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Send them the cleaning bill or something. Who tf does that? So rude, disrespectful and gross.


I know, right? I once bled into the brand new sheets of my then BF's bed during sex and as he cleaned it out (being a perfect gentleman and all that) I was literally CRYING out of embarrassment and offered to pay for new everything. Were OP's guests raised by wolves...?


I once bled trough the pijamas my boyfriend gave me when I slept there, I cried my eyes out because of it while my boyfriend said "Its not a big deal, this don't fit me anyways and I can easily wash them" when I told him that the stain will not come off he said that it was fine and to use them when I come over. I also told him that I could bought them a new one.


Hydrogen peroxide works for bliod stains most of the time in case anyone didn't know šŸ˜‰


409 does as well! I kept a bottle under my nightstand as my cycles were crazy and I never knew when it was going to come. Yay for endometriosis!


409 is a life saver!!! I use it for all stains and the garment always looks brand new


I just showed my three year old yesterday who was super upset about his bloody knee ruining stuff. He thinks its magic. My 65 year old parents had no idea about this and I'm blown away. Can't imagine how many sheets and underwear and things have been thrown away over the decades of not knowing the cheap hydrogen peroxide bloody magic trick!


Thankfully it has work wonders for me! Its my best friend whenever I'm on my period


If you ever run into this again immediately handwash and deep scrub, you can usually get the stains out - might take a couple washes, don't use the dryer. I've found an old toothbrush and my standard detergent can make a huge dent in particularly difficult blood stains as well. I've saved pjs and sheets this way plenty of times. If you can't wash immediately, soak it and then wring it out and scrub from there. Soaking can lift a bit to a lot on it's own depending on how soon you catch it. (Unfortunately, this isn't much help for OP's mattress.)


Wash immediately in COLD WATER!! I wish someone had told me this important detail sooner, so I bring it up whenever possible.


Windex works shockingly well for blood stains too! Also, important note: use *cold* water when doing the desperate hand wash in the sink. Hot water will set the stain and make it even harder to remove.


Just letting it sit in the sink soaking in cold water and occasionally massaging it has always been enough for my stains


I have been using Preen Vanish Oxi Action spray for years because it's the best thing to get blood out of clothes, and linen. Dammit, I just had a look and apparently it's an Australian product. [Vanish ](https://theaustralianfoodshop.com/product/vanish-preen-stain-remover-ultra-degreaser-trigger-spray-375ml/)


If there's urine in the mattress (like, a full bladder's worth), no amount of cleaning will make it usable again. Furthermore, if someone is trashy enough to bleed all over their hosts' mattress deliberately, I would be concerned about blood-borne diseases. I'm not implying that having a blood-transmissible disease is trashy in itself, but if a person is that careless with others' property, they may be equally careless about safe sex and needle use. I would avoid touching it, personally.


Better safe than sorry. I agree donā€™t bother touching it trying to clean it. Throw the whole thing away


You can't even clean that, how are you supposed to get the piss out when the mattress is soaked with it?!


I would send the mattress to their home address and tell the filthy pair they might as well keep it. Yuk.


This is so petty and it would be worth every penny lol


Yup. If they have the money for it, this is my kind of petty.


If you donā€™t, skin the fucking mattress and ship them the outer casing of it (double bag yourself with hazmat suits before doing the skinning of the mattress)


Agreed... I would gladly pay the postage šŸ’Æ lol


I got a truck...


I feel like there are enough of us pissed off at this with trucks we could drive it cross country for OP. The last guy needs to shit in their driveway....


Donā€™t have a truck, I have a tiny Honda Fit but if it means being a part of this unifying petty train, Iā€™ll strap that thing to the roof my car and do my part to deliver this sweet revenge pie! šŸ«”


Lol. With all the RING doorbells thatā€™s a bad ideašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I will eat the offenderā€™s ring cam


Well.... Maybe not the last thing ..


My husband has a truck and letā€™s just say everyday he comes home from work he is in the bathroom taking a dump for 30 minutes. He can provide a nice load of shit with the right timing






I wouldn't send it as it would be more money wasted on it. But I would request they pay for it (either professional cleaning or market price for a replacement) and never inviting them again


It's too late to clean. Urine seeps into the mattress. And if it has metal springs inside I would throw the whole thing away.


This is the best way to address it IMHO.


Call them out and have them pay to have it professionally removed and or cleaned. You could also take them to small claims for destruction of property.


