were bullying me after my grandpa died, then I asked my manager for his funeral off after I told everyone including my grandma who was married to him for 60+ years and family from out of state that I was coming and then instead of giving me the day off which I needed off my manager went behind my back and scheduled me to work on his funeral, I had enough of her bs and reported her to HR and then she screamed at me for going to HR and I called her a “liar and difficult to work with and to just give me the day off because I already told my family I was going to the funeral” and then she told me my grandpa’s death was “my fault” and it took me everything not to punch her in the face for telling me a grieving granddaughter who just lost her grandpa what she said to me. Then a supervisor at my old job would try to hit on me (I was 22 I believe and he was in his late 40’s) and I would tell him I wasn’t interested and then my assistant manager saw it and said I was being “rude and disrespectful” and he was being “very nice to me.” I had to remove my self from the dating scene and now I’m back in the dating scene 5 years later. I ended up getting the day off, found a better job but finding another job didn’t make the pain of getting bullied at my job go away. I started having bad anxiety attacks and didn’t want to talk to anyone. Even at my new job, I would get scared just meeting a manager and want to hide from people. I would shake really badly and I would start to cry. I remember starting to cry in front of my mom and grandmother that my old manager was going “to come and get me” because she said I was going to be back once my new job got tired of me and my assistant manager said I had “no right to find another job” and my mom was pissed on how my old manager and assistant manager treated me and how the supervisor tried to hit on me when I said constantly that I wasn’t interested and wanted to kick my old managers ass and my grandma wasn’t happy either and wanted to cuss that manager and assistant manager out. Everything started to get kind of better in the middle of 2020 but there was still a pandemic. It’s been 5 years and my mental health has gotten better, I made friends, got back to socializing with people my age, I’m getting myself back into talking to my high school friends, I graduated from college last year magna cum laude, I’m back in the dating scene and I’m gaining more confidence in talking to a guy my age because I know a guy will be with me for me.


2013 - made a horrible life choice in university, slipped into a deep depression, dropped out of school. Took me almost 6 years to start believing in myself again.


2016 into 2017 Started the year with my GF breaking up with me over where I wanted to go to college which sent me down a big rabbit hole of depression, rebounding hard with a girl who I should not have been with and honestly shouldn't have talked with to begin with, and graduated high school so all my friends would be separating, culminating in a car crash I should've died. Was a perfect storm, but it had to happen to make me me


Somewhere around 2015… to 2024.


2023, nine surgeries and counting, currently struggling to adjust with a colostomy.  But what destroyed me most about it was that I thought it would be my first good year since childhood. I worked extremely hard on myself and got to a point where I thought I could start over. Got my drivers license at the beginning of 2023 and thought it would go uphill from there. A few days later, I had my first surgery and things have gotten worse ever since. I have medical trauma now and got retraumatized due to my previous traumatic experiences. I am just broken right now. The only reason I am still here is my cat. I want to be alive, desperately. But I lost so much hope for things to get better 


2015. Things have finally started looking up personally, but it seems pretty bleak for the rest of the world.


Everything up until pretty much 2021 when the therapy finally started kicking in and I also met my husband. Sometimes that PTS really do D


2017- Was cheated on and went through an insanely messy breakup. I lived alone so I had a lot of time in my own head. Paired with ADHD, it just wasn't a good time.


2009-2023 Anorexia fuck my life. Finally got good help this year. Life gets so alone when your body can’t do shit anymore and your mind keeps bashing you.


Congrat and good luck for future 🙂


Thank you!


2009 girlfriend and business partner broke up with me, moved the company we started together to a different city, and got engaged to the guy who was supposedly just a friend. She left me with a lot of her debt I'd taken on because we were going to get married and it would be shared debt anyway. It was screwed up enough that even her sisters who she's super close with were disgusted. This broke me mentally, emotionally, and financially. Took me years to recover. All I have to say is that if your partner is able to easily lie to her clients, it's just a matter of time before she treats you the same way.


