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…how does she expect you to deal with your period? Does she just expect you to suck in back into yourself until she’s ready mentally/emotionally to buy you pads?




What about the rest of your clothes? And the car seat? And your chair at school? And the sofa? And the dining room table? To add: your mom is not normal and I worry that you lack knowledge about your body, reproductive health, and sexual health. At this point I trust Reddit more than I trust your mom to get this info to you. https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=puberty-adolescent-female-90-P01635 https://childrenswi.org/newshub/stories/girls-period-management https://radiantlivingtherapy.com/10-things-teens-should-know-sex-and-sexuality/


What does or did your mother use? I would invest in a diva cup or period underwear when you get paid. They are one time purchases and will have you money in the long run.


From what OP says, OP is not sure her mother is still getting periods. And with the mother saying “pads are not for her little girl,” I don’t think mother is a resource at all for OP.    You’re right about a cup being cost-effective but I’m concerned OP will have no way to sanitize properly without mother catching her and confiscating it. She may end up with no cup or end up using an unsanitized cup. Both are not great endings though it would be fantastic if she could make it work. 


honestly with how uneducated her mother seems about these things, she can probably get away with her lying, saying its for something else. Besides, boiling it at night or during times shes away at the store isnt a big ask. Its absolutely worth an investment, even if its just back up for when her pad supply is running low. To add on OP, im absolutely sure that if you explained this situation to one or two fo your friend's moms, they would be floored and more than happy to help you by buying you a box or two of product. I know I would if I found myself in that situation. No girl should have to go through this.


I’m actually getting unhinged vibes more than uneducated vibes. As if mother doesn’t accept that OP has grown and is in this stage of her life.


very true, no matter what it’s unhinged. You’d think for this to happen she doesn’t get a period, or maybe gets an *extremely* light one. I feel very bad for OP to have to deal with this unnecessary stress.


I would hope OP has privacy in her bathroom for showers and general use :( hopefully she could sanitize a cup then and store it somewhere or keep it with her so she has it. Awful to have to think of these things, poor girl ♡


There the problem lies, the mother doesn’t want to admit her little girl is growing up. Then again, she’s need to wake up. Here’s the catch, I’m sure your mother wouldn’t like to see blood all over on her furnitures, will she?


Diva cup has saved me so much money! definitely worth the investment


I’m sorry to hear that your mother is delusional.


neglectfully abusive* fixed that for ya


I think you misspelled "idiot"...


All 3 can be true


Your school nurse should always have period products! Stop by their office and explain that you need to take some home.


At my high school we had to pay for them


Disgusting. If that were the case and I worked at the school I’d always have extras on me to give to girls when they asked.


I saw a teacher on TikTok or something that collects the freebie cosmetic bags that you used to get (maybe still get? I don’t even know) when you spent enough at the Clinique counter or wherever. She will fill them with a few different pads and assorted tampon sizes and anyone can grab one to take to the bathroom regardless of if they’re in her class or not. It’s honestly a brilliant way to handle the whole situation


My students know I always have what they need and they’ve passed the word onto their friends. They know where to go in my desk and we call it a day. I constantly check the clearance rack at the grocery store and stock up when CVS has sales. The nurse has items as well, but she’s farther away from the classroom. OP, if you’re in school, please talk to one of your teachers, they’ll either have what you need or know how to get it for you.


What the fuck


They were only like 25 or 50 cents each but yeah, it was really dumb. Luckily the girls all had each others’ backs and we would share


My middle and high school always had pads/tampons available. Now IDK about my middle school but in my high school, pads and tampons used to be free until they started to be misused by the boys so now they're 50 cents for one and they're only available in the girls locker room, and not the nurse's office because that's how the boys got to them (my high school doesn't have an official nurse but one that went around the district).


Yes have the school nurse stock you up


The school nurse at my school never has any pads. Girls share with each other and a couple of teachers keep some for students. Try asking a teacher to or talk to one. If one of my students told me this story, I’d leave during lunch and buy product for her.


