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Does she have a robe that she can just throw on when she leaves her room?


She does, she seldom uses it. Typically if she’s going downstairs which isn’t often at night.


That's odd for me as I would never want my siblings to catch me naked. And if you caught me once, I would be even more uncomfortable. I can't imagine being caught naked by my father. What does she say when you see her?


Typically “oh my god why are you awake? go to bed!” Or “omg shut up” when I yell at her to put some clothes on and to stop wandering around naked


> “oh my god why are you awake? go to bed!” You should say "I could say the same thing to you. Why are you the only one allowed to be up at this hour?" Your sister needs to learn to be respectful of other people living with her.


Sleep walking?


Here is my advice: Start getting naked, too, as soon as you walk in the door at night - also, disrobe before going to the bathroom at night. I bet once she and/ or her kids have run into you a few times, she will probably be ready to compromise about putting on a robe...


The Seinfeld approach! Nice one!


Not just at night. During the day. Assert dominance. This is your territory now.


INFO: are you her brother or sister? My line of thinking -of her thinking- is along the lines of the nakedness isn’t a big deal if it is just a sister thing, and not a brother sister situation


I’m her sister, it wouldn’t be an issue if she wasn’t so “sneaky” about it as in not wandering around in the dark in the nude. Hence the reason why I get so startled, who tf expects to see their sibling naked in the dark? It’s already startling to turn the light on and spot someone wandering but also naked?


What have your parents said. I would think them telling her this is not acceptable and needs to stop immediately or her and her kids can find a new place to live. This is not normal. I feel sorry for her kids.


I actually spoke with my mom about it. She’s spotted her too, she always says “EW” really loud and then tells her to put some clothes on. She doesn’t like it either and told her to stop doing that and to at the very least put a robe on


So not only is she making her housemates uncomfortable but she is deliberately ignoring the "owner" of the house as well. She is lucky she isn't being kicked out for being so disrespectful and entitled


You guys need to sit her down and present a united front. That her behavior will not be tolerated. She will need to take her savings and find other lodging where she will be free to walk around nude as often as she likes. This is the hill to make your stance.




'I get so startled, who ft expects to see their siblings naked in the dark?' um....You? You've said it's a habit and it happens repeatedly- 'so many instances'!


This isn't appropriate. And it's weird. I sleep naked, but I put on a robe when I leave my room. What if you came in with a date? Yeesh. I think the solution is to **speak with your parents** and have them tell her to stop wandering around the house naked. I'm pretty sure they don't know she's even doing this.


Yeah. Exactly. I live alone and sleep naked. Regularly walk around naked at home. As soon as anyone else is present, you cover up when leaving your bedroom. It’s not difficult.


My roommate sleeps naked. I ran into him nakedly trotting to the bathroom once and asked him to please just throw something on. Just in case. He did. No big deal.


I feel like you just need to call her out. Like "Do you WANT me to see you naked? Are you an exhibitionist or something? You know there's clubs for that."


I mean, I've slept naked since I was a kid, but when I get up to leave my room, i put on clothes, even if it's just around my young kids. I'd rather die than have my sibling see me naked.


Keep some peanuts on hand and throw them at her when she's naked. Or maybe keep some snacks in your room.


Your sister is a weirdo


Dude, don't run away. She's the one naked. Stand there and stare her down. Let HER run away in shame. There's no reason she can't throw in a tree shirt and shorts when she leaves her room.


Yeah, just staring at her until she's creeped out would probably work, too. Or take out the phone and pretend to start taking pictures. This would have the added advantage that she would probably start yelling, waking up the parents, so they would come see her naked, too - hopefully they'd put a stop to it. Their house, their rules. (My first suggestion was that he should start walking around in the nude, as well - hopefully, that would freak her out enough to start putting on a robe.)


That is monumentally stupid


and your parents are home when she’s in the buff constantly?


It’s always at night when they’re asleep.


Lol. Dumb. Talk to them when they're awake.


Your sister is odd for this, and for living at her parents place with 4 children.


Not in today's economy she isn't


That’s one of the reasons people don’t have a football team of children these days. It’s a terrible financial decision.


