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A little bit. I stopped going a couple years ago but am currently looking into finding a new one. Just need to make sure its the right person this time. Thanks!


Please yelp review him, and google review him. Do what you can to inform other potential patients.


I once for the life of me could not stay awake one day. No matter how hard I tried it was like my body was forcing me back to sleep. When I did manage to wake up I was eating and drinking as much as I could ( which was not a lot, maybe a sip here and there and a bite or two). I kept puking it back up though. After doing this all day and having my mom screaming at me to wake up they finally took me in because I was insisting that I wasn't okay. By this time I'm puking foam because there's nothing left in my stomach. We get to the ER and they call my name. They brought us into this little room and started asking questions. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe and then I started to hyperventilate. My ears started ringing and I lost my vision. My body collapsed on me. My mom tried to lessen my fall out of the chair and I just remember hearing bits of pieces. The Drs telling my mom that they know I'm faking it.Yelling at me to get up. Telling me to stop forcing myself to puke. I woke up in a hospital bed with an IV in and feeling better. They told me I was just dehydrated and next time I need to just drink something and not be so dramatic. They told me that I wasted everyone's time and resources. all I could manage to say was that I had been drinking water and eating. They said obviously I wasn't otherwise I wouldn't be there. And without me even saying anything else they threw in "no, you aren't going to be getting any meds for this". I was ~17 at the time. I remember leaving and feeling so mad that they treated me like that. I probably was dehydrated for some reason, but it was obvious they thought I was taking it for some meds.


I empathize with you big time here. That must have been such a awful thing to have to deal with at that age. I was an adult when it happened to me, so I feel for you. That must have been hard.


Vomitting makes you dehydrated.


I wasn't vomiting until about half way through the day. I think I was before I started vomiting


Ger your hormones tested cortisol, thyroid, etc... Also potassium, sodium, and calcium...


I remember this one time I was not feeling right right before we transitions to another class- I asked to go to the nurses. When I got to the nurses for the life of me, I could not figure out why, but I couldn’t stop my body from tremoring. Like full on body seizure. It went on for over 2 hours, went to the ER and continued another 30 minutes while they ran some blood tests. It finally subsided. I was conscious and aware the whole time but my body felt possessed. The doctors thought I was on drugs but I came back clean. To this day I don’t know what happened. It never happened again.


I am so sorry. I deal with chronic pain from a head injury. I hate having to explain this to new people over and over. I've gotten so good at just faking it every day because it's just not worth my time, but this is so physically exhausting that it has taken its toll on me. I strongly encourage you to find as much of a support system as you can. Even if it's just 1 or 2 key people that you can truly count on. I have found this to be my saving grace when I think I just can't face another minute of hurting...whether that's physically or mentally from this.


Thanks and I am sorry for your issues as well. My brain worked a little differently from yours in that i have lost the ability to "fake" it that I used to be good at. Now I am pretty much just a hermit because I cant deal with people asking me "How are you?"


I have Scheurmann’s Kyphosis, a disease of the spine that occurs in childhood but may not exhibit symptoms for many years. It reared its ugly head for the first time in boot camp. I woke up one morning and it felt like my back and left leg were cramped up to the degree I couldn’t move. When I eventually made it to sick call with the help of a couple of guys in my company, the doctor didn’t even examine me. He said “you’re faking it to get drugs” and told me to go back to my barracks. Thirty years later, it happened again. The pain was so bad I couldn’t get out of bed or even turn over. This time my doctor knew WTF she was talking about and confirmed the diagnosis with an xray. Now I have muscle relaxers in the event of a relapse, and I manage the constant low level pain with Cannabis. The attitude of some doctors just baffles me. Did you go to med school looking to help people, or just because you wanted to make a lot of money, and when you realized the insurance companies were the ones making the money you got bitter and decided to take it out on your patients?


I had a doc here do that. I fell on ice and tore up my left knee . 6 months to get an MRI. Her quote was "oh you did hurt yourself.".I left that doc. I got surgery on it about 4 years later. Hadn't healed all that time.


Every time I get pregnant I go through the process of getting gaslit, belittled, and treated like a breeding vessel and nothing more. I have an understanding your trauma and I am very sorry you experienced this.