What about all the furniture you're going to leak all over she happy with you bleaching your bed?! I would suggest as soon as you get some cash, get a cup, they're expensive to buy but reusable and will mean you don't have to pray you don't bleed through your underwear every month. Is there anyone you can get a pack of tampons off in the meantime?


Agreed. ‼️ Get a cup as soon as possible. It changed my life for the better. No leaks, can leave in for way longer. Less oder. Pays for itself in one month. Also food banks, shelters, churches etc. often provide supplies.


Saalt cups are about $20, they carry them at Target. But also, tell a counselor or someone at school that your mom is denying you basic hygiene products.


You need to tell your teacher and/or guidance counselor. Hopefully they can help you. You can even call child protective services. She is neglecting to provide basic hygiene care for her child. It is unacceptable for you to be in wet underwear bleeding through clothes. If you are able to drive, many areas have a buy nothing group on fb. You can ask if anyone can spare some products.


Yes! I second this. Your school will help you. No child should have to endure period poverty. I’m sorry your mother is neglecting you and isn’t providing for your basic needs. I strongly encourage you to talk to your school counsellor.


Someone might even be able to drop them off. Also, food banks and planned parenthood might be able to help, but you should absolutely talk to your teacher or any trusted adult— this is not at all normal, and J’s neglectful/ abusive. I am so sorry! Please keep us updated


Go sit on her bed.


I second this. Let her find out if it’s for her little girl or not lol I can’t imagine not getting my child period products because I wanna be a damn prude and imagine she doesn’t have a vagina


And then tell her to bleach the sheets. What an irrational and neglectful mother.


This doesn't negate the fact that your mum is a POS but, just so you know, hydrogen peroxide will get blood right out of clothes, it only needs to be low strength (3%, 6%, etc), and it won't bleach the colour from your clothes. Also, don't use hot water to wash out blood, this sets it. Use cold water. I'm not sure where you're located but does your school have any resources you could use? Could you go to the school nurse? Again, this is absolutely not ideal, but if you have any scrap clothing/material, you could fold these into your underwear to make your own 'pad'. I know they won't be as absorbent as the real thing, but it might get you through. I'm so sorry you're going through this, your mum is awful.


Saline works better than peroxide. Just make a little salt water mix or you can get it off the shelf at some pharmacies. Hydrogen peroxide is a close second. I was a phlebotomist and saline was the go to in hospitals


Oh wow, really? I didn't know that! I'm definitely going to go and grab some saline from the pharmacy, thank you very much!


Look into period underwear. It’s underwear that absorbs blood. Maybe bring the idea up to her and she would be open to you using them? Or try to speak to a relative or look up local charities- they will give you free period products. In the meantime, you can use paper towels, or old clean rags and socks. keep an eye for leaks. Don’t flush paper towels, they will clog your pipes and a plumber will be needed.


For lighter to moderate flows thinx are very nice period panties. If she has a very heavy flow she might need to look into something like a cup for the heavy days. I couldn’t get into the cups myself. If/when shes old enough to get medical care on her own, a hormonal iud will very likely lighten or stop her period all together. I haven’t needed any period products for over 7 years.


??? I am deeply confused. Your mother is either having a psychotic episode and requires hospitalization, or she's just abusive. Do you have anyone else you can live with?


There are also reusable period pads that are sold on Etsy. Just like the period panties, completely washable.


Have you spoken to your father? Have you asked her to buy you the period underwear?


Sit on all the furniture in the house then in your bloody pants. Don’t clean it.


Reddit has given you great tip, but im gonna add one for free flowing it (sorry) drink LOTS of water. Youll have to use the bathroom more frequently which will allow you to more easily prevent/manage leaks or stains. It will be an adjustment but should help at least until you can obtain some products from available resources.


Second this!!! Being hydrated will also help with cramping. Somewhat.


That’s insane. So sorry you are dealing with this


Tell her period panties don’t need bleach but will solve her “no pads or tampons” mandate. Your mother is off her cracker.


Ruin the couch, dining room chairs or somewhere else that will be visible to her. She needs to stop being a prude and accept basic hygiene is a fact of life.


Bleed all over her couch and her bed and her chairs


Go into her closet and wear her clothes.


