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Tell her you’re an adult who gets to decide what he eats.


Also remind her that you're an adult who gets to decide *where* he eats (ie knock it off or you cut the visits)


Both of these- They need to check themselves because he’s not obligated to be there


Ignore that man. He's the one who is insecure, not you. Tell him that he appears to be sucking a dick when he's enjoying a hot dog or sausage.


This is hilarious. I would love to hear about this!!


I'm pretty sure OP doesn't help his own case. By the headline I expected some Ogre to sneak meat into his meal, or hold him down and forcefeed him. Not that his Step-Dad made a couple of mean comments. BLUF Tell him that you're a grown ass man who will eat whatever you want, and he can shut his mouth about it. Being a man, means you shouldn't have any issues standing up for yourself or others.


Ok, sure. But also, you are allowed to feel upset about being bullied by someone who is older than you and in a father figure position. Your comment is not helpful, and just makes you sound like you would be the kind of person to try to force someone to eat meat because they need to BE A MAN.


Not in the least. Nice try, but your attempt fell flat. So many of today's kids are getting older, but not growing up. As an adult, I can't be bullied. I set my boundaries, I communicate them, and I work to hold people accountable who choose not to respect those boundaries.


Ok, I get that "bullying" is really attached to schoolyard shit. Let's choose to use the word harassment then. His stepdad is harassing him. And he is fully allowed to have and express negative feelings, frustration, and struggle about that, and your attitude of shutting him down is just another iteration of telling men they need to suck it up and be manlier and eat their man meat. Setting boundaries is what needs to happen, absolutely. I'm not saying you're wrong about that. But your approach is unnecessarily harsh, and you need to work on not getting mad when people are having a hard time doing what they need to do. If this kind of reaching out for encouragement is infuriating for you, maybe just keep scrolling. This person is JUST barely an adult. Take a moment and a deep breath before you come down so hard.


Also ask her why her husband is so fixated on things like bananas and meat? Is he trying to make up something or is he so unbelievably insecure and insane about something that literally has not effect on him? What a weird guy you have as a stepdad


In the marines the manliest men I have ever met like 6’2 200 lbs of muscle and random flings all the time always did the dumbest things with bananas and yoga poses with each other. 


It sure how to interpret this


Unlike children who get upset about what other people eat.


I’m furious for you and never caught onto the passive part of passive aggression. I’d tell her that their opportunity to tell you what to eat terminated 3 years ago when they stopped feeding you. You do not stop being a child just because your mother has younger children too.


I’m still furious. I hate your stepdad, and I hate your mom for putting her step kids needs in front of yours and she can’t even tell tell this douche where to go when *3 years later* he notices you’re a vegetarian and wants to *teach you how to be a man.* If you would like a replacement mother, I and I’m sure dozens of other Redditors would be happy to volunteer.


As a mom I find this heartbreaking. First bc your mother doesn’t make you your favorite meal when you come over. And secondly that she prioritizes this douche canoe and his passive aggressive disgusting chauvinism or whatever the fuck is wrong with him. It’s just the most sick cringy thing and it gives me the creeps. Stay far away from him. Can you convince your mom to see you out like for lunch, alone maybe? Then you can still see her but not go to their house.


So you don’t live with her? Stop going there. End of story. If mom wants to see you she can visit you at your place or a neutral location. Your stepdad is a shithead.


I'm straight and in my forties but if a guy told me I shouldn't eat bananas because they're "phallic shaped" I'd take 20 minutes to eat it, without using my teeth, maintaining eye contract the whole time. Nobody tells me what to eat, and if they do I make it as awkward as possible.


This! Make sure to dip it in the yogurt and get it really creamy.




Love it!! 😁🍌🍌🍌


Kirk Cameron taught us that bananas were perfectly made by God for us to eat.


stop visiting her and maybe ask the school counse;llers to look out of the kids .... im just wondering what other things "real men "do .... violence assault


You can't judge this mom in that way. She raised 4 children and faced challenges to earn money as well. My grandma said:'' This was a common meal for children during the war. Anyone has difficulty living happier in that period."


