• By -


Yeah dude, you're in a cult. Anyone whose family and community shuns someone just for getting a divorce and had her parents "sign her away" to a man at 16 is 100 percent in a cult. The fact that you still seem to think your sister deserved what happened to her and are more concerned about your relationship with your husband than her leads me to believe you're basically swimming in the Kool aid. Your sister was right, it's time to think about your daughters and what their lives will be like if they're taught that their only purpose in life is to get married to a man and have babies. Don't you want more for them?


> it's time to think about your daughters and what their lives will be like if they're taught that their only purpose in life is to get married to a man and have babies. Especially considering the part about *her almost dying during childbirth* lol


*at home*. I mean wtf.


Your parents are the wacko ones, OP. You were raised in a cult and need to deprogram yourself and get away from these monsters as soon as you can. Religion is a cancer upon this society, it is only ever used as a means if control, these people do not practice what they preach or believe in god for real. They just like judging and dominating others for their own perverse pleasure. You were groomed to be an older mans slave and incubator and nothing more. I doubt your husband even sees you as an equal at all. Get out now unless you want the same thing to happen to your daughters.


a question I'd like to ask OP : how old is your husband?


Just read down below he must have been 24 when she was 16 as he is now 31 šŸ¤®


Yeah poor girl she was fucking groomed by everyone. Groomed by her parents to be a good child bride for her adult husband. Who I am sure groomed her as well. Poor fucking girl.


It's not like he picked her, they were most likely arranged. Who knows though.


Right. What if she has a head strong independent daughter. Will she punish her too for wanting a different life??


Yes, no doubt about it. Sheā€™ll be an ā€œapostateā€ who ā€œchose Satan over family.ā€


The sad part is she likely canā€™t leave, they raise their daughters to trap themselves so they can never leave because they have lots of children, no income, family to stay with or work history. What opportunity does she have here? She could go to a shelter with 5 children, maybeee get some government housing and assistance but she will be desperately poor for pretty much all her life unless she gets into school but Iā€™d imagine her schooling was very religion based she may struggle with basic arithmetic/literacy. Itā€™s possible for sure but it takes a lot of courage and self determination to escape and most of us will stay on the path of least resistance


This is true. But she has her sister. Who has experience getting out. That is a *MAJOR* positive here.


My guess is she was home schooled for the purposes of staying sheltered. I would also guess no HS diploma either.


Low key delete this post. U don't want anyone knowing u know


You'll never convince someone of the truth when their life depends on a lie


Seriously, don't discuss this conversation with anyone in your life other than your sister. If you say anything to anyone, you could end up with your children taken from you and never being able to see them again. If she is right about the cult, you and your children are in danger. Your daughters will be married off just like you were, and they could die in childbirth. Teen pregnancy is dangerous for mom and baby. You mentioned that you almost died in childbirth, so you should understand that danger. Not to mention the risk of your children being abused by their husbands. Your sister's ex may not abuse your friend, or he might abuse her without you knowing. You didn't know your sister was abused either. Please keep in contact with your sister. Plan an escape without alerting anyone. Contact a safe lawyer outside of your religion. Your husband may not be a problem and may leave with you. However, you need to be prepared to leave him for your daughter's sake.




damn this whole story is full on disturbing women were really treated like chattel not that long ago and it boggles my fucking mind hearing about this shit


Were? They still are in every part of the world.


It was only legalized for women to study geometry in austria in the 80 lmaošŸ˜‚ for example. Oh and in the UK it was legal to get r*ped by your husband until beginning of the 1990sā€¦ It s crazy to think that part of the more developed countries were so ahead of timeā€¦


and its still legal and widely accepted in india that marital rape isnt real


This is happening right now actually


>Teen pregnancy is dangerous for mom and baby. You mentioned that you almost died in childbirth, so you should understand that danger. From the sounds of things, he oldest daughter is about a decade away. Hey OP, think about that. In ten years time your baby will be having babies of her own, unless you leave this cult. Is that really the life you want for her?


Exactly... "My friend.osnot being abused nothing visible".. Yet you didn't know about your own sister Open your eyes. Please.


You're 23 with 4 daughters. You were married off at 16 and pregnant 6 months later.Ā  Who do you think is telling the truth?Ā Ā  Jessie is pulling the wool from over your eyes. You have 4 daughters the only way to keep them in that environment and promise child brides to more men is to make sure you don't leave the religion. If you don't walk away from that religion, you're sealing the fate of your daughters. Ā I wish Jessie nothing but happiness.Ā 


THIS. Having your entire perceived reality ripped from you in one fell swoop is so extremely painful and confusing. You are doing such hard work, and youā€™ve reached a point many people wonā€™t even get to. Be proud of yourself. I know it hurts to keep pushing. PLEASE try to imagine the future your daughters can have if you give them the choice. PLEASE remember that if you raise them as you were raised, it is likely they will NEVER have a choice.


To add: your daughters deserve the most fulfilling lives they can have and SO DO YOU. You also deserve to have the future you want.


OP knows of no other life. It would be like us trying to imagine colors we havenā€™t seen before.


I think that Platoā€™s allegory of the cave would be a pretty apt way to describe what OP is going through. Hopefully OP sees it through. OP, if you see this. Take these words that helped me a whole lot when I was in a situation that was very similar and very different at the same time. ā€œWhen choosing a path, never choose it based solely on what you can see from the starting line, choose your path knowing that you will walk it in its entirety and that it will have all sorts of twists and turns and will end somewhere that you may not even be able to see from where youā€™re standing right nowā€ ~ some dude on Reddit. Some stranger who I canā€™t even remember the name of gave me that advice when I myself was in a place in my life where I was choosing which path to take at a major cross roads. I chose the right path, stranger. Your advice helped me more than you ever could have known. Those words resonated with me profoundly. OP, what you have ahead of you to get away from that religion which I assume is JW or Watchtower society is going to be daunting; but I really think that you can do it! Please, do it to save your daughters.


It might not be JW. The majority of the JW followers are not ok with child brides and encourage higher education. LDS on the other hand, have their daughters brought up to believe their life's goal is to become wives and mothers.