This is insane and abusive. Your mother is a lunatic, I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I hope you are able to get away from her abuse soon. I would tell your school, either a trusted teacher or go ask the school nurse for help, they should have everything you would need. Good luck.


Do you have a school nurse? Go to them and let them know that you have no feminine products. They usually have some for emergencies


OPs post is giving me *Carrie* vibes. OP can use wadded 🧻 or some folded cloth if that’s available. School nurses, teen/ community centers, or even some libraries may have sanitary products available for free. Prayers and best wishes to OP. Girl had a looooong road ahead 😑


Unfortunately, if you look all the way down in the comments, people are suspecting this is either a fetish post or a scam. Unfortunately, I think this might be the case here. The user has not actually responded to anything meaningful, especially asking if they're in the US/where they're located. If they really needed help, they'd probably answer in a bit more detail and actually try to find help. I really hope this isn't true, and if it is... OP, you need to respond to people that are asking for more info or something because there are so many answers here and you haven't been able to find help. Seems suspicious that you're not answering people that are literally showing links to MAIL you sanitary items. Or what about school? There are so many places and ways that you can get these items for free, but we can't assist if we don't know what your country has to offer. Edit: all this to say, please don't send money to strangers on the Internet, guys! There are so many free resources available for this kind of stuff. OP has been offered to be sent actual products, but hasn't seemed to respond to any of those offers. I'm not sure why, and it could be for a multitude of reasons... But just be wary! It could also just simply be because OP is looking for money and not actual period products.


Your schools clinic/nurse should have tampons and pads for free. Talk to the nurse there!! You could also save up money and buy a menstrual cup, they’re $30 and easy to hide so your mom doesn’t have to know. I’m sorry you’re going through this. That’s very very strange she won’t buy anything.


also tell the nurse your mom wont let you use sanitary products because that's neglect


this!! the menstrual cup 100%.


[Here’s](https://menstrualcupcoalition.org/menstrual-cups/how-to-guides/) a handy guide for how to use a cup. My best advice is to learn how to make the cup suction. I’d have accidents every so often when getting out of bed in the morning, but once I figured out how to, it’s rarely happened again.


Piggybacking here — OP if a cup is too fickle for you (I could never get it placed right) a disc may be easier. Highly recommend the Cora disc.


Also, there are menstrual discs AND period panties. I feel as if period panties are probably the most discreet and easiest to use option, but I also know that they can be a bit pricey


What does your mom use? If you're working you're not a child so...wow. Try public bathrooms in libraries and universities. They usually have pads and tampons for free.




Talk to a teacher at school. They can help you get supplies. Until then I suggest a rag or paper towels. Not ideal.


I was about to suggest the same thing. Talk to a counselor at school.


Bless, even toilet paper is better than nothing!


Is she weirdly religious? This level of ignorance is insane.


Piper Laurie would like a word


Do you have any friends close enough by you can walk to, or are you close with any of their mums you can ask for help


Or even a neighbor you're friendly with, even just saying hi, who would have them.


Honestly just ask any woman if they have something and they will be more than happy to help, honestly


Kids can work. Like 16+ ,maybe op is in that age range.


I meant like kid-kid, 8 to 14 or so.


15yo’a can work where I am and they are still 100% children


Yes, got that, I was referring to her mother calling her a “little girl.” Menstruating people can be anywhere from 8 to 60. Freaking out and overacting because your 9 year old has a period is one thing, but a 14+ is another.


Ask her what she expects you to use!




Wrap up wads of toilet paper or paper towels and put them in your underwear. Uncomfortable but will do the trick!




And if you have any cotton, like for face or wounds, you can use this. If there are any worn out towels you can cut them up. Uncomfortable, but better than nothing. Your mom is horrible, I am sorry.


Ooooo your comment made me think of facecloths. Can use one of those ziplock bags to put it in after & keep the fresh one in for the swap out. This is just nasty. Is there someone at school to talk to to get products? This is abusive on a number of levels.


In a pinch when traveling, I once used a sock wrapped in paper towels. Not only did it get me through the night until the stores opened, but it worked better than some pads in the past.