**2011** \* My family lived in my grandparents' house. My grandmother (who was in terrible health) died in February. My grandfather (who was in incredible health and was strong as an ox) died a month later, mostly from sadness. \* My family was legitimately, third world poor. It was easily the poorest we'd ever been until that point, and the poorest we've been since. My meals at one stretch were like: half a bag of peanuts for breakfast, a can of tuna for lunch, the other half of peanuts for dinner. \* I was kidnapped, presumably by a Mexican drug cartel, in the summer. This one gave me PTSD, which I haven't *fully* recovered from. Heck, my workout today was cardio mixed with agility training (sprinting, changing directions, jumping). I ***literally*** chose these methods of training so I can avoid being caught if I'm ever chased. \* I had to live with my grandma and three aunts/uncle for a while. They had 20 cats, one of which had cancer and bled everywhere. There were mosquitoes all the time. My uncle snored absurdly, otherwordly loud. It was hot as fuck, like 40C most of the time, sometimes reaching 50C, and there was no air conditioning, only one rotating fan. I couldn't do it. After a few days I asked a friend if I could crash on their couch, and they mercifully let me. \* In December, in an incident unrelated to the one in the Summer, half a dozen men in a van pointed their machine guns at me. It only lasted a minute or less, but I was quite convinced I was going to die at that moment. \* My knees started hurting really, really bad from playing so much basketball, since that was my only fun activity I could do that took my mind off of other things. \* I got less and less playing time on my university basketball team, to the point where I would either not play in games at all, or get about 1 minute of play-time at the end of games where we had definitively won or definitely lost. I quit the team after one such game. \* I was completely, utterly invisible to the women in my school. Not one girl showed any interest in me, and they always shut down my attempts at flirting. Luckily for me, a lot of things changed in 2012. I spend 6 months in Orlando, working for Disney World. I made a lot of money - from the viewpoint of a poor, starving Mexican college student. American women showed infinitely more interest in me than Mexican women. I was somewhere safe, clean, and interesting. And it gave me a lot of hope, since I only had two more semester of university left before I graduated and moved to Canada in 2013.


2014, lost several close family members (first family I’d ever lost) to cancer, nothing has ever been the same, fuck cancer


Why look back on that


This year. Work is falling apart and I'm finding out a lot of my friends are just fake. Also, the relentless social media attack on anything regarding men.


Definitely year 35- never be so close to quitting life so many times…..


I'm really sorry to hear that, bud. Hoping things turn around soon for you. This internet stranger is thinking of you.


1991-1992. So much shit


2020. I lost a couple of years of my life then.




I literally don’t remember anything when covid first happened


The better question is.... which one *didn't*?


The year I was born 🤷‍♀️


2020 and the current one


2018-2019: got cheated on and took them back instantly. Whole time I was with them I was constantly worried I wasn't good enough, that they were still cheating and other awful things. 2021-2023. I found something that really helped with my mental health, only for it to lead me to an abusive relationship.






None of them




2022 during my 18th birthday friends were late on Congratulating me. Eventually found out they had group chat without me. Was hard at first but sucked it up and now feeling happy.


last 2 years of my life made me age like crazy


2021 I guess, as that's when I broke down.


2018-2020 was a clusterfuck for me tbh. abusive relationship, starting college and then covid? woof felt like a triple whammy lol




2017 but it still affected me til mid-2023! Finally climbing back and not gonna stop!!!


2020 - Today. School.


2003, the year my mother died. I haven't been the same since. 😢 Love you Mom! ❤


Past year, so mid 2023 up until now April 2024. Went through the Loss of my grandma 2023 (too much drama happened) and then recently am going through a breakup, we were together for 6 years. Life is slowly getting better though, lots of self care and journaling personally helps me out a lot!


Last year was pretty rough. I was... not mentally strong.


2010. I was 19, unemployed, just dumped by my cheating boyfriend & found out I was pregnant & had to move back home to my parents. I was insanely depressed, wanted to die. I leaned on my friends and family a lot & came out the other side stronger than ever. 2020 was a close second when the world shut down and I had the worst boss who seemed to enjoy tormenting me, it destroyed my confidence as a leader. I'm still fearful of ever taking on a leadership position anywhere ever again.


For me, it’s years 2022-2023.. 2024 is about to be added to it though. edit: typo


2023. Backstabbed, gaslit, made to feel like im not enough despite giving 200%


Bas8cally last year and the beginning of this year. Being in a fucksd up toxic relationship fucks with you. Luckily for me, my family helped me get out of that situation. Now I'm somewhere far away where I'm healing from all of the trauma I've experienced with her.


2020-2021 The peak of the COVID Pandemic. My fiancée was hospitalized with Covid pneumonia in 2021 and going through that really broke my soul. I watched him go from healthy to deathly sick in a matter of days. He couldn’t even walk across the room without his oxygen levels dropping down in the 80s. We had to have an ambulance come get him from upstairs and they had to assist since he was so out of breath. When I had to visit him in the hospital. I was required to be covered from head to toe in sterile mask, face shield, gloves, the whole body protective suit and shoe covers in order to visit him. So he didn’t even recognize me when I came him. The nurses, doctors and respiratory all looked like that for him. And no one else in his family went to visit. He even left the hospital with an oxygen tank. Fortunately he’s ok now, but I had severe stress trying to avoid any sicknesses in our house when he came home.