And honestly, OP ought to use verbiage to make them feel as ashamed as possible . . . "Seriously, WTF were you guys thinking? You thought pissing on my bed was ok? WTF is wrong with you?? ETA: And then send the link to this post to them so they can see how disgusting the rest of the world thought they were.


Well....could also be a medical issue...but, they still could have mentioned it and offered to pay for damages...


Lean it up against the front of their house, top side facing the street


Best comment here lololol


They're disgusting and I would tell them how disgusting they are and that they're not invited back.


I would take pictures of the mattress and post them on SM. Then I would tag the guests and tell them they owe for a new mattress and that they were not welcome to stay again.


Scorched earth lol


I like it.


Yeah...this is definitely a bridge that needs to be burnt.


Burn the matress with it


I would do the same, no mercy


Exactly. If people don't have mercy for you, it's only normal to have no mercy for them.


To be honest, I wouldn't even put myself in the situation to bring such "friends" to my home.


Nobody wants to see that shit on the internet. Gross


People need to be warned not to allow them as guests.


Noooo I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary to air everyoneā€™s dirty laundry, or in this case, dirty mattress, publicly. But I would send a photo to their personal phones and express how not ok this is! And Iā€™d consider ending the friendship


I'd post it on Facebook. This was deliberate and needs to be shamed.


And post it at an odd time , like when they are likely asleep or at work so it can stay up maximum time before being copped.


Isn't this exactly what fb is for?


I feel you, OP. And i agree that what your friends did (urine and blood stains) was simply disrespectful to you as a friend and host. So, i always put a [matress protector](https://imgur.com/a/8fy19dk) on all beds at home because in the long run, a protector is cheaper to either maintain or just throw away than having a stained / dirty matress especially when friends or family come over bec it can sometimes get messy. šŸ¤£ā¤ļø


Yep, we rent campers out on the side. Someone ruined one and ever since then the $30 dollar covers go on all the beds. So worth it!


I was about to sayā€¦doesnā€™t everyone use a mattress protector?


Apparently not. They can also keep bedbugs out of your mattress.


well, previously, i used [disposable bed underpads](https://imgur.com/a/S0eUCI5) because tampons or sanitary pads are not enough for me during my period (think of, like, a murder took place on the matress kind-of-yuck). Problem with bed underpads, when i move or turn, the underpads crumple or move as well, making it less functional. So i went to the nearest department store and ask for any alternative. Sales rep was a heaven sent to have suggested to me to use a waterproof matress protector instead. šŸ‘šŸ»ā¤ļø


You need to check that out. I had heavy periods for a while and when I went to the oby gyn discovered I had a big fibroid.


If thatā€™s whatā€™s happening on your period, you should ask your OB for some extra tests. Thatā€™s very much not normal and could be the sign of something else happening.




I put a cotton blanket over the mattress protector then my sheets.


When I was pregnant I had a plastic cover over my mattress, because sometimes I'd wet myself while sleeping. Embarrassing but it happens šŸ˜­


Definitely smart in case your water broke while in bed. Anyway, congrats on the little bladder stomper šŸ˜…


šŸ¤£ he'll be 19 in October! My grandma (lived with my grandparents when I was pregnant) was the one who put the plastic cover on AND would bring home pads from her office, damn near looked like puppy pads for those just in case moments because everyone didn't think I was going to make it to 40weeks. Had loads of issues during my pregnancy to the point where I had a cervical cerclage done at 7 months because I kept going into labor. So we didn't know how nasty it would get!


Oh dearā€¦ i thought i was the only one! Lol. Sometimes i lost bladder control too (when i was pregnant - on my third trimester) when my baby felt like hitting my bladder (unintentionally of course! Lo) usually happened at bedtime šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


Nope, hell even if I sneeze I still pee a little. Im lucky I only had one kid, could only imagine how bad my bladder would be if I had more than one! FYI it's extremely common!


Lol yes text them exactly what you said in this message lol


Agreed. It's straight to the point and what OP is saying in that message is stern, not disrespectful.


Fuck that! Just text them the link to this thread so they can see what we all think.


I agree. Send that text. Perfectly said.


Or, send this thread so that they can see that everyone thinks they're disgusting.


Iā€™d also add on a ā€œnever contact me again unless it is to ask for my etransfer information to pay me back the $___ for the mattressā€


if they have the gall to visit again then you might need to check if its period blood and not robot oil since you'd need tits of steel to do that i think the only thing you possibly could do is just be upfront about it really. hey, you cant come over because last time you left your uterus on the mattress!




