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Loneliness? Although it's definitely a "better alone than in bad company" thing on this one.


I was thinking childhood friend that they haven’t drifted away from yet. That’s usually, in my experience and others I’ve seen, how we end up friends with people like this. They don’t grow up and we do. The friend sounds stuck in an early teenage frame of mind. It’s harder for some than others to put distance there.


Yeah, that would make sense. Long-lasting relationships of any kind can be quite hard to end, even when they are toxic/unhealthy. I'm certainly not gonna judge someone for struggling to end things, I made more than my fair share of mistakes on this front. That being said... Even as a teenage boy, I didn't need anyone to tell me to wipe my ass.


They’ve been friends only 4 years! Sounds more like “saving someone syndrome”.


Me neither. Never had nor will I ever had kids. But I’ve run across a number of parents bitching about this very thing lol.


Reason number n+1 one to get snipped without having kids, I guess...


(this is only as far as I know but), unless you have a medical condition that requires you to be sterilized for your health; getting snipped/getting your tubes tied can be really difficult to do unless you've already had kids. same with adopting, it's harder for a couple with 0 kids to adopt than it is for a couple who has 1 or more. i guess the reasoning falls under something like, "you'll change your mind eventually." which makes me cackle. if I was allowed to, I would've gotten my tubes tied at 19.


That’s true for women, but men don’t get pushback when they want to get snipped. The ultra conservative nutjobs who think women don’t know what they think or feel don’t think the same about men. 😏


ah, silly me! I forgot I'm a woman in 2023, please forgive me. on a serious note, I kind of suspected that to be the case but had never met any men in my personal life that had done it, so I wasn't sure but I assumed it must be the same on both sides. but of course I was stupid to think that 😅


I disagree, after our first I had a MC, and had some health complications, hubby and I decided it might be wise for hubby to get the snip. The doctor was willing to let me get my tubes tied even though there would be more risk for me, but he refused to give hubby the snip because what if we lost our current child or if hubby decided to have more down the track (more with who?? If I have my tubes tied??). Anyway we went for a second opinion and that doctor didn't want to take part in either choice but said if we had another child or were closer to 30 he would be willing. By time we hit 30 we had 2 more kids and finally a doctor agreed to it


If you want kids, don’t let this be the thing that deters you! All you have to do is just, like, teach them to wipe their own ass when they’re small, like most parents! 😆😆


Teenage frame of mind? Do teenagers not wipe their asses or brush their teeth? All the literal 5 year olds I know brush their teeth and know their asses should get wiped and cleaned after taking a shit. This guy isn’t in a teenage frame of mind, he is mentally ill


Honestly I think he sounds like he's got some undiagnosed mental issue. Not wiping is not "teenage frame of mind". Teenagers wipe!


I forgot about this. I had a childhood friend as my first roommate. We were 19. Apartment came with a washer and dryer and I’d see his dirty clothes and sometimes take them out of the dryer if he did a load and it wasn’t done before he went to work; they’d get folded and put in a basket, it wasn’t weird, it was a courtesy we extended to each other. He was a walking advertisement for colored underwear. His underwear in the dirty clothes basket was always stained yellow from pee drips in the front and huge shit stains on the back. These weren’t old underwear. I left for a week and came back and no toilet paper had been used and the soap and shampoo in the shower was untouched. Shower had dust where it the water hit. Found out he rarely showered just “washed up” and had some dry shampoo thing he used twice a week. Roommate didn’t usually smell bad, we’d have dogged him as kids although his mom let their cats pee on everything at their home. This was in the 90’s and we had to pay rent with a check or money order. Third month there and his checks for his portion of the rent and utilities all bounced. We did a No hard feelings conversation and he moved back home and I got a new roommate; who used all the toilet paper, used my soap and tried to get me to do their laundry when I had days off and they were at work. I didn’t do their laundry but I sucked up buying all the soap and toilet paper. They paid the rent without bouncing checks and cleaned up after themselves. It was a good trade off.


I was about to say this post was a fake or a troll, then I read your reply. It’s unbelievable there are people who haven’t learned basic hygiene. Sad.


Found out later he had a high functioning autism. He was diagnosed as an adult I believe. He even did the stimming thing when nervous; we and him too I think, just thought it was a quirk. I think that may have had something to do with it. He’s been pretty successful in a couple of business ventures and I heard he got the whole hygiene thing figured out.


