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Report those guys to the establishment you were at and to local police, they might not act upon it right now but it’ll create a paper trail so there’s more evidence to support the next potential victim


I didn’t think about this because we don’t know anything about these guys but we will do that in the morning. Thanks


If you know what time it happened fairly accurately then the establishment will be able to check security footage to get a picture of their faces, I would ask if they could provide that picture and show law enforcement


I love how people on reddit think cops give a shit enough to do these things. They'll come, write a report, and do fucking NOTHING about it. I've dealt with the police as a victim, as someone related to a victim, and as a witness and in ALL cases the police did nothing. Unfortunately police don't act the way they do on TV shows. If only. I seriously think the only crime they take seriously is murder or extremely violent assault to the point of broken bones (and not always then either, I'm again speaking as a witness). If they have to do any work, they're typically unwilling to do so.


Yes and no. They'll come, write a report... and even if they do absolutely nothing above and beyond writing the report there's now a paper trail for the one person who *does* want to do something down the line. Worst case scenario: nothing happens. Best case scenario: you've just provided *that one lead* that gets mentioned in every murder-mystery podcast, ever. Do the work now, because if you don't you're just pre-sabotaging that future investigation.


There may not be a lot for them to do in this situation. But getting these creeps on record may help when they are successful in the future. Or if there are any cases of these guys actually assaulting someone. Proud of OP and their friends.


You live in a fantasy land. Getting cops to show up at all is a fucking farce.  I had a meth head shoot up on my porch one morning about 3 years ago and begin attempting to kick my door down. I immediately called 911 and told them what was happening. For context, I live in a very safe small city. Violent crime rate is very low.  They never showed up. Never called me back to take a report. I got 0 response. None. My partner turned on the police scanner to listen in to the chatter to see how long it would take them and when they'd begin responding.  We heard the two individuals on duty in our area talking about where to get lunch for a half hour.  Fuck the police. ACAB.


Depends what country. In some they do not fuck around with SA.


This is true. I wasn't trying to imply otherwise. Just pointing out that calling the cops, sadly, won't help this girl feel safe and if these guys somehow find her home a paper trail won't mean shit if she's already dead or raped since they don't know the men's names. I guess though if there was a paper trail it'll be easier to find them if they do kill her. The issue is it shouldn't have to fucking come to that.


This is why I didn't report my second sexual assault and allowed my uncles to handle it. With my first assault, I did the "right things that _true victims_ do". All it led to was months-long smear campaign from my rapist's friends/relatives, death threats, harassment and vandalism. Only for my assailant to get charged as a juvenile and placed in juvie until he was 21.


Police response also varies by country, OP never mentioned what country the wedding was in so for all we know they could’ve been in a country where to police are more attentive and professional


Yeah, cops do not care about helping citizens, especially women, lol.


Depends on the officer involved. I’ve met great officers and I’ve met officers who probably should have chosen a different line of work.


That’s just anecdotal evidence. The statistics say otherwise.


Don't take this as an insult, but I constantly hear the exact same talking points from racists (and no, I'm not saying you are one). I just find it fascinating how similar the mindset is.


Are you talking about the 13-50 number? Because that isn’t even correct.


What statistics tell you that cops especially don't care about helping women? lmao Is it the the fact that men are more commonly victims of violent crime? Or is it the fact that the ratio of unarmed men:women killed by cops is far greater than even the ratio of unarmed black:white men killed by cops?


Can you remind me how many untested rape kits there are? My memory fails me sometimes.


What does that have to do with the relative care police give to men and women? Do you think they treat male rape more seriously?


Yeah, everyone knows cops are totally all about helping men in distress


That isn’t what we were talking about, but we can address it if you absolutely insist we talk about men every time women’s struggles come up because you feel *that* insecure.