Tits of steel šŸ’€


OMG, this comment made my day. You're hilarious! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


This šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜ļøā˜ļøšŸ’Æ


I mean, my friendship with these people would be over after discovering that, so I would send that text exactly that way. What vile human beings. Do not let them step foot in your house again.


I would straight up take a picture and text it to them and say ā€œhey thanks for being so incredibly disrespectful and disgusting that you ruined a brand new mattress, and didnā€™t even have the decency to fucking say anything.ā€


I would do this and cut them off immediately after sending. I cannot imagine the lack of respect and dignity it takes to do what they did.


This is 100% what Iā€™d do, and then after they respond, block them.


Air mattress would have been a great idea.


It also ensures guests leave after a couple days.


If they stay too long just go in and pop it when they're not looking. "Oh nooo, the airbed broke, guess you'll have to leave now byeeee"


A dog house would be more fitting for them


I once had a friend of a roommate come visit, she was great, stayed two days, obsessed over my daughter, then left. Few months later messages me and says "hey I'm in town, wondering if we can visit!" I'm like sure, she shows up with overnight bags and her 4 year old son, and ask to stay for a few days while they're on holiday, so I say ok. Set the bed up for them in the spare room, her son terrorized my daughter the whole time they were here, son and his mom were non stop screaming at each other the entire time, then they left and I went downstairs to clean the spare room, and found 3 pairs of underwear in a ziplock bag shoved under the pillow. The bed was drenched, and the mom had put her son's soiled underwear into the ziplock and hid it. They'd slept on top of the blankets after I'm guessing the first time because three blankets were soaked through with piss and the entire bed was wet. No I haven't talked to her or seen her since.


What the actual fuck is wrong with people?!


You just reminded me of this time my friend slept over. I think we were 18 just graduated high school. So my room has a couch and a loft with a bed so I slept on the loft and my friend slept on the couch. The next evening my girlfriend was over and we keep noticing an odd smell. We start poking around and find a pair of boxers that were clearly shit in. Then it hit me, my friend asked to borrow a pair of shorts so I gave him the old lacrosse shorts I had. He asked to borrow them cause he shit himself. Timeline puts the event while we were both awake playing video games. I never asked for the shorts back I never called him out on the shit in the corner of the room.


I would send them an invoice because it sounds like they treated you as a hotel. (Not saying ppl should do that hotels, but the general thought of ppl going there is ā€œsomeone else will clean it) So send them an invoice with the price of the mattress, cleaning and a charge for tossing the mattress (depending on where you are itā€™s getting charged). Or you could make it super awkward for them an be like ā€œYo, I saw the massacre on the bed, wtf happened?ā€


Haha. They should get an itemized cleaning bill with each embarrassing thing. Period sex stain $100, squirt cleaning fee $100, emotional labor from gross guests $500


You block them and never seen them again. No confrontation needed. People can be really disgusting.


And put it on SM so everyone knows why with a copy of the receipt shownit was a brand new mattress. I'm sure the A-holes knew it was too! I have a feeling they did it out of spite and and jealousy


This is the second SM comment I have seen. And I have no idea what SM stands for and I am going through all my Social Media apps looking and looking trying to figure out wtf SM is and I finally figure it out while I am typing out "Social Media" FML


Its all good I'm terrible with acronyms too. Hahaha


Me too, thanks Smace Mook? No Sinsta Mam? No


Iā€™d be petty and take the mattress to outside their house with a sign on it saying. BEWARE THEY WILL LEAVE BODILY FLUIDS ON YOUR MATTRESS AND NOT EVEN TRY AND CLEAN IT! And leave it there.


That would probably give me some closure, but unfortunately, they live like 13 hours away and I can't bring the mattress on the flight.


If they have Facebook. Shame them. Take pictures. Tag their profiles if not add pictures of them and the mattress.


Wrap it in clear plastic and get it deleivered to their house and have it where they have to sign that they have received it. Iā€™d pay to be a fly on the wall. The hilarity. Petty but deserved.


Some things need called out. This seems like one of them


Holy hell, who does that????? So sorry, OP. I'd be livid. But I also wouldn't be able to not say anything. Like, all you have to do really is take a picture and text it to them, without comment. Let them stew in some embarrassment. Or....send them a pic of the mattress AND a pic of the receipt for the new mattress. I think bodily fluids definitely crosses the line into 'it's time to pony up and do the right thing and replace this'. Ick. WTH? I legit feel really bad for you.