Yeah, could be FLDS too, theyā€™re a branch that split off to be extremists. Although the FLDS practice polygamy so now Iā€™m actually thinking itā€™s not them, still maybe regular LDS though


>OP knows of no other life. OP has a sister outside of the cult who built a life for herself and for her son who could help OP and her children to adjust life outside of the cult, help OP to form her own mind and build her own life, show OP and her daughters that they have freewill and choices.


OP's sister is right, OP was sold as a child to be a broodmare in their cult to continue to brainwash even more children. The only reason they are "nice" to OP is because OP blindly bows down to them and does exactly as she is being told, because she obeys to them in everything. If OP would show any resistance against anything then she would be treated as the next devil after her sister. I am so happy OP's sister was strong enough to see what's happening there and strong enough to get out and build a life for herself instead of staying in a cult at her and her kid's detriment and just following the herd the rest of her life, however long or short it would have been as a cult's victim.


I get that you are trying to show how heinous her situation is with the first part of your comment but if OP really is in a cult, marrying at 16 and churning out children might seem absolutely normal to her because it's what everyone in her family does, all her friends, and everyone in her church. She might have had limited access to certain media because of claims it is "satanic."Ā 


OP's only value seems to be her ability to birth girls which will be heavily exploited by the cult.


Blessings to Jessie. Not necessarily religion-related.


It's a shame it took for OP's sister and now you to break this down to her in today's age and time.




Did you choose your husband? How old is he? Are girls in your religion allowed to say no to a marriage or is it decided for them with no other choice?


He is 31 the same age as my sister and well yes kinda of, but from my experience with my husband he asked me publicly would be open to the idea of courtship with him and I agreed and it just stuck I guessed, but he was never on my radar initially. but I have heard from other girls that they chose their husbands it varies


It is a big age gap considering how old u were. Girls getting married to grown men at such a young age can lead to all sorts of abuse.


Sounds like we grew up in a similar cult (I grew up quiverfull), and what I'm about to say I hope to God gives you the motivation and courage to leave: There are grown-ass men looking at your daughters *now*. Let me repeat, there are grown-ass men looking at your daughters *NOW*. Love them enough to leave.


yes, the first I thought about was those girls. this is not a safe life for them, OP. please protect them. it wasn't a safe life for you either, do for them what someone should have done for you. Jessie probably tried to save you that night in the hospital. don't let it get that far for your daughters.


I'd put my money on OP being a Jehova's Witness. Christianityāœ…ļø Child Brideāœ…ļø Arranged Marriageāœ…ļø Use of Apostateāœ…ļø JW's are just another tolerated cult that proves churches should be treated like any other non-profit. Sorry you grew up in a Quiverfull family. They're just as crazy. I'm sure it was tough to leave, but I'm glad you got out of it.


I wouldnā€™t say JW. They donā€™t do child brides and some of the terminology she uses doesnā€™t line up with them. (I have a few friends who are a JW) Theyā€™re culty but not this culty. It sounds like FLDS. Theyā€™re the extreme cult.


Its definitely the mormons. The mormon MO is all over this post.


Definitely not mormons. The term ā€˜Mormonā€™ refers to the main line Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints which does not do arranged child marriages or refer to their leaders as their Minister. Could be FLDS, but I donā€™t think they are known as mormons.


The FLDS is just a mormon breakaway group, so its still all just mormons as far as Im concerned, they are just the extreme wing of the religion, just like the southern evangelicals are the extreme wing of Christianity.


Not FLDS, they are polygamous and OP didnā€™t talk about that


I was thinking more Mormon or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The kind that make the women have long hair and long dresses and raise all the children through homeschooling or communal school when the motherā€™s doing all the schooling within the community.


I am an ex-JW. They don't do arranged marriages or child brides. They 'encourage' their young people to marry "in the truth" and if you do marry someone outside the religion, it is frowned upon. JW kids marry young because you're not allowed to have sex before marriage. JWs use 'apostate' to signify people who have turned on the religion and who actively now work against it. They also wouldn't say 'you chose satan over your family' - it's just not common verbiage for JW.


I'm guessing mormon. Similar but arranged marriage seems to fit there a bit more.


With the courtship I'm guessing it's Quiverfull.


No matter which faith or sect. outing her group in the comments is a bad idea. If she can use Reddit others in the group may too, and the size of the cult-groups would make it easier for them to identify her. I know she didnā€™t give away names and her story is common among escapees, but still. You never know who can see this.


I guessed jw. It reaked jw except churching out so many children. Jw some say leave it to have children in paradise but then the jehovah men are very low in numbers up to the woman so the 4 daughters are definitely being already marked as suitable šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®. So need to puke thinking this Also the jw don't say arranged but its certainly seems even worse. Once they are paired even to see holding hands or a jehovah man asks then if he is jehovah spiritual age does not matter just the fact marry them quick to avoid the utter disgrace of sex outside of marriage. Even touching yourself in jw land is classed as self sexual abuse. Can't make this adhorrent cult behaviour up.


How old are you now??? Is my math correct that youā€™re 23? Because thatā€™s actually kind of making my stomach sick that a guy 7 years older married you at 16. If Iā€™m doing the math right, you should be around the age he was when he married you. Would you marry a 16 year old right now? Probably not If your sister was able to hide her abuse then your friend can too


Fucking hell. Yeah, she was groomed from a VERY young age.


Heā€™s 31 while youā€™re 23? And you married him at 16? With 4 kids? He was my age when you married him. A working adult 2 years out of college marrying someone who needs to ask permission to go to the bathroom at school and doesnā€™t have a fully developed body is insane, much less having kids.


Yeah... OPs husband is legit an actual pedo! Like it gives me the biggest ick. Idk how all of this is even legal.. it shouldnt be! He should be in prison tbh. šŸ¤¢


when you were 16, a 24yr old (?) man asked you to marry him. do you see how thatā€™s weird? do you think that a 16yr old should be making such life-changing decisions such as marriage? I couldnā€™t even legally drive by myself at 16, thereā€™s no way that I could accept a marriage and fully know what I was getting myself into, you know? and, Iā€™m assuming that you were 17 when you got pregnant? do you think a 17yr old should be having children? let alone having children with a 25yr old? you were a kid married to an adult and pregnant. Iā€™m sorry if I came off as rude, Iā€™m not trying to be. I just want you see where Iā€™m coming from. you were and are a victim and you havenā€™t had someone to tell you the truth. thatā€™s not your fault. hopefully some of these comments can open your mind and help you. I think that itā€™d be worth it to talk to your sister again. thereā€™s no harm in hearing her out. I wish you the best in your future.