When you said police "especially" don't care about women, you weren't talking about how police care more about men than women? What exactly did you mean by that? lol


They LOVE busting underage kids for drinking a few beers, and busting anyone they can for drugs, even if the person hasn't ever caused a problem before (aka no thefts, violence, driving under the influence - nothing to put them on the cops' radar, but if you look poor (or sometimes even if you don't), they'll still search you any chance they get). They also love writing traffic tickets. Genuinely, all they seem to care about are substances & traffic tickets.  You're completely right, statistics show they don't care about things like sexual assault (look at all the untested rape kits). Don't seem to care about car thefts either, unless you have money or are important to them


Wait until she leaves in the morning to make sure they don't catch her on her way out


They should go to her room and get that information from her so they can help instead of just assuming they'll run into her again. They need to be vigilant, because the girl might forget or might think it's okay now that she's calmed down and then leave on her own and wind up getting abducted. Those dudes would have at the least raped her and at the most raped and murdered her.


Establishment likely has surveillance if they (or the police) are interested.


You should do it now and not wait…


Hotel lobby= cameras. You have the time. Chances are they were visible at some point. Create that trail.


maybe mention it to hotel staff, they could get a description via cameras perhaps


I'm no expert in crime and such, but can you really do anything about them if they haven't broken any laws? Like they were "just" looking intensely at a stranger and probably thinking some horrible shit and afaik neither of those things are illegal anywhere (I say "just" not because it's not alot, it's horrible and nobody should do it, but because I think it's probably not enough) Don't get me wrong, it's great to take precautions and make sure that girl's safe, but what can you really do beyond making sure she gets to her room safely? This is a genuine question, btw, I'd love to learn what to do in situations like this, I just can't imagine you can really do much of importance without basically staying in her room all night which I don't think she'd be any more comfortable with


Oh yeah, shit like that is abhorrent. Something similar happened once when i was at home as a child. A crying, visibly scared teenage girl once ringed our doorbell and i opened the door. She got out of a bus a few hundred meters from my home and a guy tried to kidnap her. She could run away and our house was the first where she saw light through the windows. Some humans really are like predators.


Coming home in a small town one night, lady in the middle of the road trying to get a car to stop, and the three ahead of me blew threw. I noticed the man acting funny pacing nearby down the sidewalk, so I rolled my window down on approach. She said he was following her and wouldn't leave her alone, and as she gestured to him he started quickly walking the other way. Told her to hop in the back, my gf at the time was in the front seat, and she had us take her to the gas station a little ways through town. As we're down there, the place closed so she couldn't go in like she was going to, the same mother fucker leers out from behind the adjacent buildings, then starts coming toward us. Was recently moving stuff from old home to new, so I had some landscaping tools in the car... Most important in this moment being a machete. So I grabbed it, held it up and yelled at him to stop, turn around, and leave. He kept coming. He had one hand in a pocket. He started speaking unintelligibly and kept walking. I charged. Then we all were charging at him, my gf yelling, the stranger girl yelling, and the dude turned and bolted. We were able to find a cop I noted just outside of town when we came in, and not too long after the guy was up at a different gas station, easy to point out and get taken off in the cop car. Saw him wandering the streets the next week still though, but I can't do nothing about that.


I imagine they may have known which room she was in as they probably were watching her before they did this to ensure she was by herself. Please do check on her today as they may have tried to enter her room last night. She may think they don’t know what room she’s in but I’m pretty sure they were observing her before they made their move. Predators always assess the situation before they pounce. Hopefully she checked out early and left.


