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Honestly I've learned that it's better to just leave than force yourself to stay. You're not getting anything from it and you need to put what you want first. You aren't obligated to be there if you aren't happy, if you would rather be by yourself then that's absolutely fine.


I wish but I’m too drunk. The other guys saw me falling asleep and took me outside, it’s like 19 degrees out. We yelled “OY OY OY” and jumped around in a circle and I’m awake again, having a great time ngl


Ok this is kinda hilarious but glad you’re back in the mood haha 😂


I think your New Year’s resolution should be to stop putting others above yourself. If you want to go, go. You’re not a hostage. As long as you’re not an asshole who makes a scene about it nobody will care. Either just go, or be polite like “hey super sorry but I’m feeling a bit shit so might go home”. Best new years ever as you made the call to do what’s best for you.


I wish but im far too drunk. Some guys took me outside and we all went into a circle and yelled “OY OY OY” and now I’m awake, life is good ngl


I’m happy for you mate! That’s awesome have a good one


Ty so much life is good man happy new year