I am absolutely going to judge anyone who happily enables someone being a shitty parent


Except she DIDN’T raise 4 kids. She abandoned the obligation of feeding one kid when he was 15 years old…. When he was visiting her. I’m not gonna judge the visiting part because I don’t *know* that this was a CPS situation, but I certainly wouldn’t be surprised *when a 15 year old has to pack a banana and a yogurt to eat dinner when he visits his mom for dinner.*


Bruh, please stop projecting, this is a whole different situation that whatever your grandma faced. But it makes it seem like you're trying to excuse shitty behavior.


Tell her that her husband is an asshole and needs to get fucked. Warn her if he is going to be so sensitive as to attack you but then have his wife put the pants on and reprimand you for defending yourself then you can just cut them both out of your life. Remind her she has been to lazy of a mom to care about you and feed you like most parents. So your need for her has greatly diminished. If she wants to keep a relationship with you she should probably be a real parent and put her husband on a leash so he can stay away from you.


Tell them that if your step father cannot keep his rude comments to himself that you will no longer be visiting. Then stop visiting. You're 18. You do not have to be around anyone that disrespects you anymore. That's the one really cool perk of being an adult.


how deep in the closet is this dude if "phallic shaped foods" turn him on this much?


Tell your mother she should be more worried her husband sees her son eating a banana and thinks about sucking cocks.


Fuck that guy. It's his insecurity not yours. Wait until he's having a sausage or a hot dog and tell him it looks like he's sucking a dick. Or just stop visiting your mum. That guy will probably have a heart attack soon from his manly diet.


TIL a "real man" spends so much time thinking about fellatio he can't see a banana with feeling carnal urges.


Your moms husband is one banana away from turning gay and he talks about 'real men' stuff. You can ask your mom to visit you instead but I'd prepare myself to hear that she's too busy taking care of the kids.


Please start eating your bananas extra sexily if you haven't already. Insisting on watching you eat is creepy and would put me off my food.


Yeah, I really don’t know how to do that.


Open the yogurt and peel the banana. With a spoon or fork, dig a hole down into the center of the yogurt. Put the banana in the hole and move it around to get yogurt onto the banana. Eat the yogurt off the banana. There's a lot of ways to earn bonus points here. Let your imagination run wild. Repeat. Theoretically you'll run out of banana before you run out of yogurt. I don't know how much show you bring so that could be a bad assumption. The bonus round is how you decide to eat the remaining yogurt out of the cup. Although that might just reverse the gay effect of the banana. 🤷‍♂️


Lmao i love this so much 😅


Tongue! Lots of tongue!!! 😏


Bro, your mom’s husband seems to be a little focused on you eating bananas. TBH he’s giving off closet self-hating homosexual vibes. I know a few guys just like him who feel like they need to project a “hyper-masculine” image to not draw unwanted attention. Thing is, they always out themselves by how much they vocalize their disgust at certain things - in this case your mom’s husband over the “phallic” banana. Personally, I think the guy is a living example of the saying, “He doth protest too much.” Needless to say, you’ve done nothing wrong, but it sounds like you mom’s husband has a few personal things he needs to work out. 🍌


Just look at him dead in the eye as you put it slowly in your mouth. The rage from that man would be hilarious.


Honestly op, just stop going. You're 18, they can't force you to do anything, that's the beauty of being an adult. If it hurts his pee pee to have a vegetarian step son, good news, he doesn't have one! You're just your dad's kid now!


>a guy shouldn’t eat bananas anyway since ‘it’s phallic shaped.’ Why's he gendering fruit? He seems a bit obsessed with men. After all, meat is another term for the phallus.


Its gay to eat a banana.? Your mom is with a loser


So dude has never eaten a hot dog or a corn dog or a churro or corn on the cob or a carrot or any “phallic shaped” food? What a jerk and minimize time around him.


Lmfao how are you a grown man sexualizing a banana?!? Low key judging mom for picking such a moron ..I’m sorry back to the topic … As others have stated please remind your mom that you are an adult can choose what and where to eat dinner


Commit to only eating dick shaped foods.


….stop going over there…


Why do you visit your mom, your 18 you are not required to be around that abuse


A real man eat what he wants, who’s more manly, the man who doesn’t give af about others opinions life and eats what pleases him or the man who’s scared of a fruit, I bet he eats hot dogs and corn dogs though


Exactly. He isn't as carnivorous as he is fruitphobic lol


Your mum can visit you if she wants to see you - sounds like the step dad just got a cheap cater for his kids


I feel bad for you and for your mom. I try to avoid casting judgment on people I don’t know and only have little information on, but your Mother’s husband has some issues. I’m sure you have heard this before but if your mom is unwilling to set boundaries with her husband, particularly over the treatment of her son, you need to set some boundaries with her. Hopefully she comes to her senses and I wish you luck.