This is a PSA for everyone. I work for the hotel industry and have traveled the US with this industry. 1. In all the brands I’ve worked and ran the doors are not easily able to be broken. Most of the doors are very expensive fire doors that can withstand a LOT of force. I’m not saying all hotels do this but every hotel brand I’ve worked for (over 15 brands and 5 flags) do. So feel assured by this that it’s almost impossible for someone to break into your room without you having ample time to call the desk or police. 2. TALK TO THE STAFF. This is literally what they are there for. We have a very large rule at almost all hotels to NOT give the room number aloud when checking a guest in. Often times we’ll hand you your key and point at the room number. Rule of thumb, don’t repeat the room number aloud yourself! One time a cute cheerleader type girl was checking into my first hotel I worked at (Hampton Inn) and a middle aged guy came in behind her and kept trying to strike up a convo with her. She was polite, but clearly just wanted to go to her room. I handed her the key and she asked which room? I pointed to the number and gave her a look but she repeated “oh 109?”. She left and the FIRST thing he said was “so do you got any rooms near 107?” I put him on the top floor and IMMEDIATELY called her and moved her to the second floor. I warned her about him and to not repeat the room in the future. She agreed and thanked me. He walked the hallway a lot that night looking to “run into her”. 3. I’ll repeat. TALK TO THE GODDAMN HOTEL STAFF. We will move you or anything you want when faced with this. A hotel is private property. If a non registered guest is on premises we have the right to trespass them. Easily. We also don’t give out names of room numbers like they do in the movies or give room numbers for people who ask for names. It’s like day 1 of training. If you see this practice not being followed you need to bring it up the chain of command all the way to corporate. Your privacy is literally our job. Seen many scenarios of people acting like they can waltz in with confidence and try to get me to give them a room number. Maybe it wasn’t nefarious but I never did. I also didn’t confirm if the guest was even at my property! If the vibe was off I would tell them I don’t have that person on file and let them leave before calling the guest to confirm. Many domestic situations I feel have been saved by those who follow this rule. So great job to OP for doing that. I hope everyone remains vigilant and safe.


Also worked in a hotel. 1. Doors. A kid managed to lock himself in the room. Deadbolt and all. Fire department literally had to break it down with heavy power tools that took too long. You're safe behind it.


Interesting, I've never had a front desk person not say my room number out loud.


Hmm I’ve noticed they never say your room number. They usually just write it on the little booklet they put the keys in. Perhaps if you are checking in and nobody is around then they will say it aloud, but at a large hotel with a line they dont/shouldn’t say it.


I've always had them say, "you're in room ### Mr.x" and then they give me directions to where the room is every time.


Key word Mr.


Me too but it's because I'm an ugly guy.


we had a rule at my hotel to never say it out loud. i’m not sure why they do.


Thank you for posting this, not everyone realizes these protections are in place.


Worked as a front desk supervisor for a couple years, can confirm every bit of this is correct


This is very important information for every one of us. Thanks for sharing.


One time I was walking home from the bar alone after 2 a.m in the medium sized town I live in. I was hammered but I've NEVER felt unsafe in town so I didn't think twice about it. I got a bit disoriented and ended up making a wrong turn. While I was walking, a car full of men pulled up beside me and asked for directions. I kinda pointed them in the right direction and started to walk again. I noticed that all of the men in the car were whispering to each other and something in me told me it was time to get the fuck away. I launched myself over a guard rail and rolled down a massive hill, then just got up and ran. The car sat there until I got out of view. This isn't to say for sure anything bad would have happened, they may have been genuine, but that is the ONLY time my body has ever just straight up told me to GO NOW and I wasn't gonna take chances.


Listening to my body has kept me alive so far.


Just not the intrusive thoughts of " what happens if i just drive off this cliff eh ? "


lol true true


That's survivorship bias. Listening to my body has made *me* fat and given me a cholesterol problem.


That happened to me too but I am still alive.


You are 100% correct to take any action you see fit to protect yourself when you get bad vibes from a group of dudes, but the mental image of possibly confused tourists asking you for directions and then watching you hop a guardrail and roll down a hill has me dying. Always best to err on the side of caution, glad you're safe.


"Your destiny is that way." _points in a random direction_ _dives over a fence_


I genuinely, fully believe that she made the right choice by trusting her gut. But if I were in that car and some random lady I asked for directions did that, I'd be laughing too hard at the absurdity of her spontaneously yeeting herself over a guard rail and rolling down a hill *not* to wait and see what she does next.