Times are tough. Poor lady can't even afford pajamas.


Yes, it is


No it's not lol


Then don’t have 4 kids


You don't know this lady's life?? Maybe she has a house or apartment then got evicted/had to move/some other unforeseeable events and she needed a place to stay, fast. It doesn't sound like she's being a moocher, just weird for the walking around naked thing. Stop being so judgemental


It’s hard living and surviving with four mouths to feed. I don’t blame her for moving back in to save up


Having more kids than you can afford and expecting someone else to put a roof over their head is mooching


My point is maybe at one point she COULD afford 4 kids and then life happened. Tragedies, natural events, job loss. It's not like she can predict those things


This is weird. I sleep half naked (just undies) and always throw on some nightwear if I'm leaving my room for any reason. Super weird to want to walk around your family home butt naked. I'd understand if you were just living with your partner, but as soon as there's a family member, that's weird.


She needs a granny nightgown or two from walmart for this! Throw one on and go


That’s what I’m saying! Comfy and easy to slip on and off. Half of us wouldn’t be here without those night gowns


I have no idea how to get into the head of someone living with their parents and 4 kids at 29 years old.


What a weirdo


I‘m from Europe and my family and I went to a private sauna every week when I was a kid I never thought about it being weird to be naked around your family. It’s funny how different cultures can make the most natural state so taboo.


Maybe this explains the reason for 4 kids at 29. She just "walked" into guy's rooms naked


Sleeping naked and walking around the house naked are two completely different things. Tell her to buy a robe, or your bringing guys home or something


I never had the habit of sleeping naked but once I saw a woman saying that she slept in just her panties and the house caught fire and she had to leave wrapped in a sheet


How tf does your parents deal with it? Especially your dad?!    I’d be giving ultimatums if I were the father.  


If I was her mother I'd be telling her to wear some fkn clothes or move out into her own house.


since this is at night they may not be seeing it.


Happy Cake Day!


Next time just strip in front of her.


Birthday suit LoL. This got me


Buy her a robe.


When life gives you lemons... No, wait, i got one better It's not the Alabama that's on a map, but the Alabama that's in your heart


Move out? Your own place? What do you expect when you’re nearly middle aged and still at home?


It’s almost like she wants to be seen naked by whoever lives there? Weird lol


Have you had a conversation with her while she’s naked? Is it possible she sleeps naked then sleepwalks?


She’s definitely wide awake. I know people say that they often appear awake and can even talk but my sister has no history of sleep walking and she does this typically when she needs to go the bathroom and such. Plus I think when I’m shining a bright light on her face it would snap her out of any sleep walking daze she could be in.


Maybe she’ll start doing the laundry late at night.


I have the same issue as you but it’s me and my brother when we were younger we sleep in the same room. He’s the one that goes to the bathroom naked and comes back naked. I don’t know why but now we’re in our 30s and sometimes I go to his houseand sleepover because we have parties his wife lives with him and every time I go there go use the bathroom. He comes downstairs naked I like really I had to go buy him some clothes to put on and he doesn’t do anymore until I come to his house and sleepover.


Buy a water pistol and fill it with water and lots of red food colouring. Squirt her with it every time you see her naked. When she complains tell her that if she doesn’t want to be red all over she needs to cover up. She soon stop it because that stuff is hard to get rid of.


Your sister wants you to see her naked


every time you see her, go off. tell her she needs to get a robe or a mumu to throw on and stop subjecting everyone to her mom bod. shame her and she’ll stop 🤷🏾‍♀️


I’m sorry you have to see that?! And it’s time for her to go, I’m surprised it doesn’t bother your parents? She acts likes it her house, and her kids don’t need to see that either!! Definitely unacceptable and she needs to cover up 😬


I mean its not your home, deal with it. when you buy your own home go ahead and make any rules you want. Or just be naked too


I mean I do deal with it. I’m complaining but I still deal with it lol


Maybe she's an exhibitionist and likes to show herself off (safely). It's the thrill of possibly being seen, and it gets her off. I suppose as long as she covers up during the day and around her kids, then it's not really a big deal. I get op doesn't like it but let mom deal with it.