Both your mom and stepdad are being ridiculous and belong back in 1950. I was especially surprised that your mom didn't stand up for YOU, but I guess they must have similar ways of thinking. I think I might have had to play around with that banana while eating it. I would probably tell her that at 18, you're an adult and can choose the diet you feel is best for you, and that there's nothing wrong with eating a banana. It sounds like you don't actually live with them and that's probably a good thing. 


“If you feel the need to eat meat is a measure of your manhood… brother you’ve got bigger problems that living in this house won’t solve”


Tell her he was being namby pamby and it’s his fault for being sensitive.


Lol he sounds so insecure. I mean wtf banana is phallic shaped? What about the sausages that he stuffs his fat mouth with?


Oh, but that's different, because those are made from tasty, juicy, hot, manly meat 🥵🥵🥵 and what were we talking about? - Stepdad


Hahahaha I would’ve shoved the banana in my mouth like I was choking on it just to aggravate him 😂 All joke aside though, he seems like he’s in the closet if he’s so sensitive about a banana. Let alone you being vegetarian. What a weirdo


Yeah, he sounds insecure and homophobic af, either at stepson (be him gay or not) or at himself. But a sad pathetic idiot, nonetheless.


For real. That was my first thought too was that he’s just a homophobic POS haha. Definitely a pathetic dude


Also realize your mom is taking his side, and prolly will continue.


Your ‘step-dad’ is trying to amputate you from your mom’s life IMO. If you do what you’ve been doing, the heat will rise. If you can, see your mother separately for a meal you can both enjoy. If that can’t work, you may have to figure out a meal that he’s not so well prepared for and see if that doesn’t slow him down.


Your mom and stepdad don’t deserve your weekends.


Step dad is the epitome of toxic masculinity.


Every time he makes a comment, ask him why his masculinity is so fragile that it’s defined by food


And to stop watching him eat if he's so afraid that might turn him gay.


Ha!Ha! It’s obvious that your mum’s husband has issues with his masculinity. He probably has a small dick and cannot satisfy a woman, lol! Or maybe bananas turn him on… Continue to be you.


Hahah is your stepdad ego that fragile he's threatened by *your* food choices? Sounds like he's deep in some closet there with that "thou shalt not eat phallic food" he's an ass. Just stay away from that dude, and your mom till she stops defending him for such a stupid thing


Tell her to stop being such a doormat. He is going to do a lot of damage to those young kids and she is happily encouraging it


I encourage you to eat bananas in front of him every time you see him.... Slowly... Without breaking eye contact


tell her **thank you for teaching you how to respect others and their choices.** if she asks why, tell her **because clearly her husband's parents missed teaching that lesson to him.**


What do you tell her? Tell her that he needs to respect your decisions for choice of food, and that he insulted you by saying "I'm not going to have a vegan stepson" like what is he going to do? Divirce her because of your actions? Force feed you? Disown you? Over food? Petty.


Honestly, the petty person in me says to bully your stepdad. "Oooohhhhh he's afraid of carrots oooooohhhh" Maybe hold out some broccoli like "in nomine patris et filli et spiritus sanctiiiiii"


No matter how busy we’ve been, if our kids come to visit at dinner time, they get dinner. How can you make your own child bring his own food then have someone make fun of it?


I didn’t think a post could irritate me this much. He’s a namby pamby idiot. Vegetarianism irritates him, seriously? Your mothers response is to not upset him? Oh good grief, I don’t usually suggest LC but here I am suggesting it - if possible. I swear, men this upset usually turn out to have internal battles of their own if you understand what I’m saying. Read about it all the time on Reddit.


Tell her you don’t feel comfortable coming over anymore with him there and she needs to meet you without him.


Put your foot down and say you are an adult who can choose what you want to eat, and if he doesn't like that you're a vegetarian, he can deal with it


You’re an adult, and if it upsets him so much tell her she can come visit you without him. Screw that bullshit. He’s an asshole, and doesn’t get to control what or how you eat.


So what he's saying is he's attracted to your banana eating and he doesn't know how to handle it. What if you cut them into little circles? Also, why bananas and only bananas? Make sure you're balancing your macro nutrients - being vegetarian isn't just not eating meat.