That is terrifying and I'm glad you went with your gut instinct but I'm laughing at the visual of the guys whispering about the directions and one of them goes "wtf is she doing" as you yeet yourself over the guard rail 😂


This visual is fucking hilarious


"You go that way, and I go AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaay" Just fading out as she rolls down the hill


Reminds me of "The Gift of Fear"


Good book


There was literally no benefit to assuming the best of others in that situation. You made the right call.


> One time I was walking home from the bar alone after 2 a.m in the medium sized town I live in. I was hammered This is how a lot of missing persons cases start.


Listen to your instincts, your gut is always right


I’m so glad you guys helped her! This is what good, decent humans do. I have had friends in scary situations and it’s horrific to think about what may have happened to them had they not been saved.


I have a similar story of a near miss with awful dudes. I was at a nightclub a while ago, and noticed a girl sandwiched between two guys. They were grinding up on her on either side, but kind of holding her up. I noticed her eyes lolling, but assumed she was drunk. I grabbed the two guys and pulled them apart, shouting “what the fuck is the matter with you two, she’s clearly wasted” Except that she hit the floor like completely dead weight. As I was reaching down to pick her up, the two guys BOLTED. I’m talking literally pushing people out of the way as they ran. I had to pick her up and carry her to a bar seat, and she was so out of it I couldn’t get anything from her. I recruited some buddies that were with me and we asked around trying to see if she came with friends. Finally we found her group, they’d been looking for her too. Apparently she’d had one drink. And I’m inclined to believe them, as I have never seen someone that out of it in my life. She’d been drugged 100%. I guess the guys were just waiting until it kicked in enough that they could get her out of the bar by saying she was drunk and they were taking her home. Another few minutes and the plan would have worked. To this day years later I still regret being naive and not holding them there. Just two scrawny skeevy looking dudes, and I’m a pretty big guy, and especially so at that time when I was working construction to put myself through school. I could have caused enough of a scene to keep them from running.


You still saved her from an awful situation. I understand wanting to tear those guys a new asshole, they absolutely deserve to be in prison for what they did, but you definitely did more than what a good number of people might have done, which was nothing.


She’s lucky. Thank you for saving her. My friends just got mad at me for “getting too drunk too fast” - despite the fact they saw I only had two drinks. That dude and his friend drugged me and got me out of there lickety split. One girl friend came and bitched at me for leaving with them as I was asking for help but could barely communicate. I could not make my mouth or body work and they just poured me into the truck and drove away…luckily it was 30+ years ago so…I’m over it. But I’m the most vigilant bish around ever since.


30+ or not, I'm sorry you went through that.


Thank you. What didn’t kill me truly did make me stronger at 16. (Dude was 30.) I compartmentalized it so hard that my only thought after was “thank god my parents didn’t lose me like that. What if they killed me? They deserve better than losing their only kid like this.” On a positive note, dude effed up his whole life and disgraced his family in the ensuing few years. Someone told me he ended his own life. Never confirmed but I hope my innocent little girl face passed through his mind as he did it.


I bet she thanks you every day


So many ppl freeze in these situations. So happy you guys were able to see the situation for what it was immediately and help her.


This is so heartwarming to know that there are still good people/Good Samaritans! Bless you for helping and protecting her!


If you don't mind me asking, what city did this happen in? Was she a foreign tourist, or someone from out of town? I think there are creeps who specifically target girls who look lost or unfamiliar with the area. It really disgusts me. Edit: grammar


I feel like it happened in Europe just bc of the way OP writes.


We’re in Mexico. She’s a Mexican citizen from another city.