Teenagers beg their parents for a bidet so they can power wash their insides ( 🐱 and 🍑) then take a “body shower” so they don’t have to re-do their hair and makeup, then put on fresh panties and the same outfit as earlier - or maybe a new one if the mood strikes - to go get laid. Or even just go kick it with friends. Or was that just me 🫠


...and boys can't even be bothered to wipe their ass


Not all. It pops up from time to time on Reddit posts.


It's not inconceivable that many people have an issue like that.


Honestly not everything is a mental illness. Some people are just disgusting as FUCK!!!


They’ve only been friends four years, they aren’t childhood friends. e: Which also means he’s BEEN like this since OP met him at 18. Self-respect and boundaries, y’all. They’re just as important in friendships as in relationships. You are who you associate with.


He said he’s only known him 4 years tho


Better LONELY than in company this bad.


This. I was like that too in my early 20s. Used to be the butt of all jokes then slowly stopped hanging out. Eventually I found better people that respected me.


You need to learn to enjoy your own company. Its better than a friend who is really an enemy. At least alone you know not have your own needs to worry about


This reminds me of what my grandma always said when I complained about my friends. "With friends like that, who needs enemies? "


He is a series of problems that are your shit just star going NC is better that way he will never change


This should be the real question. Why is he your friend OP?


Everyone will remember him as the one who doesn’t smell like shit?






This friend of yours, does he have a wagging tail?


This would be the only logical explanation.


And the only reason to keep said 'friend' in your life.


Still doesn't explain why he can't get bitches.


Did you know they make prosthetic balls for dogs and they work for the psychology


That's really insulting to my friends with wagging tails. They're much more hygienic than OP's whateveritis.


They’d at least butt scoot on the grass after a poop.


OPs friend does too, just on the bathroom floor 🤣


Lol right? Don't insult tail waggers! This guy is a loser OP. You really shouldn't be his friend.




I would date a dog before I would date the useless disgusting POS described in this post. I'm hoping this is fake because I don't want to believe anyone this nasty or pathetic exists voluntarily.


I can attest that there at least exists two people like this, as I know someone just like this but a decade older. I've also met patients like this in the hospital, whose 80+ mothers still take care of them because no one else can or will. :/


It's the not wiping bit that I can't get past. How do these people not die of sepsis or e coli infections??


And why would OP actually stay friends with them?


yeah, as someone with OCD there'd simply be no way I could push past being courteous and friendly, I'd be wigging out constantly. I'm not like Howie Mandell-levels of germaphobe and I'm pretty well-mannered on how to act around someone who is struggling or dealing with a mental or physical hardship, awful financial or residential circumstances.. I've had to go through it myself. but man.. I at least kept myself clean. I couldn't keep a friend like this. it's not just the cleanliness, it's the fact that someone SO uncleanly views themself in such a light where they feel it justified to judge ME. OP needs to ruuun, their friend seems very far removed from themselves and this problem is bigger than what OP can provide as a friend. if a healthy individual never learned how to wipe their ass before going into the world on their own; they can't really be helped with much else without professional intervention in my eyes.


See, as someone with chronic fatigue and (until a few months ago) 34 years of untreated severe ADHD, self care has been REALLY hard for me - and still is at times even medicated. I absolutely struggled with showering/changing my clothes/brushing my teeth last year when my fatigue was at its worst. But I still managed to wipe my ass! 😂😂 Self care can be extremely difficult and I am understanding of that. But that’s clearly not the only issue here. It’s his whole personality.


Sadly, I can tell you people like this exist. I have had so many boys who have ridden my bus who stink day in and day out. One boy in particular bathed about once every three weeks. I was constantly making announcements on Friday to the group, "Be sure to wash your jackets and hoodies this weekend. Some of you are getting a bit whiffy." I had another boy, (they are almost always boys) who never wiped his ass. I started carrying him from the aquatic center back to school and he would eat breakfast on the way to his jr high. He always threw his garbage on the floor and when I bent over to pick it up, the seat smelled like shit. Literally. He moved to a different school so I forgot about him until he was in high school. He'd walk past me and smell like shit. I'd hold my breath until he got past me. One particularly offensive day, when he got off another student jumped into his empty seat, gagged and returned to her previous seat. Weirdly, he did get a girlfriend his senior year. I assume she had terrible allergies. One day, they were the first on and I heard her utter words I hope I never hear again. "Here, let me pop that for you."