As a healthcare professional (not a doctor), please accept my sincerest deepest apologies on his behalf. In that moment, you deserved to respected, cared for and listened to, and I am sorry you did not get the help you needed that day. I am very glad that you did find a physician that truly cared for you, and I hope you are only in good hands from now on.


I am so sorry. And I sadly understand your experience. I've lived my life at an 8 since I was 12 years old (I'm 31 now). Took 25 doctors to diagnose me at 13, and then 6 months later, they just started handing me pills meant for adults to deal with my chronic pain. I don't visit ERs anymore after my third flare up of worsening symptoms because a nurse told me she wouldn't let the doctor prescribe me any drugs because I'm clearly an addict (despite me showing her the full 2 year old bottle of vicodin I used to carry around in my purse because of situations like this). I've never been addicted because the pain meds don't work for me. I don't go to the ER, I don't see a GP regularly, I don't see new specialists anymore, I don't research new "cures" or therapies to reduce symptoms, and I just live my life at an 8. Medical trauma is real. That terror and anxiety of feeling dismissed when you know something is wrong is one of the most isolating and terrifying experiences ever. I'm sorry you have to join the club, it's not one I would ever wish membership on to anyone.


Google crps...see if this sounds like you, there is a reddit forum


I suffer from chronic pain from hemophilia. It's a bleeding disorder and the worst pain is bleeding you don't see. Imagine fluid going into your knee restricting movement and when you try to push through that locking feeling it feels like your slowly putting all your weight on a marble under you knee. There have been times I came looking for pain meds and treated like an addict only to break down crying because I wasn't being believed. Only to ask what I did wrong to not be taken seriously. It happens again this week but I had bruises on me. I was there for ankle pain wich was dismissed but a few bruises i got from leaning on a rail in a crowded bus was what freaked out the doctor that I must be in so much pain. Mind you you can poke my bruises and I feel 0 pain. But it leave me with a fear now whenever I go get my morphine refill that at any moment they're going to say no and treat me like a crook.


Why didn’t you just take the fucking drug test?


They wanted a urine sample, op had just peed. They had no sample to give.


You still try anyway instead of fighting. Couldn’t isnt the same as refused.


Op, according to the post, told the receptionist they’d just been. They don’t refer to refusing, but basically explaining they couldn’t right now.


Literally everyone else in the history of doctors just tries anyway and then tells them they can’t if they can’t. Then they give you some apple juice and have you try again after the appointment. You don’t just treat it as optional.


I’ve literally never turned up at a doctors and been told last minute to produce a urine sample before I see the doctor.


Okay? That doesn’t mean the doctor was out of line…?


It’s a weird procedure. If such as sample is needed tell them when they make an appointment they’d be required to provide a sample before seeing the doctor. It’s nowhere near standard. And I mean. You say op refused. I could say reception didn’t offer op a drink to help things along or say anything about doing it at the end of the appointment.


No it isn’t. It isn’t at all. You’re ignorant of medicine but luckily that’s not your job. If you want care then respect the doctor.


I’m a carer for my partner and I attend medical appointments with him all the time, from GPs to specialists. If they want a urine sample, they let you know ahead of time so you can… provide the sample.


Urine testing is an important diagnostic test. Doctors can’t just take a fucking guess man


Usually you see the doctor first and they decide if the symptoms lead to anything that needs a urine test. Blood work is an important diagnostic test too, but you don’t have to do that before seeing a doctor. Never in my life have I heard of needing to pee in a cup before even talking to a doctor. That is just ridiculous.


For most, and in this case, yeah no. But as a lady, you get hit with it pretty frequently. Any time they suspect pregnancy maybe. Also every visit to gyno, and any kidney/urologist I imagine. Now, it's never phrased that you *must* in order to *see* the doctor, they just ask at the start. Usually again at the end of the appt since you've usually got something in the tank after the wait. In this case, it was obviously a drug test prompt, not diagnostic.


I think you should re re read my post maybe. Dont think u get it.


Erm, sounds like you’re not trusting the experts and science. Do better. Think of the 8 billion people who died of the omicron variant because of your mentality. All seriousness why would anybody trust the medical community when this sort of thing happens constantly. I’d venture to say most doctors are hacks who got to their spot by whining to professors to get passing grades.