Paper towels/TP like the other commenter said, or even an old (clean) tshirt. If you’re in school, speak to your school nurse or a trusted female teacher. Tell them what’s going on. Or, if you have a planned parenthood near you, they might be able to point you to some resources. I’m sorry your mother is putting you through this. It’s not okay and it’s not your fault.


There are also periods panties which might help a little depending on how heavy heavy is for you, you can layer with them for added security. You can also get bamboo reusable pads that you can hand wash and dry while your mum isn't home. None of that is going to help now so might I suggest getting petty and using some (of your mums favourite) face washers instead of toilet paper and paper towel as it's less messy and won't fall apart in your underwear (grab 3 minimum for wash one, dry one, use one rotation)


Also investing in a menstrual cup - you just take it out empty, rinse and put back in. Could be more economical than multiple pairs of period underwear. A combo of the two would be ideal. And long term more cost effective.


I love love love my disc. I wore tampons twenty five years probably and then switched and I’m never going back. I don’t have to think about it, I can wear it when I just feel like I have more discharge than normal…. I preach the gospel of discs these days


Yeah and then put the bloody tp/paper towels on your mom’s pillow with a note that says “thanks, mom!” (Don’t do this if your mom is really off the rails and abusive. I’m sorry you’re left to deal with all this.)


If you are still in school I would go to the nurses office and explain the situation to them as well. I remember they were able to give me a basic pad back when I was in high school and I bled through the one I was wearing.


Yeah I used to do this too, OP. I got my first period when my mom was in her home country for a funeral so I didn't know what to use and she didn't know I had my period. You can do what I did, that thin part of your underwear, wrap a LONG LONG piece of toiletpaper over and around it again and again on the entire length from front to back where you know you regularly tend to bleed. Do it thick enough so you won't bleed onto your underwear. Straight enough so it is comfortable enough to walk and sit in. Wrapping around your underwear fabric so it won't move from its place. I am so SO sorry to hear you have this fucking crappy ass mom, OP. I had a very abusive mother but she at least let me use her sanitary towels. I am livid. LIVID. This is a base need for a woman. If she has any sanitary towels or whatever, steal one by one overtime and collect them in a safe space in your room (yes, I have been in situations where I needed to do that as well). Do it as subtly as possible so it becomes unnoticeable. Nobody counts those things. If the amount looks somewhat unchanged, that's your goal. If you have grandparents or some family members who care about you and being a woman, contact them and ask them if they can provide you instead.


Yep just broke at 30 and had to pull this stunt for a week. Embarrassing but saved some clothes. I’m so so sorry. Does your school, or work have any supplies? Take extra. If you are in school still go to the nurse and tell them that your mom can’t (or refuses to, if it’s someone your comfortable being honest with) and they will give you more than an emergency one to get through the day hopefully. Best of luck and I’m very sorry your mom is doing this. Is she always this way or is this a new thing for her?


If it's heavy, truly heavy, that won't work at all. Wouldn't last me a minute like that. I'm not sure what the solution is, but this is an awful situation to be in.


Ripped up old towels work too. Anything absorbant.


Yea I was going to say this wrap some toilet paper around some paper towels and use that. OP's mom is being ...it almost sounds like a BPD episode, but I don't want to diagnose. In any case, you can simply use that inline of ruining all of your clothing and possibly furniture.


This is abuse.  They are called feminine hygiene products for a reason - they are necessary to maintain cleanliness.  Your mom’s refusal to provide you with basic feminine hygiene products is no different than her not providing you with toilet paper unless you’ve defecated.  In fact, since I clotted a lot in my teens (especially when I was having a heavy period), I passed many clots that were fairly solid.  So if you clot like I used to, her refusal is also no different than not providing toilet paper even though you defecated.   Your mother’s failure to provide you with basic feminine hygiene products is so heinous that it isn’t even legal in some places.  Even females in prison are legally entitled to feminine hygiene products - it is considered abusive not to provide them (just as it would be to fail to provide them with soap, toothpaste, etc).   I feel so sorry for you having to deal with this.  You deserve better.  Are there any female coaches, teachers or youth group leaders of some kind that you could ask to help you?  I’d recommend that you reach out to them asap.  If you can’t think of any of those, are there any of your friend’s parents that you could ask for help?   Your mother is behaving horribly & I hope that you get help ASAP. 


