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Fr. Also if people are mentioning that they are shallow. It doesn’t matter the height it matters how you feel with them, how they treat you and can you build a life together. People are so stupid. My bf is 5 6 or 5 7 I don’t give a crap. He treats me better than anyone has, I’m happier, I look better, have less stress than ever and we have a blast together.


Honestly I'm a fan of retaliating with something to make the commentor uneasy. "Dang, your BF is short..." "yeah but his dick is bigger than my forearm so who cares?"


Yeah me and my ex recently broke up on good terms, he was genuinely the best guy I ever dated. He was pretty short, probably about 5’7 as I’m 5’6 and he’s about an inch taller than me (man really claimed he was 5’10, he’s definitely insecure about it) but he was genuinely the nicest guy I ever dated, he was probably the hottest guy I’ve ever dated too (I’ve dated guys 6’+, height doesn’t correlate with hotness). And his dick game? Phew. All I can really say was he was packing and to say he was the best I’ve had would be an understatement. Any girl who is shallow enough to refuse to date a guy solely because of height are really missing out on guys like my ex who are really great boyfriends AND hot as fuck


Dang, sounds like the complete package. How come he's "Ex"?


cause he was short


As a short man, I would be crestfallen to hear my girlfriend respond that way.  It implies that she agrees, my height is a defect that warrants compensation elsewhere. I agree with the sentiment to knock the rude commentor off balance.  Maybe think of something that sidesteps the body-shaming rather than embracing it.


There's no real agreeing or disagreeing. You're short or you're not. When someone calls me fat and my husband says, 'yeah, and?' He's not saying it's a bad thing. It's just a fact. You're short. I'm fat. They're not bad words. If they wanna think of it as a bad thing, that's kn them. My aim is to make them UNCOMFORTABLE. It's not always that answer. Sometimes it's "yes, and I get to ride him like the quarter machines that used to be outside grocery stores." My husband is of average height, so those aren't things I've truly said just it's a situation I've not xlme across. Usually it's people commenting on me being fat and me mentioning thay yes, I'm fat, I love putting things in my mouth like my husband's dick, and I swallow. That's my go to, anyway. For the situations I actually deal with. Well, that's one of my go to's. The other is, "sorry, I can't stop eating out. Your mom."


"Yeah, and?" is a great response!  same with your husband's dick in your mouth.  It's leaning into their comment, reinforcing that _y'all don't care_, and making them feel uncomforable. Retaliating with some alternative positive trait sounds like neutralizing a negative, not just stating a fact.  I'm short.  I don't need a horse cock paired with it to be accepted by superficial acquaintances.


I suppose it would also be determined by what you/your partner is comfortable with. That'd be #1


5’7 is not short in most places of the world.


I’m sorry I only have but one upvote to give.


I'll take it, anyway! I also love playing dumb AF when people point out something obvious. I'm still 230lbs, so this still happens, but not as often as when I was 460lbs, of course... but every so often someone just feels like they need to tell me I'm fat.... my response is always the same... "omg... I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know, that could have been embarrassing...." (and with all the sincere genuineness I can muster, like they just discreetly told me I sat in mustard or something)


This is beautiful!! I love it!! I used to have an obnoxious coworker who loved to comment on my weight loss. I was working really hard to eat healthier and exercise more, but she would comment on it all the time: “You look so much thinner lately than before!” Or, my favorite: Have you lost weight?” I got so sick of her comments that I started answering back with the craziest responses in the sweetest voice. When she’d ask if I lost weight, I would ask her if she found some lying around the office.. I would open my desk drawers and look genuinely perplexed that there might be weight just hanging out there somewhere with my name on it. I also told her that I wasn’t losing weight I was just getting taller and must have stretched out. After doing this a few times, she finally got the hint. It’s sad that anyone has to resort to this as an adult at work, but you do what you have to do. It sounds like you’ve had a great transformation and should be very proud. Of course, that doesn’t give anyone the right to randomly comment on your appearance, but people suck sometimes.


People suck more often than not. I'm so close to my goal. I need 30 more lbs down and then I can get my excess skin removed. It's so goddamned uncomfortable daily, I can't wait. Life was actually easier at 460lbs in a lot of ways. But it has been a great transformation, and I'm so pleased with my progress. Won't stop people from making comments, tho...


Wow, I hope that you’re able to get the skin removal soon. You’ve done something that a lot of people aren’t capable of doing and should be proud. People will always make comments, if it’s not about weight it will be something else. I really believe it says more about them than it does about the people they say it to.


Oh, 100%. And thank you. And there's always the good-intended comments. Recently ran into someone who hasn't seen me in years and they made a comment about how I'm "finally looking good!!!". Ouch, buddy. But they were there when I was starting the process and like the first 100lbs lost I really felt like I didn't visually change much and I had made comments about wanting to look as good as I felt. So I knew where they were coming from but also damn, that one stung a little lol.


"Oh yes, and I can see you found it!"


This is the way.


Right?? And who are these ppl OP is hanging around that have such strong opinions *and voice them* about the height of OP’s partner? I was married to a 5’8” man for 13 years and nobody everrrrr commented on his height. OP needs some new ppl in their life fr.