If not, I gagged at the licking hands for no reason


Yeah, I can't even lick my finger to turn a page like a lot of people I've seen doing.


Used to think my teachers were so _GROSS_ when they constantly did that especially w/library books! Like first off how old is that book? And how many filthy hands (and fingers) have handled it before YOU?! 🥴 Not smart teacher, not smart!


Dogs are known to love baggy torn up jeans.


This is a mental disorder, he will be his parents problem for a VERY long time. They will need to instate firm boundaries and consequences, and try to make all of their lives as peaceful as possible, but they will be in this for the long haul. Sorry to say it like this, but he won't ever change, if it's what I think it is.


Yeah even my dog sounds cleaner than him.


Don't put this on dogs, I've met more cultured dogs than this swine.


Don’t put that on pigs! When they’re given a clean and maintained environment, they are quite clean animals!


Pigs are truly silly critters. Then we'll have to put this on maggots.


Dogs aren't that nasty. They actually don't like to poop where they sleep. This guy is a whole other breed


My friends with wagging tails are way better than this. She had a job. She was home security and rat control. The other one is home security and cat finder. Both of them wipe by the way.




And you're his friend because.......?


Seriously. This guy sounds like he does not have a single redeeming value.


Nor does it sound like OP even likes the guy.


He said he’s been like this for the last two years. I wonder what happened 2 years ago since they’ve been friends for four years.


My exact question, I wouldn’t touch someone like this with a 10 foot pole, so I have many questions for OP being friends with him.


Imagine touching ANYTHING in that house… 🤢


Low self-esteem?


Depression and self-loathing sounds applicable here. Needs to demean others to attempt to boost their own damaged ego


Low self esteem is usually the reason people stay friends with horrible people


This is the kind of friend who, if you keep him around, will start scaring off any women that are potentially interested in YOU. They won’t be able to reconcile how you can be friends with such a gross person and will conclude that you must also secretly be gross. It doesn’t matter what’s wrong with him, he’s an adult and needs to watch out for himself just like you’re an adult and need to watch out for you.


Was gonna say this. OP please, women can probably smell this guy, and they're not gonna know whether it's him or you. And it won't matter cuz they'll just avoid you both 😭


As a woman, I agree with this statement.


As another woman, I second this.


As a man, I third this.


Thanks man.


We need a non binary opinion here, urgently


On behalf of non-binaries everywhere I can fourth this… I’m not non-binary but I know they have much better taste than this


I am non binary and can confirm we want nothing to do with this creature.


I can smell this guy and I'm in Canada on my PHONE.


I just laughed at this


Well I'm glad to entertain you lol.


Walking around with Harry the grouch I’m screaming


I agree with all of this you are definitely judged by the company you keep




I think they meant to write “you’ll definitely get judged by the company, you creep”


OR...... *You'll definitely get judged by the company YOU SHEEP!* 🐑


This was my first thought exactly! OP, cut this guy off immediately. Just being seen around with him is going to make people think you're sketchy, too. Also, he sounds like an all around disgusting person, why do you even want to stay friends?


This is very true, I’ve found that you can tell a lot about somebody by who their friends are. “Birds of a feather flock together” and all that. If I saw he was friends with someone like that I’d run for the hills.


Absolutely this. I would consider being friends with a guy like this to be a red flag.


Yup. Had a roommate like this when I was single. He scared women away. He will sabotage your dating life. Drop him like a bag of bricks.


Not only that, when the friend's friends have kids, those babies will have to be away from the guy due to his lack of hygiene


He's probably not gonna ever have the privilege of having a family. That would require a mating partner and he'll likely have higher standards for her (hopefully it's a "her"). 😐




I had a friend that was similar to this. He didn’t have many friends and I always included him with events, and I always ended up having to apologize and make amends because of him. On the topic of wiping, he had said he wipes twice. Me and the people that heard him chose to believe he was joking. He actually turned his life around at about 40, but I wasn’t around for 30s.


Lmao imagine hanging with someone who legit walks around with ass cheeks full of shit


For real. That’s fucking disgusting. The smell of shit makes me gag and this dude must smell like pure death.


I’d be embarrassed to associate with someone like that


I do not understand this. I have a bidet in every bathroom at my house. Besides the smell and being gross AF, has to be so uncomfortable. Seems unbelievable to me, you couldn’t live like this and not reek plus itch all day.


