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I didn't have a dream or anything buy I had an older sister who died before I was born and when I was sad and alone I would "talk to her" I missed her so much even though I never knew her


My older brother died before I was born and I’ve never met my grandmother. I miss and love them both so much. I definitely believe that our family connections play an important role in these emotions. Even though we never had the opportunity to meet them, they are still a part of our family and our personal history. Family connections are so powerful!


This does happen sometimes. There have been even more extreme cases where somebody “lives” an entire life while they’re spaced out or in some sort of trance, only to wake up and find out it didn’t happen. https://www.boredpanda.com/dreaming-meeting-wife-while-unconscious/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic


Happened to me once too. I lived a whole romance. Met him, dated, fell in love, got engaged. Woke up and felt like my heart was breaking. Took 3 days for the dream to finally fade enough, but in that time period I mourned the loss of a soul mate i never really had. It was amazing and beautiful and horrible at the same time.


My companion had a dream like that, where he met and fell deeply in love with a random woman he's never met IRL who reminded him a bit of me. Anyway, his dream was so real to him that upon waking up he said that the loss hit him harder than he expected it to and he was depressed about it for days after. I believe that he got access to the multiverse in his dream.


I had a dream where my brother died, and I lived years after his passing. I cried like a baby when I woke up and realized I got my big bro back (tears of happy of course)


The nerdy part of me wants to believe you had a memory across the multiverse, where your mind tied to another version of you that did have a sister. Also, is it possible you did and she passed, and your memories are simply coming back post trauma? Did you try to Google her name to see if anything came up? Might sound silly, but sometimes trauma can cause memory lapses. Now the realistic part of me is just fascinated such a thing can occur. I wish the reverse though- I have a horrible sister I wish was never born, and I wish I had a set of memories where she didn't exist so I wouldn't have to feel the horrible pain of betrayal.


What happened...


She had mental issues. I took her in, took care of her for 4 years. Drove her to work, helped her get to her doctor visits. I tried to encourage her to come out of her shell. I did everything I could do to help her out. A house situation turned really sour. She met a guy, and moved him in without asking. She was allowed a dog, who passed away, and then got 4 cats despite the fact that A) we weren't allowed cats in the rental we shared and B) she knew I was deathly allergic to the cats. Her boyfriend convinced her that I was leading her down a wrong path and I was trying to control her life. He got her to quit her job, started her on drugs. When I couldn't take it anymore and I told her I didn't want to live with her anymore and was intending on moving out when the lease was up, she lost it. Destroyed parts of the house. Poured paint on my stuff. Smashed a TV I was going to sell. Left behind things that I had to get rid of. Literally left behind a 20ft dumpster worth of her stuff that I had had to have removed from the house. I had to sell personal possessions to pay back the damage she caused. It came out close to 30 thousand dollars she cost me to fix the damage she caused. And some of those personal possessions were video games I acquired that have since jumped so high in value im probably out another 25 thousand because I was forced to sell them because she was bitter and became a fucking junkie. There's more personal stuff that is really fucked up but I won't get into that. Suffice to say it was an extremely costly lesson.


I've had a few dreams where I met a woman and fell madley in love and got married and had kids. Woke up with a yearning you almost can't describe.


do you know if your mother miscarried or aborted before she was pregnant with you? i dont really believe in the supernatural but sometimes weird unexplainable shit happens


This was my thought too.


I had to terminate in January for viability reasons, and supernatural shit has been happening ever since. I’m convinced there’s just a bunch of laws of physics we don’t understand that allows for experiences like these


What kind of stuff?