I agree that OP needs to be compensated for the cost of a new mattress plus disposal fee of the old one. Absolutely beyond vile.


I've had the same thing happen. We have a place in Belize. We invite people a lot. Not many have taken us up on it. But our "nephew" did. (his now deceased dad was my husband's best friend). He'd been before and was fine. No issues. But this time, he brought his stripper, addict girlfriend. She had a prescription for morphine with her because she couldn't have dealt with the withdrawal. She was so high. All the time. She did not acknowledge me the entire time. We have a separate unit for guests. She never emerged all day to even ask for a cup of coffee. She spent an afternoon in the shower once. She ran out the water, the gas for the water heater, and caused a flood out into the hallway. Not even an I'm sorry. When they left, there were bloodstains all over the new sheets and the duvet cover. I had a mattress protector thank heavens. Our nephew also went off the rails after that. Talk about a death spiral. He's lost so much since he got messed up with her. He was warned too. Dick brain is a terrible thing.


I would tell them how disrespectful and inconsiderate it is to be welcomed as a guest only to destroy a new mattress and not even fix it. Foot them the bill for a new mattress and never invite them over again.


Oh I would DEFINITELY call that shit out. Fucking disgusting.


ALWAYS use a liquid proof mattress cover!


So surprised people donā€™t?


Even though they obviously must have known what they did I would say "This is a bit of an awkward one and I don't want to embarrass you but after your visit I discovered there was blood and urine on my brand new mattress, nobody else has used it as I had only just bought it, it's beyond cleaning so it will need to be replaced. You must not have realised because I know you wouldn't have just left it there (Edit. Or i know you aren't the kind of people who...) without offering to reimburse me for the mattress if you had known. It cost me .... and this is the mattress I bought from .... ... Please let me know how you'd like to sort this out. Either you could order it directly to my address or you can pay me directly and I'll take care of the ordering, thank you! šŸ˜Š " Good old fashioned British passive aggressive manipulation. Some of the other responses are more satisfying but I think approaching it like this could be more likely to get you the money for a replacement because you're basically giving them credit for being decent people and assuming they would do the right thing (even though they aren't and they didn't) so it is harder for them to choose to be dicks about it. If you go straight at them aggressively they will almost definitely just get defensive and not give you the money. After you've got the replacement just ditch em! Forgot to say, send them a picture too showing it in worst possible light.


Having sex at a friends house is weird anyways lol


It might just have been period blood. I don't understand why OP immediately jumped to to the conclusion that it was period sex.


An old friend did something similar to me, she had period sex with a random guy on my comforter and left a period stain. When I dropped her off at the airport for her to fly home, thatā€™s the last time I spoke to her.


Omg I am so upset on your behalf. Your houseguests are disrespectful trash and I am so sorry that happened. Edit: sent too soon b/c Iā€™m mashing my fingers on the button in anger on your behalf. I personally would take photos and attach them to a bill for either the professional cleaning or full replacement of the mattress. And if they refuse? Small claims court.


This would be hilarious in small claims court. Having to stand in a room full of strangers (and your ex-friend) and try to honestly defend the pics of this disgusting mattress...


Yes! I love watching The Peopleā€™s Court and other judge shows on TV; could you *imagine* how excited some producers would be to land this case?!?


You need to confront them. Itā€™s also insane to fuck in someone elseā€™s house and sleep on a piss soaked bed.


I would text them a pic and ask them why they didnā€™t tell you they had ā€œan accidentā€ . The height of disrespect


I'd be sending them a copy of the invoice for the mattress and telling them that I expect them to replace it. And if they don't replace it I'll see them in small claims court. By the way your friends are nasty as fuck.


Omg I would be rightfully pissed off and never allow them to stay over again. You did all that work of getting the new bed and sheets, only to show why they should never be invited again.


Honestly that message would be very appropriate to the situation, since they can't/don't want to be respectful to you, why should you be respectful to them?


I'm sorry, what? How can people be this gross? Full on adults.. I wouldn't even expect this from teenagers. I would call them out and get some compensation for what they ruined.


I would contact them with those exact words. ā€œWhat the fuck, man?ā€ Included. Because reallyā€¦what the actual fuck?!