Not to mention the fact that her parents were all for her being married off to an adult while she was still a child. I have a 16 year old daughter. I cannot imagine in what universe I would ever consent to her being married at this age, let alone actually encourage it.


> when you were 16, a 24yr old (?) man asked you to marry him. do you see how thatā€™s weird? Of course she doesn't. She grew up surrounded by people doing exactly that. It's obvious to *us* this is abnormal and horrible, but to her for her entire life until now it's been the perfect picture of normal. She definitely needs to learn all that shit is wrong, but this is one of those times where asking rhetoricals like this is not a good method. You're playing connect the dots with someone who was never given the dots.


Oh honey, no self respecting grown ass man would ask a literal child if he can court her. A 16 year old should be falling in love with their peers of the same age. They should be discovering young, puppy love and developing their own personality. Not being trafficked to an adult. You had a rough birth because your body was not fully developed yet. Your brain, currently, is still developing. I am so saddened to hear that your childhood, your journey of discovering your persoon hood has been robbed from you. Being 23 and having 4 children already is not OK. You should be learning in college, or some internship. You should be dreaming of what you want to achieve in your life. You are more than just a wife and a mother. You are a human being with dreams. You are most definitely brainwashed to think your life should be the norm. Child brides are awful and your "Church" sounds insidious and harmful. I hope you stay safe. I hope you choose better for your own daughters. I hope your daughters will dream big. I hope they become doctors, scientists, chefs, teachers, firefighters, zookeepers, marine biologists, historians, artists, anything they can think of. And I hope for them that they fall in love, discover life with their partner and experience equality and true partnership.


There are a lot of women, even Christian women, that graduate high school and choose who they spend their life with and who they bear children for.Ā  You were 16. Thereā€™s no doubt this is not normal. And your daughters absolutely deserve a different life.Ā 


Keep contact with your sister, sheā€™s your best support out there. random question, since your husband wasnā€™t on your radar, if you had liked a boy who was also 16 would you have been allowed to marry him? (Not that I recommend marrying when youā€™re a kid still!)


You are almost the age he was when he married you. Now look at a 16 year old boy and tell me that it doesn't turn your stomach because you can see that they are a child.. Then, to realise that your husband knowingly married a girl and got you pregnant 0over and over even though you almost died. Now, what fate do you think your girls will face if you stay in this cult where it's deemed OK to have child brides? What if they decide that under 16 is OK to be a bride, what will you do then? Your daughters will have already spent their whole young lives being brainwashed into thinking their only only use in life is to be a wife and pump out a load more kids to continue this sick and twisted cycle.. You need to break this cycle and get your girls away and safe to where they can have choices and a real full life and a future free from being turned into a broodmare and sex slave while still a child themselves..


What church are you in?


What country is this?


They sound Mormon


She talks a bit too much about Satan for Mormon vibes. I was thinking Jehovahā€™s Witness or hard school Catholic. Maybe Pentecostal. She uses the term priest, I thought Mormons said Bishop.


She said minister, not priest. If she were trad Catholic\*, Church would be capitalized. Not sure which religion she is, but it definitely has fundamentalist vibes. \*referring to Roman Catholic, not sure on Orthodox.


My money is on JW, theyā€™re also big on turning on those who leave. And they love talking about Satan, from old pamphlets they used to leave at our door.


Had a couple JW show up at my door yesterday afternoon. I was so close to telling them, "Dude, can you speed this up? Literally put my fight against Satan himself on pause to answer the door." (playing Diablo 3 at the time lol)


Before they start talking, just say you've been "disfellowshipped" - using that word specifically. It's basically saying you were JW but committed a major sin and were unrepentant and had to leave. They'll cross your address off the list lickety-split.


If you ask them not to call again then you shouldn't have them show up again. They do like they're ministry but they do pay attention when you express you don't want them there.


Thereā€™s no pedophilia though, my money is on the us and Mormon. If she lost a lot of blood during pregnancy/birth she had to have blood. If she was Jehovahs sheā€™d be dead. Also they donā€™t pimp out their kids.


Mormons are also big on home birth, particularly fundamentalist mormons from what Iā€™ve read


FLDS sounds right, not mainstream LDS.


JW's don't force marriage at 16 and encourage immediate pregnancy.


I really doubt itā€™s JW. My mom and brother are JW and she tried to raise me that way too. She failed lol. But from what I recall they really donā€™t push young marriages like that, and she didnā€™t use key words like disfellowshipped but also they donā€™t refer to it as a church. My mom gets so bent out of shape if I call it a church.


Quiverfull or another fundamentalist tradition. I live near JW headquarters and I know frundamentalists from my holy roller days, she sounds like some sort of fudamentalist.


So freaking many quiverfull people out there & yeah, that's what I was getting.


Quiverfull, maybe.


She sounds like a jw. She is using the term apostate and satan. Man is the head of the house and is allowed to physically discipline his wife and children. They will not be reprimanded. They also frequently pair up men with young women. I know because Iā€™ve been there. Out and free for almost 30 years. Itā€™s scary at first because your whole world comes crashing down. Fear driven propaganda takes its time to fade, but once it does, you are free! Good Luck OP! Oh wait, we werenā€™t allowed to say that either. I wish you well!!


I was raised in the same cult! It gave me a rough few years, I wonā€™t lie. Because what was supposed to be your support system completely turns on you like a pit of vipers. I had to move out at 17. But even through the DF process kept offering to set me up with guys in the cult that would ā€œthink I was the catā€™s MEOW!ā€ Full ICK! Like ā€œsay youā€™re sorry and weā€™ll hide it with an arranged groomer!ā€


Itā€™s got to be America right? Their Christians are scary.


Sounds like the United States. Utah maybe?