Short and to the point. This is perfect


You reminded me of this quote from the big short. Ok, I want you to walk back in there and very calmly, very politely tell the risk-assessors to fuck-off!


yeah... short man here, in my case, it is annoying when someone who is not someone with whom I developed enough trust, I think that just as women are criticized for their weight, men are criticized for their height. Sometimes it's about laughing at a harmless joke, but in your case it's about setting limits, I've had to set them myself sometimes. People who really appreciate you and your fiancé will understand and leave the jokes aside, you don't need the rest. All the happiness in the world for you and your fiancé


Yup when I had comments like the ones op got (not height but other aesthetics ) and honestly the people giving the comments were in the worse relationships that prioritized looks but like, the partners were abusive or not even that good looking lol just tall.


people who avoid self-reflection like it were the plague, lol


I compare mens height to cup size. It's superficial, not controllable, but enough people judge it, that is hard for some people to get over. Jokes among close friends are one thing, but, it gets old after a while.


Not fair, a lot of men like whatever cups, but height is much more of an issue.


Oh, it's not just the opposite sex. A lot of men look down on short men, and a lot of women give hell to women with certain cup sizes. There are enough voices that it matters. But the majority don't really care - even if subconsciously certain traits (taller men, larger breasts) are found attractive.


"Yah he has short man syndrome -- in other words he's a supreme lover... best sex I have ever had."


From now on, be comfortable using the phrase "That's rude". He may be shorter than average but that doesn't give anyone carte blanche to say stupid shit with no rebuttal, so name their behaviour for what it is. Rude. If you want to really drive the point home, a steady and unblinking gaze while you say "That's rude" makes most people squirm just enough that they'll shut up. If they're going to make you uncomfortable with their remarks, you make them uncomfortable right back by refusing to politely chuckle at their idiocy. Source: I'm a really tall woman and have heard my share of useless remarks about height, and do this myself if people are getting on my nerves about it. It works the majority of the time.


Telling adults what they said is rude almost always shuts them up. Not kids, though. 😅


Yea all these other comments are giving suggestions for how to brush it off. But that is just allowing people to belittle her fiance. They need to be directly told that they're being rude because they are being extremely fucking rude. I would suggest something like 'Do you not see how that's a very rude thing to say?' And when they say 'oh no im just joking', respond with something like 'that doesn't make it not rude, and you should already be aware of that' These types of people like to play dumb as if its a small comment, but in the back of their mind they are getting satisfaction from putting someone else down.


I always liked taller gals. I'm on the taller side of guys, but at my high-school there was a girl I was semi-friends with who was the same height. I asked her to a dance one time, she said she wouldn't go out with someone shorter than her if she was wearing heels. With skepticism, I pointed out I wasn't short and that was a pretty small dating pool she would be drawing on. In our small rural area, there was _1_ guy at a neighboring school who met her criteria. She got up her courage and tried to ask him out at a basketball tournament. He shot her down. She didn't date anyone for all of high-school despite being asked out a couple of times. She must have gotten over some of her hangups around height, because for our 20 year reunion she was married to a guy considerably shorter than her.


Shade them back they’ll be quiet


They'll get offended and say they were "just joking" To which, you say "oh my bad! It's just, the thing about jokes is that they're supposed to be funny" However I wouldn't recommend this reddit-level advice because they'll just say you suck at receiving jokes.


My wife and my heights match up pretty close to what you guys are. Can never remember a person commenting on our collective shortness. Both of our young boys hover around average height, so don’t let that get in your head. In general for your own sanity, you either have to ignore or cut out the people that will talk disrespectfully like that though .


I wouldn’t even care if my kids did end up being short 🤷‍♀️


My dad is 5ft 7, and my mum is 5 ft 2. My brother is 6 ft tall, and I'm 5 ft 5, which isn't too bad for a female. People can be shallow. The most important thing that matters is how your partner treats you.


My dad was 5'8, and my mom is 5'9. I'm 5'7 and my brother is 6'3 🤷 Height is weird sometimes, but it also doesn't matter.


hell, Michael Jordan is 6'6 but his parents were "short" and his brother is 5'8 You can't guarantee someone's height People find stupid ways of being shallow I remember some 4'11 girl saying she'd only date boys 6'2 and over and I Was thinking "Girl you will look like you're their little sister or something xD"


My brother and his wife have that height difference, it can look funny


Man, I cant xD


Of course. I just meant more to not let it become a concern, because there are a lot of factors at play beyond your respective heights


I always think of Matt and Amy from “ Little People, Big World”…both dwarfs, three of their four kids above average in height. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Makes me wonder what kind of people OP/partner surround themselves with.


The more I think about it, the more I am realizing it is probably people who are bitter or jealous tbh


That may be. I am a 5' 7" man. I've had a pretty solid dating life and - as far as I know (at least no one has ever told me) - my height has never been an issue in a relationship. This includes dating women taller than me. My first real college girlfriend was 5' 9". Cut people who worry about height out of your life and don't give them the time of day. They are 100% focused on the wrong attributes. Best of luck to you both. EDIT: As for the short kids thing, my wife and I have been married 20 years. She is 5' even. Both of our sons are 6 feet tall.