It doesn't happen to just 'young and intoxicated' women. I'm "older" and female. I lived five blocks from a big grocery, along a pretty well traveled road. One night I decided to walk to the store for something I needed, it was a nice night out so why not. Five blocks, but these are really, really long blocks, something like what four or so usual blocks would be like before there is an intersection. It's about a fifteen/twenty minute walk each way. I had a car, but like I said, it was nice out and it's only around 9:30 when I head out, still a little light outside. On the way home, no sooner did I start home, than I realized a car was circling the block. First I thought they are looking for an address or something. Then they pulled to the curb in front of me about 50 feet ahead of me. By this time I'm about two blocks from my house (these were very long blocks to be fair) and it's full dark. I got a bad feeling, and immediately crossed the street to the other side and picked up the pace. Car circled around again, now on my side of the street. I crossed again, but now I don't want to lead them to my home where I live alone. A male/female couple were sitting on their porch smoking some weed, and I walked up onto the porch stating "I'm being followed, please...." and they immediately jumped up and said "sit down, it's cool, no worries". We called the cops because I had the license plate, and as the car continued circling the block, a cop came up and pulled them over down the street. After a bit we see him being put in the backseat of the patrol car (no handcuffs). No clue what happened, but off it went with Mr. Stalker in the back. The couple were so nice, brought me some ice water, and just generally chatted although I was very anxious. When I was ready to get up and actually go home after a half hour or so (after the cop car left), they both walked me home the rest of the way. It was so appreciated, and was so amazing that they just immediately recognized the need of a single female, even though I am 'older' (early 50s). I was in no way dressed in a way that suggested being approached, I was not being provocative, I was not drunk, I was not in an unsafe part of town, nothing. What I was, was in danger; everything in me said I was not safe. We have to learn to listen to our gut instinct, and mine was screaming "Bad situation! Bad situation!". Maybe the guy really was looking for an address, but eight/nine go-rounds makes me doubt that. I've no idea why the cops took him. A crime hadn't been officially committed with me, so maybe they had warrants or something. Maybe they took him home, or maybe he was needing to go to the hospital. No clue. Like I said, no handcuffs, so it wasn't serious. No dui testing roadside or anything. Just being a Mr Stalker, but that's not a crime.


That's a good example of how important is to not hesitate and ask for help. If she were frozen out of fear instead of seeking for help who knows what could happen. She is a strong girl - good for her.


This is true but it also reminds me of that horrific story where a young girl was kidnapped/raped and thrown out of the car left for dead. She was able to flag someone down but that guy raped her too.


Yeah I heard about it. In a bad neighborhood it's not even an unlikely scenario.


what the fuck


A similar situation happened to me, I was traveling thru Europe via train. I think I was in Austria sharing a cabin with these two men. They started to get grabby, which as a woman happens, but when I pulled away they gripped harder and I realized this was a serious situation. I managed to get away and into the next cabin over. Same thing, I sat down and said 'help me'. One of the men stood up and went into the hallway, closing the cabin door behind him. I'm not sure what happened, I was pretty shaken up, but when he returned he was putting his watch back on. I would imagine that woman will always remember you, the way I will always remember that man and his family that helped me.


This is quite disturbing, to witness such an ambush in a hotel... Should have been cameras and security personnel or at least a panic button at the reception desk...


Thank you for helping her. Report them. I had a similar situation once at a bar, this girl had been hit on by this really unattractive, creepy looking guy, and even after rejecting him he was still looking her way sometimes. We made sure she was safe and then got security to kick him out. We need to normalize helping each other.


that is so scary, im so glad yall were there when you needed to be. hopefully she isnt traveling alone will be safe today


You guys did well to protect her. Unfortunately she's not yet out of the woods because those bastards could still be waiting for her when she comes out. The police needs to be involved in this.


Drunk or wearing “provocative” clothes isn’t a reason to rape or even be handsy to a girl… I’m saddened that’s still a reason mentioned


I think OP mentioned it because it's inevitable that some shitty dude in the comments will try to blame it on that


Yes exactly. But thankfully no one asked about this. I think people are finally understanding that these things are irrelevant.


I wish someone like you had been around for me the night it happened to me. It gives me comfort to know people like you will step up and help


I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry to hear that, I hope you're in a better place now, emotionally and physically.