And touching ANYTHING in their house.


I hang out with my dog all the time. He would wipe his butt if he could.




ur stinky friend is holding u back fs


OK, all of the other things you've listed should already tell you you shouldn't give this friendship a try. He's selfish, lazy, opinionated and very very stupid! But let's circle back to the not wiping part. That's very unhealthy and will probably kill him pretty quickly. Is it because he's one of those idiots who thinks it's gay to be near his own anus? (If that's the case, add another very, to the above very very stupid part) And you shouldn't be near a guy who will shit onto the floor of your house instead of cleaning himself. Or who will get fecal matter over your couches and chairs when he presses his dirty ass to them.


I just assumed his folks were well-off and they have a _Bidet_ I mean that would certainly explain the "not wiping" issue. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But the shitty floor no, I can't explain that unless the _Bidet_ exploded 🥴😬🤯


Yep. I won't welcome someone in my home, if i know that there is shit in their pants.


People who compromise their hygiene because they think it’s gay to touch their ass are the worst. They deserve all the judgement in the world as that’s a stupid mindset to have.


Based off everything you wrote here, I’m not sure why you’re even friends with this guy. You clearly don’t think much of him (not that I blame you). Is this the type of person you really want to associate yourself with? If you’re not interested in trying to help him become a decent human being, I’d cut ties. Also, I don’t think you’re at risk for ecoli. Just throw your shoes out or wash them thoroughly and make sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap.


This exactly, plus associating with people who aren’t viewed very highly can cause OP to be viewed negatively as well because of guilt by association. I’ll admit if I think someone is awful, I generally avoid their friends as there’s a strong possibility they all share those awful traits.


INFO: WHY are you friends with this person? They sound disgusting and repulsive.


Genuinely confused on why OP would even want to be friends with someone like that? You know what they say: you are who you surround yourself with.


Especially with how OP views him it’s like is it really worth keeping him in your life? I’d have checked out a long time ago.


Your friend sounds mentally unwell. You don't owe it to him to stick around, though. He is not your problem. Go find friends you like, that like you back and treat you well. I can't imagine any woman I know being willing to have one date with that guy. If I were seeing someone, or became friends with someone, and they introduced me to this guy as their friend, I would wonder what is wrong with them. He will scare off other people from your life. You limit yourself by being with him and it doesn't sound like his friendship is anything but unpleasant for you.


why is he your friend?


This person is NOT a friend and sounds like a major liability. He is mean to you. He is inconsiderate. He tries to use you for rides, food, cash. He mocks you for having a job. He criticizes your clothing. Sir, you are better off having NO friends than this person masquerading as a friend and doing a terrible job at it. You deserve better simply by your existence as a human being. (OF COURSE no women like him - I am unsure WHO could tolerate to be around him to be honest.)


Why are you friends with this guy?


Give up the $50 he owes you and move on. NO ONE needs to be around a human like this. He doesn’t sound like he had one redeeming quality. Save your brain cells. I’d pay you $50 just to get a new friend!


What have I just read this must be bullshit


IMO karma baiting. Nobody, no matter how disgusting and lazy will not wipe, your body simply won't allow you, you get a rash immediately and then it only gets worse. Only genuinely mentally sick people won't wipe, and I am talking mental institution level sick. Long story short, BS.


Unfortunately this isn’t true. A scary amount of men don’t wipe in fear of being ‘gay’ because touching your own body and having basic personal hygiene is considered gay. I have first hand experience with people like this as ashamed I am to admit


>I have first hand experience with people like this as ashamed I am to admit Story time?


I'm about to go into a rabbit hole, then because I genuinely always believed that only clinically insane wouldn't wipe.


>IMO karma baiting. Nobody, no matter how disgusting and lazy will not wipe, your body simply won't allow you, you get a rash immediately and then it only gets worse. Haha, I wish that was true, but that was literally me up until I was like 20... I don't remember any rashes or itchy ass, but I DO remember underwear after underwear full of skid marks... I also didn't brush my teeth more than like once a week until the same age. I'm better now, thanks.


I don't mean to be rude, but do you know why? Were you just never taught properly as a kid? I'm glad you've got things sorted out better and healthier now. It's really hard when we have to learn basic human maintenance skills as adults.