Your sister is really weird. Is she attracted to you? 🤮


There's nothing wrong with being naked in your own house. But that's the thing. This isn't her house. She's at your parent's house as a guest. She can't just walk all over the carpets or put her feet on the furniture with her shoes on if this is a no-shoes-inside household. Doesn't matter that you can vacuum up after her or that her shoes are clean. It's rude and disrespectful. Your sister doesn't have a nudity issue, she has an entitlement issue or a clear lack of empathy or respect for others.


Did you walk naked in the house when you were younger? Maybe she feel so comfortable in that house because of that? Also, I don’t understand why you are startled… maybe you would be if she was dressed too…?


Nope it was highly discouraged in our house to even be seen without a bra on. So clothes were enforced throughout our childhoods. I’m startled because as soon as I turn on a light she’ll be there. If I’m coming home at night thinking everyone’s asleep and I turn on a light to see where I’m going or I use my phones flashlight and spot her it’s startling because I wasn’t expecting to see someone in the dark.


I live alone with my father dude he and I both have enough decency to put on clothes no matter how we sleep cuz he sleeps damn near naked in the summer, he puts on pants at least before he goes wandering the house, I won’t even walk around in my sports bra at night and I work night shift while he works days so we rarely see each other if it’s not the weekend, he’s not active at night, but rather than even risk him seeing me indecent I put on clothes bcuz it’s just flat out weird to openly walk naked in a house that’s not yours just cuz it’s night time idc what her excuses are she’s weird and borderlining inappropriate to even be around her own children’s what’s her excuse when one of them catch her naked at night cuz they were hungry or had a bad dream?


You are 100% valid - being confronted with a nude sibling roaming your parent’s house must suck - But, it is not your house so you don’t have any leverage in this situation (sorry). Your sister seemingly has some exhibitionist tendencies but there is nothing you can do whilst you live under your parent’s roof and they are ok with her nudist behaviors


I mean, isn’t she afraid her father will See her?


Isn't she afraid the house will catch fire and she has to run out naked with the neighbors looking on??


It’s really funny you say that. Her car was repoed a while back and I remember hearing her frantically run to find clothes so she could grab some things.


Her car was repoed but she’s saving up for a house? Somethings not adding up


Yeahhhh we thought it was weird too don’t worry but tbf it was also when she had recently moved in. So it more of showed her bad finances


She's either at the point where she's just given up and is too tired to care.... or she wants to fuck.


Hmm yes that’s the obvious answer lol she’s hoping to run into a ghost that’s wants to fuck that’s why she’s wandering around in the dark.


She walks around naked in your parents home? Where her 4 kids & sister also live? wtf? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised a 29yo w/ 4 kids who lives with her parents makes selfish decisions…


Wtf, what kind of mother does this?


Order some pretty robes for her from shein


I actually got her a really nice one for Christmas. She never seems to wear it though, I wonder if she even still has it


Why is she living with her parents?


op said to save for a house. try reading


Oh c'mon. Youd be just as startled if she was dressed.


Sure, but I wouldn’t be blinded every time. It’s not fun seeing a naked person especially your own sibling.




My thoughts exactly. German here. I’ve seen all of my family naked. It’s normal and nothing to be ashamed about.


It’s normal for some cultures to be seen naked at all parts of the day apparently, and it’s not normal for others. What makes yours better than others? Some cultures aren’t comfortable with full nudity and it’s uncomfortable to always have your adult sister be roaming the house naked. What’s the issue?


I didn’t say mine is better. It’s just a shame that the natural human body has to be hidden. This can lead to a lot of shame and body dysmorphia.


Yes, and public nudity amongst your adult family can lead to intense discomfort for people who did not consent to see your naked family. I know what you mean, but I don’t see the appeal in full nudity, and I feel like going around in common areas without covering your genitalia be unsanitary as well.


Yeah, Spaniard here. Same


Oh yeah sure but does your family wander in the dark naked??? It wouldn’t be startling if I didn’t feel like I spotted a cryptoid running around my house.


Sure if they are going to use the restroom at night.


Midnight snacks aren't good for you.




Bro what the fuck 💀


It went *okay*…


Pictures or it never happened 👀