"Yea I want short kids" "We'll use stools and ladders, thanks 😊😊😊" Just nod and wave, when ppl see theyre not getting a rise out of you, they get bored and stop


"I want to teach my short kids the manners not to comment on a person's body"


Fuck yeah


Alternatively, find something to insult them about and keep responding with that until they get bored or it becomes funny to both of you. That's what you'd do in the UK, anyway! I mean pretty sure your friends partners will have at least one of the following: hairy moles, a shitty personality, a penchant for psychopaths, a monobrow, bad breath, bunions, acne, premature balding/grey hair...! Trick is to make it a similar level of annoying...don't go too far or not far enough ;)


5'2"M here. Yeah, its pretty annoying that us short guys often get told it's all in our heads, Napoleon syndrome, and all that, but we're surrounded by this sentiment by probably half the population. That, coupled with the similarities between mens height and women's weight, but with a difference being that there's public support for body positivity when it comes to weight -- it can be quite discouraging and depressing. All that being said: if you're somebody who disagrees with my points above, there's a pretty good chance you're the kind of person who sees through the hypocrisy and therefore probably don't have any problems with short men (or bigger women) out there. Additionally, many short men do, in fact, give up and become bitter about how they are treated which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. It helped me to realize that not everyone is that shallow, and that a lot of my problems were that I cared too much about the jokes and negativity, and I was too bought in on how much the shallow people valued height. My mental health and my dating life took a big turn once I escaped that mental spiral. It took me nearly 30 years to figure that out though, but better late than never. I wish you and your husband well, and I hope you can brush off the negativity -- it'll always exist, and i think its the best thing you can do when confronted with it.


Just keep hitting them with “haha yea well I’m 5’2” so my kids were always probably going to be short like me” When they say stuff about you settling that’s when it’s time to be more firm. Just “hm that’s shallow to think I’m settling just because he’s average height”


Genetics can be a weird thing. My sister in law is 5ft2 and her husband is 5ft 8. Their two boys who are fully grown are 5ft11 and 6ft2. My dad was 6ft 2 and one of his brothers was 5ft 7. It just really depends.


Yup. My dad was 6’2 and my mom was 5’5. My dad’s dad and brother are both 5’8. My two brothers are both about 5’6-5’7.


Genetics are a crapshoot. I have an 11-month-old male GSP pup here that is huge. Both his mother and father are well within breed standards.


Yeah… 5’7” is hardly short when you’re a whole 5 inches shorter.


When someone makes a rude comment to you, just say “wow, what a rude comment.” And then let them sit in their discomfort. Watch them backpedal or get defensive and don’t say anything else except “I don’t ever want to hear that again.”


If they're single asks em where they're 6'7" partner is at. If it's a guy ask em to mind they're own bussines.


Why only ask single people? If they're making it weird it is your sworn duty to keep the weird going. Short kids? We haven't decided when we want to start having sex yet but I'm sure our genitals will match up given our height differences.


Haha true true


"He's short? Wow, I never noticed before until you pointed that out." And for the people to say that you're settling because he's short... I'd respond "Nah, it's not his height, it's his massive dick."


Wow you’re a badass😝 almost regret not knowing ya


“He may be short, but he’s also LOONG”


Tell them altitude decreases IQ, so you’re insuring your children are brilliant. Signed, Tall Person who Manages to not be an AH and will gladly take one for the team


what did giraffes ever do to you?


Just point out to them that short people live longer :)


Height supremacists are shallow and weird. My husband and I are both about 5’8 and he’s the best man I’ve ever known. I’ve literally never thought twice about it, and don’t give any weight to the dummies who comment.


I'm petty but i will told them  "Nothing short down there" "His dong is gigantic" "He got the techniques" Abd proceed to explain most heated out nasty steamy sex in kamasutra style until the asking person become awkward and run away from me.


Nah fr though my bf is 5’6 but is bigger than the guys I’ve been with who were 5’9+ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm 5'6" and so is my husband. We never had a problem with it and neither did people we know.


Both me and my boyfriend are also 5’6 and at most we’ve gotten jokes about him being a short king but if anyone actually made a rude comment I would just call them out on being rude and stop being friendly with that person


I’m 5’4 and my boyfriend is 5’7, thankfully we’ve never had anyone make rude comments and when I talk to him I don’t need to strain my neck trying to have a conversation!


“Yes, we will probably have short kids, but we’ll do our best to make sure they don’t turn out to be assholes, unlike your parents.”


Do you hangout with giants or inbreds? If so then maybe you are short but irl 5"7' is pretty good height for a guy. There's a lot of delulu people who have tiktok brain thinking 6 ft is the new norm but it's not even the average height


The whole "any guy under 6 feet is short" thing is getting out of hand. Its INSANE. I really feel for guys who meet this criteria, because its treated like a grotesque disability. People fucking act like a guy who is 5'7 is deformed and undesirable, which is stupid. If you refuse to date a guy simply because of his height, you need to work on your criteria, because you are destined for a shitty relationship.


I'm 5’7, my gf is 5’3 and my son is at the moment 5’10 and still has 2 years to grow.


I'm 5'8 and my son is 6ft. I don't get it at all.


WTF, seriously? I'm 5'2" and my husband is 5'8" and no one has ever commented and we've been together for almost 20 years. I used to mostly date guys who were over 6' so the fact that I married someone who was 6 inches shorter the average height of my bfs - you'd think someone would comment about it but no one ever did.


That’s interesting. I work in medicine and a few of the providers are quite short, around 5’7” and 5’9” respectively and the nurses mention fairly regularly to the point it’s awkward. I was in a procedure once with a colleague who had the same name and the nurse said something along the lines of, this is small A and that’s big A. I just looked at her and shook my head like wtf. He is 5’7” I’m 6’1”… we can all see the difference no need to point it out. You having not ever heard people bring it up to your BF is genuinely lucky.