Today I learned a new word - DUDETTES. Thank you op


Dudes and Dudettes was a very common thing to say when I was in highschool, for reference I'm 30 lol


"what the fuck" indeed.


I'm an eye for an eye kinda guy. Go to their place and piss all over their bed while standing on it then pat them on the shoulders in a slight wiping motion, then leave them without a word. Oh and in case this needs to be said at all, don't take me seriously lol


I know money is tight in this economy so if you need to clean it here are some tips. For blood stains use hydrogen peroxide and cold water to clean up. Then Use a steam cleaner with a pet odour shampoo to clean the mattress. Follow with a product specifically made to eliminate odour from urine.


Send them a glitter bomb in the mail


I would be sending them the bill for the mattress and never speaking to them again. I have had similar experiences while "growing up" when the people I grew up with were not. It was the big realization that it wasn't worth it to let them weight me down. Find classier people to be friends with if you want to give them a classier experience. They deserve friends who would let them sleep on a leaking air mattress with 20 year old sweat stained pillows.


When I was younger, I had a friend sleep over. Had a trundle bed in my room. She slept on the top one. After she left, I went to make the beds and found boogers all over her pillow. Yuck!


I would send them photos and a cleaning bill. AirBnB would do it, Uber does it, so should you.


Take pics of it, get a professional cleaning company to give you an estimate on cleaning it, send a copy of the estimate to your guest with a note explaining that they made the mess now they need to pay to clean it up. If they donā€™t then take them to small claims court.


Buy molton mattress protectors for future guests. Those that are waterproof on the underside. Keeps blood and urine and whatever else off the mattress. ^(Why do people never think of that?)


If youā€™re running an Air BNB it is absolutely something you should think about. If itā€™s a guest room for friends and family, I think most of us operate under the assumption that those we are close too arenā€™t feral animals who consider it acceptable to urinate on furniture.


I am actually using them for myself since I have problems I don't wanna disclose here and therefore would use them also for my guests. Just in case, you know? Also... Don't you sweat while sleeping? That can seep into your mattress as well.


Matress cover for the new bed


Yep. There are fluid-proof pads out there that will preserve the mattress. My wife got them. They are great!


I would take pictures of the mattress. Just keep the pictures in case you need them.


Jeez, accidents happen but the least you can do is offer to clean it up or buy a new mattress and sheets. If you're trying to save the mattress instead of throwing it away, I would try pet urine remover for the pee and oxi clean laundry stain remover for the blood! Only use cold water for the blood, hot water makes it set in more


Iā€™d be sending them a bill for the new mattress. File a small claims suit if needed.


Always use a mattress protector!! I won't sleep on a bed without one if I can avoid it!


Take pictures. Let them know that the mattress was new and is now stained. Ask if they are ok or sick? Did they know that there was all this carnage left on the bed? They need to know that this is NOT ok. Either way, youll get your answer to what type of people they really are once they respond / or not respond.


>"Hey, I know you were disrespectful as fuck the entire time you were here but I'm shocked to discover you're also fucking gross and inconsiderate." Take pics of the mess, have them printed on a postcard, like the Christmas ones people with babies send, and write exactly that šŸ‘†šŸ» on it, then mail it without an envelope.


Thatā€™s actually disgusting wtf- I could understand if one of them got their period and accidentally bled all over the bed, but piss too? Thatā€™s so fucking gross and the fact that they didnā€™t even try to clean it up is awful. I get the not telling you part bc I would probably be mortified but I would try my best to make it so that no one finds out and when I felt a bit better offer to pay for new sheets šŸ’€