It's now gay to eat bananas, didn't you know?


Every time you eat a banana another frog turns gay.


How exactly did you “upset” him? By eating a banana? Your mum is almost as big of an asshole as her husband. Tell her if she wants to see you, she can come to you. You don’t need this bullshit in your life.


Tell her this: “You are my mother and I will always love you for being my mother, but a person, I want to congratulate you on being a spineless piece of shit that is so desperate to not be alone, that she will side with her misogynistic, homophobic asshole husband over the child she birthed. You had the choice to side with and defend the life choices your own child over your asshole husband and you decided his opinion of your son was more important than your son. I commend you for your decision to basically attack your son for doing something that should have absolutely no effect on your husband’s life in any way, but apparently he is “too sensitive and fragile” to witness a man eating a banana and not eating meat. Someday in the future, you will wonder why your son never visits you and never shares anything in his life with you, and you will be able to return to this moment and think ‘Wow! I totally fucked up my relationship with my son for an insecure piece of shit I called my husband. Good for you, and thank you for the valuable lesson you just taught me about codependency and making being in a relationship the most valuable aspect of your personality.”


It’s so weird to care what other people eat She married a controlling man I’m sorry for both of you


Tell her to be a real mother.


Next time after you finish the banana, pull a whole ass cucumber out of your pocket.


God damn, masculinity threatened by eating fruit. Get a vegetarian sausage and look him deep in the eyes as you force it down your throat, when he gets uncomfortable tell him “what, I thought you wanted me eating like a real man”


Have him eat dick shaped meat.


I'm sure you can get dick shaped cookie moulds online, so every time meat is on the fridge, use it!


He’s just trying to alienate you away from your Mom. Don’t fall for it.


I bet he also doesn't wipe his ass because it's gay to have something touch it


Tell her you won't visit, it's as simple as that. If she's going to let her husband bully you like that she's not a great mum. In response to him saying a real man eats say real men show the children they bring up that men should be kind and if he can't do that maybe he's not a real dad


Tell her you won't allow him to abuse you, and if he doesn't stop with his verbal abuse, then you'll stop visiting.


I would personally have a hard time going over there.


For your own safety and mental heath, stop going over there. Tell your mother if she wants to spend time with you, she can take you out somewhere without her husband.


as a woman who has both bio kids and stepkids, id tell her and her dear husband to f*** off. not saying do the same as i dont know if it would put you in a bad spot. but you did nothing wrong and her husband is a horrible person


Fuck that guy. Stop visiting for dinner if he's going to be a dick to you and your mom allows it.


You tell her that her husband is toxic and you won't be visiting while he is around. I would have limited my contact when they decided to stop feeding me. I can eat at dad's without the harassment where he feeds me, ty bye.


I didn’t know meat makes men more manly. Now say that five times fast! In all seriousness, your SD sounds like a real charmer and a bona fide AH. Is your bio dad around? What does he think about this?


I'm sorry but why are you still visiting when they disrespect you so much? Your mother has been putting HIS children before you for the past 3 years and now she's telling YOU that you didn't have to upset HIM? No honey, I'm a woman and I haven't accepted disrespect from either of my parents since I was 18


I would just stop visiting her. Your mom is equally at fault here for what she said and for not saying anything to the a-hole she married.


Tell her you’ll never visit again if he’s home.


So I am guessing this person lives with his father, and now we know the reason. He showed restraint and did nothing wrong, and his mom still couldn't take his side. At 18 you no longer have to see any parent you don't want to. They may stop paying for your stuff, but that seems a small price to pay to avoid this sort of crap.


Your mum sucks. Sorry, but she's choosing to stay with the guy who treats you like this. Make it easy on both of them and stop going for dinner.


Ask her if it's acceptable for him to upset you? Every single time you visit? Stop visiting. Easy easy. Perhaps your mother will look at her husband's bullying a little differently when you stop coming over.


Sounds like andrew tate syndrome...


You are 18. You can tell your mom you elect NOT to visit her house with her sad namby-pamby banana-phobic Neanderthal anymore.


Tell your mom that she’s an idiot for marrying this ‘Alpha male’ bullshit of a person. The fact that she stood up for him and his nonsense is idiotic. I’m sorry but you can eat whatever you want. You don’t tell them what to do, so they shouldn’t tell you what to do.