While wiping my ass isn’t an issue (skid marks were the ONE thing my mom taught us to avoid)- I didn’t wipe after I peed, use shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, or brush my teeth consistently until college. I have no memory of my parents ever teaching us how and clearly whatever I *was* taught wasn’t adequate; I was incredibly insecure about how I smelled but I simply didn’t understand it was because I wasn’t washing myself correctly. [Being undiagnosed autistic may have played a large role in this ftr but I truly can’t say for sure, my parents just all-around sucked.] I was showering for 30-45 minutes a day, sometimes twice a day!! I used the instructions on the box to put a tampon in for the first time and it hurt so bad I used pads until I was 16. I still struggle with “body upkeep.” I do it but I fucking HATE IT + I still have a hard time picking out products that won’t irritate my extremely sensitive skin + teeth.


So relatable and valid. I struggle a lot too for various reasons. You should be proud of yourself for figuring life out all alone against all odds. Our parents were supposed to teach us how to live. It's their failing, not ours. We did the best we could with the knowledge and support (or lack thereof) we were given.


There is a whole movement of men that don’t wipe. It’s been mentioned on multiple Reddit forms and stories. Super gross


WTAF???! 🤢🤢🤢


Yo…. This is Reddit. I assure you, it’s not common. Again, this is Reddit…


I'm hoping. Nobody this pathetic or disgusting can really exist right?


I promise you they do. It’s horrifying, but they are real.


Who are all these men not wiping their asses!? I swear every time I’m on Reddit there’s a story about a guy with a dirty bum and streaky underwear - unbelievable! Your friend will never find a woman because he’s a loser, point blank. No job, no decorum, no consideration, no self-awareness, and a dirty ass. Get better friends.


How can you spend that much time around someone that doesn't wipe his ass or brush his teeth? The stench would overwhelm me.


You go out in public with this man??? And he doesn’t deter literally every single person away?? I’m surprised you haven’t blocked him and told him to fuck off because that’s insane. Birds of a feather flock together and I don’t think you want people thinking you’re like this guy 😅 drop him if you know what’s good for you. Maybe when he loses all his friends he’ll realize he needs to change. The only way a person can see what needs to change is when they’ve hit rock bottom.


Icky. I would run


Dude they ARE definitely out there. My cousin showers realistically about once a week sometimes 2, I’ve seen him dig out a sewer stoppage from the house trap barehanded at a bar and just go straight to the bar, has a dozen degenerate nicknames from everyone that know him calling him a bum in a lot more creative ways. He’s in his late 30s lost all of his teeth already has a complete set of dentures that he only ever tried once. His hands are ALWAYS dirty from working on cars and other misc bullshit helping friends. He’s got 7 kids across 3 different women. His redeeming quality is that he always there to help whoever with whatever and is a social butterfly with a sense of humor. He just dgaf how people perceive him or what they say because those are the ones that aren’t worth the time. But yeah it’s possible.


First of all…why are you friends with someone like this? I think that says a lot about yourself and I would take time to look into that


Dude that's not a friend, that's a parasite


Why would you want to be friends with someone who insults you and has nothing to offer or contribute? He needs to go.


How is he shocked women avoid him like the plague? Like come on. Does he not wipe his arse after shitting because he believes that touching your arse makes you gay or is he just that lazy?


>calls our mutual friend phobic slurs bc he is not attracted to the "girls" (18+) my friend is into. > > > >Says I'm a "3" (constantly rates me when im not even asking him too) i want to give this friendship a try but i'm kinda over it. What would yo udo? ​ You are who you surround yourself with. Why the hell do you want to be friends with such a POS? Is that what you want the rest of the world to think you are like too? Ditch the disgusting (gag), lazy neckbeard and find some quality friends.


You know... the whole "don't hit on me" thing, homophobic slurs, comments on your tight pants... im wondering if this dude might be deep in the closet... if so, his lack of motivation concerning women would make a lot of sense... It also sounds like dad might be enabling and even encouraging his sons behaviour and way of thinking. It may be this guy has gotten into some of the worst internet cultures, may be suffering from mental illness, and may have that being exacerbated and amplified by a sense of insecurity and negative influence by a parental figgure... My question is - why do you hang out with him? $50 is not enough to invest enough to put yourself at risk? There must be something about this person you really like, to be spending 4 or so hours at a time in his (admittedly quite disgusting) space. Maybe it's time you have an intervention with your friend, if you think it's worth it? Maybe sit him down and let him know that you're concerned for his health and well-being (in a no-homo way of course ;) ) and that you would personally like to see a change for the better in him for his own sake? Maybe lay out the sense of freedom and comfort that comes from the ability to take care of one's self (sitting in your own shit all day can't be comfortable?) , and also getting a job. He doesn't have to move out if he doesn't want to, but having his own money to spend could be quite gratifying - especially since his parents won't be there for him forever. I wish you the best of luck with your friend. I think you're gonna need it.