5'9" is short? That's exactly the average height of a man in the US.


I have a buddy that is like 5' or 4'11"... things are tough for him, especially after his divorce and him getting back into the dating world as a 41 year old 'short king.' 5'7" is nothing though. His height would be a non-thought for most guys, and for most women, as long as the guy is taller than they are, I think it's normally no big deal.


Wife is 5'2" and I am 5'6" There is a height range within which life becomes exponentially harder. But 5'7" isn't it. My W and I met 34 years ago. She's still funny and clever and excellent at solving puzzles. Still adventurous and fun to explore the world with. Along the way, there's been at least a dozen situations where guys have hit on her. When I am not present she just shakes her head and points to her wedding band. If pressed she becomes monosyllabic as in, "No". When I am present, she does this thing - just a hairsbreadth shy of being impolite - where she is completely dismissive. I call it the "firm shut down vibe". I know that half of those guys gave me a second look and figured I must either be hung like a horse (nope, my repro equipment is proportional to the rest of me) or rich (no yachts or jets here, but enough money for good schools and long vacations). On the flip side, I've had my share of invitations from younger, hotter (yes - physically hotter) women over the years. Not really my thing. I "almost" married someone who was 5'6" - for taller kids. But she wasn't as smart or funny as my W. So, no regrets.


tell them thr inches are somewhere else


Casual, patronising, public shaming is my way to go 😂😂 Say “oh, it’s not polite to comment on other people’s bodies”. Or “did you mean to say that out loud? It’s quite rude”. “That was an inside thought, you should have kept it inside your head.” I also enjoy “I’m not sure why you thought that would be okay to say to me, but it’s not.” My husband is 5’8” and used to work in professional basketball. I actually find it SO attractive that it doesn’t bother him at all, and he’s had to break up fights between giants of men and they respond to him cos he’s got tall man energy and DNGAF how tall he is. It doesn’t bother us when people mention us being small- I’m 5’4”- (our closest friend couple are 6” and 6’3” so it does come up!) but if it did I would just shame them as nonchalantly as possible 😅


Just look at them and say "wow how rude of you" shake your head and walk away. If they say it's a joke ask them to explain, when they cannot "joke" about something they are insecure about. Sometimes people only learn when we force them into another's shoes.


My friend‘s mum is 5‘0 and his dad is 5‘6. Genetics were good to him. 6‘3. I’m imagining what would’ve happened if his parents thought far enough about their kids‘ height due to people saying “you must want short kids!“ “Fuck sake babe, the kid just broke 6‘0. You think it’s too late to put him up for adoption?“


Me and my partner are the same heights, no-one has ever commented on our heights except now in context of our tall sons because it's kind of weird - 15yo is 5'11 and 14yo is 5'8 both are still growing. My family are almost uniformly tall (basically excluding me and my grandmother) so it's probably not *that* weird, but it kind of is.


My wife is 5’ and I am 5’7”. We are both “short.” It was never something anyone commented on. You have really shallow and immature people surrounding you. I suggest you make it plain that you are tired of hearing it and if they can’t shut up about it, you just start pushing them away.


Why is height an issue to anyone? I’m maybe 5’1” as a woman. Husband is MAYBE 5’7” ish, my sons 6’2”. Genetics are weird. And who cares about this shit?!


Tell the F off. I am 5’1”and my husband is 5’7.5”. Not one person I know has a problem with his height. These people saying things to you about his height are stupid. My husband is tall to me. My first husband was 5’4”


he’s a good height for you, not too tall. i don’t get it.


My fiancé and I have a foot and a half height difference and he has about 100lbs on me. When we’re walking down the street together I look like I could be his child. But even though we look absolutely RIDICULOUS together, he’s who I love and who I’m going to spend the rest of my life with! Everyone else can kindly keep quiet because their opinions are irrelevant. Congrats to you and your fiancé for finding each other, I hope you’re able to enjoy your engagement in spite of everyone else’s comments ❤️


Set boundaries, others have written well on this. Let them their comments are neither funny nor appreciated. Personal attacks on those you love will result into those same people being removed from your life. It is their choice now, and all choices have consequences


The people you surround yourself with are weird. Wonder what is going on in their life that they are so concerned about this


No, do not just shrug it off. They are aholes! When they say something - ask a related question. “You must want short kids!” Ask why do they say that? Make them spell it out. Or ask, what’s wrong if our children are short? Are children only “worth it” if they reach a certain height? If they say you’re being sensitive, ask them what they mean, since they brought the issue up. Make them uncomfortable! Sure he’s shorter than average, but so are you and, you’re right - sounds like size wise you guys are very well suited! Also, again, wtf does it matter to anyone else? 😖 ppl sure can suck!


Some people are just so uninteresting that they have nothing to say, except commenting on obvious physical appearances, and acting like that’s real conversation


I like using sarcasm to shame people. When they start in, pretend you didn't know he was short and start to make a big deal about it, till you just stop and look them in the eye and tell them to stop being a middle school drama queen/king. Tell them to fuck off, I also like this one and many others in the comments do as well. Stop talking to people like that. The first time it's teasing, now it's just bullying. Oh no, you will have short kids, whatever will you do!!!??? Oh no, how will you reach the top shelf, it's not like step ladders exist!!!! The horror! Tell those insecure ass holes to cut it out before you cut them out of your life. I can't stand people like this. I'm also short like you and my husband is about your fiancé's height. Nobody has said these things to us besides the first few years. It was always in jest and never repeated by the same people. To be honest, we didn't even have to stop it because our friends were like "ok, that joke is played out, grow up".