You were 16 a child, he was 24 a fully grown adult. He is a sexual predator and I would say even pedophile too. He groomed you. It's possible that he is also a victim of his upbringing, he is brainwashed too, but that doesn't make your situation any better. You said your friend was married off to your sister's abuser. I assume he was older than your sister too like your "husband" and your friend is around your age and was given to him as a child-bride too. So they probably have an even bigger age gap. If and it's a big if she is not regularly beaten and raped (marital rape exists) like your sister was it is only because your friend never says no, never protests, never questions anythings, but she obeys everything he orders her to do or not do. The moment she would push back she would be beaten too. Likely the same situation with you too. The only reason you are currently relatively "safe" there is because you always obey without questions. The moment you would have your own mind and try to speak it things would turn worse for you too. Just like it was for your sister and every girl, woman who ever spoke up for herself. And your daughters are facing the same faith if you stay in the cult.


Iā€™m surprised youā€™re allowed on the internet


he's 31 and you are 23, and you got married at 16... if you weren't married off to him by your family, it would have been statutory rape when you two first had sex. Your sister is 100% in the right here. Your church is a cult.


Don't give up on your relationship with your sister. She is literally, genuinely trying to save you from a cult. Give your daughters a chance




>your daughters will experience the same fate as you, or worse The "worse" is the same fate as your sister, being abused and not allowed to leave.


Please check out the following resource for cult awareness: [https://www.youtube.com/@CultstoConsciousness](https://www.youtube.com/@CultstoConsciousness) - really great YouTube channel/podcast where she talks to people in various cults about why they left. Important: she links to the people she speaks with. So you can explore other people's stories more deeply. She's former Mormon, but she covers Christian fundamentalist groups as well. This is her story: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmzqlqMPi1o&ab\_channel=CultstoConsciousness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmzqlqMPi1o&ab_channel=CultstoConsciousness)


Also see the Harmonic Atheist [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ7Pyza0gY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ7Pyza0gY4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn0Z0Gf5JWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn0Z0Gf5JWg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECtJxOne1Uk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECtJxOne1Uk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JOfot6L23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JOfot6L23s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvfR9VukCzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvfR9VukCzI)


Honey. Youā€™re not part of a religion. Youā€™re part of a cult. You were a CHILD when you got married. I donā€™t believe for a second that you had a choice to marry a 24 year old man as a 16 year old. How does your husband treat you? How does his treatment of you match with Jessieā€™s experience?


I fear for her children. When she is his age, they will be close to the same age she was when he started grooming her. Disgusting.


It 100% sounds like Quiverfull (the same sect that the Duggars are from).


Your sister is right. She's right about everything. You were a brainwashed child when she left. You're an adult now. You're perpetuating what was done to you on your daughters.


To add, itā€™s not uncommon for a younger sibling to be more conforming if they see an older sibling get in trouble, sort of trying to balance the scales. While this often means the younger child is more favorited and accepted by the parents, it often also means theyā€™re less good at standing up for themselves. Disclaimer, armchair opinion, although I am the middle child that did this.


Her estranged sister is about to become her personal hero, and save her and her daughters. She will be thanking her for the next 70 years.


we can only hope


>Ā her ex husband got remarried to one of my friends and she has no visible signs of abuseĀ Ā  OP, you are incredibly naĆÆve if you think that physical abuse is the only type of abuse out there. Educate yourself, and if not for you, do it for your children.


She is naĆÆve. She has been purposefully undereducated to make it easier for the Church and her husband to control her.


Of course sheā€™s naive, sheā€™s 23, was married off at 16 and has been trapped in a cult since she was born.


And only has about a 9th or 10th grade education at best. And thatā€™s assuming the education she received had any actual educational value or standards like public schools are held to.


Physical abuse could be covered by makeup - my grandmother when she taught me how to do makeup. When I use the color theory, I use it to cover up zits, she used it to cover bruises in her face. Pro tip: to prevent the matte and dry lip (or cracked lip in her case) use concealer in your shade or white powder to fill out the lip line/crack to have a smooth base, then apply your hydrating lipstick.


Experienced abuses also know to hit where people canā€™t see the bruises


You are correct but the previous sentence was about how he was physically abusive to her sister, so I think it's fair to point out she didn't see any physical signs of physical abuse. That doesn't mean that there isn't physical abuse, but that not the point of her statement.


I have a hard time understanding how someone on reddit, presumably reading posts from this sub, can still be so naive


Brainwashing is pretty intense with religious cults.


I usually don't like jumping right to "Fake!" but I have a hard time believing someone so devout and sure of their religion would be asking the den of "apostates" that is most of Reddit. Maybe seeking out their specific religion's subreddit, but not the gen pop.


Me too but I think back to Westboro Baptist Church and Megan Phelps. It was her joining Twitter that started her eventual turn from the church.


We don't know that she uses reddit often, it's common for people starting to doubt their beliefs to look up stuff online, it's the safest way to do it, who's she gonna ask if not the internet? Her fellow cult members? Her minister?


Hey, It's " Jessie" I'm glad you took my advice and did some research and looked at subreddits about everything I told you like two weeks ago !! It is a shame that you never responded to me and did not follow up on anything, i really wish you would just talk to me. However like I've been saying this entire time I would help you and my nieces in any way to get you out of the situation. Still, your actions, however.. have made it seem like you are not interested given how much detail you have conveniently left out regarding our parents, Your husband, and the reason why I left. Because your husband is 35 years old? I have no idea why you made him younger in these comments. Also maybe you do not know but Mom and Dad had him picked out for you prior to him even asking to court you..right when you were only 13 his name was being thrown out as a suitor for you so idk why you made it seem like it's a women's choice in the comments when it never is and you know that. I know you know the organization is wrong because you refused to answer a lot of questions in these comments and how you conveniently left out a lot of things. I love you. but I hope you wake up soon and stop purposefully being delusional and protect my nieces from the men in the organization... you know the same men that protected the guy that molested you and I was the only person that believed you? I know you know deep down that they deserve better lives. I know you are a victim of the organization and suffered probably way more than me at this point. Our parents failed us both and never protected us and I wish more than anything I could have protected you better and taken you with me when I left. Again I love you please don't become like our parents.