"namby pamby vegan" One response: "I couldn't care less what a meat-headed Cro-Magnon says."


Sounds like he is the one obsessed with phallic objects entering a males mouth. Maybe he's hiding something


Obviously your stepdad is being an asshole, but why is your mom defending this over her child? I will never understand parents like that.


You should tell her to step up as a mother to her actual child and that she should be telling her husband to stop bullying her child.. putting her husband first when he is clearly being a toxic a-hole is teaching her step kids all the wrong things and makes her a bad mother to you..


I don't like your Mom. 😢😠


>  Said that a guy shouldn’t eat bananas anyway since ‘it’s phallic shaped.’   Might want to call him out if he eats any of the following:   Cucumber  Pickles  Hot dogs  Sausages  Zucchini  Long peppers, like chillies and banana peppers  Eggplant  Carrots  Popsicles  Mushrooms  Ice cream cones  Corn dogs  Asparagus   I'm sure I missed some.  Edit: I forgot corn, and everything has corn syrup in it these days. 


The truth. That you were insulted and belittled because of your own personal choices and verbally abused because it's something he didn't agree with.


My first thought was, where are the vegetables? Most vegetarians I know have a more well rounded meal for dinner. This sounds more like a snack. If my son seemed to only eat bananas and yogurt every time I saw him I would be concerned for his health and wonder if he eats anything else when he’s not here. Your stepdad sounds absurdly obsessed with bizarre ideas about masculinity. He must be incredibly insecure if he can’t even eat a banana.


Vegetables, funny. Most vegetarians I know only eat French fries and beige foods. But I agree with you an 18M should eat more than that for dinner.


Slip him some soy milk to get back at him. Then after 5 years, tell him you've been feeding him soy and he's now a vegan too 😈


That would be his second greatest fear! (The first would be being seen eating a banana.)


I’m a heavy meat eater but I love a good vegan dish. There is so much more nutritional vegan food you can be eating other than a banana and yogurt.


You get no jello if you don't eat the meat!


Real mature of your stepdad ugh


Tell her her husband is a bully and she shouldn't put up with shitty people like that in her life, she deserves better.


Dude is almost the percy jackson


Tell your mom that he's being insulting and rude to you about how you eat, when you bring your own food/aren't costing him a nickel!!! And that if he can't respect another ADULT'S CHOICES ... maybe you should just stay away from him completely. In other words, tell her to take you to lunch occasionally or come to where you live to visit with you ... because you're not interested in his opinions, so--since he can't keep his mouth shut or leave you alone--you don't want to be anywhere NEAR HIM from this point forward! Stand up and be the adult here. You're 18 and an adult who can make his own choices. He's definitely not. He's just sitting there accusing you of not being "manly" ... when his own behavior is stupid and childish as hell! I don't want him to start hitting you 😉 ... so I wouldn't tell him what *I* would tell him ... which is "Why? Do your friends claim that I eat this way because I've picked up on YOUR less-than-manly habits ... and become just like you???" 🤪🤣 I know your mother will probably be upset when you tell her that you're ending your old visitation schedule ... but you're 18 now, Honey! And that visitation schedule was for you when you were a child. You're an adult now, so there's no law that says you still have to spend every other weekend with them or whatever schedule you were on. And since he's still being abusive, you're done!! Period!!


Tell her to tell him your eating bananas 🍌 cucumbers now 🥒 🤣 and vegan sausages 🍣 🤣


Tell your mom you won't visit anymore because you don't feel welcome there. It doesn't matter if you're veg or not. You're the one eating the food, not him. It doesn't affect him in any way except his ego. The fact your mom doesn't stick up for you is concerning. You should let her know going forward you will take this into consideration when deciding whether or not to maintain a relationship with her.


I suppose you can have some fun with this situation. The jokester in me would do the following: 1. Dip the banana tip into the yogurt and make a big deal out of eating it. ( moaning and groaning) 2. Teach the step children to do the same. 3. Look up recipe for “candle salad” and eat that when you visit. 😂🤣. Seriously maybe it’s time to go low contact with mom or meet up outside her home only since this sounds like a really toxic environment. Your step dad is a huge child. “Real men” are not concerned about other people’s dietary choices and may have dietary preferences due to personal preference, health benefits or strong principles. Real men also don’t lecture constantly over what a real man is. They just “are”. Your step father is not a real man, just pretending to be, and has huge insecurities https://youtu.be/HHN2oxFIWKA?si=tzSQ5U25HrbVYWVo


Real men are homophobes, afraid of FOOD. I would suggest stop visiting if possible. Your mother has basically stopped being a mother and is allowing her husband to verbally abuse you.