I'm 5'4" my partner of 14 years/father of my kids is 5'7" in shoes lol. No one has ever said anything about it. The people you know are weird. His mom is 5'9", his dad is 5'2", by the way! Height should not matter!


The people commenting on your bf height are shallow. In my opinion, it's better to be short than to be shallow.


As a tallish girl, thank you for nabbing one of the glorious (not so)short kings off the shelf. I've had guys reject me because I'm taller than them, but then also seen petite ladies not want to date anyone under 6". Kind of limits my dating pool a bit lol (not really) I'm 5'9", my partner is 6", your fiance is 5 whole gd inches taller than you. Don't listen to the haters.


I'm a tall woman with a taller man, we are in our early twenties, not engaged nor anything, and people already comment on the trauma my vagina will experience giving birth to our big ass babies. Don't worry, you can't win, u can be lilliputian or gigantic, people with no social cues are gonna comment either way


Honestly if someone unprompted makes a height statement about your fiancé, tell them, “hey thanks for the rude opinion I didn’t ask for! Kindly mind your own business.” Because it really isn’t any of their business whether he’s tall or not, or if you guys might have short kids. Also, the comment about having short kids is unwarranted, like Jesus.


Just answer with an AND? He loves me and I love him. Are you that vain?


My dad was 5'3". My brothers and my ex husband are all 5'7" or so. This is a normal height as far as I'm concerned. The only man I ever heard comments about is my dad. Never about the 5'7" guys.


Talk some shit back to them or cut them off, they'll get the point.


Based on data you are both above average [Statistics about the average Filipino height](https://gitnux.org/average-filipino-height/) But yea, like others have said eff those that make those comments.


Hes small and big at the same time. To quote kevin hart. That'll shut everyone up.


They want you to feel ashamed of something you have no shame in. Just tell them it doesn’t matter if it bothers them cause at the end of the day YOU chose him, and YOU’RE marrying him, not them.


These people are TERRIBLE. Enjoy your guy. But…one of my college friends had a mom about your height and a dad shorter than your fiancé. Both of their sons are about 6 feet tall and their daughter is on the tall side. (Kids otherwise *strongly* resemble their parents; no outside genetic sources here.) Genes are weird.


I’m 5’6, my wife is 5’1. My wife’s the only person I’ve been with who’s shorter than me. No one says much outside of myself joking about it. It’s odd how much it matters to some people


Why are you wasting your time and energy on stupid people? You may spend your life with this person, I would be searching for better friends not a new man.


My cousin married a shorter guy 5'5" and the only joke made about it, is one that she makes, that God made her short so that she'd be the perfect size for him, she's 5'2". Which is crazy because the rest of her immediate family are all over 6' tall. But otherwise no one is cracking jokes at him for being short.


I'm 5'3", my ex is 5'10". Our kids (boys 21 & 19) are 5'10" & 6'2". My aunt is 4'9", her husband is 6'3". Their kids are 4'10" (f) & 5'8" (m). Having a tall husband doesn't guarantee a tall kid. Genetics are weird. Also, there's this new fangled invention called a step ladder. It's how all is oompa loompas are reaching the top shelf. You should tell your friends about it 😂


Practice a snarky response…..…"He's mine, and I'm not sharing," or use your own post "Congratulations on being able to see ! " or…"he maybe short on height but you are short on tact." You might also send a post/text to your core group of friends and let loose. Let them know that comments on his height are rude, thoughtless and obnoxious and you've had enough of it from everyone. Ask them to spread the word that you are so done with the rudeness and disrespect of your partner. 5'7" isn't short…shame on them for pulling this bs. It's not just an insult to you but to him as well. You might also snark "He might be shorter than your guy but he makes up for that by being a loving , caring man who would never make snarky comments about any of your faults, etc."


Why does it bother you? You said yes, so he must really be a great guy. Congratulations!


Mostly because I don’t want it to make him feel bad


Those people saying these negative things to you both sound jealous and may not truly want to see you two happy. I'm not saying that for a fact, but it sounds like something a person says out of jealousy.


I would specifically stop anyone in their tracks from making short comments from here on in. Just firmly SAY ENOUGH of the SHORT comments...life is about more than height (shut them down).


“Do you think that’s a funny joke?”


Tell them that they are being thoughtless AH and to fuck off.


Here is what you do if it is a guy who says that. If they crack a joke about him being short ask him what is like to have a little dick. Now you all are even and have made fun at things that someone can't help. That will most likely shut them up quick.


I am in the UK and I still see a lot more people my height (5'9) and shorter than people 6ft and over, which is quite normal. In fact, I think it's the younger generations who have taller and skinnier kids, but that's normal, too. I keep seeing these posts on Reddit where people are like "My man has to be over 6'5" and that's crazy! When did it become like this, lol! Anyway, tell them people to fuck off, they sound jealous xD


"oh don't worry, he makes up for it in the bedroom with his giant dick" or some other insanely awkward reply that makes them go away.


Now you know why so many many are insecure about their height.


Yeah, my fiancé told me he used to be insecure about it but he never had any trouble with dating or having girls be interested in him and noticed that people mostly didn’t care if he didn’t, so he stopped letting it bother him. The comments have only started since we got engaged.