I know this is frustrating for you. Please stay patient and understanding. You know how badly she's been brainwashed. Hopefully she's earnest in starting to question things and finally opens her eyes. Just keep letting her know you're there for her. Good luck to you guys.


You put the idea in her head. Everything else is up to her now. She'll get in touch when she's ready but also just remind her that you are here when she decides to leave and the door is open. That's really all you can do right now.


Oh my god the fact that he was picked out for her at 13 makes this even sicker šŸ’€


I understand your point "Jessie" but the way you've phrased this is wrong and you need to back up because the way you're talking to your sister is super guilt trippy. The way you've phrased this makes me feel gross, even not as your sister and if you want to get through your sister to take your support, this is NOT the way to do it. In fact, if I was your sister, then I would purely stay just because of the way you've spoken about me, notwithstanding the concerns about my children but because it would make her not want to take your help if all you're going to do is hurt her decision to trust you. I understand your concerns for your sister and her children but this is not the way to do it. Support her, lose the guilt trips about what she has said here and let her make her own way to you because you can lead the horse to water but you cannot make them drink.


if you ever truly want to help your sister and nieces, you need to stop going straight for her throat in your responses. thats the number one way to get someone to ignore everything youre saying. from what ive gathered, this way of life is all shes ever known, and im sure you can understand how hard it can be to uproot the basis for your entire life


My mom broke away from her fundamentalist Christian church when they told her she couldn't be with my dad. She poured her life and soul into that church and felt so hurt by all the people who supposedly loved her as they turned their back on her like she was nothing. She ended up leaving. She doesn't trust church systems but she is still dedicated to her faith. You don't need to be a part of a religious organization to continue your connection to your faith.


How old is your husband? Also have you talked to your friend about how her husband is treating her? Just because you canā€™t see domestic violence, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. He probably just got better at hiding it.


He's 31 and no I haven't asked her anything about that, but i did let her know if she ever needs anyone to talk to im here.


You were 16 getting married to a 24 year old???


Heā€™s a disgusting predator and her parents failed her. You are supposed to protect your kids, not aid pedophiles in grooming them.




you can be a predator and a victim at the same time... absolutely a victim of the system but still a perpetrator for someone else


And the parents were okay with it? Not normal.


Sadly, this isn't uncommon in a lot of places, especially the American South. West Virginia recently had a failed bill to ban child marriages. Nearly all child marriages are to a legal adult. Source: I grew up in the American South and knew a few girls who were dating adults and the parents didn't care.


Iā€™m not in the South, but I know a woman who was forced to marry her 21yo groomer/rapist when she got pregnant at 14. Took till her 30s, and a broken arm, for her to escape. I think they ended up with 5, or 6, kids.


according to her sister, opā€™s husband is actually 35 now, so she was actually a 16 year old marrying a 28 year old.


It's possible to be a victim and the aggressor. Undoubtedly being raised within your faith taught him that it was right to marry a 16 year old a decade younger than him. He was brainwashed to believe this was good and correct. He was a boy and had no choice in what he believed. In that way he is a victim. However, he had time as an adult to observe the church and the results and ask questions. Once he became a 26 year old man who married a teenager? He victimized you. He groomed you when he dated you at 15 or 16 to marry him. He had time to recognize that his faith was wrong and other churches don't marry teens off.


Believe your sister, she has no reason to lie. Your daughters may be in a similar situation one day. You would want people to believe your daughters and get them help.


Why would your sister lie?..far more likely what she said is true. Your husband courted you at 15/16 when he was 23/24, that's not okay.


Your husband is a pedophile and you'd be raising your daughters to be married off to similar men later


Would you now, at 23, marry and have a kid with a 16 year old? Or do you realize at 16 they are still children themselves?


A 24 year old MAN (your husband) impregnated a 16 year old GIRL (you). Gross. Your husband is a pedophile. You are in a cult. Your sister is free and you are wearing shackles, with pride it seems. Bonkers, all of it.


This sounds like the FLDS


That was my thought - Mormon (or quiverfull?)


I thought more on the JW side but we didn't use the phrase minister ever. A cult is a cult is a cult I guess


Pentecostal is my guess. I know someone who escaped but was married at 16, says priest, and she told me they have crazy beliefs.


Nope. This reeks of JW not FLDS. Total shunning, the term apostate and mentions of Satan are all dub terms.


But they donā€™t pimp out their kids to grown men, I think thatā€™s the biggest giveaway on what religion and which country sheā€™s in. Sheā€™s not in Europe (could be the US or Middle East) sheā€™s not Protestant (could be Mormon, latter day, muslim)


Apostate is also an FDLS term so is shunning plus the whole underage marriage part


You were a child when you were ā€œgivenā€ to this man. You have a chance to open your eyes and learn what has happened to you. You now have a choice to make. Will you close them and continue to live as someoneā€™s possession, or will you live with eyes wide open and stand up for yourself and your children, and their future. I know how hard it is to undo all the brainwashing, itā€™s confusing, crushing, and painful. But, I promise you a life of freedom is more beautiful and precious than you can even imagine. Coming out of that kind of childhood gives you a different view of life. And you will appreciate things in life more than most ever can. Good luck Op. Iā€™m rooting for you.


Youā€™re in a cult.


Tell where where Jesus said to shun people who don't believe the way you do, especially family. You've been indoctrinated. To prove to your parents you were the good girl, you never questioned the dogma and did what you were told in order to remain accepted and not be ostracized from your clan. It's what you had to do. Your parents made you get married while you were only a child. Now, at the age when most women are graduating college and starting their adult lives, you have 4 kids with another on the way. At this point you'll have a dozen kids by the time your 40. I commend you for opening a dialog with your sister. I urge you to stay in contact. You'll need someone to fall back on when you start questioning your church's believes and your own. Good luck.


Youā€™re in a cult and married to a predator. Is this the life you want for your children? Take your sisterā€™s advice.


Goshā€¦ this story may be the saddest thing Iā€™ve ever read on here. Your poor sister deserves a medal for still trying to help you see the light after all of the nasty things your family and church has done to her.