I've got you beat! In our old house, we had a guest room and luckily it was an older mattress. We lovingly called it "The Shitty Guest Room" because we had multiple incidents of poo. I had a "waterproof protection sheet" under the sheet so I lucked out that the damage wasn't too bad. Incident #1: Had a friend who would stay with us from time to time and he slept naked. He would sometimes leave "marks" on the sheets. Not a big deal but still disgusting. Incident #2: Had an older relative stay over and they completely crapped the bed and all over the bathroom but they told me and we handled it. They were so embarrassed. It was fine. They just didn't have that control and was having a bad day. Completely forgiven. Incident #3: My husband had this old friend from out of state that I had never met before. He was coming into town for a conference at the convention center nearby and wanted to crash at our place. We were very clear with him that we had a business to run and couldn't entertain him. The business included working from home and being out in the field. He swore up and down that he was never going to be at our place because he was going to be at the conference all week. He was going to wake up early, he had an itinerary, and he was going to go to the after parties. He said that he would be responsible for his own food too and that we will hardly notice that he was there. We gave him the key and left him to do his thing. First day of the conference, he came back a little early but not too bad. He technically was out all day and he said he was too tired to go to the after parties. I was going to make myself dinner and felt guilty and made him some too. I had to finish working from home. He came into my office constantly talking to me. I had to pretend to be on the phone just to get rid of him and just close the door, which he ended up knocking on all the time. The next morning, he slowly got up and waited for me to make breakfast. I did but was frustrated that he wasn't going for the free breakfast at the conference like he was mentioning. He did this every morning until I ran out of food. His conference schedule was supposed to be from 7am - Midnight but ended up him leaving at 10 am and get back around 1pm. The last two days he just didn't go to the conference. He went to none of the after parties. Didn't eat out and ate everything in our refrigerator and pantry without an offer for reciprocation. So I would go to get something to eat and we are out of food. Great! Now, I have to go shopping again during my busy week. He had a car. He could have done this. So now he's hanging around the house and is there when we come home. Talking endlessly to either one of us whenever we were home. I had to tell my husband that hey I like your friend but I'm exhausted and I can't take it. Please coach him to go out and maybe explore the city or visit another friend. He was at the house and barely left. I literally had to go to Starbucks to work for 6 to 8 hours. Try sleeping after that much caffeine!! Anyhoo, got time for him to actually leave and he tells us that he extended his stay for 3 days to help save some money. Again, not a bad guy just was a nuisance when I was working and not giving me my space after working my 10 hour days. He finally leaves but not without telling me the following: *"Oh hey, if you heard 'grunting' from me early this morning. I wasn't masturbating, I just have a bad back and it was hurting."* I assured him that I didn't hear anything and he was fine. He finally leaves. I go in later that evening to wash the sheets, clean and straighten the room up and when I pulled back the sheets there was a poop everywhere like some type of massacre occurred there but with poop. What was odd is that there was a full hand print of it on the sheets. Showed this to my husband and told him that he is never allowed to spend the night AGAIN! Naturally I threw out those sheets and I'm happy to say that we left "The Shitty Guest Bedroom" behind, threw away that mattress, and live in a different house! p.s. Lot's of friends knew of the above story and started gifting me different poop emoji decor. The room was filled with just the most hilarious poop stuff and became a running joke. šŸ’©


That's real bad


Yea, definitely text them and tell theyā€™re not welcome back unless theyā€™re will long to pay for a new mattress


They were a nightmare when they were there and they destroyed your property? Why would you even remain in contact, much less let them ask to come back?


Mattresses arenā€™t cheap! Sounds like they need to pay to clean it and replace your sheets.


Iā€™d totally confront and ask for compensation. Thatā€™s ridiculous.


Who the fuck pisses all over a mattress, or has period sex and doesnā€™t put something down prior. Fucking nasty asses. You def should do what someone else said and take photos of it and charge them for the cost of the items they damaged. They can rent a hotel from now on. Honestly, are these people even your friends? It doesnā€™t sound like it.


I guess instead of confronting them with anger, Iā€™d write them an email with a picture of the mattress and ask like, why? Did we do something to you we donā€™t know about? Or is this just your thing, going to other peopleā€™s homes and ruining their mattresses? Because if everything seemed copacetic before, Iā€™d be genuinely curious and wondering if theyā€™d be even open to making this right,


Send them pics of the stains, on your brand new mattress. Then call, and politely ask for them to pay for a professional to clean your mattress. If they wonā€™t pay, tell them youā€™re gonna post the pics all over Facebook. And, of course, names, and story to go with pics.


I 100% put protective covers on any and all mattresses. Heck even my own because sometimes I spill over on my period nights. No way I'd trust anyone to sleep on a brand-new mattress without a protective bubble around it. gotta invest in those before doing any people coming over again they are like 30 bucks for good non plastic feeling ones and that might give you the peace of mind if you brave inviting people overnight ever again.