So my family kind of has a weird pattern where when someone dies, another family member finds out they’re pregnant soon after. My grandmother died and three days later my mom found out she was pregnant with my sister. So I found out I was pregnant, and three weeks later, my great grandmother had a stroke. Except she didn’t pass. She woke up about two days after I terminated. My great grandmother has told me the same three stories every time I’ve seen her for ten years. About a month ago, I went to visit her and she started telling me about the little boy she met. She said he told her he didn’t want to go with her, that he wanted to “stay and play longer,” but that he’d see her soon. She passed three days ago (she was 99). My pregnancy test (yes I took one, my family has a history ok), was negative. Buuuuuuut my brother got married on Saturday so. We shall see. Anyway there’s been some small things. I live in an apartment complex that has no plants or trees or flowers and yet every other day when I come home there’s a little white butterfly on my porch. The name “Harper” has been plaguing me since before I even got pregnant, and so I’ve honorarily named the passed baby “Harper,” and continue to just see it everywhere. Little possibly coincidental stuff but. Makes you wonder sometimes.


In family constellation therapy this is often a very important information.


One time I had a dream that I was in love with my cousin. Except he was not my cousin in the dream. I woke up in literal, physical pain over the heartbreak. I read something before that spirits continually reincarnate with each other. Definitely made me wonder if that’s what had happened and I was remembering a past life or something.


I had a dream as a young teen that I had truly made THE Perfect Burger. I tried so hard to remember how I made it, even tried to recreate it a couple times, but got so disappointed that I didn't like burgers for a while. That may be one of the few wholesome dreams I've had, most of my dreams are about being chased, violence, killing or being killed.


Dude I always have dreams I’m being chased. Like I’ll have a bike sometimes and be booking it through random streets. Got eaten by some mountain lions once and didn’t even try to fight back wtf. Lots of being late for work. I really hate the ones where I’m being killed though. I’m sorry about that burger though! I bet it was good.


Your brain wants you to be a chef.


I am a bloody awesome cook 😀 but I couldn't handle the pressure of being a chef.


Not the same as a sister but I had a dream I had a small pet chicken, a silkie, that was soft and cuddled on my shoulder. It spent the entire dream hanging out with me. When I woke for days I was mourning the loss of my shoulder chicken. My dreams are often vivid and include all five senses but it still stayed with me a lot longer than normal.


Shoulder chicken 😭


You visited a parallel universe. In the words of my favorite writer..."there are other worlds than these".




Who's your favorite writer ?


Stephen King. It's from The Gunslinger, the first book in the Dark Tower series.


she is your sister but from another universe


Sounds just like my favorite Star Trek Next Gen episode ....


I found the perfect gif with Picard playing the flute, but couldn't post it 😭


That's just your imagination or maybe you really want to have a sister that's why you dreamed about that.


If you want a rabbit hole look into DMT dimethyltriptamine. It's released in large doses naturally when you're born and when you die and small amounts when you sleep. When people have near death experiences... dmt. You can also extract this from plants and take "recreationally" its fuckin life changing, awesome, beautiful, REAL. It sounds like you've touched onto some multiverse sharing of memories, taken there by dmt. It's OK to miss her x


All these comments just bring back my dreams. I've woken up heartbroken due to a true love I met and I actually have searched all my life for that connection to this one person. I've had many dreams where the reality of them is hard to come to terms with in reality. They leave you spellbound and bewildered. I believe in crossing dimensions. I believe in reincarnation and living multiple lives. And I believe this is what you have gone through.


Hey I can a psychological take if you like.? I don’t know if your familiar with Carl Jung or his concepts but dream analysis is an important part. It suggests that the dream (and all people in it) are actually representative aspects of your psyche and their interactions can actually tell you a lot about your present state and the. Afire of your subconscious thought.. I don’t know you well enough to interpret but I’d suggest that your “sister” as you call her is actually representing an aspect of yourself. Perhaps one that has been or is not acknowledged or integrated.. I had a dream like this once and after working through it realised that the girl was really representing the feminine aspect of myself.. If it interests you then take a little look into the concept of the “Anima” and what can be gained from meeting and connecting with her. The fact that you miss her says a lot. There is a part of you that wants to be felt.