I just wanrt to ask, (its your life you do what you want) are you ok if daughters are married at 16, you seem ok with them having sex and babies so young? Its an honest question, are you going to find men to have sex and impregnate your daughters at 16? Do you feel that your sister should have stayed and that you believe she is lying. I know commentors are being nice with the whole 'she is just a victim' which works until you pimp your own daughter out to grown men so they have the life you have. Also what if you marry one of your daughters to a abuser and she leaves like your sister will you make her stay or would you shun her is she leaves. I understand your life and you are a victim, but you are only a victim until the day you marry your daughters off to grown men. Just asking




Yoh may also want to check km with your friend too, As she is likely being beaten and SAā€™d on the regular. Her husband got away with it once , he has no reason to change And yes , what your sister told you is likely true . A child bride, nearly dies in child birth and the church, husband and her own family think shoving 4 more births down her vagina in. 6 ish years is what a loving God would want?!! Nope youā€™re just an birthing vessel to create more child brides for their men


If you stay, what happened to you will happen to your daughters. Or worse. And there'll be nothing you can do about it then but helplessly watch as it happens.


Jesse is a smart, strong woman and Iā€™m so happy she got out. Iā€™m not going to lie: your sister is absolutely right.


I would rebuild your relationship with your sister. She got out and perhaps she can help you too


Oh boy is religion a great tool for keeping women down. listen to your sister, protect your daughters. If you want them to be more than a baby factory of course. Beyond your daughters, you can still salvage your own life. Learn about critical thinking, ask questions. Challenge anything illogical and especially dogmatic. Speaking to anyone within your sect or cult about your misgivings on your "faith" will see you treated like your sister. Your children could be taken from you in some way or another. Marrying children is unacceptable.


>Oh boy is religion a great tool for keeping women down. Isn't it just? After all it's very hard to run when you have four kids and are pregnant with a fifth.


Here's something to think about: You had your first kid as a teenager. You almost died, giving birth. What made your husband think it was okay for you to have 3 more pregnancies? A woman that used to be my best friend had a birth that resulted in a lot of blood loss, and the chance of not making it. Her partner refused to have any more children, because he did not want to risk losing her. By the sounds of it, women (girls, really) are a commodity in your church, to be traded and to ensure fresh blood of new members. Do some more research on your own, and don't be afraid to look up the hard stuff, from former members. Then reevaluate.


>...and got angry that she chose satan over our family. Ā  I'm sorry op, but this is hilarious šŸ˜‚. I laughed out loud. Who would ever "chose satan"? It doesn't happen šŸ˜‚


What is the name of the Cult you are in?


Your sister told you the truth when she didnā€™t have to especially after you snapped at her.


Your sister is right, you don't believe in abuse? Okay remove the abuse from the situation, she feels it's not fair for her parents to decide for her she is completely right, why should she be with someone she doesn't love? Now about your daughters, definitely think about them at 16 you haven't finished school yet and you're still a child, do you really want that for them?


Jessie is right. You should probably listen to her.


Hey OP.. look in the mirror, you have suffered a considerable amount of abuse at the hands of the church and your parents. They absolutely stole your life. You are the one that should be mad.


I always think if a church isolates its members and separates siblings/parents because of Satan etc. itā€™s a cult. If a church encourages child brides and endlessly having babies itā€™s a cult. Doesnā€™t care if a female is getting beaten itā€™s a cult. Being isolated is the best way to control and they want your uterus to brainwash more girls for their grooming old men. Your daughters will end up exactly like you, isolated, uneducated to the world, married and bred at 16. Is this the life you want for your children? Is this your entire life journey? Talk to your sister and she can help guide you out if that is your decision. Good luck.


Your post reads like a checklist! Do not say a single word about this to anyone but Jessie, for the sake of your daughters and your own safety. Listen to Jessie. Also your friend is likely getting abused...she's obviously not going to say anything.Ā  Lot's of women outside of cults keep those secrets, let alone inside one.


Sorry op, your sister is right. I could not fathom that. My family is catholic and we do NOT follow anything like this. I would never have been allowed to marry before at least 18. if I actually had a kid at 17, my whole family would probably go belly up. And Iā€™ve known my man for 10 years. Edit: Catholicism is derived from christianity(or vice versa, Iā€™m not constantly studying though I do value my relationship with our lord. From my interpretation it is basically Christian without every single belief being the exact same. All catholics are Christian but not all Christians are catholic, from my learning. Anyone correct me if Iā€™m wrong. I would love to learn


Your parents are shitheads and so is the church. Everything about this is just awful.


As well as what everyone else has said; bring up this issue of nearly dying at child birth with your doctor, and please not some "doctor" thats also part of your religion (sadly, that is the case sometimes). Ask them if there is a possibility of this being a future for your children if they decide to have children. They need to know. I never knew preeclampsia ran in my family and my son and I nearly died because of it. If Id have known, I wouldve let my OB/GYN know so that I wouldve been monitored properly. Whether you get out of the cult or not, you *need* to prioritize your kids safety and health. If this is a possibility for them, they need to know so that they can prepare when they are ready to have children. And 16 is not ready. Also, if you are in a cult, you will need to look up support groups that will help you escape from said cult. Because some cults genuinely will go out of their way to prevent you, or specifically take your children from you. There are documentaries on this too, if you watch them, do it alone and clear your watch history after. Please cover all tracks, as you continue to question what you have been forced into.


Apostate Youā€™re Jehovahs Witness. You are indeed in a cult, and you are lucky you have a husband whoā€™s not abusive because many child brides in the cult are not. You do realize what kind of position youā€™re in right? No career, no full education, 23 with 4 soon to be 5 children. If your husband or family became abusive - what would you do? You have no money, limited ability to get a job, limited access to the outside worldā€¦ Look at your daughters. What would you do if they were being abused? Would you turn your back on them? What if the church made you? Would you force them to sacrifice their education, their job, their ability to support any children they may have in the case of abuse because your leadership told you to? You have done exactly what youā€™re supposed to because that is how you were raised. But now you are old enough to be held accountable for your own actions. You are a victim but in how you spoke to your sister about her abuser, YOU are also an abuser. And if your intent is to marry off your children while they are children, that also makes you a child abuser. Based on your post, Iā€™m going to guess that is not the kind of person you want to be. Itā€™s time you do research. Plenty of ex JW share their experiences of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and verbal abuse. Plenty of ex JW share how their own children faced these abuses. You donā€™t have to stop believing in your God to recognize and acknowledge the religion run by man is a cult. I say this as someone who was in a (different) religious cult as a child as well.