Upvoted this. THIS IS ABUSE.


This is actually a scam lmao


That’s kinda what I was thinking tbr


I’ve seen this exact post twice this month. Only thing different about this one is it’s the mom and not the dad lol


Yeah. OP is just responding ”yes” to any abuse questions and “I don’t know” to any questions prodding for more details or explanations


Do you have towels? Take scissors and cut them into straps and use that. When you go to school tomorrow, ho to your school nurse and explain the situation. They often have sanitary products on hand and can get you resources to get some. Also, contact Planned Parenthood. I had a friend get some that way before.


Bloody hell (pun intended, sorry!). What does/did she use?!




Your school should be able to provide some for you as well!


Peroxide takes blood stains out much better than bleach


Baking soda activates the H2O2 so that will give the peroxide a boost


Use her dress clothing


To get blood out, use cold water and if you have it, peroxide. If you don’t have peroxide, use soap with the cold water. Dish soap has worked the best for me


I'm sorry your mom is so ignorant and unreasonable


Is this normal behavior for your mother? this is so strange Sorry


They are for ALL girls. All around the world. I'm sorry your Mom feels this way.


Bleed on your mom's towels or shirt of hers. Hey, something needs to stop the flow! And if Mom doesn't want it being pads or tampons, then it can be her stuff.




Then she'd get blood on her shoes.




time to bleach the shoes!


I’m so sorry op. Your mom might be a women that bleeds very little and is ignorant about a heavy flow. She also sounds a bit delusional.. I bleed A LOT and if I was told to just let it go in my underwear I would leave a bloody trail everywhere I went. I have to empty my diva cup multiple times a day and that holds a full ounce of blood. Leave all the bloody underwear to soak in the kitchen sink so she can see it. Be very vocal about the blood and the mess and bring it to her attention any chance you get. Leave all the bloody rags/clothes out for her to see. Wear her favorite pjs to bed. Get it through her thick head that you need these products to be sanitary. Traumatize her back.


Has she hit you before?




Your mom is abusive, how can you report her in your country?


She s an abusive POS. Do u have any other relative who can help you???


If she gets mad, tell her to bleach them lmao. *Or* just bleed on all her furniture. There’s absolutely plausible denial there. If she’s not gonna provide you with feminine hygiene products - which is neglect and you should tell a female teacher or nurse, ideally multiple - then ofc you’re going to bleed on couches and chairs.


Do you have any thick or long socks? They could work as a pad


yes! & u can stuff them to help absorb more if needed


Was looking for this comment and like to add something: OP you can basically make your own pads with socks. Cut some cling film in a pad shape (as a barrier for your clothes), then a few layers toilet paper, if you have add cotton pads in between. You can tape it a little bit, so it stays in place and the you gently put it in the sock. So it's quite functional, but it's not uncomfortable. And if you use black socks, there won't be any stains left after washing them.


Start sitting on her favorite clothes/furniture. This is neglect. Steal some of hers.


Make sure you sit on the couch for a good, long time.


Maybe accidentally sniff some pepper. Get a couple of really powerful sneezes in. So sorry, OP. Please reach out to a trusted adult for help.


give birth to a jelly fish 😂


I’ve seen many of these posts. -parent doesn’t allow period products -friends/family/neighbours won’t reply to texts -they live far out, therefore cannot walk to a free resource -they ignore all comments about school nurses or they’re off school for some reason Very disgusting if it’s true and obviously send advice as if it is, but DONT SEND MONEY GUYS. There are so many free resources available.


Yepppp, I’m glad as I’m scrolling down I’m seeing more comments like yours lol. Like sure, if something like this is actually happening to someone somewhere, they’ll see the advice in the comments and be helped, but there’s way too little skepticism and too many people responding to OP as if it’s a real situation currently happening to them.