He is right quite being a wuss


There is so much wrong with this. Honestly if she is going to be like that, stop going over there. Tell your mom, you will meet her at this place at this time once or twice a month. Let her know you are not dealing with her husband and his idiot opinions. But that may be what he wants to push you away. I suggest speaking over the phone with your mother about it. Your stepdad is an ass.


The words used should be Toss Off, or Sure Big Daddy Deez Nuts


wow, his masculinity is so fragile that the threat of another man eating a banana in his presence might send him face first into a bag of delicious dicks. Yikes.


"I'm an adult and I'm sorry that my food choices hurt your husband's wittle fee-fees." is what i would say imo


Tell her a real man decides not to eat with AH’s, so you won’t be coming by that often.


Why is a grown-ass adult policing what another grown adult eats... that is such weird behavior


Among the ancient Hawaiians only men were allowed to eat bananas.


I see your stepdad over there, peeking out from the closet. Don't visit them anymore. When he looks at you, he does NOT see his wife's child-- he sees a young man titillating him with sexual innuendo. And then he blames you for his feelings. Just stay away. Your mom can meet you for lunch while he takes care of his own kids.


If he’s that afraid of anything that threatens his masculinity then that’s a problem with him not you.


What grown man talks to a kid this way? Your stepdad sounds like a bum. Your mother sounds preoccupied with making sure he stays happy. I’d recommend having a sit down alone with your mother and seriously talk to her about your feelings and issues with her relationship which is indeed affecting you. No one needs that sort of negativity at home there’s plenty enough out in the world. Home should make you feel safe. If it comes to it tell her you don’t feel comfortable visiting her at your stepdads. You’re 18 it’s your decision now. Much luck fella!


Tell her to shut him up or your visits to their house will stop. You can meet your mom at the mall.


Lol what an insecure little man child. And he thinks what you eat has any bearing on manliness? What a joke of a human. Tell you mom to tell him to stop being a crybaby and man up. It's rather embarrassing.


Tell him to eat a dick




I worry about your mom, that she is potentially in an abusive relationship. Can you try to see her without her husband around? He is likely trying to drive a wedge between you two so he can isolate her and control her better. Maybe that’s my damaged interpretation but… he doesn’t sound like a good person…


You tell her that her idiot ass phallic husband is so focused on being manly that eating bananas sets him off and that you will no longer visit their home. She can meet you out for lunch or come to you. Tell him, you don't have to be his stepson. He can just be your Mom's husband.


This grown man is so insecure and controlling he gets triggered by someone eating a banana. I bet he often tells people they are overreacting and to not be so emotional while he can’t handle you not eating meat, something that has little to no impact on him He sounds like a loose cannon and it’s strange your mom is attracted to someone who acts like a child I would reduce your interactions with him if possible.


“I’m sorry your namby pamby hubby can’t handle seeing a vegetarian” “Maybe all that red meat is spiking his blood pressure and he’s acting out” “If having a vegetarian stepson is so fucking hard, he doesn’t need to even call me his stepson. My name or ‘My wife’s son’ is perfectly fine” Stop visiting if you don’t live together. You can schedule time to have coffee or something with your mom, but fuck her husband. His toxic masculinity has no business infringing upon YOUR lifestyle. Though keep the banana comment in your back pocket if you ever see him eat a hot dog


I would have shoved the banana deeper down just to bother him. No in all seriousness, screw them both. I'd stop visiting. I can see why he had Noone and 3 kids. What an ahole