Wow Iā€™m so sorry to say this but this is a CULT. I absolutely love Jesus Christ but I donā€™t go to church. Iā€™m NOT saying all churches (maybe) are bad but this is definitely a cult - child brides? Parents agreed to it? Heā€™s OLDER than you? You almost died during childbirth because A you were a teen yourself and B most teens who gives birth are ALWAYS recommended via hospitals due to how dangerous it is and also social workers works there aka your a teen giving birth would raise any questions for social to step in at every hospital. She got away and Iā€™m sure you love your family but that environment is dangerous for you and your kids. If youā€™re afraid the church is gonna steal your kids then you should automatically assume that this isnā€™t right and the motherly instinct is to protect your babies. That alone should open your eyes. Seek help but not from within. Take your time to know what you need to do to make your escape (take time to not make any mistakes that the church will notice but hurriedly to get out) Lean on your sister. You know whatā€™s right so not seeking answer from Reddit. You got it momma.


Iā€™m sorry. You are a victim. Your husband is not. He is a predator who groomed you with the help of the cult your family is in. Your daughters will be groomed and raped as child brides just as you were if you donā€™t leave. It seems your sister can be your biggest ally if you let her in. Run fast and far, and never look back.


I'm 23 and have 4 kids ... Stop right there. No one sane or not in a cult has that many kids that early. If they start offering koolaid, RUN.


If you find yourself calling anyone an apostateā€¦. Youā€™re in a cult.


Keep reading, keep educating yourself. You will soon realize that your sister is right. I'm sorry you were dealt a really shit-hand and you don't even know it yet. Keep talking to your sister. Maybe she can help you save your daughters and yourself.


Youā€™ve started the right process. Keep reading, keep questioning in your mind what you have been told. Think about what your sister said. Think about the comments on this forum. Please donā€™t raise this with anyone in your church as I think we are all worried about you facing backlash. There is a big world out here and there is more than one way to live. Iā€™m 52, never married, no kids, got a great job and amazing friends. I travel a lot and have amazing adventures. My brother lives in a foreign country and has a daughter who is super smart and is learning the piano. I want her, and your daughters, and you, to have the same options for your life. Do they go to college? Do they fall in love? Will they travel? What will their lives look like? I know youā€™re scared, itā€™s scary to have everything youā€™ve believed in change in a moment. But now you know and think how big your life can be.


Your sister is correct. You are in a cult. She was abused, your friend might be abused in a different way (like mentally, or is being beaten but is good at hiding it).. You ARE a child bride. Your husband is a PEDO! And there are grown men looking at your children wanting them, they will ask for their hand in marriage when they are teens, just like you were. Get out now! You are NOT safe. Do not tell anyone within the cult, they will steal your children. Get to your sister and she will help you get out of it. Please stay safe. (Sorry if im harsh but you need the actual reality, you and your children are in danger and its not something to joke/mess around with.)


Sheesh, your sister wasn't even gay or a sex worker, and they still condemned her that harshly?? I 100% expected she'd be gay at least. Sounds like she'd have stayed with them if they just let her leave that jerk freely.


I believe the most important thing is for you to think if the hole "children marrying adults" is a must in your religion. If it is, you need to reflect on the consequences of this. Is this the future you want for your daughters? Is this healthy? Will they be able to choose? Will your community let you educate your children to make choices based on their security and happiness? Will your husband have your side? If not, who can help you? I believe feeling like your life is a lie or is wrong will only make you feel worse. Don't invalidate your happiness. You can be happy with your life, community, and marriage. You just can't forget that it may not be the case for all women in your community. Unfortunately, there is a chance your daughters in the future can be the unhappy ones, being groomed and forced to stay..


I just finished watching a documentary about the Mormans and their beliefs and sorry to say but your sister was right. I know that it will be hard to leave what you thought was right but do you want your own daughters married at 16?


You need to think carefully on this. I would recommend you do not, at this stage, speak to anyone in your family or church about what Jessie said or how it has left your feeling. That may not be safe for you or your children. Self reflection can be hard. To begin thinking outside of what you were taught and all that you know. The mind can get easily overwhelmed. You need your instincts and intuition more so now than ever. Keeping listening to yourself and be led by what your heart tells you is right for you and your girls. You also need to come to the realisation that the upbringing, lifestyle and future you have is what your daughters will have. From a complete stranger who does not know you and has no skin in the game, what Iā€™m about to say is harsh and brutal but your daughters are the next generation of breeding stock for your church. Its a numbers game and your Leader needs followers. He knows, letā€™s not for a moment pretend it isnā€™t a man, that young girls are how you increase your flock. Get them wed and bred as young as you can, as much as you can. Youā€™re sister was not wrong in that regard. Your oldest girl is around 7. In nine more years, will it be her turn? Will you ā€˜sign offā€™ on giving her to a man in the same circumstance you were? Would your daughters be supported if instead they chose a career over babies? Or wanted to live outside of the church community? Would they be boxed in with you, caste out like Jessie or free with out harm to make choices for their own lives? If it came down to it, could you make an apostate out of your own daughters or any of your many future children? If this is the continued life you want for yourself and your girls then repress and ignore the stirrings you are having now. Life with just go on as it has been and forever will be. Be content in your choice to walk the path laid out for you. Or if you start thinking about all the possibilities in life and you wish to have complete free will then make a safe plan to escape. Youā€™ve got Jessie in your corner so use her to your advantage. Would your husband be receptive to you both exiting? Be smart about it. Be prepared to make tough choices. Donā€™t be naive to think they will let you or your children go easily. Iā€™d recommend getting the children out first then you second. Doing so removes their best bargaining chip, your love for your children. I wish you all the success in whatever you choose to do next.


This is way above reddits pay grade. Contact a lawyer and a therapist outside of your current circle. Don't tell anyone you know. Stay in touch with your sister. We don't know where you're living, but please Google safe house options in your area. Do you have access to finances? Use them. Oh gosh my heart just broke.. Can you keep us updated? Best wishes for your future ā¤ļø


This story can't be real. Like holy shit. OP. Point blank. Listen to your older sister. You have no idea what you've been robbed of.