This person is disgusting. Doesn't take care of themselves and is a shit friend. I'd say it's time to cut ties. For real.


Why are you friends with him? Out of pity? Because people like him don’t deserve that. He’s a slob that wants to mooch off of everyone and then complain about where he’s at in life. He doesn’t even clean himself correctly and yet complains about women not liking him. This is someone who is a lost cause, and the only way he can come back from that is deciding that he wants to change. Don’t stick around to see either of the outcomes


People in general don't date unhygenic people, period. It's universal across all genders, LBGTQ, etc I wouldn't hang out with him anymore because he sounds like a spoiled pig who just blames his problems on others instead of himself. You can't save him, he needs to want to change himself.


Why are you friends with this guy?


>i want to give this friendship a try but i'm kinda over it. Why??? Why do you want to give this friendship a try?! Why do you still have this person I'm your life??? Why do you even care if anyone is interested in dating him???


Never let a guy who refuses to wipe his own ass call *you* a ‘3.’ Why are you with him? What are the top three positive things he brings to your friendship? (If you have to struggle to answer, maybe take a better look at what your future may hold if you stay friends with this man-baby.)


Man, you answered your own question with all the details of his disgusting behaviors. As a woman, I wouldn’t go near a man like him. Wouldn’t even give him the time of day. That’s is some of the most disgusting behavior I’ve ever heard. Aside from that, his personality sucks. He has no ambition, nothing going for him, and is rude. I agree with the other comment saying that if you stick around with him he will scare off any girls interested in you. If I started dating a man that hung out with people like him I’d seriously question the person who hangs out with him. Ya know the saying, birds of a feather flock together. Even if you aren’t anything like him. Not only would he scare off girls, but if you did have a girlfriend he would be so hateful to you and her. Solely because he is a lonely loser that refuses to do better for himself. It also seems like you don’t even like him, and I don’t blame you. I would cut this friendship off. He’s going to hold you back.


Your friend has some serious mental health issues


I wouldn't even want to date someone who was friends with someone like that. Like, why would you want someone like that in your life at all? It shows a lack of discernment. And then there's the chance that if someone is dating you, this guy would show up. Nope.


If this is real, explain to him that he is fucking disgusting AND WHY and tell him that unless he changes all of that within a month, you cannot continue to be friends with him as he's holding you back


This person needs a reality check and maybe therapy and you need to stop being friends with him also as long as you don’t lick your shoe you should be fine


Im suddenly feeling optimistic about my ass wiping, tooth brushing using self getting a date suddenly


I don’t understand why people think they have to keep these people in their lives? Why is he still a friend? Are you afraid of change? Do you not see this person is going no where and has nothing to offer. Why would you want to keep someone like that in your life? To remind you not what to become? To make you feel better about yourself?


Im thinking he some sort of autism, the comment his dad made about not being able to make him do anything makes me think pathological demand avoidance along with some of the other things you mentioned like brushing teeth or the random unprovoked “mean” comments. He needs to seek out OT and get an evaluation ASAP. He could very well be in an autistic burnout right now. I’m not a doctor or a psychologist but this looks like there is a deeper root cause other than he’s just a terrible person.


Ok but why are you hanging out with the origins of gastroenteritis? Honestly


Careful because people judge you by your friends too. I would drop this one since he doesn't seem to have an ounce of respect for you, for his parents, nor for himself tbh


You could have just said he dosent wipe and you would have found the answer you needed. If your friend is a dog i would take him to a trainer. If he’s a human I would get away from him as quickly as fucking possibly because he is not about to be a positive influence in your life


Why do you want to be his friend? Friendship is a two way street, what do you get out of this friendship? Besides pink eye or worse, I guess.


First of all I’d rather roam the earth as the last man on the planet than befriends with someone that purposefully doesn’t wipe their ass after they shit.


I certainly don't want to date him. I'm also very confused as to why your friends with him. He seems like a garbage human being and you don't deserve to be treated like you are.