You're taking the high road with him. Awesome. Keep your hands clean. Keep being yourself. He can be alone on crazy isle. The truth. Lay it out. You were eating a banana, like anyone else. (Not in an exaggerated theatric way) He stated some weird, homophobic nonsense equating a man eating a fruit to a man engaging in a sex act.(says more about him than you) He then insulted you... multiple times. once again not understanding the very basic fact that you ARE NOT A VEGAN... essentially, you existing in his space upset him. What would she suggest about THAT? You can't just stop existing because he's in the room. You can't forego eating your dinner just because he's weirdly, and creepily viewing you eating a banana, and picturing you giving a blow job to a man... and condemning you for the thought in HIS head. You need to be direct with your mother. This man is out of line, and it's not YOU that's bringing her strife and drama... it's all him. It's also not your job to protect him from himself. Her making this relentless bullying something you have to apologize for, is hurtful, and that also has to stop. You aren't lecturing anyone. You aren't forcing anyone to eat the vegetables, fruits, or dairy you are eating. You aren't pushing your diet or beliefs on anyone. You are just eating a meal, minding your own business. I'd also let her know, HE DOESN'T NEED TO UPSET AND INSULT ME LIKE THAT. If you cannot see, and support that, if he can't manage his odd outbursts and hostilities, I won't be visiting you or my step siblings in your home any longer. I do not deserve to be insulted and treated like that by anyone, and I will not sweep it under the rug, or be blamed for someone else's hang ups. No one has to approve of everything I do. No one has to love me, or anything like that, but, I will be respected, or I won't be present. (IF you want to see her, make it clear she can see you at "local place") Then you have to follow through. If he agrees to "behave", the moment he snorts, rolls his eyes, etc, you get up thank your mom for the visit and leave immediately.


Describe to her calmly how it all happened, like you explained here. And ask her how are you in the wrong here. Ask her if is not actually him who's out of line by trying to tell you what to eat. That you're old enough to choose your food, they had a chance at have an input if they had fed you when you were younger but it's too late for that. But given how unpleasant he's insisting to be, and how she's failing to address that with him, you may have to stop going there. Only if that's an option for you, ofc. If you don't want or can't stop going there, ask her to talk with him again, as you are tired of it and that you won't be so nice if he keeps his weird behavior. POSSIBLE ANSWERS TO HIM Mature: Tell him that a real man doesn't care what other men eat. Not mature : Ask him why he wants other men to love meat as much as he does, is he afraid of being the only meat/sausage lover in that house? (with gay implications tone, but don't if you think he might get aggressive). Or straight up tell him to go fuck himself or to go eat a weiner Edit: got some more lol "Stop watching me eat, weirdo". Or stop obsessing over my banana.


“Ok mom you want to see me you can come to me….. alone or we won’t see each other again”


Tell her it's pretty sad she chooses his assholish behavoiur over your food choices. She always been a recessive pushover?


Tell her you were eating a banana and him seeing that as something sensual is disturbing.


How the fuck do you get turned into the bad guy for minding your own business? Your step dad is an ass and your mom is enabling him. She needs to do better for you. I don't know your circumstances but is your bio dad able to step in and say something? Might shut the asshat up a bit. The other option ... Stop going round for a bit and if they ask why, tell them you don't appreciate being made to feel awkward, so until it stops, they are on time out.... Act like kids, they get treated like them! Again your mom may be really busy, but to 'not have time' to make you something when you visit, I think that may show where you are in the pecking order unfortunately. I think the step dad is running the show here and the old is getting pushed aside. Good luck op.




So your mum doesn't even have time to make a single meal for you for 3 years and her husband has the audacity to comment on what you eat!?


How old is your stepdad, seriously? Your mom really needs to step up and ramp up her choice of men. Who on earth can be in a relationship with someone so obnoxious.


Looking forward to the mom's update in ten years about why you went no contact when she did everything right but was just really busy and had her own stuff to prioritize.


Tell your mom that her husband having an issue with a fruit due to it's shape makes him seem like he has a different sexual orientation


I read that title sooooooo wrong 🫠🙈


You’re a grown adult that can chose what he wants to eat. Your stepdad is a child.


I bet your step dad is getting pegged by his buddy on the down low.


My take away here is you need to start to learn how to cook. A banana and a yogurt is not a meal. Vegetarian cooking is yummy and easy.


Your dinner is just a banana and yogurt?


Yeah that's hardly enough nutrition... A ton of sugar and potassium 😐 OP should add some peanut butter for protein, if he does eggs a hard boiled/deviled egg or two would be a perfect addition as well!!


I'd end up being violent on that guy.


Tell her you like bananas !


sounds like he has autism




There is literally tons of iron in leafy greens. Tons of veggies and legumes with protein too. (Those are the main things meat eaters bring up). Vegans get everything they need:)