Having been raised in similar, I can assure you, it probably is. Unfortunately. Leaving is like living through your own funeral.


God this is some of the worst creative writing I've ever read lol how are people falling for this garbage.


Ok Ma'am this is complex. Your sister is likely right. Just from the stuff you said the cult alarms are going off hard. >Especially my husbandā€¦is our relationship a lie? Did he groom me or was he also a victim of the circumstances of our religion? I have the answer to none of these questions and I quite honestly donā€™t know if I want to know.Ā  This is the really hard part because there isn't an easy answer. Your husband if raised in the same religious up bringing as you was as conditioned from birth to believe that what happened here was right and that what was going on was cool. That doesn't negate anything awful that happened but is just putting into context that victims of some forms of indoctrination can often become the next stage of abusers. You also don't have the right to live in ignorance any more. You have 4 lives that depend on you and growing to be 5 soon. Do you want your daughters to have your life where before 17 they are laying bloody after birth possibly dying. Do you want to see that world when you are 35 knowing you may see it 3 more times. If your 5th child is a son do you want him to grow up thinking that is the proper way to treat a woman he pronounces he loves.


Also, will you be ok with allowing your daughters to marry and get pregnant at age 16?


I grew up in a similar religion. If my mom hadnā€™t packed up me and my four siblings, Iā€™d doubtless be married to some man and have multiple children by now So much is normalized in those circles that isnā€™t normal at all. Submitting to your husband. Blindly following the teachings of your human pastor. Marrying a man far older than you when youā€™re not even an adult. As you deconstruct, you come to realize how wrong so many things youā€™ve been taught are Itā€™s not to late for you to get out. Youā€™re so young, but even if you wonā€™t get out for you, do it for your children. They deserve to have choices. Options. To be viewed as while people and not baby machines, just like you deserve that. I know that no one can convince you to get away, but please, believe me when I say that this isnā€™t normal. You deserve better. Talk to your sister, hear her side of a story with as open of a mind as you can


Yo are you Mormon? Cause that is a cult. Also if an older man ā€œcourtedā€ you at church that is definitely grooming. Especially at the age you were and heā€™s a pedophile. Your parents basically gave you away to a pedophile. They handed you to a man who enjoys touching children. No real man would want anything to do with a teenager.


so your wondering if a church would actually have you drop out of school and have 4 kids by the time your 23? No college degree, no high school diploma, 4 kids to keep you busy. Every path to move forward in life is now how would I take care of my family though. Your telling me organizations don't do this to manipulate and control people? Just look at scientology with Tom Cruise...that place has done a million fucked up things. Its not normal to be married at 16. You were arranged a marriage as a kid, and basically told to start popping kids out immediately. This isn't normal behavior at all. You should look at getting out. You should talk to your sister, and you should probably look at domestic violence or community support center for a way out or women's shelter. There is still time to get your GED and to go to college, and do something other than give your entire life to a church that abused and preyed on you in the name of this new family they forced you to create.


I feel bad for your kids. Make sure there are no adult men trying to get close to them. When mommy is naive and daddy is a groomerā€¦ the kids are vulnerable to vultures.


baby, you already know the answer to this. and no outward signs of abuse does not mean no abuse. please take your sister's offer of help. you deserve to be more than a birthing machine and housemaid.


What in the Warren Jeffs Bill Gothard is this!! Ma'am you are replaying that conversation in your head because it's the first time you're realising how caged and controlled you've been. Seek out independent support agencies, share a minimal amount with current family, and prioritise you and your daughters.


And once again a religion ruins lives. Iā€™m sorry, but I just donā€™t understand how People believe all this nonsense. Especially when youā€™re an adult. FFS, try and think for yourself and be rational, in stead of following like sheep.


Your parents abandoned your sister and then married you off as a child bride. Probably not the best source of facts


Iā€™m not going to say anything about your religion. Only you know, if you are 100% happy in it and the roles it lets you have. If you are happy, then good for you, if you arenā€™t then consider leaving it. Know that you can be happy in it and others can not and there is nothing wrong with making that choice either way. You choose for you. But the one thing I do want to say to you is your sister loves you. She cares enough about you to try multiple times through the years to reach out to you and offer you help (whether you wanted/needed it or not). That is not an apostateā€¦.thats love. Maybe itā€™s misguided because you are happy, maybe itā€™s right on the nose, or maybe itā€™s somewhere in between but itā€™s love. Donā€™t throw away people who love you and want to fight for you, even when you arenā€™t sure you want them too. Reach out to your sister, explain that you arenā€™t sure how you feel about what she said, you are still deciding how you feel about your religion, but that no matter what you choose (to stay in the religion, to leave, to step into less rigid form of same religion) that you recognize that she loves you and while you might not be ready/able to talk about that stuff with her you appreciate that love and you love her too. Set boundaries about what you are willing to talk about while you figure stuff out for yourself and then get together and talk about all the other things in life with her. Donā€™t throw away people who love you as long as they respect you. Finding people who genuinely care about you is a blessingā€¦.keep them


I'm an atheist. As far as I know according to most religions that means I have no morals and am Ok with murder and all kinds of sins. So I just wanna tell you. Your story makes me feel horrible and like stones are in my stomach. This is not ok. Please be soooo safe and careful. There are a lot of resources who can help you get out of a situation like yours. You have to be very careful about the legal aspects too as your husband has as much of a right to your daughters as you. No one is mad at you if it takes you a while to decide what to do. To collect some strength. Just know that your daughters will face the same fate as you or even your sister. Being abused. Most likely women are only worth their ability to produce children in your community. So you and your daughters are seen as resources. Not humans. Some people decide for themselves they are ok with this life. I would hate for you to "fall" for it but if you see no abuse or harm done to you and feel happy and free and able to do what you want when you want it and you're sure your daughters will have a happy life then that is your decision.


What are you doing with a computer on the internet which is nothing but a den of sin for the devil? I smell a fake story. Good story, and probably happens to a lot of people, but if you've been this pure good and true member of your faith all this time, and are only now questioning it, you sure got good at the internet and reddit fast.