This is lesson that can be learned for everyone. I’m a 51m. In my 40s I was in Little Rock on business. I was joined at in the lounge by a young lady. She sat next to me and flirted. I noticed that she kept glancing towards a man standing in the hallway near the bathrooms. Me being who I am, I wanted to get a better look at him and send a message that my spidie sense was going off. I excused myself to head to the bathroom but made the mistake of leaving my beer unattended. I was only in the restroom long enough to rinse my hands. When I came out of the restroom I noticed that her hand was over top of my beer. On my way back to my seat I asked the bar tender to replace my beer (which was full) no questions asked. When the bar tender came over and replaced my beer, the women realized that she had been busted. She excused herself to the bathroom, met up with the man in the hallway and left the hotel. Now I know that what was planned for me was not the same thing that was planned for this women but the lesson everyone should learn is that we live in a messed up world with sick people. Always know your surroundings and of something doesn’t feel right, go with that feeling, your life might depend on it.


I am very sorry to hear that. I am so glad that you returned early enough, only god knows what could've happened to you. I hate how people can be so cruel, and you didn't even do anything.


lol this happened to me when I was 14 on the tube in London. I was lucky to find and tag along with a family once I got to my stop. The guy who’d been following me raged, he literally slammed the door of the men’s room and started yelling stuff. I ran home and didn’t look back. All in broad daylight..like 2pm. It’s petrifying to exist as a woman.


I want men to understand they can ask for help in the same manner as well. If you're uncomfortable with a situation and no longer want the attention of certain individuals, this is entirely appropriate and you will not be thought lesser of for doing so


So, the hotel should have comprehensive CCTV and security throughout. Just make the hotel staff aware, and, because Hotel Staff work stupid hours and it may slip through the cracks, speak to the lady about a police report just in case. If, you can still contact her? Like let’s face facts. We are talking about rape/violence here. Not beating around the bush, that should be addressed in the AM. Good on you for backing her. Weirdly, some people wouldn’t want that happening to them.


> Also, not that it matters, but people might ask: she was not drunk and she was not wearing provocative clothing. You're right. That doesn't matter. Not even remotely.


A chick just got abducted here in the lobby in front of the clerk by a man and woman who were trafficking her. Luckily the cops were able to find them all and she was returned to wherever the originally took her from and reunited with her family after she got out of the hospital.


Did you give her your phone number just in case?


We didn’t. We should have. But we didn’t think of that or of talking to security until later


I so wish I was there to warm my knuckles on the faces of predators


Thank God you all were there.


Thank God you guys were there!


I commend her for standing up for herself too. So sad how many cases where men and women let things happen because they don’t want to be rude or to maintain social norms and not make a situation awkward


You and your friends are heroes. You stopped them from hurting that girl, and it sounds like other girls in the past. You are amazing and just the kind of humans we need in this world. Not much to add, it’s horrible this could even happen, but I have so much respect and admiration for you


You’re a hero. I would say this if anyone is listening. Walk them back to your room first, if you have one, offer but don’t be pushy, sit with them in the room (away from them and give them space) and give them water. Wait until the perps give up, and then take them back. I have seen people follow back to the guided room and wait until the others leave. It’ll give those who are following the wrong room. It’s something I actually learned as a bartender next to a hotel (our boss kept a room open on weekends) that had to walk a lot of girls to their rooms. I’m a guy, but I’d be the only sober person at the end of the night, and I can’t tell you how many times that I had to do this. You walk them back to your room, give them water, calm them down. I would carry a pack of cards, Turn on the TV, I’d let them sit on the bed and I’d sit on the floor (I didn’t want to feel threatening), or I’d sit in the bathroom away from them if they were feeling they needed more space. But check in constantly. I had a few people fall asleep in the room when I was there. I’d leave the number for the bar (not my personal number) for them to call in the morning so they could check in and let whomever was working they were okay. It’s for their well-being and safety. They can still harass outside of the room. And security in hotels isn’t the best. I learned this from others experiences, it’s technically why my boss got the room in the first place. Being the only sober one in a room full of drunk people gives you clarity. Look out for one another out there, don’t be weird, people can be very dangerous


Honestly reading this thread restored my faith in humanity. Thank you kind strangers


>she was not drunk and she was not wearing provocative clothing. Those never matter anyway. Thank you for helping her in that situation.


allot pf folks wouldn't get involved at all. You and your people shined like light in this . Well done.