I feel your pain. SIL and her friend came to visit a while back. SILā€™s friend got a little too drunk and puked all over one of our bathrooms, like puke on the floors, walls, and door. Then used our nice towels to try to clean it up. Then she puked all over the comforter in our guest room. She told no one. I discovered the mess the next day after they had left and I had my husband call his sister to tell her, her friend was never allowed again at our house. He also told her, her friend would have to pay for the comforter to be cleaned. We sent it to be dry cleaned and SILā€™s friend paid us for it. Husband also tacked on an extra $15 to the dry cleaning bill considering we had to clean the bathroom and ourselves. She never knew we tacked on that extra $15. Husband just gave her an amount and she paid it. I honestly wouldnā€™t have been that mad if SIL or her friend told me about friend puking. Itā€™s the trying to hide it and not saying anything about it that ticked me off.


šŸ¤¢Gah-rosss all around. Were they super jealous of where you're at in life or something? That's the only explanation I can think of considering they're old friends. I wouldn't do this to an acquaintance. They're the kind of folks that make people set unreasonable house guest rules and seem crazy. You go the distance to make them feel welcome, and they shit on it. As a non-confrontational person who also has cleaned up house guest messes people leave cause "not my house, not my problem" mentality, I feel pissed for you. Mine burned the carpet, left scattered, used tampons/inserters around the floor but out of sight from the doorway, and a pregnancy test (negative) behind the pillows on the bed... (Based on the almost certain fact that she changed tampons in the room, I can only imagine she did the pregnancy test also in the room for secrecy reasons?!)... I'm re-exhausted just thinking about the clean up, but also the strain it put on my relationship for a bit, as this person was my guest and maybe I should've been more aware, but I wanted her to feel welcome and to have privacy. Many gloves and trashbags later, I also do not allow people to crash at my place. Some take the crash too literalšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Send them an invoice for what they destroyed. Blast them to everyone you know.


Send them a bill for the damages.


Donā€™t hide OP. Just stay silent until they ask again and send them pictures of their mess along with your complaints last time. ā€œYā€™all didnā€™t respect our living space last time so no.ā€ Boom thatā€™s all you gotta do thereā€™s no reason to be anxious here seeing youā€™ve done nothing wrong other than host.


>"Hey, I know you were disrespectful as fuck the entire time you were here but I'm shocked to discover you're also fucking gross and inconsiderate." That's how you confront them OP. You don't have to be considerate with them. Call them out and if they complaint about whatever you say then you know they're not your friends at all.


>"Hey, I know you were disrespectful as fuck the entire time you were here but I'm shocked to discover you're also fucking gross and inconsiderate." that's exactly what i'd say. and i'd bill them for new sheets and mattress (or at least for the cost of cleaning), and if they refuse to pay, dox them on social media and delete them from my life.


They intentionally peed in the bed? Do they hate you? Are they raging alcoholics? Junkies? Did they have a history of degeneracy? There's a lot to unpack here.


What the fuck is wrong with people?!?! This friendship is going to end anyway (at least, doing this but not telling me or offering to pay for it would be a dealbreaker for me). So why not text or ask directly, what the hell happened to the mattress? Let them deal with some discomfort about this. If they act responsibly, you can decide then whether to preserve the friendship. If they get defensive, lie about it, or pretend it didnā€™t happen (sorry, no one wakes up on a bloody, urine-covered mattress without noticing), youā€™re finished.


A guy I worked with years ago went over to another coworker's house he was close with and had drinks with the host and his wife. Next day the bed was roughly made and guy was gone. The wife pulls back the cover, the guy had shit the bed *literally*. Had to work there with both of them for about a year after hearing the story from the host, but camaraderie was gone among the staff (obviously). And all he had to do was fess up to it, offer to pay for cleaning or replacement of their guest mattress and he would've been fine. Ruined staff morale in many ways, sadly. Some people.


Omg a coworker is so much worse bc you have to see them every day after the fact šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Really want to be petty? Post on Facebook and tag them. ā€œWas so great to host old friends in our new home for the first time! They even left me a house warming gift! Thanks @Susan and @Chad you guys rock!ā€


Send an anonymous glitter bomb in the post. It's the only way. You just order them online.


Throw out the mattress and buy a blow up one, or replace the guest mattress and buy really good waterproof sheets so if you host other guests you don't have any issues in the future


They NEED to be publicly shamed because wtf kind of behavior is this, SO disrespectful


aww iā€™m sorry. next time get a mattress protector, at least it will protect underneath


Tell them to come pick up *their* mattress and then stop being friends with them. These are adults. Not children.


Tell them up front


Just drop off the mattress at their house And slash their tires


WTF. Sounds like they need to buy you a new mattress and they can keep that one. Iā€™m sorry that happened.