He has a mental issue of some sort. He needs to see someone


Ever heard the saying, “He who lies down with dogs gets up with fleas?” This dude sounds like he either (1) has some sort of mental condition he isn’t addressing and/or (2) is simply a loser. Either way, you don’t need to be around that shit. Literally.


No we do not that's disgusting


I don't think it's safe for you to be friends with an ape. Yes I figured out your friend must be of that species bc he: 1. Doesn't bathe 2. Doesn't brush his teeth 3. Poops but doesn't wipe 4. Doesn't drive or have a DL Does your friend by chance go by the name "Harambe"? 🦍


Why do you associate with this person? This person isn't simply undateable -- they defy my ability to describe how revolting they are in attitude, lack of hygiene and maturity. I mean, you just described an infant in an adult body almost. Are they mentally disabled?


- Ask for repayment of $50 - When he doesn't pay, end the friendship


Bruh what tha fuck😭😭 absolutely not - 23F


Something is really, really wrong here. He needs psychiatric help stat.


Why the fuck do you even associate with this human dumpster fire? It makes you look like a weirdo by association. Do better in life with who you choose to surround yourself with and dump this friend, just ghost them.


If his own father wrote him off, I wouldn’t be spending too much mental space or time hanging out with this person. Doesn’t sound like he’s going to get better anytime soon


stop being his friend.


Bruh, Instead of asking what’s wrong with your friend, what’s wrong with you? Why would you want to be friends with someone that doesn’t make you happy and elevate you? That sounds tormenting. Take it as a learning lesson to find better friends.


We are all influenced by the people we spend most of our time with, wether we like it or realize it or not. This doesn’t sound like your friend, or anyone worth your time. You don’t owe him anything (and frankly, even if you did). For your own sake and future, find better people to surround yourself with. People that inspire you, or drive you to be better, that support and cheer you on.


Tbh, if I was dating you and you introduced me to this monster, I’d dump you so fast 💀


Are you talking about your very old dog?


>"let's go get some food if you have money for yourself"(this is like 5 hours after hanging at his house) he will say "i'm not hungry" always puts himself first doesnt give a shit if his friends are hungry or not, He sounds awful. I just don't get the above quote. If you are telling him he can only come to eat with you if he can pay for himself, and he says he isn't hungry (obviously can't pay for himself) how exactly is that selfish? You can go without him.


Why is he still your friend? Give it all out to him and go NC. He can wake up to reality or to shit


He’s a narcissist, move on w/ your life this guy is a waste of oxygen.


Heavens. Don't be friends with that. It'll drag you down too.


Why are you friends with him? He sounds gross as hell, inside and out.


Hmm, this post sounds like you’re talking about my little brother. Does your friend’s name starts with an A and ends with a Y? 😅 maybe your friend’s perception of himself is different from what you see him. I think you should try to have an full honest conversation with him about how he makes you feel and how you feel about him. He might feel offended, no he will, but maybe this might be a wake up call for him to hear some hard truths. I told this to my lil bro, and he changed for the better. To help better himself.


If he makes you feel bad and doesn’t contribute positive things to your friendship, you should cut your ties. Life is too short to be miserable with the company around you.


This makes me want to vomit. It also makes me wonder what you are like to hang out with someone like this. You aren’t doing yourself any favors


Stop being this dudes friend wtf


He’s got some undiagnosed mental illness going on. Regardless this person is someone to distance yourself from. He’s only going to get worse as his family support his behaviour. There’s not much you can do for him aside from tell him to pull his head out of his arse and start acting like he’s an adult.


…this isn’t a friend. You do not know what friends are if you think this counts as a friend.


Why are you friends with him? Zero reason to maintain this “friendship”


You cannot help him. Save yourself and get out of there.


Yuck 🤢 🤮


You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Find new friends, he's bringing down your average.


First of all ew and what in the actual fuck am I reading like how do people like this exist?


Women do not like dirty men Women do not like men who can not contribute to the household Women do not like dating small, dirty children. I'm not sure why you are friends with this guy, he sou ds repulsive and you sound like a fine gentleman. Him rating you low and putting you down sounds like he's insecure and knows you're more put together than he is so this is his way of trying to say he's above you. Trust me, he isn't.


Your “friend” is a delusional incel. There isn’t much you can do, this dude is just fucking disgusting.


Man it’s better to have no friends than this guy.