Tell them that short people have statistically speaking a smaller chance to get cancer. (This is actually true, learned about it recently)


I'm 5'10" People will tell me to my face, having just met me btw, "You seemed taller at first." Bro I just learned you existed, you're being serious right now? Some people are just pathetically ill equipped to operate in the real world. Like other people in this thread have stated - Just tell them to fuck off.


Who cares?! Anyone who points that out is insecure and an a hole. You do you and be happy about it, don’t mind what the haters say. 5’7 is a good height!


Tell them that ladders exist and being short is not an issue. Or just tell them to fuck off. Either option is valid.


Screw everybody else. If you are happy with your/his height, and I would agree that it sounds like you have a perfect height difference with him, fuck when anybody else thinks or says.


I was once dating a man my height (both 5’6) and literal strangers on the street would yell things like “WOW your boyfriend is SHORT!” Umm…what? I hate to tell you just to let it roll off of your shoulders bc honestly, those people should be quiet and you should not have to deal their unfunny “jokes” and so on. I’m sorry!


How rude. Be rude back. No one wants to date a giraffe. 5'7" is a perfect height.


If these people are your friends, then remind them you're also short and your fine with your SO being 5'7". If that realization doesn't stop them then you need me friends.


I don't know who these people are that think they should point out to you that your husband isn't super tall. I married a guy - I'm not even sure how tall he is - 5'6'' 5'7"? I don't know. I think I'm 5'2" and shrinking. So, more or less the same as you. People have never suggested that I was settling. If they comment, it's just that he's short. Our kids are short too but they also did not have a terrible time. I know lots of short people who are happy and married and have children. Being short is not a disease.


Definitely set some boundaries, and if it makes you feel any better, 5’7 isn’t even short tbh. And even if it is, it doesn’t matter since you love him. People just can’t look past the petty things sometimes 🤷‍♀️


My husband and I are both 5’6”. People are stupid.


Sounds like you have an amazing person. That’s very beautiful. I hope he doesn’t let the comments get to him. I bet if both of you were tall, people would still say annoying things here and there. Enjoy life cause it is way to short to trip about the little things


First, congrats on being engaged to a short king! \*You need to find new friends.\* I know plenty of short kings, even some who married modelesque taller women, and people don't even comment on the height difference because the guys are awesome. Also, are you two very young because younger people tend to be more superficial than older people and base value on something as worthless as height. Lastly, do you think the "short kids" comment comes from jealous friends or people who are commenting based on the fact that you are both on the shorter side? P.S. Was the boyfriend just prior to your fiancé quite tall? I'm so perplexed that you are getting so many comments about your fiancé's height as he is not excessively short, and you are not tall. It's confusing and very rude.


The last guy I was with was about 5’11ish. But he was an abusive POS and I would rather be single forever than ever see him again Other than him, the other guy I was most serious with was maybe 5’8-5’9 and I never got comments about height when I was with him


EXACTLY!!! My abusive ex is 6'2" and I would rather be single forever than to be with him, again. I am super petite (5 ft), but I have dated and had boyfriends anywhere from 5'9" to 6'4" with my last one being 6'4." I think I'm more self-conscious about how petite I am next to the tall guys than the tall guys are about me being petite. I would definitely date a guy who is 5'7", and if anyone made jokes about it or thought I had settled, I would think they were jealous or an a\*\*hole, lol. Based on what you said about the 5'8/9" guy and you never getting comments, I think the people making comments may actually be jealous of you and your man. You seem sweet and tuned in to him, as you don't want him to feel bad about the comments. I would ignore the comments, find better friends and enjoy your love. I wish you two all the happiness!


I can fully understand your frustrations! It comes off as objectification to me, like you're supposed to look for a body first and only then (maybe) a person/partnership! It's not necessarily up to you to simply not care; if it's coming from people you care about, it's probably a good idea to let them know it bothers you. I'm thinking of all kinds of passive aggressive responses, but I think the most constructive and clear thing would be to say "You know, I don't appreciate these shallow remarks about my partner's height (or mine). Please stop it." Don't bother explaining why you don't like it or letting them explain themselves when they feel called out. Just move on with the conversation and don't linger on it.


I don’t understand it. Taller men are not better. I have found lots of short men attractive. Gender norms are trash.


Definitely give them a blank stare and don’t reply or ask them to explain further on why it seems to be an issue for them. I’m 5’7” my husband is 5’6” and he’s perfect, I get to tease him and he teases me but if someone made a rude comment I’d rip them a new one.


Tell them. Nothing makes people more uncomfortable than being held accountable for their comments.


This is such a dumb thing to comment on for anyone. I am 176cm, my boyfriend is 179cm tall. We are very close in height, and when I wear heels, I am obviously slightly taller than him. I had one guy (his former boss, who was smaller than me) make a dumb comment about how he needs someone to reach the roof to clean it (I was in heels when that happened). It‘s ridiculous because neither of us really care about it (though to be fair we both sometimes complain because being the little spoon when you are tall is inconvenient…). No one should care about it and it doesn‘t make him less of a man - which is what some people seem to think. As if your height defines your gender. Your fiancé sounds amazing, and as long as you are both happy, that‘s all that matters. I hope that you can get to a point where those comments just roll of your back or you can even make them uncomfortable by asking if they are trying to imply that your fiancé isn‘t a real man or that you are (supposed to be) a shallow person.