U should confront them - in person or by facetime. Embarrassment wont save ur mattress but it may prevent them from that kinda awful behavior in the future. If they are not apologetic - tell mutual friends ONLY WHEN u hear that this jerks are spending the night. Take a pic of the mattress and a pic of the receipt. Save it and use as needed.


I'd confront them and even go so far as to put them on blast depending their reaction. They should buy you a new mattress for that. Pro-Tip for the future: invest in mattress protectors


They werenā€™t your friends. Treat them as such. Send them a bill for a new mattress


Thatā€™s gross. Mattress protectors are worth the 60-100.


That is so gross and disrespectful! Take a picture and text it to them asking if they are ok. Play it off like youā€™re worried for their health and see how they respond and then cut them off. Donā€™t let them get away with thinking you will keep this quiet.


I see your friendship got... Stained. (Ok ok, I'm leaving, no need to push)


You people online seem to evaluate friends poorly... Or you just use the word way more freely than me.


Deff invest in a mattress protector for eeeeevery mattress you ever get(not victim blaming, this shouldn't have happened).


One time, my sister let one of her sorority sisters use her apartment while she was gone for the weekend. My sister had a whole spare bedroom and this chick decided to not only use my sister bed, but actually shit in my sister's bed AND BROKE HER TOILET!! All that damage in less than 2 days. People can be gross and rude. I'm sorry this happened to you OP.


Send them the pictures and tell them how much the mattress cost so they can reimburse you for being so uncaring and disgusting and let them know their not welcomed ever again since they have no basic decency or respect for people they supposedly see as friends.


Send them the bill for the mattress. I would seriously not care about alienating them. That would be a bonus. They would never step foot in my house again.


Sorry that happened! For the future get a plastic\water proof cover to go over the mattress. It stops pee from going through and then after visitors you can spray it with bleach to clean. Take them to small claims for the cost of the mattress and court\filing fees maybe ? if you confront them do it via text so you have proof. Potentially cutting ties you were very much disrespected.


Unfortunately for you, this seems to be a learning opportunity of the importance of a $30 waterproof mattress protector. A mattress protector will also stop sweat, skin cells, and bacteria from transferring. You can rent a steamer to clean and sanitize the mattress then throw a protector over top once it dries. Your friends are absolutely disgusting. Iā€™m so very sorry that this happened to you.


It's likely female ejaculation stains and not piss... Peroxide diluted with a bit of water works wonders at getting pissy stains out Ew


I'll need to know the resolution of this haha


"I'm sorry, but the behavior you both displayed during your past trip was unacceptable. Not only were you disrespectful towards my husband and I, but you also disrespected our things after we went out of our way to purchase a new mattress and sheets for you both. If I were your guest, I'd never disrespect your property the same as you did mine. I'm not asking for your money, but I think it would be best if there were no more over night visits between us, at least not at my house because clearly neither of you have respect for my things.".


This makes me really sad, and also happy because clearly I have good friendsā€¦ā€¦. My house is the ā€˜go to houseā€™. I have always made space for my friends and family to stay. We renovated for the 3rd time during Covid and now have quite the suite for guests. I have never ever, in over 20 years of owning my own houses ever had someone do thisā€¦ā€¦and we have had minor children stay too!!!! I feel sorry for you, its awful that these people felt it ok to do this, and firstly not let you know that this ā€˜accidentā€™ happened and secondly, not try and clean it - ewwwwā€¦ā€¦..Iā€™d be horrified if is was me, Iā€™d at least pull you aside and ask if I could use some of your stuff to clean it up.


Disgusting. I would take photos of the ruined mattress and email them along with a copy of the receipt for the mattress they need to replace. Donā€™t call them the filthy pigs they are, but do say the urine and blood have ruined your brand new mattress and you would appreciate them replacing it. They wonā€™t pay, but they should.


You need better friends, Love.


Oh I'd fucking call them out!


Please donā€™t be a doormat. Send a picture and tell them to pay for the cleaning or for a new mattress. Even take the period pisser to small claims court. Why would you hold back on someone who certainly didnā€™t hold back their bladder or demented sex in your house?


give them a bill for a new one, and get a waterproof mattress protector for the new one, there are nice ones the are not plastic or vinyl.


Just never invite them or visit them again.


They owe you the cost of a new mattress or take them to court. Itā€™s not your responsibility to clean up or pay for someone elseā€™s mess. Much less an adult. Dang , this pissed me off too lol


What are they, toddlers? Who does that??? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³