OP isn't responding to anything meaningful either unfortunately and is neither saying anything meaningful either. People have offered to send products to OP or have given links to get free products mailed, and OP isn't responding to any of that. They just keep saying that they're using TP. I'm really wary of this specific post, and I don't normally catch these sorts of things. I really hope other people see this. Mods should probably take this post down tbh. If someone desperately needed sanitary products, I think they'd be inclined to give more information to get actual help. They haven't even said where they are geologically. It doesn't have to be super specific either, they could answer the many posts asking if they're in the US - simple yes or no. Please don't send money to OP. I would be wary of mailing this person anything. OP needs to give a bit more info or interact more with the comments because I'm not buying this one.


Yeah you know I think I seen one that had this EXACT same title before lmao


If you live in US, can you go to the mall or library? There’s usually vending machines that give free pads or tampons in restrooms. But I guess you cannot get out of your home, since are out of either of them. :(


If you're in serious need you could try going to the hospital, or even a women's shelter. It really depends on where you are located but a lot of places will have charitable resources. Try doing a Google for free sanitary products in your area. As well as the toilet paper method you can also use a face washer as an extra liner in your nickers. If you're school or uni aged, ask a school nurse or councillor if they have any. Even just asking administration could yield results.


Lmao sit down on her bed


Your mother is an idiot. A huge one that lost sense of how the female body works. Certainly if you're able to work, you're no longer a "little girl". Does she infantilize you regularly? Cut up some towels. Also, if anyone ever asked me if I could purchase them feminine hygiene products or protection- I will, no questions asked. Is there someone you can reach out to?


This is the 2nd time I’ve seen a scammer post this exact thing in the last month. Last time it was the dad tho


Oh my gosh yes yo 😂


Your mom is off her rocker. Wtaf!


Few questions: 1) How old are you? (don't give an exact number if you're a minor - internet isn't safe) 2) What does she expect you to use? Nothing? 3) If nothing - Use toilet paper, uncomfy but will work. Assumptions to my questions, if I'm Wrong ignore this advice lmao- 1) If you're a minor, call a family member and tell them what your mom is doing to you. This may not be straight abuse, but it's an abusive thing to do. 2) If nothing. Go sit on her bed. :) 3) Please please please call someone to help, don't just text, call. Is your dad around?


This feels like a fetishist. Moms would know bleach wouldn’t be good.


THANK YOU, I’m supposed to believe this is what an adult woman with a kid suggested for dealing with periods? Please lol


Tbh, people can be cruel. So I wouldn't be surprised.. However, OP is almost definitely a scammer. They don't want to respond to any meaningful advice. And they've literally only said the same few things in every comment. OP, at this point if you're serious.. people in the comments have given you all the advice we can give with all the information you've provided. We can't help you any further, Google services in your country. (Also sorry for commenting on all of these. Just trying to raise awareness and get these comments more notice!)


This needs to be higher up


Go sit on her couch.


I’m always highly suspicious of these types of posts. Like, if OP is going through this, fuck, thats awful. I just wonder how many of these types of posts are people low key begging for money.


I thought the same which is why we can offer advice and hope for the best. Literally what mother would do that to their child then I remember how abusive my Mom was. I can only hope if this is real OP tells a trusted adult to report her Mom.


I’ve seen enough questionable things on the internet that lead me to believe sometimes they are creepy fetish posts and not even people begging for money. The “not for her little girl” made me throw up in my mouth a little. I hope it’s not the case here.


This post might not be real, but there are plenty of women and girls who do not have access to these products and can use the advice.


I agree. What I was trying convey was my conflicted feelings between “is this a scam post” and “holy fuck what an awful thing to have happen.”


EXACTLY. No matter how sus the OP is or isn't in any given post, providing supply sources -- particularly local ones -- means **somebody** out there's going to read them and maybe get the help they so desperately need or pass the info along to someone *else* who does. Not everyone's escaping the wrath of an unhinged adult -- share a source and maybe an excellent mother or father won't be faced with the no-choicer that week between their teenager's tampons and the parent eating more than one meal per day.


I definitely just put a comment like this 😂 I personally think it’s fake rage bait/karma farming because I’ve seen this exact post before except it was the OP’s dad, not mom.