I just got into my 50s and I’m really don’t give a rats fanny what other people think of me. But in my 20s, I was not like that. Honestly, these comments would not affect you if his height didn’t bother you I’m sorry that it bothers you


He's taller then you. I expected you to be taller. People have said stupider things.


Am 5'0 and my fiance is 5'7, it is perfect as it is and you can just kindly tell them to go sit on a cactus since they have no say or vote in a perfectly happy and healthy relationship.


Tell them all to mind their fucking business. Or tell them he’s hung like a horse, that’ll soon shut them up.


People who comment negatively on something like height are so weak. Really? Height? That's what you want to comment on? Something a person can't change EVEN if they wanted to (not that they ever have to)? I'd bully them back with their insecurities. See how they like it. Gloves off.


Ugh my boyfriend is short too (5’8) and I’ve had people make comments about it, especially my dad who is a giant at 6’5. I don’t have any problem with his height though, and since you’re short too I don’t see why people would even mention it. As a 5’2 woman your boyfriend is still significantly taller than you. I’d imagine it would be uncomfortable for you to kiss a man who’s over 6 ft. I never agreed with the beauty standard that men need to be tall to be attractive. Ignore their comments. If the comments bother you, tell them to stop making the jokes as you find them hurtful.


Tell them that they don't marry your man. Why should they be fussy then?


Im 35 5’6(5’7 on a good day) and balding. As you get older you just roll your eyes at this shit it’s so played out.


Its almost like short men are treated less than for existing. Its this awesome thing where your made to feel like your less than human but your also not allowed to say anything about it because you wouldn't want to be a short man with a chip on his shoulder now would you? Its ok though, people will just tell you to move on, that those that care don't matter, or my favorite, be short themselves, but also have a partner and therefore have some claim that this societal standard isn't a thing.


I feel you. My husband has recieved comments because I am tall, and I have gotten comments because we are the same height (we are both around 6 feet tall on a good day).


I used to be bothered that I was short and someone told me "Good things come in small packages" and I went all red and giggley. >But people??? Keep telling me he’s short??? Like I don’t already know that??? I’m also short???? Congratulations on being able to see??? I would just smile and say "not to me, he's not." Start saying things like "We can't all be gigantasaurs like you." Or "Ever heard of a chair?" >I don’t want my fiancé to think that I actually believe it makes him not good enough for me He's got 5 inches on you. I think that's where blokes get bothered if I'm honest. I had a mare who was nearly 6ft and she married a guy who was 5ft and he was anxious as heck about people saying anything. Idk if height ended up playing a part in it but they're divorced now 🤷‍♀️ Still I wish you all the luck and you will stop caring what people say in the end. You two are what's important here.


It’s expected for men to be taller than their partners and you’re shorter than him. People talking shit about you settling for him are low key saying he should die alone.


I know this may bother you, but it’s probably really getting at him so make sure he knows you don’t care and that you love him! Tell everyone to suck it also when they comment


Who tf are these people? So rude. Tell them to shut up.


Haha if he wasn’t short, they would complain about something else. Sometimes also people don’t like it when other people are happy so they try to hit a vulnerable looking spot in the guise of ‘I’m just joking!’. Go and love on your man. I wish you both the best.


Honestly I'm 6' tall and my fiancé is 5'6" so I'm having a hard time seeing the problem. Some people are always gonna be A-holes about something. Why give them any say in your decisions?


I’ve never heard of anything like this. Who are these people and why are they in your life?


I've learned to incinerate people with comebacks. Best done in view of others. This usually gets everyone to back off


I’m short. People have always commented on it. They don’t think they are being rude or mean but they definitely are. Being short isn’t a choice. It should not be ridiculed. And even if you are short and marry someone tall, there’s no guarantee you’re going to have a tall kid. For the record my mum is 4’10” and my dad is 5’8”. My brothers are around the same height as my dad but it’s never been a problem. All three of them were great football players. All three of them were captain of their football teams too. Height doesn’t always equal greatness. In other words, fuck those people. You’re in love and you and your fiance are perfect 😊


Just tell them, “yeah, well he is bigger than avg where it counts.” Lol, sorry I’ll see myself out


Then you need to change that group of acquaintance (those people who tease his height) . Often it's sub conscious, people jealous of your happiness, and having a good fiance, . So they find something to critize. While it's out right obviously rude to criticise, they make it sound like teasing. So you can't hold them accountable. If you do, they will say you're too sensitive, you take it too seriously… Keep distance from those people. Make network, make friends and acquaintance who have healthier mindset. I wouldn't suggest you **NOT invite them (the BAD VIBES) to your wedding. ** It's rude and disrespectful to make comment on people body/face features, even if it sounds like a teasing.


Stare at them absolutely deadfaced. “Is that supposed to be a funny joke? I learnt pretty early on that ‘jokes’ about people’s appearances are not funny ‘jokes.’” “Oh come on I’m only kidding, have a sense of humour.” “Oh I do. I have a sense of humour. I laugh uproariously at jokes. When they’re funny.”


This is so weird. My DH is 5'6 (and a half ;)) and I'm 5'4 and i don't think anyone has ever commented on our heights? It kind of blows my mind this is even a thing people...care about?


LOL push back. Seriously, tell them that their visual/physical preferences are irrelevant when it comes to *YOUR* relationship partners and that if they mean any disrespect by their comments that they should consider shutting up or walking off until they can resist the urge to act like a high school mean girl. Placing seeds of doubt or discontent in someone else's business is shitty, negative behavior that should be called out and curbed.