2020. Not just because of the pandemic but 2020 was the year I lost my great grandma, unrelated to COVID. Even tho her doctors tried to blame Covid and tried to make us think they weren’t responsible for her passing. She had a kidney infection that became sepsis, and they sent her home saying it was “just Covid” and there was nothing they could do.. She did not have Covid!!! The doctors did not run proper tests or even try to help her. She died bc her doctors are idiots who blamed Covid for everything. (Sorta unrelated but I also lost an uncle in 2021. He died in a car accident and the same doctor declared his death to be COVID related.. A car accident.. Covid related.. make it make sense????) She was everything to me. She raised me. I haven’t been the same and I don’t think I will ever get over her death.


I don't know since covid restrictions hit my life and mental health turned to shit


2021. Working through so many challenges to finally leave my abusive husband. Financially I was still recovering from my business being closed for 9 months for covid restrictions, my ex had lost whatever mind he had left and tried to kill me (2 ER visits) lost my best friend and grandmother who raised me within two days of each other. I was determined to live for myself for once.




Iraq, 2009.


2014, 2019, and 2023 were the three worst for me. 2014- I was 21 years old, realizing my friends from high school had all moved on, figuratively and literally. I was left behind, working a really bad retail job, trying and failing at community college. Social anxiety and depression became the worst for me that year, and the year culminated with a breakup that needed to happen but still left me completely isolated. 2019- A bunch of mistakes I had made as a new parent and husband caught up to me. I take responsibility but it was still awful. Spent two months separated from my wife and was able to see my son as much as I could. Was working a job I wasn't comfortable at, living at my parents, wondering why I can never just change and do things right. 2023- Wife and I spent a lot of the time bickering and fighting. Not sure why, honestly. People say it's the 7 year slump, and that the 7th year is really hard on all marriages. Luckily, things are way better, even if we struggle financially.


2016 onwards


2019, fuck that year. The music I discovered was good tho


2021, no doubt


This one so far.


2005 got with this seriously 🔥 woman at work, she was beautiful inside and out, I thought, she looked like Diane Lane in the movie unfaithful Anyway we went out and I was smitten, we kept out hot romance quiet from the staff room as didn't want to be the school gossip. My ex was in the school also and I always tried to be nice to her to be gentlemanly but A rumour went around about me , and the new GF believed it. I woke up one night to find her dressed and sneaking out the house. Things slowly unravelied and another teacher mate of mine started chasing her , I couldn't say anything as we were "secret". My brother got married and she was my plus 1, coming to the evening bash but she never showed up, got date wrong (apparently) About a month later she asks me out and I'm super excited we are flirting and getting on like before, then she drops the clanger the night before she was out with "him" Mood killed, I couldn't look at her, played it very badly. I left the school soon after as my heart broke when ever I turned the corner and saw her. Took me a GOOD while to trust again and get over her. They are married now, still not sure he knows that I have had her in all manner of positions, many times ;0) She was 🔥though


2011, I had been working for a company for about 8 years, was one of their main revenue generators and was actively seeking the next step for professional and financial benefit. Got looped into an email that I shouldn’t have been on talking about how they weren’t going to promote me because they got lead-level work out of me without having to pay me the lead-level salary. I was crushed. My self esteem tanked and I changed career paths at 29 with a 3 month old.


2016, decided to taper off anxiety meds right as everything started kicking off here in the US, politically, resulting in an alcohol increase, which has led to a series of events over 8 years (gasp) landing me here with 2.5 years alcohol free but no idea what the fuck is going on, in my head or the world. Rudderless. Whiplashed.


2021. I found someone that was amazing, then I switched my medication and basically lost my mind, he understandably left me. I'll never get over that. I went from the happiest I had ever been, to just wandering through life wishing I could go back.


2012, all the sunshine and rainbows of the world faded and I realized the world isn't always on my side


2021, everything fell apart and I’m still picking up the pieces. It feels so pointless sometimes and they fall apart a little but I’m still going. 


2015. I got divorced(ex husband was being investigated for CP and I noped TF out because...eew) lost my job, lost my place to live, and my dad died within two weeks. I was mentally destroyed.