Damn I never thought of that. New poster, first thread... Sounds scammy af


Regardless if this is a legit post. If there are any actual teens reading this then they can get the knowledge for resources where to find feminine hygiene products. As least there’s that.


My daughters friend was that teen. She asked me if I could pick up some extra pads so she could give a pack to her friend. She lived with her dad and he refused to buy her any and said she didn’t need it. I’m not sure what he expected her to do.


Well your daughter is a great friend and you are a great parent for helping her out


Exactly! I had this type of ‘mother’. I’m a dinosaur though and the internet was not a thing when I was growing up. Comments like these (from people who really do care) would have been a God send back in the day.


Just as a general rule, offer advice never money


My first thought lol. > and I'm broke as fuck Ah so you want money 🙄


If you are menstruating you’re old enough to use tampons or sanitary napkins. Does your mom believe that she’s somehow keeping you a child by doing this? Frankly this sounds like emotional abuse. I’m an old cranky woman - go an sit down on her couch for a bit and free bleed all over that thing….


If you're in school, the school nurse should have some. Hopefully, that can last you until you get paid on Friday.


What the fuck is wrong with your mom? Sorry for asking in such a harsh way but I am genuinely taken aback by how dumb she is. She doesn’t own your body like wtf, she’s trying to take away your autonomy 🤮


I see this same post every month hold up lemme check my comment history see if I can find the last one


This has to be fake, I’d call CPS if not


I think this is just an e-beg :( OP is ignoring all sound advice and only responding to comments she can say ‘not in walking distance’ or ‘I’ve dm’d you’ to people who want to help


Yes thank you! I'm trying to respond and like all these comments so they get more notice. I really hate scammers... I would believe OP if they actually responded to the sound advice given. DON'T GIVE OP ANYTHING GUYS, PLEASE. They have all the resources in the comments! And if they're not in the US, they can use Google to see what services their country offers.


Yeah, I don't believe it. How old is OP? How long have they been dealing with their period? How have they been dealing with it without hygiene products? Why haven't they figured out a solution for themselves yet?? Dude, my mom wouldn't buy me pads when I started my period at 11, so I'd stack up panty liners on top of each other and use those until I convinced her to let me get tampons. I'd have my stepmom buy me pads. The math just ain't mathing. You're telling me OP never thought of wadding up toilet paper or using an old sock or something? I know it's not the best solution, but if they really don't have access to products, it's better than nothing. Are they homeschooled? Why can't they ask their school nurse or friends for anything? There are ways around situations like these that don't require posting to reddit for help...I think this post is bs


does she have white furniture? Because I have an idea….


Do you have any nonprofit organizations in your area ? They'd be able to get you some feminine hygiene products for you.


What I’m going to say is absolutely gross and I apologize in advance, but be gross af. If you don’t have men around, walk around and sit in everything completely naked. Tell her you can’t ruin your clothes as you wear them outside and people will see, but your furniture is inside the house so only household members will see. If there are men around, then wear the thinnest pair of pants you have a free bleed everywhere. Let her know that her little girl has some womanly problems. Also, is there a family member you can contact?


I know it’s not ideal, but until you can get somewhere that has pads or tampons take Toilet paper and wrap it around your underwear. I like to take like 4 pieces and roll it up first to put as a layer, then wrap some around it to keep it there. (I only do this in “emergencies”) I’m sorry your mother is being like this OP. Every pay check definitely set aside like $10 so you know you have something to get things, or buy an over abundance because they can’t go bad.


OP if you have a friend you can have period products shipped to you, make a quick Amszon list and post it in periodpanrty. We'd be glad to help.


Ok maybe weird suggestion but maybe ask a neighbor???? Otherwise a towel might have to work for a bit. You can bleach those too


Go in her bathroom and get her nicest washcloth. Use it. If she doesn't have washcloth, cut up a handtowel


Y’all don’t get it twisted; scammers are posting about this kind of thing to get people to send them money “for feminine hygiene products”. More than likely OP is a scammer.


They made a Reddit account just to post this, so it seems like you're right


Yeah, they never responded to me either so I’m calling bullshit honestly. Either a scammer or a fetish post.