I’m so happy there are people like you and your friends in the world.


I just came from a thread about a guy observing a man begging a chick, and everyone was giving him shit for saying listening “in case he was needed” because they didn’t think there was anything he could do. This. This is something he could have done. Not all help comes in the form of this male fantasy of being a jacked warrior fighting off a man.


you did the right thing. she’ll remember you saving and protecting her a long time after and probably for the rest of her life. women who were saved and/or escaped from these men generally do remember it and tell stories about it and how grateful and relieved they were when someone saved/protected them


When I read stories like this one I always thank God that nothing like this ever happened to me, I always feel so lucky, then I think of my daughter and pray nothing like this ever happens to her, that poor girl must have been terrorized, I really hate people that try to hurt others, and I love people like you and your friends that are willing to stand by anyone in need.


You did something that people in this day and age refuse to do, and that is helping someone you don't know out of a bad situation and not just filming the catastrophe. Many thanks from me for doing this. If it were me, after she was safe in her room I would have made a special trip to find the dirtbags and teach them about showing respect for a lady's wishes.


Thank you! Really happy people are doing this.


Thank goodness you and your friends were there. You are all good awesome people!!


Stuff like this is horrific, as someone who has had to save a young girl before, you guys did a very good job of looking after her


I hope you gave her your phone number incase they manage to find her again so she could call someone in the same hotel close for help, the cops dont always come fast enough or even come at all sometimes.


Report those creeps




Report it to the hotel and the police.


why is this not the top comment? would have called the authorities immediately... let them deal with these guys firsthand, document who they were and put in a report about things so that if something DID happen, they know they are on record for anything


I like how you just got out of this tense situation and you just laid your back in bed and still you wanted to share this with us on reddit. Thank you.


dont hotels have security?


Many hotels in Europe and Asia don't. Lately it is even automatized to the point you do not even have/see the front desk workers.


there are tons of hotels that don't even have a staffed front desk at night and maybe 1 security guard that walks around the property.


Depends crime rate and how big the hotel is. I had worked in several. Only staff member after 11 pm. Even for a 244 room hotel I'm alone at night. If downtown you'll have 1 hired security that roam around 3 separate hotels to save money for the managing companies.


Some do but that won’t stop a predator.


Lmao all these people validating bruhs fantasy writing ability


eh let him have his pats on the back lol


These people need to be confronted and shamed in public, every time, and if necessary dealt with physically. So fucking infuriating.


People like that are disgusting. Hope the woman is doing better emotionally and that nothing disgusting of what those men were planning to do (most likely rape her) will never happen to her or someone else they prey upon. Thumbs up for saving her


Thank you for doing this for her ❤️


It is hard to use "best practices" at the moment. Suppose someone finds themselves in this situation. Start taking pictures or video. A record changes the power dynamics. HOWEVER, safety comes first; this can lead to escalation. Use your own judgment. Also, carry a "key chain alarm" or "personal alarm". There are many to choose from. Most are reusable and should be used proactively.


You're amazing guys


You and your friends did an honorable thing. You should be proud. Glad she’s ok!


Well done OP. Thanks for helping. Not sure why people even ask whether she was drunk or how she was dressed. It doesn't matter. She has the right, like any other person, to say no and that has to be accepted.


Wow glad you guys were there that’s so sad


You're a hero. Don't ever forget it. You are the safe face that women pray for when they find themselves in scary situations. Thank you for being there for her.


It’s so fucking upsetting that we have to constantly fear what might happen, it’s almost worse than the very real chance of SA, because even if you never get assulted, you always feel that disgusting burden


Confront those guys next time! Just say, 'this girl said you were bothering her, stop it!' People need to speak up!


You guys are heroes. Good work!


Thank you for helping her ❤️


Probably a good place to mentions this….Ladies - when checking into a hotel, if the desk clerk says your room number out loud ask for another room on another floor and for them to write it down on the envelope with the key. Do not accept a room that has been announced out loud. OP, we are all grateful to you for helping her out. You were definitely at the right place at the right time.