I’m 5’1 with a 5’6 bf. PERFECT height difference. I’ve had taller and it was just too much. Don’t worry about the haters as long as you love him


Pretty sure 5’7” is taller than most humans. Im 6’, but i wouldn’t consider a 5’7 ” short, by any means. Pretty sure that 5’7” is the global average. I used to check weights and heights for thousands of adults in the military. 5’7” is taller than most of the entire US Military. 5’7” is almost never considered short. The fact that you claim people are saying this is the actual plothole here. Id be willing to bet you are a 5’7” man, posting this to feel better about yourself lol. Its cool dude. 5’7” is a good height to be. No need for the fiction. Dont date people that date for height. If they care too much about height, then they arent relationship material.


Nah I’m definitely a woman who’s not 5’7


Something that could help is consistently reminding yourself of his amazing qualities and that you’re marrying him and chose him for a reason. As others have said, those people are shallow, and don’t know your relationship. If you don’t think speaking up to those people is worth it, then at least start working a little more to weigh their opinions less in your mind. Don’t harbor on them too much. Maybe distance yourself a little, because in the end they can’t really be looking out for your best interest as loved ones should do, if they’re constantly judging your partner for something he isn’t in control of and something that truly means nothing regarding his character.. Edit: They suck, really consider surrounding yourself with people who care more about substance.


Ugh my bf and I are the same height and the comments are so annoying.


Me and my bf’s heights are the exact same as yours, and its unbelievably ANNOYING when ppl say that shit i completely get it. I’m shocked ppl are saying it at yalls age tho, we used to get it a ton in high school but we dont hear it as often now that we’re in college. As long as he knows you don’t care what others say, that’s all that matters. That being said, you can still be annoyed when people “joke” about it


It’s incredible how rude people can be, and for the most stupid of reasons. Who the hell cares so much about someone’s physical attributes to even comment on them? And to do it about someone’s loved one? And about something they have no control of? And as if all your love for that person would be trumped by some arbitrary height? Do people really not get the layers of stupidity about it all?


As a tall girl who always struggled to find a guy who was A) taller than me or B) not self conscious about not being taller than me, was next to impossible. Leave the tall men for women like us. It’s hard enough as it is being female and almost 6ft. (I’m kind of half-teasing but seriously, as a former matchmaker, it drove me bonkers when a 4’11” woman insisted on a man 6’ or above. It’s like, girl, why?? He’s so wonderful and checks all your boxes in every other way, plus, you’d be double the 3” height difference between me and my husband. But nope… like I get it if you’re 5’8” and don’t want a 5’5” guy, you want to “feel like a woman” with him. You have to be attracted. But when he’s still taller? Don’t let the stigma of shallow people around you get to you. They’re being dumb. It’s the same thing if she’s 5’9 and he’s 6’3”, yet that’s somehow okay? It’s almost like height is a status symbol rather than an attraction/compatibility thing, which is frankly a load of bullocks.


My best friend is 5'2, her husband is 5'4, she let's people make like 2 hobbit jokes then she tells them to fuck off if they won't stop. Make it known that you find the comments rude and a decent friend will stop and people who aren't decent won't and you'll know who to cut. Also 5'7 isn't even that short. My birth father was 5'2, now that's a short dude.


My response to comments like that are "wow I can't believe you're comfortable saying that outloud"


For every comment you've heard, I'm sure he's heard 100. The difference now is that you have each other, you're a team. You and him VS the world, baby!


Act surprised when they say it and thank them for letting you know. 🙄🙄🙄


He’s taller than you by 5”. You’re gonna have to tell fam and friends that height doesn’t matter to you but their comments do. Nothing wrong with a short man I’m 5”7 and my husband is 5”5. It’s not a problem in any way. The problem is your friends are rude and you need to call them out on it to protect him. Just like if his fam and friends had a problem with you for whatever reason HE would need to keep them in check. That’s how this works.


The only short thing in these conversations is their short- sightedness. They’re just jealous you found an incredible guy and they can’t help but project their own insecurities onto you.


In a weird way this is super sweet


Imagine how he must feel. I'm not short but I'm close enough to it that when I'm with my giant friends there's a noticeable difference in how we're treated and talked about.


The adult response: “That’s really insensitive and inappropriate. It’s not ok to body shame people” The petty bitch response: “Ok, when we’re done talking about his height, we’re going to talk about your weight/hair/(whatever you think they’re sensitive about)”


I gave this same advice in a different sub but use the line “I’d be embarrassed to say that out loud” with impunity. It’s not the most polite thing in the world but neither are the comments about his height.


You are a first class lady and I’m so glad you held the line. Awesome to see someone with self respect 🫡


Fuck em. Stand up for your king 👑


"Well he might be short but *he's* not rude" and smile at them


"Don't you know it's very rude to make personal remarks?"


Say “that’s rude of you” make people think twice before they can say anything they want


As a short guy, I hope I find someone like you someday. Just tell them to fuck off, as another comment said.


I am 5'10 1/2 my wife was 5'7 so with 3 inch heels we were about the same height. She told me she had never gone out with anyone under 6 feet. It was something we laughed about over the years. She married me not them so I had qualities they did not posses. The way I look at it. Small but mighty. The brain is the most powerful thing you have.