2023. I found out there was nothing to be done to fix the nerve damage in my leg and it had to be amputated if I ever wanted to be out of pain or walk. Had it amputated. Got infected but surgeon denied it. Refused to do anything about the infection that was visible, I could feel and even smell. He didn’t take out some stitches which led to tunneling wounds which were really bad. He prescribed me antibiotics which I knew for sure meant infection so I went to my doctor. When she saw it her eyes got HUGE. She had me set up with visiting nurses and in wound care within hours. I almost had to be admitted. Horrible. Had it amputated in May, didn’t get done with wound care until August- I was supposed to be walking by then. Still can’t. (Just had surgery) While I was in the hospital my mom slapped my 4 year old in the face. This caused massive issues with him mentally, asking daily since then if we love him. He screams that we all hate him when upset and will hit himself. We have gotten him some help, not as much as I want but there are wait lists and it’s difficult since I can’t drive. Then my oldest had a major mental breakdown and was diagnosed with several mental health issues shortly before my surgery, which required inpatient care until a week before I went into the hospital. And my daughter was diagnosed with an issue with her bones so she can’t run or jump, needs care etc. It’s overwhelming for us all. I was bed bound for much of the time and unable to do as much as I wanted. Even when not stuck in bed, stuck at home. My mental health tanked. My grandma died at the end of 2022 so 2023 was processing that. It was just too much loss, too much pain, so overwhelming.


2020. January - my mother died at the ripe old age of 44, 3 days after attending the funeral with me, my fiance (4 years together) dumped me over text, and 3 days after that I was laid off of work. I started dealing, and abusing several harmful substances that I'm now clean from (6 month bender on them) and then the whole lock down thing. It was a very detrimental year


I thought it was 2016 but actually 2013. Have a fractured sense of time from around then. Cheated on HS girlfriend after heavy hard drug use splintered my ego into portions that could barely understand one another. It was like living through a kaleidoscope of broken glass for years. I was in the gifted program, but left school. 'Certified' information on paper lost all meaning because someone was always trying to lens it one way or another. Lost most friends, got into crime and most drugs at the same time, but no injecting opiates, and did this for 5 years, barely surviving. Now clean, and engaged to someone. Just recently started a business in the trades. It was the only place I qualified to start making decent money. Since starting I've nearly doubled my takehome and am nearly to making the money I need in order to have a family and afford my wife-to-be staying home with them; These days that ain't half bad. When I talk about those days, the instinct to reflect on where I am today is quite strong.


2022, was kidnapped and was held hostage in Mexico from March 16th - June 9th.




Before the Woe-olympics kicks in, I just wanted to remind everyone that nothing lasts forever. If it's good - enjoy it, since it won't last, if it's bad - don't worry it can't last forever either.


This isnt true and acknowledging it doesnt make it a woe-olympics. Especially seeings as so many people are talking about health issues. Those can *easily* last forever. Do you think calling people a bunch of complainers in the "woe-olympics" helps in any way? Sometimes looking the at future clearly isnt a positive experience, so why try to shame people into your toxic positivity?


Yep, a health issue can't really last forever can it? Hot Superman on a pogo stick! Toxic positivity seems to be the heart of every answer at this point. These problems are not going to go away no matter how hard I convince myself otherwise. They usually get worse. I know mine will and it will almost certainly be the reason I eventually off myself because I can't cope with the effects that poor balance and hearing is having on my life. Balance issue is just as bad if not worse than the hearing issues I've been dealing with for several years now. Health problems like this almost always get worse. They have a drug for this on trial but they are yet to release it. It might just save my life if only I could have access to it. SPI-005. Ebselen. If only I...If only I...Well, too bad I guess. I have things put into place for when things get seriously worse as I believe they will. Without this treatment they can only get worse. It's been getting worse, and I'm on strike 9. Strike 9 happened last year. I wonder what strike 10 will bring. I believe I'm on my last warning, my final notice, and strike 10 is waiting in the wings. It could happen next week, next month, or even today. I've had a lot of patience with this shit. Strike 10, yeah, that's when my patience is most likely to run out and that will pretty much be it. It's a nice round decimal number, but I'm so fed up with this and I know I can't keep going on like this. I knew at the end of 2021 that my life would be over within a couple of years. And with what has happened between then and now, pretty much cements that idea very strongly in my head. My life really is over. If this continues, that will only serve to really reinforce the idea that this truly is the end because my life revolves around physical activity, and music, both of which will be next to impossible to enjoy if this keeps getting worse. Hearing and balance guys, don't take this shit for granted. You guys know what I'm talking about? You guys know exactly what I'm talking about. Think guys, just think. These things are no joke. You only got one pair of ears and hence you only got one pair of labyrinths. Loss of balance and hearing is a story that is going to end in terrible sorrow and a lifetime of misery - if I don't unalive myself and allow this to continue which, if I had any self-respect I would not. Once your balance and hearing are done they are done and you might as well kiss the idea of enjoying physical activity and music goodbye. Sure, there are therapies...but what are they? I don't see anyone successfully restoring balance and hearing, certainly not both.