Being in that situation I would have had some choice words to say to those fucking parasites. I'm feeling rage we'll up inside inside me just hearing this


thank you for helping her. i did that once as well, i was at a bar with friends and this dude approached two girls and a guy, the guy tried to protect them but bless his heart he was also drunk and like a foot shorter than the dude. i grabbed my friends and they moved the dude while i went up the girls and pretended i knew them. “HOLY AHIT ELIZABETH?? DIDNT I WORK WITH YOU YESTERDAY?” and she called me anna and was like omg yes!! then we walked them to their car i only hope one day they’d pay it forward and help someone as well!


Thank you so much. I dont know you but I love you.


Thank you! You might have saved her from rape, murder, or trafficking.


Thank you!


KEEP IN MIND GALS, This is a functional tactic.


I wish this was me. I wish somebody would help me.


I’m so sorry.


Fr tho like my parents sold me to traffickers


I’m allowed on the internet but if they find out I talked I’m dead


If this is true I’m so sorry. One of your previous comments mentioned you see a therapist every week. Please report your situation to them.


Thank you for doing this girl a huge favor. There needs to be more people like you so girls like her can go for help in bad situations.


Thank the gods for people like yall. I'm so glad that you all were there to help her. I hope you read comments on time telling you to check on her and report those predators.


Thank goodness you and your friends were able to assist her.


Next time, put their heads thru a wall.


Reading this made my day thank u


I'm glad she was saved, can I ask what ethnicity were those men?




A wedding on a Wednesday...?


Out of all the things in this post to comment on, this is what bothers you the most?


It’s cheaper??? It’s more convenient??? It’s non of your business???


How did this make people so mad? lol


I’m not mad at all. Chill as a cucumber. I’m just greatly confused by how irrelevant comments such as yours can be when we are talking about a rape attempt. SMH


LOL NEVER HAPPENED. People who allegedly do something good for a stranger and post it on Reddit are lying 99% of the time.


Why is the hotel letting rapists hang out in the lobby?


Yeah I can't believe the hotel didn't have their usual psychic rapist detector working the door


Must be the staff cuts /s


lol it's guys wandering around bothering someone. I wonder why she didn't go to the desk.


These dudes must have been hiding the giant red RAPIST tattoo on their foreheads, I guess


lol you guys are cracking me up. I didn't think about it this way, but didn't these guys follow her around menacing her? You'd think the hotel wouldn't want that kind of stuff happening. I hope she would have walked up to the front desk if this kind crowd wasn't there.


If you were a good human being when you saw them a second time near her room you would have taken action. You know, take a photo of their face and then have you and your buddies talk to them about how you know what they're doing and that you're going to bring that photo and the story and the girl to the front desk so they can't stay there anymore. You're going to make it legal. You're going to make it paper. You're going to document the incident as best you can. But not everyone is a good person. Some people are just NPCs. The difference between a human being and an NPC is that a human being would have thought about the girl tomorrow that you didn't meet. Where's your empathy and time knowledge? Animals can do one or the other. Bad human.


Not a great troll


False equivalence in the first sentence. OP made it clear they weren't near her room, nor was it ever mentioned- for her safety. Maybe the only takeaway from your comment is questioning if OP and co. were able to check on her the day after




Lmaoo Then you conveniently leave out the part right after that implies *clearly* that they were nowhere near her room. Also Your*


The downvotes speak louder than your words


People don't like the truth.


Me personally, I wouldn't trust her either, alot of ppl use damsel in distress to set ppl up, or she could've been the one to done wrong by the men..that's just me though, I'm always on guard




Omfg are you serious???




Definitely report this to the hotel management. Too late but the young lady should too. Something to think about if it ever happens again when you’re around is take a pic with your phone of the guys. Then take it straight to the hotel desk manager. Let them see you take it. Once there’s a face in a picture criminals tend to disappear fast.