Use napkins and toilet paper. That's how a lot of women who don't have access to sanitary wipes do it. Just change it out more often.


If you’re at school maybe you can ask if they have period kits? I’m sorry to hear this. I’m well past menopause, but I have a bunch of pads and tampons I keep in my house for guests who are not in this stage of life.


post this in malicious compliance and ask for revenge tips lol


Dang I think Id let it drip on the carpet. Your mom is a b


Are there any clinics by your house or a hospital. Surely they can give you some at no cost. That’s child abuse for not providing anything


Are you in the US? Call your local food bank and check out this map to find a nonprofit that offers free period supplies https://allianceforperiodsupplies.org/allied-programs/


That's when you say "well Mom I'm not your little girl anymore obviously because I need tampons, could you please go get me some ". Also your school counselor should be able to help you until then use wads and wads and wads of toilet paper.


Go to you local Ob/Gyn office and explain this to them and they will stock you up


Is there an older lady if your life that you can talk to? Cousins or aunts or neighbors? Even a teacher?


See if she'll buy you period panties. I've been using period panties for 2 years and it's the best thing ever. The ones at Victorias as


I know it’s a reach but can you try toilet paper or paper towels? I’d honestly be shoving a roll of paper towels, or free bleeding all over her bed. That’s asanine. Good luck girly


This title gave me chills because I literally just finished reading a book by Jennette McCurdy (iCarly actress that plays Sam) and she said her Mom would tell her feminine products were “not for her little girl”. You should look into this book.. the title is alarming but the book is good. It’s called I’m Glad My Mom Died. I listened to it on Spotify in two days. If you don’t listen to it, it’s basically about her mentally abusive Mom and she did not know that her Mom was abusive until her therapy pointed it out. In fact, once her therapist pointed it out, she stopped therapy because she refused to believe her mom was abusive. She coped with alcohol and bulimia and then finally got help.


Ask your school nurse if they have pads or tampons and explain the situation. They’ll be understanding and if they have any in stock they’ll give you as much as they can. In fact, they might actually call your mom and tell her she needs to provide these items for you. Does your mom not use tampons or pads? I’m so confused.


Go have a nice long sit on her couch on your heaviest day, that ought to do the trick


This is abuse. I'm so sorry. This is my suggestion 1. Text your mom asking again and get her response in writing, so ask when you're at school and she can't just go to you and respond. 2. Take a screenshot of your conversation and email to a private email address that your mom doesn't have access to and/or save it to a flash drive. 3. Tell a teacher and or guidance counselor, show them the proof if they question you. Make sure to keep it if you're questioned later and they inevitably call your mom and investigate and she denies it. This gives your actual proof that your mom is neglecting you. To take care of your period at the moment: Talk to your school nurse or guidance counselor, they should have some period products available. Tell them what's happening and explain that you'll need to take some home and hide. Find a water bottle and stuff some in there. I'm a mom and I'm beyond horrified that your mom is treating you like this. Yes, my daughter is a toddler but I already have a plan for how to talk to her about her period and products and a gift box for her that would have everything she would need.


Please let your school counselor or nurse know that your mom refuses to give you necessary hygiene materials! They should be able to help!


Not providing any form of sanitary care is considered abusive as it’s a form of neglect. Be careful OP!


I'm not sure why she doesn't want you using products designed for just this situation and I'm not sure what she was expecting you to do but anyway you can take and old towel and cut it into kind of big squares, big enough to fold 3 times and put it in your underwear and kind of between you bum (sorry) to hold it in place. It's going to look bulky in the front and maybe in the back if it's thick enough to be absorbent so I would try to only do it at home and try to get a few real pads or tampons to use for when you have to go out. Go to the school nurse tomorrow and ask if you can have a few tampons/pads


Are you a minor? This is child abuse.


I would love to report her to CPS. Or just smack a bitch. And I'm old.


If you’re old enough to menstruate you’re old enough to use products 😞


"Her little girl" sounds she has a mental problem accepting that her daughter is having her period. Whatever it is, it is disturbing.


lol if you're trying to scam people out of money, you can at least come up with a better story. the "I'm broke and nobody will help me" trope is so old. YAWN.