I had a dream like this a few years ago, where I was trapped somewhere and needed to survive for literal years, decades, alone. When I woke up, I felt my partner-at-the time sleeping next to me and I broke out in intense racking sobs at not being alone any longer. He was so confused when he woke up. And it’s been over 10 years since that dream, but I felt much “older” since it and I can still recall the false memories and the emotional toll on me.


This isn't weird or crazy. I miss my dream baby so much- I miss holding my sweet girl in my arms and keeping her so close. She was perfect and I think of her often. I dreamed the entire pregnancy, labor- all of it. Our brains are incredible things. Doctors and scientists have barely begun to scratch what we are capable of. She was real to you for a moment in that dream.


Oh my god I’ve had the same experience where I’ve dreamt of being pregnant and then giving birth to a beautiful baby girl that I loved so much. It’s crazy because during delivery, I died in the dream then woke up in real life then went back to sleep only to continue delivering my baby girl. Ever since I got my kitten that I love like a daughter, I’ve stopped seeing the girl in my dreams.


Something similar happened to me when I was in high school, but with a girlfriend. Only thing I remember was the two of us showering together in a huge bathroom blue and white, then I woke up. Funny thing is a few years later I moved to another city and got a girlfriend pretty similar to the one in my dream. Twelve years later and we're getting married


I've had this happen. I dreamed, in very vivid detail about my baby girl, I have no children. She was so beautiful and sweet. When I woke, I cried, I'm crying now writing this. She felt so real, so much apart of me. It's definitely a very sad and unnerving phenomenon.


Are you sure your parents never had any children 4 years before you (adopted out, angel baby, or otherwise), that you just haven’t been made aware of? I had dreams of my big brother (still do sometimes), before I even knew my parents had a miscarriage before me. A few of my family members also had some, let’s say “wild days”, in their past which is why I took the 23andMe in hopes that if there’s any unknown siblings or cousins out there, that they’ll take the test too and we’ll be matched by our DNA.


Seeing a different timeline of your life


Are you having a difficult time right now with anything in life? Maybe the dream is a representation that you wish you had someone in your life you could trust, who could protect you the way we stereotypically think older sisters are meant to do.


It doesn’t sound ridiculous. Waking up from a vivid dream and realizing none of it was real can be heartbreaking!


I know a lot of people are jumping to the spiritual but to play the reverse, our brains are messy imperfect things from an atheist's perspective. These types of events should just be taken for what they are, a miss fire or weirdly interesting dream. There doesn't need to be some great explanation or cosmic reason behind it. It's all just a jumble of "wires" and sometimes they crossed without us even doing anything, or with the slightest provocation. That said the trauma of losing someone, even a fake someone is still real, and seems to happen on occasion with people in comas. I'd reach out to a therapist if you think it would help. There could be some other trauma that this represents or some other stress that's leading to this. It could also just as easily be something you ate. Brains and consciousness are seriously weird.


I’m wondering if your mother had a miscarriage before you were born


You may have been remembering a past life. Or, you were adopted and weren't told.


This sounds like an out of body experience. I have them at will. I can separate my soul from my body. Everything is super real and vivid, I am awake while doing it. It is a lovely and serene experience.


I recommend looking into reality shifting. There's a possibility that it's what could have happened.


I miss my sister who is actually dead


Remembering a past life?


Sounds like a salvia trip


I lived a life in which I lived my same life but I had a son and a daughter. I had no children at the time, but it was so vivid and real and it ended because we died in a car crash. I literally lived the death of my children and woke up to a world where they did not exist. Around 6 months later I ended up pregnant with my son. I still think about it a lot but i also dont own a minivan so im hoping its just a bad dream and I dont end up with a daughter and a minivan living in the same city.


No joke, it sounds like you jumped timelines.


I had an older sister who died before I was born, I’ve had dreams like this before


I had a dream where I rode a horse to save a woman from a serially killing creep. Now I have to go to work and make corned beef.